Minutes 1966-05-03 23~ CITY CoUNCIL MAY 3, ~966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Cit'y Council met in adjourned sessoon with the A~°t°oyo G~`a~de Plac~nirag Com- mission. Upon roll call Councalwoman Thompsora, CouncO~mera Levarae, Sch~egel and Mayor Wood reported persent. Councilman Burt was abserat. The Plaranorvg ~omm?ssoon members present were Winslow Evans, Wayne Mize, Oliver Talley, Harry McMiller~, Orville Schultz and Mansell Dexter. Newell S~rother was absent. Prior to the Study Sessiora, the following Councii action was taker~e AN_NUAL CLEANUP WEEK - MAY 16th 0 20th, 1966 The City Administrator advised the Council that the Psablic Works Dept. has tentatively arranged their schedule to provide fihe necessary equ~ipment arad person~ael for the annual cleanup week from May 16th through May 20th ~f these dates were accept- able with the Cauncil. After Council distussion a motian was ma~e by Council Schlegel seconded by Counci1woman Thompson that the Annual Cleanup Week for the City of Arroyo Grande be set from May 16th through May 20th, 1966. Motion carried. ACCEPTANCE:OF DEED.FQE~ ADDN. RIGHT OF WAY - FAfR OAKS AVE, (T.R. ~ U.Le MURRAY) The City Administrator reviewed for the Council the application of Troy R. and Verna L. Mu~rray for a division of property described as the southeast corner of Fair 0aks Ave. and Walnut Street as considered by the Minor Subdiviseon Commit- tee of the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission on April 7, 1966 resulten'g in the follawing conditions: 1, Require deed to City of Arroyo Grande for right of way purpasesa 2 feet x 100.45 feet along northerly side of parcel # 1 adjacent to Fair Oaks Avenue. ~ 2. Transparent copy of recorded map be furnished to City of Arroyo Grande In meeting these conditions the deed was presented for Council acceptance. A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine that the Grant Deed for right of way purposes adjacent to Faio° Oaks Ave. from °froy Ro and Verna L. Murray be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be aufihor~ ized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance and the deed be recorded. Motion carried. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED - ELM ST. IMPROVEMENT ~(M.B. ~ Fe D, BETITA) The City Administrator advised the Council that properties were now bedng acquired from owners for fihe extension , improvement and widening of S. Elm Street, and that upon the Council's approval the property necessary to be acquired from Mr, and Mrs. Betita could be obtained for $500.00. After Council discussion a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine that the Grant Deed from Mansuetto B. and Fe D. Betita for street purposes on S. Elm Street be accepted by the City with the payment of $500.00 for such ~cquisition and that the Mayor and Ci~y Clerk be authorized to sign the Certificate of Aeceptance and the deed be recorded. Motion carried. GENERAL DISCUSSION - PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE The City Counci1 arad Cifiy Planning Commission held a general discussoon and review of the proposed subdivision ordtnance. The proposed ordinance was reviewed through page 18 with the recommendation that further study sessions be held to finalize the review of the propased ordinance. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried the meeting adjoarned at 11:00 P.M. ATTEST ~~~~~~`ryL _ r `J 1~-~-~ I'~ • f-~r~ C~~t~' 7 ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR P