Minutes 1967-09-26 CITY COiJNCIL ~E~`~EMBER r 60 1967 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIF°ORNIA The C9.~y Council me°~ ~.ra reg~a~~~ s~ss~.~a~ ~nr~t~ lui~ay~~ V~1~od pres~d~ng. Upon ~oll call Cor,znc:~lwoman `~'homps~n, C~~xx~~~.lm~n Lev~neo Schlege~ ~nd Bur°t repQrted presera°t. PLIDGE O~ ALLEG~ANCE AND TINVOGATION Mayor Wood led t]~e Pledge of A~~.eg~ance t~ ~~r flag; and ~mmed~.~ttely thereafter Reverend C1yde D~vee, o~ ~~e f~.~s°~ F'resby~e~,aan Ch~s~°ch ~n Arroyca Grandeo del.ivered ~he invo~~~.~~~a. APPROVAL 0~° MIIViT°TES The minutes of the regular mee°ting September 12, 1~67 were etp~ proved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRAIVTS A mot~on was made by Cou~aci~vaoman "1~'~oznpson, ~econded by Cotzncilman Levine~ a.nd unans.m~usly car~~ed, t}na~ Gea~e~°~1 W~c~ran°ts No, 1~1 $o and includ~ng Noe 201 ~~n the to°t~al amoun°~ of $~6,657e91, Payroll Warrants No. 311 to and a~ncl.tad~n~ iVoe 384 ~n ~he ~o-~a1 am~ua~t o~ $11,~81,90 and Trust and l~.gency V~T~~~~,n°ts No, 279 tm ~md a~nclaxda.ng N~, 331 in the total amount of $415 e 00 be ~.ppr~ved cand ~~de~ed paid a LE"I"~ER FROM KENNE"~I-~ J< RC~OI~ER REGARDI~IG 1~T~W REC~tEp,~'I~N BUILDING Adan,~r~~.s~r~~~r ~~;•~c~s xe~.d a~.~°~°~~~ r~ceived ~~~m Mr o K~nne°th J, Rool~er, ~~rn~r ~lev~xn~er Ha~Llo ~u~g~es~c~~ag ~Ya~~ ~c ~l~as~ c~xxangement cota.ld b~ ~~.de das.~ka ~}xe ~i~y consi~~~~~ ~ ner+a x~c~eca~~~n bu~lding as the cos°~ rs~aa~~°~ ~o th~ presen.~ ~~~..1 w~r,~ld. be pr~h~bi°t~ve, Mr. Rooke~ uaces p~esen~t c~~d adv~.s~d °~ha°~ he h~d rao d~e~~ra~.te glans brxt vvas in~erst~d i,~ kx~c~wi~ng of the C~°ty~ s pms~tion regr~~dsng a rec~ea°tion build~rcg b~f~~e p~~ce~~d~~ng any f.~x~~~ner o l~~te~ C~r.~ncil dssctzssion, the ~~-°~y ~d~~-~~.~°~r~.~~~ w~.s ~.n;u~~~~~zed °~ea d~.~cu~ss the ne~d req~.x~remen,ts the C~.°~y va~ga~d ua.a°t~ Nix, Ro~k~~ aa~cl repcsr°t h.~.s f~nd~n~s ~o °the C~un~ile LE'~E12 FR(~M ~T~d~' ~~L~~~'Y ID~V. .A.SSO~ o REGARDING REAE'POIN"7.°MEN°°~°° 0~° MARVIN Hp,RT'WTG 'TO ASSOC, BOARD, Adm~nistrator Butch advised °tha~ correspondence had been received from Mro Howcerd Netnrby, the Chairmcsn of °the Board o~ Directors, request- ing the Ci°ty Counci~ reappoint Mr, Marvin Hartwig to the Board and in- vit~.ng the Coun~~Y to a~°tend ~he Fzrst Annual Mee~ing of the Development Associa°ta.on on Septembe~° 27~h, 1967. After discussion, on motion of Counc~lman SchYegel, seconded by Counc~lman Burt, and unanimously carried, Mre Max~vin Hartwig was reappointed as the C~tys representative to the Sc~.n Luis'Obispo Co~xmty DeveYopmea~~t Assoc~at~.on°s Board, LE~d`Eff 'F"RbI~+I'A.e "Ge CHA~uIB£R 0~ CO1~N+IEKCE REGARDTNG 1967=68 BUDGET REQUEST Corresp~ndence was received f°x~om t~e Arroyo Grande Chamber of Com- merce reques°~~ng th~,t the 1967-68 bta.dgeted ~Eunds of the City be released to °t}~e Chamber and Nf~s Del Cox, Ghamber of Commerce Manage~ was present and revze~aed °~he ~.~tivit~.es of the Chamber and the various projects under~aksa~ by thean °to promote and iznprove ~he Ci°ty as a whole and briefly discussed tD~e 1966 Annual Repor°t °that had been presented to the Council, Af~er discusss~on, on matiorn of Councilwoanan T°~nompson~ seconded by Council- man Lev~,nea u~ad uraarn~mously ca~r~.ed, ~t was a,pproved that the two thousand five hundred d~.~lars ($2,50~.00) budgeted for the fsscal year 1967-68 as a donaxt~on b~ pciid to the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerceo LET'TE1~'~F~{CJ1~I"'D~1I~t'~ 'NI€~r'CHA1~~S-DISTRIBU°d'ION OF° MERCH~,NfiS ~ ~[JNDS F°UR ` . ` PARKTD7'~ L~T PURPOSES Adm~na.stxator. Butch adv.~sed correspondence had been received from the Down~~~ ~rroyo Grande Merchan°ks Association s~kc~~ing tha°k on Septem- ber 11, ~967, the Assac~a°t~.on vo°ted °to al~.o~r °the $600.00 dona~ed for the`'landsccapsng of the C~.vic Cente~ Park~xng L~t ~.nd the Branch Stree°t Car Coxral be distribu-~ed °to ~hese p~ojects based on need rather than the $300,00 ~or each p~ojec~ as ~ad b~en prev~ously indsca~ted, He also reported °that the bricks for °~he ~ivi~ Cen~er Me~.lY had bee~. purchased from the Dos,unto~an Merc'~h~an°~s con~~ibu-t~.on, tha~ the bricks were laid by the F°ive C~°tses ~7um~,o~ Chamber o~ ~omme~ce, a.nci °~ha,°~ Cextified ~reight Lines had delzvered the br~.~ks ~to the si°te free of claa.rge. °The Council commended °the vario~azs gr~ups ~or t~iea.x zn°t~~es°~ ~n img~oving the City, 453 CITY COUNCIL S~P`TEMBER 260 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, ~ALTF°~R1~TIA PAGE ~ CERTIFICA°TE OF° APPRECIA°~IO1V FROM T'HE VAI.aLEY BOYS ° T~EAGiJE The City Council received a Cer°tif"~cate o~ P~ppxecieetion fr~m the Valley Boys League, which ~ras in re€erence °to t}ae ~967 Baseb~ll Program for the local Li~tle League, for the C~ty° s sixpp~rt of baseball °tee~ms, and for paying for the Ump~.re ° s °this yea~ ~ wh~ch vaas accomplished th~~z the Parks and Recreation Depar'°tmen$e ~°he Council °thanked the, Valley Boys' League for the Certificatee : PUBLIC HEARING-SPREADING OF ASSESSMENT-CLTRBa GUZ°"I°ERa DRIVEWAY AFRONS ON SOU°TH ALPINE STREET Adm.inistrato~ Butch advised that the Sv.perintenden°t of S~ree~s reported °that Cu~b, GTat~er and Drivew~xy P~prons had been installed on those portions of pr'operty on the wes°t sgde of South Alpine Street bem tt~aeen Grand Avenue and Dodson ~lay and o~ the east side of South Alpine Stree°t between Grand Avenue and Eman Gour~t and on ~he eas°t s~de of South Alpine Street be~ween Eman Cov~rt and Newman Dr~ve under the 1911 Shor~ Assessmen°t District procedu~ce, °~hat the work had been completed, and the cost of the insta~.la~i~n had been spreaci -to °the v~rious properties , and the proper~ses had been posted and pr~per°ty ovaners no°t~:~~ed as re- quired by lawo' This being t~e date, time and plcace for a publa.c hearing on -~he Spreading of Assessmen~ for sns~a~lat~on of Curb, Gu~~er, and"Dz~ve~?ay Aprons or~ portioaas of South Alpine S$reet~, Mayo~ W~~d declared this hear- ing was n~~v open a.md a~.l. pers~ns for or agains~ °~h~s Assessment would now be heaxd, T'~ere be~.ng no persons ~o speak for or against the Assess- ment Spread, Mayor VVood declcxred ~he hearing closedo The City C~.~rk read the proposed Resolution through its title, th~reupon a m~t~a~n taas made by Councilma~. Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Burt, ax~d ~.nanimously carried, -~o dispense wi°kh reading' the balance of the Reso~u~ion'o RESOLU'~ION. ~VO, 765 ~ A RESOLUfiION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING THE REPORT QF THE SUPER- INTENDEN'~ OF STREET'S-AND LEVYING ASSESSMENT FOR °THE ' INST'ALLATION OP COIVCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY AFRONSo On mp°tion of Councilm~.n Bu~°to seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the fol.l~taing'rall call vote, go wi~: AYESo Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOESe None ABSENTc None the foregoing Resolution vvas passed and ~,dop~ted this 26th day of September, 1967, LAFCo REPO'Ra-NORTH H/VIT 101, HUASNA RDe NO l, BRIGHTON ST, AN1~IEXATIONS Administrator Butch reported that the Local Agency Formation Commission has approved the proposed annexation o~ North Highway 101, Huasna Road No, 1 and Brighton Stxeet and that a petition with approxi- mately 47 signatures, representing over 60% of the assessed valuntion in the area had been presented the LAk'Co Board ~.n protest to the North Highway lOl area being annexedo Adminisfirator Butch was requested to make available to a Ci~ti2ens Committee of residents in the North Highrn?ay lOl area all,,facts regarding Fire Insurance, Water Rates, Fire Protection, Police Protect~on and receipt and expenditure of various tax monies and other revenuese No ac~tion was taken regarding °the Huasna Road No. 1 annexatzon pending a report ~rom the staff as ~o whether this annexation would be inhabited orur~i~xhabi.fied, °The City Attorney was nuthorized to prepare a Resolution of Intention for the Brighton St, Annexation for Council consi.deration at the nex~ regular meeting, - CITY COUNCIL SEP°TEMBER 2601967 ARROYO GRANT3E o~ALI~ORIVIA PAGE 3 DISCUSSION OF' A'JOIN~"' PC7Wg'R5"` 1~GR~'rME~i'T ~E'~EEN ~T3~£S ` 1~1ND C'OUNZ'Y OF° SLO Administrcct;~r Butch repor~ed ~inat °the ~o~~°cl of Supervis~~s meet- ing on Monday, °the 25-th of Septembe~v ~he s~x ci~ies and the Boarcl were in agreement in ~orming a Joint Powe~s Agreemerx~ fox° Reg~.onal E'lann~nge The Board of Supervisors authorized. °~he Distric°t A°ttorney, Coun°ty Acl- ministrator and the County Planner t~ ~aaork wi°kh the s~.x cities in the preparation of the Joint Powers Agreemen°t~ and reques~ed each city ap- point a representative to serve ~n this Commi°t°teee Af~er Council dis- cussion, Adm~.n~.strator Butch was c~.ppointed to represen°t the City of Arroyo Grandee REPORT REGARDIFf~ PLANNING COORDINATION IN 50UTH COUNTY Administrator Butch reported that the Bac~rd of Supervisors agreed that the Cxties should meet vvith °them once a month for better coordina- tion of activ~.t~.es within ~he County, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN`T-UNIFORM BUII,o-DING CODE-ORDINANCE ADOPTION City Clerk Miller read the ti.tle of ara orda.nance amending Section 1 of Chapter 1 ot Tifile 8 of the'Arroyo'Grande Municipal Code relating to the Uniform Build~.z~g Gode, °thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by CounciTman Levine, and unan~.mously carried, to dispense with reading balance mf ~th~s ordinance, ORD~INANCE 1VO o 14 C; S e ORDIIIV~AIQCE O~ THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ` `SEC:TION 1 OF CHAPTER 1 0~ TTTLE 8 OF° °g'HE ARROYO : " "~RANDE N7lI~TICIPAL CO~E RELP,TING TO T'HE UNIFORM _ , 'SUTLD2IVG CODE . ~ On moti~n of Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman 5chlegel, and on the follawing roll ca1.l vote, to wit: AYES:" Councilwoman °1'Fiompsan, Ccsuncilmen Levine, Schlegel, Buzt and Ntayor Wood , 1VC1E5 ; None ABSENTe None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 26th day of September, 1967. MUNI~IPAL, CODE AM~=DNI"F°I~RM MEC~IANICAL CODE-ORDINANCE ADOPTION City Gl~rk Miller read the title of an ordinance amending the ~ Arroyo Grande Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9 to Title 8 relating to the Uniform MechanicaT Code, thereafter n motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Council6voman °Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense tiaith reading the balance'of this ordinance> ORDINANCE NOd ~5 CeS, ORDINANCE OF° THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 9 T0 TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE; On motion o~ Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESs Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and May~r Wood, NOES: None ABSENTe None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted ~his 26th day of September, 1967a ~55 CITY COUNCIL ~EP`T'EMBER 26, 1967 ARROYO GRAIVDE ~ CALIFORNIA P1~,GE 4 MUNICIPAL CODE AMEI~IDMENZ'-HOUSING GODEmORDI1~~LPTCB ADOP'~ION City Clerk M~.ller read t}ae ~i~le c~f an ordina.~~~ amending Chapter 4 of Title 8 of °the Municipal Code rela~:~ng °~~ae H~us~.ng Codea therem after, a motion was made by Courn~~~vu~man T°hoira~s~n, sec~nclecl by Counc~lman Levine, and unanimoaa.sly carr~.ed~ ~o disgense wi~th read~ng the beclance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 16 C,So ORDINAI~CE OF °THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING `CHRP'°TER 4 OF° TITLE 8 OF `y'HE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELA'I'ING °~O °TFiE HOUSING CODE, On motion of Coba.nc~.lman I~evine, seconded by Counc~lwoman 'Thompson, and on °the ~'ollor~ri.ng rc~ll call va~e ~to w,~t ~ AYES: Ce~v.ncil~voman Tk~ompson, Cauncilznen Lev3ne, Schlegel, Burt and Mayo~ Wood. NOES: None ABSENTa None the forego~ng Ordinan~e was adopted ~his 26~h day of September, 1967e MUNICIPAL" C(7DE ANIENDM~i'I''-~'IaL~MBING GODE-ORDINANCE ~1DOP'TION City G1erk ~uiiller read ~fi~e ~i~le of an o~dinance amending Chapter 5 of Title 8 of the Mia.nzca.pal Gad~ relat~ng to t}~e Plumbing Code, there- after mo°~ian t,aas made by Councilmara Schlegelo seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimov.sly ~ar•riedp °~o dispense wz~th reading the balance of this ordinan~ee ORDINAN~E N0, E7 C.S. ORDINANCE OF THE ~ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF ~'ITLE 8 0~ THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE PLUMBING CODE, On motion ot Councilman Lev~ne~ seconded by Councilwoman Thompsorr, and on the following roll cnll vo°te, to vaifo AYESe Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Bux~ and Mayo~ Wood. NOESo None ABSENTa None the foregoing Ordinance was adop°ted this 26th day of September, 1967. RESOLUTTON RE~A.RDZNG~FEDEffAL °TAX 5HARING PROGRAM Administratox Butch read -khe -title of a resolution endorsing the basic principal of the Fede~al Government shax~ing its taxes, thereafter a motion was made by Counciiman Levine, seconded by Coun~ilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLU°~IO1V N0. 766 A RESOLUTIOI~T ENDORSING THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMEN'T SHARIIVG TTS TAXES WITH STAT'E AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. On motion of Counc~.~man Burt, seconded by Counc~.lman Schlegel, and ' on the follovaing roll ca11 vo°te~ to wzt: AYES: Gounca.lwomax~ Thompson, Councilmen Levine,'Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, 45~~ CI°TY COUNCIL SEP°TEMBER 26, ]L967 ARROYO GRANDEo ~ALI~dRNIA PP~GE 5 1VOESo No~e ABSEN°T : None the fo~egoing Re~olution was ga,ssecl ~nd aclopted th~.s 26~h day of Sep°tember, 1967, REPOR'~ BY ~'TRE CHIEF REGARDING F°IRE RAZ'ING Adminis°~~ator B~x~ch b~iefly rev~ewed a repm~t prepared by ~°a.re Chief Marsalek w~th referex~ce ~o °tk~e f~re xating for °the C~.ty and it was indicnted thcat the Engineer fr~m the Pae~f~c Fire Rating Bureau was impressed with the water system ax~~ ~~re hydrant system ~f the Ci°tyo PREiEN°~'ATI~N ~F R~ISED PROPOSED zONING ORDTNAI~ICE~GENERAL PLAN Copies of the ~ev~sed prc~posed Z~n~.ng O~dira~nce of the General Plan as prepared by Hahn, W~se and Assoc~ates, rnrere p~resented to °the Council for the~r s-h~a.dy and rev~ewm SEMI-ANNr1ALo' .TQIN°T°'MEE°a°II~G-~CI°TY COLTNCIL P, AND R, COMM, 10/25/57 On mo°t~or~ ~f Counc:ilman Schlegel,, seconded by Gounc2lman Bur°t, and unanimously carried, t1~e Semi-An~ual j'oint meet~ng o~' the City Council and °the Parks ernd Recrea°t~on Comm~.ss~~n vvcas set for ~0 30 P,M, , October 25°th, 1967 ~:n ~he Counc~l ~}nambersa as ~eque~°~ed by ~he Parks and Recrea- t~on Commiss~one ~he Counc~.l. ~eques°ted °~ha°~ °t}~zey rece~ve copies of the agenda p~ior °to ~the a.bove meet~.ng ~or °~lh~~r reva.eva, 1967 S[7MMER RE~REATION PROGRAM ''°V~IRAP [JP~a REPOR°3' °~he Counc~~. received cap~.~s ~f t]ae o°U~rap Up~° repo~~ on °the 1967 Sia,mmer Recre~u.1~~.~n Progrc~m fo~ ~the~x° s°~~a.dy and review and commented that ~°t vaas ~.~ra exce~~ar~~t progxam a~~l ~~epAx°~o RECEIVE BIDS ~1~ ~LbAS~A ROAD IMPROVEMEN°T PROJEC~ NO, 90~67-4 Admi.n~s°~~a~or B~,~ch a.dv~sed ~hcx°t bids }-iad been receivecl and opened at 2°00 ~,M, September 21s~, 1967 fo~ the H~asna Road Improvemen°t Pro- ject Noe 90-67~-4 and that as cill. ne~essa.ry r~,gh~ks-of-way had no°t been obtained at °th~s °time a,nd upon advice of ~1~~ City Attorney, it was a recommenda~io:~-~ tha-t this be held over ~.xn°~il the next meeting of the Counc~l, Af°ker Council discussi.on~ ~.-t Hras agreed that the awardi.ng of °khe con°t~act ~'or °khe improvement of He~asna R~ad no~t be acted upon until the rig~ts~o~-way had been acqu~:reds and if ~he rights-of-way are ac- quired pr~o~ ~to °~he nex°k regular mee°txng °~hat a special meeting be held for the purpose o~ awa~ding °the con~rac°te ACCEP°TTON OF° DEEDS ON HU'ASNA ROAD FOR S°Ta PURPOSES-GULARTE AND KOFAHL Af°ter Coaa.ncil d~.scu.ss~on, a mo°~ ~on was macle by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, thcxt the Grant Deeds ~rom Myr~tle V, Kofahl and Tony R, and Ida Mo Gularte, as to an und~vided ~ne half in°texest, and Joseph Gularte, as to nn un- divided one hal~ inte~est for stree~t purposes on Huasna Rond be accepted by the C~°tyo and ~~at °the Mayor arnd ~ity Glexk be authorized to sign the Certificate ~f Acceptance and that ~he deeds ~e ~ecorded, RESOLUTION OF TN°TENTIO~i-CHANGE OR MODIFY GRADES IN ~°ATR OAKS AREA . Admin~.s°trator B~a,tc~ reviewed -the procedure necessary to change or modify grades of" s°treetss and afte~ Council d~scuss~on, he resa,d the title of a Resolut~.on °to change the grade of c~°ky s~reets, thereaf°ter a motion vaas made by G~unca.~man Schlegel~ seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, ~o dispen~e ~aith reading °the balance of this resolutior~e RESOLU°~'ION NO e 767 RESOLU"TTON OF° °THE CI°TY COUNCIL OF T'HE CI°~Y OF' ARROYO GR~DE °TO CHANGE T'HE GRADE OF CI'TY ST°REE°TS ( SZ°REE'TS AND HIGHGIIAYS CODE SEC°TION 8021) O.n mo~k~on o~ Co~.znci~mcxn Lev~ne, seconcled by Counc~lwoman Thompson, and on °~he following rol~ cal.l vote, to va~t o t CITX COUN~IL SEP°TEMBER 26, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 AYES: Councilv~r~man ~'hompson, C~unc~.lmen Lev~ne, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None ABSEN"T : None the foregoa.ng Resolution was adop~ed °this 26°kh day of September~ 1967, DISCUSSION ON REALIGNMENT 0~ BRANCH ST.,GRAND AVEo-DIVa OF' H/W'S PROJECT °The Administra°tor reported tha°t the D~vis~.on o~" H.~ghways has sub- mitted for the C~unciles review and agprova.l a contra~°t agreemen~ whereby the City would acqu~.re the necessaxy right-o~-way needed for the realign- ment of Branch S~reet, ~'raffic Way and Grand Ave, in°kersec°tion, and recom~ mended that t~e Cauancil cxu~thor~ze hi~ing an app~a~.ser °to determ~ne the value of sazd right=o~'-u~ay gr.~o~ °~o °t}~e Council en~ter~ng said agreemen°t vuith the S~a°k~, A~~~r Gc~uncil discussion, on mot~on o~ Councilman Burt, seconded by Cauz~cilman S~}~1ege1, and u~anim~usly carr~ed, it was approved to hire Fred Gist to appra~.se °~h~ righ~t-of-way area necessary for said realigramen°k, w;i.~h °th~ cos~ of sa~.d apgraa.se~l not -~o exceed $300,00, On mo°tion of Caunc~.l~aoman °~homp~on, s~conded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously car~i~da C.i°~y P~tta~ney Shipsey ~,vas author~zed and in- s°tructed to prepare ~esolu~t.~on author~zing ths Mayor and City Clerk to sign a con~rac°t agre~men~ b~tween ~he Ci°ty arxd D3vision of Highways ~or ikhe ~ealignmen~t of Branc~ S°~~eet ~ G~and Ave o, Tr~.~f~c Way ~n~ter~ sect~on, PROCLAMATION NA"~IONAL HIGHWAY WEEK - SEP~'~ 24°kh ~'HROUGH 3Oth,. 1967 Mayor Wood pr~claim~d Sep~ember 24th ~througn Sep-~ember 30t1i, 1967 as Natzonal Ha~ghvaay HTeek ~.s reques~ted by ~th~ Sta,ts Division of Highways. PROGRESS REPOE2'I' ON SO. SI.YO COUN°fY SANITA"I'ION DTS~'RTC"T Ccapies o~' "the ~"z~s~t Annu~.l R~porir on the Apera°kioz~ of the Sani- ta~kion D~.s~ra~c~ ° s °~~~r~.~m~z-x~ p~,~zrr~t were s~bzn~t~ed ta the Gounc~l for in- forma~ic~nal purpos~s c~n.ly~ CITY ATTORNEY OPINION~RBQLTES~C'~O ABANDON AN EXISTING SEWER FORCE MAIN Administra~or Bu~kch read an opin~.on prepcxred by Ci~ty At°to~ney Shipsey advi.s~ng agcxir~st abandoning an ex~s~king sewer ~ine that was in- stalled ~.n cdnjunc~tiAn s~,r~°~h ~~e d~velogmen~t of °~rcxct Nae 186 and was no longer necessary c~s ra forGe linee A£ter Counca.l discussion it was the feeling °tha°t prior ~o approval ~or ~he reques°ked use of this ~a.ne, Mr, Bradford~ would ha~r~ -~o abtai.n wriltten consen~ o.f Mr, R~ No Lancaster, who s~ill ~e°kains a~i,nanc~cxt %~~texes°k in ~he 1in~, REPOI~T ON C I"'I'IZENS' ' y`"~O~t~RB53 FOR COM1v1iJNITY PROGRESS" PROJECT MEETING M~ m Niyro~ Az~d~rsr~z~ reported o~ °khe Ci-~i~ez~s ° PRCongress for Com- munity ProgressP" Pro~ect meetzz~g which was he~d S~ptember 25th~ 1967, and advised Mr, Judcke o£ Poci~ic Gas and E:L~ctric Company had attended the mee°ting and °there were foiaar meet~z~gs to be he~.d przor to the Congress for Community Pragress mee°k.~ng scheduled ~'or February, 1968, The next meeting of °the Citi~ens' group wi11 be h.eld Oc°kober 17th, 1967, with the place of inee~ting to be a.n~ounced la~ker. Mr. Aindexson also expressed his thanks a.nd appreca.~.t~.on to t~Ze City Council for their participation and interest in the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Gommerce, PROCLAMATION NA"TIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK-OCTOBER 8th THROUGH 14th, 19670 Mayor V~1ood pzocla~med October 8th ~through October 14th, 1967 as National Newspaper Week as requested by the Arroyo G~ande Herald-Recorder. LEAGUE OF' CALIF, CI°TIES LEGISLA~'IVE BULLETIN REPORT Adzni~istratar Bu~ch bxie£ly ~eva.~wed the I.,eg.isla~kive Bulletin, dated Sep~ember 20th, 1967, H~ghlighfis o~ 196~ Leg.islation Affecting Cities, and advised ~khat the Un~u~ Gas 'd"ax Ac~t af 1967, AB ~454, Chapo 1621, had passed which elemz~ates s~ka~ke coni~~ol o£ Gas Tax man~es a ADJOURNMENT Oz~ znr~tian af Ccaun~~lz~an Levine, seconded by Cou~ciltaoman Thompson, ax~d unan~mQ,asly ca~ri~d, °~h~ meeta.ng was adjou~ned a~t 9~43 P.Me , ATTES ° _ ~ ~~~~zr,- ~ GITX ERK MAYOR