Minutes 1966-10-11 ~~s~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNTA OCTOBER ll0 1966 T`he Ci~ty CounciY rt~tet in regu7lar ~~s~ion v~~t`h Mayor Pro Tem Thompson pre~~.d~r~g. Upon rolT ca~ln Counc~Ymers Levineo S~hlegel and Burt repor~ecl presen=~. Mayor Wood ~a~ absento PLEDGE OF ALL~GIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Pro Tem Tlzompson Tecl u~ in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flago and immediate~.y f.hereafter City Aclmini~trator Thomas M. Bu~tch gave t1~e invoca~ion. MINU'I°E APPROVAL MEE'I"TNG OF SEP'I'~MBER 27 ~ 1966 FoTlo~aing ~he correction of ~`~e minutes of °the meeting of September 270 1966 a~ T~ereaf~er° no~,edo On pag~ 2~'h~reof o uncle~° th~ °~i~le ~°'EXECUTION OF LEASE BETWEEN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND Dm Wo GRISINGHER REo PROPERTY. . . . . .BRANCH AND SHORT . . . . ."o w1~ex°ever ~he words "e ~.ea ~e-purcha se agreement" appear, sueh word~ sha11 be c1~~~~ec1 and ~.he words "lease-option agreement" sha11 be su~b~~i~.uted ~t~ereforo the minuees of ~Yie regu~ar m~e~ing af' Sep~ember 27a 1966 were approvecl . APPROVAL OF WARRANT"S A motion was macle by Coun~ilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Bur~a ~hafi. GEN~RAL W.ARRANTS NOo 276 to and ~ncYuding No. 350a in the total amount of $26~454.88n and PAYROLL WARRANTS No. 474 to and inclucl~.ng No. 5249 in ~the total amount of $80891.76o BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PAID. Motion unanimous~y carriedm FURTHER DT~CUSSION - SOTL CONSERVATION OFFTC~, ARROYO GRANDE, RE~ U~ DEPT~ OF AGRICULTUR~'S CLOSUR~ OF SAM~ The City Admini~trafior presen~ed certain correspondence to the Council from Clarence BYakeboron Area Con~ervationalist, Santa Barbara Off~.ce of the Soi1 Con~ervation Serv~cep which disclosed that their Arroyo Grand~ Office nad c7efinitely been closed ancl is now combined wi~.'h the San~a Maria Off~c~. '~he CounciY was al~o advised that the S.C.S. wi~T con~irsue to main~ain its current Arroyo Grancle ~telephone--489-3~11--whic'h wi1~ be serviced by a direc~. answering servic~ on a 24 'hou~q 7 day a week basis, with messages be~.ng forwarded ~wa~ce dai~y ~to the San~a Maria Office, REQUEST OF FIV~ CIT'TES o?UNTOR CHAMB~R OF COMMERCE FOR CITY PARTICIPATIONo THROUGH MON~TARY CONTRIBU'~ION~ IN COMMUNITY D~VELOPMENT PROGRAM Af~er general ~xplana~.ion by ~h~ Ci~.y Aclminist~rator, and fur~.her exp~anation by Bryan Duva7LT~ ~n a~t~~ndance as representative of the Five Cities Junior Chamber of Commercea .AND AFTER COUNCIL DTSCU~~IONo a mo~~on was mac~e by Counc~lman Sc'hlegel, seconded by Councilman Lev~neq tha~. ~the Ci~y of A~rayo G~~anc~e participate in tne Five C~~ies Junior C`hamb~~ of Commerce community c7evelop- men~. ~urvey projec~ by making a monetary contr~bution to said Chamber in the total amount of $50.OOp which would be used for their assistance in paper, printing an~ other cos~. purposes of the sub- ject projectA AND FURTHER~ tha~ ~he ~ubjec~. ~um is hereby author- ized and approvecl. Motion unanimously carriecl. TREASURER"S REPORT (PORTION THEREOF FOR SEPTEMBER, 1966 The revenue rece~p~.s of the Tr~asurer"s Report for the month of September~a T966o wa~ received by the Council, reviewed, ancl direc~ed ~o l~e placed on fiY.e. e~~`~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 110 1966 ARROYO GRAND~o CALIF'ORNTA PAGE 2 DEPARTM~N'I'AL MONT'HL~ REPOR'~ E°OR SEPTEMB~R~ ~966 The Departmental Mon~tlz~y Repor~ far Sep~embere 1966o snras received ~y the Counc~~o revi~wecl and clire~ted to be placed on file. PROGR~S~ REPORT - LAE'Co CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE Councilman Bur°t repor~ed ~o ~~he Counei~L °t~hat the subject committee wa~ stiTl in i~t~ organiza~.ional stage~o and furthero ~the Clzairznan of suc7~ Commi~t~e is Ja~`k Fabbr°i. FURTHER DISCUSSION - REQUEST OF" SAN LUIS OBISPO CI'I°Y ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMIT'I°EE RE S'I'AT~ ° S EN'I°RY INTO FIELD OF METAL OFFTCE F'URNITURE MANUFAC'I"URING After pre~enta~~on of cerf:ain d~~aiTed information concerning this ma~.ter by ~th~ Gz~ty Admini~~rat;or~ ancl fo~lowing general Coun~~1 di~cussiona i~ v~as th~ ele~tion of the Council that this i~em o~ business be 7~eld in abeyance a~ ~his time. REQUEST OF ARRO'YO GRAND~ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REm ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION BY Z`HE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO SAM~ Af~.er Counc~l c~i~cus~iono a mo~~on wa~ made by Councilman Burt, seeond~cl by Counci7Lman Levine, ~.ha~ ~.he C:~~ty of Arroyo Grande now make its annual con~ribu~.ion fi.o ~he Arroyo Grande Chamber of Comm.erce in ~.'h~ amount of $1a000o a City budgeted item, AND FURTHER,. that su~~ paymen~ by ~.he Czty is hereby autlzori~ed and approved. Moti.on unan.imous].y ~arriecl. PROPOS~D ORDINANCE ~R~ATING A N~W ZONING DISTRICT AND AMENDING TH~ ZON~ DTST'RICT MAP CEN~°RAL BUSIN~SS DISTRICT FIRST RE.ADING After Counc~l da.scus~~.ono and r~esultant approval, the subject ordiraara~~ was reac~ ~:hro~gh ~he tit1~ for ~t;~ firs~t reading by the City A~.~orney. T'herea~~ern a zno~.ior~ wa~ macle by Councilman Levine, secondeci by Councx~man Bu~t~~ to di~perkse ~r~~t`h reading the balance of t'he o~cTinanc~ . Mo~.~ on unan~.mou~lLg ~arriec7 0 FURTHER DI~CUSSION RE. CTTYaS SAL~S TAX REVENUE RESOLUTION REQUES'I"TNG COUNTY OF SAN LUTS OBTSPQ TO EF'F"ECT UNIFORM SALES TAX TRANSACTIONS ~OR ALL CITIES OF ~AID COUNTY~ After Couneil c7iscu~~fon~ a subjec~ re~olu~ion was read through the ~.i~t1e by ~he Ci~.y A~~or•ney ~ T~~reaf~erQ a motion was made by CounciTmara S~hlegeYq ~econcled by Couneilman Levineo to dispense with reading ~.1ze balanc~ of ~aic1 resolu~.ion. Mo~ion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO~ 721 REsOLUTTON OF TH~ CTTY ~OUNCT~ OF° THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUE~T~NG SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVI~ORS 'I''AK~ NECESSARY STEPS TO MA.KE 1/ SALES TAX UNTFORM WTTHTN THE CITI~S IN SAID COUNTY , On motion by Councilman Levin~, ~econ~ecl by Councilman Burt, and on the followirig roTl call vot~~ ~.o wita AYESs Councilmen Levineo S~hlegel, Burt and Mayor Pro T~m Thompson NOESs. None ABSENT: Mayor Wood the f orec~oirig re~olution was aclopted ~his 11~h day of Oetober, 1966. -2- CITY COUNCIL OCTOB~R Ylo 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE FIRST READING Af~e~- Council discus~~on~ arad re~ultan~t approvaTo the subject ordir~ance wa~ readl ~hrough the ~i~Te for~ its fir~t reading by the City At~orney, '~lzereaftero a motion wa~ made by Councilman Burta seconded by Counc~lman Levin~o ~o d~~pen~e wi~h reading t`he balance of t1z~ ordinance. Motion unanimou~ly carried. PROPOSED ORDTN.ANCE ON THE ABATEMENT OF ACCUMULA'I°ED WASTE MATERIAL After Coun~i~. c~is~u~s~ona ancf ~e~u~~a~.~. approval, the subject ordinance wa~ read ~7~ougn ~he ~i~l~ ~or %~.s firs°~ reacling by the City Attorney. The~°eaf~.ero a mo~ion vras made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilmar~ Bur~o fi.o dispen~e v~ri~h read~.ng ~he balance of saicl or°di.nanee. Mo~~.on unan~mou~ly carr~.eda ~UAR'I"~RLY MEETING_ - LEAGUE OF CALIF,a CTTIES - THURSDAY, ~ OC'IaOB~R 2`7 o Y966, THOUSAND OAKS The Council v,ra~ g~v~:n fu11 de~.axl~ concerning such meeting and wa~ a~ked to notify the Ci~.y Adminis~.ra~or if they were plan- ning to a~~.end. PUBLIC ~ERVICE AND FACILITIES ELEM~NT OF TH~ GENERAL PLAN - SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER 7~ 1966a 8 P.M. After Council di~cu~sion,, a mo~ion was made by Councilman Schlegel9 seconded by Coun~ilman Levine4 ~ha~. a public hearing on the Pub~ic Serv~ee and F~cili~.ie~ ~lemen~ of ~the General Plan be s~~.for Noveznb~z 7a T966o 8 P.M.p in the Gouncil Chambers of the Arroyo Grande City Hall. Mo~ion unanimously carried. RECOMMENDATION THAT THE CITY COUNCIL REITERATE TO S. Lo 0. COUNTY PLANNTNG COMMI~STONo AND OTHER~n TH~ RE,~UIREMENTS OF SECTION 9-018., 2 OF° THE N.AMED COUNTY' S CODE - (R~ m FUTURE SUBDIVISIONS LOCAT~D WITHTN A THREE MILE RADTU~ OF` A„ G~CTTY LIMITS) After de~ailec7 resurne of ~he sub~ect ma~ter by the City Ad- ministrator, and after Council cliscuss~on, a motfon wa~ macle by Councilman Levinea seconcled by Councilman Burt, that the City • Administrator direct corre~pondence ~o ~he San Luis 0'bispo County , Planning CommissionA Supervisor Ly1e Gar~pen~e~ and County Hydraulic Engineer Bob Bornn rei~.era~.ing ~1~e reques~ ~hat any future proposed ' subdivisions w'hich would be loca~ec~ w~.~.'hin a t'hree mile radius of the Ci~.y Limi~s o~ A~royo Gran~e be referred ~.o this City's Planning Commission for th~ir stucly ancl con~idera~ion prior to any conc~usive a~tion by ~.he S. L. Oa Coun~.y Planning Commission, a11 ir~ accorc~ance with Sec~.ior~ 9-018.2 0~ ~.`he S. L, 0. County Code. Mo~ion ur~ar~imou~ly carriea~ PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ~ RE~UEST FOR SEMTANNUAL JOINT MEETING WITH CTTY COUNGIL OCTOBER 26, 1966 The City Council confirmed ~.he c~a~e o~ Weclnesday, October 26, 1966, a~. 7z30 P.M.a for ~he ~emiannual joint mee~ing of the Council and the Parks and Recreation Commis~ion. P.ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - REa TOUR OF TRI-COUNTY P.ARK AND RECREATIONAL FACTL2TIES AT CITY ~XPENSE (~EE TRIP TOURS PLANNED) After detailed explanation of such reques~. by the Ci~y Admin- istra~.ora and after Council di~cussion, a znoi~ion was made by Councilman Burtp seconded by Counc°.lman Sc'hlegel0 that the Parks and Recrea~kion Commission be app~e°opra~a~ed the sum of $75.00, a non-budgeted item, for expenses ~~.o l~e ~ncurred in thei~ tour of various Tri-County parks and recr~a~ional facilities with a maximum of $.25.00 per tour, and FURTHERa ~`ha~ said sum of $75.00 is hereby author~.~ec7 ancl approved. Mo~.ion unanimou~ly earried. _ I, ~ j~ CIT~ COUNCIL OCTOBER ll0 1966 ; ARROYO GRANDE 9 CAL IF ORNIA PAGE .4 ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN LINE FOR HUASNA ROAD Af~er inter-cliscussion by ancl be~ween ~.1ze CouncilB Engineering Consultant Bob Garing and Ci~y Admini~~rator Thomas M. Butch, and after Council cliscussion~ a mo~ion was macle by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine~ tha~ the es~.ablishment of a P1an Line for Huasna Road be referred ~.o °~he Ci~.y Planning Commission for their study and for hoYding a publi~ hearing on the establishment of u s ch lan line. Mof.ion un imou p an s1y carra.edm RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF° THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVI SORY COMMITTEE ~ . Such minu~e~ w~re receivecl by the Council and directed to be placed on fi1e. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT ` The Ci~.y Administrator repor~:ed to ~he Council that the ~ Citizens of Arroyo GrandeF whose resiclences are sewered, have re- ~ ceived their fir~~ billing for sewer s~rvices of the Sanitation ~ Distric~, COMPREHENSIVE SEWER STUDY PROGRESS REPORT The Council reviewed and a~.~~us~ea a suggestec7 inquiry letter whic'h would be forwarded ~o t'he Arroyo Grande Citizens, whose homes are presently unsewered, for t~he purpose of determining whether or not such Citiz~ns would be interes~.ec7 in sewerage facili~ies for their homes. Af~er discussion~ the Council directed that the ~ubject le~ter clefinitely stafi.e~ w'here applicable, whether the lateral sewer line is~ or is not.q included in the noted estimated- costs. FURTHER IN THIS REGARD, a motion was macle by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel~ that Mr. Robert P. Frantz, 461 Woodland Drive~ Arroyo Grande~ Californiaf be appointed as Chairman of the Sewer Committee for Arroyo Grande. Motion unani- mously carried. FOLLOWING THIS ACTIONs ~'he Council dir~cted that the City Adminis~ra~or now take any and a11 nece~sary steps to effect the ~ completion of thi s sevrer survey. STATEMENT BY MR~ EMANUEL LEVINS, 202 Vernon Avenue, Arrovo Grande. Relative to an individual"s property rights~ Mr. Emanuel Levins brought ~o the attention of tne Council the fact that cer- tain City equipment had entered upon 'his private property without his permission. After in~e.~~-cli~cussion by and between the Council and Mr. Levins,~ the Council clirectecl the City Admini~trator to make inquiry on this particular matter~ and accordir~.y, follow through with any necessary action. RECETPT OF BIDS FOR REMOVAL OF CITY-OWNED HOUSE AT 1194 FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND RESUI~TANT ACTION OF kENTING SAME BID OPENING - OCTOBER 11, 1966~ 2 P.M., A. G, COUNCIL CI~AMBERS The Council was aclvised t.wo bids 'had been received, at the previously stated ~.ime and place for such bi.d opening, as follows: a , Melvin Jo'hnson, an individual $ 1.04 Art"~ Blinker Litesq By Donald E. Madsen $55.00. After Council c7iscuss3on~ a mo~.ion was made by Councilman Sc1-ilegel ~ seconclecl by Councilman Burt., tha~. ~he two bids received for the removal of ~khe City-~owned house s~.tuated at 1194 Fair Oaks Avenuep in thi~ City, (i.e.~one from Melvin Johnson for $1.04~ and one from Art"s Blinker Lites for $55.00)o be rejected, A1~D FURTHER, tha~ t'he subject house be established as a ren~.a1 resfclence. Motion unanimously carried. _4~ - - - - _ ~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER lld 1966 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 REQUEST OF GAY 90 HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR 1966 FOR (1) USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS AS a'OLD TIMERS" GATHERING PLACE ON SATURDAYa OC'~OBER 15~ ~966~ and (2) CLO~URE OF MASON STREET E'ROM BRANCH STREET TO THE ARROYO GRANDE CREEK BRIDGE ON CERTAIN SPECIFIED HOURS DURING FESTIVAL CELE BRATI ON ~ FoTlowing Counca.l di~cu~sionq a motion wa~ made by Councilman Levineo seconded by Counca.lman Burts that perm~ssion be granted to the 1966 Gay 90 Harves~. Fes~.ival Commit~ee for use of the City Council C7iambers within ~he Ci~.y Hall for an "Old Timers" gathering place on Saturdayo October 15, 1966; and FURTHER, in accordance with such Cornmitteeas request, ~.ha~. Mason S~tree~ from Branch Street to the Arroyo Grande Creek Bridge~ be closed Saturdayo October 15a 1966, from 11 A.M. to 12 Noono AND on SundayF Ocfiober 16, 1966, from 12 Noon to 6 P.M. Mo~ion unanimously carried. APPOINTMENT OF CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMITTEE ~COUNCILMAN CALVIN SCHLEGEL After Council discussion9 a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, ~.ha~t Councilman Calvin S~hlegel be appointed a~ this City's represen~ative ~.o the Economic Oppor- tunity Coznmit~eeA effecfi.~ve this date. Motion unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion by Councilrr~an Levineq seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, ~t7~.e Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 8:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT After reconvening in ~he Council Chambers with members of the CounciT being pre~en~ a~ hereinbefore specifically named0 and upon motion by Councilman Sch~~ge1~ seconcled by Couricilman Levine, and unanimously earriecln ~he mee~.ing adjournecl at 9:15 P.M. ATTESTs ITY CLERK MAYOR PRO TEM FIQ _5_