Minutes 1966-04-04 2~8 , CTTY COUNCTL .~IL 4, 19~C ARRQYO GRANDE, CALIFORNT.A ' The City Council met in adjourned ses~ion w:ith Niayor Wo~ presidinq. Upon roil call, Councilwoman Thomgson, Cc~uncilmen ~ Levi~te, McNei1 and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting ~~`Mareh 22, 1966 and the rninutes of the adjourned meeting of Mar~h 29, 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motio~ was made by Couneilwc~marl ~hornpson, s~cond~+~ b~ Counci~man Levine, that General Warrants No. 875 ta and includinc~ No. 915 in the total amount of $23,955,67, AND Payroil Warr~~ts " No. 1105 to and including No. 1159 in the total amount Qf $$,321.47, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. REQUEST OF SANTA BARBARA COUNTY COUNSEL -~~.."THE LARK", ~ASSENGER TF~AII~i SERYICE ,r. Aft~r presentation by the City Adminis~tra~tor and ~fter 'thorougZ3 discussion by the Council, the City ~dtninistretor was5 ~i~e~~ed t~S advise tlae County Counsel of Santa Barbara ~ounty, thr4ug'h Cc~rz`~ast- pondence, that the Gity of Arroyo Grand~ is in support of th~~r . opposition to Southern Pacific' s application to the P~bli,~ Uti,l~.ties Commission -to discontinue service of t~ralns numbered 75 and 76, mare cammonly kncnan a s "The Lark" , it being the ~oun+~il' s feeliri+g tha~ this tran~p4rtation service constitute~ a need £or tl~ ~er~tra~- C~~. residents ~f;rCalifornia ~ince public tra~sportation is very 1#.mi~e~d in this are~. REQUEST OF ~C~~.'Y O~SA1~P'~UIS OBISPO FOR P:ARTICIPATION BY f~?~C~L` IN THEIR FORTHCOMING FIES'PA BARADE - NIAY 21, 1966 Announ~etnent was made to the Council that'the City S,~r~ ~u~s~ Obispo had ~~vited the City Council to participate in t'he~.r Fi~s~t~' Parade on M~~r 21, 1966, to which the Cou~cil agreed tha~ all ~o could partieipate would join in the para,~~ a~tavities. _"~PUBLI ~,`SCHOOI,S' WEEK" - APFtIL 25-2~,,,r.19fib P~~~;LAMAT'IO1~T BY MAYOR Rfter pr~sentation of the Lucia ~ar Uni~ied Schook I)istrict's request for thE subject proclamation, Mayor Wood proclaim~d the - ~ weel~ of April 2S through 29, 1966 as "Public ~chc~ols' Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande. TREASURER'S REPORT , The Tr+~asu~rer's'Report for the month of Niar~h, 1966, w~s received by th~e Council and directed to ~ pla~ed on file. DEPARTMENTA~ MbN'Z'HLY REPQ T - The Depairtrnental Mon ly Report for the manth of Niar~h, l~b£~, was received~2~ the Council and directed to b8 ~laced on fil~. Relative to City Departments, the City Admini~trator advi~s~~ the Council thet the site for the Public '~or]~s' Corpcration Yard Buil,ding was b~eing prepared for pouring the cor~crete fotindat~on d`~5cing tYie, Ea s~°ter Week. ~ ' AT "1~HE RE~tTEST OF COU'N':CILi~lAi~? BURT, HECAU3E OF ' H~S POSSIBLE G~NFLICT OF INT'EREST IN THE NEXT ly1AT~'~R OF BUSINESS TO BE DI,SCUSS~D ~Y THE COUNCTL, MAYOR WOOD EXCUSEp COUNCILMAI~T B~TRT ~'`~OM THE MEETING AT 7;50 P.M. -1- 2~.~ ~CITY COUNCIL AFRI~,, 4, 1966 ARROYO GR~,NDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ~OUTH COUNTY RECREATION D~VELOPMENT COo, INCo - PETITION TO PERMIT ~ AND COMMENCE FINANCING UTILIZING 1911 and 1913 ASSESSMENT`~ACTS RE. ARROYO.~RANDE COUNTRY; CLUB ESTATES, TRACT NOo 349 Mr. Ernest A. Wilson of the firm of Wilson, Jone~y p4ort~ a~d '~ynch, 630 N. San Mateo Driveo San Mateo, California, reviewed for the Council several pertinent documents relative to tl'ie ArroyoC~~~C~ry Club Estates Subdivision. After inter-discussion between the`Council, ' City Engineer and City Attorney, and after Council di~cussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by CounciTwoman Thompson, that the following documents be received by the.Council and thereafter filedo l. Petition for the Acquisition and Construction of Improvements by Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, and Waiver of Proceedings Under Divis~on 4 of the Streets and Highways Code - Arroyo Grande Country Club Estates, Tract No. 349, 2. Certificate Under Sections 2804 and 2804.2 of the Streets and Highways Code that Petition is Sufficient - Tract No. 349, Arroyo Grande Country Glub Estates, Execut~d by Michael A. Woodyard, dated March 290 1966, and 3. Affidavit Under Section 2804.2 of the Streets and Highways Code Concerning the Existence of Mortgages or Deeds of Trust on Property Proposed to be Assessed - Tract No. 349, Arroyo Grande Country Club Estates, Executed by Albert A. ~ Browne on April l0 1966. FURTI~R IN THIS CONNECTIONo a Resolution to effect public improvements (streets, storm drains, curbs ancl gutters, sewers, utilities of water, gas and electricity, etc.) through assessment bon~3 acts, was read through the title by the City Attorney. There- after, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, to dispense with reading the balance ot the Resplution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION Nd. 691 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO UNDERTAKE PROGEEDINGS PURSUANT TO SFECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSM~NT BOND ACTS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION C)F IMPROVEMENTS WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS UNDER DTVISION 4 OF TI~#~ STREETS .AND HIC~HWAY S CODE, ARROYO GRANDE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, TRACT NO, 349 ~ : r, ~ t: : ,~=~A i, r~~ ~ Op motion by Counci~woman Thompson, ~ seconded by Ct~~tncilman Levine, and on the following roll ca11 vote, to vait: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT; Councilman Burto the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of April, 1966. ' FURTHER IN THIS CONNECTION, a R~solution to appoint the engin~ering firm of Jennings-Hansen Engineering of Ventura and to appoi}~t the bond law firm of Wilson, JonesO Morton and Lynch was r~ad through the title by the City Attorneyo Thereafter, a motian was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman McNei,l, to dispense with reading the balance of the Resolution. Motion unanimously carriedo _2_ 22Q CITY COUNC~L _ APFtT~, 4, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLUTION NO. 692 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING F,~NGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS ARROYO GRANDE COUNTE~Y CLUB ESTATES, TRACT NO. 349` On motion by Councilman Levine, se~onded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the follawinc~ roll call vote, to wits ' AYES~ ~oun~~.lwQman Thomp~Qn, Councilmen Levine, ` M~~Tei1 and M~ycr~ We~~d, NOES : Ncane, ` ABSENT: Gouncilman Bur~, the foregoa.ng Resolution was adopt~d t'1°~i~ ~~'h d~~r o~ A;g~i1, 196fa. FURTHER IN THIS CQNNECTION, a Regra],utiQn ~~a~~~,t~.t~~a ~c~ acquire and construct the aforementione~ pub~.ic ~~t~a~ev~ment~ w~~ ~ read ~hroug'h t~~ ~i~l~ b~ ~ity A~~orney. T'hereaft~r, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Levine, to clispense with reading the balance of the Resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NOo 693 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENT S On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman ;Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESz Councilwor~tian Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil and Mayor Wood, NOES : None, ABSENT: 'Councilman Burt, the foregoing resolution was aclopted this 4th day of Apri1, 1966. COUNCILMAN BURT REJOINED THE COUNCIL AT 8:~45 P.M. PARKING COMMISSION - SECOND READING ORDINP,NCE ESTABLISHING AND REGULATING PARKING COMMISSION The subject ordinance was read through the title by the City Clerk; after which a motion was made~by Councilman McN~il, seconded by Councilman Lev3ne, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. ' ORDINANCE NO. 214 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A PARKING COMMTSSION AND DEFINING THE ORGANIZATION, POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF On motion by Councilman McNei1, seconded by Councilman Burt, ' and on the following roll call vote, to wit: _ AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and.Mayor-Wood, NOES: None, _ ABSENT: None, the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 4th day of Apri1, 196F'. -3- 22~ , fi... . . . . . . , ~ . . CITY COUNC~L APRIL 4, 1966 ARROYO GRP.DIDE , CAL I FORNIA PAGE 4 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIE~!' RE. ASSEMBLY BILL 128 EFFECTING POLICEMEN'S RETTREMENT AGE UNDER ~ S.E.R.S. FROM 55 to 50 ` After presentatian by t'l~e City Administrator, and after Council discussion, the Council directed the City Administrator to. corr~spond with Assemblyman Winnfield A,. Shoemaker expressing strong opposition to the passing of such legislation since it would seriously deplete future police off~cers of our community at a time when their experience and knawledge would have more value than a younger less experienced officer. RECEIPT OF DIVIDEND REMITTANCE FROM STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND TO CITY~O .-.ARROYO GRANDE AS PERTAINS TO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION FOR CITY _ Primarily as a matter' information for t'!ze Cou~c~~., tho City Administrator advised ~at t'tae City wa~ ir~ ~ee~i~t° c~~` a~ ~-,;,dividend premium of $701. 44 on the City' e workme+n' e~c~p~n~t~tian ~~:~the fiscal year ending Juna 30, 1964. REQUEST~~~.,.LqS .ANGELES COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISC?RS, HX LEZ'TER, FOR SUPPORT IN OFPOSING A PLAN TO PLACE AN INITIATIVE ON NOVEMBER BALLOT LEGALIZING THE GROWTH AND SALE OF MARIJUANA After the Council's review of the subject letter dated March 11, 1966, under the signature of Werren M. Dorn, Los Ang~les Supervisor, AND, after further review of resume and report of the City's Police Chief John Richardson on the matter in question, AND FURTHER, after Council's resultant discussion,a resolution opposing the • proposed constitutional initiative re. marijuana was read through the title by the City Attorney. RESO~,UTION NO. 694 RESOLUTION OP,pOSING, ,~13.OPQS~ :'~~TTTONAL INITIATIVE TO LEGALIZF~.=~~3~~T PURCHA~E, POSSESSION, AND T OF MARI`JUANA On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: . ~ AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Coun~ilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, th~ foregoing Resolution was adopted this 4th day of April, 1966. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL'S APPROVAL RE. IMPROVEMENT OF 15 TREE PLANTERS IN WILLIAMSBROTHERS' SHOPPING CENTER After presentation to the Cauncil and their r~sultant discussion, the Gouncil extended their approval for the installation of red brick borders to encompass the existing 15 tree planters at Williams ~rothers' Shopping Center to better £acilitate control and main- tenance, and safety; AND FOR the expenditure of approximately $75.00 to accomplish the aforementioned project. -4- . 222 ~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 40 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL'S APPROVAL TO COMMENCE BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVE~lENT OF TRAFFIC ISLAND ON TRAFFIC WAYo AND APPROVAL'Il~ EXPEND MONIES THEREFOR After presentation of the proposed improvement, and after Council discussiono a motion~was made by Councilman McNeilB seconded by Councilman Levinea that the planned improvementso as proposed by the Parks and Recreation Commission, for the traffic island on Traffic Way, i. e., erection of three planters together with an - r electrical hookup, be approved; AND FURTHER, that the maximum sum : of $200.00 be expended for such beautification proj~ct. Motion ~ carried. JOINT MEETING - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY. MAY 11, 1966 After !~ouncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that a joint meeting between the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council ~ for budget discussion and other purposes be held on Wednesday, ~ May 11, 1966, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Arroyo r Grande City Hall. Motion carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL MATCHING FUNDS FOR PROPOSED CITY BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS i After review of the subject request, the Council elected to hold in abeyance their final decision on this matter pending their joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission on May 11, 1966. - VALLEY VIEW SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST SCHOOL - REQUEST TO PURCHASE CITY-OWNED LAND ADJACENT TO KOAG RADIO STATION After presentation by the City Administrator of the letter request, the Council then heard Mr. Clarence Earing, speaking on behalf of the School, present his explanation that the property was needed for an auditorium ~ite. After discussion, the Council concluded that they did not feel i~ advisable to sell any city-owned property at this time, and further that the Parks and.Recreation Commission was preparing a study of all now unimproved city-owned property for possible park and/or recreational development. NECESSITATED PURCHASE OF POWER LAWN MOWER, AN UNBUDGETED ITEM The City Administrator advised that the mower now used for the grounds' maintenance by the City had ceased to function properly, and it was not economical to repair same; thus, necessitating th~ purchase of a new power lawn mower. After inter-discussion of the Council and the City Administrator, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that the City purchase a new power mower, equipped with basket, for a sum not to exceed $400.00. Motion carried. SET HEARING RE. CONSTRUCTION OF CURB, GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS ON PORTIONS OF GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN HALCYON ROAD & ELM STREET After Council discussiono a motion was made by Councilman' Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ that a public hear~ing on the matter of construction of curl~, gutte.rs and driveway aprons on portions of Grand Avenue between Halcyon Road and Elm Street be set for April 19, 1966 at 8:00 PoM. Motion carried. -5- ~23 CITY COUNCIL APR~L 4. 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 ENGINEERING AND GRADING CONTRACTORS' ASSOCI~iTIC~N - REQUEST OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO ENTER INTO AN'UNI~ERSTANDING RE. CIVIL DEFENSE EMERGENCIES WITH AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME : After presentation by the City Administratoro and after Conncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsono seconded by Councilman Levine, that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authori2ed~~ ~ to sign an understanding between the Engineering and Grading ' Contractors' Association and the City of Arroyo Grande, which ' unclerstanding sets out that the E.G.C.A. will provide and perform civil defense work during an emergency at actual cost to the City. Motion carried. LOPEZ D.AM PROJECT The City Administrator advised the Council that the City of Pismo Beach had executed the water contract, and that the City of Grover City was reportedly about to finalize their v~rritten execution of the Lopez wate~ contract. ~ NACIMIENTO LAKE VJATER SOURCE ` The City Administrator advised the Council that the matter of Nacimiento Lake water source was scheduled for hearing on the San Lui~ Obispo County Board of Supervisors' agenda for Monday, April 11, 1966, relative to county-wide tax payment of this water source. 5AN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WATER RESOURCESa ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECEIPT OF MINUTES The minutes of the named Advisory CQmmittee for March 1, 19C6 were received by the Council and di~ect~d to be filed. Mr. Don Talleyo alternate representative for the City of Arroyo Grande, advised he had attended the March lst meeting, but the ~atters under discussion did not affect the City in particular. G~1~'ERAL DISCUSSI ON - RE m PROPOSED ENGINEERING REPORT ON `SEWER STUI)Y RE. FEASTBIT~ITY OF4 A£ITY-WIDE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROGRANI VS. VARIOUS SEWER DISTRICTS The Council was advised that this matter was being held in abeyance until the next regular meeting. ~ SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Administrator° advisecl that a second federal grant had been approved during the past week, and that the Ocean Outfall Line was anticipated to be installed at any time. OCEANO AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS The City Administrator advised the Council that the matter of improvements at the Oceano Airport had been referred by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to Supervisor Lyle Carpenter, and that beginning steps have been made to effect improvements at th~ Oceano Airport. STATE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Wood advised that he and the City Aclministrator had attended the Highways' Committee Meeting on March 31, 1966, and that the following were highway improvements which had been placed ` under the "Ao' Category: Grand A~,enue, for revised channelization and street alignment; and°Lo~ Be~ros'Interchange ins£allation. -6- :22~I CITY COUNCIL APRIL 4, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 Further, the Committee had placed under study the proposed route of Highway 227, (across the Nipomo Mesa to Guadalupe), rather than attempting to change and/or improve Highway One as a freeway. : COUNCILMAN BAIRI~ MCNEIL ' Councilman Baird McNeil expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Citizens of Arroyo Grande, as well as the City Council and City Staff, for making his four past years of representation on the Council such enjoyable and experience-filled years. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. until April 1~, 1966 at 7s30 P.M. ATTE~~T : ~ ~o C~ ~ . . ~ m~` ~ CI CLERK MAYOR k~ -7-