Minutes 1966-09-13 . CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 13, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular ~e~sion wi~l~ M.~~r~r Wood pre- siding. Upon roll calla Council~,~roman Thompsono Goun~ilmen Levine, SchlegeY and Burt reportecl present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led us in tlze Pleclge of All~giance °to our fYago and immediately thereafter Reverend Leonard T. Boyd o~E the Pre~byterian Community Church of Pismo Beach delivered the ir~voca~ion. MINUTE APPROVAL OF MEETINGS OF AUGUST 23a 1966 AND AUGUST 30~ 1966 The minutes of the re~ular meeting of Augus~ 23a 1965 and the special adjourned meeting of August 300 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thomp~o~o seconcled by Council- man Levine, that GENERAL VJARRANTS Noo 183 to ~rid including No. 223, in the total amount of $23a038.57o AND PAYROLL WARRANTS No. 333 to and ineluding No. 408o in the °total amount of $17Lo350.66, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion unanimously carried. REQUEST OF MRSm ERNEST RODRIGUES REo EXISTING CONDITION OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO HER RESIDENCE AT 528 EAST BRANCH STREET After review by the City Administrator of Mrs. Roc1~'igues~ re- quest letter dated August 26, ~966, relative to correction of the disorderly and unsightly concli~ion~ existing on ~the subject City- owned property, which is locatecl adja~ent to Mrs. Roclra.gues 0 propertyo AND AF'TER verbal confirmation to the Council by Mrs. Rodrigues of the matter in que~tiono AND AFTER verbal concu~r~ne~ of such conditions ancl requested rectification by Mr. Frank E. Gain, 540 East Branch Streeto .AND AFTER COUNCIL DISCUSSION; the City Administrator was directecl to have the applicable City forces rectify the now uns~tisfactory condition, (i. e. ex~reme growth of weedso grass0 etc. and aggregate rock pilings, and/ar etc.) of said propertyo and ~to return it to a presentable and acceptable condition, AND FURTHERa the Council d~rected that such City-owned property be maintained at all times in the future in a presentable and acceptable condition. FURTHER, Mrs. Ernest Roclrigues inquired relative ~ko the burm in front of her home ~nrhich `hac~ been reportedly removed by City Water Depar~tment forces at tlze time of a water meter inspection ' and/or repaira but which burm had been inadvertently not restored to its original state0 according to Mrs. Radrigues. The City Ad- ministrator was direct~d by th~ Council ~to resolve and finalize this specific matter concerning Mrs. Rodrigues' property. REQUEST LETTER FROM MID STATE BANK REm CONSIDERATION FOR CITY TO DEPOSIT A PORTION OF CITY FUNDS IN SAID MID STATE BANK After p~esentation by the City Administrator of this subjeet letter from Mid State Banka. under the signature of Carrol R. Pruett, dated August l0 1966~ and further presentation of letter from Bank of America,'under the signature of Myron R. Anderson, dated August 30, 1966`, relative to City funds, AND AFTER COUNCIL DISCUSSION, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilrnan Levine, that ~he Auditors for the City of Arroyo Grande, namely, Diehl, Evans and Co., r+eview, study and present their r~sul~ant findings and recommendations relative to the deposit of a po~tion of any and/or all types of City funds in the Mid State Bank, located within the City of Arroyo Grande. Motion unanimously carried. -1- ~9~ CITY COUNCTL S~P`I°EMBER 13, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE a CALIFORNTA p1~GE~ 2 TREASURER ° S REPORT - AUGU~'I°o 1965 The T~°ea ~ure~ a~ Repor°t f or tlze month of Augu 0 19 66 B wa s received and review~d by °t`he Council ancl tlzereaf~e~° c~irectecl to be placecl on file. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPOR'I° - AUGUST~ 1966 The Departmental Month~y Report for ~t1-ie mor~~`h of Augusta 1966a wa s reeeivecl ancl revievsecl by ~the Council o ancl '~`hereafter c~irected to be placed on fi1e. PERSONNEL - CITY OF° ARROYO GRANDE 39 As a matter of in~ormation for the Councilo it was brought to their attention by the City Aclmini~tr~~or t`hat °tlze City now employs 39 permanent fulTtime employees. APPOINTMENT OF° CITY REPRES~N~I-~TIVE TO LAFCo REORGANIZATION COMMITTEE MARVIN HARTWIG After Council discussiona a motion wa~ made by Coun~iTman Burt, seconclecl by Councilman Schlege~Lo t`~at Mz°. Marvin Har~v~rigo 923 Farrel Roac1„ Arroyo G~ande~ be appoin~ecl to repre~~nt °the City of Arroyo Grancle on t`he LAFCo Reorganization S°~uc1y Committee for the proposecl consolidation of ~l~e Five Cities Areao Motion unanimously carried. FURTHER DISCUS~ION BUSTNES~ LICENSE REQUIRENIENTS F"OR REAI~ ESTATE BROKERS DO~NG BUSINESS IN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE"BUT NOT MAINTAINING AN OFFICE IN SAID CTTY Af~er pr°esentation by the City Ac~minis~ratoro and af ter Council discussion, a motion wa~ made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levinea that all real estate brokers doing business in the City of Arroyo Grande but not maintaining an office ~ri~hin the City will be requir°ed to purchase annually a City business licensea and i.f in the period of a current bus~ness license year such a real estate broker does not negotiate more ~han tvro real estate transactions within this City, such real e~tate bro]cer may elect (1) to have the appropriate amount re~undecl to himo OR (2) to have the appro- pr°iate amount applied on the upcoming annual business license fee. Motion unanimously carriecl. RENE6VAL OF ANNUAL LEASE BETWEEN Ym HIYAMA AND CITY FOR 16 ACRES OF CITY-OWNED ELM STREET PROPERTY Af~er factual presentation by ~he City Administra~or, and after Counci~ cl~scus~iono a motion was macle by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc~lwoman Thomp~onB ~hat the lease be~ween tlze City of Arroyo Grande as Le~sor ancl Mr. Y. Hiyama as Lessee for a certain portion of the City-o~rned Elm Street property as specifically descr°ibecl in said lease be rene~red effective October ~Lo 1966 and terminating September 30o Y967o AND FURTHERo that t`he lease in questio be corrected on page three thereofo paragraph nineo by t`he deletion of the following wordsB "including but not limited to the expansion of its sewer plant"~ AND FURTHERo t~hat the Mayor and ~he City Clerk be au~horized ~to execute ~uch lease on behalf of the City. Motion unanimou~ly carried. PUBLIC HEAR.ING - RE o CENTRAL BUSINESS DIS'I°RICT ZONING MAP - FIRST READTNG Upon request by the City Councila the City Administrator gave a report-review of the proposed Central Business D~strict zoning. Thereaftero ~this being ~he c1a~e,, time and place for a public hearing on the subject zoning change, Mayor Wood declared ~tlza~ all conditions as required by law had been meta and he further declared such hearing -2- 29~ CITY COUNCIL S~PTEMBER ~~o Y966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNTA PAGE 3 wa~ now open and a~l pe~~or~~ ~or o~ aga~nst ~tlzi~ ~u~~~~~ ma°tter ~,rould no~r be hearcl. Dr. Jack Penceo ~peaking ir~ ~°ep~e~en~a°tion of ~lze Do~ntor,v~n Merc`hants ° A~socia~ion I~nplementa~ion Go~it~.~~ of ~Yi~,~~h Chairmano ~poke in favor of the propo~ec~ zoninga a~ dicl M~. Fm Kirkpatr~.ckq Pre~ident of t~h~ Dov,~ntovm Merclzan~~ ° A~~o~~a~~on. There being no o~Yie~° per~ons ~o ~peak fo~ or aga~nst the ma~ter in que~tiono Mayor Woocl cle~larecl ~he hearing ~lo~ed~ After~ Council. c~i~cu~~ior~ an~ ~ub~equ~n~ app~ova~ of ~7ie proposed ordinancev ~uch p~°oposec~ orclinan~~ v~h~clz woulcl amencl the existing zoning o~°c~inanee QNo. ~57) ar~cl e~~ab~li~h a new zoning section ~o be ]cnown a~ ~he Central Bu~in~~~ Di~tric~to o~° °'CBD District°'a tira~ reac~ ~;h~°oug`h t~i~ ~it~.~ by tlze ~~~y 1~ttorney for its first reacling. Therea~~e~o a motion v~a~ mac~e by Councilwoman Thomp~on~ se~onded b~ Counci~man Levineo =~o c~i~pen~e yri~th reading the balarice o~ the p~opo~ed o~cl~nance. Mo~ion unanimously ~arried. FURTHER IN THIS CONN~CTIONA tlze Counci~ was advi~ed that the Downto~rn Merc~hants ancl P.G.&~o represen~atives were v,~orking together on ~he possible de~elopmen~ of a ne~r clo~nrntawn ligYi°~~ng proj ect. PUBLIC H~ARTNG - RE~ ADOP`I'TON OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE AND R~~ ORDINANCE ADOPZ°ING °'CODE OF 'I°HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE" (CODI~TCATION OF" ALL CITY ORDINANCE~ ADOPTED TO DATE) SECOND READING The City Adminis~rator gave a report-revie~,u~ of ~uc~h Code from its inception to date. Therea~tera ~~his being th~ date, °time and place for a public T~earing ora ~he adoption of suc`h Code, Mayor Wood declared that all conclition~ a~ required by law ~had been meta and he fur~lzer declared ~ucYi Yiearing was notnr open and a~l per~ons for or agains°~ °~his ~ubject ma~tte~° v,Poulcl novr be lzear~d. T`here being no pe~~on p~r~~~n~ to spea`k for or against the matter in que~tiono Mayo~ Wood c~ec7~ared the hear~ng c~osed. Af°~er Council discussion ancl ~°e~ultant approval~ an o~dinance adopting ~he Code of ~he Ci~.y of Arroyo G~ande was reacl through the title by tlze City A~t~.orney. A r~notion was ~hen made by Councilman Levinea secondec~ by Coun~i~~oman Thompson~ to clispense tirith reacling the balance of °the ord2nanc~. Motion unanimou~~y carriecl. ORDINANC~ NOv 220 AN ORDINANCE OF° `~H~ CI TY OF ARROYO GRANDE o` CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE ARROYO GRZ~NDE MUNICIPAL CODEo TOGETHER WITH 'I°HE FOLLOWING SEGONDARY CODES THEREIN ADOPTED BY REF°ERENCE, TO WIT~ THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITLED "F`IRE PRE- VENTION CODE"4 1965 EDI~IONB INCLUDING APPENDICES, PUB- LISHED BY THE NATTONAZ BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERSo SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE D~LE'~EDa MODI- FIEDo OR AMENDED BY 'I"HE PROVISTONS OF SAID ARROYO GRANDE ' MUNICI~AL CODEo THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITLED "UNIFORM BUTLDING CODE", ~964 EDITIONo INCLUDING APPENDICESa AND THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITLED"UNIFORM HOUSING CODE'; 1961 EDTTIONa PUBLT!~3~D BY '~""HE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUTLDING OFFICIALS9 SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THERE- OF AS ARE DELETED q MODI ~IED OR A1~IENDED BY THE PROVI SI ONS OF SA'ID ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODEg THAT CERTAIN CODE _3_ 3~~ CITY COUNCTL SEPTEMBER 13, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ENTITLED " UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE" 0 194`7 E;I~~:'~ION, PUB- L I SHED BY THE PACI F I C COAST BUREI~U a SA~T~ F~~ ~XCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE DELETEDa MODIFIED OR AMENDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE~ AND THAT CERTAIN CODE ENTITL ED "WESTERN PLUMBTNG O~FI- CIALS' UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE", 1964 EDITIONo PUBLISH~D BY THE WESTERN PLUMBING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION~ SAVE AND EXCEPT SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE DELE'I°EDO MODIFIED OR AMENDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SA~D ARROYO GRANDE MUN- ICIPAL CODEo PRESCRIBING CERTAIN PENALTIES F°OR THE VIOLA- TION OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOFo AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES AS SPECIFIED THEREIN On motion by Councilman Burt, seconcled by Coun~ilman Schlegel, and on the following roll call vote, to v~rit: AYESa Councilwoman Thornpsona Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing orclinance was adopted this 13th day of September, 1966. FURTHER IN THIS CONNECTION, a resolution revising the system of numbering the official ordinances of t`he City of Arroyo Grande wa~ reacl in its entirety by the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 715 A RESOLUTION REVISING THE SYSTEM OF NUMBERING THE OFF°ICIAL ORDINANCES P,DOPTED BY THE C~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES. Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ~ ABSENTs None the foregoing resolution was adoptec~ this 13th day of Septembero 1966. REQUEST OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CIT~ ECOI~OMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REQUESTING RESOLUTION OPPOSITION RE. CALIFORNIA CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES INTENT TO MAKE METAL OFFICE FURNITURE After inter-discussion between the Council and the City Admin- istrator, the Council concluded that this matter would be held in abeyance pending further information to be secured by the City ~taff; PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FIRST READING After inter-discussion between the Council, City Attorney and City Administrator, ~he Council directed that the follawing changes and/or corrections in the presented copy of the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance, dated August, 1966, be made a part thereof: Page 6, under the tabulation listed under °'Where cross slope exceed s 7%" , the proper a nd compl ete i n f orma tio~ s~ta~ ~ be added for a 10 to 20% Cross Slope -(This break- down for 10 to 20/ was deleted in its entirety.); -4- ~o~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 130 1966 ARROYO GRANDEA CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 Page 10, bottom line of pagea the worcl "lancl°" ~~halT be added before "cross" ancl the word ~c~r~~~rt~ of such li.ne shall read a s follo~rs ~ "by Planning Commission ~hen land cros~ ~lop~ exceeds 20/"; Page T3a Sec~ion 13, "b", first line, the worc~~ ~'~e~rage disposal facilities" shall be ~ele~eclo anc~ the vrords "trun`k sewer lines" substitutecl therefor. Upon approval by the Council of the proposed subdivision ordinance with the specific incarpo~ation of the above noted items, such ordinance was read throug~ the title by the City Attorney for its first reading. Immediately thereafter, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levinea to dispense with reading the balance of said ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. P.ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIOI*T - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FEES ESTABLISHED FOR USE OF COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING : (IN PARTICULARo CLEVENGER HALL) The CounciT received the Parks and Recreation Commission ~olicy Statement No. 1 constituting Community Center Builcling Regulations, and after general discussion by the Council„ a moti.on was macle by Councilman S~hlegel~ seconded by Councilman Burt, that the fees establishecl in the aforementioned Policy Statement No. 1, (i.e.o $5.00 per use of the building, but not to exceed $10.00 in any one month for any group not af~iliated with the Arroyo Grande Recreation Program)a for the use of the Community Center Building be approved. Motion unanimous~y carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT OF LAND PRIMARILY FOR PARK PURPOSES FROM MRS. BEATRICE E. DOWER (Location - S.W. Corner Traffic WaV at Freeway) After de~ailed presentation by the City Administrator and after Council discussion, a motion was made b~ Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levinea that the gracious g'~ift of property from Mrs. Beatrice E. Dower be accegted on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande; THAT an appreci~t~.ve and thankful letter be forwarded to M~°~. II~wer fo~° t~-~~ g~~t of land, ANI~ FU~THER tYia~ the Grant Deed for tha~t certain property desc~~bed as a portion of Lot 32 of the Jon~s T~act Subdivision from Beatrice E. Dov~rero a widowo to the City, be acceptedo AND THAT the Mayo~ anc~, the City Cl~rk b~ ~~athorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance, AND THAT said deed be re- corded. Mofion unanimously carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMIS$IO~T REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL TO PURCHASE PARCEL OF SURPLUS LAND FROPQ STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS FOR PARK PURPOSES - (Locat~on - S.W. Corner Traffic Way at Freeway) After review by the City ~idministrator, and after Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the`purclzase of the State-owned property, described as a portion of Lots 33 and 34 of the Jones Tract Subdivisiono primarily for park puxposes, be approved, and that the sum of $255.00 of appropriated budgeted funds be expended therefor. Motion unanimously carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION'S LIAISON TO CITY COUNCIL--SAM CUMMINS A comment of welcome and ~ppreGiation was extended by the Mayor to Mr. Sam Cummins, who was r~centlg appointed by the Parks and Recreation Commission as liaisfln to t~e City Council. -5- 3~1 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 13a 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~.,IFqRNIA PAGE 6 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RE;~UEST THAT GORFZESPONDENCE BE DIRECTED TO SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT ft1~QUESTING ASSISTANCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIaN AND LANDSCAPTNG FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ARROYO GRANDE CREEK AND CORRESPONDENCE BE DIRECTED TO PROPER AUTHORITIES REQUEBTING CONTINUED MAINTENANCE OF SOIL CONSERVATION OFFICE IN CITY RATHER THAN CLOSURE OF SAME After inter-discussion by and Y~etween the Council, City Administrator, Citizen Don Cur~on and Citizen Walter Fil.er, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, se~onded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the City Administrator di~ect ~orrespondence to the proper authority requesting that the ~J. S. Soil Gonservation Office of the Department of Agriculture be actively maintained in the City of Arroyo Grandeo AND FURTHER'; tha~ the City Aclministrator direct correspondence to the proper authority reque~ting the assistance of the U. S. Soil Conservation service~ for engineering design and landscaping for development of the Arroyo Grande Creek primarily in the"CBD" District. Motion unanimously carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMr~ISSION - .~ESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER AL BLAIR, BY LETTER, EFFECTIVE,~~$,4EPTEMBER 16o T966 After presentation of the subject letter by the Ci~ty Adminis- trator, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counci.lman Burt, that the letter of resignation by Mr. Al Blair from active Cc~mmissionship on the Parks and Recreation Commission a be accepted ~ffective this date, AND THAT a letter of thanks and appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Blair in expression of his many civic effo~°ts to the City. Nlotion unanimously carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REv ABATEME~T OF ACCUMULATED WASTE MATERIAL (JUNK ORpINANCE) FIRST READING After review by the City Administrator, and after presentation by the City Attorney of such proposed ordinance with the incorpor~a- tion of ~he various changes requested by the City Council, and after resultant Council approval, the proposed "Junk" Ordinance was read through the title by the City Attorney for its first read- ing. Thereaftero a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, to dispense wi:th further reading of the subject ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. ESTABLISHMENT OF "NO PARKING" ZONE BETWEEN ENTRANCE DRIVEWAYS OF DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' PARKING LO~' ON $RANCH STREET This matter of business before the Council was prompted because of insufficient footage capacity for one full parking space between the subject driveways. After Council d~.scussion a resolution to effect the "no parking" zone as described was read through the title by the City Aclministrator. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense witY~ reading the balance of said resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTI.ON NO. 716 RESOLUTION OF THE CY TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PRQHIBTTING PAF~'I~ING ON CERTAIN AREA OF BRANCH STREET (IN PARTICULAR, THAT CERTAIN AREA LOCATED BETWEEN THE ~ ENTRANCE DRIVEWAYS TO DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' PARKII~G LOT) On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following ro11, call vote, to wit: ~-6- CITY COUNCIL SEPT~MBER 130 1966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 AYES: CQuneilwoman Thomp~ono Gerunci~men Levine, Schlegel ~ Burt and Mayo~° t~ood NOES: NQne ABSENT: None the foregoing Re~olution v~ras adopted this 13th clay of Septemb~ra 1966. DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' PARIfiING LO~' - B1~ANCH aTREE'T' LE'I°'I"ER OF THANKS A letter of t~han`ks from the Downtown Arroyo Grancle Merclzants ° Associationa under the signatu~e of Co-Secreta~y B~lly V~I. Howellsa dated September 9, 1966v was received by the Council ancl read in its entire~y by the City Administrator. Such letter expressecl their sincere appreciation to the City of Arroyo Grande for their splendid cooperation during the construction of t~his parking lot facility, and also ex~ended sincere appreciation to all those city employees vrho so diligently applie~'their efforts ancl skill toward the completion of a most attrac~ve downtown parking facility. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CERTAIN CITY-OWNED PERSONAL PROPERTYs (I.E.s 1194 FAIR OAKS AVENUEo ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIAa~ AS SURPLUS After pre~entation ~oo and discussion bya the City Council, the subjec~ resolution to esta~lisk~ that certain hou~e located at 1194 Fair Oaks Avenue as "Surplus", and to set the date of sale of said ~house to the hic~`he~t a~d be~t bicldera under sealed bids0 for Octo"ber lla 1966 at 2 P.M, in the Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers of the City Hallo vras read in its entirety by the City Attorne~ . RE SOLUTI ON NO. 717 A RESOLUTION FINDING CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS SURPLUS AND ESTABLISHING METHOD OF SALE OF SAID PROPERTY On motion by Councilman Schlegel, ~econded by Counc~lman Burt, and on the following roll call'votea to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Levine, Schlegele Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENTv None, the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 13th day of September, 1966. ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW DA°I'E ~'OR WORKSHOP SESSION ON SCENIC HIGHWAYS ~PRIMARILY HIGHWAY ON~) Upon notification to t7he Council tha~ ~uch session ~rould be held Novemb~r 160 1966 at 9 A.Ma in the C~ty of San Lui~ Obispo Council Chamberso t1~e CounciY direc~ed that CounciYman S~hYeg~]L and City Administrator Thomas M. Butch plan ~o a~tencl in ~epre- sentation o~ ~his C~ty. FURTHER DI SCU~SI C}N AND ACT'I ON RE o VALLEY ROAD TRAF~'I C PROBLEM Following a resume by the City Administratorq and after detailed and carefuY c~elibera~ion by the Council, a mo~.ion ~as made by Councilman Burta s~conded l~y Councilman S~h~egeYo that the allocation of funds in the 1966-67'~budget, ~.e•o $500000 for the improvement of Alp~ne Street southerTy from Granc~ be ~.ransferred at this time to the construction improvemen~ of VaYley Roac1, and that con~truction improvement of sa~d Alp~ne be de~ayecl until the late Spring ~f 1967. Motion unanimously c~rried. ~ ~ -7- 3~~ CITY COUNCIL SEPT~MBER Y~o 1966 ARROYO GRANDEo CA~~~ORNIA PAG~ 8 STORM DRAIN IN~TALLATTON--TRACT 282 ~FILER) REo CTTY SHARE ON CONS~RUCTION COSTo AND REo RELEASE OF PROPERT~ HELD BY CI~Y AS BOND FOR S~ORM DRAIN COMPLETION TO FILER After ~nter-discuss~on ~y and between ~he Counc~~o C~ty Engineer- ing Consultant Bob Gar~ngo Mr. Wa~ter ~i~ero Ci~~ A~m~ni~trator and City Attorneyo an~ af~er Coun~~~ discu~~iono a mo~ion ~a~ mad~ by Counc~~man Schlegelo ~e~onded by Coun~iYman L~vlneo (Y~ that the City of Arroyo Grande°~ share o~ con~~ruction co~~~ fo~ the storm drain in~tallation for Trac~ 282 0~ thi~ C~ty be e~tabYi~hed at $4a000.00o AND F`URTHER ~2~ tha~ payment to T,~aYte~° Z~a F°s.~.er be authorized as fol~ow~~ Ci-~y Participa'tion for Subj~~~ S~o~m D~ain ~ 40000.00 Less tv,ro per cen°t ( 2%? Inspect~on ~°ees Due Ci~y from Va. Aa Filer on Sum of $30300 =650.00 Ac~tual Amoun~ Thus Payab~e to W. A. F°i~Ler from City o~ Arroyo Grande $ 30340.000 AND FURTHER (3) ~lzat the ~e~°~ain property 1-ieYd by the C~ty as security for the s~.o~°m drain ~n~ta~~.a~~on for T~°ac~t 282 n~v~ be reYea~ecl to Mr. V~T. A. F~~~r. Motion unanimousYy ~a~ried. INVITATION OF' Y966 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO GRAND o7URY V~IATER MEETING SEPTEMB~R ~L4 1966 9 A M AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY OF SoL.¢d 'I°~he Council received th~ subje~t invitation and advised that attendance thereto would be made by tlze Coun~iYo if at a~Y possible. WATER PRODUCTION AND CON~UMP'I°ION REPORT PREPARED BY DIR~C°I'OR OF PUBLIC WORKS - DATED S~PTEMBER 1966 This ~ubje~~ repo~°~ vaas received by ~he Counc~Y pr~mariYy as an information matter. F'~1~Lovr~ng their cliscussion of samea the City Administrator was c1~re~~ed to keep the Council informed a~ to the progre~s being made ~oward con~troY of unaccountable water used throughout t~he en~.~re City for reason~ a~ outlined in detail in the sub~ect report. FURTHER DISCUS~ION - AREA-WIDE DRATNAGE PROBLEM The CouneiY receivec~ a lett~r from the San Luis Obispo County Flood ControT ancl Wa~er Con~ervation Di~tricto under the signature of Robert H, Borna dated ~ep~tember YO 19650 ~nrhich advised tYiat the ma-~ter in ques~ion wouYcl be ~°eferred to the Zone 3 Advi~ory Committee for their advice and reeommencTations and ~rould be a subject of dis- cussion at their S~ptember 261th instant meeting. Councilman Levine was advised to follow up on ~~his all-~mportan~ ma~ter. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SAN`ITATION DISTRICT ACTIVTTY ~TATUS REPORT The City Admini~~rator advised the Council ~.hat setnrer users will receive their firs~ billing on October l, 1966 for use of the ~reatment plan~. ~acilitie~. T~he cost per month for each individual residence is $1.25q with var~ou~ other rates appYicabYe to various business and/or pro~essionaY o~fices and buildingso . ~g_ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 13a T966 ARROYO GRANDEo CALI~ORNIA PAGE 9 SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUN'I'~ SANI~ATION DISTRIC~ PERMI~SION REQUEST TO IN~TA~L ALARM SYSTEM~IN PO~ICE DEPARTMENT REm EMERGENCY MALFUNCTION O~ TR~ATM~NT PLANT ~AC~LIT~~S The City Admini~trator pre~en~ed ~hi~ ~ub~ect matt~r to the CounciYo exp~aining that such alarm ~y~tem ~ou~d ~erve ~o ~n~~cate any malfunction of equipmenta e~ectrical power fa~~ureo and/or etc., during off-working hour~ of p~ant emp~oye~~. A~~e~ Council discuss~ono a motion was made by Councilman ~ch~egelo ~econded by Councilwoman Thompsono tha~ permi~~ion be g~a~~ed to the South San Lui~ Obispo County Sanita~ion Distric~ for in~taY~ation of an emergency a~arm ~y~tem in the qua~ters of ~~e PoYice Department, at the Dis~rict°~ expenseo ~o ~hu~ permit ~e~ection of any malfunctiQn of the treatment p~ant operation. Motion unanimously ~arried. F`URTHER DISCUSSION - COMPREH~NSIVE SEWER STUDY An up-to-date progress report relative ~o suclz study v~ras given to the CounciY. by ~he Ci~y Administrator. In c1~~~ussing the possibility of a mail-ou~ ~nqu~ry-survey to be forwarded to the citizenso the Coun~iT sugge~fecl tha~ a broehure containing applicable pertinent infor°mation a1~o a~compan~r such inquiry-survey. F~urther c~etailecl ~nformation regarding the inquiry-survey and the pos~~b~lity of a~edera~ gran~t v,~ould be forthcoming °~o the Counci~ following ~he Ci~y Adminis'tra~tor°~ San Francisco trip to Stone ancl Youngberg°s and his ~ontact witlz Mr. Avery of HUD, respectively. SALES TAX - RE o POl~'I°I ON RETAINED BY COUNTY OF° S a L m O~ FROM SALES WITHIN TH~ CITY OF Av G. F"oYYotiaing a generaT diseussion of this matter by the Council, the City Administra-~or ancl the City Attorney were directed to gather a11 pertinen~ data concerning this subject matter0 and prepare an applicab~e resoYution containing facts and recommenda- tions for ul°timate forwarc~ing to ~he Coun~.yo and present same to the Council for ~heir revie~r ancl ~ub~equent action. REPORT BY COUNCILM~,N SCHL~G~L REo PROPOSED DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY°S OF°FTCE IN SOUTH COUNTY AREA Counci~trinan Sc~hlegel advi~ec~ ~hat such matter ~ras still in the preliminary study stagesn but t`ha~ the Council would be advised period~calYy of future p~og~e~~. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE S~SSION On motion by Counci7Lkroman Tl~ompsona seconded by Councilman Burt ancl unanimous7Ly car~°iec1~ the Council adjourned to an Executive Session a~ Y0:26 P.M. ADJOURNMENT After reconvening in ~he Council Chambers with all members of the Council presen~~ ancl upon motion by Councilman Schlege7Lo seconded by Councilman Levine, ancl unanimously carrieclo the meeting adjourned at 10:42 P.M. ATTEST:=~ `~..J Y ~ r G~7~ ~ -o _s/2~='r-'' DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR --9-