Minutes 1967-01-24 3~~= CTTY COUNCIL JANUARY 24, 1967 ARROYO GR.A.NDE, CALIFORNIA. The City Council met in regular sessi~n with Mayor Wood presidin.g. Upon ro11 call, Councilwoman. Thompson, CounciLmen Levine, SchLegel, and Burt reported pr~sent. PI,~EDGE QF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor W~ood Led us in the PLedge of ALLegiance to our flag and i.~mediately thereafter City Administrator Butch gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - COUNCIL MEETTNG OF JANUARY LO 1967 he minutes ~of the regular meeting of January L0, L 67 were apFroved as prepared. ~1~~O~P~.I, OF WARRANTS mot~on waa made by C~unciLwoman Th~mps~on, seconded by Council- man Levine, that GENERAL WARRA,NTS No. 631 to and including No. 665, in the total amount of $20,343.35, AND PAYROLL WARRANTS No. 987 to and incLuding No. 1040 in the total amount of $9,061.65; AND TRUST AND AGENCY WARRANTS No. 101 to and including No. 147, in the totaL amount of $786.64, BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PA,IDe MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. RECEIVE LETTER OF APPRECTATION - S. L. U. COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOC- IA I ON, INC . The Council received a letter from '~he named Association, ~igned by President Howard Newby and Executive Director Lewis M, HolLand, which Letter was read in its entirety by the City Administrator, and which conveyed the Association's thanks for this City's $1500.00 contri- bution, and~for their "fine spirit of cooperation't. The Council was informed by the City Administrator that this Association is now in fu11 operati~n, with offices Located within the County Courthouse at San Luis Obisp~; and FURTHER IN THIS REGARD, the Counci]. was reminded that the first meeting of the "Planning _Toward Tomorrowtt conference, as presented by the aforementioned Associati4n, wouLd be heLd January 2.~, 1967, at which TfTourism and Recr~ati4n't wouLd be the subject ~f discussion. LA,FCo. - RE: t°FIVE CITIESt'tCONSOLIDATION STUDY Counci man Burt a vise t e C~aunci t at t e vari~us sub- committpes of this a~nsoLidati~an c~mm~.ttee were sti11 in the process of compiLing informati~n, and th,at there is no current status change in'the progress Qf this C~mmitte,e at this time. PF~OGRESS-STATUS REPORT RE: C°!T"Y'S SA,LES TAX REVENUE Un~ ~rm~S'a es ax ransactions for AL1 Cities in S. L. 0. County) The City Administrator advised the C~uncil that t~iere is no current status change in the progress of this proposed uniform saLes tax for all cities of S. L, 0. C~unty at th is time. MEDICA.L INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES RATE INCREASE W.,......~..~._.~...~.......W._...,~.__ (EFFECTIVE 3~L~67) (ADD'IZ'IONAL COST PER EMPLOYEE $1.88) After e rep~rt-resume by t he City Administratar ta the effect that the cost of the current medical coverage for City EmpLoyees, through Blue Cross, wi11 be increased, as of March L, 1967, by approximateLy $1.88. per empLoyee, AND AFTER COUNCIL DTSCUSSION, a motion was made by Council- m~n Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the City hereby accepts and approves the premium cast increase f~r medical coverage by the Blue Cross of Southern Californis, effective March L, 1967,AND FURTHER, that payment of such addit4nal cost of approximateLy $1.88 per empLoyee,. by the C ity of Arroyo Grande, is hereby authorized and appr~ved. Mo~ion unanimously carried. -L- e~~~ CITY COUNCIL JANU~RY 24, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CA.LIFORNIA PAGE 2 NOTICE OF QUA,RTERLY MEETTNG OF THE LEA,GUE C~~' CA,LIFORNIA GITIES - ~~.ID~,Y JA,NUA,RY L A. SAN LUIS 0$ISPO Notice c~f ~ue meeting to be e d a.t ~he $an Lu~.s Ob~~p4 Count~^'y Glub w~s announ~ed to the Council, to which aL1 indicated they would p~.~.t~ t~ ~ttend . 2~'~TICE C1~ OFFICIA,L POPULA,TIQN INCREASE OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF I3ECEMBER 1 196 fram 7 275 TO 7500 PERSONS T~~ Council was in ormed by the City A.dministrator that as of Dec~mber l, 1966, the current total popuLation of this City is 750C~,--as per officiaL notification fr~m the State'of Calif~rnia's Ll~par~cn~nt of Finance. F~r factuaL purposes only: in 1940, the populati~n was 1090; in,1_950 - 1723 persons, in 1960 - 3291 persons; and now €~s of December 1, L966, the popu~.ation is 7500. REQUEST FROM SOUTH COUN'T'Y SANITA,RY SERVICE, INC, AI~TD TRI-CITY DISPOSA,L SERVICE9 FOR AN INCREA,SE IN GARBA,GE COLL~ IT G~~T RA,.TES FOR CI Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ~ After preserttation of the subject request for increasing the garbage c~oLLection rates in this City, through said companiesf Attorney, Peter Rn Andre, o€ San Luis Obisp~, and a~ter discussi~n and resuLtant decision of ac~i~x~ by tt~~e Council, a motion was made by CQUnci.lman Levine , seconded by Cr~~.nciLw~man Th~mpson, that the representative garbage c~oLLecti¢ar~ a~ornpanies, as h~reinab~ove specificaLLy named9 present c~rroborating evidence af need far the subject rate in- c,rease to this City Council for their fu.rther study and resuLtant ac~ion, AND FURTHER, that the City A,dministrator c~orrespond with Att~rney Andre, and arrange a meeting time and pLace for attendance by both the repre- sentatives of the City and the refuse companies, for the purpose o~ intricate discussion and facts' presentation concernin~ the proposed rate increase request by the named refuse aompanies~ MOTION 'UNANI- MOU~ LY CA.RRI ED . RESOLUTI~ON ESTABLISHING WA,GE SCA.LE FOR 1967 PUBLIC WORKS' PROJECTS A ter presentation by t e City ministrator as ta t e intended purpose of this subject resoLuti~n, and after C~ounciL approval, the resolution was read through the title by the City .A,ttorney, Immediately thereafter, a motion was made by G~unciLman SchLegel., secflnded by'Council- man Burt, to dispense wi~h readir,g the balance of said resoLution. Motion unanim~usLy carried. RES f)'LUT I UN NU , 7~31 A~3s~ZU'I"~~iV' OF THE C I TY C OUNC I L 4F THE C ITY OF ARROYO GRA,NDE ADOPTTNG THE GENERAL PREVA,3LING WA,GE SCA,LE On m~tion by CounciLman Burt, sec~andec] by CounciLman Sehlegel, and on the foLLowing roL1 caL1 vote to wit, A,YES : C ounci Lw~oman. Thom~pa on, C ounci Lmen Levine , SchLegel, Burt and Mayor W~ad, NOES : N~ne , : A;BS ENT : N one , the f.oregoing resolution was adopted this 24th day of Jan uary, 1967. FURTHER DISCUSSION - RE UEST OF;S, Lo 0o GOUN'T'Y SOCIETY FOR THE PREVEN= TION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMA,LS RE. A.U HORI~Y QF HiJMA;i~E OFFICERS TO ENFORCE ~ CI'~Y ORDINANCE In accordance with the Council's dsrectic~n at their January LOth meeting, Attorney Shipsey first advised that presentLy there is no pro- vision established within ~he Code of the City of A,rroyo Grande for anyone, -2- CITY C0~'NCIL JANUARY 24, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CA.LIFORNIA. PA.GE 3 incLuding a police officer of this City,, to +:ssue a citation for violation flf our A.nimaL Ordinance--The Code c:~ntent in this regard indicates they have auth~rity for making arrests onLy, The Palice Department couLd issue said c'ita.tior~.s by the authority ~f the City Vehicle Code. After inter-discussion of the subjec~- in question by and between C~uncil, Mrs, HaroLd Lee and l~fr. Ler~y Witmer, Supervi.sor of the ta'a~ds' Animal Shelter, a motion was rnade by C~unciLwornan Thampson, second~d by CounciLman Levine, that the applieable ordinanee pertain- ing t~ animal control within the City, which ~rdinance is Section 6- 1.04 the Municipal C~de ~f the City of A.rroyo Grande, BE AMENDED TO PE~ZNITT the issuance of citation by authr~rized representatives of ` tha~ ~~ty, ~ne of which is the agency c~ontracted by this City to enforce the animal control ordinance,.A,ND FURTHER that fihe City Attor- ney is hereby directed t~ prepare the subject amendment, and present same to the Council f~or their resultant acti~on at the next reguLar • Council meeting. M~otion unanimousLy carried, FURTHER IN THIS REGARDA Mrs, Har~Ld,Lee, representing W~~odsf Animal SheLter, pr~oposed the questi~n t4 the C~unail as t~ whether ~r n~ot they wouLd deem it advisabLe to increase the imp~unding fees and boarding rates for animaLs whose picl~ups by tk~e said Society origin- ated within ~our Cifiy. The CounciL, aft~r discussion, advised they wouLd take such matter under advisement, and to this end it was agreed that representatives of the Council, nameLy Mayor Wood and Councilman Burt, meet with Mrs. HaroLd Lee to further discuss the matter of in- creased costs on the impounding of animaLs and their daily board. ORDINANCE ADOPTIONeAMENDING SUBSECTION (G) OF SECTION L513 GHA.PTER 4 TITLE 9 OF '1"HE A~RROYO GRANDE MU'NTCIP ,L CODE ESTABLISHING A IME LIMIT ON CURB AND GU ER DEPO I S A ter Council review and discussion, the subject ordinance was read through the titLe by the City A,ttorney; after which a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading the baLance of said ordinance. Motion unanimously carried, ORDINA,N~E N0, 5 C e S, ORDINA,NCE OF THE CI'~"X OF A~RROXO GRA,NDE AMENDING SUBSECTION (c) OF SECTION LSL3, CHA~~'I"ER 4, TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO r GRANDE CITY MUNICIPA,L CC>AE RE'LATING TO EXCEP'~ION TO THE REQUIREMENTS F~K CURBS A~Nb GUTTERS ~ On m~ti~n by Councilman Levine, s~c~nded by G~uncilw~man Th~omps~on, and on the f~LL~wi.ng r~11 ca11 vote, t~o wit r A.YES : C~o~ncilw~aman Th~ompa~on, CaunciLmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and May4r W~o~d, NOES : N~one , A,BSENT : N~one , the foregoing ordinance was adopted this 24th day of January, 1967. PARKS AND RECREAT I ON C ON]1~IIS S I ON - RE UES T FOR C OLJNG I L ADOPT I ON OF ME HOD PER A,INING 0 E NAMING OF PUBLIC P CES I,E. Pu ic O en " Spaces, Beauty A,reas, Small end Lar~e Park Areas, etca After detailed expLanation of the subject request by the City Administrator; and aft~r discussion thereof, the CounciL directed that 'the Gity A.ttorney prepare an appLicabLe resoLutifln pertaining to the naming of public pl.aces and thereafter present same to the Council for their re~ultant acti~n. _3_ ~5'~ CITY C0~1~TT, JANUARY 24, 1967 ARROYO GRI~NDE, CA,T~IFORNIA PAGE 4 REGEIPT OF ARROYO GRANDE POI.ICE pEPt~RTM~NT' S A,NNUAL REPORT TO THE FED- ERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION The C~ounci~ xeviewed such report with interest, and thereafter dir- ected that sam~ be pLaced ~n fiLe. P~Ia7~~E ~?~PARTMENT - EMPLOYMENT OF NEW POLT.CE LIISPATCHER - JAMES GREG- O~Y, REPLACING RON KING . '~he G~~nciL was advised tt~~t James Greg4ry was hired by the City as a~oLice Dispatcher commencing January 14, I967, to repLace Ran King who is i~a~ing the Department because of heavier c411Egiate studies requiring more o~ his personal time, RE iJE~T' OF PLANNING AND BUILDTNG DEPAR'~MENT OF THE CIfiY FOR COUNCIL CON- STD~~A.~"~ON OF ADOPTION OF UNIFORM SIGN CODE L9 7~ EDITION WITH AMENDMENTS The City Administret~r reviewe at leng'th the presented materiaL o ~hese Departments, i,e., (L) report of th~e intent and purpose of such sign, code adopti~n--as prepared by the Planning and BuiLding Departmer~~s, ~u.ndated), (2)'proposed ordinance related thereto, and (3) reference copy of the Uniform Sign Code, 1964 ~dition. After diseussion, the Council concluded thai ~~tudy Sessi4n on this subject matter be heLd by the C4uncil, taith Mr. Bob GaL1op, City PLanner, and Mr. J.Ra NickLas, City BuiLding Inspect~r, aLso in attendance. ~UEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL FOR CALL FUR BIDS TRACTOR'MOUNTED BACK- HOE LQADER A BUDGE ED ITEM FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT A ter status review y the City Administrator o~he proposed pur- chase of the subject Loader, and af°ter Council discussion, a motion was made by G~ounciLman SchLe~el, sec~nded by CQUncilman Burt, that the call for bids pertaining t4 the pr~pased purchase of a tract~or-mounted back- hoe Loader, a budgeted item f~r the Water Department, be authorized, ar~d that such bids be ~opened in the Office ~of the City CLerk on Febr~ary 9, 1967 at 2 P.M, Motion unanimousLy carried. CQl~1ISSI0NSHIP VACANCY IN PLA,NNING COMMISSION In t e Counc L's consi erati4n ~ ing th is subject vacancy, ~ having 4ccurred beca~se 4f the passing ~of CorneLis Visser, it was their concLuded thought that possibly through the news media, this City could infarna fihe Citizens ~f Arroyo Grande of our "Reservoir of Gitizenst', a main- tained List of persons wh~ are interested in City functioning and who would wish to serve on a c.~mmiasi~n or other. committee within the'City, The Mayar pers~naLLy asked the cooperati~n of the ne~aspapers, through their representatives in attendance, in bringing this matter to the attention of the A:rroyo Grande Citiaetis. In the interim of this action, the m~tter of filling the vacancy on the P~anning Commission wouLd be 'heLd ir~ ebeyance. RESOLUTION COORDINA,TING AND A,PPLYING FOR FEDERA,L DISASTER FINANCIAG ASSISTANCE WITH THE COUNTY OF S,L.O, FOR DAMAGES RESUL ING FR E STORM AND FLOOD WA ER DAMAGE OCCURRING IN 'l~HIS CI Y DURING HE WEEK OF DECEMBER . ES IMA ED C INVOLV D , 0 A ter review anc~ exp a~nati~n ~t~ie City Ac~ministrat~r, and after Council discussion and their resultant approval, the subject resolution was read thr~ugh the title by the City Attorney. Th~reafter, a motion was made by CounciLman Levine, sec~nded by C~unciLwoman Thompson, to dispense with readi~ng the balance bf said resoLution. Motion unani- mousLy carried. , RESOLiJTTON N0, 732 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF' ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE BQARD OF SUPERW'ISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATZON DISTRICT TO INCLUDE F~R DISASTER ASSISTANCE DAMA.GES SUSTAINED IN AND TO THE CI'I"Y OF ARROYO GRANDE BY STORM AND FLOOD WATERS OCCURRING IN THE CITY DURING THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 5- 9, 1966, -4- rJE~. ' CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 24, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA. PAGE 5 On motion by CounciLman I;,evine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and ~n the foLl~owing roLL caT1 vote, ta wit: As.YES: Councilw~oman Th~mpson, CounciLmen Levine, SchLegel, Burt and May~r W~4d, NOES : None, ABSENT: None, the faregoing res~oLution was adopted this 24th day of ,7anuary, 1967. SOU'I`H SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ~`~e City A.dministrat~r gave an up-t~o-date report ~on the current ~i~~.~°~~~.aL-budgetary status of the Disfirict. OCEANO SANITARY DISTRICT The City A:dministrator gave a resume ~of this District4s progress toward completing financial arrangements, thr~ough General Obligation Bonds and Federal Grant assistance, f~r compLeting a sewer system in their l~istrict. PLA.NNING COMMISSION - JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH COUNTY OF S. L. 0.'S PLANNING C(~MNIISSION - JANUA,RY 19 L 7 The City A,dminlstrator reporte on the joint meeting of this City's PLanning Commission and the County ~f San Luis Obispo's Plan- ning Cammission, in which the said County Planning Gommission agreed to incLude certain eLements of the General Plan of the City of Arroyo Grande, (i, e.,the Land Use Element, the Parks and Recreation Element and the CircuLation (Streets and Highways) Element),in the said C~unty's General PLan. FURTHER, this Cityts PLanning Gommissi~n asked the said Caunty Planning Commission to proceed with the establishment of proper zoning cLassification of that certain Land area Located adjacent to and within a three miLe radius of the City Limits of Arroyo Grande. TRACT 244 (PAUL PLACE & RUSS COURT) DUPLICATION OF FIRE PROTECTION BY OCEANO FIRE PR EC ION DIS RIC A,ND CI Y OF ARROYO GRANDE FIRE PRO EC ION ~e City A,dministrat~r advised the Council that the County Adminstrative Offices had n~tified the City of this dupLication ~of fire pr~tecti~on t~o the area in question. After discussi~on, the CounciL directed the City Att~orney t~o prepare the requisite res- ~Luti~n which w~auld uLtimateLy excLude Tract No. 244 fr~am the Oceano Fire Pr~tection District, and thus rem~ve said area from the tax rolLs appLying to the Oceano Fire °x~~tection District. VALLEY RI~, RE. ~FOUR LA.NES FOR TRAFFIC FLOW STREET TREES PLANTED THEREON, ROUNDIN~ OF RLGHT ANGLE TURN ON V LLEY R~D AT N. W. CORNER OF E A.G. H~GH~SCHOOL CAMPUS May~r Woo advised the Council that he had received direct comment from certain Citizens who reside on VaLLey Road concerning p~ssible future visual ~obstruction, trafficwise, fr~m the street trees now planted along VaLley Road; and a further comment regarding the ~necces- sibiLity, safetywise, of backing vehic.les from private driveways onto Valley Road because of the recently estabLished fau r Lanes of travel on VaLley Road. Further in thiG regard, Counci~.man Burt inquired about the pos- sibiLity of converting the now-exietent sharp right angle turn on Valley Road at the N,W, corner of the Arroyo Grande High Sch~ool, VaLley Raad Campus, into e flowing curve to e,lLeviate the sharpness of this turn. The City Administrator was directed to f411ow through on this matter and keep the C~uncil informed of his findinge thereon.` -5- 35~ CITY CQUNCIL JANUARY 24, 1967 . ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL'S REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO BE OUT-OF-STATE FROM FEBRUARY 26 to MA.RCH 5, L967 A.fter presentati4n by G~uncilman SchLegel, and Council dis- cussiox~., a m~ti~n was made by CounciLman Burt, secflnded by Council- m~n. Levine, that permission be granted an,d approved for CounciLman S~F~1ege1 to be nut-of-St~te fr4m February 26, 1967 to Mareh 5, 1967. '+~ca~~ o~ unanim~usLy carried. A,DJQU~tNMENT '~Q EXEGUTIVE SESSION ~n m~tion by CounciLman Schlegel, sec~nded by Councilman Levine, and ~.~.~.nimousLy carried, the C~unciL adj~aurned t~ an Executive Session at ~:2~ P, M, RE~~NVENEMENT OF COUNGIL MEMBERS The C~ouncil recr~nvened in the Cr~uncil Cha~bers at 10:15 P,M., with members ~f the C~uncil being present as hereinbef~re specificaLLy named. ADJ OURNNiENT On moti~on by C~uncilwoman Thompson, seeonded by GounciLman Levine, and unanimously carried.the meeting adjourned at L0:16 P.M. ATTEST: ~~G~!~~~c9~~ C GLE MAYOR c FIQ BK ~ _6_ ,