Minutes 1966-05-24 c 4 r4~ ~ i L Mav ~ 24, 19~6 ~ A~Rt~`iu GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wraod presiding. Upon roll ca11 Cou~cilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine and Burt reparted pr~se~r~. Councilman Schlegel was absent< PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND 9NVOCATION Mayor Wood lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Rev. Kenneth Criswell, Paster of fihe Fir°st Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the r~gular meeting of May 10, 19~~, and fihe minutes of the adjourned meeting woth the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission on May 17, 1y66 Were approved as prepared. APPROVAL AF WARRANTS ~1 motion was made by Councilv,roman Thompson, seconded by Couneilman Levine, that General Warrants No. 1032 to and including No. 1063 in the total amount of $14,789.8$y and Payroll Warrants No. ~~4g to and including No. 1306 in the total amount of ~$,~$6.38; and Trust and Ac~~~cy Fund Warrants No. 398 to and including No. 403, ar~~ 500 to and inctuding No. 522, in the total amount of`$198.00, be autharizad and ordered paid. Motion carried. FIVE CITiES JUNIOR CHAMBER QF COMMERCE REQUEST - FOR FEE EXEMPT LICENSE TO SE L FIREWORKS After presentation of this request to the City Council by the City-Adminis- trator, and after Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman'Burt, sec- onded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the Five Cities Junior Chamber of Comme~`~e be issued a fee excempt license far the purpose of selling fire works from June 25th to July 4th, 1966, subject to compliance with all fire regulations of the City. Motion carried. AMERICAN LEGION REQUEST FOR FEE EXEMPT LICENSE TD SELL FIREWORKS T'Fis request was presented to the City Council by the City Administrator, and ~~ter Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, that Arroyo Grande Post 136 of fihe American Legion be issued a f~~ exempt licer~se for the purpose of selling fireworks from June 28th t~a Juty 6th, ~966, subject to compliance with all fire regulations of the City. Motiqn carried. RES~LUTION RE; CITY'S PROPOSED APPLICATtON TO LAFCo FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF CONSOLIDATION FOR AREA "ZANE 3" BOUNDARY After-Council discussion of the pertinent matters concerning this proposed application, a Resolution to commence this consolidation study through LAFCo was read thraugh the title by the City Attorney. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with read- ing the balance of the resolution. Motion una~imowsly carried. RE50LUTION N0. 698 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CtTY OF ARROYO GRANDE MAKING APPLICATION FOR CONSOLI- DATION OF INCORPORATED CITIES AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On mofian by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the fol1owing roll call vote, to-wit: A'~~~e Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor WpAd NOES° Nane A`~ _ .e Councilman 5chlegel the foregoing resal~.ation was adopted this 24th day of May, 1966. City Council `n, . May 24th~ 1966 Pag~ 2 REPORT AND_REC0~IMENDATfON BY LEAGUE RE: U:S. POST OFFICE'5 REQUISITE CURBSiDE DELIVERY OF MAIL IN ALL NEW SUBDIVISIONS The City Administrator summarized this mafiter in detail for the Council,.p~ stating that because of the strenuous efforts now being made by Califorr~ia cities to pramote wherever possible, all underground utility cannections, i~ would indeed be detrimental to any and all beautification efforts if resldents were required to install curbside maii boxes. After considerable Council dis- cussion, a Resolution to the effect of requesting the U.S. Posfi O~Ffice to I'e~ scind its regulation calling for curbside delivery of mail in all new subdiv- isions, was read in its entirefiy by the City Attorney. RESOLU710N N0. 699 RESOLUTION 0~' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~PPOSING CURBSIDE DELIVERY OF MAIL BY THE UNI1`ED STATE5 POST OFFICE On m~~i~n by Cau~cilman ~c~rt, se~:onded by Councilwaman Thompson, and on the foliowing ~~11 call v~te, to-wit; Al"ES; Cauncilwaman Thompsan, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENTo Councilman Schlegei the foregoing resotution was adopfied this 24th day of May, 1966. STAFF REQUEST THAT BUDGEI'~D FUNDS NOT YET EXPENDED BE DECLARED !'SURPLUS" FOR ~0 DAYS FOR DEPOSIT IN INTEREST BEARING ACCOUNT After explanation of this request for monies involving approximately $~O,QpO (comprised primarily from property taxes and motor vehicle "in lieu" revsnue), a motion rvas mad~ by Cour~cilman Levine, secQnded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the ac~c~regate amount of $.7Q,000.00 be dectared surplus funds at this time, and same u~ deposified for Interest bearing purposes for 30 days at the annual rate of interest for such deposit with the Arrayo Grande Branch of the Bank of America, N.Te & S.A>, and further, at the end of the 30 day period the Administrative De- partment of the`C~i-ty of Arroyo Grande will re-evaluate the City finances to de- termina if all, or any part, of said deposit could be redeposited for interest bear-ing purposeso Motion carried. FIRST"READING-ORpINANCE AMENDiNG ORD. N0. 210 TO EFFECT STAGGERING OF TERMS UF OFFICE OF PLANNING CQMMISSION MEMB~RS ° After Council discussian of the Planning Commissioners' terms of office changes to be effected by this proposed ordinance, and after Council approaal,.. the subject ordinance was read through the title by the City Attorney. Ther~- after, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson to dispense with reading the baiance of the Ordinance; motion unanimously carried; thus constituting th~ first reading of the ordinance. 1966-1967 PR~LIMiNARY BUDGE~ FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - PRESENTATION 7HEREOF Such budget was formatly presented to the Council and thereafter, the date of May 31, 1966, was estab1ished as the first budget study session by the Council, PUBLIC HEARING RE: ARDIN~INGE AMEND.fNG EXISTING ZONtNG ORDINANCE BY ADDING A NEW SEG1'ION ESTABLISHING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OR "PD" DISTRICT-1ST RERDING This being tha date, time and ptace for a public hearing on the subject matter 4~t~~r~r ~lc~~d declar~ed that alt canditions as required by law had been met, and he furth~>° ~~cl~~~~ the hearing was now open, and all persons for or against this subJ~::~:'~ ~r:~~:~.., k~c~~ld now be heard. 5~:~~ ~ McBeth, representing P.G,~.E., voiced appreciation for the Cifiy's cooper~ .r~, ~v1th them in the variaus recommended changes by P.G. ~ E. There being no other° p~rsons presenfi to speak for or against the matter in questian, Maynr Wood declared the hearing closed. After Co~ancil dis~cussion, and after their concurrence with several recommend- a~:ions by t.he City Att.orney as to wor~ technology, and upon Gouncil approval, ~he ~ C i t~= Cc~aa~c i 1 ~ May ~'L~.~ Fage 3 subject or~iir~a~ce was read throa~gh the title by the City Attorney; thereafter, a motion w~s made by Council~ran Burt, seconded by Councilman Levir~~, to dispense with readir~g the balance of the ord6nance; motion unanimously carried. The fare- go i ng act icsn thaas corost i tcates the f i rst read i ng of the ord o r~anee. CONSIL?ERA7ION BY COUNCGL REe D9SPOSAL OF CERTAIN PORTION OF LDTS 21 ~.22 in B~cket•t`s Crown Hill Addition ~ SET HEARCNG DATE A~ter a br-ief presentation by the City Administrator to the effect that ~I~e Plannong Cornmission~had recommended this proposed abandonment of certain pr°operty, sir~ce the origirral plan far same to be used in the City`s water syste~m is no longer needed, arad aft~~ Co~ar~cil disc~ssion and their resultant decision, a motion was made by Counc°sima~ B~?°t, seconded by Councilman Levine, that a public hearing on this prap~sed a~~red~nme~st and/or disposal of the subject property be set for June 28, 1966 at 8~~M.. M~ti~n carr°ied. PARIC~ AND ~2ECREATION EL~MEN~° OF 1'&iE GEN_ERAL PLAN OF ~C i i~ Or ~a~`€~~cOYQ GRAN~E ~ °fhe ~'~s°ic and Recreation ~~e~ne~~ ,,~fi the General Plan was formally presented to the Cv~~-?ci 1. l'he Counci 1?nstrsa~~~d that this element of the Master Plan be forwarded ~c~ the Parks and Recreatonn Cammission for their study and recommendat- ion. FORTH G~Jt~ 0~~~ JO 9 NT STUDY SESS I ON ~J I~H PARKS & RECREAT I ON COMM I SS I ON !t wrM°as bo°oa~~ht to the att~ntion of the Cauncil that such joint sess~on wo~ld be held Wedr,esday, May 25, 1966, at 7:30 P.Nt. in the Council Chambers. PAEtKS ~ RE~REA1'ION COMPI9SSION ~ APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY CREA7E~ BY RES7GNATION AF MARLIN M9LLER The Cauncil directed t4~at thos matter be held in abeyance until the next regularly seheduled meeting of the Co~ncil. GRAND AVE. CURB ~ GUTT`ER - SHORT ASSESSMENT DIS1'RICT CITY ~~OJECT NQo 90-66-1 '"~"?-~e City Administrator ~eported that on May 11, 1966, at 2 P.M. bids were rec.e ~ed and ~pened °on the City Hall on the anstallation of concrete curb, gutter ar~d ~riveway ap~ons on pc~rtion of Gr°and Avenue between Halcyon Raad and E1m St., this being the time and date set by the Council for such bid opening. ~ids were received as follows; Robert Ho Newdoll $ 5,325.00 B~arke Construction Co< 6,150.00 R.H. Beecham 6,625.00 M.J. Hermreck, Onc. 5,390.00 Harms Bros. 8,150.00 Ted Watkins Constructoon Coo 6,025.00 A.J. Diani Construction Co. 6,895.00 The Council revi~wed the report of the Director of Public Works concerning this project, and after discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levirae, that the low bid ~f Robert H. Newdoll, in the tota1 amount of $5,325 for construction of certairr concrete curb, gutter and driveway aprcans on G?°and Avenue between Halcyon R~ad and Etm Street in the City of Arr~ya Grande be accepted, and it os hereby approved, and further, that the Mayor be auth~rized to sign the contract on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande. 'Motion carried, GP~F~~ AU~n ~ S`TREET CONSTRUCTION - CI~fY PROJECT SS 40 ~ET~~~ ~ HALCYON) ~ ~ ~a~ministrator reported that on May ll, 1966, at 2 P.M. bids were ~„~~~b~~d ~~a~ ~pe~red in the City Hall on the subject street construction project. ~ ere received as fallows: Ted Watkins Canstrurtion Co., Inc, $ 57,225.00 Harms Bros 59,355.70 Guida p. Ferini 50,845,20 A.J. Diani Construction Co. 55,244.30 Coxca, In~. 62,597.50 2~~ c~ty c~~~~tt May 2~, i966 page 4 G?°and A~e, Sto Improvecnent Bud~contd. Burke Conatructi~ra Co. $ 54,099v00 R.H. Beecham 51,603.80 M.J> Hsrmreck, Inc, 48,g12.25 After Cc~u~~cilBs revAew of the ~irecto~- of Rublic Works report on this con- structian, and after their ciiscussi~n, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, secoraded by Coub~ci 1w~mar~ T'hompson, tE~at the low bid of M.J. Hermreck, Inc. in the total amcaunt of $48,912.25 be accepted, and it is hereby approved, and fur- ther that the MayQr be author°ized to sign the cantract on behalf of the City of Arroyo Gran~ie, and fsarfiher, that the effective date of such contract be establish- ed as June g, 1g669 (thus allpwing sufficient time for completion of the concrete curb, gutt~r arad driveway a~:~ons construction), and further, that the awarding of such contract be subject to approval of this proposed pro,ject by the Division Qf Highv~~ys, ~b~~e of Californi~~ M~tion carried. PROGR~SS R~PORT - LOPEZ DAM The CEty'Administrator advised the Council that core samples were naw being taken at the si~e property, and that the beginning steps toward acquirement of roght~ of way had beeri comrnenced. SAFETY A~IARU 1°0 ARROY~D GRANDE WATER DEPRRTMENT The City Admlc~is~a°ator advis~d the Council that the Water Department had rE, ceiered thes awat°d fresm the ~rner~can Water Works Association in recogni~kion of its excel ieeit safety r~ec~o~d during ?965, LEl°fER FRfJNI SaL„Qm CQ, FLOQP~ CONTR.04~ DISTRI~1' RE: STA~'E'S PLANS FOR CQNSTRUCTION t~F ITS OWN ~'HERMAL ELECI'RaC GENERATING PLANT For icaf~armation perrposes c~nly, the City Administrator advised the Couneil that the letter- ia~ brief sta~ed that before the State can undertake such a pro- jec;~, si~c year~' raa~ece p-F ~e~~h 3c~tention must be given by the State to all ex i s t i~y pcav~er° ~ompan i~s . S~U-1'~ti SAN LU I S C~B 8 SPO CO~1N1``~ SAN I~"~+T I 0~1 D I Sl'R I CT °fh~ City Admanos~ratc~r pre~~nted th~ Council with copies of the basic flow sheet which di~grams fihe processir~g of sewage at the treatment plant, and which will be "sncorpc~r°ated in a br-ochur°e to serve as a guide for those persons wishing to tour the treatr~ent plant. Furt~-~er, the Council was advised that the overall project was nearin~ comple~ior~. C~a~~ci ~wornara °~i~om~as~n commended the Cety Administrator for his authorsh~p of an article cc~veri~~ Lhe Sar~itati~n District and its construction projects, which artdcle a~peared in the J~ne issue of Westerr~ City Magazine. ~,UEST LE~fTER OF S~°ANLEY ~RIEB REe WATER SERVICE TO 501 B SOUTH HALCYON RD. (LOC~1`ED OUl°SSDE C9~Y L8M81'S) l'~e City Admi~aistrator read such letter in its entirety, and after Counci1 discussior~, it was thear election to hold this matter in abeyance until the City Staff could preser~t a detaoled re~art and recommendation to the Council for fuc°ther actiora and/or decls6o~. MARIO EVA~VGELISI"A-CI~Y A~NfINBSTRATOR TRAINEE-SCHOLARSHiP AWARD The City Admdr~istrat~r annaunc~d that Mario Evangelista, City Administrafior l's°a i nee, uncler Work Exper ~ er~ce-Educat ion Program th ro~agh the Arroyo Grande Un ion High Schaol, had recedved a$~00 scholarsh'tp award from the San Francisco Press ~aub f~s° his news r°eport a~ the fire of Aprit 7th, 1g66 at the High School, which raews itw;~; a~;~e~r°~d in fihe l~a~al schc,~l newspaper. CS~°Y OF ~c~~~ A,N~ CO~J~fIfY OF SANTA CLARA, REe RIGHT QF WAY-FUTURE FREEWAYS ~~°~e ~dmir~istrator advis~~l the Council brief~y that the City of San Jose and th~: ..~:,~y of ;ant~ Cla~°a had recammended that all right of way for future freeway~ ~e pur~ch~sed thraugh passage of a State-wide General Obtigation Bond, thus ~oratrc~ll ir~~ the suddera ericreased property custs naw experienced in righfi of way acqWicem~nt fc~r freev~ay purp~,ases. A detailed summarized report on this proposal will lae fortlhco~nong to the Council at a future meeting. City C~~n~il May 24, i9~6 Pa~e 5 EMPLOYEES OF CITY OF ARR~YO GRANDE - ROBERT RIP~EY ~ MANUEL UIE~RA It was re~qrted to fihe Council that Robert Ripley had commanced ~mpl~y^ ment with the City in the capacity of Patrolmant and that Manae~ uieri~ W~s soon to commence his retirement from City emplayment, he being ~he f(r~fi'~o do so since the City's membership in the State Refifrement System. ATTENDANCE BY COUNCILWOMAN THOMPSON TO R~CENT ~GONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Councilwoman Thompson advised that ~uch Cammittee was most qpt~Imi~~i~ about the fufiure economic grov~th of San l.uis Ob~spo County. MYRT'LE STREET ~ INQUIRY BY CI1'IZ~NS FOR IMPROV~h~ENT THEREpF Councilman Burt advised thafi certain citiz~ns residi.rag~ an Myrt~~ S~1"~~fi had,inquired about the neces~ary steps for improvement of their Street. `The City P~dministrator was dire~ted to refer this matter to the prop~I~ Glty S~~'~f for f~a~?dl i~~ ~nd proper dispc.~~~tions ADJOURNME~~.~:" A mot~~r was rnade by C~aanc:tman L~vine, seconded by CouncilWomatl ThQmpsp~?, and unanirna.~s'~y c~rried, that this meefiing be adjourned at g:05 P,M. tQ ]~~0 P.Mo on i~ay 2~, 1966. ATTES~. • ~Z ~ ~ CITY CLER MAYOR