Minutes 1967-08-22 4~Q CITY COUNCIL A~GUS~ 220 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The C~ty Council met in regular session w~~~ May~~ W~od pres~d~nga Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompsona G~unc~lmen ~ev~ne, ~~h~egel and Burt repor~ed present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND' TNVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegsance ~o our f~ag; and immed~.ately thereafter Reverend Otis Fox, Pastor of °the F°irst So~~he~°n Bap~~.s°t Church of Grover City, deliverecl the invocat~.ono AFPROV~IL OF° MINUTES The ma.nu~es of the regular meeting of Augus~ 8th, 196`' were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS' A mo°t~on was macle by Councilwoman Thompson, ~ecanded by Goun~a~.man Levine, and urnanimously carried, that General V~T~arran~s N~. 80 t~ and including No. 114 in the totaJ, amount of $2$,084.23e and Payroll Warrants No, l75 to and including No. 252 in the total cam~un°~ ~f $11,286.35 a,nd Trust and Agency Waxrants No. 280 °~o carad incYud~ng No, 312 in ~he total amount of $405,00, be approv~d ax~d order~d p~.ido HARVES'I' ~°ES'd"IVPiL CC~MNI2~t"FEE 1~~tT1'E5'~' T~ USE G~I'~°Y ~°AGILITIES City Adm~nistratpr ButcTi` advised tlzat the I~~rvest ~~s°~iva.l Commit~ee had requ.ested peirmission to use various City faciliti.es dbnr~ng ~he 196~ Harves~ Festival and recommended that if this ~ecyues~ was gran~eda ~haxt °the Commi~tee be ~equested to keep the area clean and ~rde~ly, and ~hat all -~rash a.nd bo~~hs be remov~d as soon as possabl~ ~~tex ~he close ~f the Festiva~, After discussion, on motion af CounciYm~an Bu.r~a seconded by Couxz,cilman Schlegel, and unariimously carried, pe~m~ss~~n was g~an°~ed t~e Harvest ~°est'zval Committee to use the Ci°~y C~~xnci~. Chambers o°the r~st room~ in the ~~:ty Hall and the Civ~c Center Parking Lot for booths and rides during the Harvest Festival on September 28~h ~through Septe;nber 30th, 1967. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3URVEY Mr. Bryan DuvaYl~ on behalf of the Five ~ities Junior Ck~amber o~ Commerce, presented the' Counci~: "wi"th copies of a Ccmmunilty Development Survey of the entire South County,'wh~ch was taken in December of 1966. Mr. Duvall explained the reason for th~ delay in getting these surveys completed was that a 10% respor~se was expected and 2$% resgonse was rece.~ved, with the Citizens of Arroyo Grande giving ~he bes~ response, The booklet~ after being compiled~consisted of 68 pages o~ vital infor- mati.or~ takern from the general populace of the area. Mr. Duvall thanked ~ the Co~uncil for the City contribution of $50.00 t~ help defray the cost ~ of the Survey and for the use of the City staff and equspmen~t to assis~t in ~the survey and preparation of the booklet. T~e Council thanked Mr. Duvall for the Survey Bookle~ and advised him they felt it was very commendablc of the ~ive Cities Jun~.or Cha.mber of Commerce to undertake this project. DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION CONTRIBUTION FOR CI°I'Y BEAUTIF°ICA°TION Mr, David Loomis, representing the Downto~an Merchnnts Assoczation presented the City with a check for $6Q0.00 as a contribution to b~ spent on beautification of the Civic Center Parking L~~ in the ame~unt of $300.00 and the Car Corral Parking Lmt zn the amo~xnt ~f $300.00, Mr. Loom~s stated the Downtown Merchants like to get involved raith C~.ty projec~s and~assist where possible. Mayor Wood ~hanked the Downtown Merchants Association for the contribution and said ~hey expressed very ~ good communi~ky sp~rit. TREASURER~S KEPpRT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY The Treasurer's Report for the month of July, 196~a wns received by - the Council and ordered filed. _1~- CITY COUNCIL AUGUS~ 2~, 1967 ARROYO GRANDEN CALI~ORNIA PAGE ~ P,G.&E. REQUEST FOR U~ILI"I°Y EASEMBN~ ON ASH S`~E~"~ EX~£NSI~~ Admin~strator Bu°~ch advased ~h~t P~ca~f~.c ~nd Electr~c C~au~san~ had reques~ted an easemen~ f~r u~a~~~y prar~~ses ~n ~lh~ l~sl~ S°~reet Exten- sion, ~tha°t is west of So. Elm S°tree°~ ~he v~re~~e~~gr ~~°~y lim~.°ts, ~nd tha°t °the easement ~s necess~.ry ~s the land ~s ~~.ty ~dan~d prop~er~y bu°~ is not a ded~.caz°ted street e He ~.lso adv~s~d °~hat ~}~e e~.semen~ vvas b~~ng requested to serv~.ce a netnaly d~veloped well ~.n G~~ve~ C~~y~ adja.c~nt °~o the A.rroyo Grande City Limits, °this bea~ng °~he ~1~~~s~ access fo~ serv~.ceo Af°ter discussion, °the Counc~.l agreed ~o gran°~ ~he e~~exnen~ o C~°ty Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolut~.c~n grant~.ng an e~sement to Pacif~.c Gas and Electric Company, thereaf~e~ a mo°t~.asn was made by Councilman Levineo second~d by Council~aomcxn °Thompson and rananim~usly carried, °to dispense ~ri°th reading the balance of ~h~s Resolu~ion, RESOLU°~'ION NOo 763 RE'SOLLT~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF" "~HE CIT'Y CiF° AR'R`~3Y0 GRANDE GRAN°~ING AN EASEMIIV°T AND AU"THORIZING 'T°HE MAY~R TO SI~N AN EASEMEN'~ DEED IN FAVOR OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY" Qn mca°~~on of Counci.lraoman Thompson, sec~nded by ~~vnc~~m~n L~ev~ne~ and by °the follow~ng r~ll call vote, ~a~t: AYES; Councilwoman 'Thompson, Counc~lmen L~:v~.ne, Schlegel, Burt cend Mayor Wood s NOES ° ~Ione ABSEN°~ o None -the foreg~ing Resolut~r~n vaaas passed and adop°ted ~h~~ 22nd da.y o~ Augus~, 1967. DISCUSS'ION" REGARDING ASH ST. DEDICA.TION k'RQM ELM S°Te TO W. CI°TY LTMTTS , T'he Counci~. discussed whether Ash S~reet ex~enszoz~ from Soo Elm Street to the west C~,°ty Limits should be accep~ked a.n~o the City street system a~ thi s~t~me, as it is not fully a.mproved o but tivas extended to serve the City Corporation Yard, and ,~nstructed Administratcsr Butch to have the staf~ study a,nd report on °~)ae feasibzlity of t~:e ded~.cation of this proposed s~kxee°t. DISCUSSIO~T REGARDING PLANNING COORDINA°TION IN S0. COUNT"Y The City Coux~cil discussed °their concern -that a permit had been granted by Grover City and the County of San Luis Ob~.sp~o ~or °~he development of a well in an area that could have bee~ a.mproved as a street in Gr~ver City, which would ha.ve, if developed, mc¢de a through road between ~he two Cit~es by the extension wes°te~ly of Ash Street, and that they felt that beitter coordination and cooperation was needed between the °kwo Cities and the Coun°ty of San Lu~.s Obispo, for more coordinated area planning, City Administra°~or Butch was instri~cted to send letters to Grover City and the County Board of Supervisors expressing the Ci°ty's concern and requesting a meeting be arranged to establish a medium for better communication. PUBLIC HEARING~-APPEAL BY D.C. CHRIS'TIANSON REGARDING USE PERMI'd' NO. 65-67 City Clerk Miller assured Mayor Wood ~ha°t Mr. Donald C. ~hris°~~cxnson ' a.nd property owners ~aithin three hundred fee~ of the pr~perty a~fected by °the ~iling of the appeal had been notified by ma~l cr.s required by lawe Administra~or Butch reviewed the report of ~he Planning Commiss~.on pre- pared by Robert C. Gallop, Planning Director, dated Augus~ 15tho 1967, which lzsted the ac~t~on regaxdiz~g Use Perm~,t Noo 65-67 wh~.ch wa.s orig- inally ~iled on August 17th, 1965e Mayor Wood declared °the hearing open s°~a°ting all pers~r?s ~or o~ against °the nppeal to °the requirements o~ °khe G~.°~y Planning Comzn~ssa.on relative to condi°tions placed upon Use Permi~ Ga.se No. 65-67 ~iled by Mr> Donald Co Ghr~stianson, vaould now be hear~d, ~2~ a CTTX COUNCIL ATJGUS°T 22 0 1967 ARROYO GRANDB, CALIF°URNIA PAGE 3 Mr. Christianson was present cirsd protested ~ondit~an No, 2~~' Plnnna.ng Camma.ssion Resoluta~on No. 67~76 U rahich required °tha°t b~xmper blocks be install.ed, which will conta~n °~he exatire vehicles on the property, axound th~ perimeter of the are~ ~rhere cars nre displayed, with the exception of driveways, s°tating °that °the blocks a.djacent ~o Traffic Way at the front of the proper~ty w~uld deprive him of free move~ ment o:E v~hicles on the progerty, would create a~ardsh~p £or him and would be a de~ir~ite liab~,lity, Mr, Christianson also advised C~nditiora Noo 2 was the only one he was objecting °~o. Mr. Maury Brennan was presen:t and stated he ~nras also opposed to th~ bumper block cor~dition, that he felt i°t wvas too restrictive and thext business should be encouraged cts it was a mc~tter of record tha.t neither auto dealer caused any trouble or problems for tfie Ci°ty. No fur~kh~~ discussion for or against the appeal, Mayox Wood declared the hearing G~.ased. A,fter Council discussion, a mation wus made by Councilman Sck~legel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the conditions ~equired by ~'lanning Comm3,ssa.on Resoluta.on No. 67-~76 U granting Use P~xmit Case No. 65-67 be amended fio read as fallov~rs: 1, That satisfactory surfacing be appla.ed to the satisfaction o£ the Publ~.c Works Directox. - 2. Coz~ta~in, ~Che tota~. vehiclss on fihis proper~ky. 3. That drainage be maa.r~~ained to the ~atisfactian of the Director of Public Works. 4. T~is ~nrork be completed by October 1s~t, ~967. Motion carried, RE$OLU~'ION ESTABLISHING 1967-68 MUNICIPAL TA}f RATE Administrator Butch reviewed that the Ca.ty Counca.l each year must establish the tax rate necessary to d~rive general tunds foz the City by Resoluta,on and fihat the Resolution is then forwardecl to the County Auditor in ordear for the Cqunty to proceed with the current tax collection for the City, City Attorney Shipsey read the t3tle of a Resolut~.on fixing the rates of taxes for the 1967-68 Fiscal year, and thereaf~ter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilweman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispe~nse with reading fihe balance of this Resolutian, RESOLUTION NO. 764 A RESOLUTION OF THE GI'~Y C~OU~iCTL OF THE C~TY OF.ARROYO' GRANDE, CALIFORNTA, FIXING THE AMQUNT OF MONEY NECES.~ARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION FOR 7.'HE CURRENT FISCAL YEA.R BEG~INNTNG JULY 1, 1967, AND FIXTNG THE RATES OF TAXES FOR 5UCH FISCAL YEAR. On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Cou~cilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt, and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing ~esolution was passed and a~opted this 22nd day of August, 1967. -3- ~4~ CITY COUNCIL AZJGtJST 22 ~ 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF°ORNIA PAGE ~ REZONING ON S0. TFdAFFIC WAY (PAUL 3~FIMIT~°) -ORIIIIVAIV~~" AI?~PT°IO1V City Attorney Shipsey read the ~it].~ of ~.n ~~d~nance amerad~ng °~he zoning map and re2oning certain propertya ecnd °~herea~ter a mot~.~n w~s made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Counci~vv~maa~ ~'}zompsona s~rad unanimously carried, to dispense with re~nd~.ng the balance of this ordinance, ORDINANCE N0. 13 CeS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI°I'Y OF° ~RROYO GRANDE AMEI~fIIING A PORTION OF THE 20NIIVG MAP OF °THE CTTY OF A.RROYO GRANDE RE~°E~21~n -°T~ TN SECTION a 303 OF TITLE 9 CHAPTER 4 OF °I"HE ~dG'N'T~2P,AL CODE SO AS TO RE-ZONE CE~'I'~4.IN PRJPERT'Y IN ~'HE ~ITY OF ARlzOYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilwoman T7~ompson, secondeel by Councilman Levine and on the following roll cnll vote, to wito AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Co~anc~.lmara Levine~ Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOESc None ABSENT: ~I~ne the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adop~ed th.is 22nd day of August, 1967. 1957-68 MUNICIPAL BUDGET Gompleted copies of the 1967-68 Municipal Budget were received by the Council and ord~red filed. _ NOTICE OF LEAGUE QUARTERLY MEETTNG-SEPT. 14 - SAN~'A MARIA Administrator Butch advised that notice had been received of a League of California Cities' Channel Divisian meeting to be helcl on Thursdcsy, September 14th, at the Santa Marza Inn and that'the Secretary of this Division h~.s requested thcst each City subm~t its nominations for Division President, Vice-President and Secretary prior to August 25th, and that elections would be held at the September 14th meeting. All CounciY members planned to attend t}3e meeting tcnd Mexyor Wood recommended the names of Councilman Schlegel for President, Councilman Levine for Vice President, and ~ity C1erk Millex, for secretary be submitted as nominees for office of the-Channel Division, REVISED AND APPROVED PUBLI'C ""BTJILDINGS PLAN OF THE GENERAL PL~A,N Fina1 copies of the Public Buildings Plan of the General Plan were received by the Council and ordered filed. FORMAL DEDICATION OF DOWER WAYSIDB PARK Administrator Bufich notified the Council the Parks and ReCreation Commission had planned formal dedication of Dower Wayside Park, Saturday, August 2bth, 1967 at 11:00 A,M, and invited the Council to attend th~ ceremony. _ REPORT ON 't'RASH COI~'P,INER~°A"T' WILLIAMS BROS, SHOPPIPiG C.EN"TER Administrator Butch reviewed that #he Directo~ of P~blic Works had been instructed to review the Williams Brothers Shopping Center premiffies daa.ly for two weeks to ascertain if addit.ional trash containers were necessary to maintian the area in a neat and orderly condition~and that the daily review by several City employees ind~cates that for the present ~ime, there does not seem to be a need for additional trash receptacles, °tha# occasionally boxes are located outside of the con- tainers but in a short time are dismantled and p7ace~1 inside o~' the bins, Mr. Mctrlin Williams was present and indicated that he was making ~v~ery effort to keep fihe premises neat and orderly. 'Y"he Council agreed that a reasonable check be made to see tht~t rubbish is properly contained. -4- CTTY COUNCIL ~~G~~~ ~20 ~967 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIF°C)~NTA ~AGE 5 RECEIVB BTDS FOR PAVING ON V~~IOUS S~REE~SwFA~~~~~ A~~S F~~e~~~~ NOe 90-67~,3 Administ~atar Bu~ch xep~r~ed b~ds ~ad be~~ receiv~d ~nd ~pened an August 22, 1967 at 2:00 P,Me in G~~,~c~l ~~~mb~~~ ~he C~ty Hall, as authori~ed, for Paving Project Noe 90u~~r3 a~d ~~a~ ~~ree bids we~~ received as follows: HQrms Bros.a 5261 S~ockton Blvdeo Sac~~men~~q Ca~~~. ~~taT ~id $59903.40 M, J, Hexmreck, Inc., P,Oe Box 21~, Nip~:m~,, Ca~~~o ~~~~1 B~d $60718090 Ted Wa~kzns Construction Co., Inc.e PeOe B~x 138~,San L~is Ob~spoqC~Yifa ~~~al Bid $6,508m80 After Council discussion, a mo~ion ~as made by Coun~~lman Schlegel secanded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously car~ied~ t~at the lo~ bid as submi~fied by H~rms Bros, for paving on So~~h Blm S~reeto South Traff~c Wayq Car Corxal, Civic Center Par~ing Lot and Cher~y Avenuep Project No. 90~67~3o be accepted, and th~~ ~he May~~ and Gity Clerk be au~~orized ~o sign the contract document on be~al~ Q~ the C~~ye SET STUDY SESSION ON FAIR OAKS CURB AND GU~~BR GRADES ~he Council agreed that a study sess~o~ be neld on Mo~day~ September llth, 1967, a~ 7,30 P.M, in ~he Council Ch.ambexsB ~ar ~he p~rpose of discussing some of the problems that may be created by the es•~ablishment of the curb and gu~ter grades in the ~air Oaks axea with the two majox points to be considered being (1) the dra~nage concentra~~on points may be chnnged and (2~ what affect the grad~ changes may have on abu~fi~ng propert~, ~he Ci~y Engineer and Direc~~r of P~blic Works we~e requested to attend the study session. REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS ON HUASNA RD, PROJECT N0. 90-67-4 Admznistrator Butch reported that Director of Ptixblic Works Anderson indicated tha~ progress on the improvement of Huasna Road has now made it feasible t~ reques~ Council apgroval to advertise for bids, with ~he tentative schedule tp be us ~ollows: Openzng of Bids - Sep~ember 21s~, 1967; Awardi~g of Contract - September 26th~ 1967; Beginning of Work - Qctober 9th, 1967; and Completion of Work - December l.8th, 1967. ~ motion was made by Cauncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried~ that approval and authoriza~ion be given to call for bids for Huasna Road Street Tmprovement Project No. 90-67-4, suid bids to be opened Septembex 21st, 1967 a~ 2v00 PeM. in the Gouncil Ch~mbers of the Arroyo Grande City Hall. PROGRESS REPORT-LOP~Z WATER SUPPLY REPORT FOR JU~Y, 1~967 A progress report for the month of July, 1967 was received ~rom the Snn Luis ObispA County Flood Control and Water Conservation Dis#rict and was reviewed and ordered filed, PR~FOSE~ TOUR OF LOFEZ AAM SITE - SEPTEMBER 9th1 1967 Administrator Butch notified the Council that #he Courn y Flood Co~tzol Distric~ has set a tentativ~ date for a tour of the Lopez Dam Site for the Arroyo Grande City Council and Plann~ng Commission for $at~rday, September ~th, 1967 and that as yefi a def~nite time has ~ot b~~ri established, ST~TUS REPORT-SQ. SAN LUI5 OBISPO COUNTY SANITRTION DISTRIC~ Th~ Council received, reviewed, and thereafter directed to file, a co py of the Treatment Plant Operator°s repar~ f'or the monfih of July, 1967. '"",~"~`F~g`rC~~C~,t, , 'i,~. ,%Ci'° "t'a.'.,~p~X~,l;~~'.~7~+~•~``.h"~^a1 'r;•~~j,;~~,g~:-{up"~~hp''. CITY COUNCIL AUGLJS~° 22, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 6 CQNGRESS POR PROGRBSS MEETING - AUGUS~' 23~ 1967 m l~, G< ~b~dNGIL CHF~MBERS Administrator Butch remi~nded ~the Coun:Cil t~.at ~he Beautification Committee and Chamber of Commerce are s~ox~sering a Coragress #'or Progress Meeting, w'ith a representctive of Paci~'ic Gas cend~Electra.c Cpmpany as gu~st speak~r, at 7;3(J P.M., August 23; 1967, a.n the A~~oyo Grccnde Council Chamber~ra The purpose of t~is mee°ting is to interest citi~ens in the beauti,fication of their communitya; ~~~URNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel., seconded by Counczlman Bur~t, and unanimously cararied, ~khe m~eting was adjou~ned at 9053 F',Ma °~0 7a30 P.Me September ll~th, 1967. ~ ATT~ST• ~f-'~~'~..."~~~~`'. ' `k:~~" C CI,ERK MAYOR