Minutes 1967-02-28 36~ cz~ cou~c~~ ARROYO GRA~DEs CA~~FOR~I~ ~E~RUAR~ 28, 1967 '~he Ci~y Co~nci_l ~e~ r~g~lar sessi~~ ~it~ Ma~or ~ood p~~@ siding, ~p~n roll ca~l, Co~~~~~lwo~~~ 'I'~a~~~so~, ~~~~c~l~~n L~v~n~, and ~~r~ rep~r~~~ pr~~~~~~ ~~~~c~l~a~ sc~le~el a~s~~~4 PLEDGE ALI~G~.ANCE ANI~ ;~~SV~CA'~~~L~7 Mayc~r Wood led t~h~ F~~dc~~ c~f A1~~c~~.,~~c~ ~c~ ca~,r flag and ixa~xnedi- ateTy ~h.ereaf~ter Reverend W~°~~~.~ o~ t~r.~ c~p~~a Bibl.e C1~v..urcT~ of Grover City gav~ ~he invocat~one APPROVAL OF MINUTES 'I7be rnirnutes of #:..he reg~lar nn~e~:i~g o~ ~ebr~zary~ 14th, 1967 were appro~ed as pr~paredo APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A~o~io~ was m~c1e b~ Co~nc~~~aao:~~..~ '~~aa~pso~., s~conded by Council- man Levi~~, t~a~. ~emsral W~.rrara~s LV~o and including Nom 753, in the to~.~l annount of $11, 711 u 65, ar~,~ ~~.~~~11, Warrants No. 1113 to and including N~~ 1175 in tY~e to~al aa~~u~n~ of $9, 13~.62, and Trust and Agency Warrants No~ 148 t~a and ix~cl~adir~g No. 162, in the total amoun~ of $~8.~0, be a~s~hc~riz~d a~d o~d~r~d paido Motion unanimously carried. LETTER FR4~M MAYJRY' ~RENNAN RE(~ARD~L~~ P~,~~N~ RESTRICTION ON VALLEY ROAD Correspo~.dence vaas ~°ecei~red fr~m Ndro ~rennan requestirg the No Parking restricti~n o~ Va~le~ Road b~ 1z.mi.~ed to -the haurs of 7:30 A.1K. to 9;00 A.Ma a~?ya as h~ felt r~st~x°ic~~.on was detrirnental to his business ~.nd also ~o t~e ~~t~r as s~l~s ~a~ ~„~o~.ld be less from fewer sales. Adn~sinistrat~r B~.~.~~Ya ~dvised -~i~at tl~e Police Department had no objectio:~s to t~e n~ parkzng iaeir~g ~~stric-~ed to peak traffic h.ours only and a written repor~ v~a~ sui~rr~~.~.~~d ~ror¢? ~~a~ Publ.ic Works Depart- mente Ait~r discussion, ,i.~ ~,vas agreed ~~at an ho~arly traffic count for a oa~~ ia~~k period and s~ud~r b~ r~a~d~, ~s~alalishing peak traffic hours, as s?~~rg~s~~d b~ ~.l~e ~~zlalic Wor~s Depar~ex~t, with a report being subznitt~d a~t tlke r~g,aiar sc~e~ ~ia~c~ of Marc1~ ~,4, 19E~7 . PROGRESS REPORT ON UNIFORM SALES TAX ~E'~R C3TIES IN SLO COUNTY Admir~istrator But~~a advised tY~,a~ cogies of letters from the City of Grover City axad th~ ~ity c~f P~s~°~o ~eacla to the County Admin- istratis~e officer had ]~een received aand be~~ka Cities had indicated they were not ix~ favor o~ ent~ring ~z~~o an ac~reement with the County where}ay tl~r~ Co~:~ty of San Luis t~?~is~o wo~ld receive a portion of the City's ~a~~s tax, Mr. Butch a~so advised t1~~.t the City of Morro Bay would take ~.his zna~~er u~.der disc~zss~.a~~ a~ tY~~ir meeting tonigh.t and their ac~ior~ w¢~a~ld be for~aarded to ~:ki~ Co~.~~y, and that all three letters wo~.ld be presented ~~a -~l~e ~caard o£ Supervisors for their con~ sideration d~aring t~~e earl.y ~~a~t c~~ I~~rc?~i. DISCUSSIOl~ - ARROY'cJJ GRAI~DE W~NdAN ° S C~,dJ'~ - I?i~EI? t~,G~ZEEMENT WITH CITY City At~orney Sl~ipsey report~~ tl~~t ~xe had reviewed the agreement between tl~e Ci~ty and tk~e Arroyo Gra~ade Wor¢?an's Club of April 28, 1952 and the extension agreenraent of Ma~r 9, 1961 co~,cerning property in the Valley View T~act, and it was ~is opin.io~a tYaat although the Woman's Club holds a grar~t deed ~or ~th~ prop~rtgaa ~~s.e conditions of the unre- corded agreea~aex~t and ex~~nsi~n agx•eer~en~ are ~airading and must ~e com- plied witY~io After dis^ussion, ~l~ae ~'~~.~ac~.1 ira~~kruc~:~d Administrator Bu~ch to arrange a meeting between the Wor~~~'s Clu~~a and ~he Parks and Recreation Coznmissi~n for tkne purpose of disc~.ssix~~ the possibility of the property being developed wit3~. ~ coxnmaan~t~r ~~a~~dix~q, in a coopera~ive effort be- ~ tween the C1~la and tYre Cz~~a SucY~ a~~:a.q~ of tl-~e Co~ancil was taken pur- stzant to the req~est of 1~[rs . Di~dricY~..s~~. ~ade in person to the Council on behalf o£ the Woman's C~~~~ ~al~ii~c1~ ~~~s~~ had stated that it would seemingly be advisable t~^~a~ a decisio,~ s~~ould be reached prior ~o the termination date e~f the ~greemerat ~ _ _ . °1- , 37Q cz~ cou~c~L ARROYO GI2ANDE, CAL~FOFc~T~~, ~"~~RUAR~' ~tl~, 1967 PAG~ 2 DISCUSS~rJ~T ON ~'yiE RFQ~ES'~" F~°1R ~?~T::RE,.D,SF ~Lti' RE~~~T:SE ~~'JI-0~ECTI~N F,ATE~ . Mayor W~o~ r~por~e~ tra~t tk~e C~a~arsa~~~e~ of ~o~a~cilmen Levine, Administrato~ B~.t~~, a~d hi~~e~.f ~iad ~r~ ~ai~Yi l~ro C1~arles Cattaneo; and a~tPr ~.oroa~c~h~ review ~t ~ras f~l~ ra~~ i~,erease -as requested was jus~ified. Aft~r discussio~.a t~a~ ~i~~ A~~~rney was instructed to prepare an ordi~ance ~o arr~uen.d ~~e 1~iT~an~c~pa~ ~ode irncorporating the ra~.e i~acreases ~s agr~eed upo~, PUBLIC HEARII~TG - 1~iUASL~TA ROAI~ PI.4A~T ~~NE City Engir?eer Garinc~ gr~se:~.ted ~ r~u~p ~f ~Y~e proposed plan line and reviewed tkxat ~he proposed t~a.rc~alati~a~ Elean~nt of the Generai Plan indicat~d ~~at H~nasna Road be ~mproved as ar~ fo~t road in "the future.' He explained a Pl~.n L~~ne es~:a~~is~a~s area ~~r building set-back pur- poses whi^h wo~ld ~.oi~ allc~w cons~r~.~~ior~. ~.~a ~.~e fut~ar_e right of way, that tlZe plan lines were r~~sig~.ed as ~~oa~~rnicalYy as possible avoiding existinc~ dGVellings, ~~aat it vaas t~~a~ ~~-~er~t a-~ -~his tirne to improve 32 feet of roadwa,y ~.o conform. tc~ t~.e Pla~ I~~~aes oa~ ~Yae ~orth side of Huasna Road whic~b would canstit~~e t.vvaa~ driving lanes, with the balance of the proposed 64 f~ot roadwa~ i~prov~m~pr~~: wi~l~in the 80 foot plan line right of ~.~a~r, to constr~a~~~~ ~~~~r wl~~~ fu~xds were available and traffic warran~~d tIZ~ vaider s~~°ee~,m UpQn :krei~~ assur~d :~y t~xe ~i~~ G~ ~rk ~kh~t 27 abutting property owners tr~ ~,~ie Iln.aasna Road P~an I~i~~ ~aad b~en a~~tified by mail of the Public Heax°inc~, M~yor W~aod decla~ed ~e~rinc~ no~a open and all per- sons for ~r agains~ tYae pr~op~sed P.lar~. L~rae ~v~~.ld now be heard. Mr. Wil.lard Cole, 1011 I-~~a.as~a R~ad; Vard Loamis, 980 Huasna Road;' Harold Livingston, 943 I~p~.~.sr~.a Raad; l~r. ~o~xn Waller, 1098 Huasna Road; and Mr~ A» E~ Skidaanor~., 11C1 ~~.~s~aa Road pr~~~ested t:~e Plan Line as they felt t~x~ ~0 foot ~ridth is na~ ~~~,~st.ifi~d. Mr. Loomis also protest- ed .that th~ additio~al prc~p~rt~y n~cessa~~r -ra ir~crease Huasna ~Road to an 80 foot s~.ree#: would 1aP ~cquired fro~ ~~a~ property o~a the sou~th side of Huasna Road. Mre Don Rowe, 830 Ht~as~a Roads subnnit~ed a l~tter of protest to the Plan Line and protested orally t~e plaxa .~i~.e kaeing designed to encroach a1re~~st~ enti.r~l~ o~n t~e proper~.~r ori the south side of the ex- isting H~asn.a Road~ ~e also s~a~e~. t~at h~ ~elt the plan could be _ redesiqn.ed i~o the nox°th ~o be mor.e equi~a~,le for ~.he property owners and that 1~.e fel-~ an 80 £oot r~ad is x~~o~ ~ecessar~ at this time for this area. Ndr~ a~~1 Mrs. Ray~ond Carls~n~ 803 :~uas~a Road, and Bernice Laugh- lin, , 805 Huasr~a Road, discussed wi~Y~ ~h.e Cou?~cil that if the plan lines were es~alalished to the nort~h of wY~~.~e ~~~e~ ar~ now proposed, the road would be too close to exist.i~.c~ r~~id~nces. Mr~ Frank Rose, 921 Huasna Road, was advis~d re~ent constru~ti.on h~d ~~en perm~itted close to the existinc~ road as the Ci~y Yaad no ~aay ~o gro:~~.bit it until Plan Lines were es~a~ilis]~ed. P1an~aing Com~nnissiox~Pr Sc~~~.1~z r~view~~ tk~ie Planning Commission ~ s .actio~x and r.easons for recom~endin~ adoptir~n of the Plan Line to the City Caux~c~l. No ~u.r~h~r discussian for or aqr,ai~~t Plan Line, Mayor Wood declar~ed ~k~ae ~?earin.g c~losedm After discu~s~an, th~ Co,a~cil ge~~rall~ ~el~ th.ere is a possibility of movir~gr the P1az~ Liz~~ xorth ~af w&~~r~ a.s now proposed, and instruct- ed the staff to revieGV tkne F1~~ ~,in.e a~d r~por~: at the next regular meet- ing. RECESS Mayor Tn7oocl d~~~.~xed t~a.~ m~e~i~~ rec~~~sed at 9m 2Q P.M. The Council ~ xecon~eraed a-~ 9~ 2~ P.NSm ~vi~~ a11 mea~~~r~s pr~sPnt as shown on roll call. ~7~ ~ITY COUN~IL FEBR~ARY 28~h, 1967 ARROYO GRAND~, CAL3~'ORIVIA PAC~E 3 DISCUSSION O~N PROI~O~EI~ AM~I~DNpEN'I° TC7 ,~Nf~N~L~ ~ON'~°R,OL ORDINANCE Mayor Woo~ report~d ~hat C~aannci~.a~r,~~a ~~rt, Ac7niinistrator Bu~ch and himself had met ~ai~Y~ Mr. ~era~ Wi~a~r, r~pr~s~r~ting Woods Animal Shelter, ito discuss the proposed ~rario~s ~at~ increases c~f the Animal ' OrdinarYCe, and ~after thoro~zgla revi~~a i~ was fel.t the rates should be increased. After ~iscussion, ~~.~g~ A~~orz~.~~r was instructed to pre~ pare an ordinanc~ to amend ~t~e I~~unicipal ~o~e incorporating the rate :tncreases and issuance of. cita~ieans as req~a~ste~ k~y Woods Animal Shel.ter and as recorcu~~nded by ~h~ Coax~itte~ a . MINUTES OF SLO COUNTY DE~~LOP~N7C ASSOC~A`~"~ON Administratar Butc:h advised that a copy of the minutes of the San Luis Obispa County Deve~.opment A~so~iatiora ~ad been received and that the Cit~ wo~al~ cor~'~inue ~~a recPive copies of the minutes in the future. Ma~ar r,Vood ordered th~ ~ainut~s to be filed. LE,AGUE 0~' CAL][F. CIT~ES ° LEt~ISLP,°I°IVE ~~TLL~T~N DI~EST Administrator Bu~c~~ brief.~y revi~wed tYa~ first digest of the Assembly and Senat~ k~~,1,1s «ffe~tirag ci~i~s introduced a~ the 19C7 session of t~,e L~egisla~ure, whicl~ had farward~d ~Q us by League o:E California ~i~.ie~, and ~ae will ]ce~p the ~;oun~i~ p~~~~~ of furth~r ~.ev~lopz~~n~.s oa~ ~i~~ese k~i~.~s ~ DAVIS HOUSE USE PERMa'~ CASE N~J~ 65-76 After discussion, a matian was ~ade b}~ Cc~tz~~i~wC~m~i~ 'I'~Omp~~n, seconded by C~unci~.~~an ~~zr~t, tt~--i~t ~ngr i~u~~~ve~~r~t~ ~vitY~~n the deeded 15 faot right-~of~t~ay a~ 7~5 ~~~1~~~ ~o~.t~ (I~~vi~ ~~u~~j m~~ be rernoved by Harold 8. and Ra~~: ~~vi~ ~n~ ~ir~~, c~r ~up~n ran~i~'S,~~t~on by ~the City to do eo, at ~~ie e~tp~n~~ a~~ ~~rol~ ~ o ~r~c~ R~~e Davi~~, aa ~e- carn~nended by th€~ P1ar~n~ng ~~rzr~mi~si~a~.~ ~.¢atic~~a ~~~ri~d. c~nt~:r~~ed ~.3.. CITY COUNCIL ~EBRUARY 28a 1967 .ARROYO GRA~VD~a CALIFORNTA PAGE ~ PROPOSED AMENDNIE~T TO M~JNT~IPALo CODE PERTATNING "I°O S"I'R~EZ° TREES Copies o~ a propo~~c~ o~clinan~e peri~a~nir~g ~a planting anc~ main- tenance of ~~reet ~re~~~ a~~~enc~~cl by ~'k~~ Pa~]c~ anc~ Recreation Commis~ion by fhe~r ~t~~U~.u~ion No. ~o "ha~l ~e~r~ ~ubrni~ted ~o =~he Counci~. for s~udy and w~re ~a7cen urac~~~° di~~~u~~ion at t7iis °tim.e. Administra~or Bu~cT-~ ~a~ ~n~~ru~ted 'tc, a~~~r~g~ a j~int meet~ng between ~he Parks anc~ R~~~~a~,ion Comm~~~ior~ and °~lze Ci°ty Council for the pu~po~e of di ~cu~~~~g ~he propo~ec~ o~clinan~e prio~° to Council ac~ion on ~ameo FIRST ANNUAT~ REPORT OF' ARROYO GRANDE FTR~ D~PAR'I`MENT Cop~.e~ of ~he ~i~~~. Ar~nual R~po~~ o~ ~.~he Ar~oyo Gra~de Fire Depar~tznent ~'o~ ~he ~alenda~ y~ar~ 1966 v~°~~e recei~ed by t~e Council, who commende~ ~he ~'i,~°e Depar~~m~r~~ ~or ~1z~~~ ach~evemen~t ~nd strive for be~~terment of ~7~eir• Depar~men-~, Mayor~ We~oc1 ordered the report received and one ~opy p1a~~c~I on f~Ye~ ar~ai ~ugges~ed that as many copies a~ po~~ible be made a~ai~abY.~ ~o ~~e pub~ic. DI SPOSAL OF ~URPLUS CTTY PROPER~"Y ON GFZAND AVENiJ~ Adm~ni~~ra~.or Bu~k~'h ou~;Y~necl area~ on G~a~ac1 A~renue which are now ~x~e~s proper~y af~e~° ~~eal~gnm~r~t z~~ac~ irnprovement of Grand A~enu~ o Ci~ty A,t~:orn~y 57~.~p~~y ac1v~~~ci cli~pbsal of these proper~ie~ ~ou~d be ~handl~d by ~a~%ou~ zne~~oc~~q but ~that he would recommend conforming ~:o ~7~ie pro~eciure~ ou~~aned by Sec~ion 8320 of the Stree~.~ anc~ H~.ghways C~d~. A~~~~ Cour~~iT c~~~~us~~~ino At~torney Shipsey read in i~~ ~r~~tir~~:y a r~~olu~ior~ of ~n°~ent ta Vgcate and abandon ~.1~o~e po~°~ions of Grand Av~rau~ a s ~h~°°~wn on ~a zinap c~n f ile in the office of ~.1ze Ca,~.y C~~;r7c.. ~ RE SOLU'I°ION NO ~ 7 ~ ~i ~ RESOZU'I'TON O~ INTEN'I'ION T'O VACAT'~ A POR~°TON OF TWO CITY STRE~T~ AND ~IXING TIM~ AND PT~AGE F"OR HEAI~ING AS PROVIDED FOR BY S'I"REET a AND HTGHWAYS COD~~ SE;CTION 8320„ ET SEQ. On rriotion of Counc~.~man Bur~,, ~~~onded by Councilwoman Thompson, and by ~he fo~low~ng ro~1 call vofi~~ to wits AYES~ Cau~~~l~aornan T''homp~onfl Gouncilmen Burtn Le~rin~~ and Mayor Wood NOE~A Non~ ABS~NTn Co~r~cilmar~ S~hl~gel~ the forego:~ng Re~o1u~~.on ~as ado~~.~d ~h~~ 28~~h. day of February, 1967. DISCUS~ION ON BTDS F"OR> WAT~R LIN~ CRO~~ING CREEK Direc~.or of Pub1~c Wprk.~ Anderson r~vi~v~red a r~por~ he had prepared on ~h~ Valley Road Wa~er Lin~,, d~a~~c~ February 240 1967, which recomm~nd~cl ~.ha~. °~he Coun~i~ r~j~~~ ~'he bid~ received to con- struc~ ars overizeacl cre~7c ~ro~~ing ~o s~rve T'ract 186, and tha~ ~1zis money b~ appli~d ~to ~x~encTing ~.he p~opos~d 10 in~h line on Valley Roada so~~he~r:ly at ~hi~ ~ime. Af°~~r Council di~~us~~on~ a motion was mad~ by Councilman Burt, secondecl by CounciYwoman Thom.pson„ ~o rejecfi a~T bids receivecl for the con~~ruction of an ov~r7~ead creek ~~o~~ing ~to ~erve Tract 186, Project No. 60-6"7-2, Mo~~on carried. NEW WELL - CON~"RA.CT ON SECOND UNIT' Director o~ Publ~.c Worlcs And~r~on rev~e~r~d a report he had pre- pared on tlze ~e~~ we~~ and brie~ly ac~va~~ed ~7iafi ~he test hole had been co~hple~ed ~o a c~ep~h o~ 250 ~ee~p ~,`hat a11 indications are that a good we~1 ~an be cTeve~op~c7 in ~`hi s ar~a„ and ~hat he would recommend ~he con~rac~ be a~rarcled or~ ~th~ se~onc~ unit of the well CTTY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 280 1967 ARROYO GRAND~B CALIFORNIA. PAG~ 5 bid ba sed on un~ ~ price ~ a~ ~ubm~,t~~c~ b~ F~raycl We~~ s o Af~ter Couneil disc~x~~~or~o a~o~~o~k ~.~a~ z~ad~ ~?y C4uncilwoman ~ Thompson~ ~econded by Coun~ilman Lev~.r~~, a~~Yao~°i~ing ~'loyd V. Wellsa Inc. ~o proc~~d wi~h ~he ~~~or~c~ ~n~~ of th~ ~re~l b~cl as per contrae~ a`aarded on February 14~T~9 196'7. Mo~ion unan~.mously carriecl. VALLEY ROAD AND ASH ,~TR~~"I° WATE~R LTNES Direc~:or o~ Public Wor7c~ Ancler~ar~ ~~~e~~m~nded ~1-i~t the Council rescind their action of ~~~ruar~y "14, ~9C7 ca~~ing for'bids on a water 1.ine on Valley Roac1,, ancl g~an~ p~rm~ ~~ion °~q advert~.s~ fQr b~.d~ for th~ ir~~~taT~a~~o~ o~ ~1~~ orig~na~ p~oposec~ li~,e on valley Road, pius ex~enc~ing ~n~ propo~ed ~~ra~ sc~u~h~~lyp and include 2000 fee~ tapprox~mat~lg~ o~ ~.0~' l~r~~ or~ A~Y~ ~~,ree~ E~c~ension to give a be~°~er bid ba s~. ~ q A. mo~ion was mac7e b~ ~r~un~il.zr~an L~~~..n~;, ~e~anc3~d by Councilman Burt~ tha~ ~'he mo~ion ca~ling fo~° ~a.dl~ on ~~e ~.U°° Water Li.ne on Valley Roac~o on Page 6 0~ ~h~ Caun~~.l Mee~:~ng l~~raute~ of February 14, 1967, be rescincl~d. Mo~ion unanimo~~~~ ~a~cr~~cl. A~o~~on was made by Councilwozrwar:. °~'~c~nnp~nn9 seconcled by Cauncil- man Bur~ ~ that t1-ie Ci~~r ~'lezk be au~~orizec~ ancl 1n~~ructed ~o adver- tise ~.1ze ca11 ~or bid~ ~o b~ op~n~d a~: l~(70 P.M. q March 23, 1967o in the Offic~ of ~he C~~.y C:~~r~~ :~or ~~h~ ir~~~a~la~ion of an extension of a wa~er line on Va~.Y~y Road ancl in~~alla~~on of a 10" water line or~ A~h Stree~ Ex~~n~lon. Mo~a.on unan~m~c~u~ly earried. AW.ARDING BID FOR BACKHOE~ PURCHASE Admini~~rator Bu~ch briefly r~vi~wecl ~1°~a~ ~he bids for the purc'hase of a backho~ ]..qacler 7iad been rece~~v~d by tlze Council on February 14, 1967~ ~nrit~l~ n.o ae~ion being ~.a~c~rz un~il a report could be submitted clarifying cl~via~ion~ and p~z~e differences between the twca lowest bic7dersn e.o Pow~r T~a~~or Company and Heinrieh's Equipment, A report ~ubmi~.~k~d f~am ~he Dire~~:or o~ Public Works advisecl the ~orque converter wa ~~`~e ma in d~vi.a ~ion and ~he dif fer°ence in cos~ between a torque ~onverter ancl ~~andard transmission amounted to $490.00; and also,, t~hat in f~e1d op~ra~:ion~ it was the unanimous opinion of C~~y opera~.ors -~hat ~'he A~ s--C'halmers (Power Tractor Co. ) was the preferrecl equipment. for oux° op~ra~ion~ and ~hat 1ze recom- mended the City awa~cl ~.he bid °~o ~I~e Po~r~.r Trac~or Co. for an A11 i s-Cha lrner s ba cklzoe oa d~~ . Af~ker Counei~ c~~scu~~io~o a mo~ion wau anad~ by Councilman Burt, seconded by Coun~iltiaoman '~homp~onq tlzat Pc~wer Trac~or Co. b~ awarded the bicl for °t~he purchase of an A11a.~--G"ha~.m~r.~ _backlzoe loader in the amount o~ $6„ 960.00, vrit.Y~ fi~h~ trade-ir, and ~rit.hou~. ~he torque conver~ero Mo~ion unan~znously ca~r~eclo SOUTH SAN ~UI~ OBISPO COUNTY SANI'I'1-~TTON DT~"~"RTCT Admin~s~rator Bu~:~h advi~~d ~ha~ h~ hac7 nothing to repor~ at this tim~ on ~:h~ Sou~.'h ~an Lui~ Obispo Coun~y Sanitation Distr~ct. LOPEZ DAM TOUR Mayor Wood repor~ecl ~ha~. Dick Dra~r~ c~f t'h~ County Hydraulic Engineer' s Off~.ce would schedule~ a~our° o~ t1~e Lop~z Dam area if the Coun~il wa ~ in~ere~tecl. Adm~.ni ~~.r a~ orr Bu~.ch wa s instructed to notify Mr. Dralzn ~ha~ ~~h~ Coun~iT. woul.d b~ a~ailable for the tour a~ 1.;00 P.M.~ ~a~urday, Mar~h Yy~, 196~. _.5 ~ e~i`~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUI~RY 280 1967 ; ~ ARRO~O GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE C BQY aCOUTS OFFER TO A~SIST IN C~TY PAE2K D~V~~OPI~IENT Mayor Wood advised ~hat a loca~ Bo~ Scou~~t '~`roop had offered t~ a~sis~ in the development o~ f:~h~ Elm ~~~ee~ Community Park as a Trqop Group Projeeto ancl n~ al~o in~~ruc~ec~ Ac~ministrator Butch to determine if ~1-ieir services cou~c~ be u~~d. AATOURNMENT No fur~her bu~ine~s appear~ng9 orn ano~~on by Councilman Levinep seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and uranimously carried, the meeting was ad~ourned at 10036 P.M. , ATTE ST • - ' C' CLE . MAY R