Minutes 1967-09-12 4~~ CITY COUNCIL _ . ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEP°TEMBER 12, 1967 °T}ze Csty Council me°t in regula.r sess~on w~.°t3~x M~yor Wood pres~d~.nge Upon roll call Counca.lwoman °d'hompson, Councilmen Lev~ne, Schlegel and Bur°t repor°ted present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND II~VOCATION Mayor Wood led °the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immedia°tely thereafter Reverend Joe Watt, of ~aint Patr~.ck's Ca°thol~.c Church in Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocatione APPROVAL OF MINUT'ES T'he minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1967 were approved ~ as preparede APPROVAL OF° WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwomnn Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, °tha~ General Warrants No. 116 to and including No, 170 in. the total a~ount of $27,959e04 and Payroll Warrants No. 253 to and including No, 310 in the total amount of $10,517,38, be approved and ordered paide CERTTFI~'A.'I'ES FOR StJP~FtVI~CfRY PRACTICES - DEPARTMENT HEADS Mdyor 41Tood presen°ted Ger°tificates for °the sntisfactory completion of a Ce~urse ~.n Effective Superv~sory ~'ractices to G~ty Clerk Miller, D,irec°~e~r of Public Works Anderson, Park and Planning D~rector Ga.llop, Police Chief Ra.chardson and Fi~e Chief Marsalek and stated it was very grati~yi~g to kriow ~f the high stmndard of City employees, The City Council fe~:~'t'hat the inst~gation of in-training cousses by Administrator Butch was veary commendable and that the City as a whole would benefit by this pr~gram, REQI7E5~'"~f~R` ~EE ~~`LI~El'~~~=~'; Ge AMERICAN LEGION FOFt TEHN DANCES P,dma.nis~~°cx°t`or ~Butc~ "c~:dv1°sed hat 'a letter "was received from the Arroyo Grande American Legiono Post 136, requesting a fee exempt license for the purpose of conducting a teenage dance at the Legion Hall on Orchard Street, and briefly reviewed that they had a fee exempt license for record hops but notn? intended to have personal appearances of dance bands, He also adv.ised that Chief Richardson had recommended that if - bands, other than High School Student Bands, were engaged they should be required to obtain a City Business License and pay the fee therefore After discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Burt, and unanimously carried, the Amerscan Legion Post 136 was granted a Fee Exempt license to conduc~-teenage dasices with personal np- pearances of dance bands, subject to closing time of the dances being 10v00 P.M, during ~the school term and 11:00 P.M, during the summer with noise being controYled by the American Legi~n Post, RBQUES'P°=4~EA1V"O SAN, DIST,-REGARDING PERMITS AND SEWER HOOKUP INSPECTIONS Adminis~rator Butch advised that a letter had been received from the Oceano Sanitary District reques~ing information and the possibility of contracting with the City of Arroyo Grande for the issuance of permits _ , and the inspect~on o~ se~ter hookups on the Oceano sewer project, and re- viewed that`in agreement with the City Planning Director and Building Inspector, no problems could be foreseen ar~d that it was felt it could be handled in ~he normal daily routine of the BuiTding Inspector. After discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, that approval be granted subject to a contract agreement being intered into between thc City of Arroyo Grande and the Oceano Sanitary Distric~ for the purpose of the City of Arroyo Grande issuing permits and providing installation inspec`tion of sewer hookups to the Oceano Sani~ary District sewer mains and that the City Administrd°tor so notify the Oceano Sanitary District by lettere " I~ARVEST F'E~'TIVAL ~~MMT'i"~''EE"'I7EQT:TEST' TQ CLOSE SHORT STe - SEPT. 28th to 30th, On motion of CounciYwomari Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the portion of Short Street betr;veen Branch Stree# and the Creek be closed to vehicular traffic during the Harvest Festival activi°ties on September, 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1967 as requested by the Harvest Festival Committee. ~ 44~ CITY C~U~TCIL SE~TEMBER 12, 1967 ARROYO GRAIVDEO CA~I~°QRNTA P1~GE 2 "TIZEASURER a S REI'OR°T FeAR `~'HE M~~ aF' P~IJGtJS°T Z'he ~"reasu~er °'s Repor°~ f~r t}~e m~~~h l~~.g~s~ 9 1J6~ a va~,~ ~~ce~vecl by the C~~.a,ncil aaad ~rder~d f~ledo DEPAR"TME1~T'I~L REF'OR°~ F~~ °~HE MON~H 0~° Ai~GUS°~' T°he Depar°~men°~al Repo~°°t f~~ ~h~ a~~~~ka ~f Aug~u~~~ 196~, daas ~°ece~ved by the Coux~ca.l and ordered £~led o LE~R FROM S°TAyE BOA,RD OF" EQUALIZA~°ION-SAI~ES ~ND USE "TAXES ORDINANCE . Adm~nistra°t~r Bu°tch ~aad nloucl a le~~~~ ~rozn ~h~ 5~tate B~ard of Equal- izationa no°~ing ~hat °t~e sales ~tax w~.ll be ~nc~°eased ~to one percen~ (1%) effective October 1~ 1967 and ~ha°k ~he S~a~e wa~~.l cont~nue to aelm~n.~s°ter the c~llect~on of the local sales °~axa LAFCO NO~'ICE RE~ARDING FROI~OSED N, HI~HWAY 10~ ANNEXA"TION Adm~~~s~xa°to~° Butch ~eviewed a regort rece~ved fro~ra °~he Local Agency Forma°k~~on Comanissa.on. ~ha~ adv~s~d °tha°t a Ptublic He~r~ng ta~.ll be held on the p;rop~s~d annexa~~oa~ desa.gnated as IVo~°~h H~,g'hraay 101 at 10e00 AaM, on Sep°tembs~ 14~ho ~96~a a°~ °~he Sa,xz Lu~s Ob~spc~ Go~n~y Cou~°t}°xouse, I3e also noted °thcxt Huasnci. R~ad 1~1~0 1 a,nnex~~~oxa ~ad be~n des~.gnn°ted as_ Parcel 2 and Br~g}x°ton S~~ee°~ a,nr~~xcx~~.on had b~en des~gna°~ed c~s P~,rcel 3 0£ -the above annex~.°~~.~~o Mr o Bu~~~ and any member o~' ~~ae C~un~~~. °kha:~ ~nrould be avail- able ~~~l.d p~.~c~ °~o ~.~~~r~d °fik~~s publ~c he~r~ngo DISCTJSSTG3N~~ES"~'A.~I~TSFiNIEI~I'~' 9~' ~TOINT POVVERS AGREEMEN°Y' ~'O~ SL~~ CO, AND CIT°Y' z AREA. P"LANN TNG COUNC IL Adm~.~is~rat~~ ~ia,°~ch ~~~~r°~ed °~ha°~ tk~~e Boa~d Supervisors ha.d been xeg~es~~d too ~~d ]~~,ves °~en°~~.°~~ve~~r se~ a meeta.ng ~~r °~~e £ormation of the R~g~,~na.l ~'lann~ng A~e~~y ~o ~~°~~.b:L~sh ~ Jo~.n°~ Powe~s Ag•reement fo~ a C~un°~y-~;~~y ~lccnning ~~~.~ca~l cifi 10~00 A,Mo, Sep°~embe~ 25°th, 1967~ in °the Chambe~s o~ ~1~~ C~~n°~y Sup~~v~.~~a~s o CI7CI~EI~S~ 1°~qN~RESS ~°OR ~OMMUNI°~'Y ~'R~DGRESSo° PF~A.7EC"T ~EPOR'~° May~°~ U~~~ad ~ep~~°~e~ ~1~a°~ °~h~ ~g~s°~ anee°~~ng o~ ~}xe BPCongress ~~r Prog~ess F'~oject~~ held on Augus°~ 23r `1967, ~n °the Arroyo Grande Coixncil C]-~n,mbers taas a sbzccess w~~th a large ~urnou°t ~f c~ti~ens ~ and °that Mr e Emery Rexroad was the Chaa.xman of this ci~~~ens comma.t°tee, Mayor Wood also adv~sed ~ha,t °~he th~rd Monday o~ eac]h month f~x ~he next s~x months had beez~ des~gn~.~~d as t}~e mee°t~ng t~me ~l~~.s gr~up with °the next meet- a.ng ~o be held or? Mo~day, September 18th, 1967, Mrso Vix°ginia Strother - was presen°t and s°~ated she ~el.~t ~1~~.s p~oject was go~.ng vex~y urell and that i°t would bs a l~r~g term pro~ec~t °~ha~ c~uld be of grea°~ value °to the Com- munity, Mr, Ludc~e of Peec~~~c Gas and EYec°t~ic Comp~ny w~ll attend the next mee°ta.ng to assis°~ ~this gr~up to plexn °~hs nex°~ phase of the community ~mpravem~r~t prog~ame SLO CO a HEP.L~H DEP°T o~°EE SC:HEDULE ~'OR HEA.L°TH DEP°T a PERMIT FOR PUBLIC EATING, ARINK, AND F°OOD ESTABLISHMENT Adm~.n~strator Bu~ch reported t~Zer.t °khe C~ty had rece~ved na°tification af °the Secn Luis Obispo Cotznty Public Henlt}a ~ep~rtmerat ~ee schedule for Health Depa~~men°~ Perm~~tsa MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN°T-LdNIF"ORM BUILDING CODE-F°IRS'T READING Adm.~n3st~a°~or Butch rev~ewed the proposed amendment pertaining °to #he Un~.forzn Bui,lding Code and also °~he report subm~tted by the Building Inspec°~or o A~°~~r Council discuss~.~n, Ci°ty A°~°korney Shipsey read, for its firs°t read,~ng0 ~h~ t~tle o~ an ord~.nance amending Section 1 of Chapter l of T'itle 8 of °the l~rroyo Grande Mixnic~.pal Gode relat~.ng to ~he Uniform Bu~ld~ng Code, °~herea~°ter a mo°tion ~aas made by Counc~lman BtxrtB seconded by Counc~lman Schlegel, and ~a.na.nimously cci~r,~ecl, °to disgense w~th reading the balance o~' ~his ord~nanceo MUNICIPAL CQDE AMENDMEN°T-UNI~ORM MECHANICAL, CODE-F°IRST' READING Adm.in.~strator Bu°tch reviewed the progosec~ amendment pertaining to th'~ Un~form Building Code and ~.l~o ~he ~epor°t submitted by the Bu~.lding Inspectoro Af°~er Counc~l discuss~on, City A°~t~rney Sh~psey read, ~or i°ts first reading, the °~a.tle of an ord~nan~ce ca.mendi.ng the ~lrroyo Grande Muni- cipal Code by P~,dd~.ng Chci.pter 9~to °Ti°kle 8 relczt~.ng °~o the Un~form Mechani- cal Code, °therea£°ter a. mo~ion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Bur~~ and ia.nan~mously caxried, ~t~ d~spense w~.°kh reading the balcxnce of th~.s ord~ncxnce, ~ CITY COUN~IL SEPTEMBER 12, ~,967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 MUNICIPAL GODE AMENDMENT - HOUSING CODE m FIRST READING Adminis~trator Butch reviewed the proposed ~.mendmen°t per$a.~ning to the Housing Code and also the repor~ ~ubzri~.t°ted by the Baza.lding Inspector, After Council discussion, City Att.~rney Shipsey read0 for its fa.rst read- ing, the title o~ an ordinance amend~rag C~xa,pter 4 of °Title 8 of the Muna.- cipal Code r~e~.cs:~3.~!g ~o the Hcugi~ng Codea therec~fter~~, mot~:on wcs:s m~ad~ by ~ Councilman Lev~ne, second~d by Couneilw~mexn Thompsoa~, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance o~' this ordinance, MUNICIPAI, CODE' AI~IEN~NT - PL~JMBING CODE - F"IRST READING Administrator Butch reviewed °the proposed amendment pertaining to the Plumbing Code and also the report submitted by the Build~.ng T~spector. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey rend, for its first ree~d- ing, the title o~ an ordinance amending Chapter 5 of ~'itle 8 of the Muni- cipal Code relating to th~ Plumbing Code, therecefter a motion was mccde by Coun~ilwoman T'hom.pson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance, ` ` ffE'C'~~1M~~1?'~~~1L'"~D~f~`°'~8 F!~'i'ALL ALARM SYSTEM IN POLIGE DEPT. Administrator Butc~ briefly outlined that at the present time, individual firms had to receive the cappraval of the City Council to in- stall a sign~.l'sys~k~m in the Police De~artment and recommended that an application proced~z~e be established as an administrat~.ve matter. Afteer Councig'discuss~on, on motion of Counc~lm~n Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Buxt, and u,nan~.mously carried,~the City Administrator and Pol~ce Chief wer~ inst~uct~d to proceed with the development of an application request and pe~mit form to regu~.ate signal, alaxms being placed in the City Police D~partmen~te ° `~UE'~T'''~°R~l~t A~SEi~B~li~`^I~NA~,N -REGARDTNG FEDERAL TAX SHARING PROGRAM - Corr'espo~id~nc~e was"'received from~Assemblyman Bob Monagan requesting that the C~.ty adopt a resolution°urging the F°ederal Government to enact some form of a f~derazT tax sharing pr~gxam w~th both State and Local Governmen~s ax~d after discussion, ~the-Gity Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution to that effect for Council consideration at the next regular meetinge N~'1'I'C"E ~"~O ~T'ATE` I7~F'T''. OF H(7t?~ING ~ COMM. DEV. REGARDING UNIFORM H(7USING C~DE Administrator Butch advised`that correspondence had been received from the State Department of Housing and Community Development advising tha~''und~er the State Code if the City laws are not equal or greater thnn the S#~ate's laws, then the State laws must be used in the City's building, plumb,ing and electrical codes, After discussion, on motion of Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, that the City Council hereby determines and notifies the Department of Housing and Community Development of the State of California that Arroyo Grande hcs and is enforcing l.ocal ordinances prescribing minimum standards equal to or greexter than the applicable provisions of the Health and Safety Code o~ the State of California. ` REC"~7A~IldE'NI~A"r'TON REGARDING PARI~ING ON SHORT ST. AND BRANCH ST. Adminstrcitor B~xtch notified that the Parking Commission, at their, xegular meeting of September 7th, 1967, recommended to the City Council . that on the rearran~ement of on-street parking spaces on the south side of Branch `Stre'et between Short and Mason Streets, that considerat~on be given that no parking be allowed adjacent to the intersection, and that diagonal parking on Short Street be changed to parallel parking to allow for in- creased'"traffic to' and from the Civic Center Parking Lot. After discus.si,on, on motion of Counciiwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, the Council authorized that parking on Short Street between Branch Streefi and the Creek be parallel and that no parking be allowed adjacent to the intersection of Short Street and Branch S~treet and Mason St, and Branch Street on the south side of Branch St, CIVIC CENTER PARKING LOT REPORT The City Administrator briefly rev~ewed the progress made on the C3vic Center P'arking Lot and advised that the Paci~ic Telephone Company wants to relocate the pay telephone bocth, On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, it was approved to perm3.t the installation of a new design pay telephone booth by Pacific 'd"elephone Company adjacent to the City Hall Annex within the Mall 44~ CI°I'Y COUNCIL SEFTEMBER 12 0~.~~7 ARROYO GRANDEa GALIF°ORNIA PAGE 4 area of t2ne ~~v~c Cen~er Bu~.ld~ng~ o COMMISSTONER SCI~CdL~'L In1AS PRESENT° A1VD tJPO1V I3IS 01~ ~2EQLTES°T WAS GRp,N°~"ED PERMISSION ~"O LF~P,\TE '1'HE MEE°TT~IG 'AT 8~ 5~ P,M, BY MAYOR V~OOD Plannia~g Direc°~or Gall.op was presea~~k ancl ~epo~~ed tha~ t~e ~°ive Ci°~~es J, C, B s planned °ta ins°~all br~~~ waTl~?~,ys ~n ~~a~ Civic C~nter M~till °this next Sci°~urdayo that °~k~e K~wan~s C~ub plans t~ d~a~ate a founta~.n far the Mall, that °t~ae l~Ta°t~.ve Plant Soc~e~y would p~~v~de ~he plan°ts for the Mall and Str~eambed, that °the Lions Club agreed ~o pr~vide ~he rock for the stream bed ancl Mcall and_ °~hat ~he lands~ap,~ng o~ these two areas w~ll star°t a~ter Harvest F°estival t~.me, Park and Recreat~.oa~ ~omm~.ssionex °Talley orally reviewed f~nances regnrd~ng °the lax~dscap~.ng of the C~v~c Cern~er o Af~tex° Counc~l discussion, Commiss~on~r ~"a~.ley vaas ins°truc°~ed ~o mdvise the C~mm~ssion that any authoriza°~ion f~~ aclcTi°~~~~nal funds be presen~ed by rec~mmendation of the full Commissi~~n, sa~d ' xequest be sixbm~°~teci ~o °the G,~~y Adm~nis°trator ' for p~esent~~~.~n"to ~he Counc~.lo ` PAR~` AIV'D ° R'E~'EA~(7N' ~~IuIMTSSTONER ~'RAN'~Z RESIGNP~"3'IO1V P,dm,~na.str~a.°to~ Bu.tch read a~.oud a~e~-te~ ~f res~g~~~~on from Park and RecXea~i~a~ ~~m~3.ss~.one~ o R~ber°t o F~an°tz vah~cl~ s~~~ed tha~ Mre F'rantz is no lorag~~ ~x ~°es~:de~°t o~ ~h~ C~.°ty ~f Arrcay~ Gr~nde o On mo~rion of Councilmax~ S~kn:~~~el, seconded by CoLanc~.lmara. B~,x~~, and unanimously carried, t~e res~gm~:~~o~ ~f Robert P, F°~antz f~ca~n ~he Park ~nd Rec~ea°tion Commis- sion was acc~p~eda °~o be' ef~ec°~a,ve ~mmedia°~ely ancl t?~e Adm~n~.strator was ins°tru~~~cl w~~:~e Mx, F°rantz cx letter ~f ~~acu.n}cs and apprec~.ation for the °time he ~~~°ved on °t}ne Gomma.ssi~ne PARK' P,ND R~~REA"~IOl~? COMMISSIONER BATLEY A~'PQIN°I°'NfENT° Af°te,r- ~~ur~cil. c~~sc~xss~.ona oa~ ~o°~ion o~ ~ouz~~ilmaa~ Schlegel, seconded by G~u~ci lmein Bta.r°t , ctnd aana~imous ly carr ~ied s Dr , R~be~ ~t J, Bai ley of 1451 Sierra Dr~ve, Arroyo Grande~ was app~inted ~o serve on tF~e Park and Recre~ ation Commission t~ ~ill'°the unexpi~ed term of Robert P, F'rantz, said ap- pointment to be effec~kive September 13th, 1967 and terminate July 1, 1969, LEZ'°I'ER F"ROM NtRS , HP,R~Y C o DORSEY OF SAN3'i~1 MARIA VALT~EY BEAUTIF°UL Admin~strato~ B~tch read aYoud a le~ter rece~ved from the Santa Maria Valley Beautiful, dated Aixgust Z1, 1967 and signed by Mrsa Harry C, Dorsey, Pr~s~.dent, congratula°~ing Prtrk Director Gallop and City Officials ~or the outs°~anding pr~gress made in beaut~fication in Arroyo Grande in such a shor°~ timeo "`RE~':22L~E~T °d°0 PiTRCHASE POR°y'ABLE RESTROOMS ~°OR ENCINI~S BONI°TAS PARK ' e Parks and~Recreat~on Gommiss~on requested permission to pur- ~'h . _ . chase two ~iberglass, portable chemical lavatorzes; a~ n cost for both' of °them a°t apJproxima°tely $500 e 00 o Rftex discussion, on motion of Councilw~man Tk~omps~x~., seconded by Counczlman Levine, and unanimous'ly carried, approval was gran~ed to the Pax]cs and Recreation Commission to purchase °two ~iber~l~ss, portdble c~emical lavatories ~Eor Encinas Bonitas Park, wi~h the cos't not' to exceed fa.ve hundred dol~ars ($500e00) and service cos~ for ithe t~ao lcxvatories no-~ -~o exceed one hundred dollars ($100,00) fo~ °~his £iscal yea~, "REP~1~T'' ~1~T ASH ST'', EXT'~1~SION BETNIE'EN ELM ~ SPRUCE STe INTO STREET 5YSTEM Directox o~ `Publa.c Works A.nderson recommended t}-~at the extension of Ash'St~eet be'extended be~ween E1m St, and Spruce S~reet and`tha~ this portion of Ash Street be"dedicated into ~the ~i~y Street Sys~em, with the balance of Ash Stree~ being reserved fa~ the sole use of the Ci.ty, After discussion, on mo~tion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman '~'hompsonq and unanimoaxsly ca~ried, tha~ °the portion of Ash Street between Soe Elm Street and Spruce Stx-eet be dedicated in°to $he City Street'System' and be improved as a m~.nimum 24 ° roc~.d , CI"TY COUNCI'I.~ SEP~EMBER ~.2 , 1967 ARROYO GRA1VDEo CAI.eIF~R~VII~ P~1GE 5 SET PUBLIC HEARIIVG ON SPREADTIVG ~F~ ~SSESSM~II~T~° O~V S~ o~1I~PI1~E ~L~R~ ~ GLTTT°ER D~rect~r o~ Publ~,c W~r}cs Ande~°~~~x ~~que~°t~cl ~hat ~he ~~°~y C~~rs~il set a public ~n~aring ~n tkae sp~°~~d~.xng c~~ ~~~~~~an~a~~ ~~ie .~nstalla~i~n o~ cuxb aaad gba~k~ters ~r~ S~m Alpine S~~ee°~m ~n mo~i~rn ~~~z~c~Yxnan L~ev~.rae, seconcled by C~iaxac~:~waom~,~. '~hompsoraa a~nc1 ~~n~.~n~mously ~~~r~eclo ~he Ptzbl~~ Hearing on th~ s~~eacla.n~ o~ assessmer~~ ~he Sl~a~~~ ~.9~Y Ac~ ~.xsecl ~o~ ~he installat~oaa C~rb and Grxtt~r~ on S~a ~l~~ne ~°t~•e~~a r~r~.s se°t f~r ~e00 P,M. on Sep~ember 26°~he ~9Ei7 ~n ~he Gournc~.:~ ~hambe~s ~k~e ~~°~y Ha1To LETTER ~°RQI~I S°~`~A°TE' l7I"~'T.CSTt~N OF° "HIGI~WAY~ R~C~,~~__~'~~TC 'I-1~GHWAYS Gorrespondence' vaas rece~ved ~E~~m °~}~e S°~ate D~v~s~~n ~f Highways enm couraging the Gity °tc~ ini°tia~e a scen~.c }°i~g3°away s°t~xdy o~ Highwray adv~.sa.ng that the ini~a.ation of sa~~h a study mus°t be request~d by the local governing body with~n which a s~ate s~enic h~.ghwv~,y is located. Adminis°~rator B~a.~c&~ r~v~ewed the proced~u~e *~~cssst~ry ~o conform to °the reques°t, and a.f°ke~ discuss~on, ~r~ mo~zon Coaznc~.lmaxa SckZlegel, seconded by Cotiancilman Burt, and ixnan~.m~usly carr~ed, Adm~rais~~ator Bu#ch was in- s~ructed adv~.se the Sta.°te °~Th.at °~he C~°ty ~.s ~n~erested ~n °their proposcxl to establis~. Hightn?ay 101 as cz' scenic hs.ghwcsy ~zncl reques°~ ~the State proceed wzth sa~.cl s~udym ' _ MAYOR WOQD DEGLAREI) A RE~ESS A~i 9,~0 ~',M. °~°HE COUNCI~ RECONVENED A°T 9:47 P, lu~ . U~°fiH AT.~L MEMB~RS PRESEN`T AS SHOWN ON ROLL CAI.~I~ a DISCC7SSIC~N ON HIRI~VG OF ~'IRM '~°O PREPARE WA"JPER Rl~~"E S'~L~DY A.dmz.~,~s~~a~~~~ B~ztc~a rep¢~~~ed t~cu°~ G~s°~ pra~posals for a water rate study ~~d b~en suba~it°~ed by Mre FC~x~ Mul~~x~ ~.nd Da.e}~1~ Evaazs and Co. and tha-~: tha o~a°~:~~~i~ prapos~.~. ~:s subm~~~ed by D~ehl, Ev~~s ancl Co. would es- tcxbliska a.ll the cxi~exia ~he Ci°~y ~r~~ld ~~ed to establ.islh a sound ~iasis rega~da~a~g v~~iter ~cc°k~s ~o be c~d~p~~d meet °t~ae financicel requirements of °the Lc~~e~ Dam Con~t~ca,~t o A~°t~~ C~unc~:~ d~scs~ssa.on,~ a zno°~,~~rn tnrus m~d~ by Coua~cilman Lev~ne, seconded by ~o~racilwomcxza Z'hc~m~,san and unan~mo~asly ~a~xied, ~~a°~ the cost proposal su.bm~.tted by D%e~a~, Evans and Co, fo~ °~he preparation of a water rate survey ~c~r the Ci-~y o~ .F~~°royo Gx°ande be appro~red and accepted and tha°t the cos°t for sa~d re~aor-~ not b~ exceed $1,500.00. . S'I'P,~'U~ REPtSR'T` S(7: .:S~' fiL'~ITT':~..OSISFO CQUN°TY SANI°PA°TION DISTRICT 'The Coua~~iT re~ei~red, reviewed, and ~hexeafter cli.rec°ked ~ko file,. a copy of °khe ~'rea~tmen°t Plan°t Ap~~ator ° s repor~t for the month of August,1967. H~Q~SZ"~'~3~`" 1)EVEL06PER L7F° ~1.C"T N0. Z~~ °Y`O INS'~ALL SEWER LINE ON THE PIKE Admiriis'treitor Bu°~~h repor°t'ed °that °~he Developer of Tract No. 282 re- quested authmri~a~kion °ko install a sewer main on °T~e Pilce ~rom Gaynfair °Terrace °~o and Sou~l~erly on Elm Street and tie ixato the existing line belongin,g to °t~e Ocenno S~n~.ta,ry D~.s~rict to serve that por~t~.on of °Tract No. 282 adaacent ~o The Pike. City Engine~~ ~aring repor°ted that ~~e Ocean~ Sanitaxy District l.ine an Elm S°~ree~ ~-aad been eng~nee~~d ar~d ~ns~talled s~.zed to serve areas of Arroyo G~and~ adjacent °~o ~'he Pi}~e and that if and when ~the City of Arroyo Grande desa.red to connect to the Oceano Saniikary L,~ines some reimbursement for the increa.se o~° °khe si.~e o~ the line sh~ul,d be provided for °the Oceano Sani°tary Dis°~ric°~a After ~ounc~l discussiona a mot~on wa~ ma.de by Councilman Bur~, seconded by Gouncilman S~hlegel and ~unanimously carr~ed that the request o£ t}ae Developer o~ "I°rac°t Noo 282 to ~.ns~~ll a se~aer main from Gaynfair Terrace to E1~ 3~ree~ on ~he Pike and southerl.y on Elm S~tree°k approxi- mately 150 fee°~ bA granted sub~ec~ ~o fiz~alization of an agreement be- tween °the Ci~y o£ Arroyo G~rande and °~he Oceano S~.nitary D~strict approv- ing and gran°~~~g au°thoxi.zation a11~w~.ng °~he C~,°ty o£ Arroyo Gra.nde the use of the Ocea~no S~ani°~cxry Dist~a.c~ sew~~° mains, and subject ~o the Developer ins~all~.ng sa~d lin~,~ mee°t all C~~ty of Arx~yo Grande spec~.fications for such s~wer i.ns~al.lation and °~hat °the Develoger pay the full cost of such liz~e i~s~tal~a°tion including any reimbursements due the Oceano Sanis' tary Dis~riG°~ for °kheir c~st for ~t}~e ~ncrease of l~ne si~e °to serve areas withiz~ ~the C~°~y of Ar~oyo Grande; tha°t benefiting proper°ties pay their gropor°~a.~na°~e cos°k o~° the sevae~ 1.ine ins°ta11.a°tion at the °~s.me they re- 45~ CITY COUNCIL SEP°~EMBER 12, 1967 ARROYO GRANAEa CALIF°ORNIA PP,GE 6 quest sewer service to their p~o~e~°~y; s~~,d p~,ymera~~ ~o b~ refua~ded for a limited °time °to the Developer who ga~d ~he or~g~ra~l c~s°~ for ~h~.s sevaer main. Such l~mited ta.me to be s~e°~ by °~he City a°~ ~he ~ime ~f f~.rn~.l accept- ance of said i~.s°ka].led se`aer main, _ - SEWER LZNE'" ABANI~~DNNf£1~FJ.' 73EQUE5'T ~ M. D, BRAI)F°ORD -~EN MP~R °a'RAILER PARK Adm~:nistrator Bt9:tch advised °k}aa°~ a l.etter hacl been rece~.ved, from: Mr. M. D."Bradford requesting ~ha~ ~}ze C~ty ab~ndon an exis°t~.ng sewer line tha°t was ,~nstal~ed in conjunct~.on with the developanent of"T'ract Noo 186 and was no longer necessary as a force lia~e a.s ~he °~rac°t ~ras n~w being served as a gravity flova sewer by ~~e 13nes ~.nstalled by ~he South Sci,ri Luis Ob~spo Coun°~y San~.tary Dis~rict, ancl t'he l~.ne vvas no lc~nger be~ng used as a part of the city se~aer systeme Af°ter discussion, the Ci°ty At- torney was`i°ri~~Cructed to review the request to determine the C~.ty's ~ positicn in the ccbandoi~~ent of °khis l~.ne as the developer of T`ract No e 186 `st~ll has` a refundable f~nancial in°terest ~n ~tha.s T~~e. FAIR QAKS'"A~t~A""5"~",. ~ES=~F'KD~E' PbS OUZ'LINED I~1 STS', & H/W' S CODE ' " 7.`he Adiniriis-~xator ~eviewed the proced~ure to change or modify street grades as'outl~:ned by the S~reet's and Highways Code. After Council discus- sion, ~he City Att~rney was instruc°ted ~o prepare a Resolution of Intenticn to change the grades wi°thin the ~'air Oaks Area for Co~ncil consideration nt the nex°t regular meeta.ng, LE'T°TER F°ROI~ CUR~~S °TUNNEL,I. REGARDING IMPROVII~G ST'AT°E ROUTE 166 Admir~~stxat~r Butch adv~sed tha°t a~etter had been received from Superv~so~ ~unnell expressing h~.s °~hanks for the suppor°t given by this Council ~.n request~ng the State Divis~on o£ Highurays to allocate funds for the ~mpx~ovemen°t o~ S°tate Route No. 166 and sta°t~.ng °that he had been advised that funds haz.ve no~v been alloca~ted fo~ a 3.6 mile improvement of th~s rmad. _ PROG:KESS REPAR°~" = L0~''EZ. WA'g'ER SUPPLY REP~R°3° F°~R AUGidS~'o 1967 A p~ogre~s r~p~~'~ ~ar'~~e nnomt]~ of August, 1967, was received from the San Luis a~`3sp~ Couri~y F°1.ood Gon~rol and Water Conservat`fon District and was reviewed and ordered filed. REPDRT ON °T~t'~'~d~'QN ~BY TFiE PACIFIC F°TRE RATING BU~2EAU ENGINEER ~ Adm~.nistra~o~ Bu°~ch reparted that the Engzneer from the Pacific F°ire Rating Bureau had c~mmenced an official survey for a possible new fire rating classi~i~aition pursuant °to °~he application ~iled last fall by the City. From `a px~lim~.ncc~y discussion, the staff was advised that two items of improvemen°t 1to °khe water systezn would increase the possibility of a lower fire ra~e: 1) install an"additional boo.ster pump on Brisco Hill and 2`~ install ~wo additioa~al fire hydrants dt the Williams Bros. Shopping Center, one on ~he pr'opexty andc~ne on Grand Ave. Mr. Butch reported in- stallct°tion of ~ne }-~ydrant on Grand Ave. hns been budgeted in the 1967-68 budget, On mo°~ion of CounciYwoman °Thompson; seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, authorizatio~ was granted ~or the expenditure of funds from ~he HTu°ter Depar-tment to purchase and install a Booster Pump on $risco Hill and t~o purchase one Fire Hydrant to be installed within the William Bro°thers Shopping Centers COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SURVEY Ad~inistrator Butch reccd a letter ~rom the F°ive Cities Jo C.'s, expressing the Chamber°s thanks and appreciati,on for the City's help and assistance in °the preparation of the area survey which was prepcxred by them. AD"JOU'RNMENT On mo°tion of Counca.lman Levine, se~onded by Councilwoma.n Thompson:, and unanimousl~ carried, the meeting w~s adjourned at 10:40 P.M. ~ ~ ATTES'T ; C I C~~ I~ MAYOR