Minutes 1967-06-27 . _ _ 4~9 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA The City Council met in reg~lar session with Mayor Wood pre- sidi,ng. Upon roll call Couneil,wornan Thompson, Coun~ilnnen Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported presento PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INV~CATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and ia~e- diately thereafter Reverend John Wo G~rs~naine, of tYae ~~thel Baptist Church of Grover City, delivered the invocation< APPROVAL OF M'INUTES The minutes of tYa.e ~°ec~u~ar adjourn~cl ~eeting of ,June 12, 1967; regular meeting of June 13, 1967p ~nd the regular adjo~arned meeting ~f June 19~. 19~7 were a~praved as preparedv APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman 'I'~a.oznpson, seconded by Co~,zncil- ~x?an Levin~, _tha~ Genera.~ 4~arrants Noa1.095 to and inclu~ling No.1141 i.n. the total arnou~t of $23,483'25, and_Payroll Warrants No.1587 to and includin~ No.1.65.~ in the total arg,~unt of $9, 703.69, be approved and order~d paido Mation carried. L~ETTEf~ F~20M GROV~R CITY RE.CTTu INTEREST IN FORMING MOSQUITfJ ABATENi~NT DTSTRICT City Adm.ini~tratpr Butcxa. re~d a l~tter from~ the Gity of Grover City requ~stin~ this City aoa.n w~th. ~rover City in encou.raging the ~oun~ty ~a forzn a c~unty~-~aid~ zna~quito abat~~m,en.t district. City .~Administrator Butck~ ad~ri~~d. th.~t this matter was discussed, but was no~. encoura~'Ad at ~hi~ tizx?~, at ~.Y~~ meeting attended by all the City and County Administrati~e ~Officers a.n San Luis pbispo County. . Af1~~r ~aia.ncil ~.iscussion. tYa.~: ~ity Ac7n~iinis~tr~tor was di.rected to ~ontact th~ Coun~ky o~ S~n. Luis Obi.spo Hea1~h Dspartment request.ing ~.hai~ ~ He~.],th Offic~r ~.ttend the next r~gular meeting of the Council to ~urth~r di~c~a,~~ t~?.~ nee~? for abatem~nt of mos~uitos in San Luis Obispo County~ RESQ~UTION ADOFT. - CA,LIF.H/W DEFTaBUDGET FUNDS - RT.l~s6 IMPROVF,MENT ~ity Ad.xnin~trator But~h report~r~ l~tters have been received from the Sar~ta M~ri~ ~h~er of Commerce and the Count~ ~af Santa Barb~r~ r~qu~sting ithat this City a~ain adopt a resolution request- inc~ the Califarnia Highway Department laudget funds for the improve- m~nt of Stat~ ]~oute 166o After ~raun~il discussion ~City Ac~ministrator Butch read the *~i~t~~ of a re~olution r~questinq fund~ be budget~d by the ~alifc~rni.~ ~Ii~:k~.way Depte ~or Rout~ ~66 a.mprovement, there- ~fter a mo~ion was mad~ by Councilanax~ L~vine, second~d by Council- woman 'I"hompson, to di~pen~e with reading the balanc~ of the r~solu- ' tion. Niotion unaniznousl.X ~arried. RESOLUTIOL~T NO. 756 RESOLLT'z'ION REQ~.TESTING GALIFORNTA HIGHWAY COMMISSTON TO B~UD~ET FTJNDS II~T 19C8-6~ FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PORTION OF CUXA~IA RO.AD (STATE ROUT~ 166) , On motion of Councilman Bu.rt, s~conded by Cauncilman Schlegel, and on the £ollowi.ng rall ca1]_ vote, to wits AY~S: Gouncil~ar~man Thomg~ox~, Councilmen Levine, Schlegei, Burt and lulayor Wood NOES : Nax~e ABSENT~ I~Ton~ ~.he foregoing resolu~~.on wa~ passed and adopted this 27th day of June, 1967. _,1-- ~ m~ ~ . ~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE ~7, .1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ LETT~R FROM SLO COoBD.OF SiIPEIRVISL?RS ftEoCO~RDINATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITHIN COUNTY , City Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been re-- ceived from B. Da Conrad, County Administrative Officer, advising ' that the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors.are very inter- ested in the Cities' establishing a regular schedule of ineetings for City and County elected officials to discuss mutual probl~m~ for closer cooardinat~.an o~' County and Gity governments; and ~awa~~~ ' a.nvi.tation to saz~e, a~ p~oposed at tkae m~et~~nc~ h~ld by ~th~ MayQrs ~ of the incorporated cities within San Luis Obispo Coa The~ Counc~.1 _ concurred that such regular rneetings would be most benefical to : all concerned and suggested actual scheduling of such,regular~ ~s meetings be follQwed througha ~ r ~ b~~ PROGRESS REPORT: UNIFORM SALES TAX FOR ALL CIT~ES IN SLO C.O. . Mayor Wood gave an oral report of th:e meeting held by the , Mayors of the six iracorporated cities within San Luis Obisp~ Coo ~ held June 26, 1967 ~:t the Motel Inn in San Luis Obispo, stating the Mayors will pr~sent the phasing o~t of sales tax contributions by cities ~ko the county, as agreed upon by the City Councils of ~ each of the cities, at the first rr~ eting of the Baard of Super- . visors of the County of San Luis Obispo at which this matter can be allowed sufficier~t tinne for review and action by the Board. The six mayars of th~ incorporated cities plan to attend this meet- ing and, requestsd that ~.11 council members also plan to attend as the mayors h~ave b~en assured that advance notices will be forward- ed to each city advisinc~ tYa~ dat~ this pr~posal wi11 be scheduled an the Baar~ of Su~aervisors' agex~dao ' REPORT ON LUNGHEQN MEETING 6-26-C7 REoPROPOSED RESOLeFOR LEAGUE CONF. ~ Mayor Wood r~por~ed Mro M~Gillvarey, Mayor c~ the City of Santa Barbara, was present at the luncheon on June 26, 1967, which was attended by the six mayors o~ this county's incorporated cities, and arally reques~t~d that areas of coneern affecting this locality, in. which ~he League of California Cities could assist in handling, be brought'out at this time so that he might-~e able to compile this informatian and forward same to the League Offices for their informatian in scheduling informative meetings for ~khe League of California Cities' Conference in October, 1967. AI7aPTYON -~MIJNTCIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ` After a brief review discussion City ih~~orney Shipsey read the ti.t,le of an ordinance providing fo~'underc~round utilities• thereaft~r a motion was made by Councilwdnnan--TYiomgson, seconded , by Councilman Lev3ne to dispense with reading tlze bala~ee of,this ordinance. Motion unanimously carri~d. ' ORDINANCE ~TO. 10 C.S. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TI~ MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 5, TO TITLE 9 OF TI~ MLTN~CI~AL ~ODE OF T~ CTT'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING FOR UNDERGROUND UTILI'I'IES. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt and on the followinc~ roll call vote, to witz AXES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, S~hlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES:: None _ ABSENTz None the foregoinc~ ordinan~e was passed and adop~ed this 27th day of June, 19b7e ADOPTION - MUI~ICTPAL COD~ A.M~NAMENT - SIGNS .After a brief review discussio~a City Attorney Shipsey read the title o£ an ordinance regul.ating and cantrolling sign struc- ture~ not located within a buildir~g vJithin the City of Arroyo Grande; ~hex~a~t~r a motion.vaas made by Councilman Schlegel, second~d by Coun.cilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balance _ ~2e CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 19Fx7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNI~ QAGE 3 ~ of this ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. ' oRnzn~An?c,~ No. il c.s. AN ORDINANC,E OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING ` CHAPTER : 9 TO TTTL.E 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICI]PAL ~ CODE, REGULATIN~ AL~TD CONTROLLING THE DESIGN, MA'I'ER~ALS, CON3TRUCTION, LOCATION, ELECTRIFICATION AND MAIN'I'ENa~TCE OF ALL SIGNS AND SIGN STRUCTURES NOT LOCATED WITHIL~T A , BUILDING. Ori motion of Counc3lwoman Thompson, seconded by Couracilrnan Levine and on the following roll call vote, to wi~t: ~ AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levir~e, ~ w Schlegel and Burt NOES: Mayor Wood . ABSENT• None the foregoing ordinance. was passed and adapted this 27th day of June, 1967. PROPOSED JOINT POWER~ AGREENI~NT - CITIES-COUNTY FLANNING COUNCIL C~.ty Administrator But~h reques~ted that this agenda item be held ovex as there had not been sufficien~ time at the last meet- ing of the mayors to thoroughly discu~s tinis matter. After Council discussion City Administrator Butch was instructed to write letters to each of the five Gi~y Councils and to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, requ~esting each review the proposal of form- i~g a Ci~ies-Counity Pianning Council as several eities are awaiting th~e formation of said council which ~aill then enable each city ta draw upon the as~istance af °'HUD"o A~ARD BID - PACKAGE INSURANCE COVERAGE - THREE Y~AR POLICY City Adminzstrator Butch reported that on Jurye 22, 1967, at th~ haur of 2cOfJ P.M., bids were received and opened fox°insurance "Package ~?l~~r~" coveri.nq compr~hensive general liability; Fire; Bond, mo~ey ar~d se.c~,tr~.as and ~11 Risk F].Qater, for the City of Arroy~ Grande, this being the date and time set by the caune~l f~r said bid opening. Bids were rece~ved as follows: 1. E. C. ~oc~taa.s and Son Insurance Agency, 405 E. ~`~~r~~h St. P,rroyo ~r~nde, Calife Agent for Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. Bid No. 1 - Liability $6,265.00 Bid No. 2- Fire 237.00 Bid laTo. 3- Bond (Money & Securities) 257.00 Bid No. 4- All Risk Floater : 169.00 TOTAL ~6,928.00 2. M.orris and Dee, 1012 Grand Ave., Arroyo Grande, California Ag~z~t for Phoeni~ of:Hartford Insurance Gompany Bid No. 1 - Liability $5,635.00 Bid No. 2 --Fire 358.00 Bid No. 3- Bond (Money & Securities) 332.OD Bid No. 4- All Risk Floater 160.00 TOTAL $6,475.00 bids for a three year contract, premiums 2nd and 3rd y~ar subject to audit. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, that the low bid.submitted by Morris and Dee znsurance agent for Phoenix of Hart£ord Znsur= ance Company, for Package In~urance coverage for the City of~" Arroyo Grande, covering Liability; Fire; Bond, money & sECUriti~s, and A11 Risk Floater with the first annual premium of $6,475.04 for a thre~ year contract with 2nd and 3rd year annual gr¢mium~ based on annual audit, be approved and accepted as the ~,,Q,~s,t a~~d best bid, to be effective Jul,~ 1~31967. Motion carriec~~ 422 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1.9C7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 PUBLIC HEARING - PUBLaC BbJ~L13I1~TGS PLAN OF TI~E GENERAL PLAN ~ ADOPT~ON Ci~y Ac~mir~istrat~r Buteka rev~ewed t~a,e Public B~aild~ngs Plan of the ~eneral Plan "indicating the Library p~rtion and t~.e F'ire ~ Station site changes` which had k~een ~:~vbewed and the plan amended and the Planning Gommission now, as amended, recammends said p7~an ' to the City Council for review and adoption. UpQn being assured by City C'lerk Miller that the Public Hearing for the Public Buildings Plan of the General Plan had , been properly advertised Ndayor Wood declared the hearinc~ opena City Administrator Bu~ch read a l~tter of protest regarding the Fire Station site, from Mre and Mrse Auther Gareye As there was no ~ur~aer discussion for or against t.he adoption of the Publi~ Buildings P1an Mayor Wood declared the kaearing closed. After Council discussion City Attorney Shipsey read the title o~ a resolution adopting tY~.e Public Bublda.ngs P]:an of the General ~lan; thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, second- ed by Councilman Burt, to dispense `vith reading the balance of this resoluta.on. Motion unanimously carriede RESOLUTIAN NOe '~57 ' A RESOLUT~ON OF THE CIZ'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE FUBLIC BUILDINGS PLAN ' OF THE ~ENERAL PLAN On n~otion of Councilman L,~vine, seconded by Councilwcaman Thompson and on th~ following roll call vote, .to wit: AYES: Councilwomar~ Thampson, Councilman Levine, ~chl:~gel,. Bur~ and Mayor Wood NOES : N~one ABSENT: None u the foregoi,ng ~es+~lution was passed and adopted this 27th day of June, 1~67. RESOL,n RDOPTe - ESTABLISHING REVISED SALAR~t STEP PLAN FOR CITY EMPLOYEES* Ci.ty Admini.strator Butch reviewed the groposed revised salaxy step plan stating that the proposed 2 to 8~g per cent incre~se in various classificati~ns of employeanent are necessary 3n keeping w~.th the Gi.ty's policy to continue to evaluate and upgrade each position witJhin the City's employment struct~:ana in maintaining an average balance with similar cities and applicable private utilities. After Council discussion City Administrator Butch read the title of a resolut.~pn establishing minimum and maximum compen- sation in various departments of said city; there~fter a motion was made by Councilman Leva.ne, sec4nded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading ~he balance af this resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 758 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHII~G MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION ~N VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS _ OF SAID CITY, EFFECTIVE AS OF JULY l, 1967. On motion o~ Councilman Schle~el, seconded by Councilman Burt and by the follo~air~g r~ll call vote, to wit: _ AYES: Cauncilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood ~ NOES: None ABSENT; None _4_ ~ 423 CITY COUNCIL a~TJNE 27, 1967 ARROYO GRA1~E, CALIFORl~TIA PAGE 5 the foregoing resolution v~as pa~~~~l and adopted ~a~s 27tY~ day of June, 1967. ADOPTION C1F 1967-68 MUN~C~PAL B~DGET F'OR CI'1'S.' C,~~' ARRO~O G~2AI~TDE City Adm~nistrator ~ut~h gave a larief res~lne of the exatire laudget stating that t.kae gran.d total of all expenditure~ for ~~ae fiscal ~rear 1967-68 w~s ap~roxima~ely $6600000o00a After Coua~cil discuss on, a r~ot~,on wa~ made by Council~an Scra.legel seconded by Counc~lman Burt, that tYie prelim~.nary budget for the fis~al yre~~ 1967-6~~ a~ am~~.ded, be approved arad .adop~edo Motion unanimously car~`ieda The ~c~uncil commended the City Ad:aBUgnis~rator and the Cit~ Staff for their ncaan~r ef~orts ex~cended toward the final gr~par~d budget for this coming fi~cal yearo REPORT O~T MEETINfG WITH HAI,CYON R~SZDENTS REGARI)ING ANNEXATION 'I'O CITY Mayo~' Wood x~ported or~ the an~nexa~tiora rneetinq held at ~.he Hiawath~t ~,odge irn Halcyon, attended by himsel~, City.' Ae~~ni~~r~i~r • ~~tch .an~~. the residents of the Halcyon a~ea, stating that the feel- ing o~ ~h~ people in t~ais area was that they did no~ wish,. anything irnore than they now have, in ~aa~r of ianprovea~en~s or zoning in their area; bu~ if at soxne 'tiz~e ir~ tY~.e ~~ature a cho~.ce had to be made ir~ ann~~ing to one c~ty or the o~th~r the~ `vould choose Arroyo Grande, b~xt ~~~i1 that time they ~tished rema~n as~ they are . Mayor Wood reques~dd, on behalf of the residents of the Halcyon area, tflaat this a~~a be dele~ed from itl~e ana~exa~.~..c~.,_proposal for Oc~~no-Halcyon Area. Upon tYa,~ adviCe o~ City A~t~rney Shipsey the Council held this makter over l~n~il the next regular ~meeting of the Council pending City pi~torney Shipsey°s report re~arding procedure to be taken to delete an area from the map and description already filed with the Loca1 Agency Formation Commissio~o REGC? NDATIDN - COUNCIL P,DOPT BEAUTIFIC.ATION PLAN FOR ~ITY- - HE A 4VER . ity Administrator But~ch reported ~hat th~ proposed beautifi- catioh plan for th~ City of Arro~o Grande had been prepared by the Park~ and Recreation Commissiona the Beautification Committee and Planriing Director Gallop and is now presented for Council approval and f~doption o Tkae feeling of the Council. `aas that more time was needed to tho~oughly review th~.s propasal,ar~d that this matter be held over until the next reg~alar meeting of the Cour~cil for further discussiono ~UTFiORIZATION - LAND' FILL - PRELIMINARY $~.D STREAM. DEVELQFMENT City Administrator Butch pres~nted artistic mapping af tk~e proposed stream bed dev~iopmex~t, as drawn by Bill Pattersan, a- Ca1-Poly Student, covering the creek ~ank adjacent to the c~ity - hal~ parking area,:the nor~thwesterly side of the stream only as this property is now owned by the Ci~kyo The Parks and Recreation -Commission felt'tY3at with the development of this proposed area it might encc~urage ath~r : property owners of the cree~c, bed and banks to impr~ve or grant authori~ation by deed or easernent to allow the City to improve the stream bedo. - The Coun~il requested more det~ailed information regarding cost,et~. for the stream bed devel.opment. After fu~thex Council discussion a motion uaaas made by Cvuncilwoman Thoznpson, seconded by Councilman Levine, ~hat a sect~on of fence at the rear of the parking area of City Hall adjacent to t~e Mason Street bridge be removed to a11ow for necessary land f.~ll of the creels. bank, be approved and authorized subject to fii~al approval a~ to enginee~- ~ an~ requirements by tYae Public Wo:~ks Department and th~ City Encf~ ineer of th~ City of As.royo Grande; and ~that t1Ze area be kept ira a reasonably safe condi.tion at all times. Motion carriede -5- 42~ CI~'Y COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1967 AR~OYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 6 DIV. OF H/W MAP PRESENTATION ~ REALIGNMENT OF BRANCH STa &'~RAF'FIC WAY ~ City Consulting Engineer G~rinq reviewed the preli~~nary plans ~ for the proposed realignment of Branch Street and`Traff.~.c Way inter- section inclu~ling the south bou~d ~reeway on ramp and the north bound freeway off ramp at the overpass +~f the 101 freewayo 'I'~e map as approved by the D~vision of `Highdvays has incorporated all of the changes which the Council for~er].y requested, plus sorne, addi-. tional improvements over the prior ar~ap presentationo Cour~cilman Schlege].'requested that the Traffic Wa~r island as indicated on the map between the through traffic and the right Yaand turn traffic be deleted which might eliminate some property purchase for right of way purposes. City Consulting Engineer Garing was instructed to review this possibility with the Division of Hig~.ways: AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS-CURE~ ~TJ~TER E~SIDEWALi{ ]NSToAI,PIDTE,ELM &~FFIC : City Administrator B~tch rep~rt~d that the 60 day period of time is now up for the property owners to have installed curb, gutt~r and driveway aprons on those p~r~ions of Soo Al~ine Street by use of the 1911 Act assessment distrbct short form and requ~sted authorization be granted to call for laids for such installation. Also the plans and specifications are now ready for authorization to call for bids for the installation of curbs and gutters on Tra~fic Way at t~,e DQwer Waysid~ Park and curb, gu~tter, and 5ide- walks on Elm Street ~t E~.ci~nas Bo~ni~as Community Parko Af~.er Coun~il ~li~cussiox~ a mo~.ion wa~ made by Councilman Levine, secondsd by Councilwoman Thompaon, that approval ar~d authorization b~ given to ca11 for bids for ~he installation of concrete curb, ~utter ~and driveway apr~~ns on tlh~aa~ portians of So. Alpine Street witY~in the 1911 Ac~ assessment dis~rict sYa.ort form; and concrete curb and gutt~r on Traffic Way at the Dower Wayside Park; and con~re~te curb, gutter and sid~walk an E].ir~ St. at Encinas Bonitas Co~~ar~~t~y, ~aa^k;. sazd bids to be opened July 20, 1967 at 2z00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Arroyo Grande City Hall. Motion Carried. ARTIST'S RENDERING - COMPLETED LC~PEZ DAM AND RECREATION FACILITIES City Administrator Butch presented an artist's rendering of:. the completed lopez Dam and Recreation F~acili.tS:~s,~ projecto DISCUSSION - FOSSIBLE CONTRACT FOR USE OF aCEANO SANITARY SETc~R LINES ' Ci~ty Administrator Butch reported that Tract No. 244 within the City of Arroyo Grande is also included within the Oceano Sani- tary Dbstrict and as the Oceano Sanitary District lines will be so near the subdivzsion develapment of Tr~ct No.282 the developers of th~.s tract requested permission to connect to the Oceano Sani- tary District s~kaer la.ne rather than install a costly lift station and at a later date be requirec~,at additional expense, to connect to th~ future line which is in the master plan to serve The Pike. After discussion City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to ascer- ~ain if t~he City of Arroyo Grande would be allowed to ~nter into ~n agreemen.t with the Oceano Sanitary District for use of the Sani- tary District lines by the City and regort at the next regular Council meeting. STATUS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUiS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT City Administrator Butch advised that the sale of the last $100, 000 bonds is to t~k+~ place Thursday, Jun~ 29, 1967. The ' school age youth hired ito work this sununer are now in the process of painting the plant. NEED TO ESTABLISH GUIDE LINES - SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE PROVISIONS M~yor ~Tood stated that he fel~t the subdivision ordinance as adopted does nat clearlX spell out its intent and therefore so that the Planning Commissi,on migY~t have ~ome guide lines to assist them when reviewing new prapos ed subdivisions, adc~it~.onal study sessions should be arranged. 425 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 27, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 After Council discussion Cit~ Administrator Butch was in,-: structed to contact other counties and cities requesting inform- ation and copies of their rules, guid~ lines or ordinanGes per- taining to street seet~.ons different than city standard street sections, also the guides to implement a proposed optional design development. Upon receipt of this information s~hedule a meet- ing with the following to attend: City Council, Director of Public Works Anderson, Consulting Engineer Garing and Larry Wise of Hahn, Wise and Assoc.,the Gity's Planning Consult~a~ts ~or the development of the City's General Plan. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman B~rt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried the meeting adjourned at 9:52 PeM. ATTES T: ,...K ~~'~-~.~/:%~ZE~-~`~~ ~ ~ City rk Mayor