Minutes 1966-08-23 29~ CI~Y GOUNCIL AUGUST 23, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALI~ORNIA PAGE 1 The C~~y Goun~il me~ ~n regular sessi~n w~th Mayor Waod pr~siding. Upon ~oll ca~l, C~unc~lw~man Th~mpsono Councilmen Lev~ne~ S~~Yegel, and Burt repor~e~ presen~. PLEDGE O~ ALLEGIAlVCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wo~d led ~he Pledge of Alleg~ance to our flag~ and ~mmed~at~ ely theren~~e~, Reverend Glenn Peters of the Firs~ P~esby~er~~~ Church o~ Arroyo G~ande, del~vered the ~nvocatione MINUTE APPROVAL OF MEETINGS OF AUGUST 9th AND l~th, I966o The minutes o£ ~he regular meeting of August 9~~~ 1966 and the reg- u~ar adj~urned meeting of Augus~ 17th, 1966, were app~oved as prepareda APPROVAL OF° WARRAN°TS , A motion was ma.de by Councilwoman T'hompsona seconded by Counc~lman Levine, that General HTa~rnnts Noe 152 to and ~nclud~,ng Noo ~82 ~n the total amoun°t o~ $30a078,56, and Payroll Warr~n~s Noo 258 °to and includ- ing No. 332, in °~he °~c~-kal amount of $10,771.01 and T°rus°t ancl Agenc~ Warrants Noe 597 to and ~racluding Noo 623 .~n ~he to°~al amount of $160,00, be au°thorized and ordered paid. Motion unanimously carried, CENTR.~I.~ BUSINESS DIST'RICT' MEET'II~G REQUESTED BY Ao Ge MERCHAN'TS. °The Ci-~y Administra°tor adv~.sed the Gounc~l °tha°t c~rrespondence had been ~ecea.ved f~om °~he Downtown Merchcxn°ts, regtxesting ~ consultation with °the Cota.ncil, Ci°~y Plcenn,~ng Commission, Ci°ty Pa.rking C~mm~ssion, Cen°tral B~asiness Distric°t Committee and Stone and Yo~ngberg °to discuss °the possiba.lities, me°thods and results of an improvemen°~ clis°tric°t for the Central Business Distxict, Mre David Loom~s was p~resent and spoke in favor of the meeting being arranged as the Merchants Assoc~.at:~on was interested in °~h~ me°thad, cost, etco, of improvement dis°trictsa After discuss~on, a mo~ion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Burt, that a meeti~ng be held on August 30th, 1966o and a represent- ative of S°toa~e and Youngberg be requested to attend °the jo~nt meeting of the Ci°ty Cotxncil, C~ty Planning Comm~ssion; City Parking Commission nnd the Central Business Da.strict Committee of the Down°town Merehants Asso- c~ation, °to disc~u.ss the feasibility of an improvement distric°t for the Central Business Distr~ct. Moti.on carried. REVENUE AND BUDGE°T 1~EPORTS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1966, °T}-~e Revenue and Bixdget Repor°ts ~or °the month of ,~uly, 1966, were rece~ved by ~he Coixncil and ordered fil.ed. PROCLAMATION SEP~'e 18-24, 1966a 'BNATIONAL, HIGHWAY WE~K"e Corresgondence was rec€:~ved from °the L~gue of Cal~.~ornia Cities sixggest~.ng widespread obser~raaace of the con°tribution that our highwciys, s°tree~ts and roads have made ghe safety, convenience and driving plea- sure of m~~~ris°~s, Mayor Wood proclaimed September 18 through 24, 1966, as 90Nat~o~.al H,~gh~vay Week°B. CI'I'Y OF° ~ARPEN°~ERI~ ls°t, ANNIVERSARY OF INCORPORATIONm Correspondence t~aas received from the City of Carpenteria inviting the A~royo Gra~de Council ~ko participa#e in the celebration of the~r First Ann~versary as an incarporated City during °the weekend of Sep°~em- ber 24-25, 1966, Any members wishing to a~ttend vve~e requested °to not3fy the C~ty Administra°tor, who tnrotial.d make reservatioz~s, REPRESENTATIVE ~'ROM A. G e TO LAFCO REORGANI~A'TION COMMI`I'~'EE . Corresp~ndence was received ~'rom the Executive Of~.~cer of'°the Local Agency F'orma°tion Camm~ss~on nota.fying the Gouncil °that the California Governmen°t Code p~ovided that the Reorganization Committee to study con- solidat~.on shall be comprised of appointees represen°king each subject City or Distra.ct that 1~.es ~aithin the boundaries of the proposed con- sol~.dation, and rec~uested that the City of Axroyo Grande appoint a repre- sentativeo A~~er discuss~on, it was agreed no appoin°tment be made until ~ecommendc~tions :for ~ r~prssentative could be reviewed~ and ~that the appozntmen°~ be made priar to September 30th, 1966, The letter also out- lined the Com~~,ttee° s organization, procedu~es, e~ca ar~d st~.°ked ~that October 6~ha 1966 has been designat~d as the ~a.rst me~ting cla#ea , CI°i°Y COtTIVC2~ AUGiJS°T 23,1966 ARROYO G13ANDEo ~ALIF°ORNIA P~1GE 2 PRESEN~'P~TI~N OF° '~HE 1966m 1967 MUNICIPAL BUDGE°T ~'k~~ C~.~y l~clm~n~s°~ra°~or presented f~nal cmp~~s ~f ~~e ~,~pr~ved 1966- 1967 Mu~aic~pal B~dc~e°t t~ t}-xe Ci°ty Council, RESOL, N0. 712 - SE°~°`TI1VG GIT'Y TAX RA'TE FOR ~°ISGAL YEEF1~ 19Fi6~~i7e `The City l~tto~ney read °the proposed Resolut~on ~~a~o~g}~ a~~s t~~le~ °~hereupon ci mo°t~on ~aaas made by Councilwomax~ °I'hmmpsoa~a ~eco~d~c1 by Cotznc~l~ man Lev~nea to d~sp~nse da~.th reccding the bcxlance ~f t~Ze Res~lu~~one Mo°t~.on unanimously ~ar~~.ed. RESOLUT'ION NO, ~12 A RESOLU~'ION OF° THE CITY COtJNCIL OF~ °~~E CI°I"Y OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, F°IXING "~°HE AMOUN~° OF' I~IONEY NEGESSARY T0 BE RAISED BY °TAXA'TION FOR °~HE ~L~RREN°~ F°ISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JiJLY 1~ 1966, P~IVD ~IXING ~'HE RATES OF TAXES F°OR SLJGH F°ISCAL YEAR. On mo~~~n by ~~~x~c~.lman Burt, seconded by Gounc.~lman Sc~legelo and on °k~e ~~l~o~nr~.ng ~~11 call vote, to-wit: ° Pa~ESo Counc~lwoman Thompson, Councilmen Lev~ne~ Schlegel, Bur~ and Iulayor Wood e NOESo 1V~ne ABSEN"~'° 0 1V~ne ~he f~rey~a~~ag Res~l~t~~n was adopted this 23rd c1~,y ~f A~,gust, 1966, LUNCHEON HONORTN~ StJMMER YOUTH EMPLOYEES WITH CITY OF° A, G. P~ mat~on wc~.s made by Councilwoman °I'hompson, secondecl by C~~ncilma.n Schleg~le that the ~~~y ]~ost a luncheon a°t the Wish~ng We11 Res~nuran°t on Aug~zst 29the 1966, a~ 12000 Noon, h~nor~ng °~he Summer Youth Employees tha~ w~rked ~or °~he C~ty of Arroyo G~~.nde. Mo°~imn ca~°r~edo , Mayor Wo~cl ins~ructed °the City Adminis°~rator °to wri°te °to °the County Board of Educa~~,~n express~ng the City's apprecia°t~on for the work these yout]°i did the Gi°~y during the summer. INt1I~'A°~ION BY SLO CO o S~iERIFF-CORONER TO GAS DEMONSTRA°TION ~ E°TG e Correspondence vaas rece~.ved from Le R, Mans~~eld, San Lra.~.s Obisgo Couxx~y She~iff-C~ronera ~nviting the Mayor'and C~°ty Counc~l to attend si Gas Demons~~a°k~~ne P~~°~ol Shoot and Barbeqrxe on September 17~h, 1966, a~ °~~e Sl~~~~~~ ° s Ga~n Range, a.n See Canyon. Mayor Inlamd advised ~hat he wotx~d a°~ternd ~the demons°trat~.on, and any other members who wished ta at~erad vaere to no°~~~y °~he C3ty Administrator so ar~angements could be made, PUBLTC HEP~RING ~ SPRF~I~ING OF ASSESSMEN'T - CURBa GUT°~°ER AND DRIVEWAY APRONS ON GRAND AVE. T°he C~°~y l~dm~ra~stra°tor briefly reviewed that G~xrb, Gutter and Dr~vetway ~~rons had been ~nstalled on the nor°th and sou°th s~.de of Grand Avee ~'rom Halcy~n R~ad °to Elm Street under the 1911 Short Assessmen°t D~.s~r~ct procedureo °~hat the work had been completed, and ~he cost of the irxs°~allt~~~on h~d been spread to the var~otzs proper~~.e~, Z'h~s be~ng °~he da~e, time and place for a public hearing on the Sp~ead~~g of Assessment for installation of Curb, Gut°~~r, and Driveway Aprons ~n ~rand Aven~e between Halcyon Road and Elm S°treeto Mayor Waod declared t~:~s hectrang was now open and all persons fo~ or agains°t °this Assessme~n°t ~nrould noua be heaxd. There being no persox~s ~o speak for or aga~ns°t the Assessmen~ Spread, Mayor INood declared ~he hear~ing closed. °The City A°~°~orne~r read the proposed Resolu~a~on ~hro~xgh ~°ts °ti°tle, thereupan a zno°t~.on was made by Councilman Levi~aea seconded by Cmuncil- ~aoman °I"~xompson, t~ c1.~spense with reading the balance of °the Resolution. Mo°~iorx una,na~mo~sly carr~ed. 293 ~ITY ~OUN~IL AUGUST 23, 1966 AR~OYO GRANDEo CP~LI~ORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLUTION NOa 713 A RESOLU~ION OF THE CITY COUN~IL O~ ~H~ CI°~ 0~ ARROYO GRAIVDE CON~IRMING THE REPORT 0~ ~HE S~~~R~ IN~ENDEN~ OF STREETS AND LE~IYING ~SSESSME~~ FBOR ~HE INST~L~TION OF CONCRETE CURBo GU~~ER AND ~RIVEVlTAX APRONS . On m~~ion by Counc~lman Schlegel, sec~a~ded by ~~s,~~~~l~ar~ ~~rto and ~a~ ~he ~~l~ow~.ng ~01~ cccll vote, to-wit: AYESo C~urnca~lwv~man Thompson, Counc~~,men I~ev~neo Sc}~legeYa Bur°t ar~d Mcx~r~~ VIT~od a lVOESm None ABSEN°T o IV~ne °the f~~~going Resolu°~,~~n saas adopted this 23rc1 s~..~y o~ Aug~s~o Y956o P130POSED ORDINAI~T~E ON ABA°TEMEN°T OF ACCUMULA`TED WAS~°E MA°TERIAT.~m A prop~secl Ord,~raance ~xad been sub~i#ted -to the Cmt~nciY ~o~ °the~.r rev~.ew ancl ~tucly pr~~r to the meeting. A~ter d~sc~a.ss~.on, ~t rnras agreed °tha°~ n~ ac°t~~n be ta}cen a~ this time, and the City Atto~raey be ~nstruc°ted °t~ amernd ~h~ p~oposed ~rcl~.nance to include the pers~n or pe~~~ns in pos- session m~ °t~e p~ezn:~ses as a responsible party as we~l as t~e owner of the propex~yo SE°T PLJBLIC I-~~A~YIVG F°OR NEW ZONING DIS°T. AND AMENDING ZC~NE DIS"~oMAP (GBD) P~~,nn~,ng ~oznan.iss~on Resolu°tion No. 66-32 Zs ADOP°~ING A NENT ZONING DIS~'RIC~' (~EN"~°RA~, ~dTSINESS DISTRICT) AND AMENDING ~'FiE ~ONE DTS~°RI~'T MAP~ AND RECOMMENDING °~0 ~'HE ~I°TY COUNCIL FOR 'CHEIR AC°~TO1~T A1~tD ADOP~'ION, had been submit~ed °~o ~~e C~~.nc~.l for °their review. A~'°ter d~scuss~on, a mo°tion vaas made by Counc~lwoman Thompson, seconded by Coixa~c~lman Levine, that Septemb~r 13tho 1966, nt 8:00 P,M. be set as °the cla~e and t~.me for a E'rxbl~,c Hea~~rag ~o~ ~he Creation of a New Zon.~ng D~st~ic~ and Amending ~he 2one D~str~,c~t Map (Cen°tral Business Distra.ct)e Mot~on carr~ed, F'I~ANT°ING Q~° MEDZP,jIV S°~RI~S ON GRAND AVE. BETWEEN HA~~C~O1V 1~D m~ ELaM S°T o °~"}ae ~~~y Acl~n~nis~rator br~efly reviewed °~he repor°t of Mr, Gallopa Parlc Di~ec°~~r, s~ggest~ng two areas of the Median Strips on Grand Ave, be plan°~~d with easy care ground cover, Mahonia~ 'Tamar~.x Jia.n~per, or Gcizan~a~ ~nr~ic}-i va~iald require not more °than 60 °to 70 hot~rs per year to ma~n~a~no ~1 mo°t~oa~ was made by Councilman Schlegel, secondecl by Gou.nc~l~ man I.~ev~ne, that °~he areas that cou,ld be planteda be planted wi~hoia.~ a l~ner of 2 x~.2 ~~ugh czat x~edwood a with other °kype o~ gro~xnd c~ver that woaa.ld no°t exceed a two ( 2) f~o°t growth, i~' Mahon~a wor.xld exceed °th~s he~ghto and ~)~e rema~n~ng areas ~hat could not be plan~ed, be paved and fin~shed ~n greex~o Mot~on carried, DISPOSI'~IO~V QF" GI~ OWNED HOUSE A'T 1194 FAIR OAKS AVIIViJE, ~'he C~ixr~c~ l ins~rixc°ted ~khe City A°ttorney °to prepar~ a Resolution, decla~~ng ~he G~~ty owned 'ho~ta.se at 1194 Fair Oaks Av~nrxe as sixrplus pr~per°~y~ sa~.d ho~se t~ be ~pen for bid to p~xrchnse as ~°t not~v ex~s°ts and be removed fxom ~he premises. PROGRESS REPOR°T O1V LOPEZ DAM. Mr, B~rn, County Hydraulic Engineer was present and rev~.etn?ecl a wr~.°tten mon°~hly rep~r~ pregared by his office for the wor}~ accomplished on ~he Iaopez Projec~ ~hrough July 31, 1966, and advised ~hat ~eports on °the p~oj~c°t would be made each month in the fu°ttiare, M~, Bs~rn adv~sed Counc~.ILman Schlege~., °thafi a fee would be set t~ opera.te and ma~nta~n °the ~ec~ea,~~onal ~ac~l~.°ty, vvith a slight overa.ge to prov~de for fu~ure developmen~, a,nd any excess funds would remain in °khe ~~ne 3 Ar,ea only. WO1~~SSI-~OP SESSION OIV S~ENIC HIGHWAY, OCT. 18°th, 1966 e ~~r~es~ond~nce ~nras ~eceived from the Divis~o~ o~ High~ay~s stating that a~ro~kshop s~ssioa-i on Scenic Highvaays will be held October 18, 1966 a~ 9000 a.m, ~.n the San Lu~s Obispo Council Chambers for the purpose of rev~evaa~,~n~ ca.nd d:~s~~.ss~ng procedures for declaring O.£ficial S~ta°te o~ ~~~a~.~y Scen3,c Highways aaad ~to answer ques~kions conce~°n~ng s~eni~ highm W~vS, `Tha C°n~~ntr~i 1 ~ r)~°}~rr+~°!-a~rl (:.1.~~ AC~ICl7..I17..S°kKQ.'kUC °kd 4~7.°t@ t0 ~~'1~ 2~~ CITY GOUNC:~L AUGUST 23, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Workshop sess~.on on Scenic Highway - conta.nueda Division of Highways and request the date of the meet~.ng be changed, as the time scheduled conflicted with the League of Gal~~orn~a C~°t~es Annual Con~erence, and some Cities would not be able to have represen~a°tives present. PROPOSID RE~ROU°TING OF STATE SIGN ROUTE N0. 227 Mr. Andexson, Director of Pub~ic Works, submi°tted a r~port on a meet@ ing with the Division of Highways on'August 10,'1966e rega.rcling ~he~.,re~ routing of Highway No. 227 through the City of Arroyo Graazcle, and briefly reviewed tha~ there were five preliminary routes now being considered,and in his opinion only two of the routes would be accep°~able for the City. REPORT ON VALLEY ROAD TRAF'FIC PRCIBLEM The Direc~or of Public Works submitted a report on ~he 'Traffic Prob- lem at Valley Road, with the following suggested mecxsures that could be undertaken to provide possible reliefs`1) Provide 4 traffic lanes on Valley Road from Traffic Way to the'High School, 2) Recons#ruct curb re- turn at the Northwest corner of Valley Road and Traffic Way, 3) Install a Stop sign at the Southwest .corner of Orchard and Valley Road, 4) In- stall Stop signs on °Traffic Way at Va11ey Road, and 5) request the School District to install concrete sidewalks ddjacent ~o Valley Roade 'The City Administrator advised that no'funds had been budgeted for this project for 1966-67. The Council requested the Administrator review the budget and determine if funds could be obtained fxom other budgeted projects. The Council instructed the City Administrator to correspond with the Lucia Mar Unified School District and request that they install concrete sidet~niks for the property owned by the Distric~, adjacent to Va11ey Road. The City Attorney read the proposed Resolutiom through its title, thereupon, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman ~ Levine, to dispense with reading the balance of the Resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION N0. 714 A RESOLUTION OF 'PHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS. On mo~ion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thpmpson, and on ~he following roll call vote,-'to-wi~: AYES; Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 23rd day of August, 1966. A motion was made by Councilman Scl~].egel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that authori2ation be given far funds to be used at this time from Account No. 165e19, Street Mnintenance, to reconstruct the curb re- turn at the Northwest corner of Valley Road and Traffic Way to permit adequate turning radius from Traffic Way. Motion carried. PROGRESS REPORT ON S0. SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT. The City Administrator reported that constructian on the Sanita- tion District facilities have been completed and the plant is operating very satisfactory. He also advised that the Service Charge for the sewer in the City will be billed with the October 1, 1966 City Water billing. ~95 CI~'Y ~Q~T1~t~I~ ? AUGtJS°T 23, 1966 ARROYO G1?ANDE o GALI FUR1V IA PAGE 5, SLO COUiV°~'Y PL~ILNN. COMMm S°~'UDY SESSTON-RECREA`PION £~EMEN°T O~ MAS°TER PLAN. I°~ vuas cl~scussed that the San Luis Obispo C~tznty Pl~~,r~~a.ng Commission wo~zld have a s~~dy sess~on on the Recreation Elemen~ o~ the Mas°ter Plan £or the Goun~y, on 1~lugust 24, 1966, and that °the Recreat~on Element as proposed suggested n by-pass road along the Pism~ and Oceano ~eaches ~or veh~cular °traf~ic, vv~.th the beach itse,lf being reserved for the wallc~ng publ~.c, 'The C~.°ty Administrator was directed to wri~e a le~ter to °~he Goun°ty Board ~f Sugerv~sors urging the u5e of the be~ch for vel~~cle °traf~ fic remain and requesting that the City be nota.~ied any .znee°~~.ngs °that wa~ll af£ect the South Gounty Area. Par}c and Recreat~.on Commissioner Mrs. Str~ther would be in a°t°tendd ance at the S~udy Session to be held on August 240 ~.9660 NEW COLORS FOR A. Gm CIZ'Y EQUIPMEN.T. The Ci~y Council agreed that all. City equipment tnr~ll be pa,~nted Yellow aa~d ~lac}c in the future, instead of` the grey nowr being izsedo PROGRESS ON CORPORA.°TION YARD AT ELM STREET PROPER°TY, I'he Ca.ty Adznin~.s~rator advised that the Corporation Y'ard a~ Elm Stree°t was in t}~x~ process of reaching ct~z~pZetion and occ~xpa°tion of° °the bu~ld~ngs would be started on September lr 1966, ADJOURNMENT On mo~kion by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Cotxnc~ltaoman Thompson, az~d unanim~usly carr~ed, the meeting adjourned at 10:01 P,Ma until 7:30 P,M, on Augixs°t 30th, 1966, ~ AT°TES°T~ GI LERK MAYOR