Minutes 1967-06-13 4~~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in rec~ular adjo~axned session with Mayor Wood presiding.. Upon roll call, Cou.ncilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported present, BUDGET STUDY SESSION City Administrator Butch continu.ed review of tYae proposed . 1967-68 budget, from Street Construc~ion, page 14 to comple~iono T'he Salary portion of the budget was held over for furthsr stazdy. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and una~aiznously carried, the meeting adjo~rned at 11:00 PoMo , A'~'TE S T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ci.ty C rk Mayor C I Z°Y COUNC I L JUNE 13 , 19 6 7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI.FORNIA '~Yae Cit~r Cou~cil met in regular session with Mayor Wood pre- si.dinc~. Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Sc~al.~gel ~nd Burt reported present. FI~DGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATI(aN l~ayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our fl~g; and immed- i~i~el.;y t~.~reafter Reverend Otis Fox of the Firs~ Southern Baptist ~~~.~e*::~a. of G~over City, delivered ~~he invocation. APFR.OVAL OF MT1d~UTES 'i~e n~inu~tes of ~t.he regular meeti~g ~f May 23, 1967 and the ~e~~~1ar adjourned meeting of May 31, 1967 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL ~F WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- a~an Levir~e, that General Warrants No.1034 to and including No.1094, ~ in tYae total amount of $49,082.10; and Payroll Warrants No.1464 to and inGluding No.15Qd~ in the total amount of $19,833.93, b~ approved and ordered paid. Mo~kion carried. PROGRESS REPORT-REQUEST TO BUDGET FUNDS FOR SLO CO.ECONOMIC DEVELoASSOC. Ci.ty Administrator Butch advised that a progress report had been received from the San Luis Obispo County Development Associa- ~ion, ~nc., ~lso a letter requestinc~ that the Council approve an additional $1,500,00 in budget preparation for 1967-68 fiscal year for this city's proportionate cost for the support of the San Luis Obispo County Development Association, Inc. .After Council discussion a motion was made by Gouncilman , Schlegsl, seconded ~y Councilman Burt that the amount of $1,500.00 bs budgeted in the 1967-68 fiscal year as the Gity of Arroyo Grande's propor~ionate cost for the support and operation of the San Luis ~ O~aispo County Economic Development Association, Inco Motion carried. ABSTRACTS FROM THE 1967 REGIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE MEETING IN S.L.O. Gity Administrator Butch briefly reviewed the abstracts from the 1967 Regional Planning Coraference held in San Luis Obispo as ~ prepared by evaluation teams of ~he San Luis Ob'ispo County Economic Devel.opment Assoc., Inc. MAYOR WOOD SAID HE HAS A FINANC~AL INTEREST IN RADIO PAGE CENTBAL ~ COAST,~HE WOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE DISCUSSION OR ACTION OF THE COUNCIL :REGARL~ING THTS MATTER. ~ REQUEST-GOUNCIL, SUPPORT AND ENDORSEMENT-~RA,I)IO PAGE CENTRAL COAST F Gity Administrator But~h repor~ed that a letter had been ~ re~~ived from Radio Page Central Coast, stating that they no~a have an app.licatian for approval of a Pub].ic U~i1i~y Franchi~e, to op- ~xate a ora.e way paging ~~rvice in ~he c~n~t~al ~o~st a~e~, before . _ -1- r _ _ _ CITY ~OUNC2L JUNE 1.3, 1967 ,P,RROXO GRANDE, CAL~FORN~A PAGE 2 t?~e S~ate of California Public Uti~.it~r Cozb~snissi.on and requesting t~:at ~h~ Gity Council ~upp4rt ~tYa.is locally bas~d o~'ganization by adQption a£ a resolution of er~dors~m~nto Mr. Gr~.n~kaar~, ~~~ar~~~nt- ati.ve o~ Radio Page Csntral, Co~~t, Qr~ll.~ s~a~~d the ~r~a h~e~ b~en can,vassed and wa~ in need of ~u~h ~ serv~ce. ~ouncilwc~~na~ T'k~~ompsor~ xeported that the~ Arroyo ~rande~ ~han?kaer of Commerce' was al.so in favor of this proposed service. City Administrator Buteh read, in its entirsty, a Resolution endors iz~g R.adio Page Central Coas t e RESOLUTION NOa 751 A RES.OLUTTQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C2TY OF ARROYO GRANDE END4RSING RADIO PAGE CENTRAL COAST AND URGING THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UT~LITIES COMMTSSION AGT ~.AVORABLY UPON TFiEIR APPLICATION on znotion o£. Counci]~nan Leviz~e, seconded by Councilwoman Th.o~npsoa~, and Qn the following roll call vote, to wit: AXES; Councilr«voman Z'kzampson, Councilrnen Levine, Schleg~l, S~rt~ ~TC?~S z None .ABSENT: None ,ABS~.ATI~ED: Mayor Wood t~.~ fo~ec~oing ResQlution was passed and adopted t~his 13th day of Ju~e, 1967, TR~.ASiT~~ ' S FtE ~OR~" - MONTH OF ~Y, 196 7 ~'~ea~urer' s Repor~ for the moa~.th of May, 1967 was received :~y t~e cQUn~il a~.~l ord~red fi.led. DEPA~TM:~NTAL MONTHLY REPORT MONTH OF MAX, 1967 'I`he Degartmental Month7.~ R~port for the month of May, 1967 was rec~i~~ed by the Couz~ci.l and o~dered ~iled. PROGRESS.REk~ORT; UN2FORM 9ALES TAX FOR ALL CITIES IN SLO C0. Ci,ty Administra~or Butch r~:ported that copies of the minu~es af th~ z~eeting regarding uniform sales ta~c, held Niay' 24, 1967, at~.~~ded by the Mayor~ of all incorporated c~.ties wi:~,ha.n San Luis obispo Coun~y had been forwarded to each of ~.he six c,ities. The Mayor~ ~iad tentatively agreed, in lieu of each Council"s approval, to pr,o~ose to tk~e S~n Luis Obis~o ~o~.n.ty Board of Supervisors a ~wc~ ~~ar phasing ou~ progxam and final eq~aalization Qf sales ta~s contri,bu~ion to tk~e County from each of the six citiss in San I;uis Ob~.spo Coun.ty~ ~After Council discussion a mo~ion was made by Councilwoman 'z'~oampsan, s~conded by Councilman Leviz~e tk~a~ the phase out program of sales tax contr:Lbution ~o ~he Coun.ty of San Luis Abispo as pro- posed, be approv~d and suppox°t~d b~ this Council and that Mayor Wood be authorized to meet with the Mayors o£ the o~'her f~.vs Cit~.es . in Saz~ Luis Obispo Gounty when nec~ssary for finallzation of this apparov~d pr4~aosal, Motion ,Carri~d. , HO~I.E O~' THE TEMPLE ASSOC, , INC. OBJECTING TO ANNEXA'~ION OF ~iALCYON ~i.~~ ,Administrator Butcka repor~ted tha~ a letter k~ad been re- ceiv~d. ~ron~? ~,he Home of the Temple Ass~ciated, Inc, af Halcyan stat.in.g tk~~y~ wanted to g~ o~n r~co~:d ob,jecting to the annexation o~ . tk~e Ha~.,cyon~ ar~a to ~h~ CitX of Arroyo Grande . ~zs. Patricia Mallory, representing the Ho~e of tY~e Temple Assoc- , iated~ 2x~c. , orally stated tha~ ~tl~z.s association had not~ rec~ived any notice advising ann~xation praceedings had ~aeen s~art~d. Mr- Harold Forgos~ein, re~~.c~en~ o£ the Halcyon area, was advised,by Ci~y .A.dm~i.n.istrata~ Sutch, ~~,at the law governi.ng ann~xations requir~d _2_ ~ I TX COUNC I L ST[TNE 13 , 19 6 7 AR~OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 that public hearings xnust be held by the Local Agency Formation Com~ission an~1 the Gity bf Arroyo Grande and a majority protest not .filed prior to an election by the regis~ered voters ~ra the area which will be the final deciding factor to t~.e proposed annex- ation. The respresentation of th~ Temple Assoc. were further ad- vised that ths application which had been submitted to LAFCov would possibly not be approved by that commission if they were requested to omit th~ Halcyon area, as this would leave an unincorporated islarad within the area proposed to be annexedo It was s~aggested ~.hat upon receiving a favorable report from the Local Agency Forma- tion Commissipn that the City Council ~aould meet with the residents of the Halcyon area to further discuss the feasibility of this area annexing to ~e Ci-ty of Arroyo Grande. APPLI~AZ°TC)N TO LAFCo, - PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO.H/W 101 Citgr At~ora~~y Shipsey repor~ed that he now had ready ~or Goun~a.1 ~action th~° resolution application along with the legal d~s~ri~ption. and map of tl~a..e area designated as North Highway 101 Ann~~s:a~ia~ to th~ City o~ Arroyo Grande. After Council dis~ussion ' Ci~y Attorn~~y Sh~.psey read the titl~ of a resolution appliea~i4n" to th~ T~o~al Ag~nc~ Formation Commission relative to a proposal to an.n~x terri*ory ~~a t~e ~ity o~ Arroyo Grande, thereaft~r a mo~kion ~ 4a~s made ~ay ~~un~ilm~n S~Ya.legel, 5econded by Councilman Burt, to ~.is~erse wi~k~ r~ading ~k~e b~.lance of the Resolution. Motion unani- ~ously carrie~l. RESULLJ"I°ION NOe 752 RESOL,~]"I°TON .a,TJ~'HO~RIZIN~ APFL~~ATION BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.~NUE TQ THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION CQMMI:SSI(~1~T R.EL,A°~IVE TO A FROPOSAL 'I`O ANNEX TERRITORY TO THE ~ T. TY OF T~RROYO ~GRAI~TDE ~n r~aotion of Coura~il~m:an Bu~~, seeox~ded by ~ous~.cilman Schlegel, ~~nd on th~ follo~aing ro11 c~.ll vote, to wit: .AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, ~urt and Mayor Wood NpES: None ABSENT: None the for~going xesol~ztion was passed and adopted this 13th day of June, 19~70 I~LTNICIPAL CODE AluIENDNI~D1'T - UNDERGROUND UTILITIES - FIRST READING City Adxninistrator Bu~kch reviewed the approved minor changes in tka.e proposed Underground Utility Ordinance as were requested ~ay th.e u~ilii~y compani~s . After Council discussion Ci~ty Attorney Shipsey read, for its firs~ reading, the title of an ordinance providing for underground u~.ilities in the Ci~y of Arrayo Grande, thareafter a motion was made by Cau~cilrnan. ScYa.legel, secanded by Councilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balanc~e of ~Yki.e ordinaz~ce. Mation unanimously carriedm MUNICIFAL COIaE AMENDMENT - SIGN CON'I'ROL - FIRST READII~TG City A~lministr~tor Bu1~eh revievaed the approved minor changes in. the propased Sign Ordinan~e. After Gouncil discussion ~ity Att~orney Ships~ey read, for its first r~ading, the title of an Ordi- nance r~gulating and controlling signs in ~the City of Arroyo Grande, ~k~erea£t~r ~ motion ~vas made by Councilwoman 'I'hompson, seconded by Gouncilman Levine, to disgense with reading tka.e balanc~ of the ordi- r~.ax~~e n Mption un~animously ~arri~d. -3- COTY COUNCOL ~~NE 13, ~96~ ARROYO GRAN~E, CALBFORN9A PAGE 4 ~~AG~E OF ~ALeFORN9A C9T9ES' L~GVS~AT9V~ BU~LETVN ~~~EST RE~ORT Co~y Administratmr Butch rev9ewed ~h~ legis?a~ove b~l~etin receaved from the: leag~e of C~lofornoa Cities' whoch ~u~luned those ball~ ~ow befo~e the Assembly and Senate and of particular interest to Citoes os t~~ proposed bell ame~dment wh3ch, if passed, wit~ elimonate ~61e mat~he~g ~~q~o~~me~t~ an ~he one ce~t gaso- line t~x naw d'ostributed to Cities f~om ~he S~a~e ~f G~lif~rnua. - G9TY ~MPLOY~E~ PER~BTTED PRYROLL DED~~TEONS APPROVAL ~R CREDIT UNION City Adm~nastr~~or Butch repor~ed that ~he Emplnyees of the Caty of Arroyo ~rande c~u?d, on an individual basis, ~oi~ ~he Sa~ L~b~ Obis~o County Employees' Credot Un3on. A number of City employees have req~~s~~d that payroll ded~ctions be mad~ ~uai'1~ble so that they could s~~rt a s~vo~gs pr~gr~m by this me~hod. After Coun~il discussion a motoon was made by C~~~~u~man Burt, seconded by Co~nci~man Sc~legel, that approval a~d ~u~ho~izat3~n be granted for payroll dedFactiQns be f~rwarded into ~~e S~n ~~us Obusp~ Coa ~mployee~° Credit Uni~~ on a~ u~d3v~dual, chaice ~f e~~E1 employe~ of he wishes s~~h deduction and the amo~nt ta b~ deducted, s~ch ~mou~~ ~o be co~stan~ each p~yroll~with the ch~ice Af increasing ar d~creasirog s~ch amou~t f~am tcme to ~ime. Motion un~nimo~~sly c~r~i~d. Fl"B~"~ ~~9L~9NGS P~AN OF 1"HE GENERAL PLAN - SE7 PU~LBG HEARO~G 6-27-67 t;Bty AdmirSstrator Butch advised ~hat thP P~annbng C~m~issian has held a Pu~13c ~e~ri~y ~nd ad~p~ed a res~l~~i~an re~~mm~~de~g tha~ the City Council adop~ th~ N~~~i~ B~i1dings Plan ~f the G~r+era~ P~~~. After ~oGrocil discussion a motiUn wa~ made by C~unci~man Levnn~, seconde~ by C~~~cilwo~an Thompson, that a p~bioc hNarRn~ be set on the Pu~lic B~ildings Pl~n of th~ General Plan for th~ City uf Arrayo ~rande at 8;A0 o'clock P~ 27, 196) on the Council Chambers af City ~all. Motion u~animously carried. f A. G ~ ~ S~' C~NIETERY BOARD REQUES~ C ITY ABAN~~N P~'I~ BENN~~'T 1~.VE ( PA.~'ER. .STREET) ~ity Admdnistrator Butch repc~rred th~t tB~~ o-equest of the Board of Directors of fih~e ,~rrcrya G~-~r~de District C~met~ery for ~bandonm~nt of a partion of Bennett Ave., h~a~~ b~.~~n ~reviewed by th~: Pta~aning Cammo~sion ~r~d their recommendafion is ~that ~h~ Disto-ic~ Cem~tery grant tn th~ ~oty ~ 6Q° right of way far road pur- pases in a more favoralale location r~n the Cemet~ry property in ~xchang~ for the naw present paper street location of Bennett Ave. and further that the Cemetery District provide an easement within th~e present or future roads of the cemetery for future s~wer line installat8ons as requored by the City o:f,Arroyo Grande Master Plan. After Cour~cil discuss~ion and agreerne~t of the recommendafiion of the Planning Cammission City Attorney Shipsey r~ad t6~roaagh th~ title, a resolution of intention ta vacat~ a portion of Bennett Avsnu~, fixing the time of pub]is hearing to be hetd at 8;QQ F'.M. July ll, D967, the~eafter a motoon was made by Councilwoman Th~mpson seconded by Cauncilman ~evine, to dispense with reading the balance of the Re~olution. Motion unar~imwu~ly carried. , RESOLU~'TON. N0. 753 , RESOLUTYON QF iN'lf'EN'TION ~0 VACATB A PORTION ' OF B~NPIETT AVENUE .A,ND PIXING T"TME AND PZ~ACB FOR.HEARING AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AND " HIGHGVAXS GODE SECTION 8320,, e~ seq; Qn motion pf Councilman Burt, secoz~ded by Councilman Schlegel, and by the follawing r~a.l call vote, to wi~t: , AYES, Councilwoman Thompson, CounciYmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt ~ and Mayox Wood. NOES : Nox~e ABSEN'~: None . ; . , . , , • the foregoing resolution ~aas passed and adoPted this 13th day of Juxie, 1967. ~ REAPPOINTMf NT TO PLANNBNG COMMISSION-FOUR YEAR TERM - BRYAN DUVALL After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Th~mpson, seconded by Counci~man Levine, that Bryan Duvall, 166 Fairview Drive, Arroyo Grande, be reappointed to serve as a commissioner on the Arroyo Grande Planc~ing Commission for a faur year term commencing July 1, t967. Motion carried. -4- 41~ ~D~Y GQ~~CA~ ~~NE 13, t967 . ARR~~Q G~A~~E, GA~~FORNBA PA~E 5 PARK.~~~ ~OMMVSSB~N - RES9CNA~~ON OF CO~~~~~~~NER ~O~~N~ R, ~ARR6SQN ~ot~ ~dma~i,trator Bu~ch ~ead a iet$e~ ~esng~atu~~'f~om ~arka~~ C~~~issioner Nola~d R. ~~~rb~on, stati~g he felt f~~ bet~e~ ~ver~~~ rep~ese~tatoon of the City ea~h ms~~er of ghe commissBon should bE ch~~e~ fro~ deffere~t fselds of e~de~vor; and noT~ t~~t two members, Mro K3~kp~tr6ck ~~d ~umse?f of the ~hree m~mber board are en fi~e s~me b~siness9 working i~ t~e s~me ~ff~ce9 he wBs~es to r~sign from t~e ~~~~0~~3 ~~cn~-ai~sion. Af~e~ Co~ncu~ disc~~~u~~ ~~ota~n ~as by C~~ncelma~ Bu~t, se~o~ded ~y C~u~cilman S~hlege), ~hat t~~ r~sag~~to~~ ~f No~~nd R, Garreso~ as a ~ember of t~e Acroyo Grande Parko~g Comm3s~AO~ be a~cepted as af this d~te9 ~nd t~~~ t~e CBty ~dmb~istrator d°srec~ a le~~e~ of g~a~ks a~d appreciat~r~c~. to M~< ~a~°a°a~~ra f~o- hbs tbtne and effort~s givec~~ to the~ Co~nmus~oora, MotS~n ~~~°ruecl, f~A~!~ ~~9u~ C~~lB~ V SS 9 nN - APPO ~ N~'MENT OF EDMiAR~ BO~fi ~ A m~'HEtEE YEAR TERM d~ ~teo~ C~cac~c b~ a p SGUSS G~n a mmt A mr~ w~~ ~n~~e by C~~a~n~ i lm~n Sc~a 1 egel a seconded by ~er~a~~:oa~n~~ ~,evo~ae9 th~~ Edward B~g~o~9 3~9 ~~'~ffa~ Way, Arr~yo Grande, be ~ppoa~ate~ t~ serve as a comm6ssi~raer oro the A~rmy~ Gr~nde Parking Gommfissoon f~u~ a~ho~ee y~ao- term commencing ,9u~y 1, 19~~. M~~oon carried. PARK~ ANI~ R~Cf~EAT 8 ON COMM, I SS 0 ON - SUhIMER R~~f~EA~ V ON S~HE~ULE ~¢~y ~Admi~ustr°a~Cor Butc6~ reviewed the ~r°o~sosed ~~hedu~e for recreation actuva~ue~; ~'~arr the s~ammer of ig67. ~°he ~°~u~~c~ ~gu-~ed th~t the schedule of ev~nts ~as ~~.~:;t~ uned was wel l plar~ned and ~~ak~c~ 1 eke ar~ oaats~anding o-ecreation pro- gr~~n s~unmeo- ~ctbvitoes. RESO~. 8~6~5~;EZ u~?~~ EOR STA,TE GAS ~'AX F~Nm~ FQR CNA ~ N~f . AND CONS~. 1967-68 C 6~~.,+ ~dm°s r i s tr~ator Butch adv b s~d t~aat a~ o-~~~o 0 o-ed by t~e state each year gas k~~ ~~nies alloc,~ted by the State for St~-~;e~ ~laontenance and Construction h~d ta ~e btar~geted far ar~c~ adop~ed b~• ~?~s~r~r~~a~r~ sa~bmettal to the State Divi sion ~fi tl~ua~!~~rr~y~ .prio~ ~o *a~ch ~~lo~a~ed ~+u~ds hP~;~g ~~r~~¢-ded ~o ~~e CF~y for expenditure. /~fit~~r ~o~ar~~: i 1 d o sca~ss ioc~ a resoi ut ion adapt o rug a b~dget foc- expend i ture of ~ 1~ cc:~ *~d ~ax f~ar~d was o~e~d ~.~trough the. * d~:1 e b~y C a ty Adm e n i st~ator Butch, there- :~~k~u° ~~-r~t~a~~:~r~s m~d~ !~y Co~nci~ma,:~ ~.ev3n~e, a~~or~~~d by Cauncilwornan "fi~ompson to ~a~p~~~e ws~~ p~P~d3r~c~ the balarace of ~h~ ~-es~l~t~o~ .~lqtiort ~.tr~~~ime~us.ly ~arried, : . ~ ~ R£S~~.u ~ V t~N N(~. 75~+ . , . . : _ RES0~~3" U~DN a~ _~'FfIE° ~ 0 T~f t;O~~FE: OF ~RK(9YL? ~f~R~19~E ADOP~' 8 iVG ,AND SUBM I TT I NG A BUDGE~' f~R E9(PEN~4~L°RES OF FUN~S A~~.~D~,A1~E~ FRQM THE STA'TE HIGHWAY FUND TQ ~~li DES Or~ cnc~tuon of Councilman Levirae, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on th~ fr~llowin~ c-ul~ c~ll v~te, to wat; AYES: Coar~cilwoman Thompson, Coura~almera Levone, Schleget, Burt and Mayar Wood NOES e Nor~e AB~EN'~: Nane +~"~?e ~o~ego~ng Rese~lutian was passed and adopted this 13th day of June,1967, RESO~,l9~" V ON Bv~GE~f ~ I~G STAI'E GAS TAX MONEY FOR ENG ~~EER I NG~ - 1967-68 City Adm3nistrator Butch advised the Council that each year.a resolution b~adgei~3ng f~ar state gas tax allocated funds for engireeering must be adopted arad sub~atted to ~tr~e State Division of Hoghways p~-ior to such allocated funds bein~ forwac~d~d to the City. Afte~ Co~ac~col discussion a resolution adopting a budget for expenditure of allocated gas tax funds for engineering was read throaagh the title by City Admenastrator Butch, thereafter a motion wa,s made by Councilwoman Thompson, secoruded by C,oa~o~cilman Levine to dispense weth read'sng the balance of the re- ~ solaatBono Motion unanimously Gara-t~~. R~S4Lt~TGON NQ, 7.5~." , R~~0~.~9~°~~ 9 ~ . . . . ~ _ , . N.,v~ 'TH.E C~,TY 'GO~IEVC G~ QF _~'NE ~ I TY Qf- A~:RQY~;~ G~R;/~NDE ,~k#?OPT I NC . ~N~S, S~U~~1~`~~~NG:~A. B~1DG~T FflR ~'XPENDB~'~IR:E ~F ~T;q.°~E A~.LQ~A3;E~ ~~N~PNf.ERF~IG) F~NQ~ : _ . , , . , • . . . . _ _ , . , Ora motu~n pf Councilman Schleqel, se~onded by Co~ncilcnan B urt, and on the fcallcav~-ic~g ~-011 call vote, to wit:., -S- ~OTY GOI~NC~~. ~~9N~ l~n 1967 ARRfJYO ~RAN6~~, CAfl. E FORN 9A PA~E 6 A`CES; Co~arocolwoman Thomp~ora, C~~ac~~il~ne~ B~evine, S~E~legel, Buo°t, arod Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENI': None the forego~ng Resolution was passed ar~d adopted thos ~3~h day of June9 1967< VA9.L.EY R[9. AND ELM ST, WATER L I NE AWARD B NG OF CONTR.q~T - HELD OVER C3ty Administrator Butch adv~sed that buds for the installation of water lir~es on Va11ey Road and Elm Street had been received9 b~at as all easementS:.needed had not yet been acqu i red, i t was the recammeracE~t bon of D i rectox. af.,~lul~lic.'Works Acadec-son tha~ awa~d i ng of the Contract be he~ d~ver cant i 1 the r~ext Counc i 1 meet- ing. The ~:o~ar~~bl insitructed this item be held over ~antil the next regular ~ouncil meeting as recommended, S~DUI'!~ SAN L~.9 8 S OB 0 SPO COJN~'Y SAN 9~'A~' 0 ON D? STR 9 Gl' City Admiroistra~or Butch advised th~t the Bc~~wd of Dfirec~ors of the South San L.uis Obispo County Sanitation Diatrict have set the tax rate for the District f~r 1967-68 watC~o~t having to increase saod rate evero though the adopted budget for 1967~68 is greater than the po-ior year, 'fhe pYan~t operation monthly report was rece i vPd by the Counc 11 and ~rd+~~-e¢~ f i 1 ed , MAYOR WOOD 9 NTRU~~JCT I ON OF JOYCE LEN~+RD-~~~INC I~I~~MAN ~'HOMP50N ° S DAUGHTER Mayc~r Wood introdwced Councilwaman 1'homp~o~°s daughter, Joyce Lent~rd, who w,~s i n atter~dance at th i s meet i ng. ~ CQ~9NC 0 L A~:~~~1'AN~E-VALLEY RQAD AND ASH' S'fREET WAT~R L I NE 6 NS~'ALLAT 0 ONS City Administrator Butch advis~d that the insta~lation of the Va11ey Road and Ash Stre~t water lirae exter~sions, Project No. 60-67-3 revised, had been completed tc~ C3ty specdfac~~~ions arrod that ,final ~a~a~~~act payment, less th~ 10% 30 day retentiure payme~t, be approved, as recommended by Fublic Wc~rks airector Anderson. After ~a~a~rocil discussion a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded, by Councilman Burt, that fihe Valley Road and Ash Street Water Line installations, Project Nae 60-67-3 revised be accepted and final contracfi payment, less the required -t.en; per cent thirty (30) day ret+~ntion.paymen~, be approved and paid~to D. ,J. Halgren. Motion cazried, JOGNT POWERS AGREEMENT - REGIONAL PLANNDNG AG~NCY City Administrator Butch reported on t~e meeting held this afternoon between the Administra~ive Officers and Planning Directors of the six Cities in this Countv and the County of San Luis Ob.ispo. it was generally agreed that to meet the r.eQU3rements af "HUD11 for future grants, a regionat planning agency should be form~ed within the County of San Luos Obispo to review any and all plans before such plans are submitted to "HUD" fior approv~l. PGSMO BEACH MAYOR ROSE'S INVITATION TO ~ESCUSS RESOL. FOR LEAGUE CONFERENCE Mayor Wood read a letter from Mayor Rose, City of Pismo Beach, advising that a l~arocheon meeting has been scheduled for Juo~e 26, 1967'at the Motel Inn, San Lu3s Ob3spo, for the Mayors of each City to discuss proposed resolutions to be submitted a~ the League of California Citwes' Conference in Octaber, 1967, BURGET STUDY SESSEON - SALARY POR7BON OF BUDGET s.1UNE 19, 1967 Mayor Wood requested that a budget stwdy session, for review of fihe salary portion of the budget, be scheduled June 19, 1967. ADJOURNMENT qn motion of Councilwoman Thompson, secor~ded by Cauncilman Schlegel and unanimously cara-i~d the meeting adjourned at g;20 P,M, until 7:30 P.M. June 19, 1967. ~ . ATTES~': a ~ ~ ' ~it Cierk Mayor