Minutes 1967-06-19 41~ C@ TY CO~JNC U L ~'UNE 19, 1967 ARRGlYO GRANDE, GALIFORNiA ~'he City Courteil met in adjo~crned o-egaaHar session with 1Mayor Wood presidir~g. Glporo ~011 ca11 Councolwoman Thocnpson, C~aar~cit~nen Lever~e, Scl~?egel and Burt reported present. BUDGET STI~~Y S~SS60N - SALARY PORTION OF BUDGET The City Gauncil reviewed salary reGOmme~dat~an~ for a11 pQrtions of the Budget as prepared and submitted by City Admin~.s.trator Butch,.: After thorough study of each position of the adopted merot salary p1an,City Administr~tor Butch was 3nstructad to prepare a rESOluteonq incorpoe°ating a11 adjustments ~s approved by the Council, for final apprc~val ared`adoption at the nex~ regular meeting of the Council. ADJOI~RNMENT On m~t ion of Counc i lman Bz~rt, s~cond~d by C~ur~~c a lwoman ~"hompson, and unan3mo~sly carried, tMe meeting adjo~crned at 9e15 P.M, . AT~'EST: _ a~~.d.~~ :f~,~~~~z?~'~ ~3ty C k f4 Mayor