Minutes 1967-05-23 40~ CITY COUNCIL MA,Y 23rd, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFOItNIA ~ ~ The City Council met in regular session with l~ayor Wood presiding. Upon xoll call'~ouncilwoman '~hompson, CounciLmen Levine, SchLegel, and Burt reported presente PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOGATI~N Mayor Wood Led t e PLedge of Allegiance to the Unit~d States of Ameriea; and immediately thereafter Reverend Father Joe W~,tt, of Ste Patrick's Catholic Church of Arroyo Grande, deLivered the invocatione APPRO VAL OF MINUTES e minutes of the reguLar meeting of May 9, 1967 were approved as prep,ared, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS T A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Levine, ~hat General Warrants No~ 996 to and incLudin No. 1033 in ~he totaL amount of $L4,629.61; PayroLL Warrants No. 1~99 to and in- cluding No, 14~63 in the total amount of $L~,349e29, & Tru~t ~nd , Agency Warrants No, 220 to and incLuding No. 225 in the totaL amount of $30e00, be approved and ordered paida Motion ca~ried, FEE EXEMPT BUS, LICe FIjIE CITIES JR, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO SELL FIRE- WORKS City Administrator Biatch rEad 'a Letter from the Five Cities Junior Chamber of ~ommerce requesting a fee exempt business License to sell safe and sane f ir~works in the WiLliams~ Brathers Shopping G~nter from June 29 through JuLy 4, 1967~ Mre DeLwyn G. Wayner, Project Chairman for the Five C ities Chamber of Commerce, oralLy stated the Five Cities Jaycees have ~und raising projects such as f ireworks sales to help support community deveLopment projects, and re- quested the Council's ~pprovaL for the fee exempt License. A~~~er Council discussion, a motion was made by CounciLman Burt, seconded by CounciLman Schl.egel, that the Five Gities Junior Chamber of Commerce be issued a fee exempt Lic~nse for the purpose o€ selling safe and sane fireworks from June 29 through JuLy 4, 1967, at the Lo- cation of the WiLliams'~` Brothers' Shopping Centers Motion c~rried. LETTER FROM CITY OF PZSMO BEACH SUPPORTING CITY STAND - OCEANO AIRPORT City Adminis rator Butc rea a etter rom t e City o Pismo Beach, notifing this City that the City of Pismo Beach has gone on record supporting and endorsing the Oceano Airport Improvement plan prepered by the San Luis Obispo ~ounty Pilo~s' Associ~tion. ~ NOTTCE OF PROPQSED COUNTY HIGHWAY MEETTNG - MAY 25th 1967 C ty Adm~.nistrator Butc a vi~e noti ication as een received from the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce that a County-W~.de High- way Meeting wi1L be heLd on Thursday, May 25th, at 7:30 P.M. in the~ Supervisors' Chambers of the Courthouse.Annex.' An item'of discussion wi be the possibiLity of t~he County Economic DeveLopment Committee handLing the County-wide Highway Meetings as this Committee may t~ave more authority, and perhaps greater ability, to coordinate aLl the. requeste from ~he various areas of thie County. After Council dis- cussion, it was agreed that a11 Council members possible wouLd atten.d~ this meetin~, as requestedo MUNTGIPAL CODE - AMENDMENT - FIRE ZONES -~FIRST READTNG ~ity Administrator Butc rev~.ewed requirements o the Fire Zone Ordinance now in effect and outlined the areas of the City which are affected by each fire zone, stating that with the creation and adop- tion of the Central Business District, the F~.re Zones as previously adopted did not now encompass the areas of original intent, and it has been brough~ to the attention of the City Staff that Fire Zone L appears ~o be too restrictive Eor some areas of the City which are in- cluded within Fire Zone Le Rev. Kenneth Criswell, of the Methodist _L_ ~ CTTY COUNCIL MAY 23rd, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'ORNIA PAGE 2 Church, was advi.sed by City Attorney Shipsey th~t the present st$tus of the new construction addition to the Method~.st Ct~urch, Loc~ted in Fire Zone L, could not be al~tered until the ~ ffecti~e dats aft~r the' adoption of a proposed ordinance am~nding the preser~t Fire Zon~s in t`he C ity of Arroyo Grande, which proposed ord~nance, as presented, woul.d place the entire City in Fire Zone 3. After Cauncil discussion,-it was egreed further s~uay ehould be g~.ven th~ cu~tter of Fire ~ones for fila~ C ity of Arroyo Grande, and in the intera.m an ordinance amendment be adopted to relieve some over-restrictive ~reas. City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of ~,n -0rdinance amend~ing the . Municipal Code relating to Fire Zones in the City of Arroyo Grande. Thereafter, a motion was mad~ by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by CounciLman Levine, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordi- nance. Motion unanim~ously c8rried. PUBZIC HEARING FOR CURB AND GUTTER TNS`I'AL"L~A,TION. SO;. ALP~NE S-'~.~-,-~~., SHOR -1- 1L A~ , ; ; , , . City A ministra~or Butch reviewed those areas af So~.th Alpine St. in which curb and gutter instaLlation Y~as been rsquest~d, and_also the procedure to be foLlowed in the use of the 131L,Act (Short Fo,xt~~). . ;,f After b~ing assured by City CLerk Ma.lLer ~hat the properties ~~d bee,n posted and the property owners notified as,re.quired by.Law, Mayor` Wood declared the pro~t~sfi hearing open and any person for or against the instalLation of cnncrete curbs,.gutters, and drive~ray aprons on:- portions of Sou~h:ALpine Street, by use o~' ~he short ,esses~ment dis~rict~ wauld now ~e heard. As ~Chere'was rio discu~sion for,ox against ~he.; inataLLa~tion, Mayor Wc~ad dec:Lared the hearing cLosed. After Cauti~il •~~discussian a motion was m~d~ by CaunciLman Schlege:l, seconded:by _ Councilman Bur~, that .the ins~elLata.on af curbs, gutters, and drive- way aprons by use of fi'he 19L1 A.ct Short Assessment District be approve.d. Motion was carried on the foLLowing roll. c~ll vote: AYES: CounciLwoman Thompson, CounciLmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt, and M~yor Wood, NDES: None ABSENT ~ I~one _ ADOPTION - MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - STREET TREES City A,ttorney S s.psey read t e t~tLe of an Ordinance amending the Mt~nicipal Code reLating to Street Trees, Thereafter, a motion was made by Counciiman Levine, seconded by CounciLwoman Thompson, to dis- pense with reading the balance of the Ordinance, Motion unanimously cerried. ORDINANCE NO. 8 C.S. ORDZNAN~E OF T'HE C.TTY OF '~RROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE 10 Og THE ~RROYO GRANDE .~MUNI~IPAL CODE R,EL~,TING T0 TREES SHRUB~. AND PY~i.NZ'S On motion of CounciLwoman Thamp~on, seconded by CounciLman Lev~~e, and by the foL_Lo,wing_ raLL ceLL vote, to 'wit: ' , . ~ AYES~ CounciLwoman Thott~pson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, B~rt, and Mayor Wood , ^Y4 NOESc None , ; A w ABSENT: None _ . the foregoing Ordin~nce w~s passed,and.adopted thi~ ~3rd day of May,- 1967, _ _2_ , CITY COUN~IL A,RROYO GRANDF~, CA.LIFORNIA, 23rd., 1967 PA GE 3 PROPOSED UNDP,R:GROUI?]D t~~T'~I;ITy ORDINA,NCE The Couricil discus~ed portions ~f the prc~po~ed ~.nderground utzLity ordinance. Ferry McBeth, r~presentativ~ of P~.cifie Gas and Electric Co., outlinedl some portions whieh his Company feLt were in conflict~ with other partions of the proposed Ordinance, The Council agresd further review and study of the propo~ed ~rdinance shouLd be held prior to the ordinance adoption, and that stczdy session be heLd 7:30 P.M., May 31, 1967, ' PROPOSED ~TGN ORI,~TNA.N~E , After CouncilL discussion, it was agreed to hold a further study session on the proposed sign ordinan~e incLuding the Council, as a body, touring the City ta asc~r.tain the number and quaLity of signs , that wi11 be effected by the proposed sigx~ ordinance, ~ UNIFORM SA,LES T,A,X FOR ALZ CITIES IN SLO CQ MAYORS' LUNCHEON MEETING ` MAY 2_ L~~ Mayor Wood stafied that a11 arrangements ~~,ve been made ~s au~hor- ized for ~he Luncheon meeting of Mayors ~f the Six incorporated Gities in San Luis 0'bispo Ccaunty to disccsss cities intent regarding the re- quest for uni:form~.ty ot saYes tax d~.~~t~°ibu~ion in San Luis Obispo County, A~~R~ZE CAL7G k'OR BIDS PAGKAGE I.NSURA.NCE PQLTCY FOR CITY - JUNE 22 City Adm i.~.is~rator B~.tch advised that oezr current Liability in- surance c~avera~e wiYL expire JuLy L, 1967 and requested authorization b~ granted to advertis~ a~aY.1 far bids for insurance covera~e to in- cLude Liabil.i~y, fi.re, mGmey~ emp~.~y,~~ ~Q~d and an a11.-risk fLoatera By ineL~di,ng a11 t~e Ci~yts ix~sur~n~ce ~caverages in one p~Package In- surance PoLicy,4P it is an~.~icipated cost for insura~.ce wi11 be much Less, as w~L1 as making the administratian of sam~e much easier. ' A~ter Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, secon.d~d by CaunciLman Levine, tha~ the City Clerk be auth- orized and instructed to advertise the call for bids for trPackage - Insurancept coverage for the Gity`of Arroyo Gr~.nde, bids to be open Jun~ 22, 1967 at 2:00 P.M, in the Gouncil Chambers o£ ~he Arroyo Grande Cit~y HaLLa Motion unanimously carried, : LEAGUE OF CA,LIFORNYA CITIES p LEGISIATIVE BULLETIN DIGEST REPORT City Adm~.nistrator Butc reviewe t e Lega.s at~ve Bu etin re- ceived from the Leagu.e af Cali£ornia Cities' which outLined those biLLs now before the AssembLy and Senate for immediate action. No action' regarding the Legisla,tive Bulletin was taken by the Council at this t ime e COUNCIL AUTHORIZAT30N FOR FIRE DEPT. TQ RAZE STRUGTtTR~ - CIVIC CENTER FORMERLY PENCE PROPERTY C~ty Administrator Butch ~avisea the Council ~hat the residence owned by the C'ity at 2p2 E. Branch Street is now vac~nt and the eon- dition of the stru.cture is such that it wouLd require extensive re- pairs to put it int~o conditicon for occup~ncy; and as removal of the structure to alLow enlargement of the parking area at the Civic Center is proposed in the 1967-68 Budget, it is recommended that authorization, as requested by the Fire Dept,, be ~pproved for this Depar~ment to burn ~he structure for dri11 practice £or the Firemen,, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Counciiman'Levine, seconded by CounciLwoman Thompson, tha-~ the,Fire D~partment be granted authorization to burn the st~ructure at 202 E, Branc~ St, as fire dr'ill, practice on June L, G9 '~Y9 and 6, 1967 as requested by the Fire Depart- ment, Motion unanimousLy carried~ PRESENTATION OF 1967-68 PRELIMINARY NIUNCIPAL BUDGET The Council received cop~.es of t e sub~ect budget; after_which the CounciT concLuded thet a study session regard~ng seme, a~ rae1l as' ot~her items of business, wouLd be heLd during the ~djourned Meeting of the Council to be held on May 3L, 1967, _3_ GzT~ covrl~z~, rr~.~ ~~r~, ~.96a ~4~~J GRA.NDE ~ ~A.L~F°ORNIA PA~~ ~ 'P`R~.S~N`~:~'~ON F~F'cST AI~NtF~.I; 1ZEF'~~~' G~~` ~'~4.~K.S ~N~ P7.,A.NNII~Y~ D~PA~'~"m MENfiS AS PR~PA,RED BY SUCH DEPAR°TMEl'~TS ° DIR~~°I°~~ The Cotzn~~.9. receivec~9 re~ie~red and tl~~~e~.fter d~.rected tc~ fiLe ~t~~ '~~.bjec~ ~°e~~to '~h€~ Cc~~,n~~.~. ~cui~~d ~c~mm~r~e~~~~.~n ~the Park~ ~r~d P~.an~ nin~ Dire~tor for° such ~~pc~r~, ~E~GETVE ~~I~S AND AWARD~~C Ct~N°I°RA,~`~° R~P;~1~~~~G ~E~7CAIN P~l~"~IOl~S : S U'~'H A INE S'IdREE~' ~1~D HIL7~C12EST DR~VE ' e Co~:ncil w~s adviseel by t e Gi~y A.dm~.n~~tr°at~r t~t bi¢~~ ~er- ~t~xn~.n~ to ~he s~b~e~~t ~ra~~.ti~ ~~n~~~°~.~t~.~n w~~~ c~~~~~c~ M~~ Y.~, Pal~o in ~he ~~cxnc~L Ghat~ber~ o~ -~hc~ A;r~c~~c~ Grsnde G~.ty ;~3aLL ~~s foLLow~ o ~'ecI W~t~Ci~s Cons~~°uc°~i~n ~q n 5, 099A ~i0 Mad1~n~s~ ~c~n~tru~~tiom ~c~ a 4, 989 e~(~ Ao ~e Di~~ni ~+9~26~3~ M o ,7 0 ~.~~°mr~ck , "~rz~ ~ 428 < 70 _ ~~~~er ~~a~~.~~~, d~~~~.~~~.c~n9 ~ mc~~~o~. ~~;s m~d~ l~y Cdex~~~lm~.n SchLegel, ~eco~dec~ I~~ ~o~.nciLm~~ B~.~~ 9~~~~ ~~.e ~~r~~n c~f Ma J o Herm~eek Gom~~ny ` ~e ara~rded t~~ c~~~~°~.ct fc~,~ ~~.v~n~ ~t~.case ce~x°~.~in ~~ar~t~.~r~~s c~f Sti;` ~~~~~.e~ ` Street~ H~LI.~x°~s~t Dx°ive P~~ ~pe~i~a~~~.Ly set fort~i in ~he sp~~ifics~ t~.~~?s ~o~° s~:~'h ~t~~et pavin~ ~anstructi~n, ~nd a~ wi~.Y. be ~et fc~rt~i ~.n th+~, s~.b~e~~ C~ntract e~ith the City ~f A~rc~~so Gra~nde ~nd Me ,T~ Her~m;reek '~om~sany, Mca~ic~n una.nimr~~zsiy ~~r~°a~~d, i7EED ACCEPTA1~tCE ~ BR~CSC~ R~.4,~-R~CGEi'~ (~F WAY p~33:m B, M~GA,SLIN Af~~r pr~scnt~.t~.~n c~f p~r~inent f~c~ex~Y inf~rmat~.~n t~ the Cc~~n~i1 b~ C~,t~ Admi.n~s~ra°~c~r° B~~ch, ~nd ~~ter ~o~xn~c~Y. d~~cussion, a motimn w~s made by ~~~.neiLwr~m~n Thomps~n., seconded by CounciY.man Sch~.egel, that the 'Gr~nt I~e~d fram H, B, McC~sl~.n, for ~~.~t certain proper~y L~~c$ted t~n ar~d aLang the N~r~hw~ste~~.~ s~.de c~~ Brisc~ Rd,:, n.ear its int~r~~~~.i.on ~ith Grand Avenue, be ~~cepted by ~he C~.°ty of Arr~yo Grande, and th~t t= : tk~e Ma~or $nd ~he ~i:ty ~Y.erk be au~h~rized to sign ~~e Cer~ifi~~te c~~ Accept~nce,, x~nd th~~ saic] deed be recorded b Mot~on ~.~~n~.~aaously carriecl. , A,~T~'H~~TZATION `T~ AI~~RT'LSE GAL~I, ~°(~R BTDS F~R INST.ALIA`TSON OF ~1:) ~~A,~'~ 'RC9AD `~'T~R ~INE :~TS FINA~L 4PL(~dP~Y ~OMP"LE'~I~N AND ~F 2 WATER L~N~ ON ELM STRE~~' BE'I°WE~I FARREI~L "R~OAD ~ND ~AIR OA.K AVENUE A~~~r ~e~~.t~~~. iscu~sion9 ~ m~~t~.on w~.s rnade y CounciLm~n SchLegeL~ sec~nded: b~ ~ctxn~~,Lr~an Bu.r~,: that ~h~'C~.ty Cierk be ins~ructed and ~.u~huri~ec~ ~o €~d~rc~r~ise th~ ~aLL fc~r bids for tfie necessary fnstalla- ti~ri c~f tk~c~~`e ~~r~t~.~n r~r~.-ter 1in~~ on V~lley Raad and an ELm Str~et be~- '~~'~e~~. ~'~:rr~~.i R~~d and F$~.~° ~aks A.~renue, w~iich bid~ are to open+~d ' :~~~tn+e i2;. 1967 2000 P,M, in ~l~e Council Chambex°~ af the Arrayo Gr~nd~ C~.~ Ha~:lo Mo~ta.on ~.~:~ni~nQ~~L~ C~~~i~as . , ' ° ~'T.1~Ti~~ =~PC~R°T ~ ~~U°I`~TT SAN LUI:S ~9~ISP~ C~UN`~Y SA~TITATI~N DISTRICT - T' e C;o~at~~i was ~dvise y~ e C~ty Ac~m~n~str~t~r ~~t ~ preli:rni~ ,~;a~~ b~dge~ fc~r L967-68 w~s di.rc~~sed by ~&~e D~~tri~t ~ s Boar~t of s ~~r+~c~~or~ ~,t' their L~~~ regul~.~° mee~~.~.go COMMENDATI~~T B~I'' DELW~~N G, WAYNEk, '~EMB~R OF F~VE CITIES JAYCEES TQ ~I'~' AND CITY ~0'fJ'N~~L Mra De1 W~yner, a newcomer to this area from San Jose, expressed commendati~~: Y4ta ~.LLYp those pers~n~ invol~red ~nd res~onsible for the m$n:ner in w~ii~h. ~he City of Arroyo Grand~ fe~n~:~ta.~~s €zne] c~nducts the s~fairs of t~.i~ munic~.paLityo m~_ 4~~ CITY COUNCIL 23rd, 1967 ARROYO GRA,NDE, GALI~°ORNIA PA.GE 5 PROPOSED ANNEXA.TION OF OCEANO , AND OTI~EFL A12EAS CI°~~' ARR~YO GRA.NDE THROUGH RESOLU'I'ION ~ APPLICAiTI~1V~ ~,C~~AL A.GENG~" F°OR'MATT~N C OMMI S SI.ON Discussion wa~ held re~~.rding the ~~apr~~ed annexatimn of ~the Commtx- nity of Oceano, and cer~ain other area~, to th.e City of Arroyo Gr~.nde through proper appLic~.~tion to LAFCa o At th~ direc~~.on of the Coun:cil, the Ci~y Administr~.~tor ou~lined, by map means, the prop~~ed ar~as of annexation to the Cityo '~he gener~.1 s~udy da.~c~ssicsn of the proposed ar~asf annexation was entered into by -~he persons of the Arroyo Grande City Council, City Administrator Bu~ch, Messr,so Carl S~ith and AL Baughman who are residents of the Oceano cc~mm~nity, ~.nd others, After fczrther Gc>uncil dis~ussion, m~tion was made by CounciLmen Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thom~sc~n9 that Gity Attorney . Shipsey be authorized ~.rid instru~teel tc~ prepare •the requisite reso~- Lution-applica~ions for the p~°op~~ed annex~.~i~n of the Communit~ of Oceano, and of other a~°eas, to the City of A.r°~oyo Grande, through presenta~tion and fiLin~ of s~me to the Local Agency Form~xtion Cr~mmis- sion of the County of San Luis ~bispo4 ~'~e stabject motion was ~unanti- mo~:~ly c~.rried" b~r ReaY1 ~aLY. Vcte a~s fo1.lc~wrs o AYES a Councilwoma.n T°hompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt . and Mayor Wood NOESD None ABSENT' e None ~ ELKS 4 ANI~TCTAL PARA.DE AND RODEO - C~UNC~L PARTICIPA.TION IN PARADE - JUNE 3~ 1967 Tine ~zty Admin~~tratar b~ought tc~ t~ie a~tention of the Gouncil their ~orthcoinirig~ gaart~cipation °i~ ~1~e Annual El~s ° Parade in S~nta Maria on Saturday9 June 3, 1967, LOPEZ DAM GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY AND 4tALL-OUTYY BARBE UE HELD MAY 2 L, _L__~) & SgE~ZAZ THANKS TO BARBEQUE COMMITTEE FR~M A.RROYO GRANDE ~ After Couneil discussion of tt~e subject s~.ccessful TtLopez ~aypt, the City Admini.strator was directed t~ farward a Letter of than~is to the Barbeq~.e Committee, h~aded by Dick Werst, who so capably pr~pared the deLiciotxs entree for the TPa11-ou~pp b~.rbeque held in celebration . of the Lo~sez Dam~ Gxound BrEaking. ~,ETTER OF THANKS FROM COUNCYL T0 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO RE. LA. FIESTA PARADE LUNCHEON T e Council directed City Administrator Butch to convey th~ir thanks to the Gity of Sa~ Luis Obispo, through correspondence, ~or the delightful L~ncheon to which they were invited and which th~y so enjoyed ~.fter the La Fiesta Parade ~n May 20th Last, n f ATTENDANCE BY COUNCILWOMAN THOMPSON TO MEETING OF R~CREA.T°ION COMMIT- EE OF LOPEZ DAM PROJECT , Councilwoman Thompson reported to the Council that she had re- centLy attended this subject meeting, and she expressed that the pro- posed Recrea~ion Element of the Lopez project, presented there, wes to be prso besutiful44 upon final,itya ATTEN.L~A.N~E BY COUNCILMA.N LEVINE TO DOWNTOWN MER~HANTS r C~MMIT'I°EE CounciLman L~vine ~dvised he ad attended this Committee meet- ing on Friday, May 19, and tl~at the en~Ehusiasm and ideas forthcoming from such group, as we11 ~s their accomplished progress, were indeed commendable. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECTIVE SESSION On motion by ~o~unci~.woman Tl~ompson, seconded by CounciLman Levine, and un~,nim~usly carried, the Council adj~~.rned to an Exectxti~e Session at 9:56 PmM, ° ~ST 40~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 23rd, 19b7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ RECONVENEMENT OF COUNCIL e Counc~ reconvened in the Council Ch.ambers at 10.14 PoM, wi~h a11 members being present as hereinbefore reported on ro11 caLle ADJOURNMENT On motion by Cot~ncilman Schlegel, seconded by G~uncilman Burt, and unanimously car.ried, the meetir~g adjourned at LOe15 P,M, until 5:00 P,M., May 31, 1967, ATTESTo ~ C ~LERK OR PKS _6_