Minutes 1966-06-14 F . ~ . + . . . . . ~ CITY Ct?Ul~T~IL JUNE 14, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, ~A.LIFORI~TIA. The City Gorxncil me~t in regular sess~.on caith Mayor Wo~d presiding, Upo~n ro11 ca119 Councilwom~n Thompson9 Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood re~ported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEG~ANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Woc~d Lead us ir~ the Pledge of Allegi~nce to our flag; and immediateLy ther~~~~:er Reverend Joseph Ps Davis, P~stor of the First Baptist Ch~.rc~ ~f Arroyo Grande, delivered the invoc- ~tion. MINUTE APPROVAL FOR 1~~~ETINGS OF MAY 24 31 and JUNE 8 1966 CORRECI'ION 0~' MINiJTES OF MAY 2, 19 6 o A motion was cnade b~ ~0~9 unilman ScYi~.e~e1, ~econded by Gouncilm~n Bu.rt, that minutes of May 24, ~.~65 be carrected, as pertains to the f~~~h par~.graph ~f Page entitled, ttFive Cities Junior Chamber ~f C4mmerce Requ~st for Fee Exempt License to Se11 Fzre~r~s~k~,tt as f~Llows; That in every instanee where the name Five Cities Junior Chacnber of Commerce appears, same sha11 be deleted from said m~n~.tes and ~he n.ame of 'tChurch of the Latter Day Saintsrp sha11 be substituted ~herefor. Mo-~ic~n carriedo The minutes of May 24, 1966 were approved as corrected. A.ND F'TJRTHER, the C~unci~. apprc~ved ~he min~tes of the meetings vf May 31, 1966 and T~.ne 8, 1.966 as prepared s APPROVAL OF WARRA.NTS ~ 1~ m~tion_was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council,man Levine, that Genex~al Warran~s No, 1064 to and including No. 1140, in the t~stal amoun.t of.$44,802e93, and Payroll. Warrants Nc~~ 1307 to and including No, 1350 in the to-tal amount of $7,625,98, an~d No, 1351 ~o ~.nd incLuding No, 1.417 in the total amount of $~,606.98, be author°ized and ordered paid, Motion c~.rried. TREA.SIJRER 4 S REPORT ~OR '~"HE MONTH OF MAY 1966 The Treasurer's Report for the month of May9 1966 was received by the Council and ordered filed~ It was pointed out by Mayor Wood ~hat the City is now reaeiving $25 per day as interest earned from deposits in the City's inactive savings account. . DEPAR'I'MENTAL k~PORT FOR THE MONTH OF N1A.Y, 1966 The Departmental MQnthLy Report for the month of May, 1966, was reeeived by the Cvuncil and ordered filed. CORPORATION BUILD~NG The C~ty Admin~.s~~ator gave the C~uncil a progress rep~rt vn the z~ew corporation buildings now under construction at the Elm Street property as fol,lows: The prefabrica~ed buildings are now completed, fux°ther pr~gress is now due on the pl.umbing, and el- ectrical phases of the pr~ject, ara.d it is ~stimated that the P~?~L~~ Ws~rks Departme~.t T,,Ti11. pr~obabLy move ab~~.t the middle of b;~C~ir new q~.ar~ers, ":.'~"ION OF CiTY OF A.RR~JYU GRANDE BY COUNGILWOMA.N .JANE :~TXTEENTH D~ISTRTCT GATHERING "l?r AMERICAN LEGIUN , fi• ~ddis~n Wr~c~d advised the, Caunci~ that C~unc L oi w man :.:~~n sp~ke in pers~n ~xtendi.ng the City°s w~lcome to ican Legion S ~xt~eenth Dis~r~ict wh~o ga~hered here in Arrc~y~a Grande f~r th~ir cr~nvention at ~he American Legion Ha11, Couricilw~marl Th~mpson commented ~hat it was a pleasure to welcome such a fine group to ~ur~C;ity, and she aY.so commented to the C~e~zic.i.1 that the retreat cereme~ny of ~he flag c~f the United States, per~vrmed by the Ame.rican L~gi~n Go1Qr Guard, at the City Hal1 at 5~'PM~ ~n Saturday, ,Jun~ 1Lth last, was m~st impressiv~, ~1^ , f v CI~°Y ~:OiTN~IL JUNE 14, 1966 A~ROYO GRANDE, CALIF~RNIA PAGE 2 PROGRESS REP012T - APPLICA.T°T~JN TO LAFCo RE STUD'1' OF' CONSOLIDATION F"~R AREA COMMONLY KNOWN AS ZONE 3 The City Adminis~rator ~dvis2d ~here were no urth.er devel- 4pments to report at this time ~nd that the m~,tter is pending actio~. by ~he Local Agency Formation Gommission, REPORT AND RECOMMENDA'I'ION BY THE PARKING COMMISSION - RE PARKING ON GRAND AVENUE The City Admi.ni~t~atear advised that the Parking Commission at'`their .7une 2nd me~~ing h~d recommended t4 ~the CounciL that parking spaces on Gra.~r3 Avenue be marked £Qr curbside parking aZong Grand Avenue, i.ee;approximately from the freeway to ELm ~~r~e~p ~~tem compL~t:~~~ ~he road improvement eonstructiono After ~~.~cussi~n, a m~s~::~~n ~rr~:~ made by CounciLwoman Thompson, se~o~a~a by CounciLman Levi.n~T tha~ proper park~.ng stalls for curbsic~~ parkzng be m~r~C~d ~r~. Gr~,nd Avenue, frQm appr~ximately the f~°e~~r~y ELm Str~e~9 af~er the Gran.d Avenue street con- . s°~ruc~ion is complefied~~-a11 a~n ~ccrardance wi~h ~h~ P~~°king Comm~ssionps recommenda°~i~n. Mot~.on carr~.eda ORDTNANCE AMENDING E~XX~.STTNG ZONING ORDIN'ANCE BY ADDING A NEW SECTTON ES ABLTSHING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OR q~PDet DISTRIC~` ~ SECOND REr.~~ING Z°he subjec~ c~rdinan~e was read through ~the title by the City Attorney; aft~r which ~ mratfan was made by Goun.ciLman Burt, second~d by CounciLm~.n Schlegel. to dispense with reading the bal~nce of the Ordinan~~a M!~t~on unanimo~sly carrieds ~RDI~NCE NO m 217 ~ A~ JRDTNANCE OF °I'~iE (~~TY' 0~ ARR~JYQ GRANDE AMENDTNG ORDINANCE ~vi~~ 157, THE ZON~NG ORDINAN~E (~F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE BY .4.~DING TO SAID ORDINANCE A NEW SEC'TION ESTABLISHING A PLA.NNED UNTT DEVELOPMENT OR ~tPD4T DISTRIC;T On moti4n by CounciLman Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, and 4n th~ fc~llowing roll call vote to wit: AYESo ~ounciLwoman Th~mpson., CQ~.ncilmen Levine, Schleg~l9 Burt and Mayor Wood 1VQES : Nane ABSENT a N~axte the fox°egoing Ord~nanee was adopted this 14th day af June, 1966. REVISED PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE The G~,ty Administrat~~r ~dvised the Council that the PLanning Cc~mmission had recomm~nded th~ ~d~optian of this Ordinance; and that the Council had t~hre~ choices caf action, i.e., schedule a Stuc3~ Se~sion of ~he r~vised subd~.vision ordinance at this time, ~~u~1ic hear~.ng, or adc~pt such ordinance as presenfied , `"~€zncil discussion, ~ motion Taas made by C4uncilman T,evine, _ ~~d by Councilcaom~n Thompson, that the Revised Sub- m~inance be se~ f~ar public hearing Qn JuLy 12, 1966 at .~i~ ~he Council Chambers of the City Ha11 in Arroyo ~ ~ ~~~°~i~n car~ried. ~ _2~ 25~ CI"~Y' C~~UNCIL JUNE 14, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~~`ORN~A PAGE 3 LAND USE ELEMEIV"I" - GENERA,L PLAN 0~ CI`I`Y OF ARR~YO ~RANDE The C'i~y Admini~trator advised ~he Council that the Planning C~mmission has compY.et~d their ~tudy of this subject eLement and has recommended its aaoptian, tc~ the City C~ouncilm "~he City Administratox° further ~.dvised the Council that ~he~r had three chc~ices of action, i~e., fur~Y~er study sessions, ad~ption ~f the Land Use E1~ment, ~r sch~d~le ~ame for public hearing, After Council di.scus~ion, a mot~.an was mad~ l~y CaunciLman Schlegel, sec~oa~ided Goun.cilw~man T~otnpsan, ~hat the Land Use Element of tlhe G~~~ra1 PLan of ~the City ~f A~r~yo Grande be set for p~:blic he~~~ng an ~7uLy 12, 1966, a~ 8 P.M., and that in. cc~nnecti~n. the~ewith ~ n~tic~ ~f said ptxbL~c hearing be ~ta1~P:~~~~ed ~~oge~he~° ~~i-~h az~ actual Land Use P~arr~.. Map, a~d ~tatement c~f H~~n,' L~:~.~e and As~o~iat~es ~n page 26 of the L~.i~d Use ELcment c~oz~menci.~g with the w~rds, tfT'hi~ Pl.a~. wi11 laec~me th~ sta~ed pr~licy f~r the dev~~~pm~n.t af th~ va-ri.~us ~ La~d us~s,pr ; and ending wi~h ~h.e w~rds, rpAnd en.ca~~.rage imagin~.ti.~~ ared in~ iti~tive on the part of deveLc~pers q i~.- vest~ars j proper~y or,mers, and the business c ommuni~y ~ Tr M~oti~n c~.x~ried, PLAN~7TNG COMNIISS~ON ACTION RE. ENFORCEMENT (~F ST~ZE STGNS ON PR~VA'~E PROPERTY The City Administrator advised that th.e Pl.a~ning ~~m- r~~~sion had taken action t.o require pr~per enforcement Qf the existing sign req~.ix°et~ent ~f Ordinance No. 157, (Z~ning Ordinance), since~ of La1~~9 numerous signs had been p1~.ced throughout ~he Gity which. d~ n~~ conform ta the sign~ordin- ~.ncea This mat~er, the Gi~ty Adminis~rat~ox° expLain.ed to the Cvuncil, was primarily a mattex° of inf~rmatic~n ~o ~h~ C~uncil, t~ keep them ~.b~°~as~ of the Cityts activi~ies. CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE RE~ETVED FRQM HAHN~ WISE AND ASS~GIA.TES, PLA.NNING CON~ " CONSUL7CANTS The ~o~rgc~.1 ~aas p~°esen~ed with c~pies c~f ~he C~rcul,at~.~an ELement vf the Gen~x°al P1an and ~dvised ~hat the Plax~ning Commissi~n had ~hi~ e1~m~~t ~.~de~° study and ~heir recc~mmendat~ons wo~.1d be f~rthcomin.g to th.e Goun~ilo APPOINTMENTS TO PTA.NNTNG COMMISSION RE NEW TERMS OF OFFIGE After Coun~iY review and diseussian, a mcstion was made by C~ouncilman Schl.egel, sec~anded by ~ouncilman Levine, that the folloeaing named per~so~n~ be appoin.~ed to the PLanning C~c~.~?~.~sic~n, effecti.ve July l, 1966 and terminating as de- ~ ~ j~z~.~:~e ~.ftE~° ~~.ch r~~med person: prv'~ lt~ ~:;~~1t~, fo~ar ye~r term af offic~~ endi.ng Jun.e 30, L970, • M~ySF« U:r~xL~r~ three: year term of c~ffice, ending ~June 30, 1969' i~:~.~ e1 i_~ °~isser, twQ year ~erm of offi~e, ending June 30, 1968, and ~sryan Duva11, Une ye~r ~erm of Offic~, endi~ng ~uz~e 30, ~967, ~~3_ ~51 GITY GOUI~TCIL JUNE i4, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE AND FURTHER, the City Administrator was directed to forw$rd L~tters of appreciation tq the two retiring Commissioners, ai.~e., Oliver Ta11ey and WinsT~w Evans for their Qutstanding effc~rts exte~d to the City of Arroyo Grande, AND FURTHER, that the,C ity Administrator forward Letters of congratuLation and announcement of appointment to the newly ap- pointed Commissioner~, i.e.., Carnelis Visser and Bryan Duva11. MOTION CARRIED. FURTHER, the C~~.~ci1 extended a special commendati4n to Orville Schultz for hi~ outstanding service, and devotion to d~a~y, the City ~f ~~~:rv~~ Grande, by his representation on ~he gi~nning Cammissic~~. a~d a Planning Commission represent- ative ,~t the meetings ~f thi~ City Council. PARKS AI~) RECREATION C01~}NIISSI~N - APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANCY GREATED BY RESIGNATION OF MA.RLIN MILLER A.fter Coun,ciL discusSi~n, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, s~conded by Councilwoman Thomps4n, that Baird McNei1 be appointed •~:o fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Marlin Mi11er from ~he Parks and Recreation Commission, which sppointment to become effective as of this date and tc~ terminate as Qf June 30, 1968, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSTON - APPOINTMENTS TO CQMMISSION CREATED BY EXPIRING TERMS OF OFFICE AS OF JUNE 3p, 196 The C~uncil directed that this matter be held in abeyance un~al the next regular meeting of the Councilo P~F.;_v~S Al~D RECREA.TION COMMISSION - SUMMER REGREA.TION 1966 The City Administrator presented the Council with the 1966 Summer Recreation Seh;edule and advised that pre-regis- tration has commenced this.date at the City Hall, ~?E~EIVE INFORMA.L BIDS ON PAVING CERTATN STREETS IN THE WESTERN ~ AD~?ITION - I.E., OAK, BELL AND CORNWALL The City Administrator reviewed this matter of business £or the Council and advised that such paving, requiring prime and pavement onLy, far such n~med streets, was a 1965-66 budgeted item. After discussion, moti~n was made by Councilwoman Thompson, sec~nded by Couricilmar} Schlegel, that the ca11 f~r bids on paving cQnstructiora. on Oak, Be11 and Cornwall Streets within the City of Arroyo Grande be authorized and that such ~ bids be opened in the office of the City C Lerk on JuLy 20, 1966 at 2 P.T~. ELM STREET - PROGRESS REPORT AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS - WILLIAMS AND ST . DENI S Some rights of way are still being negotiated, and plans are in pr~gress to complete a 24' wide temporary street in the imm~e~iate future for traffic use until the permanent paved road ~~~npLeted pn ELm S~reet ~ between Farrell Road and Fair " ~~~~u.e , `_~RTAINING TO ELM STREET PRO~TECT RE ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS , made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilcaoman -~:hat the Gran.t Deeds from Merlyn Williams, a~singLe t~~~4~ ~rom .Jpseph W. and E11~n V. S~t~ Denis, h~.sband and ~aiie ~.s joint tenants, for parcels of land,for street purposes on South Elm Street b~ accepted by the City of Arroyo Grande, and ~hat the Mayor and the City G1erk be authorized t+~ sign the Certificates of Acceptance and that such deeds be recorded. Motion carried. -4- CI~Y COUNCIL ~UNE 149 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, ~AZ~FORN~.A Pt~GE 5 SPECIAL THANKS ~'ROM MAYOR CHARLES BAGWELL OF GRO~TER C~TY ~ On behalf af ~he G~ty Gr~a~er ~ity~ May~~'GharLes Bagwell extended special thanks to Arx°ay~o Grande4s P~Lice and Fire Departments for theix° s~~andmby emex°gency se~°vices during the funeral ~f Gr~ver Gityps ~ate C~uncilman Port McGownem GRAND AVENUE - PROGRESS REPOR'~ The City Adma~ni~trator advised th.at the work contract for street canstructi~n ~~t~aeen the City and Mm J, Hermx°eck, Inc. was pending proper ~Lgna~ure, that the utiLity companies were in the process of mc~-~~ng and~or changing any necessary lines and poles, and that the c~:~bs and gt~tters, tcs aY~er -the ~~.ignrr~~:~.~. of Brisco Rc~ad at ~rand, were nearLy compLe~ed,~ PI~ES~N'~ATION REQ~[JEST BY DIC~ SCHA.RN, ON BEHALF OF FIRST I.UTHEI2AN CHURCH, l8th AND NEWPORT', 'REaDRAINAGE PROBLEM AT SUCH LOCATION Reverend D~.ck Sch~rn explained in detail the drainage pr~bL~m at the Church buiLding ~ite in brief, the r~in watex ~rom Newport Avenu~ in the City of Arrayo Gr•ande drains down N~taport and on~~ the Church prop~rty, which. is 1L~cate~ in the City ~of ~rpver G~~y, He fur~her expressed the hope ~hat the two cifiies i~volvecl cc~ul.d work together and s~lve ~his ta~ter pr~blem threatening their Church building. The Gity A.dministra~;or ~°e~d Revex°e~d Scharn° s l~t~e~~ in its ~ntir~ty for th~ C~~nci1, After a~nter-~d~scuss~~n be~~aeen ~he Council, May~r Bagwell of Grover City, ~h~ C~ty Engi~.~er and City A.dmi~.is~trato~°, it was agreed -~hat ~the ~~~,s~1~~.ng engineers and the Public Works 1 ~ Di~~ctors of Gr4ve~° ~i~y and A.rroyr~ Grande wouLd meet t~agether f~.~ study of th~s dra~nage p~°~b1em and w~r~1d presen-t the~r ~:~~ni~i.ned rec~mmendati~ons e~ach ~f the Counc~ls involved, The Gouncil d~x°ec~ed the Git:y Admix~.istrator to make any and a11 arrangements frar ~this me,etin~g ~f the minds between the two cities. ~ESOLUTION BUDGE'I'T.NG STA.TE GA.S 'I'AX FUNDS FOR MA.INTENA.NCE AND CONSTRUCTION FOR 1966-67 The C~uncil was advised by the ~i-~ d inistrator that such ResoLution. would pr~~ride fox~ funds ~1located from the State Highway Fund to ~he Gi~y for maintenance and construction purp~o s e s . l~fter Counci,l disc~ss~.on, such resolution was read through the ti~1e by ~Ghe City Administrat~r, after which a motion was made by Council.woman Thompson, sec4~n.d~d by C~uncilman Levine, to dispense with re~.ding the balance of the r°esoLution, Motion unanimousLy carr~ed, RESOLUTION NOo 701 RESO~,UT~ON OF 7"HE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR(~YO GRANDE ADOP'I"ING AND SUBMTTTTNG A BUDGE'~ FC?R E~XPEND7[TUR~ OF FUNDS A.LLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY ~°UND TO CITI_ES '~~~an by Cc~un~iLman Burt, seconded by Cou.n~ilma~ Levine, fo~Lowing r~11 ca1L vr~te, t~o wit: AYES : C~u~ciLwa~man 7'h~amps~~n, Councilme~ Levine, B`ax t. ,~ehl,e~e 1 a,z~cl Mayar W~a~d NOES : N~o.ane A.:B:~ TN7° : N~a n~ the for~g~aing R.e~c~luti~an was passed and adopted th~s 14~h day of June, 1966. ~-.5- ~ CITY COUNCIL ,NNE 14, 1966 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE 6 RESOLUTION ON BUDGETING STATE GAS TAX MONEY FOR ENGINEERING, . l 19 - 7 The Council was advised by the City Administrator that such Resolution wouLd provide en~in,eering funds to the City from the State Highway Fun.d in the amount of $2,000< After Council discussion, a resqlution was read through the titLe by the City Administr~~or; after whieh a motion was made by Councilman Levine, sec~nd~d by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with readin~ ~he balance of the Resolution. Motian unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NOo 702 RESOLUTTON OF THE G:~~'Y COUN~TL OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GRAl1~T~DE Ap~~''I'TNG AND SUBMTTTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDTTURE OF STATE ALLOCATED (ENG~NEERTNG) Ft7NDS On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Counciltnan Burt, and o~. the fQllowing ro~.1 ca11 vote, to wi~: AYES: Councilw4man Thompson, Council.men Levine, Bu.r~, SchL~ge~. and Mayor Wood NOES: None ~ ABSENT : No~.e the foregoing Res~luti~an was passed and adopted this 14th day of Ju:ne, 1966, CH~~TNELIZATION AT ~NTERSEGTTON UF FRONTAGE ROAD AND HA.LGYON ROAD ~ Af~er rev~ew of ~he sub~~ct m~tter by the Gity Administrator, motion was made by Counc~.lman Schl.egel, seconded by Councilman Burt, to proceed wi~h the necessary constxuction by City crews of the channeLization prr~aect at Frontage Road and Halcyon Road, Cas presented to the Coun~il in diagram form and as prepared by ~~.e Public Works Department) AND FURTHER, that the sum of approxima~tely $700.00 be ex- pended far such ch~nnelization, which sut~ is a 1965-66 budgeted amount, Motion carried, FURTHER IN THYS ~ONNECTIaN,:it was brought out that the 1tWelcome to Arroy~ Grandetf sign would possibly be pl~ced further west along Frontage Road, adjacent to the Arr6yo Grande Cemetery. Further progress of the Staffts s~udy concerning this sign wi11 be reported to the Council, REQUEST FOR WATER SERVTCE BY STAI~ILEY GRTEB - SERVICE TO 501 B SOUTH HALCYON R~D LOCA.TED UUTSTDE CITY LIMI'SS) Because of many factors invoLved in the granting of this saater service, i. e~, Circul.ation P1an of t-he City, proper f~at~re street improvemer~~, possible 1.ot spLi~ involvemerit, etc., ~oun~il directed that f~r~ther study be made by the City ~ ~Tith a detailed report: ~here~x~ being presen~ted ta the ; their nex~ reguLa,r mee~ings .d.~ i.~fINUT'ES GUiTNTY WA,TER RESQURGES ADVTSORY COI~IMITTEE ~:~,~inu~tes of the M~y ~rd meeting of the ~.dvisory Committee 4. ~~:~:c~ived by the Council and order~d filed. The City Ad- m~n.i~trator advised n.o mee~ing was held in June beca~use of election day; the next meeting is seheduled for .7uly 5, 1966, CITY ~OUNCTL JUNE 14, 1966 ~RRO~'0 GRA:NDE, CALIFORNIA PA.GE 7 LOPEZ DAM PROJEGT ~ PROGRESS REPORT The City Administratqr advised that Mr. Born's office had rep4rted ~o him that very soon a bimonthly or monthly progress repQrt on Lopez Dam would be for~hcoming from the eounty Engineerts 4ffice throughout the constructiqn of the LQpez pr4ject. A1so, the Cauncil was advised th~t a Critical Path report on such project c~lLs for the ~~Le of Bonds in February, 1967, as we11 as final preparation c~f ma~tters pertaining to the Federal Grant, AZSO IN THIS RE~~~RD, Orville SchuLtz, Planning Commissidner, advi~ed that he and I~Ir, Bob GaLlop, the City Planner, had ~fi~~~~~~ S. L, 0, C~~~t~r ~'~~nning Commiss~.on meeting at which ~onin~ ~c~twe~n the Lop~~ D~~ ~ite and the City Arroyo Grande was d~~c~.sseda Also, ou~ r~~~esentatives brought up the matter of sig~~ ~.1ong the rou~te ico Lopez, and were informed ~hat the Cou~~y ~~uld main.tain s°~rzct co°nt~o1 and enforcement of their sign ox°din~nce in these ar'eas. SOUTH SI~N S~UTS QB2SP0 COTJNTY SANITATTON DISTRICT The C~ty Adminz~~trat~r adv~sed that the Ocean Uutfall Line was n~ow c~mpleted, and that in a11 pr~bability the treatment plant woul.d be officiaLl.y opened durin~ the month of July, 19~E~. GOI,.F COURSE SUBDIVT.S:~ON `SRACT N0. 282 Mr. A1 Br~wn.e advlsed the Council that the golf course subdivision project was sti11 ~znderway, and at this time was momen~taril.y in a state of inactivity pending s better money ma~ l~et . FT,~ CITIES ,7UNIUR CHAMBER OF' COMMERCE R UEST FOR FEE EXEMPT LICENSE TO SELL FIREWORKS After presenta~tion o~ ~hi.,s request to the C~..ty Council by the City Adcninist~°ator, and after Council discussion, a tnotion was made by CounciTm~.n L~vine, seconded by CounciLw4man '~'hompson, that the Five Gi;ties Junior Chamber Qf Commerce be issued a fee ex.empt licens~ for:the purpose of selling fire- works from June 28 thro~gh Ju1y 4, 1966, subjec~ to compliance with a11 fixe regulations of the City of Arroy4 Grande. Motion carried. RF,.4.L ESTATE LICENSE FEES -~NQUTRY RE JOINT EFFORT BETWEEN CITTES TO .COC~RDINA.TE JOINTLY LIGENSE F~ES FOR REALTORS Cotxncilwama~n ompson roug t t is matter or iscussion before the Council, The Council concLuded that such an effort between the incarporated cities of the South San Luis Obispo Cou.nty would be une~hi.cal., unl.ess al1 licenses for a11 pr4- fession.s and occupations and businesses were included in such a joint effort; an.d thus the Council further concLuded that such an arrangemen~ a~ thi.s time would not be feasibLe. AD,JCtT7~2NN.i~1VT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION ~~F~ Or~ ~t~tion by Mayor Wood r and s~conded by CounciLwoman ~~~~~e an.d unanimously carried, the Council adjourned to - ';~'_v~ Session at 9,35 PoNT. ~~~vT TU COUNCTi~ CHAMBERS x~`i~ItiIBERS PRESENT AT THIS MEE'I.'ING REGONVENED TN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT LO ~.M, ~55 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE , CA.LIFORNIA PAGE 8 PROCLA.MATION OF ttJUNE IS LIAIRY MONTHtt BY MAYOR WOOD Mayor Wood procLaime the month Qf J~ne,-1966, as YtJune is Dairy MonthTt, and urged all 1.oea1 residents to avail them- se~ves ~f the healthf;al and nutritious benefits of dairy pr~- ducts~ AI~JOURNMENT Or~ motion by ~c~~nciLman Levine, and seconded by Councilman Fsurt, arLd unanim4usly carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:03 P.M., until 7:30 P.I~i. on June 16, 1966. . ~ ~ D~~uty C~.ty CLerlc Ma or ~g_