Minutes 1967-03-14 ~7~ CI'TY COUNCIL ME3~,Q~i 14, 19~~ ~RRfJYO GRANDE, CAL~,FO~N~A T~i~ City ~nu~nciL me~~ ~in r~g+~Lar ~~~eia~. ra~~h M~yor Wcod pr~- eiding. Upon roL1 caLL, CounciLwom~n Thc~mp~on, Councilmen Levine, SchLegel and Burt reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCAT`IQN Mayor Wood 1ed us ~n ~he PLedge of ALlegiance to our fLag and immed~.ately thereafter Reverend John W~ Germaine of the BetheL Bap- tist Church of A,rroyo Grande gave the invocation. APPROVAL 0~' MINUTES - COUNCIL MEETTNG OF FEBRUARY 28 1967 The minutes of the regular meeting of February 2, 19 were ,app~oved as prepared. APFRQVAL OF WARRA.NTS A motion was made by CounciLwoman Thompson, secanded by,Council- man Levine, that GENERA.L WARRANTS N0. 754 to and incLuding.N~. 817, in the total amount of $29,594.20, AND PAYROLL WARRANTS N0.111'3A to and including N0. 1190 in the total amount of $10,.622.~0, BE AUTHOR~ IZED AND ORDERED PAID. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIE~. LETTER OF T'HANKS - FROM MURIEL PORTER - RE. T'MURIEZ PORTER NIQiT" AND HER RETTREMENT FROM PUBLIC SERVI E Councilwoman Thompson read such Letter, date e ruary 28, 1967, in its entirety to the Council, in which Mrs. Porter~expressed her thanks for making the occasion of her retirement so memorable. ARROXO GRA.NDE BRA.NCH OF S. L. 0. GOUNTY LZBRARY - OPEN HOUSE - MARCH 1 9 - AT NEW LIBRA Y F C LI SES The Gity Administrator informed the Counci o t eir invita~ion to attend the Open House festivities of the Arroyo Grande County Library at its new Location on Bridge Street; to which the Council advised that a11 members would attend, if at aL1 possible. TREASURER'S REPORT - FEBRUARY 1967 ~ie-'I~reasurer's Report ~or~t e m~nth af February, 1567, was received and reviewed by the Council, and thereafter direcfied to file. I>EPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT - FEBRUARY, 1967 he Departmenta Mont y Report ~ar the month of February, 1967, was recezved and r~viewed by 'the Gounci.l, ax~d thereafter 'directed to £iLe. dRDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 153 - RE, REFUSE COLLECTZON RAT~ FI RS D G The Council discussed briefLy this ordinance w ic wouLd eEfect new garbage and coLLection xates within the City; and foLlow- ing their resultant approvaL, the subject cardinance ~aas read in its entirety by the City At~orney, thus caz~stituting its'first reading. FURTHER REGoA,RDING THE USE OF REFUSE SERVICES AVATLA$LE GIITHIN T'HE CITY e~.ty m~.n~strator a vised t a~ ~ e recent stu y on t e praposed inctGab~ ~f refuse coLLection rat~s had discLosed that a considerable ttl~mb~~ of Arroyo Grande residex~ts were not now using avaiLable refr~me, ~ervices. Thus, i.n the near future, a~u~vey would be conducted, by the C ity, of the current non-~users of 8 refuse serviee to determine ~h~~.r disposal sources for garbage and non-combustibLes, The result~ c~~ wurh survey wouLd be forth~oming to the Counci'L in the near ft~tu~ro ~ _L_ C~TY CDUNCIL MARCH 14, L967 ARROYO GRA,NDE , CALTFORNIA PAGE 2 ORDINANCE AMENDING EXISTING ORDINANCE RE, ANIMA.L CONTR4L T0 EFFECT REVISED DOG I,ICENSE FEES AND IMPOUND CHARGES AND RE. ISSUANCE OF C ATIONS BY 'HUMANE OFFICERS . - FIRS'T READING e Council reviewed t ls sub~ect ordinance as prepared by the City Atto.rney, and after their resultant approval, City Attorney ' Shipsey read such ordinance, for its first reading, through the titLe. Thereafter, a motion was made by CounciLman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading the baLance of said ordinance. Motion unanimously carried, PROGRESS REPORT - UNIFORM SA,LES TA~ FOR A.LL CITIES IN S. L. 0. COUNTY The CounciL received a copy of the City of Morro Bay's letter to the Administrative Department of the County which in effect stated that Morro Bay does not choose to pay the aaaition~~. saLes tax to the County now being paid by the Cities of Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande. FURTHER, the City Administrator advised the Council;that the Board of Supervisors had directed the District Attorney of the County to prepare the necessary documents to appoint a committee made up of the County Administrative Gfficer and a Supervisor to further study;this matter~ AFTER COUNCTL DISCUSSION, the City A.dministrator was directed to inform the S. L. 0. County Board of Supervisors, by correspondence, tha~ (L) the City of Arroyo Grande is seriousLy considering the adoption of a fulL one cent sales tax ordinance, to become effective a~ the commencement of the upcoming fiscal year, and thus, (2) that ~his C ity is interested in knowing the ~ounty's intended final action on this matter. RESOLU~'IQN AUTHORTZ2NG MONETARY REFUNDS TO CERTAIN PERSON I„E.. D ALD CUR20N A,ND RU H PAULDING WHO PREVIOUSLY PURCHA CER AIN PR ERT~ LOGA. ED IN E CROWN HIT~L A.REA. ~ND E TABLISHED BY E ITY T RPLU 'f ROU A INADVER ERROR;. e City Adminis~rator gave a review of the cireutnstances aurroundin~ 'thit~ iri:~dverten.tly' este`b].i~hed `~°~urplus~t property "by the Gity, wh'iclh~`I~i~tly was occasfoned by the fact that Mrs, Campbell, who purchased ~he propeTty Ju1y 28, L'~59, was presented the deed to said property prior ~o s~id deed being recorded, and she was not aware said deed for the property had t~ be recorded with the County to fi.naLi2e the trattsaction, AFTER COUNCIL D'ISCUSSIQN and their resultant approval, a resolution was read in its entirety ~y Cfty Attorney 5hipsey, RESOLUTION N0. 737 RESOLUxION OF THE CITY C~IUNC'LL OF THE CITY OF ARR0~0 GRANDE RESC~NDING RESOLUTTON NOS~ 705 ~nd 706 AND AU'THORTZING PA,YMENT OF C~RTAIN MONIES ~ On motion by CounciLwaman Thompsan, seconded by Counc3.lman Levine, and on the foLlowing roLL call vote, ~o wit, ~YES; Gouneilwoman, Thampson, CounciLm~n Levine, Schl.egeL, Burt and Mayar Wood, NOES: None, ABS~M~": None, the foregr~ing t~~rGlution was adopted this 14th day of March, 1967. RECEIPT Q'~ k~~'~?L~T,~ON FROM_THE C:ITY OF SAN CLEMENTE - RE. GREA.TER ~~w~r..r~w~r..ri+rW.+rrwiY.wwr«yY~rv-i -W RE PEC OR LA,W OR ER A~~er inter-di~cu~aion by ~nd b~tw~en ~he Counci an t e fiy Attorney, th~ Co~nciL directed t~at the subject re~oLution be pLaced on fiLe. _2_ CITY COUNCIL MA.RCH 14, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3- PUBLIC HEARING RE e DISTRIBUTION OF COSTS F°OR STORM DRA.IN` IN~TALLATION ON TRA.CT 282 FILER TRACT TO ADJAGENT BENEFITING PROPE~TIES Mr, Bob Garing, the City's ConsuLting Engineer, rev~ewed in detaiL for the Council the basis and reasons for the distribution of costs as estabLished by the City Staff and as presented in written report by the Director of Public Works, undated, but titled, t'Distri- bution of Costs for Storm Drain Installation on Tract 282 to Adjacent Benefiting Properties.p" Mr. Garing specificaLLy stated ~hat the dist- r~bution of these costs were appliGabLe only to the undeveLoped propef~ty areas ad jacent to T~act 282, and that tt~~ ~pa~ t~~~`~~'~b~tican was based upan th~ ~~~ua~. d~r~ct be~~~~~s ~c~ ~uch ad~ac~~nt propert~es to be derivea from ~h~ actuaL ~torm'drain fac~.Li,ty within TraGt 2~~, with the doLl.ar anal.ysis ba~ed upon erea o~' Land bene~iting and the quantity of pipe. Meyor Wood then confirmed with the City Clerk that aLl involved pe~sons hsd been properly notified,as required by law, of this sub- ject hearing. Mayor Wood then decLared the hearing open and that. all persons for or against the proposed distribution of costs for s~ch Storm _ Drain InstalLation would now be he~rd. The foLLowing persons voiced inquiry as to whether or not they, as owners of deveLoped properties, would be subjected ~to, and/or invoLved in, this Dist~ibution of Costs for the Subject Storm Drain; Mr. Darvel Newby, 556 Gaynfair Terrace, and' Mr. Dick Kelsey, 533 Gaynfair "Terrace. Mayor Wood advised these citiaens that their properties, being improved, were not directly invoLved in the subjact distribution of costs. There being no further persons wishing to speak at this public hearing, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. After careful stud~t and deliberaticin by the CounciL as to the equity of the cost distribution, and after their resuLtant decision, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by CounciLwam~n Thompson, that the distrib~tian of costs for the storm drain in~tal- ; Lation on Tract 28~ to the adjacent bene~itirig properties, a~ set out in deteil in the Directar of PubLic Works' report, as`hereinabov~ referred to and epecifically described, is hereb~r authorized and e~pproved'. Motion unanimously carried. FURTHER DISCUSSION - HUA.SNA ROAD PIAN LINE In :accnr ence wit~i t e ir~ction of the CottnciL at the CounciL Meeting of February 28, L967, (at whieh meeting a-public hearing wa~ h~ld on~this subject pLan Line), City En~ineering Cansultant ~ Bob Garing presented and reviewed, both verbally ettd by aeri8l map - pr~sentation, three separate aLt~rnate pLan Lines, iden~ifi.ed ~~s ~To. L, No. 2 end No, 3 respectiveLy. After inter-discu~sion by and betwee~n the CounciL, Mr. Garing ar~~ City Staff, and after ca~refuL deLiberation by the Council af the ~~r intricacies applicabLe ta each of the presented three pZan L~ne alternates, a motion was mede by CouttciLm~n SchLegel, second~ed by CounciLwoman Thompson, that the matter of ~dopting a PLarr Lin~ for Huasna Road be referred baek to the Planning Commissiott for their ~ur~her study, AND FURTHER, that the FLanning Gamm~.issian be advised th~t the City CounciL recommends the adop~tion of the PLan Line for '~uasn~ R~ad identified as f'No. 2tt. (A g~neral. description of PLen: Line No. 2 wouLd be that the proposed center of the '~PLar~~ Lined't 8Q-~Foot Huasne Rc~~td would be the same as the center of Hnasn~ Road as it now ex~.~ts Such motion was carried an the fo Llow~:rtg ro ceLL vote, ta wi~: . AYES: Councilwoman Thompsan, Counci.J.men ~~h1~ge1, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOESs Councilman Levine, . ABSENT: None. _ -3- CITY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ ECONOMTC OPPORTUNITY ASSOCIATION REPLACENS~NT OF CITY'S PRESENT REPRESENTATIVEo COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL, - BY NEWLY APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE, MR. JOHN HURST Following Councilman Schlegel's presented reasons for the necessity of his replacement, primarily from a time-consuming ~1.ement, and AFTER COUNCIL DISCUSSION~ a motion was made by Mayor Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that Mr. John Hurst, a private Citizen, who resides at 1141 Linda Drive in this City, be appointed by this City as its voting representative to the E~onomic Opportunity Assoeiation, effective April 1, 1967, for a period of one year, and that such newly appointed r~presentative will replace Councilman Schlegel as the City's representative to t'tlis Association. Motion unanimously carri~d. RESOLUTION FROM THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL ASS4CIATION OF ,~OUNTY SUPERVISORS RE. LEGISLATION TO REVISE THE MAYO-BREED_ _ FORMULA FOR ALLOCATION OF STATE GAS TAXES The City Administrator explained to the Council that the ..subject resolution is in support of a change in the formula o~ ~tate gas tax distribution, whic'h is now 55 per cent to the 13 southe~n counties and 45 per cent. to the northern counties of the State. The Southern California.....County Supervisors is recorn- m~nding that the equitable distribution of such taxes would be ~60 per cent to the southern counties and 40 per cent to the northern counties, based upon said Association's supported statistics on gopul.ation, assessed valuation and vehicle registration. Following Council discussion, the Ci~y Attorney was directed to prepare a camparable re~olution on behalf of the Gity of Arroyo Grand~ in suppart of revision of the Mayo-Breed formula for: allocation of state gas taxes. Continued) : _4_ ° ~7~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 140 1967 . ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTE~ - REPORT ON RECOMMENDA- TIONS PRESENTED TO SAID COMMITTEE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH.,COLJNTY ,The Council received copies of the recommendations concluded upo~ and forwarded; (by correspondence dated March 10, 1967, under the letterhead of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce), to said Highway Committee by a representative group of South County representatives; i. e., City of Arroyo Grande~ City af Grover City, Grover City Boosters, Shell Beach Improvement Association, and the Chambers of Commerce of the South Countyq Pi~mo Beach and Arroyo Grande; who had,met on March 8, 1967. One recommendation of particular in~erest to tY~e City of Arroyo Grande was,that-of realignment involvi.ng Branch Street, Grand Avenue and Traffic TnIay--including applicable ~idewalks for Grand.Avenue; which matter was recommended under Priority "A". FURTHER, in regard to the aforementioned realignment and sid~ - walks, the City Administrator advised t11e Council that a study { meeting of the Division of Highways' representatives and the City Staff.was scheduled for Monday, March 20~ 1967, to diseuss this proposed subject-;metter. PLANNING COMMISSION - RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONER MANSELL L. DEXTE~ AND APPOINTMENT OF WELLS C. SMITH TO EILL VACANCY CREATED:BY AFCR EMENTIpNED RESIGNATION Mr. Dexter.'s letter of resignation dated Mareh 6, 1967 was,.read in its Entirety,by the City Administrator~ The letter, in effect, stated that his resignation from the Planning Commission was neces- sitated beca~se of his innumerable out-of-~own business commitments and thus hi~ i~ability to at~.end the scheduled Planning Commission meetings. Following,Council discussion, a motion was.made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the resignation of: Mr. Mansell L. Dexter as a member of the Arroyo Grancle Planning, Commission be.accepted as of this date; AND FURTHER, that the City Administrator direct a letter to Mr. Dexter, expressing thanks for his service to the City and regret in accepting ~i~ resignation. Motion unanimou~ly carried. FURTHER, after Cauncil discussion, a motion wes made by Mayor Wood, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the person of Mr~ Wells Smith, who resides at 350 Ledo Place in this City, be appoir~ted as a member of the Planning Commission to fi11 ~.he vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Mansell Dexter, and that the:t~rm of such commissionship be effectfve this date~ to and including June 30, 1969; AND FURTHER, the City Administrator was directed to send a letter to Mr. Smith advising him of his appointmen~. to the Planning Cot~nmission ancl welcoming him to ~his City service. Motion unanimously carried. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMTSSSON - PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH ~ SPECIFIC NAMES TO VARIOUS PARKS IN ARROYO GRANDE The~ Council concluded, after general discussion, that thi~ matter should be helcl in abeyance pending their jciint me~ting with the Parks end Recreation Commission on Mar~h 29, 1967. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - JOINT STUDY SESSION ~TYTH COUNCIL RE. TREE ORDINANCEp NAMING OF CERTAIN ESTABLS5HED PARKS,~ .ETC. ' The CounCil was advised that such joint meeting with this named Commission is to be held on March 29, 1967 at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers located in the City Hall. -5_ , 38~ CITY COUNCIL M,ARCH 14, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, C~ALIFORNTA PAGE 6 FURTHER DISCUSSION REe REQUEST OF MAURY BRENNAN FOR RECONSZDERATION fJF "NO PARKING" PROVISION ON VALLEY RQAD The CounGil received a report-r~commendation on this matter ,from the Directo~ of Public Works, dated March 10, 1967; and follow- irig inter-discus~ion by and between the Council, Director of public Works and'the City AdministratorB and after Council approval of a finalized'r~solvement of this matter, a resolution to prohibit, and limit, parking on certain portions of Valley Road was read t1^~rough the titl~ by the City Attorney, Thereafter, a motion was ma~ie by Councilm~n Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balance of said resolution. Motion ~=~`'un~n~imously carried. ~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 738 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROHIBITING AND LIMITING PARKING ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF VALLEY ROAD. On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, ~nd on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, S~hlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing'Resolution was adopted this 14th day of March, 1967. POLICE DEPARTMENT - ATTENDANCE OF POLICE OFFICER ROBERT RIPLEY AT RIVERSIDE JUNIOR COLLEGE SF3~RIFF'S ACADEMY The City Administrator advised the Council that Police Officer Ripley had juet recently completed an eight-week course at the Academy, ~nt~ that he gr~duated 15th in a class of 42, with a 50.1 elas~ `~verage. It was further pointed out to the Council that £our Arroyo arande Police Officers, incluciing Officer Ripley, have attendecl this Sheriff'~ Academy, for which one-half of tha cost involved iA reimbursec~ to the City from the State of California. ,~,~EZ DAM PROJECT - RENDERING OF PROPOSED LOPE2 DAM The Council received an artist's rendering of the proposed: " Lopez Dam, for which they expressed delight and appreciation. ~C~IPT OF MINUTES OF COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR ' FEBRUARY . 19 67 The City Council received and reviewed such minutes~, ancl there- aftez dir~cted same to file. ~j~,,TER BILLINGS RECOMMENDATION BY CITY CLERK ON CONTRACTINC3 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FOR SAME After verbal presentation by the City Administrator and ~ouncil review of the report-recommendation of the Ci.ty Cl~rk, ~9gted Mareh 8, 1967, and after the Council's further c~i~cuaeion, ~ motion w~s mede by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman :'~'hompson, that t'he City of Arroyo Grande enter into ~ contr~ct with t'rii~ Tabulatiriq T~ohnicians Co. of Los Angeles, for thm purpos~~ of `hendiinq the wetar billinge for this City by the data procsasing m~thod. Motion u~animously carried. ~ . _ _ 3 : . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . r~r~ ~ . . 381 CITY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 1967 ARROYO GRANDEA ~ALIFORNIA Page 7 PROGRESS REPORT WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION Mr. Joe Anderson, Director of Public Works, verbally advised the Council that the constructiQn t~hus far is indi~ative of an excellent water well~-approximately 2~000 gallons per minute h,aw~been indicated by the preliminary te~~~. PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACTLI~'IES ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE C I TY OF AFtROYO GRANI~E - RECEIPT OF FINAL COPY The Council received the subject elementa which had been previously approved by Counci~ resolutionq and directed same to file. SOUTH SAN LUIS O$ISPO CO'{JNTY SANITATION DISTRICT - STATUS REPORT The Council recei~t'ed and rev~.eweap with interest, the February Monthly Report of the Chief P1ant Operator of the Water Pollution Control Plant ~f the Distric~~ and thereafter directed ~ame to file. FIRE DEPARTMENT'S FIRST ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1966 - COMMENT AND COMMENDATIfJN BY OLIVIA JACOBS AND SONS Mayor Wood read in its entirety a let~er from Mrs. Olivia Jacobs and Sons which expressed their congratula~ions to t11e Fire Department for its outstanding r~port of past~ pre~en~. and future-intended activities~ and she furt~her expressed their gratitude for the dedication of the Department's First Annual Report to their lovec! ane, Robert Jacobs, the late Mayor of thi~ City. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES PF~OPOSED STATE LEGISLATION RE. LOCAL . CIGARETTE TAX The City Administrator brought to t.he attention of the Counc~l th~"t the matter of local ciqarette kax 1~gislation, (l~st year ~aving b~en "pocket" vetoe d by this S~.ate's Governor), was again before the State A~sembly. This proposed legi~lation wauld ef~+ect a ~~~G tax per packagm of cigarettes so1d. : Af'ter discus~ion, a motior~ was m~ae by Mayc,r Wot~d, s~cond~t~ by Councilman Levine~ that ~he City Adzninistrator ~'orward eo~7~~a~ pondence on behalf of this City to the applicable State L~qi~ls~or~t. in Sacramento urg~ng their adopt~on of the proposed ~fgarette tax ~ry~+~gisl~tion, for t'he primary re~san that the revenu~ therefrolM would greatly as~ist and enable this City, and all cities wr~.thin the 5~ate,to continu~ giving its Citizens the high standardi~ of City~ services which are ex~ected ~nd demanded by its Citi2~ns. M+~ticsr~'unanimou~ly carried. LA Y`~ SA_taAR',~ ~AYMENT Tp EDN1~.~,,,SCH~LLSNG, _FORMER CITY _ ERK_ i~~' T~S .~~~Y' ~ _ knawn de~afled circumstances surrounc~ing this bel~t~c~ ffi~ ~~yr~?~nt w~re pre€en~ed to t'he Coun~il by the City Administ~~tor,~ ~ After Council discu~sion~ a motion was m~de by Counci~man Hurt, seconded by Councilman 5chlegel~ tha~ t'he belated saY~~y ~fioun~ of $221.50 pay~b].e to Mr~. Edna 5chi11ing far earned, yet ~til1 unpaid, ~r~cstfon time i~ hereby authoriz~d and approved far payment~ AND FURTHER, t'h~t ~he City Admini~tra~or i$ directed to ~c~rwar~ t'l~ii~d approv~d s~l~ry payment to Mrs. Sc'hilling ~long' W~.t't1 a 1~tter ~x- pressing:tY~e ~ity'~ regret for thYS apparent in~dvertency ~nc1 thus ` tYle extreme t~.me delay in her receiving the sub,ject s~lary ~um. Motion unanirnr~t~~]:y carried. _7- ~8:~ ,.,L~'~'Y COUNCIL MARCH 14, 1967 -.ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Page 8 ,~,,,NQUIRY-REQUEST OF GORDON FILER RE o PROPEHBTY STTUATED ON WEST SIDE OF HALCYON RO.AD. ADJACENT TO TRACT 282 The City Administrator advised the Council that the City had ~en approached by Gordon Filer with the query--if he gave the City the applicable right of way property, (Halcyon Road at the property in question is plan lined for an 80' street~, would the City put in the applicable curbs and gutters. After a lengthy and scrutinizing discussion of this query as same might be applied to this Halcyon property area, as well as any and all other areas of the City, the Counci~ directed that the f~llawing be carried into execution by City Staff to assist the COUneil in determining and establishing a standard policy of procedure an the matters in question: 1. That the matter of rights of way--curbs and gutt~rs, as same affects the City and the property owner, be referred to City Staff for detailed study and recommencla- tion; ancl that such Staff consider and present in their report to the Council all the aspects of right of way--curb and gutter as same may apply to various area locations of the City, taking into consideration the existing environ- ment, as well as the foreseeable future conditions, of ~ such various City areas. Further, the Staff report should include an analysis of the af£ects to the City of each of the Staff's recommended procedures for rights of way--curbs and gutters. 2. Th~ Staff is to make inquiry to the League of California Cities~ as well as individual cities if deemed necessary, to determ3ne the policy of other California eities per- taini.nq to rights of way--curb and gutter, an~ to whom such citie~ place the monetary responsibility of etreet pavirz,~ in such aimilar circumstances as are exia#ting in the ffiub~ect Filer inatance. 3. The City Administrator is to advise Mr. Gordon Filer, in answer to hi~ qu~ry, that the current e~tabli~hed policy of the City would require that he, Mr. Filer, c9enatm the r~equiaite right of way property and in~tell the applicable curb~ and gutters, BUT, that the City is currently studying the various aspects af this very subject matter am it a£fecta this City and is ale~o reviewing the policiee of other cities in this same regard. ~,,T1~Tbt1RNMENT TO E?CECUTYVE SESSION On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman ~~hl~gel, ~nd unanimously carried, the Council adjourned to an ~~cecutive Personnel Session at 11 P.M. ~'~ONVENEMENT OF COUNCIL , The Couhcil reconvened in the Council Chambers, at 11:29 P.M., with all members being present as shown on ro11 call. ~OURNMENT bn motion by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, ~nd unenimoul~~.y carr~. ec1, the meeting adj ourned at 11 s 30 P.M. ~ ~ ATTE ST t ` ~y ~ ' Cit~r Clerk Mayor ~'ZQ ~K&FID _g_