Minutes 1966-06-28 ~ - 259 CITY CC?UNGxZ JUNE 28, 1966 ARR4Y0 GRA'Nl3E, CA~S~`t~RN~A °Sh~ ~~.~ty Cca~~cil~ ~t~~ in regt~~ar ~see~ion wi~h M~yor Wood F~esidin.g. U~SO~. r~a11 e~~,1, G~u~ncilwe~m~x~ Thc~mp~~n, Coun~ilmen Le~ine, Schl,~~e1,, Bur~t ~nd l~~,ywr Wood repar~~d pres~nte PLEDGE ~F A~]:.~EG'~ANCE AND INV'~A'~T.ON Maye~r ~~a ~ iz~ of A~.~~gi~n~~ to our f lag; a~.d .~mm~dis~te~.~ ~~.~~°~a~'~~r F~t'h~r .70~ W~~t ~f St a Pat~iek' ~s Ch~rch ~n. Ax°~°caya Gr~~d~ d~Li~~~~d °Ch~ invc~c~~ion~ MINUTE A~'~ROVA~ OF MEE~'I'~TGS OF ,?UNE 14 16 and ~0 1966 GORR.E,~. I0~' OF M~NU. ES OF ~'U E e mint~t~~ ~f ~'une , w~r~ ~c~~re~~~: o c~w~. on ~a~,g~ 5, p~~agraph thre~, df su~~. m.a.n~.t~~, ~~°~i~l~d9 '~~re~en~~~ie~n Req~.est by D~.ck Scha~r~. o,.. m,.,R~ m D~~~.~.~.~~ P~°~b~.em at Suc'~ Lo~~,tir~ntR, ~'he words, t?Fix~~~ Lt~tk~~~~r~ Clnu~~~f' ~h~11 b~ d~1~~ed ~nd *'~htzr~h ~f the Na~~~en~t' ~h~11 b~ ~~bs~i~u~~d ~Chere£car m T'k~~ mi~~~e~~ ~f su~h ,7~ne 14~, 1~966 me~~ing w~re ~hereafter appro~~d as ~a~rectede ~[J'RTHER, '~HE MTNtTT'T'E~ OF '~HE ,7LTNE 16 AND ,T[JNE 20, 1~66 MEETINGS were appraved as prepa~ed. APPROVAL OF WARRAN'~'S AND A.PPRUV'A1~ OF" ~TOtTRNA,L VOUGHERS A motio~. was ma ~ y G~unc1 earaman T ompson~ secQnded by CounciLman L~vine, fiha~ Ge~.era`~ Warrants No~ 11~+1 to and including No~ 1169, in ~he total amar~nt c~f $18,053,48~ A.ND Payroll Warrants l~a. 1418 ~o a~d incL~di~g No. 1.~+73a ~in ~he ~ota~ amaun~ of $7947.01, ~ AND Trust and A.gency W~x~r~nts No~ 52~ ~o and inc~.,~aing No, 559, in the ~ota~. amount caf ~2~0,10, be a~~hoacized and ~rdered p~ide Motion unanimo~.sly ~carri~d, FUR'I'HER, a mca~ion was mad~ by CArsncilman Burt, s~conded by C ot~nc ilman S chleg~ L, and unanim~us 1y ca~r ~.e d, ~ha;t ~ou~x~a L Vauck~ers Nas~ 1, ~ and ~e approved~ ' _ . LETTERS OF A,NN~`UNCEMENT AND CQNGRA."I'LTIA.TIC~N RE. CTTY RECETVING ~ ANNUAT. 1KUNI~IPAL AGCO ING AW RD Mayor Pro Tem Ja~ne amps~n ~ea , rt its ent rety~ a etter f~om Wa1~~r D. ~Tanning, Chairman of ~he 1966 Mun~.~ipa1 A,c~ounting A~aards' Ccamm~.~~:~e of the Gal3fornia Soci~~y of Ger~if~.ed Publ.ic ~ Accountan~s, a~~ea a~~~.~ 1,6, 1966, whiah ~~~~~d ~hat the C3,ty ~f Arroyo Grande~ was win.n~r ~f ~he 13t'h A~nu~a1 Municipal Ac~caunting Aca~rd Compe~itic~n. Such l~~ter poir~~ed ou~ the~ the Awards t Commi~tee was impressed wi~h ~he dynam3.e c'h~~ges braugh~ about by ~h1s C~.ty a and it was ~h~ ir fee 1~,ng that this was a dr~m~.nant fac~or in the se'Lectican af Arroyo ~rande as the w~,nnex^, and ~hey furfiher sta~ed ~ha~ the sophfs~ica~ion of ~he ch~ngee was no~ as impc~rt~,nt es their dynami~ q~.a~lit3es, ~ May~ar Woc~d then ex.tended personal ~angx~atulations ta ~'ohn Raaberg and Gen~ Mint~ Qf Dieh1P Evans and Cc~,, Cer~ified Public Acc4unt~nts which firm is ~he i~.d~per~dent auditan~,for the City of Arroyo Gxande, f~r ~heir ~tremc~daus effa~^~ts and a~compliehmen~ts ex.tended ~o ~he City wh~.eh s~ g~°eatly cc~ntribu~ed fie~ i~s receiving this subject aw~rd. ~ ~'he Cifiy Adminis~tr~~or ann~un~ed to the Cot~ncil th~i~ ~~r- respondence had bee~n received fram ,7ack D~ ~utef~,shy Assi+stat~~ Director ~of th~ Lo~ Angel~s Chapter of the C~lifarn~ia Society of Certified P~.blic A~coun~ants, ex.tending their cc~ngr~tulations and • advising tha~ offa.cial, pres~ntation.of the subject award would be made tr~ this Ci~y a~ the Openi,ng General Sessfon of ~~e Leagt~e •~°~M of CaLifornia Cities me~~ing in San Diego can Q~tpber 1'~'~ and" tha~=' pLaques woul,d be pr°esen~ed ~o Mayrar Adda~son B. Wo~d and City _ 1,~ ~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 28, 1966 A~tR0Y0 GRANDE, GA.ZIFORNIA PAGE 2 ~ / ~ Administrator Thomas M. Butch as the Gity afficials responsible for the acc4u.~ting i,mprovem:ents; an.d further, that a special ar~ticle con.c~rni~g the award wauLd be published in the October issue of ttW'est~rn Ca.ties¢4 Magazine. Al.so, the Cifiy Administratc~r advised that letters af con- gratulation concerning the Cityts award had been received from Dixon Canrad, Administrative off icex of the County of San Luis Obi.spo; from Mayor Joe Rase of the City of Pismo Beach; from Howard Nevaby, Manager of the Soufih~rn Counties Gas Gompany; and from James Saffran of Stone ~nd Youngberg, Financial Con- sultants, San Fra~.~isco, Each member of t'he Council c,Qmmendc~d City Administratt~r Thomas M. Bu~ch, John Rasberg anc1 Gene Mintz of Diehl, Evans and Company, and Ci~y C1erk PoL1y Miller, as well as a11 the other persons a.n~olved, for their effart and work participation which cantributed toward the Gity receiving this hanarable araard ~ The CounciL direc~ed ~ha~ ~he Gity Administrator also extend, in correspon~dence form, crangratulations and thanks to Dieh1, Evans and Company far ~h~a.r part in the C~.ty receiving this honorable award. BOY SCOU'TS OF AM~~ICAz PUST. N0. ~29~ REQU'ES'^.C ~QR FEE EXEMPT: ZICENSE TO PATNT HOUSE ~BERS TN CITY UF A,RROXO GRANDE After verbal presenta~~.on by ~Toe Lr~wry, r~presenting Post 429, and after C~~xncil dis~uss%o~, a motion was made by CQUncilman Schl,egel, seconded by Couz~~iLmam Burt, ~hat Pos~ No, 4~29 ~f ~he Boy Scouts of America, be z,ssued a fee exemp~ l,icense for the pur- p~se of pain,fiing house n~.m,br:rs o~ atia.rb's° w;i~'~~n the City f4r the period from JuLy L to Septemb~~ L, 1966. Mr~~i~an unana:mousl.~ carried. STATE PERSONNET.~ SERVICE ~ GA.NCEZ CURRENT `CONTRAGT AND ~OMMENCE NEW R.EVTSED CONTRA.CT BETWEEN CTTY 1~ND STATE PERSONNEL SERVTCE Af~er revlew y the Gity A~t~~s~rafior, an a ter Gouna~i~~ discuss~.on, e motion was m~de by Counci~~nan L~vine,, seconded by Counailwom~n '~hompson, that the Ci~y of Arroyq Grande c~neel its , curren~ con,~ract with th~ S~afie P~rsonnel Service, ~hoee services are generally utilized when new personnel'is bei~.~ recrui~ted, and that the City entex in~o a new and revised form qf" con~r~ct with the St~~e Personnel Serv~.c~s, and th~~ the Mayor'beauthorized to sign such con~ract on b~half of t~he Gity. Mofiion unanimousLy c~rried, ` SAN LUIS OB~SPO ~OUNTY EC;4NOMTG PZ~A,NNTNG COMMTSSIOIV ~ REPOR~' RE, ~ COUN Y~- WT E E~GONOMY WARD ONlORROW~r The City Administrat~c~r~a v se ~ e~ounc~. t at Mr. Marvin Hartwig, the Ci~y's representafiive to such Commissipn, h~d £or- warc1ed an evalua~~on. report on the C~aunt,y-~wide Economy resul~ing from ~he conferene~~ and study sessa.ons ~e1d by such Commission early this year. The Council advised tha~t such repor~ wou.ls~ be ~horoughl.y studa.ed to d~~ermine a~,y, anc1 a11 future ac~ivity by °the Ci.ty to pr~mo~e the econom~ of ~he imtnediate area. Sl~:~ES TAX REVENUE RECE~PTS - F'IRS~' ANNUAL REPGRT The Ci~y Adm~n~stra~or reviewed rie Ly or fihe Council the past and pr~~ent figure-amo~.n~ '~is~ory af sales ~tax received by the C ity, poinfiing out that ~he sales tax xncrease for the year 1965-66 wa~s~ 11.62%a over the previous year., _2_ C . t ; ~ ~ CITY CI~UNC~L JL~NE ~8~ Y,966 ARROYO ~RANDE , ~t~"LI ~°~RI~T~A. PAGE 3 LEGIS7~AT'~O~T ~ S~A'~E A.IVD ~'~DERL~L ~ 1~EA~~"~ON 'TO ~~~`1P4S CORRE~SPONDENCE 12E. ~MP~ND~N~ I,EGISLA'TION RE o CURBS"tDE MA.~L BO~ES fihe Gquncil. was ad~ris~d by the Gity A.dm~~nis~ra~c~~ th~.t cor- respondenc~ h~d be~~. ~ecei~ed fr~~n ~h~ 1J,S ~ Pe~stn~~ster ar~d the Pvst Office Depar~m~n~, t'h~ L~'h~~~ T~.~a~.se, l7aS~ ~~t~gressman Burt L~ T~lcott, and UmS. Se~n~.~~~s 7~h~mas H~ K~.ch~l ~.nd Ge+~rge Murphy and th~ National. I~~a~~.~ ~f ~ii~~~~, RE , FEDERAL ATD REZ7ENLJ~S ~QR HI GHWA.~S The Co~.~c~l. ~aas fa~~°~t~er° ad~is~d ~h~~ th~ Ci~y wa~ r~c~ipt of a 1~t~ex~ fr~~m G~~gr~s~m~n 'Tal~~~~ ~d~aising ~h~;~ ~he feeleraY. a~d monies ~ whic°~ w~~°e ~ai~hd~°awn f~~am ~k~is Sta~~ 8 s appropria~tipn ~s ~ r°es~~t ~f S~r~ F~ar~.ci~c~ Y s ~°e ~e~~~,~n af an ~nte~s~~~~ highway ro~.te, ~.ve rzaw ~e~, rea ~ si~ned t~ S tai~~ ° s i,~~e~°s ~a ~e' h~..g~:wa~ system, ~th~.s preclra,diz~~6 a,~y fed~r~.7~ ~~d 1.~ss tra ~h~s S~~.te fr~~ h.~ghway pur- pose~, PUBLTC HEAR~.I:NG RE o DISPfJS~:~"ION d~' PQR.'~ION 4~~ L~~'S 2~ a~c1 22, ~ BE~KE`~~"' S ~Rf~WN [~~"LL ADDI'I'T 0'N '~his b~a~ng ~he da~~ ~~i~ne ~.~d p1~~~ fo~ ~ p~.1alic ~e~ri~g on the sub j~~~ que~ti~a~ 9 May~r~ T~T~~od . de~~ar~c~ ~fia~ a1.T. ~~nd iti~ns as required by Lara had ~b~era me~, a.nc~ he f~~th~r de~l~~ed this he~.ring was now ~pen ~~d ~1Y per~r~~.~ f~r r~r ~ga,in~t ~~.~s sub- jec~t mat~er w~~Ld ~caw be, h~~,rd. Th~re being no p~~s~~~ p~esen~ ,~r~ speak fa~ c~r~ ag~inst the m~tte~° hand, May~ar W~~ac~ decl~.red ~he '~~~ring c`~.~ased~ . Af~er ~~~er~dis~~.~s~~~ Ibe~tw~en ~~e G~aun.~i~., ~i~y Administrator, Ci-ty At~t~~ney anc~ C~~~i~~n ~'~.~amas Ha~a~~.c~rn.e, and af~er ~ca~.nci1 discussion, ~ m~c~°~io~ ~aas ~aad~ by C~un~ilwomar~ ~°h~mpson, seconded by C~uncilma~ B~r~, ~h~~ t`h~ C~.°~y csf Arr~yo Gran.cle dispo~e of the easterly LO R~f ~.o~s and 22 raf Be~k~~t 4 s~r~~rn Hil1 Addition, and a por°tion af aba~a~~ea x~~ri~~~. S~x°ee~ i~. ~he: Ci~ty pf Arroyo Grande, and that said land be dzv~d~d in~~a ~~o p~rce~l~ ~ta ~o~.- form ~0 1ot 1in~s 9 a~d ~°CJR.T°HER~ t~,a.t ~1~ ~d ~o~.n~~.g px°~per~y owners be notifi~d Qf ~h~ ~i~y°s al~and~,~,m~n~ ~af ~h~.s a~~ve-~describ~d property, and ~°URfi'HER, ~hat ~he ~~11. fo~° s~al.ed bids for ~he purchase of said pr~ape~°ty sch~dul~~d f~x~ ~T~.Ly 12 A 1966 at 2 P.M., in the C'~~~ac~1. Chamb~rsT C~~y Ha11.9 Ci.~y ~af A~°royo Grande. MO'~ION UNANI.MOUS~Y CAR.R'IED . ADOPTION OF 1966~6`~ MCJN'T.(~~PA..L BUDGE'~ FQR ~T~'Y OF A.RROYO GRA.NDE The Gi•~y A.dz~~n.1~~~~°a~~x gav~ a, br~~f x°e,sume of ~he ex~tire budget stata~ng tl~a~ the grand ~a~~a1 ~zf a.l.l. exp~z~di~t~.~~s f~r the fiseal year L966~67 was appr~axi,m~.~t~ely ~680~000. After Co~.~ci1 discussi~z~~ a m~o~,~i~an. was made by C~unciL~na~. Burt, sec~nded b~ Councilman Schl~g~1, ~tha~t t~~ pxeliminary budget for the f~s~a1 y~ar~ L966-67 as amended be ~ppr~aved and ad~p~~d. Moti~n ~ananimo~.sly carried~ The ~o~.n~~l. ~~~~~~a~a the Ci~y Admin.is~ra°~or and the C~~y Staff for ~:he~r many effo~~ts ex~~nd~d ~oward ~he final prepared budget fo~° ~his c~m~ng fiscal year~ 26~ _ CTTY COUNCT.L JUNE 28, 1966 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALI~°ORNIA PAGE 4 r RESOLUTION ESTA.BLTSHTNG NI~R~I:T SA.T~ARY S'I'EP P~LA.N FOR GTTX EMPLOYEES- 196 - 7 After reviera by the Goisncil snd affier their resultant di-'s- - cussion, a subj~~fi r~solution was read ~hrr~u~h th~ title by the Ci~y A~~orney; af~~r wriich a mation. w~.s made by CounciLman Zevine, 'seconded by Gounc~lwoman Tho~i~pson, to dispense with readzng,the b8lanee Qf said R.es~lul-i~a~n. Motion ~.nan~..mously carried. RESOLUTION N(~o 703 A RES~~~'LU"~:L~lN~ C~F' '~"H:F~ ~~.`L'Y~ (~4~'I~N~".~~.L C~~~ ~'HE C~~TY 0'F A.R.RC?Y'O C~RA:iVDE~, C;A:i~~.F(~RIV"I.A.F ESTA.BLT_SHg:NG M~NT.MIJM A.ND MA.~T:NTUM ~UMT'ENSA.TIC)N :~_.I~ V,l~.RTQl1S D~PA.R'I.'MENTS UF SA.IU CT"I'Y's E~'.~'E,C:'I"~iV~ A,S (3F' JU'LY ~966 On r~oti~?z~ by C:~ux~cilma~a Sr~hl.~ge1.9 s~c~n~3ed by Counc~.l.man Burt, and Qnn the foll.orai~ctg r~11 ~a.11 vr~te, t~a wi~: A.Y~ES ~ ~ouncilw~ma~. 'I'hom;pson, C~au~cilm~n T,evi~.e, Sch~.ege1;, Bur~ and Mayor Wood N~.~ES ; No~.e ABSEIVT ~ Nr~ne ~he foregoing R~sol~.tiorz was passed and adop~ed t°his 28~h day of ,7une, 1966 ~ CIVIC DTREC~"ORY UF" CLUB Z PR(~MOT~IONA.L AND F'RATERNA.L URGA,NTZA.TIONS A,ND VARTUUS CTTY COMM'ZSSTONS Copies of ~h~ subj~ct directory iaere recelved by the Council and direc~ed ~Q be placed on file for reference purposes, APPOINTMEN'TS TO PARKS AND RECREA."I'T.ON ~OMMTSSTON The Counc~l held discussion re ative to th~ three Commissioners' ~erms of c~ffice of the Parks an.d Recreat~.on Gommissian due ~o expire on ,7u~.e 30, 1966, after which a mo~ic~z~ raas made by Gouncilwoman Thampson, sec~onded by Gouncilman Schl~gel, tha~ the persons of A1 B1air, Do~a1d Ta11~y and Mrs ~ Vi.rgina~a Str~the~r be appainted to - the Pax°ks ax~d R~creati~an G~mmissio~. with each of their terms of office to c+~mme~ce on au.Ly 1, 1966 and ~~rm~inate r~n Ju~e 30, 1~69. MQt ion u~ani~n~aus 1y ~arr i~cl , Th~ ~ouncil further dir~c~ed ~hat ~he Gity Adminis~ra~or forward 1e~t~rs ~f appreciation t~ Edy~h Wopd and G~rdon Bennett, the two retiring Commissioners, fo.r ~heir comm~ndable efforts on ~his Camc~ission, AND that Le~ters of c~ongra~tulation and announcement of appcaintment t~o the Parks and Recreation Gommfssion be forwarded to the z~ewly appainted Commissioners, i,e., A1 B1air, Don~.1d ~'a11ey and Virgini~ S~rothe~, REQUEST U~" CENT"RA.Z B'USIIVESS D~STR~CT IMPLEMENTATTON COMMTTTEE OF DOWN'TOWN MERCHA,N~'S' ASSO~TATT.ON RE, ACQU:LRTNG UF DEEDS TO DOWN- ~ TOWN CREE.K AREA After review and present:atio~ of ~h~ idea, pro~ec~ end ultim- ate goal ~of the subject CQmmittee, a mo~ion was made by Council- man L~vine, seconded by C~ouncilwoma~ Thampson, that the Tmplement- ati4n Commit-~ee of th~ Do~rntown Merchantsq Associatian, an behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande, be authorized to acquire deeds to the creelc ~rea, gen~rall.y be~ween. Mason and Bridge S~reets, fram the respee~ive Qrar~.ers ~~a ~he Ci~y f~r purposes oif improviz~g and beautifying ~he ~reek ar~a ~nd also f~r park pr~mcatiranal purposes. Motion unanim~usl.y ~axried~ -4- CITY COUNGTL JUNE 28, 1$66 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RECOMMENDATTON BY PARKS AND REGREA,'I'ION COMMISSION RE, 35 ACRES OF CITY UWNED FROPERTY A.DJACENT TO ELM ST. BEING ESTABLISHED FOR PARK PURPOSES A.fter considerabLe discussion by the CQUn~i1 regarding the Parks and Recreation Commissi~x~ rec~mmend~.~ion that the ma,jor portion of the subjec~ 3S acre~ vf pr~perty be set aside for proposed planning of park an.d recreational purposes on a long range basis, (Such recQmmendation having been made by the Parks and Recreati~n Commissian at their June 22, 1966 meeting), a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by GounciLman Levine, that (L) the decision of the Council, and its direction to the Parks and Recreation Cvmmission, be that such Co[nmission plan. a park and recreatioir. development uf the front porfiion of the City owried property adjacent to E1m ~.tree~; i.e:', the 300T frontage along Elm Stree~ by a distance ~o and incl~.ding ~he nqw established ba11 park-ponding ar°es, and present their study and recommendations therefor to the City C~uncil, and <2) that the Gouncil concluded that their f~.rther decision pertaining ~o the use Qf the baLance of said City's 35 acres adjacen~ to E1m Street be held in abey- ance at this time pendin.g ~he City's f~.ture ~vera7~ long range development p1an, r1otic~n unanimously carried. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FOR k'fJTURE ROAD PURPOSES BUCTEN COMPANY T°A.LLYHO ROAD ~TI~YL~R~ ~OT SPLI7.' N0. 72 Mayor Wood reLinquished the chair to Nlayor Pro Tem Thompson stating he had a financial int~r~st in ~his subject matter,and with the Council's permission, Mayor Wood ief~ the Council Chambers at 8: 50 P.NT. The C~~ty Administrator r~vie~red the Lot Sp1it Commit~ee's requirements regardix~g Lo~ Split N~. 72 and advised that the subject deed was now rec~mmended for ~~uncil accep~axice. A.f~er Council discussic~n, a motion was ma.de by G~unciLman Burt, seconded by Coura.cilman Schlegel, that the Gra~t Deed from Bucten C~ampany, a partnership, be accep~ed by the City for future S~ree~t purposes in compliance ~ai~h L~t Sp1it ~To. 72, and that the May~or Pro Tem and Ci~y C1erk be authorized to sign the Cer~ificate of Accep~ance and said deed be recorded. Motion carried. Mayor~ Wood rejoined ~he C~uncil at 8:53 PmM~; Mayor Fro Tem 'I'hompson relinquished the Chair to Mayor Wood. FIRE DEPARTMENT - r'YOUR CAREER TN FIRE SCIENCETr The City Adm~strator aav~s~a, f~or the CouncilTs information, that F'ire Chief Tony Marsalek had participated in ~the preparation of t'~e booklet, TfYour Career in Fire Sciencert, Tahich was ultim- ately published through the A11an Hancock Cvllege in Sa.nta Maria. PROPOSED ORDTNANCE FORMA.LLY CREATING FIRE D~PARTMENT ~FTRST READING) The Coun.cil discussed thls proposed ordinance whlch would formally establish a Fire Deparfiment and would define therein the organization, powers and duties thereof. The City Att~orney read the Ordinance fihrough the title for its first reading; thereafter a motion was made by Councilwam~an Thompson, seconded by Councilman LevineA to dispense with readi~ng the balance of ~he Ordin.ance, Motion unanimousLy carried. _5_ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 28, 1966 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALTFORNTA PAGE 6 LETTER OF THANKS FROM ARROYO GRA.ND~ HTGH SCHOOL RE. ASSISTANCE AND ~OOPERA;TT.ON OF POLICE DEPART'MENT The C~uncil. received such 1ett~r from the Arroyo Grande High Scho~1, under the signature of Doug Hitchen, and directed that the PvLic~ Department be informed of this letter of thanks. PT~A.N CHECK FEE~ RE UEST ENFORCEMENT OF SAME COMMENGTNG ,7ULY 1 1966 The Council re~rieweel the report of the C~t~ Bui~I ing Inspector reLative to actual enforcement of ~Ghis fee, and af~er considerable discussion, the Council directed that the Staff prepare a m4re detailed report which would include ~ comp~rison of plan check fees of o~her cities, as we11 as poLicy, and re-present such matter to the Council., RE UEST FOR WATER SERVICE BY STANLEY GRIEB AT 501 B So. HALCYON ROA.D (OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS) After ~ouncil revieca and discussion of the pertinen~ ~ac~ors invoLved, a motion was made by Cauncilwoman. Thompsan, secc~nr~Pd by CQUncilma~n Burt, ~hat City watex service be granted to Mr. Stanl.ey Grieb at SOL B South Halcyon Ra~ad on th~ conditions that Mr. Grieb (1) ini~iate annexata~on to the C~ty at this time, and (2) pave a 20' wide secti.4n ~f',the street in ~ront of his two exis~ing 1.o~s ~ M~t~~ar~ unanim,ousl~ aarried ~ IAPEZ DAM PROJE~T The C~unc~1 was presen.ted raith a progress report on such project prepared by K~aebig and Ko~big, Engineers, and directed to Mr. Rabert H. Born, San Zu~s Obispo County HydrauLic Engineer, under date of June 7, 1966, advising that pr~marily a11 preliminary geoL~gical work had crammenc~d on the reservoir and dam site. A1so, the City Administrator adv~sed that monthly progress reports an the Z~pez Project wvuld be forthcoming to this City, as well as other agencies, from the County Hydraulic Engin.eerst Office. - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DTSTRIGT - PROGRESS REPORT The ~Zty Admin~.stra~r~r ~.dvised that the ttplugTt on the trunk Lines w~uLd be pulled on Tuesday, JuLy 5, 1.966, thus comm~ncing the actual Aperation of the treatment plant, which would take appr~x.ima~ely seven days fi~o be fiLl,ed ~ SOUTH SAN ZUIS OBISPO COUN'~'Y SANITATION DISTRICT - REQUEST TO P`URCHA.SE GASOLINE FRC~I CITY After Ga~uncil. discussion, a m4tio was made by G~ouncilm~n SchLegel, seconded by C~uncilman Levine, that the South San L~.is Obispo County SanitatiQn Distri.ct be ~r.anted permissian to pu~chase gasoline frot~ 'the Ga.~ty, 'at ~'he Ci~yfs cos~t, xei~bursemeht t'c~.;:b~ monthly br quarter^1y, .effec~ive immedia~el~. M~otion unanim~usly carried. - P. G. & E. MERCURY VAPOR LIGHTS Mr. Perry McB~eth, presen~- n the audience, advised the Council that P.G.&E. w~s now in the process of installing the new mercury vapor lights throughout the City. TELETYPE SERVIGE - AVAILABTLITY 0~' TELETYPE SERVICE TO CITY OF PISMO BEACH AND GITY OF GROVER CITY The City Administrat~or advised that the C~ty ~of P~.smo Beach had accepted the avaiLab~Lity of this City's ~ele~type services, and further, t~hat the City of Gr~over City would n.ot avail. themseLves of this service at this ~time, PROPOSED ES'TABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEX IN SOUTH COUNTY Pursuant to the action Qf the Co,unty BQarc~" of Supervisors, and by Letter from the office of the County District At~omey CITY COUNCIL ,JUNE 28, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 calling for a joint meeting be~ween the Cities ~.nd other C~unty representatives, the Cpuncil. directed tha~ Councilman Schlegel be appointed to represent the C~ty,4f Arroyo Gran.de a~ the joint study meetings to determine the ma~tter of establishtnent of a Deputy District Attorn~y office and jail faciLities in the South County Area. RESOLUTION PERTATNING TO STA.TE RETT.REMENT SYSTEM - SAFETY MEMBERS - RE. LOWERTNG RETTREMENT AGE TO 55 After review and fact presentation by the City Admin~trator of the subject matter, a Res~oLu~tion pertaining thereto raas read in it~ en~'irety by the Ci~y A,tt~rney. RESOLUTION I~TO. 704 RESOLUTION OF TNT~NTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRA.CT BETWEEN THE BOA,RD OF ADMINISTRA.TION OF THE STATE EMPTAYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND 'I'fiE CITY COUN~'IL ~J'F THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE~ On mo~ion by Councilman Levine, seconded by C~ouncilwoman Thompson, and on ~he folloraing ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES: Gvuncilwaman Thompson, CounciLmen Levine, SchlegelA Bu~t and Mayor Wood NOESo None ABSENTe None the foregoing R~sol.ution was passed and ,~dopted this 28th day of June, 1966. ARROYO GRANDE DODGER DAY - AUGUST 20, 1966 The Council was advised by the City Administratar that Arroyo Grande Dodger Day at D~dger S~adium had been scheduled f~r Saturday, August 20, 1966, for a day game between ~the St. L~uis Cardinals and the Los AngeLes Dodgers, w~th tickets for the bus trip and the game availabLe thr~ough the City Administr~tor's office. RECEIVE' INFORMA,L PAVTNG BIDS - FRON"~'A~E ROAD, DQWN'~OWN MERCHANTS' PARKING IAT ON BRANCH STREET, AND CER'I'A,TN SECTION OF EI;M STREET, TOGETHER WITH CERTAIN STREETS IN THE WES'TERN ADDITTON After detailed presentati4n by the City Adm~.n,is~x~ator, and after Cou.ncil discussion, a moti~n was made by Ca~un.cilman Schlegel, seconded by C~auneilm~n Burt, ~h~t the ~ity CLerk be authorized to call for bids for paving ori Front~ge Road; Elm Street, between Fa~re11 RQad ~nd Fai.r Oa1~s.Avenue; Oak, BeLI and CQrnwall Street~; Downtown Merchants' Parking Lot on Branch Street, and that su.ch bids be opened in the off ice of the City CLerk on July 25, 1966 at 2a00 P.M., AND.FCJRTHER, that the Council's action, by motion on June 14, 1966, to ca11 for informal bids on paving certain stre~ets in the We~tern Addition, i.e., Oak, Be11 and Cornwall, be rescindedm MO'~ION UNANIMOUSZY GARRIED. ELM STREET TMPROVEMENT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Admin~.~~rator aav~.~ea that primariLy a11 right of way negotiations had been r~soLved, and the remainder of the deeds necessary f4r the str~et improvement will be forthcom~ing. _7_ " " CITY COUNGIL JUNE 28, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA. PAGE 8 CONCRETE GURBS~ GUTTER, AND DRIVEWAY APRONS - TRAFFIC ISLAND AT FRONTAGE ROAD AND HALGYON A.ND A.T ENTRA.NCE DRI VEWAYS OF DOWNTOWN MERCH~.NTS' PLS,RKING I.~OT ON BRL~.NCH S'TREET - BUDGETED ITEMS The Council was advised that inf~rmal bids had been received for instalLation ~f concrete curbs, gutters and driveway aprons, as appLicable, for the traffic island at Frontage Road and HaLcyon and the Downtown M~rchantst Parking Lot; and that Bob Newdoll had submitted the Lowest cost pr~ce, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, secon.ded by GounciLwoman Thompson, that Bob Newdoll be directed to compLe~e the necessary installation of concrete curbs, gutters and driveway aprons, as appLicable, (1) for the traffic isLand at Frontag~ Road and Halcyon in the amount of $747.50, and (2) for the Dor~mtown Merchants' Parking Lot in the amount of $760.00. Motion unanimousl.y carried. LETTER FROM COUNTY LIBRARIAN, MRS. LOIS KING CRUMB RE. STUDY SESSION ON LIBRAR~` FACIi~ITIES AVAILABLE TO ARROYO GRANDE CITIZENS Mayor Wood and City Administrator Butch were scheduled to ~ attend a luncheon study"s~ssion on~July 8, 1966 at which such matters as extended library h4urs and location of library fac- ilities effectin.g this City~as well as other County Library matters, would be included in discussion~ OCEANO COUNTY AIRPORT - REPORT ON IMPROVEMENTS Mayor W~od advised that improv~ments'~t such airport, applying to intercommunication sys~em, beacon light and rest rooms, had been completed. ADJOURNMENT On. motion by C~uncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimousl.y carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:48 P.M. ATTEST .~,,C ~ -c',~aati~ C y C ler c Mayor ~r-~ -8- ~ ,