Minutes 1966-08-30 2J~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA AUGUST 30, 1966 CITY COUN~IL • The ~i~y Council met in ~d j~u~ned ~e~sion ~ri~th the PLanning Com- - m~.ssion and the Parking Gomm~~~i~n ~f t~.e G~.ty ~f Ar~royo Grande, , and the Downtown Merchants ° A.ssociatio~. ~ U~ot~. rolY. ca11 ~ C~un.c~.Lw~man Thompson, Gouncilmen Levine, S'chlegel9 Burt and Mayor Wood rep~~ted present~ COMPREHEI~SIVE SEWER S'I'tJDY ~'OR ENTIRE G~TY OF ARROY~ ~RANDE Keith Tranbarger of R.~eb~g Kc~ bi~ g, Inc~ discus~ed irt general terms the resrxlts of his c~mpar~.y p s Co[npreh.ensive Secver S~udy for ~the City of l~rroyo Gr~,nde~ Mayor Wood caYled rxpon a~.1 members preserr,-~ ~to ask any questi~ns they wished on this mattera A~ter a great deal ~f discussion, ~he Council thanked Mr~. Tr~nbarger fox° his assi5~tance and reporta Mre Lee Mitch~ll of S~one & Youngbex°g ~hen gave a rep~rt on the various meth~ds of financing possible under Sta~e ~e~i~Lation with regard to Pa~°king Dist~icts and Impx°overrten-t Dis~ricts, After a great deal of d~scussic~n on th~s ma~~er9 th.e City Council thanked Mr. Mitchell for~ his assistance ~nci time, ADJOURNMENT On. motion by C~ur~ciLman Levine, seconded by Councilmar~. Burt, and ~ananitnousLy car~°~ed 9 the mee~ir~g ad jc~ux°ned at 9~:30 P.Mo _ ~ MAYOR '~~WiC~j 1 ~ 1 ~~-r rL DEPUTY CITY GLERK