Minutes 1967-03-28 38~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 28, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Ci~y Co~ancil me~: ~.n rec~~alLar session ~ai~t~ Mayor Wood pres.iding. Upon ro.ll call Co~znc~~wor~,an T~oa~pson and Councilman ` Schlegel r~ported pr~sea~to Cou~cila~~en L,evine and Burt are absen~t. PLEDGE O~' .ALL,EGIANCE AND INVOCA~I~DAT Mayor Tn7oocl led the Fledge o~ Allegs.a~ce to o~ar flag and immed- iat~ly thereafter R~verend Glenn Pe~ers of the First Presbyterian. Church of Arroyo Grande delivered ~;~e bravocatioa~m APPROVAL OF MINUTES The m~nutes of the reg~zlar meeting of Mar~~ 14th, 1967 were ' approved as prepared~ APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A ar~~a~ion was made 3~~r Coun~il~ac~a~~a~. 'I'~i~mpsan, seconded by Council- man Schleg~l., that General Warran~s Noe 81~ to and including No. 859, in the total amount of $13,899.54; Pa~r~1.1 Warrants No. 1191 to and including No. 1239, ' in the ~o~al ar~aua~~ $9, 124.43; and Trust and Agency Warran~;s No. 153 to and ~.mcl~ading No. 204, in the total amount of $245a00, ~e authorized and ord~er~d paid. Motion unanimously carrie~de DOWNTUWN MERCHANTS ASSOCo IaETTER R.E.' ~CTNDERGROUNDING UTILITIES CBD Cit~ Admin,~.strator Btx~tc3~ read a letter froim the Dawntown Arroya Grande Merchants Associatiora i.n which, tk~ey st~ted their approval and req~zested t~~le Gi.ty Co~an.~il t~ init~.ate ~doptior~ of an Ordinance re- quiring u~.~eraro~xnding of Util.ities in the Cen~tral BuSiness District. David Loomis sp~a]~ing for °~~.e Down~awn Merchants Association Imple- mentation Commi~l~ee, s~ated ~his c~~ittee had been advised that partial £.ir~ancing has ~e~n •~ex~ta~ivel.y budgetec~ for by both the Pac- ific Gas an~d ~l~~tric Co. ax~d t~i~ Pac,ifi~ Telephone and Telegraph Co. After C~unci.l disG~~:~ssion ~h~ re~~~.aest of ~th~e D~tiantown Merchants Assoc- iatian was r~eferred to the Planning Commission for their study and recommendation back to the Council. DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOC. LETTER RE. UPGRADTNG/REPATRING SIDEWALKS~- BUSINESS DISTRICT - BRANCH STREET City Administrator Butch read a lett~r trom the Downtown Arroyo Grand~ Merchan~s Association i~. wk~ich tk~y~~r requested that the side~- walks in th~ business section of Branch S~reet be repaired and/or re.placed. Andrew David spoke on ]aeY~.alf of the m,erchants stating it was his unders~tanding that the sidewalks were City property and there- fore not the adjoining propert~ o~,vners responsibility for replacement or repair. He furtk~er r~equested tl~~t th~ Coux~cil }audget money for the 1967-6~ Fiscal Year for the repair o.r replacement of sidewalks in the downtow~. area of Brarkch Stree~k. City Engineer Garing stated that B~ranch Str~et was a portion of State Route No. 227 and that it has not been a policy of the State Division of Hiqhways to repair_or replace sidewalks in areas of t~i~ir routes. He further stated side- walk repair or replacement as ~covered by the Streets and Highways Code has always been the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. Aiscussion follo~,ve~, concerx~ing un~.erground util:ities and s`ide- walk replacement or regairs. Mayor Tnlood appointed Councilman Schlegel and hims~lf as a com~mifit:ee Qf tk~.e Co~ncil ~o meet with the Downtown Arroyo Grande M~rchan~:s Ass~cia~:ion Impl~mentation Committee to form- ulate a compreh;~nsive pl.an .f~r i:x!provezn~x~ts for ~khe Central Busiriess District so that d~aplicat.ion of i.mprovem~nts will not be done, a1~' request~d kay David Loomis, KOAG RADIO SZ°ATION L,~~"I'ER RE I.~ASED FROPER'.~'Y FROM CITY Ci.ty Adminis~kr~at~r Butck~ xead a let~,~tPr fro~ Radi,o Station KOAG in yvhich th~y requeste~ a re-eualt•aa~~.on of th.e lease paymenits which they make ~o th~ Ci.~ky as ~he~ ar.e now b~~.nq ~ssessed kly the Goun~ty of San Luis Obispo Assessor's Q~fi.ce ~a possessory in~erest tax f~r the impro~~ements t?~,e proper±:~° l.e~sed •~o th.~enn by the City, Mr, Irwi,n, repressn~:.inc~ KO,A~, sp~ak.e cz~ :",.z.s ~awn. k~ehal.f ~ Ci~y Administrator Butch s~afied t:ha~, ~,k~e ~it;y d~aes n~a~: ~wn. an;~ ~..z~pr.over~en~s on the land we lease t~a the R.adiq S+~at~.i,~x~. A.ft,er ~o~,~.~,.ci.l. Ui.scussion the City At~.orne~ was .i..nstr~,~ct~~ed ~:r~ r.ev,i.ew t.~;~~is rrd~a~:~~er r~egarding possessory -1.-~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 28, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 interest taxes and report back to the Co~ncil priqr to ~khe Council taking any action regarding the lease between the Radio Station and the City. PUBLIC HEARING: ABANDONMENT O~' PTNS. OF BRTSCO ,R.D. ...&_.GRAND AVE. City Administrator Butch reviewed for the Council and presented maps indicating ~he areas of Brisco Rd. and Grand Ave. that are no longer necessary for City Stree~k purposes. The City Clerk a~sured Mayor Wood that the property in question had been posted and legal p~lication had been done as required by law. Mayor Wood declared the hearing open stating all persons for or against the abandonment, of those portions of Brisco Rd. and Grand Ave. no longer necessax~ for City Stree~. purposes wc~uld now k~e l~ieard. No Disccassion for or against the proposed abandon- ment Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion City Attorr~~~ a Res,olution in its entirety ordering t~e abandonm~~t o€ tions of City Streets on Grand Ave. and Brisco Rd. RESOLUTION NO. 739 R~SOLUTTON OF THE CITY ~OTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO Gl?A1~~I3E ORDERING THE ABANDOL~TMENT OF A PORTION O~ THE CITY STREETS (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8323) Qn m.otion of Co~.ncil~aoaman 'I'~aompson, seconded by Cou~acilmaa~ Schleg~el, and by the f~llowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Th.ompson, Councilmen Schlegel and Mayor Wood NOES: None • ABSENT: Councilmen Levine and Burt the foregoing Resoluti~n wa~ passed and adopted this 28th day of March, 1967. ARDINANCE ADOPTION: AMENDMENT TO ML7NIGIPAL CODE RE. REFUSE RATES After Council re~~i~w and 3iscussion City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code relatin.g to ref~ase collection rat~s, ~hereafter a motion was made by Councilwonnan Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, ~.o dispense with reading the ~alance of said Ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. G C.S. ORDINANCE OF THE CITX OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTION .10, CHAPTER 4, TITLE 6 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, RE LATING TO GARBAGE AND REFUBE DISPOSAL GOLLECTION RATES On motion of Co:~ncilwoman ~Chompson, seconded by Council- man Schlegel and :k~y #:re following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Cou.ncilwom,ar~ 'I"xompson., Councilmen Schlegel and Ma,?or Wo~a~ NOES: Non~ ABSENT: Co~.ncilmen Levi.ne and Bu.rt the foregoa.ng Ordinance was passed ar~d adopt.ed t~is 28th day of March, 1967. By c!l~rical er~br C'ouncil ad.optio~ of Ordinance 7. G.S. {Pou~d Master Police Powers~, is:.not shown within body of minute.s (should be Yi.ere) _ , , -2- Se~..page 7 o.t l~inutes .far March 28th~, 1967, Page 389, Book 6; Records of City Council in~ert follows ~:mm~~,iately after Mayors~Signature. e~~s~3 CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 28,` 1967, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P1~GE 3 PROGRESS REPOR'I': U1~TIFORM SALES '~AX F~12 ALL CITIES IN SLO, CO. City Administrator Butch c~ave an oral progress re- port regarding this Ci~y's request fo~ a uniform sales tax distribution within the County of Sar~ ~~.is Obispo, stating :that at the County Board of Sanpervis~rs° riaeeting of March 27, 1967 it wa,s LL;]~.r.c~ught out tka~t the Board felt tha~ to equal- ize the sales tax distribution by re~~.rning to ~.he three Cities that now contribute 10% of ~Y~ei~ total sales tax col- lections to the County would mean ar~ ~.ncrease of general pro- perty taxes to off set thi.s loss e~f revenue. Adminis~trator Butch further reported that th.e ~.sually highes~ quarter of ,sales tax collsctions for the City had just been received covering November 5, 195~ through February 6, 1967 showing a drop in sales for this City of approxianately $600,000.00. This being tka.e lowest quarter of sales tax returns for approx- imately two years. If this quarters r~turn is an indication of a trend to continue i.t is very apparent that the City is in need of its full 1% sales tax if the C~~.y is to cont~nue to provide tYle present high rate of service to its citizens with-- out an increase of General Propertgr Taxes for this City. Reporter Blankenberg sta~ed ~he Co. Board of Super- visors have called a public heari~ag for May 8, 1967 regarding the sales t~ax issue. 'I'he Gouncil agreed that as the County Board of Supervisors scheduled said ~aearing this Council would delay action initiating a revised S~.les Tax qrdinance. RESOLUTIDN ENDORSING LEGISLATION TO REVISE MAYO-BREED FORMULA FOR ALLOCATION OF STA~'E GASOLINE TAXES City Attorr~ey Shipsey read a Resolution in its entirety end~orsing l.egislation to revise the Mayo-Breed Fornrula for ~he Allocation of S~ate Gasolin.~ Taxes. RESOLUTION NO. 740 RESOLUTION OF THE CI'I'Y C'.OUN~IL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~ GBANDE.ENDORSTNG LEG~SLATION:T~ REVISE.TF3E MAXO-BREED FORMULA FOR THE ALLOCATION O.F STATE GASOLINE TAXES On motion of Councilwomar~ Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and by the foll.owing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman TYaompson, Cauncil.men-Schlegel and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Levine and Burt the foregoing Resoluti~an was passed and adopted this 28th day of March, 1967. LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN DIGEST REPORT City Administrator Butch reviewed the legislative Bulletin received from the League of Cali.f.ornia Cities' dated March ' 23, 1967, wh,ich otxtlined those bills now before the Assembly and Senate for i,znmediate action. The Council took no action regarding t:he bills revie~,ved in this bulletin. LET LOVETT'S REQUEST COUNCIL ACTION FOR ABANDONMENT OF PTN. R.AMON.P, P,VE A~ iJNDE VE I.,O ~ED C I TX S TREE T Ci~y Adminis~~.rat:or ,But~ch xead l.etter from Lee Lovett requestirag tk?,at the Ca,t~r Gou~ac^.i.l consider abandonment of that portion of Ramona Ave. ~a~w l,a~dlock~d between 19th `and 20~h Stree~s in the Git~r o£ Arro,~ro Grand~ . Af.ter ~ou~~cil discu~,ss~..on, i.~ was agreed t.k~at that porti.on of Ramona Ave. between 1.9~t~ and 20th Stree#:s be aban- doned as it~ cou.ld not now or ,i.~. t:l~,e :fut:ure be used for City Stree~. purposes as t~se ,port;i,or~s o.f Ra~nona Ave, between 18th and 1.9t.h S tree t~s and 20t.k~ S~, ree t. ad j a~en~t: t.o Ram~na Ave . had previously been aJaandox~ed lea~r,inc~ th~i s por~:i~n of Ra~nona A~e . bet:ween 1.9t~. and 20t;~. Strest°s lar~.dl~ck.ed. . , 38~ ~TTY COUNCIL MARCH 2~, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Ci,ty Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolution o~ int~ntion to vacate a portion of Ra~ona Ave. as s.tat~ed above setting the time of 8:00 O'clock and da~e of April 25th, 1967 ~or hearing on said intention, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Cou~~il~,aoman Thompson to dis-. genSe with reading the balance of the Resolution. Motion unanimousiy carried. RESOLUTTON NO. 741 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORT~ON ' OF RAMONA AVENUE AND FIXING TTME AND PLACE FOR HEARTNG AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AND HIGHWAXS CODE SECTION 8320, et seq. On motican of Councilwoman. T~ompson, seconded by Counci~,- man Schlegel and by the follawing roll call vote, to wit: AYESs Councilwoman Tho~pson, Councilmen S~hlegel and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Co~.ncilmen Levine and Burt the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of March, 1967. PRESENTATION - GENERAL PLAN BROCHURE LAND USE AND CZRCULATIQN E LEMENTS City Administrator Butch stated the City was in re- ceipt of Brochures covering the Land Use and Circulation Elem- ents of the City's General Plan as prepared by Koebig & Koebig, Tnc. and Hahn, Wise and Associates, Tnc. and that such brochures would be a useful guide to persons i~terested in area developements. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION - CITY STREET NAME - PILGRIM WAY:- BETWEEN ORCHARD AND ARROYO AVENUES City Administrator Butch requested that this agenda ~ item be held over :until the next regular meeting of the Council as the City was not yet in receipt of the deed to the prqperty for this street area for Council acceptance nor had the Council ac~epted the improvements of this area into the City Street SyStem, RECEIPT OF HIGHWAY NEWSLETTER FOR 19C7 - PERTAINTNG TO STATE HIGHWAY~ROUTES IN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY The City Administrator reviewed this bookJ.et for the Council, advising it was a pres~nta~ion of various highway projects involving, and located within, the Count~ of San Luis Qbispo, whieh projects are ~urrently under active study ~or change and/or revision by the Division of HigY~ways. ~h.os~ certain projects appearing in the 1967 Highway N~wslett,er located in the South San Luis Obispo County area and therefore of particular interest to the City are: Route 1 from the general area of Guadalupe to its intersection with Highway 101 at Pismo BeacYi; Los Berros Road Overcrqssing; Route 166 (Cuyama Road) .and . Ro~te 227~: ' REALIGNMENT & TMPROVEMENT - GRAND AVE.-BRA.NCH 3T.-TRAFFIC WAY &],Ol FREEWAX ON & OFF RAMPS AT ~ GRAND AVEa OVERCROSS~7NG 'I'h;e Ci.ty Administrat~.or advised that as a result of the study meeting witl~ the Divisi~n of Highways ret?.resentatives ~nd t1~is City's representatives Direc~ox of P~uk~lic::Wo'r.ks Anderson and City Cons~ulting Engineer Garing, three proposed map drawings showing the realignmen#: and improvemex~t,s of these subject traffic channel.s were now avail.able f~r. i;xae ~~u,nci.l's review, study and recozYUnendati,on. City 'Engir~eer Ga,ri,ng verbally reviewed each atudy map i.n de~ail fo.X t'h,e Co~.zxaci.l. ~ _4_ 38'~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 28, 19Fs7 _ ARROYO GRANDE~, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 After careful study and delibera~ion by the Council of the many face~s involved to properly rectify tY~.e now-existent traffic channeling proble~a at ~:Yae sul~ject location, and after resultant decision by tYa.~ Coun~il., a motion was made by Council- woman Thompson, seconded by ~o~nciln~an Schlegel, that the City ~ldministrator direct correspond~a~ce to the State.'of ~alifor~~ia, Division of Highways, Distric~ V Offic~ incorporating this Council's decisions and/or recom~nenda~ions as follows: (1) 'I`Ybat the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande approves and recommends the plan design as ~arepared by Cit~r Engineer Garing identified as "No. 3" for the realignm~nt and improvement of Grand Avenue-Branc~a. Street-Traffic Way an~l U.S. ~ Route 101 on and off ra~ps at tY~e Grand Ave, overcrossing. (2) That the City of Arroyo G.rande is willing and is interested i~. participating in the acquisition of such right of way property necessary to ult- imately c~mplet~ the tr~.n~ition of the subject traffic ch.anneling as proposed on said study m~p ~~No . :s " ; (3) 'I'hat tk~e ~o~.ncil recommeznds that consideration _ and appropria~e ac~ion be given to improvement; for sight clearance purp~ses, Af the northbound -0ff Ramp from U.S. 101 at its point of inter- section. wi.th Grand Ave~~ae, ar~~ that said improve- ment be incl~xded and ac~omplished in the overall subject Yiighwa~r pr~jec~t. (4) That the City Council strongly recommends that appropriate fun.ds for this subject realigrunent and improvement be included in the State of California's budget for the 1968-69 fiscal year. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRTED. - PROGRESS REPORT: LOPEZ DAM PROJE~T The City Council received, reviewed and thereafter directed to file the Progress Report for Lopez Dam Project dated Febru,ary 28, 1967 ~xom the office of Mr. Robert Born. City Administrator B~.tch an~~~a.nced that the rescheduled tour of the proposed Lopez Project site, as pl,anned by Nir. Born's Office, would be this Satu.rda~, April l, 1967, at 1 PoM., subject to weather conditi.ons . REJECTION OF AND AUTHORTZATION.FOR RE-CALL FOR BIDS - VALLEY ROAD. ~ - AND .ASH ST'REET EXTENSTON WATER LTNES Relative to this subject mat~er, for which bids were received on March 23, 196Z, the Council received a report pre- pared by the Directo~ of P~abli.c Works reco~unending that in all fairness to eaeh of the six bidders, that all: bids received be re jected for the reason. ou,t.li.ned as fol.lows s "Conditions were discovered, af~.er adver~tising, that created a situa#~,i.on t~!a~. Gou:ld result on an unequal basis far b,ids. Aue t.o l,ate date of discovery of thi,s candition, it ~aas i~r.possibl,e to noti£y all bidders prior to the bid opening.° - After Co~,z~uil di.seussi:on, a n~~o~ion was znade by Council- woman Thompson, secoa~ded 3ay Coun.cilman Syhlegel, that (1) all bids on the Ci.ty r~f Axroyo Gr~~nde Pr~jec~ Nf~a~ 60~-67-3 pertain- ing to the 1.Q° Wate,r. L;ine on. Va:l,l.e~~ R~a~l ax~d on the Ash S~.reet extension Water .Li,ne~ wY~i~h wer~ .~~ecei~Te~ an.d openec~ bv t.he City on March 23, ,1.~67 at 2 P.M., a;re kaereby r~ject~d and are consi,dered to be nul.l and voi,d '~y ~k?a..is City, (2) 'I"hat the Di,rector of Public Works of k;Yae C:i. kv of A.rroxo Grande is k~ereby _5_ 38~ _ CITY COUNCI~ 1~,RCH 280 1967 ARROY'O GRANDE, CP,LIFORNIA PAGE ~i authorized and instructed t~ ad~er~ise t~e ~c~.ll for bids on April 6, 1967 for a new and re~ised project for the installatior~ of 10" Water Lines on Val3ey Road axad on AsYa Street Extension; with such bid opening scl~.eduled April 20, 1967 at 2 P.M., in the Council Cham~ers of ~he Arroyo Grande City Hall. Motion unanimously carrisd. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTX SANITAT~ON DISTRICT City Adininistrator Baa~ch advised that all operations of the Sanitation District are pr~g~°~ss~.ng sa~t~.sfactorily. ARROYO GRANDE SEVENTH-DAX ADVENTTST CHUR~I~-REQUEST gERMISSTQN TO ERECT CANVAS ALTDITORILTM~PROPF~tTY Il~ ~.~9fJ ~~,~C:~ _ _ 4~ G~ND AV~ R FQ~ R~~~L~I~GUS ME~'~"~~fiCa4 _ Ci~~r ~c~ini~tra~or B~.t~h r~ad ~ 1et~~~ ~~o~n ~h~ Axrr~~Q Grand~ S~v~n~h-Uay Ac~v~~~i,~t Chure~n ~n wl~i.:h ~l~~y r~~ue~~ ~a~r- , , mi~aion to hold rel,i,c~iou~ meeti.ng~ frc,m Apri1. 29 through May 2p, 1967 in a canvas aanclit~rium to be ~r~cted on the Lavett-Wood ~5roperty in th~ 1500 Block on Grand Ave. After Council discussion a a~?otion was made by Council- ~ man ScYalegel, seconded by Co~an~ilwc~a~a~n 'ThQr~pson, that the Arroyo Grande Seventh-Day Adventist Churcfl~ be ~ranted permission to erect a fireproof canvas audit~r.~~ wit~ain the 1500 Block on Grand Avenue for tk~e purpose of ho.ld~.xag religious m,ee~ings from April 29, 1957 tYaro~.gh May 2(~, 1'967 subject to the following conditions: (1) Tlha~t adequate off-st~eet parking facilities be provided ~to properly direet and co~trc~l any and all vehicular traffic to and frozm said functions ax~~d ~.kaa~t such facilities meet with the approval. of our ~ol.ice and Public Works Departments. (2-) That adequate s~.n.itar;~ ~~.cili.kies ~rovided upon the subject premises; (3) That the subj.ect premises be kept in a clean and orderly manner, and free of any and all type debris through- out the scheduled period; (4) That the Fire Chief-F~.xe Marsh~ll have the oppor- tunity to inspect the erected canvas structure and the surround- ing premises for any potential fire a~azard. Motion unanimously ca`r.ried,. PARKS AND RECREATION GOMMISSION APFROVAL FRO1~ COUNTY OF SLO FOR ~ITY DEVELOF MENT OF WAY SIDE PARK BETfnrE N BRISCO ROAD UNDER- CR.OSSTNG AND HALCYON ROAD OFF RAMP Pursuant to the Coun~i~'s direction of February 14, 1967, .City Administrator B~atch advised ~hat th~.~ Gity's reguest for the use of County owned land for park p~.rposes to be developed by this Ca.ty had been approved by tk~e ~c~un~y ~oard of Supervisors subject to the signing of an agreement in~&n~.ch the City agrees that all improvements and upkeep expense wc~~,~.ld be ]acrne by the City of Axroyo Grande: After C~ou.nci.l Discussion, a motion was made by Council- woman Thompson, second~d }a,y Co~ncilan,an S~hlegel., that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to exsGU.te on behalf of the City, an agreement with the Co~unty of San Lua.s O~ispo concerning the pro- posed El Gamino Real Tnlayside Fark, w~ra.ck~ in effect, authorizes this City t~ improve and main~tain t~i~ Goun~y's right of way as part of the ~foresaid park. Mc~tion u~nanimously carried. CITY COUNCTL~-- FLANNTN~ ~OMMISST4~T ~T~INT STUDX SESSION The Go~zmcil w~s a~vise~d ~tl~~a~: +the joia~t meeting sch.ed- uled for Maxc.h 30, ,19C7 h.ad bs~an ~ar~~:~1.ie~d, l~ut that such nneet- ing is now calendared for Tkaursda~*, Agx~i1 5, 19~7, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chaz~nbers ~ - 6 38~ CITY COUNCIL NIARCH 28, ],967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 RECEIPT O~' STATEMENT O~' FOLICY~WA"~°~R Q~dAI~I'I'~.' OBJECTIVES REPORT ~°OR CENTRAL COAS~AI~ AREA F~R 1967 FROM REGIONAL WA'I°~~ QITALITY CONTROL BOARD The Counr~~..l received, review~d and directed to file such report which sets forth th.e BoardBs golicy for proper pro- tection and control of water poll~t~on anr~ water quality control on and along the Pacs.fic Oc~an C~astal Waters of Northern Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, specifically Point Arguello to Pc~int Piedras Blancaso S. L. fJ. CO. DEVELOPMENT ASSOC.-LLTNCHEON MEETII~TG APRIL 5-PASO ROBLES COUNTRY CLUB BE AIRP~RT SYSTEM' The Council was ad~vised tk?a~ the Mayor and City Adminis- trator were planning ~o attend the s~a~ject meeting called for the purpose of reviewing tY?e present status of G~m airport system development. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On znotion by Councilwoman ~o~apson, seconded by Council- man Schlegel, and unanimously carried, t~ie Council adjourned to ~ an Executive Session at 9:39 P.M. RECONVENEMENT OF COUNCIL The Council reconvened in t~e Council Chambers, at 10:43 P.M. with all mernbers being presen~ as shown on roll call. OCEANO WATER COMPANY - POSSIBLE PUR~HASE OF SAME At the direction of the Co~zracil, City Attorney Shipsey and Consulting Engineer Kenneth Mullen were av.thorized to commence negotiations ~or the possible purcY~.ase of the Oceano Water Company, ADJOURNMENT On zs~otion by Council,man Schlegel., seconded by Council- woman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10 ~ 45 P.M. ATTEST• • City C k ` Mayor By clerical error the following was omitted from the body of the minutes of March 28, 1967, Page 2, Page:~84, Book 6, Records of City Council. ORDINANCE ADOPTION: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEL~TT - POUND MASTER POLICE ~TF~RS. After Council review and discussion City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code relating to Pound Master Police Powers, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading the balance of said Ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 7 C.S. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SECTIONS .05 and .14, CHAPTER 1, TITLE 6 OF TI~ ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO POUND MASTER POWERS. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and by the foll~wing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Schlegel and Mayor Wood ' NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Levine and Burt the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 28th day of March, 1967.