Minutes 1966-12-27 34~ CITY COUNCIL _ DECEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEA CALIF`ORNIA The Council met in regular session wi~`h Mayor V~iood presiding. Upon roll call~ Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported pre~ent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATTON Mayor Wood `led us in ~he Pledge of A1,legiance ~o our flag and immediately thereafter Reverend Andrew Daugh~.ers of St. Barnabas Episcopal Clzurch of Arroyo Grande gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 1966 The minu~es of t'he regular meeting of December 13, 1966 were approved as preparecl. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS ! A motion was made by Councilwoanan Thomp~ona seconded by Councilman Levine9 that GENERAL WARRANTS N0~ 543 ~o and including NO~ 566~ in the ~.o~.al amount of $14, 392.94~ .AND PAYROLL WARRANTS NO. 857 to and including NO. 907q iri ~'he to~al amount of $8,869.36, .AND TRUST .AND AGENCY WARRANTSF one only numbered 722, in the total amount of ~15.OOF BE AUTHORTZED AND ORDERED PAID. MOT20N UNANTMOUSLY CARRTID,. LETTER OF THANK S AND APPRECTATION TO COUNCIL FROM PISMO BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Council~received and acknowledged a letter of thanks from t'he said Ghamber of Go~rmerce for ~he Council's time and effort extended in their participation during the ~966 Annual Pismo Beach C1am Festival. REQUEST BY SUPERVISOR CARPENTER FOR COUNCIL TO ADOPT RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO MRS, MURIEL PORTERe ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY TO CALIFORNIA SENATORS CHRIS JESPERSONA ALAN A, ERHEART AND VERNON L. STURGEON. FROM 1932 to 1966 After review by the City Administrator~ anc7 after Council discussion of tne subject resolution of appreciation commending Mrs. Por~er, who is ret~.ring from her position af Aclministrative Secretary, such resolution was read in its entirety by the City Attorney. RESOLUTION N0. 727 A RESOLUT'ION OF THE CTTY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P,RROYO GRANDE COMNiENDING MURIEL PORTER FOR HER SERVI CE TO SAN LUI S OBI SPO ~ OUN"1"i' CITIZENS AND ITS SENATORS _ On mo~ion 'by Councilman Hurt, secorided by Councilman Schlegel, , and on the following ro11 call vote to wit: AYES; Councilwoman T'hompson,~ Councilmen Levine, Sc'hlegel~ Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing resolution was adopted t'his 27t'h day of December, 1966. FURTHER IN THIS REG.ARD, the evening of January 28, 1967 is designated as "Muriel Por~ter Nig'ht"~ and a Gommemorative Dinner, in Mrs. Porter's honor~ is to 'be held a~ the Madonna Inn on such evening. ~ PROGRESS REPORT UNTFORM S.ALES TAX FOR ALL CITIES OF S. L. 0. COUNTY T'he City Adminis~ratorTadvised t'hat reportedly the City of Sar~ Luis Obispo had f'orwarded its resolut~ion, Cin support of this City's request resolution that the sales tax be uniform throughou~k the County), to t'he Boar~d of Supervisors of said County; no ot'~er progress to report at t'h~s time. -1- CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 270 1966 ARROYO GRANDEA CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 SALES TAX REVENUE REPORT FOR THIRD QUARTERB 1966 The Counci~ reveived ~uch report of ~he Ci~ty Admini~trator in which it wa~ brought ou~. ~.hafi ~.he ~ales tax revenue received by the City for t`his ~hird quarter of 1966 was $23,462s which is an increa se of . 016/ over ~he ~hird quar~.er pe~°f od of 1965 e and which is also a new record Ya.~.gh for a11 previous third quarter periods. PROGRESS REPORT - LAFCO CONSOLIDATION COMM2TTE~ MEETING REa FTVE CTTIES' CONSOLIDATTON Councilman Burt reported tha~. ~.he Committee had finalized a format for ~.he assembling of facts and ~igures on t'he various categories of nee~d~d a..n~ormafi.ion~ and that ~'he ~ub-committees were sti11 gathering general anc~ s~ati~t,ical information. REQUEST' LETTER FROM SAN T~UIS OBISPO,COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCo), DATED 12112/66~ RE~ FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR SUCH COMMISSION'S CONSO'LIDATION COMMITTEE REo FIVE CITIES CONSOLIDATION Af~er revie~r~by the City Admini~~.rafi.or of the letter from ~aid LAFCo~ uncler the ~ignature of W. V. Waggon~r, in ~cahich the Commission advised tha~. the Reorgani~ati~on Commi~,t~ea~ appointed by LAFCo to study t'he Sout'h County Consolidation~ was in neec~ of miscellaneous offic,e and inca.dental expense func~~~AND ALSO, such Committee was cles~rous of obtain~.ng t.he serviees of an ~xper~.ise i.n governmental analysis for evaluati,on purpose~ estimated ~.o cost $2a 500.00, :AND AFTER COUNCIL DTSCUSSION, t'he Council direc~ed ~.'ha~ the following procedure of ac~ion ~be taken: Th~ Ca,ty Aclministrator vaas direc~.ec1 to correspond with Mr. Waggorier,• Acting Executive Officer of ~.he S. L. O. LAFCo, (1) inquiring about th~ Reorganization Com~mi~.~ce for the South County using a portion o~'~~ fi:`he pre-budgeted Co~nty ~unds (for LAFCo" s use) of $6~~(7t~~.00 tor professi~onal and~contracting service purposes, AND (2) t~'hat inquiry al~o 'be made to'~t'he subject study committee about t'he possible use of the Sta~e o~E California ' s, Office of Planning's personnel and manpower for`~"assistance purposes in t'he subject Committ~e's study and analysis a_,to the fea~ibility of the Citie~' consolidation. FURTHER IN THIS R,EGARD,~ t'he Mayor directed hat Councilm.an Burt~ the City's r~epresentative fi.o t'he Reorganiz tion Committee, make inquiry to t'he C~mmit.tee ancl seek out t'heir feelings about all the invol~red cit;ies contributing an equal monetary amount to caver this Committee's incidental expenses. LEAGUE OF CALTFORNIA CTTIES RECOMMENDATION BY LEAGUE RE. ~ ~ ~COLLIER-UNRUH ACT (GAS TAX PROGRAM) After discussion~ the Council directed that the City Attorney prepare a resolutfon on b~half o~' this City in support of the elimination of t'he ma~.ching requir~ement uncler Section 186 of t'he Collier-~Unruh Z"ransportation Act, and in support of an extension of the accumulation p~riod for t'h~se funds from two to five years wit'h the optfon to petition accumu7.ation for an ex~ended time with maximum of ten years. Said resolution is to be forthcoming to the Council for their review and resultant~ action at the next regular'ly sc'hedulecl Council meeting. ELM 5TRE~T P,ARK - RECOMMENDATTON B'Y PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSICL~T . RE, DEVEZOPMENT OF SAID PARK T'he Counci'1 received a detailed r~port~ dated 12/7/66, relative to the present as we11 as futurc proposed plans for this park developmerit~ anc7 also, the City Administrator reviewed verbally an exhibit map which s~t forth the immec7iate proposed inftial park development,. 343 CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALTFORNIA PAGE 3 After Council discussion, a~o°tion was made by Councilman Schlegelo secondecl by Councilrnan Burta ~`ha~. ~1ze initial development of the Elm Street Park Plan~ (involva~ng ~.ne front 300' of the City- owned E1m Street p~°operty) q a~ recommenclec~ by ~'he Parks and Recreation Commission and a~ is ~et fort'h in ~.he Exhibi~ Map ancl Drawing of said Park datecl December 7a 1966, be approved, AND THAT an amount not to exceed $70000 be au~hor°ized ancl approved for expenditure in this park developmen~~ AND F"URTHERn ~hafi. the 1oca1 clubs ancl service organizations b~ invit~d and ~ncouraged to participate in this first park proj ec~. for ~he City of Arroyo Grain de. Motion unanimously carried. PARKS .AND RECREATION COMMISSION REQU~ST AND RECOMMENDATION THA.T COUNCTL REQUTRE S'IDEWALK ON NORTH SIDE OF GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN BRISGO ROAD AND ELM STR~ET AND REQUEST FOR COUNCTL'S OPTNION REm PLANTER FACILITY AT SUCH LOCATION After cliscus~ion~ the Council diree~ec~ ~'he City Aaministrator to fol.low ~hrouglz on znaking personal con~act wi~°h the owner of Sunset Builders and of ~he proper~.y on w`h~ch such business is ~ituated, and solicit his cooperation ~ri the pla~em.~n~ of sidewalk in the herein d~signat~d area, AND AL~O aclvi~e such owner that it is the Parks and Recrea~.ion Commission'~ proposed in~.ention to erect a planter for beautif.ication purposes a~. suoh eorner~ AND FURTHERO t"hat t'he City Adma.nistrator inform t'h~ Council about t°he outcome of this intended mutual cpoperative proj~~t. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACKNOWL~]7GMENT AND RECEIPT OF MONTES FROM LOCAL ORGANIZA.TIONS FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION IN WAYSTDE PARK W~LCOME SIGNa K2WANTS CLUB OF S0, S. L,. 0„ COUNTY 100.00 ROTARY CLUB 50.00 After discussionT t'h~ Council officially received the Kiwanis Club check in the amoun;~--o~ $100 and ~:he Rotary Club check in the amount of $50.00, AND directed that ~'he Ci~y Administrator acknowleclge and than.k each of t'hese nar~ed organf~zations, by correspondence, for t'heir cont~ribu~;ian to ~.he City' s soon-to-be- erected wayside park welcome ~ign. FURTHER DISCUSSION - CURB AND GUTTER DEPOSIT In accorda~e wit'h t'he Gouncil's direc~.ion at the last Council meeting, the Cit~y Attorney sugges~ed and recommended to ~he Council that a 10 year 'ho'lding pera.od for curb and gutt~er deposits would seemingly be fair and ,just ~o a11 conc~rn~d. Aft~er furt'her Council discussion~ a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, t'hat t`he exist~.ng ordinance pertaining to curb and gutter c~eposits'be properly amended ~o c1~arly and con- cisely set ou~. t'he following~ That a11 curb and gutt;er depo$it. monies paid to the City of Arroyo Grande be 'held for a 10 year period~ ancl if, at the end of that time~ no curb and gutt~r grades have been established, then the said amount on deposit with ~he City for curb and gutter pur- poses would be ref undable~ upon propPr reques~ to t'he City, to the then current property awner. Motion Unanimously carried. FURTHER DISCUSSION - FAIR O.AKS AR~A DRAINAGE PROBLEM In accordance with th~ Gouncil's direc~.ion at the last Council meeting, the Council recc~ivecl a report f'rom ~he civil engineering firm of Garing, Taylor and Associates, Inc., dated 12/16/66s Re. Master Plan of Curb Grades in the Fair Oaks area, AND FURTHER, the Council wa~ advi~ed by t'he City Adminiatrator that a buclgeted, unexpended amount of $3,100.00 for tlze cur~rent year is on hand for engineering cost purposes. 3 CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GR.ANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 , After Council discussiona a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded 'by Councilman Levine~ ~ha~. the City of Arroyo Grande hereby authorizes ~he firm of Garing and Taylor to proceed with the basic engine~ring to establish curb and gutter grades in the Fair 0aks Area, and ~hat the assi~tance of any and all City forces be usea wherever possible in the execution of this worko AND FURTHER, t'hat every effort be made by all parties involved in this work to keep a11 costs to a min~rn~um, AND FURTHER, that the overall cost involved is not to exceed ~.he sum of $3,100.00. Motion carried. WATER RESERVOIR NO~ 1- RE. RESERVOIR ROOF REQUIREMENTS T'he Director of Public Work~~ Joe Anderson, reviewed verbally for t'he Council his written report and recommendation of December 21, 1966, (A portion of the report under the ~.itle subject of "New Well"), and the repor~ by Koe'big and Koebigv dated December 7, 1966, entitled "Reconnaissance of City Water Storage Reservoirs". For resume purposes only, upon periodic routine analysis of the water held in Reservoir No. 1 by the State of California, Department of Health, contamination of the water was disclosed some time ago. In the process of investigation, it was first thought that a new roof was necessary to correct the source of con- tamination. However, as is set forth in Koebig and Koebig's report, a new roof would be desirable, but is not immediately necessary, since the contamination is apparently stemming from sedimentation on the floor of t'he reservoir. THUS, after Counc~l discussion~ a motion was made by Council- man Burt, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, t~hat authorization be granted for City Forces to proceecl wit'h thorough and proper clean- ing of Reservoir No. 1 in accordance with the recommendations set out in t'he Koebig and Koebig "Reconnaissance" report of December 7, 1966, as same is per~inent to Reservoir No. 1. MOTION UN.ANIMOUSLY CARRIED. PROPOSED NEW WATER WELL FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE After review of t'he Director of Public Works' report of December 21, 1966~ entitled "New We11, and after detailed explana- tion by Joe Anderson. Director of Public Works, as to why ~uch water well was needed and the rea$oning for the proposed location site of same, AND AFTER COUNCIZ DISCUSSION, the Director of Public Works was instructed by the Council to determine the production and other per- tinent factors of other existing and/or operating water we11s in the general surrounding area of the proposed location of the new well, wZzich fs now tentative wit'hin the City-owned E1m Street propert~.y, and so report his findings to t'he Council at their regular meeting of January 24, 1967; .AND FURTHER, since time is of the essence in thi~ matter, the Council instructed ~.ha~ the Director of Public Works proceed with the preparation of the requisite plans and specifications for the new water well, and ~.'hat said completed plans an specifications be presented to the Council at t'heir regular me~ting of January 24, 1967. DISCUSSION RE.MATTER OF COST OF WATER METERS TO BE IN STALLED AT VARIOUS LOGATIONS NOW RECEIVING UNMETERED WATER SERVICES The Councf.l received the memorandum of December 13, 1966 from the Director of Public Works concerning Flat Rate Water Services, and af'ter inter-discussion between the Council and said Director, a motion was made by Councilman Sc'hlegel~ seconded by Councilman BurtJ t'hat the individual property owner would be responsible for the actual cost and payment to t'his City for the water meter itself, i. e. $3~.00; and it will be the responsibility of ~khe inclividual property owner to connect each meter service to each individual water user's dwel'ling or bu~iness facility~ and it will be their further responsibility to sever all plumbing services and facilities now interconnected wit'h any ot'her property or water user, for the reseon t'hat iri somE instances where t'he buildings are joined, t'he -4- CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 plumbing services and facilities are also interconnected, AND FURTHER, that the City of Arroyo Grande would bare the costs involved for installation,by City Forces,of those certain water meters and service lines from the water main to the property line, located primarily in the down town Branch Street area; AND FURTHER, such project, when finalized, will have established metering service for each individual user of water on Branch Street, rather than the present setup of several users on one service line. MOTION UN.ANIMOUSLY CARRIED. PERSON.AL THANKS EXTENDED BY MAYOR JOE ROSE OF PISMO BEACH TO CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Mayor Joe Rose and his wife were welcomed by Mayor Wood to the Council meeting, after which Mayor Rose extended l~is personal thanks for the "lovely party", hosted by Arroyo Gra nde and held at the City's new Corporate Yard for officials and personnel of Pismo Beach, Grover City ancl Arroyo Grande. RECEIPT OF PROPOSAL FROM CONSULTING ENGINEER KENNETH MULLEN ON COST OF APPRAISAL OF THE OCEANO WATER COMPANY The Council rece~.ved the subject proposal and work time schedule, after which Mayor Wood read th~ proposal in its entirety. A furt'her message concerning t'his proposal from Mr. Mullen by tele- phone this date was verbally forwardecl to the Council by the City Attorney, to the effect that the entire project of work would actually be between $2,500 and $3,000 and would take the time of approximately 2 months. The Council gave this matter consiclerable deliberation and they concluded to arrange an additional meeting wit'h Mr. Mullen for f urther discussion purposes of the sub,ject matter and proposal, and the Council directed that the City Administrator make such arrangement. LOPEZ DAM PROJECT The Council was advised by Don Ta11ey, the City's appointec7 alternate representative to the Water Resources Advisory Committee of S. L. 0. County, that bids would probably be let during February for construction of the Lopez Dam Projects and further, that the report by the State on the safety features of the dam would be received "fairly soon". PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 111 RE. SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FIRST READING After Council discussion and resultant approval of the proposed amendment which would in effect fix cl~finite sewer service charges for those services now being charged on the basis of water usage, such ordinance was read through the title by the City Attorney for its first reading. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson; to dispense with reading the balance of the ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. CABLE T. V. PROGRESS REPORT The Council was informed that the Phase 3 Area, (a portion of the City of Arroyo Grande eo named by t'he Cable Television Co.,) would pro bably be ready for home installation in epproximately 3 week ~ . _5_ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 PRICE CANYON ROAD - REPORT BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel advised that the following information had been forwarded to him from Mr. Richarcl C,allagher, S. L. O. County Road Department: The oil companies ~~ow located in the Price Canyon area have the rig'ht to relocate tne road in the areas where such road goes through their property; 'however, any proposed relocation of the road within their prop~rty would have to be approved by any affected and/or involved entity; and thus it would seemingly be inconceivable that the oil companies would undertake any movernent of the now-established Price Canyon Road because of the cost involv~d. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. r' ATTEST: ~ ~<~1~~/~( CITY CL RK MAYOR FIQ _6_ ~ ~