Minutes 1967-01-30 36Q CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 30, 1967 ARROYO GRA,NDE, CALIFORNIA, 5 P. M. The City C~ouncil met in speciaL ~essi~n with Mayor Wo~od presiding. Up4n ro11 ca11, C~ounciLwoman Th~mps~n, C~uncilmen Levine and Schlegel reported prese~.t. CounciLman Burt was absent. RE~aLUTION A,DOPTION,r, EXCLUSION OF TRA.CT N0. 244 FROM THE OCEA,NO FIRE PROTECTTON DISTRTCT CounciLman Burt is' n~w.present. The Czty A,ttorney reviewed for the C4uncil, the proceedure rahich has t~ be f~Ll~owed t~ enabLe the exclusion ~af Tract No. 244 L~cated in the City af A.rroyo Grande from the Ocean~ Fire Protection Dist~ciet . City Administrator advised the Council that this area was not~ ~~~~uded from aforesaid District at the time ~f annexation to the City of Arroyo Grande and therefore the property owners are payin~ f or fir~ protection to bath the City of A,rroyo Grande and the Oceano Fire Protecti4n District. The City Administrator further advised that he had checked with the S,I+Q Ca auditor and had determined there is~na bonded indebtedness against the District and no unusual ~perating expe~°.~es or capital items which the District has to aquire revenue for. Theref4re it is the City Administrator's recommendation that the proposed res~Luti~n be passed to aLLeviate the prr~perty ~owners ~of this doubLe cast of fir.e pr~tection. A,fter Ca~uncil discussi~on, the City A,tt~rney read the f~oLLowing titled res~luti~on in its entirety. RES OLUTION N0. 733 RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA,NDE WITHDRA.WING CERTAIN A,REA, A,NNEXED TO THE CITY FROM THE OCEA,NO FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT On motion by CounciLwoman Thomps~on, seconded by CounciLman Levine and by the folLowing roL1 ca11 vote to wit: A.YES: CounciLwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, SchLegel, Burt and Mayor Wo4d, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, th:e foregoing Resolutian was adopted thie 30th day of January, L967. As there was no further business concerning this matter, upon m~tion. by Councilman SchLegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and un- anim~ousLy carried, the meeting adjourned at 5:07 P.M. ATTEST : ~ ITY CL MAYOR PM , BK ,