Minutes 1966-07-26 27~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 26, 1966 ARROYO GRAL~E, CALIFORI3IA The City ~ouncil met in r~gula~ sessi~n with Mayor Wood preaiding. Upon roL1 cal.1, Councilwaman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt rep~rt~d pres~nt. PLEDGE OF' ~LI,EGIAN~E A~ I~'VOCATION May~r W~o e u~ in t~ Ple ~e of ALlegiance to our flag, snd immediately thereafter Fa~her Jo~ Wett ~f St. ~~trick's Ghurch in Arroyo Grande deLiver~d °kt~e invoc~tion, MINf7T~ APPROV~L OF ~ETINGS OF .7ULY 12 1966 AND „~ULY' 21 1966 he minut~~ ~ t e re~u ar meeti~ng o,7u1y L, 1 and the epecial adjot~rned meetin~ of JuLy 21, 1966 were ~pproved es prepared. ~~~~OV~L 0~ ~T~,~,1~T'S ~ot~~~ wa~ mad~ by C~ur~ciLwo~~n T'hompeon, seconded by Council- mar~ Levine, th~t ~E~iE~L ~1~ 1J'I'S No, 62 to and including No.: 98, in the to~~l ~mou°~t ~16,159.~1; A~ ~~Y~LL WARRANTS No, 93 to and in~Ludin~ No. 16~, ~n t~~ tot~l a~not~~t of $10,135.8~; AND TRLIST ~iND AG~NGY fi~RR~1~TS ~9, 560 to ~nd ~nclt~ding ~To, 596, in the total amount of $237,~0,~b~ ~ut'~~ri~ed ~,nd ~rder~d ~~id~ Motion unanimously carried. ~~P~OV~,~ 0~ '~"~~+T~~~~ VO~~I_~~~ A ~~t~~~ ~ ~ ~~e~~~~~~~r~ ~c~l~~el, ~ecor~d~d by Councilwoman ~l~~r~p~o~, ~t~~~ ~~u~1~~~~ ~g~, 4,5, ~nd 6 b~ auth~rized and a~P~ov~d, ~~~~~n u~~z~~~?~~~~y ~~~r~~d, PEZ'I~"ION 0~' A~R0~0 ~~~'T~Z'~ ~RAI~~S RE UESTTNG LICENSE FEES ~ ~'Ii~ ~ITI~~ ~~OKE~ BE DI~CO INU~ ~~~tit~~n ~~~~~d b~ 12 e~~ate ~9 ~r~ w~~ ~presente to t e ~~uncil, in ~hi~t~ ~~t~~f~n i~ r~qu~~t~d ~~~~t tt~e Cguncil ~mend, r~~ci~d, ~~fx~a~~ ~~~~n ~~~~~~i~g t~~t po~t~9~ o~ t~e business licenae ~~d~~~nc~ ~h~~'~ ~~q~~~~~ ~~~~n~~ ~ro~ ~'~v~ G~ti~s Area Broker+e w~9 dg ~~t ~~v~ 'b~~~~~ ~~~i~~~ in ~h~ ~~ty gf ~r~o~o Grande. Mr. Ro'b~~~ ~'r~~t~, 9f t~~ ~ign~e~ t~~ ~ub~~ct petition, ~p91c~ to th~ C~ur~c~L ~r~~ ~dvi~~d his ~~ly ~~a~n~ would be the re- itern~ia~ o~ t~e ~u~lin~d in the p~tit~on~ Af°t~r diacu~~~~~, t~~ Cou~ci.l d~~~c~t~d t~e Gity Administr~tor to ~cquir~ ~n~ ~°~d ~L1 ~va~~~bl~ inform~t~~n conc~~~ing e similar or L~.~Ce ~i~tu~~~~n ~~~~,r~~~~ ~icen~~ o~di~~nce~ f~~ ~ertain citie~ in L~~ ~n~~l~~ ~nd S~~i Franci~c9 ~~~~a wh~r~ auch in- ~orpo~~t~d ~~ti~~ ~~oa~l~ ~it~a°t~d ~o~~~~hically ~~at ~n int~~n~n~~ir~g b~~i~~~~ ~~~~~~n auch c~~~~~ doe~ o~cu~, FI1ZS'I' ~1~NLTAL, ~PQ~T - ¢f~~~ T~" (4%) R.~V~~U~ ~ r~~ ~r~nu~_ ~~~~x~~ o ~u~ rg~a ~~a~ r~v~nu~, ~e~~blish~d by ~~e Gity°' ~ ~~°df~~n~~ ~02 ~~~~c~iv~ ~~~il 1, 1966, s~o~ing ~~~~.~1 r~~~i~~~ ~n ~~a~~~~ ~915.31 ~a~ 1965~-66, ~as pres~nted t~ ~h~ Go~~~~1, ~~°~~~r~~~ i~~~x~~tia~~ ~~tt~~. ~~OG~~~S ~~Q~'T e~~~~~~.T~~~T 'TO I~~~ S~~ 0~' ~Q~JSO~ID~?TION F0~ ~ 6~~ t ~ ~ ~ 4~~~kil~b EibMN~'1rb~ F!S ld0b~1~ ~~t~~~ ~ ~r t ~t~ e ~~r n~ wou e ore ~~~u~~ 196~ 10 A.1~. i~ t~~ ~ou~ty ~ourthouse in ~'~n L~,~~ Q~i~po, c~ic~ ~i~~ ~uo~ ~oa~~i~~io~ ~aould det~rmine wl~ether ~u~h ~~°~~g~~ x~~~~~q~,r~~~~~or~ w~uld b~ di~~p~r~v~d c~li~ttier ~ su~ti : ~a~e~g~~d ~~n~g~~cl~tien"w~uld b~ ~~~~~r~d t~ ~ reor"~~xi~z~~i~ri coa~itt~~ ~o~ ~h~~~~.~k~ ~tu~dy, ~~~~r~t' ~r~d r~~tt~~~~tt r~c~ua~nd~~iona.~ ~ 27? CITY COUNCIL JULY 269 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 In this same regard, it was the ~ov.ncil's information that the area comprising the Por-t San Luis Harbor District <Avi1a area) had elected to request a~t the subject hearing th.a-t this particular District be withdrawn from the proposed consolidation, and -tY~~.t MrA Newe11 W. Strother had been appointed to represent th.e Harbor Dis-~rict, at such hearing, because of his Board membership there~nm After inter-dis- cussion between the Council, City Attorney ~~nd Mrm Newell We Strother, who was present at this Council Meeting, it was ag~~e+~ that because of possible conflict of interest xepresentation, Mrm Strother, who also serves as Chairman of the Arroyo Grande PLanning Commission, ~ro uld not represent the Port San Luis H~rbor Gommission at this particular pubLic hearin~ before L,AFCo. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (SCHEDULED ON THIS MEETING1S AGENDA FOR SECOND RF,A.DING) After intense discussion by the Council of the innumerable intricacies surrounding this proposed subdivision ordinance, the Council concluded that further study taas merited, and thus, the Council scheduLed a study session thereon for August L7., L966 at 7:30 P,M, in the Council Ch~.mbers of the Arroyo Grande City Ha11, AND FURTHER, the Council directed that the City Administrator contact certain hereinafter x~.amed pers~ns and solicit their presence and active participation in conjuncti~n with the Council at such study session, and that a11 applicable information be forwarded to them for their review and study in preparation for such session, The persons named by the Council to be in attendance, if at all possibLe, were: Messrs. Larry Wise, Joe Anderson, Robert Garing, Lowe11 Kraatz, M. A~ Woodyard of Jennings-Hansen Engineers, V~ntura, a representative of the Arroyo Grande PLanning Commission, and Perry McBeth< FURTHER IN THIS REGARD, the Council directed that other citiesT ordinances be acquired and studied and compared with the proposed subdivision ordinance and that the resultant findings be presented to ~he Council at the scheduled study session. LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERA.L PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - FURTHER DISCUSSION After review by the City Administrator of the recent zone status changes decided upon by the City Council at their study session of JuLy 21, 1966, and after Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the sub- ject resolution be read; motion unanimously carrie~d. City attorney John Seitz then read the resoLuti~n through the ti'tle; and thereafter, a motion was made by CounciLman B~a.rt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel to dispense with reading the balance of the resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION No. 709 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN On motiAn by Council.man Buxt~, seconded by Councilman Schlegel,.. and on th~ fa~~owing ro11 calL vote to wit: AYES: CounciLwoman Thompsan, Cout~cilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt, NOES: Mayor Wood, ABSENT: None, the foregoing resolution was adopted this 26th day of July, 1966. ` -2- 2~~ CITY COUNGT L ,~liI~Y 26 , 1966 ARROYO GI~ANDE , GAL~ F~RNTA pp,.~~ ~ REQUEST AUTHORIZA'~'.I~N ~OR CITY '~r.) EN'~°ER INT`~; A.GREEMENsI' ti~~'I'H A.'~LA.NTIC RICHFT~LI~ OIL COMFA:NY ~jN GA.SOLlNE PUMPS, T'ANKS AND D~~~~EL ~[JEL OIL Aft~x~ presen~rat:i~Mn by t~e City A.dm~zzi.s~ratc~~, and ~f~er ~~uncil discussion, a mc~t:ir~n was m~de by Ca~:~n~i~tnan L,evine ~ s~~~~d~d by Councilwaman Th~mpson, ~haf thE City ~f Arroy~ Gr~nde enter in~a an agreement with the Atlantic L~ichfieLd 0~.1 Ccampa~.y f{~~° ~heir f~.~°nishing ~hree 1,000 gallon stc~rage ~anks and 3~sed Natti~n~,~ ~~mp~ter ptzmps for use by the City e~f Arra~yc~ Grarzde, ~fter ir~sta`L1~n~x~~ of same by the City a.t ~he new Ci;:y Cc~~~p~r~fiic~n Yard on ~Lm S~r~e~, arzd f~,rther, that sucY~ equipment wii.l ~e ~3E.preciated by the nan~ed g~s c~mpany aver a five year period a~ ~t~h~ rat~ ~f 1~60~th per mc~~.~h g AND FUR'~'HE~, ~in the event the Afilant:ic Ri.c~ifiel~ Oi~ ~Q.~cnpany d~~s no~~ re~eive the forthcoming annual contra~:t fr~m the City of A~rE~yo Grande far pur- chase of gasoLine and diesel fue1, ~hen such p~her gasoline supplier sha11 absorb the undepreciated port.ion of th~ eq~aipment cast, thus eliminating any cost t~ the City for the equipm.en:t in question, AND FURTH~R., that the Mayor arid th~ Ci~y C1erk be ~~.thorized to sign such agreemento Motia~ ~~~nan~im~a~us~y ~~rried. W~LCOME AND INT'R~)DUCTTON BY MAYOR WOOD Mayar Wa~d extendec~ welcome ~r~etings ~:o MrsA NewE"Ll W, Strother, new Commissi.one.r ~c1 ~hc P~rks and Recreation Commission; N~wel1 W~ Strr~ther, PLanning C~~jmmissivn Chairm,an; and Noland Garrison, Commissioner on the Parking Gommissic,n; anc~ Martsell Dexter, Planning Commissi~n Member~ AMENDMENT OF CONTR[~CT B~7'WEEN CTTY AND STA.TE EMPLUY~~S RETIREM~NT AFF~CTTNG POLICE AND F~IR~ P~RSIJNN~L ONLYa R~~,-LHANGE OF RETI.REMENT A.G~ FRON1 THE CURR.ENT AGE 60 7.'0 5 5 ( F~ RS T READI NG ) After review by the City A.dmini.st:ratar, and affier resultant Cvuncil disc~.ssion and apprc~val, the s',xb;je~t 4~rdinan~e. was read in its entirety by City Att+~rne,y J~hn Seifiz, thu~ constit~x~-ing its firs~~ readin.g, R~C~IP'1' OF R~SOLUTTON BY STA.T~ A.SSEMBLY OF GA.I.,T.FORNTA LEGISLATURE ~R~ w PR.OPOSED BICENTENN:LA.L CEI..~:BRA.TT.ON FOR STATE IN 1969 This r.es~l~.ti.~n was re.~~e.:ived by the ~aur.~~:i1 and af~ this time is primarily a matrer ~.f itifarma.t:i<m azzd a.nno~a.~.c:ement of a pc~ssibLe forthcamin,g ceLebrat:i~n i.n 1969~ co~nmemor~a.ti.ng t:he f~.rst now- historical develr~pmerlts arid di~cc~v~ries c,f ~alifornia, iAe., discovery ~f tkie l~ay ~~f S~n ~'r°ar~~i.sc~~, es~ablishm~:n~ of the first settLement in Sar~ Di_ego, establishznent af se.~c>nd permanent settLement in City c~f Mc,n.terey, and th~ f~~,;~di.ng c~f first Calif~rnia Missions, a11 in fihe years ~769 and 70. A.s a rr~atter of int~res~C, Gaptain Gasp ar de Portola a~tually did g~ thr~ugh t'he. Arr~y~ Grande area in the year 1769 r~Y~ 70 ~ APPOINTM~NT OF PL[~NNTNG CC~MM'.[SS.TON :MEMBER 'I"0 FTLL VA.C,ANCY CREA.'1.'ED BY ~ ~ WAYNC C re M~TL~ S RCST.GTVATTON At the Ce~unci7_'s directi_c~n, t;his n~atter w- ~_L be heLd i an ~ey- ance until the ne.xt r~egular CourtciL m~e.tixig, E~TA.BLTSHM~NT' C)F 130ULEVA.RD S"I`OP STGNS - NvE„ GORN~R OP FA.IR OA.KS ~V~NU~ A.T ~I;M S'I'R~~ A.I~D S., E ~ G(1RNER OF ~LM AT Fl~.T R OA.KS A.ND N. W, C~JRNER OF ~~~laM ~AZ' ~"ARRET, ROAD ~ BY~ RESOLUTTON After revi~w by the. Cit:y A.dn~i.rl~.srrator af the need for e~tablish- m.eni.~ c~f certa_i_n tr.affi.c ~~~r~tr,+:rl by stop signsq prcmpt~ed by t'he improve- ment ~af ~1m as a cr<~ss~-~~t~c~wn t~i+~_Ara-a~.g1~~i~ax~e, and affie~r C~ounciL discussion, a res~l~~i.on was read i.r~ ils eritiret:y by t:he C'ity A.t:tc~rney, _ 3 27~ CITY COUNGIL ,7UZY 26, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF`ORNIA PAGE 4 RES OLU°TI ON 'NO o 710 RESOLU`TION OF '~HE CIT'Y GOUNCIZ OF 'I'HE CI'~Y 0~° ARROYO GRA.NDE, AU2'H~RIZING E~T°ABLISHMEN'T OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNSo On motion by CounciLman Burt, sec~onded by Co~zncilman Leuine and on the following ro11 call v~te, to wita AYES: Counc~Lwoman ThDmpson, Councilm~en Levine, Schlegel, Burt and May~r Wood, NOESo None, ~ ABSENT: None, the foregoing ResoLution was adopted this 26th day of JuLy, 1966, ~UTHORIZATION FOR MAPPING AND SURVEYING OF STREAM BED OF ARROYO GRANDE CREEK FROM BRIDGE TO MASON STREETS The City Administrat~r advised the CounciL that the Implemen~tation Committee of the Downtown Merchants' A.ssociation, who had received authority by the City Council to acquire deede ~to the Arroyo Grande Creek area for the purposes of improving and beautifying the creek area, and aLso for park promotional purposes, had encountered the difficulty of specific pr~~per~y descriptions of the cre:ek areas necessary for this proj~ct, and that the need had arisen for such area to be mapped ~nd survey~d to determine the exact property descriptions. After Council discussion, a motion was made by CounciLwoman "Thompson, sec~nded by Councilman Schlegel, that the mapping and surveying of the Arroyo Grande Greek from Bridge'to Mason Streets be authox°ized ~or the beautification project in question, and that an amount not t~ exceed $45Q,00 be expended by the City of Arroyo Grande for this purpose, Motion unanimously carried. ADVISEMENT FROM DIVISION 0~'I~IGHWAYS RE. COMMENCEMENT OF STUDIES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF ROUTE 227 FROM ARRO'YO GRA.NDE TO SAN LUIS OBISPO As a matter'a.f information €or the Council, the City Admi~stratox. advised that the State Division of Highways was commencing their study of this proposed route; ~hat public hearings would be held an this matter; and if, at any time', the City is not satisfied with the route decision, the City of Arroyo Grande can request a pubLic hearing before the Highways Commission t~ present their viecus and recommendations on a proposed alternate raute. RECEI PT OF BIDS ON PAV~NG PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN T'HE GTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~ ~FRONTA,GE ROAD , DOWNTOWN :NTERGHANTS 1 PARKING LOT ON BRANCH S'T$EET , OAI~ BELL AND CORNWALL ' ELM S REETS The Ci~y Administrator reparted that on July 26, 1966 at 2 P,M., bids were received and opened in the Council Chambers of the City Hal1 on the subject str~et paving projects as folLows: Burke Construction Company $ 10,811e10 Madonna Construction Company 9,996.41 Rainey Construction Company 9,674.52 ;~~~r~rected ~'otaLj Ted Watkins C,onstruction ~ompany 9,208.28 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman S~hLegel, that the Low bid of Ted Watkins Construction Coo be accepted, and it is hereby approved, AND FURTHER, that the Mayor be authoriz~d to sign ~he necessary contract on behalf of the City for th~ specific street paving i~nvoLved under such contract. Motion unanimousLy carried. _4_ ~8~ GITY COUNCIL JULY 26~ 1966 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALIFORNIA 1~AGE 5 RESULTS OF DRA.INAGE MEETING WITH CITY STAFF AND GROVEI~ CI°I'Y STAFF RE o NEWPORT AND 18th 'S'~REETS AREA The City Administrator presented the Council with a report prepared by the City°s Director ~f Public Works, dated July 14, 1966, on the drainage prc~b~em in que~tion, prompted by th~ reqrxest on behalf of the Church of the Nazaren~e located on 18th Street, which was presented at this C~uneil4~ meEting on Jrxne 149 1966, Since this City had received no official wo~d from Grover City foLlowing the joint meeting of both. Gity Fo~ces on July 149 1966, the Co~.ncil directed that the City Adm,inistrator correspond with Mayor GharLes Bagw~e~11 and forward the report of our City's Directo~° of Public Works of the 14th Last, and also his report of F'ebruary 8, 1966 re. Grand Avenue Drainagem After inter-~discussion between the Council, the City's Engineering Consultant and the City Administrator, the Cc~~:nci1 con~luded that f urther action on th is matter be held i_n abeyan~e pending receipt - of the Drainage S~udy ELement of the General Plan, being prepared under the City4s 701 Program, which shouLd be received in the very , near future, PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ DAM It was annorxnced ~to ~he G~uncil that ~.n ~.mount of $L00,000 in stat~~ grant monies had been allocated to the Lopez Project. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUN'~'Y SANI7CATION DYSTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT In was announced ~a the Co~anc~l that the dedication ceremony on the over°all project wouLd be helcl Sund~y a~ th.e water treatment pLant site in the Oceano area~ RE UEST BY ROBERT ~OLKERTS FOR VARIANCE IN S~DEWALK GONS'TRUCTION REGULATION~ OF CITY RE, HIS PROPOSEp S3DEWALK CONSTRUCTION IN FRONT OF WEAT~#ERBY ` S FURNI TURE S TORE ON GRAND AVENUE After presentati~n of t~e ~ub~ect requ.est by the Ci.ty Administrator, and after inter-discussion by th.e City Council, City Engineer and the Directar ~f PubLic Works, as~d i~h~ ~~exn~il' ~ resuLtarit de~i~ion, a motion was made by Cs~uncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, that Mr. Robert ~oLker~s' reques~ for sidewaLk construction variance be rejected on the ba~is of safety to the generaL pu.blic. Mo~tion unanimousLy earried, REQUES~' ~'OR ACGEP`~ANCE BY '~'HE C~TY OF QUIT° CLA~M DEED FROM BUCTEN C~MPA.NY RE, LOT SPLIT N0. 72 Mayor Wood rel~nq~ish~d the ~hair to Mayor Pro Tem Thompson stating he had a financial ~nterest in this subject matter and with the Coun~cil's pex°missi~n~ Mayor W~od Left the Council Chambers at 9:06 PoM, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by CounciTman Burt, that th~ Grant Deed from Bucten Gompany, a partnership, b~ accepted by the City, and that the Mayor Pro Tem and Ci~tp Glerk be authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance and further, th~.t said deed be recc~rded, Motion unanimously carrieda Mayor Wood rejoined ~th.e Gouncil at 9.08 P,M,; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson reLinquished the Gh~ir to Mayor Wooda _5_ _ 281 GITY CatJNCIL JULY 26, 1~66 A~ROYO GRA.NDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 SPECIAL THANKS TO P. G. & Ea RE. KINGSf CANYON TOUR 0~ FACILITIES Couneilman Burt extended special thanks to P, G, & E,, through the person of Perry McBeth, for a most interesting and enjoyable trip of such company's Kings' Canyon facilities. ADJOURNMENT On motion by CounciLman Burt, secQnded by Gouncilman SchLegel, and unanimousLy carried, the meeting adjourned at 9e10 P,M, , r ATTES T__ G' !`~I ~ ' ~ G ~~~~C Lerl:c Mayor -6-