Minutes 1966-08-09 283 ~z°~Y ~ota~v~~~ ARR01sO G12A1VDEa ~PaLIF0~S12A AtJGUS"~ 9e1966 °°~."k~e ~~~~r Cou.r?c~l me°~ ~aa reg~xla~ s~ss~oxa va~°~h Mayor LV~od pres3.dinge Upon rol.l c~.13~ C~~rac~l~nro~an Th~mp~~rso C~axncilmen 3aev;~~es Sc~legel and Btzr°~ reg~xt~d pr~sea~°ka PLEDGE 0~° ALLEGIADI~E A~iD INVOCA°~IO1V Mayo~ 1~1ca~d. led ~kh~~ P~~clge Rlleg~.~,nce t~ ~ax~ f~a~a and ~mmed~am tely ~he~~a~ter, Rewe~°~aac1 John Wo Germ~.~.ne of ~~e ~e~~~~ Baptis~ Chbzrch Arroy~ Gra~de del~v~r~d the a.nvas~e~°~~.~an. MINU°I'E APFRO\TAL~ OF~ MEE~°I1VG OF JLdLY 2 6 9 .1966 0 The C~uxnc~~. agreed tha°~ ~he M~.nu~es of °~he mee~~.~g of July 26~h, 1966, Fage 5~ ~s.rnder tkae °~i~le of REQiJEB°3° F°OR ACGEP~°AIVCE BY 'THE CITY OF QUI'~ GLoA,IM DEED ~ROM ~~~°~E1~I COMPANY RE o LO°T SPLT~' N~ 0 72 a~econd ' parag~ap~ao la.n~ 2~ be c~r~~~tecl remd P°Qu~.t Cl~.~.m DeedBP ~nstead ofF" aeGran°t Deed~ea c~.ncl °~he m~rz~°~es b~ approv~d as pre~ared and cc~rrectedo APPROVA.L 0~ WARRAN~'S A mmtioaa was msad~ by ~ou:ac~.lw~amcxn ~'hompson, ~ec~ndecl by Council- man I~~~anea t~Za°~ Gene~~l Wa~r~a~t~ 1V~~ 99 °to ancl ~.~cYbxd~ng No, 151, ~n ~the °t~tal ~,mmun°~ o~ ~56 0 095 0~5 and P~.yx~ll Wca,~rean~s No, '163 to and in~ ~ludi~~ IV~, 257 ~n ~Fn~ t~~etl ~.m~~,n°~ o~ $12 a 115a 17 ~ be a~x°thori~ed and ordered p~~d, NI~°~~o,x~ un~.:~~m~~a~ly ca~r~edo °TREAS~dRER° S REP~R°T ~OR "~Y-~E MO~~'I~ ~l~ ~7L7LY, ~966e ~'he °T~ee~s~.~e~ ° s R~~~~~c mon~h o~ Jaa.lya 1965 ~ was rece~ved by ~he C~ra~G~~. ~,~d ~~d~~ed ~i~ecl, DEPAR~MENTAL MON"~HLY RE~?~R~° k~~? '~YE MON`~Fi OF' ~ULY, 1966 e °T~ae Depnr°tmen°~a1 Mon°~~l~r R~~~r~ ~ar °~he mon°~}a of Julyo 1966, vaas rece~.ved lay ~~ae ~ounc.~Y ~.nd ~~°d~~ed ~~ledo _ ADQP'TION OF ORDINANCE N0. 2~.9 m S'TA°TE EMPLOYEES RE°TIREMEN°T "T~ae C~.ty A°k°t~rney read O~d~nance Noa 219 °~hrough °~he t~tleothere- ttpon, a mo°~~ort was made by Co~a.ncilman Levinea seconcled by Coia.nc~lwoman 'I`hompson, °~¢a d~spens~ w:~t~-a xee~.ding the ba.lan~e the Ordinance. Motion unc~nim~usly ~~irried, ORDINAIVCE NO o 219 AN ORI3II~IANCE 0~ THE CI'~°Y ~OLjNCYL OF° °THE CIT°Y 0~° ARROYO GR,~NDE ALY~°giORI~ING AN AMENDMENT TO ~giE CO~T~°R~l.~°~ BE°PWEEIV Z'HE CITY ~OLFNCTL AND THE BOARD OF ABM2N~S°~RA°~ION OF° °a°FiE CALIFORNIA STATE EIuII'T~~EES ° RE'T°IREMEN`~ SYSTi'EM, On motion ~~u,nci~mar~ 'Levirae, secoa~ded by C~unc~lwoman Thompson and by the folY~va~,ng ~oll ca~1 ~~~e~ ~o~wri~rm AYESo G~ur~ca.l.wom~ra °P~ompson, Gou~x~ciYznen Lev~.ne, Sc]hlegeloBurt and M~yo~ 4Vo~d , NOES: Non~ ABSEN~° o None the ~orego~,ng Ords~nance ~a~s s~d~p~ed this 9th day of Augusta 1966, LE°T°TER F°RAM SI~ COUNTY E~ON, DEVEI.aO~, COMMIT°TEE Corresp~nde~nc~ vaas ~eceived ~°rom t~P Saa~ Luis Obisg~ County Economic Developmer~l~ Commi~itee advisi,ng tha~ t}~re Br~ard ~f Stiperv~so~s had ~ncl.uded $17,500.00 in the~.r ~966-67 B~a.dge°k for a County Economic Developmen~~ a~~i~r~.°~y with a full °t3me p~id Director and reques°ted that the C~,ty ind~.csxte ~the tyge of o~geza~ization they waauld gre~~r to be established, ~'}}~se Coua~c~l ~r~stxuc°~~d tk~e staff to write the Com- ma.ttee r~~°~ify~~g -~hezn ~ha°t °~he Ci~y of Arr~ym Grande had budgeted $1,500000 ~"o~ 19G6~67 ~ox the devel~~am~nt of such Activi°ty and woul.d ?a~ a.vailable upoza xeques~ ra~d tha°~ ~h~.s ea~~~~i would prefer a Co~n~y Comm~ssion t~a~°t•h a Commi°ttee Adv2sory Group, ~I'd'Y COUNCI~ AUGUST 9, 1966 AE2ROY0 G13ANDEo ~AI,IF"~1~1VIA PAGE 2 P~OPOSED ORDIIV~GE P~DOP"£ING NEW 1.~C6 CI°TY CODE (Fi~s~k Read~n ) ~'he Ca~°~y P,°~~orn~y ~~~d the prop~sed Ord~xa~.~,~e t~arough °~he ~~°tle, A1V ORDINANGE O~ °I'F3E CI~ 0~ ~R@YO G1ZA1VD~o ~AI~~~°OId1~IAo ~DQP°TI1~TG °THE ARROYO GRANDE ML)NI~IPA~ ~ODE, T°OGE°THER T~II~.H SECONDARY CODES '~HEREIN ADOP°TED BY REF°ERENCE~ °~~e~eu,p~n a mo°~~o~ was made by Cotxn~~lman S~}alegeY, s~c~r~ded by C~r~nci~,womcsn T°~aom~so~?, d~spen~e tnr~°k]°i read~ng °the b~lt~nce ~f °~}~e Ord~nance. Mo°~~a~. ia.nax~~mous~y cccrr~.edo RESOLtd°I'ION SE'T°TI1VG ~LTB~IC I~EARING ~°OR ADOPZ"ZON 0~° MiJNIGIP.~L CODE °T~ae ~~,°~y A°~~~~x~ey r~~d pr~posed ResoYu°~~.on ~hro~€gh i~s t~°tle~ °ther,e~pon a m~t~~n vaas m~de by Cotzncilmecn Levine~ seconded by Counc~.lm w~sman °Thozngsona ~o da.spen~~ vu~~t}~ reac~~ng °~he l~.lance of ~he Resolut~.on. Niotior~ ux~~r~im~srxs~y carr~~da - . RESOLIB°TION NO o 711 A RESOI~TJ°fiIOIV QF ~HB CI`~"Y 0~° ARROYQ GRANDE ~~XING Z'Y~E °~T1+rI~ AND FL~A~E F°()R A PidB~IC HEARING IN MA.I'TER OF Z'Y-~E ADOP`~TON OF~ "T~IE ARROYO GRAIV~~ MZJNICIPAL CODEo 0~ mo~ki~x~ ~~aa.r~G~:~u~~man °T}aompsonB sec~nded by Coaznc~lman Lev~nea ax~d on ~h~ ~o:Llowv~ng x~~~ ~all sr~~e, °~omwa.~o AYES~ ~`c~~^~lwc~zrdcxn "TSn,~anpson, ~o~unc,~l.men Levine, S~3xl~gela ~~~r°~ c~.nd Mayo~ Wot~da IVOES o Nane ~BSEN~'r 1V~ne ~~e ~~~~g~a~,,~.g ~es~~ia~~~r~ da~.~ ~.d~g~ed ~h~.s 9~h day of Augus°k, 19660 PE~"I"TION REQTJ~S'~IhG A,SSESSMEN~' DISTo FOR PARCELS O~° PROPER°TY EAS'T AND P,D~ACEN°~ "~fJ ~~AC~' NO o ~09 . ~a ~~de~'s~xn, ~,7~0 ~he C~°~y I~.~rect~r o£ Public Works advised °~h~ ~ounc~~ a ~e~~°~:~o*a ~ad b~erx ~~a~.~d ~equ~s°~~ng -~hat the Goaxncil ~nsti~u°te ~~oceedings under °~~e ~~cav~s~ons o£ the Municipal Improve~ men°~ Ac~ r~a~ 1913p ~'o~ ce~~~c~n ~m~r~vemea~ts ~or ~the development of seven pa.r~el.s o~ p~~~e~ty ~y~z~~ ~e~cs~ ~nd adjacent to °Tract Noe 109, as shown on ~~,ban3,-~°~~d ~°Exhib~~ A~' , A~~~r discusszon, a mot~an was mca.de by Cox~.a~ci~msxr~ L.evine, s~c~nded by C~~ancilmaa~ 3chlegel, that the Pe°~~t~~ra, cas s~~m~~~kecly b~ derz~ed ~r.ncl be re~~rxed bacl~ °te~ the pe°titionm ess ~o ~i°t~~~~ 1~ ~o prav~d~ f~~~ ~°~re~~ imp~ovemen°ts by inclu.ding the ps~rc~l ~.d~acent ~n °~~e ens°~ or, 2~ p~ov~de ~o~ a fu1~.y improved s°treet to i~li.gn r,v~°~k~ °~~a~ ded~~a~ed s°~~e~t as a~otan ~n m~p of T'rac°t Noo 150, and ~~5~ p~t~~~~n~~s b~ advised °t1~a~ ~~e Co~a.a~c~l would reconsider their ~ec~a~es°~ r~f~e~ ea. d~~,~gen°~ ~rxde~vo~ ~~d been irac~de ~t~ comg~y w~°t~ °the ~b~v~ req~~s~so By ~~e ~oTaloanring r~11 c~xll v~~~, to-wi.~: AYES~ C~~a.ra~~l~,vom~~ 'T!h~mp~c~r~o Co~arncilmen Lev~.r~~, Schl~gel, Bsa.~~ a~d Mayc~x° 1~io~,d, 1VOES ~ ~1az~e ABSEIV°~o 1Von~ ' ~the ab~We m~~~cam ~a~s ~~.r~~~d ~his ~°~h day o~ Ax~.gus~,, 1~~60 APPOIdV°TMEN~' OF' PL~~NNI~G GG?IuIMISSIQNER m( Pra~t~~ ~ Af~er C~~.r~~~.~ d~scussa~~a~,, ~ mrt~°t~o~ r,aas mad~ by ~~~a~ci~woman 'I'k~ompsonp s~~~nd~d by C~~:u~~i~_znc~n Lsv~ne, ~h~:-k ~hes~er ~ox~ex be a~poir~ted to ~kh~ Pl~~n~~ag G~mm~ss~onp w~~h ~.is °~erm cs~ ~ervice to ex~ p~re on ~une 30~-h~ 1968o Mot~e~n c~~r~~d. LTAISON ~°ROM P~1NN~NG ~OMM~SSION °~Q CI°a"~' COUNCTL - Ma~o~ 4?1~ad. tia~~GOmed P~ann~ng Cc~mma.~sican~a Dexter -~o °~he City Cou.ncil mee~za~gs as L~r~~~son ~r~zn ~t~~ P~~~nzng Gc~mz~a.ssio~aa ~'~e Counc~l also a.n- s~t~~.~c°~ed ~he s~t~.~~ ~o w;i~e FYa~nna~~ Gozn~aa~ssz~n~~ Schult~ a 1e°t~ter of app~~c~a~ti~n ~"~c;~° ~3~e ~ia~e jc~b ~e kzad dwne ~khe ~a~s~t years as liaisono 2~~ _ ~I°TY ~O~l~~I~. 1~UGLYS'~ 9~ 1~966 ARROYO G131~NI~Eo ~1~LI~~IVIA PP,GE 3 SE'T HERR~iVG ~N ~R~~II3 A~A~ o Ci~R~ l~N~ Gi~'~~'ER I~IS~'l~LLaA'TIO~I l~ m~~a.~an was m~cl~ ~a~r C~~s~~~~m~.~a Schle~e~,o ~~c~~iclecl by ~o~~nc~lmaa~ Bu~°~, l~~ze~9~.~t 2~~d, 1~~6~ ~00~ PoM. be as d~~~ and °time fo~ ~ ~s~b~,~,c F~~a~~.~~~ ~~.me ~ro~~~~y ~~~ld ~azre c~n ~p~~r°~~r~,~~y g~o°~~~~ °~~e ~~~°~~d~,r~~ o~ °th~ ass~s~n~e~t f¢r ~r~s~al~a~~~n o~ c~xrbs aa~d c~~~.~~~~°~ ~x~ ~~~.z~d A~r~eo b~°~w~~za Ha~~y~~ Ro~cl ~~d EYm Stree°to M~t~¢~rn c~r~ied o ~ET°TE~ F"ROM I~~~IA luiP~R L~~TIF°IED S~~io DIS`~, -~'Tr~f~~c Co~z~~s~t~~n a~ V~~.ley ~ R¢~ad a~cl ~~c~~~'~c Il~~~ro C~r~~s~a~rnde~nce w,~~s r~ce~~~d ~~cam °~he L,uc~~ Ma~ YFn~~~~d Scirio~~ Dis°~r~.c~ reqa~~~°~~~~p ~~°~y ~~~~c~~. ~~vest~gate ~~e ~~ss~b~lity of ~ns°~~~.~.~,~r~q ~c1d~°~~.~~.~~ ~~~.~f c~~~x°~~~~ an~ci~~,a~~sm~ ~~e ~n°~ersee~~on o~E ~"~a,f~ic~ ~T~.y ~~,l~~y R~a.d a~s °~h,~ he~vy t~~~~~~ ~reca.~ed cor~gestion and ~~af~'~c ~~~~~do ~'l~~ ~'~.~y D~~ec~~r ~;E ~~b~.~c W~s~ks aa~d Ch~ef o~ ~ol~.~~ ~a~.d z~a~d~ ~~n~~~~~ ~~~s~Z~c~~mn wf ~he .~n~ersec~~.~n ~ncl ~djacent ~ ar~~e~~~~~ ~z~c1 ~d~ris~d °~E~~y ~~~~d r~~°~ ar~°~.ve ~ ~~~s~b~e ~oTL~at~~n ~to ~~e °t~af~~c ~~cab~exnp a~ ~r=~~~ ~~zn~o .A.~~e~ d~~~u~s~.~~~ ~~e ~~~y Co~nc~l ~.z~s~~~xc~ed ~he 1~~.~e~~~°,~r I'~bl~~ W~~ks c~sn~~~°~ S~a~e D~v~s~~ra o~ Higa~~rceys xe~.~,~~~°~~~c~ ~~+~gg~s~~.ox~s ~.nd/~r ~,ss~s~~,r~~e r~g~~d~ng ~}~~s tra~~ic ~~-~b~.ez~a ~~d ~t~ ~a~s~ ~~a~°~~.c~ I~ahrao W~s~ ax~d As~~c~.a~eso Plarrning G~n.s~a,~.~s5~~s, s~,~ay ~]°~e~r m~.g~7~°~ ~~v~ ~n ~~~~~ct~~n ~v~t}~ the Mas~~~ ~~~an, ar~d r~p~~°~ i~~~ ~~,~d~~~s °~6 °~~-s~ C~r~nc~l s~ ~~~e~ meet~ngo `~he D~,~~~°~~s~° of P~ala~~,~ V11~~lss r~~s e~~so ~~s~~.e~~~d °k~ ~t~.c1y the ~easi- b~,l~~~r c~, c~e~}~ ~~~s~~a~c~ ~~~z~~~~~ V~c~ley R~~d Halcy~n ~oado A~`~°~i~RTZ.E EI~~~?~£~~~P~~ ~R ~°O~t~T~Lx~~IC~~ d~ ,~3JASIVA R~~L~ ~?~ka~ ~~°~c~~ ~~b ~~e~ [rt1~rl~s ~d~*~s~d °~~aa 6 °~~a~ L~~~~ D~.m ~~a~stru~~- ~~a~ ~~~~~1~x~~d b~g~n i~ M~~ ~?n o ~ 96a e ~~rd ~rw~.fl.cl be ~dv~.sab~ e ~~c~°~ ~~~~.~,~~na~y ~~gir~~e~~n~ b~ ~a~cl~r~~~C~~. ~hi~ °~~.Yne in ~rcl~r for ~ucxs~a~ R~~.d °~o ]a~ ~~~~~~r~d wY.~°~h c~s~s°~r~a~~~~a~ c~m~~e~ed p~i~~ °t~ ~hat da~e, A mo~~sar~ ~r~.~ made by Co~an~°~Imar~ Bu~°~~ ~ec~ndecl by Counc~lman ~ S~hl.~g~~.~ °~~cc°~ ~~sit~or.~,~~.°~~ox~ b~ c~~c~n~ed ~~r G~cr~.n~ and Taylo~a C~°~y ~~nsba.l.~~~g Em~i~~e~s~ c~zr~~z~ce prel~mia~a~y e~g~r~~~r~r~g ~n the Huasn~ ~~~d Impr~ve~e~°~ P~~je~~o a~966-~~ia Budc~eted I~temo Mot~.ora ~~ar~ ~ed o AGREEMEN°~ °~'O PI~(~E [~TATP~~°E~ BIL~S ON DA'~A F'R~GESSING P~~1.y ~o M~~~e~°~ ~it~r ~l~~~C, adv~~ed the Coun~~~. tha°t a procedure fo~ ~~.e ~~ty ~Tat~r ~~Y~~~g °~o ~e ~~epcr.~~d by Dcata Processin~ had been establs.~~~d, and ~~q~.~~°~~d C~~~~~~ a~~~~~i~a°~.~~n for t~is serv~ceo ~ol- ~~ya~ng ~msa.n~~~ d~s~~,~s~,~~ ~ c~ xc~~°~~~n ~acs~ mc~de by C~~za~c~lcnan Lev~ne, sec~ ~nded by ~~~a~c~~lr~aozn~.n ~`~~~aia~soa~9 tl~~.°~ ~~ae C~.°ty At~~rney be .~n~truc°~ed to p~~~r~r~ ag~°~~me~z°~ be~s,~~e~~a C~~y o~ Arroy~ Grande and S~Co Da°ta Pr~~ess~r~g Ce~°ker ~~r ~~e ~S~r~~s~ of b~.Yling City ~a~er serv~.ce by da~~ ~r~~~~s~~g, rx 1966~67 ~udg~~~d I°tem~ such service it~ commence w~°~h ox~e~f~ti,:~~~ ~~e ~c~~un°t~ ~~r °~;h~ S~p°~embe~ 20th, ~966 ~a~°ter b~lling, M~~~~n ~~~;r~edo CQMPREHE~VS~\8E SEVl1EFi S~`~dD~.' BY ~Q]E~IG I~OEBIG ~ °~I~e ~~an~arehea~s~.,ve S~~re~° ~~~dy pre~a,red by I4~eb~g ~.nd K~ebag was submi~°~ed t~ °~~ae ~o~~~c~~. f~x ~'1°a~~r rev.~evu a.ncl °~he dsa~e of A~g~xst 30~h, : 1966a a~ ~~:30 Fo,Mo ~v~~ t~xa°t~~~v~~y se~ ~~r a jQ~n~ s~~dy ~ess~o~ w~°th the Pl~,n~~r~~ ~wmm~ss~~r~~, t,aa~°~k~ ~~ep~esex~~ci~~.ve o~ Ko~b~~ and Koebig to be pr~sen°~, SOo SI~O ~O~1V"~ S~~YI'~A°TTA1V DIS~'R.IC~' - PROGRESS REPOR~ Gor~~a~~~m~n ~t~~°~ b~~~,f~~r c~mmP~~~d ~n t}°~e So~°~h S~ra Lttis Ob~.spo Coun°~y Sa~~.,°~~.~i~~n D~st~~~°~ PaO~~xn Ho~u.s~°4 ~h~.~h u~rc~s he~d a~~ ~sxly 31a1966, a~k °t~ne °~~~cx°~~.~a~°~ F°lc~~°~ ~x~d ~.dv~s~d °~~sx°~ °~~e pl~~°t ,~s ~n ~'u~Ll op~ra~k~an va~°~~a ~1:~ se~a~~ed n~~a u~a.~g °the fc~c~l~~yv ~ ~ . ~ ` , , - - '~t . , 285 ~o~~z~ ~r~~~ i~~~. ~~~~Y~. e~~~~6 c~,~~°~Rrr~ ~ ~eA ~~~o ~-o: ~~r~~TZ~r~ ~.~.s~°~~°~. ~~°a~~: M~~Z~~° W~.eac3r', ~.va,sed m~~~ ts~: ~~i~=; ` k I~'.~°~°i~.-t~. AL~~~-~ ~p 19,66, ~~e B~~.~cl r~qa:,~s~~ °t~i~a.*~- °~1~. ~:~°~yy . r.~°~. g~z~.~ ~~~-°k~ix~g San~~a;t;s,~ri D.~.s°~~~.~°~° ~s~~ ~3~t~c~~ ea~x ~~gr~ Tl~r°~~ H~~!3;l.s.o A~°~e~ dis~.~~.s~~~o ~ m~:~n° t~ rncarc~ l~° Ca'~n~.~~mz¢n~ ~,Td~~7~o„ ~~xat~d: ~3r~ ~o~,~,aicilmun=, I~~r~r~e,, °~es~t- m.~,~~~x:~~.cs,r. l~ ~ a _ ffi~ ~]i~ ~e~-~:~~; ~a:n~°tg:~`i~n Da:s~-~~~..ct C}iz~~~ e~s~ar; ° ~ ~~~,~rre~~~~~ ~~x vah~ch, ~h~:. aYa.r~~:~c~,°~a~.earr; + ? ~ ° ~ ~3~r~ (~'~a:~ a. tcz; b~ ag~~~. ~~.~anv a~t a;. 1aa~.~~ c~~«, II~~°,a;~ri~ I~~:.~~QN 1~IIo ~S'b°ORM 1~R~i~llv E'R~~~~'~ _~~~So.. ~'o~ TT~rtrm°~* C~ra„ld: S}iigs:ey, C~°ty 1~~~~~~e~.~_ r~~°t~`~:~ t~~ t~Yt~~-+ ld'~ .~o~ I=Ie~a~~~c3c.~ I~n~ o ha.d- l~d c~cxa;:x~ ~;.~i au~~i. ~~r~ $~',,,76~074= ~~n~t -~~e ~~.~y ~rz ~~~z~~:c:°~iara;. wa;~l~ ~s~-~~.i1~1sc~*~.c~a~, ~ tt}~~ ~:=~~~rim D~k-cc3.r~, ~~r-~a~:o.rn° of ~lie Y~a.•L~y;~x~. l~CS~. ~3za~.~~ 1~~ ~i 3~0> ~ mur~"~°: ks~ ~e~u~~i]srres.~ ~~~r~, l~~ ~'a~~rs~~T~,rnr~~ ~7~~7i~a G~;-~y° A~-kts~r~~~r b~: ~~}aax~.~~~el ~~1:~> a E?~~ c~r,r ~1~= C~=°~gja'~ ~~~a; I~~~crc~. ~,~:~~~a RRiL'~F~~"~'Ti~N:-CaC'a'o Z4°t}ao l~`6Fs, L1~TT,'i'~ P~TIl~~> I~Y° ~c~~°r~sp~rnd~nee r,~~.s a ~~e~~~d. ~.~;~azn t3~~ ~T.~~:°t~ 1'~t~~.o.~s ~~sa.~a~rn ¢u~ , ~h~, IIra~°t:~r];. ~°t~.-~es o~- l~:m~~i:csa ~~.q~~s°t:a:a~-g Gi~~s p~c~~.~~.g~ct_~: ~~i~ ~~rs~~~~~ Q~ Llria:°ted Nc.~°t~:~ns I~o.yTo l~ay*~- ~c~ gr~~~.m~~'. 1~~~„ ~ Z~#!~a~.o ~._9;66 css Ursis~ed; Nca~s~~ns Dc:y~ IL~1£~` ~~~~NTAT'S~E; F~R C~?NSQ3.nIII~~I~JISF; ~°I'iJ~Y C.~~M`~TT~; I~ra~ Wc~~d, esd~r,is~c~ ~~ri~,1~ }xad!;: b~~:. ~~s~a,~~~ ~}~at e~: ~~s~~~t~i~.vc~ ~~r, ~h~ ~~:~y ~ko; ~1~~ I~~~Q' Con~~I.~.d+a°t,~,~z~~ ~t~rc~ryc C:omma;°~~e~ 13r~~ ~t~e~s~ ~~.i~~° °t:~< a,c°~.o~e~: 6th,a, ~9f~6:~ canc~'~~ °~ha~°t w~~a.lc~ c~ppc~a,nt su~~, ~ fi~a;a.~ c~ a 3~.at~: me~~~.~~a, r: PROGRESS 1'AYMENT' -~R~15T1~' 1~~E a. 4 iqi`, ~T'!., ~ ~I&"., 7~~1~.0_ P~ mo°ti~n was made by ~or~~a~].~R3~~, T'.~; s~~~. ~~]iT~i '.r ~ Levane thc~t a prdgress gayment ir~ c~m9R~~?. c~.~, ~~;,,,$~'~0 4~' l~ ~.~tt~~~~ ~ c~nd pa.~d to- M e ~7 ~ I-Iexmr~~k p Inc o fo~ °~}ie~ ~;?~~o:~~?e3~~1`~:~ ~~:~~r~: jec:t SS 40a from gialcy~~ Rc~ad °~o Elm S°tr~e°t, b~r °t*~~ D~rector o£ Public Worlc~a Mot~on ~arri~d, AD.JOURNMENT Ori motior' ; by Cou,nc~.lm~.n Lev~,r~e, secc~nd~d b~r Councilwoman 'I'3~:c~~3~:,,:. and unan~m~rzsly carr~.ed, tk~e meeting aclj~tx~ned a:t 9035 Pb.M; unt~:~: 7,::3.~7 Poluio A~z~us°k 1a~}°~~ ~.9660 ~ . ~~'''~-~~-h,,,~' ' ~ , _ ATZ'ES'I' : Ci le~k Mcxyor . _ e . GP=~~ ~1a yo r ATTESTe ~J ~ ' City rk I, POLLY So MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, ~ounty of San Luis Obispo,State of California do hereby certify tha~: the foregoing Resolution No. 711 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resoilution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City ~of Arr~c~yo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the 9th day of August, 1966~a WITNESS my har~d and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this ]Oth day of August, 1g66, City Cle , Ca~ty of Arroyv Grande 4 , 1 ~ ~ r