Minutes 1966-11-07 32~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 7th, 1966. ~ ARROYO GRANDE, C.ALIFORNIA The City Council met in reg~alar adjourned s~ess3on with Mayor Wood presiding. Upo~, roll call o Co~anc~.l~a~ama~n Th~mpson, Councilmen Levine and Burt rspoxted pxes~mfi. ~oa~ac~.lm~xa Schl~gel was absent, PLIDGE 0~' .ALLEGIANCE ~#NA TNVOCA°TTON Mayor HTood led t~h~ k'ledge of A~.le~ie~axc~ ~ur flarg, ar~d im- mediately therea£~ker Councail~ramaa~ °~}~~z~ps~~ de~.a.ver~d the invccatian„ MINUTE APPROVP~L - MEETINGS A~ OC~'O~ER 25~'~ axkd 26~t~h~ 1966 The m3r~utes o~' ~he regul.ax mee~~zn~ ~Jc~e~ber 25°kh an,d the reg- ular adjourned me~e~ring o~ ~Oc^tAbex 261~h, 1966 tn?~~~ approved as pre~- pared, APPROVAL OF WARRAN~'3 A mo~tion was mced~ by Coux~c~,lwomaxa '~~?sa~n~~o~~ seaanded by Ccuncil- man Levine~ tha~ G~a~~xa,~ Wax~ra,~~ts Nr~. ~385 a~z~d a.nclud3ng No. 444, in the to~tal amaux~t af $24,868ea8; Pa,y~~a~~. t~¢xxxaa~ts No. 597 to and 3ncluding No. 6~3 ~r~ ~rhe ~c~~t~1 a~moaaa~~ a~' $9~16~.7~; and Truet and Agency Wuxarant~ Noe 6b~ ~a ax~d is~~la~dixag Nam 69?, i~ ~the total amour?°t of $744, 60, be au~}~~xi~~ad ax~d azde~~d pa~d, Ma~k~,o~a urAan~.moualy carried. TRF~ASURER ° S REPORT MUNTH QF OG'TOBER, 196fa p The Txeasurea~' s Repcr~t ~'o~ filhe ~noaa~h. Ac~ober, 1966, wae re- ceived and ~ revievaed by ~:he Gour~c31, and °~h~~rea~tex directed to be plac- ed on f31e. DEPARTMENTP,L REPORT ~ MAN°~'H 0~ aC°~OF~ER~ ~.~66, ~ The Depaartm~enta7, ~e~aort fox ~he mo~°~~ af Ocfiober, 1966, was re- ceived and reviewed by t~e ~~~cil,~ ax~d °~~,~reaftex° d3reated to be placed an f31~e. ' CORPORA~'ION YAFD ~ OPEN HOUSE Mayor Wood commen~~d on the ~apAr~ h~uss held on November 6th, 1966 for the new Corpaxation Ycx~d or~ t~e G~.~y p~ope~°ky ora E1m S°treet, and said he felt the new ~'acili°ty ~aa~s a defi~3~~ a~se°k ~to ithe City and would be used by the pu~b~i~ vaar3~e d~pax~°~men~ fo?r maz~y years. COUNCIL ACTI~3N ON UN~FORIui SALES °J'AX WI~'HIN CITTES OF SLO COUNTY Adminis°kzator Butah x~ead a~.et°kA~ ~xozn the C3fiy of E1 Paso c1e Robles advisia~g °~ha~t °tha°~ G~.~y wou~.d su~apo~x~~ ~the ac~tiotn o~ this Council to equal~.ze ~h~e Sal~ea ~'ax wri°~h~.n ~t~~o ~.ncorpoz~ated C3t3es o# San Luis Obie~pa Coun~y. Mx. ~utah a1~a adv~se~, that ~he Cou~n~y Board of Superv3sox~ hc?d plr~ced ~hie G~°kyr e Reeolut~+an Requ~est ir~ an cudit cosnmit~tee fox study. T~e Go+az~c~il~ ~a~~truc~~d th~a Ad~~.r~3~tratar to follorv up o~ tk~is arepc~x~ a~d keep m~,~;~ter ~clra~ve. LETTER FROM P. G. & E. REGARDING DZ~?'BLQ ~ANYON ~'AGTLITY A lettex wna rece~ved ~'xam fi'k~e Pa~~.~'~c Ga~ ax~d E1~a~~r~La Company advisix~g t~at ~he Cous~c~.l's ac~t~ax~ iz~ ex~dox,s~z~gn by ~'oxma~. retolation, the proposed Diabla Canyox~ x~~acleax g~x~excx~k~z~g ~'~ucil3ty, wa~ dooply appreciatad, Mx, Bu~a~, no~iaf,~ed ~tha~t he h~8 baa~x~ uxsa~'~'~.c~.ally advi~~d that the C~ty Cou.~~i1. wou;~d be in,v~.~ea~ °~~s ~ouz ~~e nuclear fac3lity site on November ~,5°k1~, ~.966. TRANSFEI~ OF TRUST AND AGENCY k~D ~A,CC~'.~'0 MID-S'~'A'I"E HANK Admin~stxator H~~kch advieed °~hc~~ M~,~~Sfia~ke 8az~~ hcxd no~ki;Eiad h3m that they v~rpuld eupply ~he cheo~e f!a~ ~h~ °~~~,e~ ax~d Agenay F'und Ac- count ~here~axe eliz~ina~ir~g fil~~ e~clrx~ exge~ffie ~~o ~khe C~.ty to make ~hi• transfer ~xom the Bax~k o~ Ama~r~.ca. ~A~°~e~x d,isct~~s~,ox~~ ~ mot3.on waa made by Coux~ci~ma:n Lev,fr~e ~~e~o~ded b~r C~u,~~;~]~~aomcxr~ 'T~ompe~on, that the Trust arad A~~n,cy Aacaux~~ naw e~~abl~,~hed a~ ~h~ Arxoyo Gra.nde Sranch c~f tkre Ba~nk ~a~ Amex3caA N. S. A~, be ~~a~n~faared to the Axroyo Grande Brax~ah of ~the Mid~S°~a~~e Baan~, ~sa~.d trax~e~fe~~ o~ fundt to be- cosne :~ffec°~~ve Ja~uary 3, 19C7. M~°~~o~ ~ax~~~ede ~ 32~ , CITY COVNCIL N01iEMBER 7th,1965 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA FAGE 2 UPDATE SUI~PLUS PROPER°TY RESOLid°TION ~~I~TIL DE~'E1~SE Adminis~trator Butch advised tha°k rcegula°~i~r~s regarding the pur- chase of surplus property }~csd been xev~sed and thafi i.t vras neceesary for the City to adop~t a new resoiut~oaa ae~thmr3~ing oa~e individucl to purchase surplus proper~ty fox ~he Ci°~ym '~he Re~~l~tion regarding Ccmb3nation cf Surplus Proper~y was rec~d through the t~itle by the City Attorney, T'hereafter, a mot~io~ rnras zncede by Coua~cilman Burt,~ec- onded by Couneilman Levine, to dispe~~e with read3ng the balance.cf sa3d Reeolut~Lon. Motio~n u~sa~i~?ou~~.y carried, ~ RESOLU°TION N0. 723 COMBINA'TIQN 0~' SUFtPLUS ~'RO~ERTX ~JVER 1~TU UNDER $250Q. On m.otio~z by Gounc~~wozaan Thomp~on; ~ec~xtded by Councilman Lovina, nnd on the follov~ring rol~ call vo°te, ~to-wi~: • AYESa Counc~ilwoman °T~ompeoz~, Councilmeax~ Zevine, Burt and Mayor Wood, NO£S: None ABSENT: Cauncilma~ Sahlegel. the foregoing ~e~ola~°tion vras adopted thi~ 7~h day of November, 1966. NOV. 18-24, 196b PROCLAflaIMED ~1~'A17~M-(:~°I'Y WEEK'r Mayor V~Tood procla~imed November T8th to ~k~e 24th, 1966 "Farm-City Week" as reques~ed by League o~' ~al~.forr~ia Citiee, CODE BOOI~ PRICE ES°TA,BLTSHED Aftex di~cusaion, fiha G3ty A~t¢~z~ney was ~.netructed to prepare a Resolufi3on, ostabliehing the pr3ce for copie~ of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to be as foZlowe: m3nimum charge of $1.00; each s~heet to coet $0.07p; and a copy of ~h~ complete ccde to coet $25.00. PROGRESS REPORT ON LAF'Co CONSOJ~IDAT~~N ~OMMT~'TEE~S MEETING Councilman Burt adv3~ed ~hha ~oznmit~ee wa~ comp313ng information and there was notk~ing to re~oxt at °~his'time, Mayor Wood reported that ha had at#ended fihe LAFCo Genera~. Meet~ng, PUSLIC HEARING RESCHEDULED ~OR CIRCULA'TION ELEMENT OF GEN. PLAN. T'he Public Hearing ack~eduled £or °~his #ime coul not bs ald a~ the Legal Notice~ were not pu~bli~}aed a~ requixed by 1aror. A motion was made by Couna~.lmar~ Levine, seconded by ~our~cilman 8urt, that ths CircuZatior? Element of the Genera~. ~'1aa be ~et ~or a public hearing ' on Tuesday, November 22, 1966, a~t 8:00 P,1~., in the ~ouncil Chamb~rs of the C3ty Hall. Motiox~ ~x~arsi~ncu,~ly carx3,ed, PUBLIC ~iEARING RESCHEDULED ~OR PUH'~IC SERV~CES & FACILIZ"IES ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN The Pub1~,c Heazir~g 'schedul~d for ~hie ti,~ne cou18 not be h-~~ a~ the Legal Noticee rve~re aot publi~hed as rec~u3xed by laa~, A motion wa~ made by ~ouxic~ilman Burt~ ~e~o~nded by Councilwoman Thomp~on, that the Public Servicee and Facilitiee Element o# tha Gmnmrnl Plan be eet for a public heaxing oa '~ueeday, November 22, 1966, at 8:00 P.M., ir~ the Council C~ambe~s of ~he City ~all. Motion unanimously caxrimd. PROPOSED IMF'ROVEMEN~' OF FRON~` 300 a 0~' ELM S'T. PROPERTY AS C01~4MLTNITY , . PARK Acimin3s~rator Butc~i px~eeented a plar~ for a~ pzoposed park for the fr~nt 300 feet of °the Cifiy ow~ed g~ropex~ty o~n E1m Sfir~et. The Counail d~.scu~~ed ~the pro,poe~a~. ax~d ~oque+e~ed znmza informa~tion be •ub- ~nitted regarding the de~elopmea~~t a~d a~o~t p~oposal, prior to aay ac~tion by °them,. Ci~ky Adminiet~rator Butch advie~ec~ °tk~s Co~cil he had reque~ted a repa~°t f~om the F~xe and Publia Wox~~Ce Depa~icmex~~e regaxd3ng thm die~- po.i°ti~n af the obeolete imk~off' ta~k or~ the Elzn S~reet Prop~rty. 32~ CITY ~OUNCIL NO~EMBER 7th, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, ~ALI~RNIA ~'AGE 3 AUTHORTZA.TION ~'0 ACQUIRE LAND AND I~,/I?/ ~pR GRA.i~'I~ AV'E, DRATNAGE Administra~t~r Btatcl~ present~ a p~oposed plaa~ to elimincte the drainage problem on Grand Ave. by aa~~ui~°~ng right of way anrl land for ponding p~~goses be°~~reen ~T~~p~~ Stre~°~ a~,d °~}~e West City Li~ni°ts south of Graad Aveq and alsa req~e~~k~d g~at~~~~~on to ob°tain an ap- pzaisers cos°t eatimette. Af°~~r discus~iomo a m~°~ion was made ~y Couszcilman Bu,rt~ secorad~d by Counc~lmar~ L~uine~ °~ha°t authorization be granfied to obfia3r~ the cos~ o~' ar~ app~iasers fee °tca appraise the drainage area south of Gxand Ave, be°~~re@n ~'~.n3~aer St~~et and the West City L~mits. Mo~ion caxried. MINLTTES 0~ COLTNT'Y WP,.°TE~ RESOLTT~CES ~Pa,A~I~SO~Y C~MMI~°'~EE The mintz^tes o~° fihe Counfiy Wafiex Resources P~d~r3.sory Commi°ttee were x°eceived and oz°dere~l ~31,~d. 1~~. D~~ '~c~~.ley, ~~?~aunc3l Repre- sentat3,ve, wa~ x~ot~ present a~ °~'~3s me~t~a~~ a~zd no xeporfi was given. PROGRESS R~POR'T' AN S0, SLQ GQT1N~'X SANT~°~~°~TO~T D~S"~R~~'T Administra~or Bu~tah r~po~ted °~~Za,~ 2,8Q4aQfl service charge had been co~.lectsd £or °~he So~°k';h Sas~ Lu,is Ob~,s~so Co~xn,ty Sar~itat3on Dis- tric~t ax~d ~t~at the Trec~t~nent Pla~~ ~r¢~s a~p~r~t~~.~~ ef~'3cienfily. PROGRESS REPORT ON SANT`TARY SEVa"ER SXS°~EMS °~1 A.. Go CI°TIZENS. Admin3atrator Buta~h, repox~ked thafi I~~a~~ Q~t cards had boen sent out on Navember ls~, 7.966, to A~x~yo Graa~de ~3,°~~.~er~s reeid3r~g in unsewered a~~eas of the ~i~y requesti~ng °thei~ pxe~ere~nce of Aseea~- ment D~stxi~°ts ~'ox the ~ns~talla~tioz~ o~' sew~r~, ax~d ~to date, 206 carde have been received w~Lth I97 ir~ ~avcaz of s~vae~~ ~ 7 r~ot 3n f4vor of sewers nnd 2 m~scellar~aous. HIGH SCHOAL S"TUDEN"~S Il~ AT`~ENDP~N~ E Mayor Wbad ~relcomed Pa~~y Vl~i,°~e~~o~te~n anel Judy ~'abata, High 3chool students do3r~g reaearGh for fi~se~~ Gove~°~mer~t Cla~e, i:o the Council zneetiag, and 3nvited t~em ^ta a,~~tor~d Co~ncil meetinge 3n the f~tuze. . . RSQUES~' TO CHANGE METIiOD QF CALGULA~"TTNG GQMMERCIAZ SEWBR CHARGES Adminietrator Butch re,po~~ed that tha ~i~y Cle~k had requasted the method of Galculating Ca~nme~cia~, Sewer C~drg~e be changed as C.ifiy Ordiaance no~r z°equires the ~Sewex Cha~rge be ba$ed on the water usages this me~khod i~ imprraat3cal for e1a~a p~oce~e~iag as it requires too much t3me i~ bi11 prapara~3on amd is tao ~o~t1y to th• City. If 3t wauld be pose3ble to a,~r3ve a~t a a~n~~an~ figuxe for each commer- a3,a1 establishmen°t 3t wo~xld be more pra~~ica~, and lese coetly to bill. Aftax d3~auea3oz~~ a motior~ wa~ mado b~r Coun~3lwoman "~homp~an, seconded by Counci].m~ctn Levir~e °that ~e+~re~ ~exv3ae ~ha~ges fox Com- mercial Estab,lieh~aente be av~ragad ~n ~~e ]aas~ie o~' the chargee made during tha pa~t yeaz to a~°r3ve a°~ a c~~~~~a~~ a~z~ounfi fio be charged, aad these charge~ be in e~#ect ua~fi31 auch ~ima ae ar~ ordinance 3e in effect eetabliehing aommez~aic~l rate~p and 3z~efiruct3ng the C3°ky Attorney to prepare euc~ ar~ ~o~dinaace. ~~t~.ox~ carxied. COUNCIL TO A.T'TEND CL~AM F°ESfiI~TAL ~ The four CouncSl membare px~s~~~fi adv3~ed °the City Adminisfirator they would attend the Clnm Feetival ecnd be an ~ntry 3n the parade anei reque~sted he notify tha parade of~~.aictle o~ t'~aix a^t^kendance. STREET TMPROVEMII~T REQUEST BY PE~ER PAN ~'RE-SGF~OOL Adsninis~ratox Butch read a let~tax ~~ace3.ve ~som Be°th and Glmnn Peters, represea~t~.ng the Peter Par~ P~°e-Scho~1 on Stanley Ave, adv~.s- ing t}z~t they had axpe~dod somo mon~.es ~ca~ ba~e material oa Stanley Ave. , a City strset, but duri~g °khe xaiz~~r eeaaox~ ~t'~e ~treet waa~ nearly is~pas~able a~ad they ~ugges°~ed fihe C~ity impxove ^~he etreet to aa all ye~~ u~ablo cox~diti~z~. ~°}~e Directo~ c~~' Pt~b1~G t~oxke~ eub~nitted a, xe- ~~rt statia~~ that~ he felt any i,mprovem~ent~ ot~~~err ~°han pexiodic grading °trs r~anove suxface irregulari~tiee ~hou~.d be ~l~e re~pon~ibility of ^~he p~~~~x~y owz~ere. , CITY COUNCIL N~VEMBER 7th, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE," CALaI~°QRNIA PAGE 4 PETEl~ PAI~i PRE-SCHOOL con°~a.~ued. The C~.ty Adm~inis°tra~kor ~xec~ues°~~d °k~a~ ~~~c~.~ authorize a study on Stanley Ave. and Clarence P~ve. f~~ ~a~csf~~,~ scc~'ety purposes. Plannin~ Commission,e~ Schult~ advi~ta~d these streets would be under di~c~ssion at a Publ~c Hearing ~n~•~ha H~asna Road Plan Line being held by fihe Planning Comxai~e~3on o~x Decembex 6th, 1966. The City Administrafior nvas instructed to advise ~Ir. and Mre. Petars of the Cifiy~ s position on ux~3.mpxoved ~~zeAfis, ~.DJOURNMENT Upon mo~k3on by ~o~xx~o~lv~mma~ °~"he~m~a~a~a~~ ~~~~~ae~~d by Counc3lmnn Burt, and uaxamimouely carr~.ed~ ~he z~ee~t~z~g c~c~~~uxaaed at 9> 08 P.M. ATTES - ~~9~~ CT~ CLEF~K MAYOR _ _ _ ,