Minutes 1967-04-11 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 11, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular sessi~n with Mayo~ Wood,presiding~ Upon roll" ca11, Councilwoman Thompson, Courccilmen Levine, Schegel, Bur~ and Mayor Wood reported present._ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATIQN Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to ouz flags and immediately therea~ter Reverend Zeonard T. Boyd, Pastor of -Presbyterian Community Church of Pismo Beaeh delivered the invocationo APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Mareh 28, 1967 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, thafi GENERAL WARRANTS No. 860 to and including No. 918 in the total amount of $21,342.03, and PAYROLL WARRANTS No. 1240 to and including No: 1286 ir~ the total amount of $$,875.68, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion unanimously carried. WELCOME TO WELLS C. SMITH BY MAYOR WOOD Mayor Wood cprdially welcomed and introduced Mr. Wells C. Smith, a recently appointed member of the Planning Commissionq and currently, for the month of Aprii, the liaison from such Commission to the City Council.. HARVEST FESTIVAL ~OMMITTEE RE, REQUEST F~R eCOUNCIL REPR~SENTATION TQ HARVEST FESTIVAL COP~MITTEE FOR 1967 A subject request letter, under the signatu~re of Dick Blankenburg, was,read in its entirety by the City'6dministrator. Its content requested representation by, or on behalf of, the City Council on the current 30th Annual Arroyo Grande Gay Nine- ties Harvest Festival--in accordance with the Constitution of such festival organ- ization. After discussion, the Council directed that the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission be delegated to appoint a member mf such Commission as this City's repre~entative on the 1966 Harvest Festival Committee; and'that the City Administrator relate such Council direction to the Parks and Recreation Chairman, Baird McNeil. PROCLAMATION OF "PUBLIC SCHOOLS' WEEK~~ - APRIL 24 to 28, 1967 BY MAYOR WOOD The Mayor-read the subject proclamation in its entirety, after which the Mayor. proclaimed the week of April 24 to 28, 1967 as "Public Schools' Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MO~TH OF MARC-H, 1967 , The Council received and re~iewed such report for the month of March and thereafter directed same to file, DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH 1967 The Council received at~d reviewed such report for the month of March and thereafter directed samE to file. FURTHER DISCUSSIO.N ~ RE. KOAG RADIO ~TATION - INQUIRY PERTAINING TO POSSIBLE DOUBLE TAXATION RE POSSESSORY INTEREST TAX ON SUBJECT L~t~SED PREMISES In accordance with the Council's d~irection, the City Attorneq advised that he had made inquiry to the S.L.O. County Assessor regarding the matter in question, and that the County Assessor had informed him, by letter, that "there is no double assessment" on the possessory interest tax applicable to the radio station. After general discussion by and between the Council, City Attorney and Mr. George Irwin, representing the,radiq station,;i~ was concluded that this matter be held in abeyance until actual presentation of the tax statement could be made to the City for review purposes. NOTIFICATION FROM DEPT. OF FINANCE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF COM- PLETION OF SERVICE BY ' PLAI~NING C~NSi7T,TANT, ' HAHN, ' WISF1 A1VD AS~OCIATE~, FOR GENERAL PLAN OF CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~IDE Following detailed explanation by.the City Administrator, as to the intent and purpose..of this notification of completion, and after Council discussion, a motion. 1. ~ ~ ~91 CITY COUNCIL, ARROYO GRANDE9 CALIF. 2, APRIL 119 1967 was made by Councilw.oman Thompson~ sECOnded by Council~~n Sehlegel, that Mayor Wood be authorized to acknowledge com~letion of the contr~ct involving the City of Arroyo Grande, and Hahn, Wise and Associates9 and the Sta~~ of California, such contract being numbered LP0-P/164-CON-1 and dated originally Decembez 17, 1964, for the pur- pose of consumation of a General Plan for the City of Arroyo Grande, AND FURTHER, that the memorandum agreemen~ as presented by Hahn9 Wise and Asso- ciates, Inc,, under the signature of Lawrence Ao Wise~ dated April 7, 1967, in connection with the consumation of the General Plan9 is hereby approved and a~cepted. MOTION UNANTMOUSLY CARRIED. RECEIPT OF FRANCHISE FEES - FROM SO. CO: GAS ~0.~ UNION OIL'CO., P.G. & E. The Council received and acknowledged payment of Franchise Tax amvunts due.this city for the calendar year 1966 as follows. So. Counties Gas Co. $69385.94 Union Oil Co. $ 139.80 P.G. & E. ' $1~964.34 PROGRESS REPORT - RE. UNIFORM SALES TAX FOR ALL CITIE~ G!TITHIN S.L.O. COUNTY The City Administrator advised that the current status of this matter is un- changed at this timeo LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES RE, CURRENT CALIE'ORNIA,LEGISLE~TIVE MATTERS The latest legislative bulleti~ of the L~~a.gue, as well as its Statement of Princip~es and Alternatives Regarding Tax Reform, was reviewed in detail by the City Administrator. After careful deliberations the Council directed the City Administrator to correspond with our t.wo representative Assemblymen of the State, Winfield Shoemaker and William Ketehum, and State Senator ponald L. Grunsky, as well as Vern Sturgeon, advising them that the City Council of the City of Arroyo. Grande would like to go on recordo (1) opposing Assembly Bill' 901 and 902 pertaining to police compensation, pensions, etc.; (2) opposing Assembly Bill 3639 which bill pertain~ solely to firefighters in the event of a dispute over wages9 hours or working conditions necess- itating a decision by an arbitration bo~.rd; and (3) in favor of Assembly Bill 399A which would authorize the levy of local cigarette taxes at the rate of 3 1/2G per pack. "THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NEW~LETTER" VOL. 1, NOa 1, SPRING, 1967 The Council received and reviewed such newsletter and voiced commendation to City Administrator Butch for its final presentation form and copy. ' PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE - SET STUDY SESSION - APRIL 26, 1967, 4 P.M. The Council set the subject study session at the specific date and time noted. FURTHER DISCUSSION HUASNA ROAD PLAN LINE The City Administrator reviewed the progressive status of this matter, and advised the Council that the most recent action of the Planning Commission was their readoption of Plan Line No. 1, which basically is the plan which sets forth that additional needed right of way be taken entirely from the south side of the ~ presently establi~hed Huasna Road. Mayor Wood adviseci the Council that he had received a proteSt communication to the proposed adoption. of Huasna Road Plan No. 2, which in effect would take additional needed right of way equally from both sides of the now existing Huasna Road. The Council further reviewed the three proposed plan line study maps and there-, after heard verbal objections to adoption of Plan Line No. 2 by Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Carlson, Mr. Frank Rose, and Mrs. Gra~e E. Laughlin, property own~rs on the north side of Huasna Road. Mr. Don Rowe, a property owner on the south side, objected to Plan Line No. 1, and voiced favoritism to Plan Line No. 3---the sinuous route. After further deliberation, the Council directed that City Consulting Engineer Bob Garing make a study-recommendation on the use of setback lines on this Huasna Road matter for presentation to the Council at theix next meeting and also determine the effectiveness in other cities now using the"setback"system. RECESS Mayor Wood recessec~ the subject meeting at 9035 P.M.; at 9:45 P.M., with all Council members being present as hereinbefore named at roll call, the meeting was called back to order by Mayor Wood, 2. • i CITY COUNCIL, ARROYO GRANDE, CAI,IFe 3. APRIL 11, 1967 PARKS AND RECREL~TION COMMISS~ON - SET SEMTANNIJAL BUDGET MEETING T~7ITH SI7CH CQ~I~aSIQN A~TA CQUNCII~ = Apri1 ' 19: ' I.967 7 m 30 ' P a~'1, Th~ Council acknawledged ax~d coneu~~°ed with the request~d ,~oi~.t m~e~tiz~~ d~t~ set by the Farks a~d Recreation C~a~n~t~s~.on. PARKS AND R~CREA~TIQN CQMMI~SI~N RE~ OL? GARAGE BT~DG. NOW SITUATED ~T OI~D PUBLIC WORKS YARD The sub~ect Commission had requested that the above described buildiag.be moved to the New Public Works' Yard for storage of park department supplies and materials, as well as work usage purpos~s, After discussion,,the Council concluded and dire~.ted that the Park Department utilize the subject garage building, where it is now situated, for the needed supplies and equipment storage pur~oses, and that such usage is to b~ on a temporary basis; ANI~ FURTHER, that the need for ad'equate supplies and equipment storage space'for this Dept. be an action matter for discussion and consideration in the 196~ 68 budget, with the specific location thereof to ~e at the New Corporate Xard on Ash Street. ~ PARKS AND RECREATIQN COMMISSION - RECOMMENDATION BY Si7CH COMMISSION RE. ARROYO GRANDE WOMAN~`S CLU& - - VERNON AVEI~i1E PROPERTY -'GRANTING OF ONE YEAR EXTENSION FOR BUI~,DING DEVET,OPMENT PURPOSES ' This matter was reviewed in detail by the City Administrator and an inter-dis- cussion was,held,by and between Mrs. Ed Taylor,,representin~ the Woman~s Club, and the Council. After resultant decisian by the Council, a motion was made by Council-. woman Thompson, seconded by Cou~cilman I;evineathat: (1) the recommendation of the Park ~.nd Recreation Commission is hereby ~ accepted and is to the ef~eet that the Arroyo Grande Woman~s Club be granted a one year extension of.time to develop improvements on the Vernon Avenue subject property, and that the ~ity staff study and utilize all possible sources for the po5sible securement of.a Federal grant for the construction of a Community Building as a mutual pro-. j ect of the City of ,t~rroyo Grande and the said Womarc's Clnb, AND (2) that the Mayor is here~y authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande that certain '~Extension Agreement" between the City and the Woman's Club ot Arroyo Grande, dated within the~+uanth of April 19679 whi.ch document grants the said Club an additional one year period af time,.or to the date of April 28, 19689 in which.to effect the con-, - struction of a club house or similar type "community building" on the property in question, MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. S0. SLO COUNTY SAI~TITATION `DIS~RICT The Council received the Monthly Report of the Chief Treatment Plant Operator,, and after_review diXected same'to,file. FURTHER DISCUSSION - APPLIGATI~N FOR FEDERAL GRANT RE UNSET~IERED AREAS OE ARROXO GRANDE The City Administrator reviewed in detail the letter from HUD which, in brief, stated that the application by this City was rejected for lack of a comprehensive planning agency which is representative of the jurisdictions within this City~s planning region. It was further pointed out by the City Administrator that no spe- cifics have been available to the City regarding jurisdictional boundaries of ~iIID's reference to "planning region", But, according to HUD's letter, until this City is a:. part :of -.such ,"planning region'~ fed~~+al grant funds will not be available f.or sewe~ trunk line-purposes. It was suggested by the City Adminfistrator that possibly,corres- pondence cou~.d be directed to the County of S,L.O. suggesting that some type of,group be formed to e5tablish the necessary "glanning region". The Council discussed this° matter in,detail, but made no directives at this time. The Council further receiv~d a report and map px°epared by City'Building Inspector Nicklas setting forth the existing status of unsewered developed properties within the City, with emphasis on the problematic areas. The problematic sewage conditions in the Tally Ho Road vicinity were discussed at length, after which the Council directed that the City staff study and determine the costs involved for in~tallation of a sewer line in this subject area. PRESENTATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER TRUNK LINE CONSTRUCTION BY OCEANO SANITARY DISTRICT Mr. Bob Garing presented the Council with a copy of the subject records since the area identified as Tract 244, (Russ Court and Paul Place), i s within the bound- aries of the Oceano Sanitary District, and also within the City Limits of Arroyo Grande. 3. tJe~t~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRAI~DE, CALIF. 4e APRIL 11, 19b7 CONGRATULATIQNS TO BOB'GARING FQR HQNORS BESTQWED UPQN`HIS SON; BpB J.;GARING, - BY 1~1AYOR WOOD Mayor Wood,extended congratulatio,ns to Bob Garing, City Engineering Consultant for honors b~stowed upon his son,`a Ca1 Poly mechanical engi~eering major,,,for havi~g received the highe~t nation-wide award which is gzven a candidate in the. Marine Corps platoon leaders commissioning program. PROPOSED UNDERGROt7ND UTILITY'ORDINANCE Because of the lateness of the hour, this matter was held in.abeyance until the next Council meeting. ATTENDANCE BY MAYOR WOOD AI~TD COUNCIT,MAN SCHI.EGEL - A.G. `DQWI~TOL~7N MERCHANTS ASSOCZATION Mayor Wood commended.the subject.association fvr their,progressive plans for ~.mprovement of the Br.anch Street downtown area including undergxound utilities, sidewalks, beautification of the creek, etc.~ and furthEr, the Council'directed that the City Administrator calendar alternately for the Council their r~spec,tive attendance at the Downtaown Merehants' meetings which are held each Friday morning, a t 8 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ZOCAL BOY SCOUT TROUP - CIVIC PROJECT - SUG~ESTED COMPLETION OF HOUSE NUMBERING SXSTEM BY COUI~CIL The Mayor advised that the merit system of a local Boy Scout Group, under the leadership of Jack Winslow, necessitates the Scouts' completion of a civic project. After Council discussion, the City Administrator was direct~d to correspond with the said group suggesting that the house numbering system,at curbside within the City,(only partially completed by an Explorer troupl, be finali~ed by the Boy Scouts, as a project under their merit system; and further, that donations coeild be accepted by this group to d~fray necessary pa.int costs. PROGRESS REPORT LOPEZ DAN~ PROJECT After Council discussion regarding the forthcoming triial, prompted by action. of the Devauls, property owners within the subject project' area, to determi~e the publi~ necessity of`condemning land for the Lopez Dam project, which court.pro-, ceedings are scheduled to commence April 12, 1967, the Council directed that the City Administrator and the.Director of Public Works alternately.:a'ttend'the subj'~ct p.ro:c.eedi~gs a"s`regresentat'ives of this City.'" . PARKING COM~.ISSION SCHEDiTT,ED MEETING APRIL 13, 1967 l0 A.M. CqUNCIL CHAMBERS This scheduled meeting was brought to the attention of the Council in the event: their attendance would be possible. STATUS REPORT SETTING OF GRADES - FAIR OAKS AREA ' Consulting Engineer Bob Garing advised'that final cqmpletion of this pro~ect is anticipated within the next several weeks. S.L.O. COUNTY ECONOMI~ DEV~LOPM~NT ASSOCIATION I~EETING AT PASO ROBLES RE AIRPORT $YSTEM WITHIN COUNTY,` 4/~%67 ; Mayor Wood advised that he had attended such meeting at which re~resentation by.most of the Cities and communities of the County were in attendance.for general discussion of current, as well as proposed-future,'statu~ of this Caunty's airports. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoma~ Thompson, and unanimously ca~ried,.the meeti~g adjourned at 10:54 P.M. f ' J1 ATTEST: ' ~,k~~ ~C~~c' ~ C~~ Deputy.City Clerk Mayo7r FIQ ~'R 4 .