Minutes 1966-01-12 17~ CITY COUNCIL J'ANUARY lla 1966 ARROYO GRANDEe CALIFORNIA The regular meeting of January lla Y966 was noi~ lzeld due to lack of a quorum. The City Clerk acljourned the meeting ~o January 120 1966 at 7n30 P. M. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ G~D`~ ITY CLERK MAYOR * ~r ~r * ~ * ~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12a 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular acljourned session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll callo Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levinee McNeil and Bur~t reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of December 28, 1965 were approvec~ as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilvroman Thompson~ seconded by Council- man Levine, that General Warrants No. 581 to and including No. 640, in the total amount of $25,159a~5; that Payroll Warrants No. 771 to and including No. 836, in the total amount of $8,769.44s and Trust and Agency Fund Warrants No. 428 to and incl,uding No. 480, in the total amount of $327m00~ be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. REQUEST OF ARROYO GRANDE FAMILY SERVICE CENTER - FEE EXEMPT LICENSE Dr. Gerald Moss, ClZairman of the Board of this Family Service Center, spoke in behalf of this request, noting that it is a charitable, non-profit organization, ancl a community-supported function. After Council discussiona a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeila that the Arroyo Grande Family Service Center be issued a fee exempt business license for the year of 1966. Motion carried. REQUEST BY MANUEL COELHO - PERMIT TO HOLD A PUBLIC DANCE AT IDES HALL The City Administrator reviewed this request, advising that the "Old Time Dances" would be held at the IDES Hall, from 9 to 1 A.M. on Saturdays, and that the Chief of Police hacl approved the request. After Council. discussion~ a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman LevineB that the necessary permit be issued to Mr. Manuel Coelhoq for holding dances at the IDES Hall on Saturday evenings, effective from this date to 12/31/66. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer"s Report for the month of December, 1965, together with the budget and revenue statements, was received by the Council and ordered filed. -1- ~f~ CITY COUNCIL JANUAFtY 12, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEe CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 DEPARTMENTI~,L MONTHLY REPOR'I' The Departmental Mon~thly Report ~or t;~he month of December, 1965, was ~°eceivecl by the Council ancl ordered filed. PUBLIC WORI~S DEPARTMENT - PRESENTATION OF BASIC OVERALL PLAN FOR NEW CITY YARD AND REQUEST F°OR CALL FOR BIDS ON CERTAIN PORTION THEREOF Joe E: Andersono Jr.~ Public Works Superintendenta presented prepared plans for the nev~r City Yard to be located on the City-awned property on South Elm Street, and verbally presented the entire project to the ~ouncil, after which request for call for bids on a certain portion of t~his project was made by Mr, Anderson. After Council diseussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seeonded by Councilman Levine, that the City Clerk be authorized and instructecl to advertise the call for bids for the purchase and erection of °~wo madular steel buildings, and the plumbing and°electrical work needed therefor, ancl tlze chain link fence, each to be individual and separate bids. Motion carried. NEW LAWS EFFECTING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS - REPORT BY CITY CLERK After presentation by the City Administrator, and general discuss:~on by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, se.conded, by Counc~lman Levinea that any person wishing to be a candidate for any elective position and w~ho wishes to file a statement of qualifications in support thereof, shall not be charged any filing fee. Motion carried. RESOLUTION SETTING A HEARING ON THE VACATION OF A SMALL PORTION OF LARCHMONT DRIVE BY L& H PLUMBING CO., INC. After Council discussion of ~his subject matter, a Resolution was read through the title b~ the City Attorney; after which a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil, to dispense with reading ~he balance of the Resolution; motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTIDN N00 677 RESOLUTION OF THE C~TY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF LARCHMONT bRIVE__ AS SHOWN BY 1a MAP ON FILE IN OFFICE OF CITY CLERK, AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNei1, and on the following roll ca11 votea to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: Nonee ABSENT: Nonea the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of January, 1966. The date of public hearing on this matter is se~t for February 8, 1966 at 8 P.M. CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER - QUESTION REs SAME FOR PLACEMENT ON BALLOT After Council discussiona a motion was macle by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman T~hompson, ~,hat the following question, _2- 17~ CITY COUNC7.L JANUPaRY 120 1966 ARROYO GRAI'~7DEo CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ SYiall t~ie O~fice of t'he C~ty Cler]c and C~°ty Treasurer Hereaf~er Be Fi11.ec1 by Appoiratment of the City Council?, be placecl on tlze Aprila 1966q E~ec~ior~ Ballo~. Mo~tion carried~ RESOLUTION REQUESTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN ISUI_S_OBISPO COUNTY 'I°O PERMIT COUNTY CLERK 'I°O RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES RELATING TO CONDUCT OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION A Resolution requesting the Board of Super~ri~o~°s of said County to permit the County Cler]c thereof ~o render ~pe~i~ied ~ervices to the City of Arroyo Grandep ~°ela~~ng to ~the conduc~ of a General Municipal election to be ~ie~c~ in saicl ~i~y on April 12~ :~.966, was read through ~lze ti~leB the~eupon a mo°~ion wa~ made by Council- man McNe~l, secondecl by Councilman Burto c~ispen~e with reading the balance of the Resolution. Motion unan2mou~ly carried. RESOLUTION NOm 678 A RESOLUTION OF 'IBHE CTZ°Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ~AN LUIS OBISPO TO PERMTT THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER ~PECIFIED: SERVICES TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEo RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICTPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CIT'Y ON APRIL 12a 1966. On motion by Councilmar~ Bur~a seconc~ed by Councilman McNeilo ` and on the follow~ng roll call ~o~e~ to wito AYES~ Counc~~~w~e~man Thompson, Councilmen Levineo McNeil~ Burt and Mayor Woodo NOES; None, ABSENT: Nonea the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of January, 1966 RETIREMENT COVERAGE FOR CITY SAFE'I'Y MEMBERSa UNDER PRESENT STATE i~~TIREMENT SYSTEM The City Administrator re°vie wed in detail for the Council the improvement benefits for Firemen and Policemen presently under the Retirement System °to pexmit normal retirement at 55~ instead of age 60' ancl in order to po~sibly initiate °these benefits for the City`s safety members, an actuar°y study needs to be authorized. After Council discussion, a mo~ion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine. ~hat an actuary study by the State Retirement System be made in connection with the improvecl benefits for City Safety membersa and that tlze sum of $225.00 be authorized therefor. Motion carried. COMMUNITY `~ELEV~~ION S~RVICE ~ FURTHER DISCUSSION -TRANSLATOR SYSTEM A le~ter received f~°om ~he Central Califcrnia Communic ation~, under the signature of A~~. Hapgoode (KSBY TV)~ was read in its entirety by the C~ty Admin~stratora v,Thich letter sta~ecl the translator system had not proven sati~faetory for t~his area; further~ information to the same effect f'rom M/Sgt. Willis Jewell of Vandenberg Air Force Base was gi~ren by tlze City Administrator. -3- 1'~~ CITY COUNCIL JANUAR.Y 129 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Mr. Paul Lipps, 818 Par7cw~y9 Ar~oyo Grandea Californiaa reiter- ated his theory that with the proper systems and equipment instalTed on "High Mountain"9 the translator system could possibly be proven satisfactory. The Council discu~sed the matter in generalB ancl as a next stepa directed the City Adm~.ni~trator to correspond with various companies suggestecl by Mr. Lipps to determine their opinions as to feasibility of translator type TV reception for the Arroyo Grande area. LOCAL AGEN~Y ~°QRMATION COMMITZ'E~ - MEETING TO BE HELD JANm 21, 1966 AS PER LET'I'ER FROM ASSEMBLYMAN SHOEMAKER The City Admini~t~°ator announced t~his meeting was to be held on January 21a 1966~ between 10 and 3 P.Ma in Lompoca and emphasized the importance of this meeting to the Council. After discussion by the Councilp Councilman Levine possibly would attendo ant~ ~he City Administrator was direetecl to malce the necessary re~erva~ions for °those planning to be present. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE MEETING The minutes of the December 230 1955 meeting of tlze Economic Opportunity Commit~ee were received by the Council for their information and fi1e. REQUEST OF PLANNING COMMTSSION TO AMEND SECTION 2d (A), (4), OF ORDINANCE 207 PERTAINING TO THE SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Because of confliction between the newly adoptecl Rules and Regulations of the Planning Commission and the existing Ordinance No. 207a as concern~ the appointment of the secretarya ancl after Council discussion~ a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine~ t~hat the City Attorney prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance 207, Sub Section 2, (A), (4), which would thus a11ow the Secretary of the Planning Commission to be appointed by sueh CommissionB rather than by the City Administrator. Motion carried. RECEIPT OF LETTER FROM DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS RE SECTION 74.5 PERTAINING TO THE ADOP'I"ION OF A STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE It was announced to the Council by the City Administrator th~t new legislation requires tlza~ any new State Highway routes adopted by the Legislature wo~z~d require public hearing by the local_Planning Commission and City Council. This item was primarily for the Council"s information and ~ileo FURTHER DISCUSSION - GRAND AVENUE - PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - After presen~ation of the various proposals by the Public Works Directoraand after considerable Council discussion, a motion was macle by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, that (1) Authorization is hereby given to proceed with engineering for preparation of plans and specifications on Grand Avenue improvements from Halcyon Road to Brisco Road, and (2) That a program be commenced immediately to have curbs and gutters ins°talled on ~t~he entire length of Grancl from Halc~ron Road to Hri~co_ Roa.d~ and (3) Further, that the City Crews proceed immediately with the installation of the 10" additional roadway on each side of Grand Avenue betv~reen Elm Street and the West City Limits; as far as time and finances will permit; -4- ~ 17~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 all in acco~dance with ~h~ reeomm~n~ation of the Director of Public Works as con~aine~ in his ~anuary lOq 1966 report entitled "Estimate~ on Improvemen~ of G~and Avenue from Halcyon Road to West City Limi~s"`, Motion carried~ FURTHER DISCUSSION - STORM DRAIN F'OR TRACT 282 - FILER SUBDIV~SION The City Admini~tra~~r advi~~d ~h~ Caunc~l ~ha~ ~n accordance with the Council action of Augu~~ 240 1965 per~aining to the storm drain in questiond (i~e.o ~n parto ~hat the actual ~o~k and construction on the s~orm drain be campYeted on o~ before January l, 1966), no cons~ruction ha~ bee~ ~ommenced. During the ensuing di~cu~~ion by arrd b~~w~~n ~he C~uncil, Mr. Gordon F~ler and Ci~y At~orn~y, ~~e ~ou~ci~ concladed that this matter be held aver un~il the ~ext regula~ Council meeting on January 25a I956B at which tim~o accord~~~ ~o M~~ ~o~don Filer, a' signed con~ract be~ween th~ ~iler~ and a con~~a~~o~ qualified to complete the storm d~ain q~estion woul~ be p~e~e~t~d to the Council, which would thus confirm the good intenti~n o~ th~ Filer~ to commence and complete the ~~orm drain ins~aTlation~ REPORT ON NEED FOR NEW ROOF ON WATER RESERVOIR NOm 1 The Council was advi~ed tha~ no~~c~ ~rom the Sta~e Department of P~bZ~c Health relative to an unsat~~~ac~ory ba~teriological quali~y of water contained in Rese~~oir Noe 1 has necessitated a new roof to be installed ~~ereonm Informat~Un ~elative ~o costa type of roof~ etc. wa~ be~ng gath~red and wou1~ be presented to the CounciT f or their ac~~on ~n the v~ry near ~u~ureo FURTHER DISCUS5ION - LOPEZ DAM PROJEC'~ It was announced ~o -~~he Council tYzat a Joint Meeting of the City Councils and Sta~fs of Grov~r Citya Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grande was to be held on Mondaya January 17, 1966 at 8 P.Mo at the City Ha11 in Grover City for purpose of discussing the entire Lopez Dam Projectm The County Hydraulic Engineer°s Office is also to be represen°~ed at tl~is mee~inga WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMT'I"TEE The minutes of the regular meeting of December 7a T965 of this Committee were received by ~lze Coun~il ancl placed on file. In this same connection~ Mayor Wood advised that ~he City Administrator would be attencling thes~ meetings w~henever possible, and he al~o urged any one9 anc~/o~ allo of the Council members to attend if at all po~sibleo Furthero the Mayor announced that a eitizen of Arroyo Grancle would also be assigned to attencl these all-important water mee~t~ragsa anc7 tha~ su~h pe~°son wou~d no doubt be namecl at the next regular Council m~eting. NACIMIENTO LAKE WATER SOURCE The City Admini~°~rator announced to tlze Council that a public hearing wa~ se~heduled at the mee~zng of the County Board of Supervisors fo~° Tuesclayo January 18~ 19669 for purposes of discussing the water available from Nacimiento--whether it would be continued under Zone 2 of the County Wat~r Conserva~~on and Flood Districto or whether it would be con~idered on a County-wide use basis. The Counci~. was planning ~o a~tend if at aTl possib~eB and ~n tlze interim, the City Administrator announced lze would attencl suclz meeting. -5- ~.~Q CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12~ 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANTTATTON DISTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Administrator announced t~hat t~he Ocean Outfall extension of an additional 300 feet into the ~ea had been approved; ancl that progress on all the cons~truction projeets was continuing satisfactorily. Po Gm &a Ee - OFFICE LOCATION IN FIVE CITY ARE~ Mr. Chuck Richmond and Mr. Perry McBeth verbally arinoun~ed to the Council that P. G. & E, would be opening an office in the Five City Area very soonB Mr. McBeth will be the Local Manager of same. ARROYO GRANDE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION - DRo MILTON OSBORNE Mayor Wooc1 commented on the meeting held by this Association on January ll0 19660 with Dr. Osborne as the gues~ speaker, the purpo~e of whic~h was to discuss the architectural "face-lifting" of the downtown area of Arroyo Grande. The Doctor's comments and suggestions for change were met witlz great enthusiasm by the Merchants.and the inclica~tion was that the Merchants were planning to proceed with t~he~e improvements. Further in this connection, Mayor Wood recomm~nded that the City cooperate with ~he Merchants in every way pos~ible to promote the architectural "face-lifting" of the busine~s areas of Arroyo Grande bya (1) Supplying plzotographs of the streeet for continuity of the overalT sceneo (2) Seek Dr. Osborne's recommendations for improvement of the City Hall to follow the theme of the decor, (3) Coordinate efforts of the utility companies and the Merchants and the City ~,o promote beautification wherever possibleo and (4) Direct the C~ty Building Department to make structural inspection of certain buildings for safety purposes. The Council concurred with the Mayor and urged all possible coope~ation and efforts by the City toward the Merchants' "New Look" g oa 1. CONSOLIDATION OF CITIES The Mayor directed the City Administrator to correspond with the League of California Cities requesting all available informa- tion concerning consolidation of cities and subsequently present the findings to the Council. CODE OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - PREVIEW OF PRINTED BINDER TO HOUSE SAME The City Adminis°tra-tor presented the subject printed binder to the Council for their reviewo and advised progress on the finished Code was satis~actorya COUNCILMAN BAIRD McNEIL - DECLINATION OF CANDIDACY IN FORTHCOMING COUNCIL ELECTION Councilman McNeil announced that he would not be a candidate in the forthcoming electiono and was so announcing thi~ fact at this tzme to permit the maximum time possible for the Citizens of Arroyo Grande to deliberate and act concerning their choice of Council representation. -6- 1~1 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 7 COMPENSATION FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS OF CI'1'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE Councilman McNeil proposed ~hat an ordinance be ereated for establishing compen~ation of $150.00 per month to the Council members of this City. After Council discussiona the City Attorney was directed to prepare such an ordinance and present same to the Council for their review and action. RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE The prepared corre~pondence from the City and signecl by Mayor Wood concerning this Reservoir of Citizens for Public Service was presented by the City Administrator and met with ~ull Council approval. Z`he Council directed ~hat they be kept abrea~t of its resultant effects. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SES~ION On motion by Councilman McNeil, secondecl by Councilman Levine, and"unanimously carried, the Council adjourned to an E~eeutive Session at 10:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT After reconvening in the Council Chambers with all members of the Council presenta and upon motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 11 P.M., until 7 PoM., January 170 1966. ATTE ST : ~..~~~~~J ,~"~~/L~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~ 'I'Y CLE RK MAYOR _'7 _