Minutes 1966-05-17 2~~ city coun~it Arroyo Grande, California May 17, 1966 The City Council met in adJourned session with the Arroyo Grande Planning GommissiQn. Upon Roll Call Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Mayor Wood reported present. Councilman Burt was absent. The Planning Commi"ssion members present were Winslow Evans, Oliver Talley, Harry McMillen and Orville Schultz. Wayne Mize,~Mansell Dexter and Newell Strother were absent, GENERAL DISCU,SSIQN - PROPOSED SUBDIVfSION ORpINANCE , The City Council and City Planning Commission held a generel discussion and review of the proposed subdivision ordinance. The proposed ordinance was studied and reviewed tlirough its entirety. ~he pr~p~sed ordinance is to be refiurned to Hahn, Wise and Associates for reprinting ~s noted for changes and additions, after which it will be returned to the Planning Commission"for further consideration prior to being submitted to the Ci~y Council for final adopfion. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Levine,,seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried the meeting adjourned at 9;49 P.M. ATTEST: ~ w~ Deputy City Clerk Mayor