Minutes 1966-02-17 19~ CGTY COUNC9L F€~~UA~~ 17, 1966 ARROYO GRA~DE, CA~9FORN9A ~~e Cety Co~~~il me~ en s~e~d~l ~e~~a~~ w6~~ M~~~~ W~~d pres~di~go ~pon ro*~ call, Coun~ilwoma~ ~ho~pso~, C~~~~~l~e~ ~e~s~~ ~~d ~~N~c~ ~epor~~d prese~t. ~ou~~~lm mar~ Buo°t was abse~to The C i ty Adm i~ s st~°ator ~°e~o~r~e~1 ~r~ ~he c~eet e~g hel d Feba°aa~ry ~ 7, ~ 966, ps° e~¢° to tli i~ cneet ~ c~g, ~ ra ~he Adon i ca s~t s-~~~r c~e bet~eec~ t~e ~~~A~at~~r~u F1eecha~a~s Assoc i a~- ion, A~~orney ~avad, ~tayos° l~~~d ar~d Co~sc~~A ~~v~~aar~ ~h~~ng~~~r~ arad the Cety Attor~aey rem gardir~g the pa~-~Ci~ag ar°ea ~~cated c~~ Br~r~~~h ~~~°e~t to be de~ded to the ~aty. At~orney ~4radre~v Da~r c d ~-eq~ae~~e~l th~t ~he deed~ be accepted by ~I~e C e ty wo tho~at seca-ecnecst of p~rti~l ~°eleases oc~ tho~~ ~~~~a~r~s pc°oposed for pa~~eng are~ which have tra~st deeds agair~~t them9 ansl fc~~°tl~e~ ~t~~ed ~h~t he w~~a~d wathdr~va ~F~a~ po~-tsoca of the parkinq area r~h3~h he was co~trebuta~g ef a~l the deeds were ~ot accepted as pre- sented ara~ ~-ecorcfed by E'eb~°~aaa°y ~ 8, 1966. G d ty At~orney ~h ~ psey ~eported that 0 t was permissible for the ~ity to ~c~e~t the deeds a~ pr°esentec! bu~ he wanted the Coa~rocot to u~derstand the prc~b~ems ~hat migE~t be ar~w~~ved ~l~ucag soa After Council discaasssoca a mots~r~ was m~de by C~~~+~°s~wo~an-Thompson, seconded by Counc i l man Lev i ne that the rnot a on made Feb~°~aa o-y 8, 1966 ~°ega rd °a ng the park e ng a rea be ;r~c~raded and khat the C a~~ a~cept tho~e cer~a ~~a deeds of ~°ea~ propeo-ty w~ e ch const s tute the lar~d for the Dow~a~~wr~ ~ark~ o~g Lot` of A~~'oyo ~a-arade, subject to coun- p l i ance w c th the corad e t s~ns set f~~-~h a c~ ~B~at ce~-t~ o n ~ ette~' af t r°~ns~ i t~a ~ of sa d d deeds f~°o~n ,4ttorneys D~,v i d a~ad l d d o ~~e~ted t~ the C i ty Attor~ey and that ~a ~ d deeds be recorded. ~lotioc~ c~~-ri~d. No Eurther busaraess ~ppearAr~g r~ga~°de¢~g ~h~ P~,rkcr~g Area ~n Brac~cb Sk~eet on anotson by Cocanc'slm~c? McNei1, sec~rded by Co~raci~w~~n~ra ~'ho~pson and ur~ani~c+t,s8y caa-ried the meetAng adjoa~~-ned at 7;~}9 PaB~o r~ A~'l"ES~e ~ ~ ~ C B ~'Y CL K ~1A~OR ,