Minutes 1967-10-10 4~~ CIT~.' COL~L~TC~L ARRO~''O ~R~1NDEe CALIFORNI.~ O~'I°~~ER lOt~o 1967 'I"~ae Ci.ty Co~~cil a~e~ i~ reg~zl.ar sessio~ w~.tk~ Mayor Wood pre- s~ding~ Upo~ x°oll calla Cou~.cilwoaaaan ~~*~ps~~,, ~~uncilz~aen I~~~i~e, ScYalegel a~d Bur~ repor-ted pres~s~z~~ PLoEDGE OF ALL~~IAL~TCE AND INVOCA'I°ION Ma~or Wood led ~he Pledge o~ Allegiar~ce ~o our flag; ar~d ~ inuraediate~.y tYY~..ereafter, Revere~.d Ro Lm Ar~tk~or~~o o£ t,~e G~~~arch God in ~rover Ci~.~, delivered .~~avoca~io~n APPROVAL OF MINUTES Z"k~.~ a~in~a-~es o~ ~he regular a~~eting of Sep~ez~~er 26tYa, 1967, were approved as prepared. . APPROVAL O.F G`TARRANTS A r~:batiora ~aas z~xade k~y ~o~anc.ilwc~a~~n 'I°~.ornpson, s~conded by Council ma~. Levi~ae, ~rn,d ~anarab~ously carri~d, ~~a~a~ Ge~eral Warrants No.202 to and i~cl~ading Noo2~6 in ~h~ ~o'~al ~~c~~ara.~ of $26, 206.00; and Pagrroll Warran~s I~~ to and i~c~Ludi~z~ ~To 0 4~4 ~.n ~he total amount of $9,643~6~0 ?~e approved a~.d ordered paids ~REASi3k~R ° S REPOR'~' FOR TI~E MON'~I-~ ~F SEPT'ENL'~ER ~.e T~~~.~~rer ° s Repor~ for ~~.e nnonth o~ September, 19C 7 was ~°ec~~~ed '~y ~~i~ Cour~c~l and ordered f~lede DEPAR'I°MEN'~"AL REPOR°~ ~'OR THE .M~NTH OF SEPTEMEER T~e Dep~~t~en~al Report for t~.e *~ontY~ of SeptemD~er, 1967 was rece~ve~. x~~r ~~e C~u~c~.l ~nd o~°dered filed. DISCL~SSTON ON PROP~OSED ANNEXAT~ON OF HiJASNA RDo NOo I AND BRIGHTON ST. A~~~~..ia~i,s~r~~or ~~~c12. adviszd t~.at ~.he s~aff had reported that tl~.~re are 1.2 rega,s~~red voters w~tY~in the boaandar~es o~ t~e prop~sed Fiuasr~~ Rdo No. 1 Aranpxa-taon whic~n wo~,zld req~,ire tkbat ~his annexation be processed as an inhabited annexation instead of uninhabited. A€ter Couracil dis~~ssion, it was agreed that the residents of the area be contact~d to de~ermine their feelirags regarding annexation to the City pri.or ~o f~ar~.her action being taken. C~~y A~~orney Shipsey advised t1~at a Resolution was pregared ~,vh~ch ~aao~ald ~a~i~iate proc~edix~gs to annex property referred to as "Brig~~on S~r~e~ Annexation". Attorney SYaipsey read the proposed Resolu~io~n ~~.roug~a i~s titl.e, thereupon a motion was made by Council- woma~ ~o~ps~no seconded by Co~a.nc~lrr~an Levine, and unanimously car~°ie~., ~o d~spense witY~ reading t~.e balance of this Resolution. RESOLUTION NOa 76~ A RESOLUTION OF TE~ CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA~TDE OF IN'1~'ENTTON TO AN1~X UNINHABITED TERRITORY KI~T~~n7N AS °'~RIGHTOL~T STREET AI~TNEXA'I°ION°' TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE O~ r~ao~..~.c~~. Couneilr~aan Levine, seconded b~r Councilwoman 'I'~~or~p~~x~, ~r~~:l. ~a~ tk~.e follow~ng roll call vote, to wite A~ES: Cou~.~ilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Sehlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood NO~S: None ABSEN'~: None the fo~egoixac~ Resol~.tion was passed and adopted this lOth day of Octaber, 1,967. PROGRESS REFORT - SAIaES T'.AX REVENL'E FOR SECOND ~UARTER OF 19Ca7 Admz~.istra~.~r Butch advise~ that. the Second Quarter Progress Report on. the C~.ty sales tax reven.~.e ]~ad laeen received indicating ~he revenu~ was louaer by a cor~sidera:~le a~nount ~or the same period in 196~, ]~u~ tl~a.,at there is a very good possibility that the revenue woul.d increase in the fu~ure. ~5~ CITY COUNCTL O~'~~~ER l00 19~7 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IFORNIA ~A~~ ~ REPORT OL~T REQUIREMEN`~S OF USE PE1~NI~T O~' ~HR~S~°~P,~'~ON CAR I.gOT~'I'RAFFZC WAY Administrator Btatch revievved co~di~~,o~~ placed o~-a Llse Permit No. 65-67 reques~ed by Mrm Dor~ald Ca Chx°istianso~., T~y ~.he City Couracil on August 22, 1967 reported ~~a~~ the staff had inspected ~he premises and all ~Yae c~~d~~ions we~°e being me~ at this time< REQUEST COUNCIL TO DECLARE CERTATN CI~°Y MATER~T~Ia SURPLUS Adminis~rator ButcY~. re~c~~ted ~h~t ~he various Ci~y dep~rfiments had submitt~d lists of material, tools and supplies ~hat w~re no longer necessary for City use and req~ested this material be disposed af. After discussian, ox~. ~otior~. of Councilman Levine, seconded by Council~voman Thom,pson, and unanimously carried, the following material, tools and s~.applies: Ore 1951 1~ ton ~~t:~rx~at~ional Truck, ~la~ bed dump One P~ in~ s~ra~r r2.~, w~.~el~;~.rr~~w z~oun~~~., used One Seam~.n ~a?i~er Qrne ~~a~~ir~anm Sa.nk, ~,~s~d One ~1a~.~r h~~t~r, 2~ ~~.~v, c~aa ~~,rner '~a~:~:e T~~a~ck tires IlUO 2~, used 'I'~,vo '~°o~l ~aoxes, on~ steel and ox~e wood '~'wo and o~~/hal~ ~ons scrap i~~n Oa~~ O~al.xd Blue Prir~t: Mac~.i~.~ Or^~e Ap~co '"Dial-a-nbatic a' Copa.er : O~.e Eclip~~ mower (real ~~pe) 25" - no engine ~rae L~:wn E~.ger, mfg. u~kr~own On~ O~~rdofer Pump for transmission,Power takeoff model were d~c3arec~ as suxplus and the t~.ane of 10:00 A.Mo, October 21, 1967 was s~~ a~ t~ae date of sale, with said z~ta~era.al to be on display at ~he Cor~oration Y~rd ~a~~il tka~t ~ime . ESTABLISHIN~ SPEED ZONES ON HALCY'ON ~pAD Mrs. Froelic~ was present~ an~ reques~ed the Council enforce speed zon~s oa~ Hal.cyon Road, advising that she felt the fast traffic was a definite h~zard to school children who used the crossing esta- blished to serve the Margaret Harloe School. Adaninistrator Butch reviewed ~ report submitted by Police Chief Richardson which recom- mended tha~ spe~d zones be re-es~ablished. Af_~er discussion the Council agreed to accept the reco~~ndation of the Chief of Police and au~thorized a larger size "School" sign be installed on Ha1CXon Road for ~e~ter visability and 25 mile p~er houx speed zone be painted on the S~reet.` City Attorney Shipsey read a Resolution in its entirety providing for speed limi.ts on Halcyon Road. R.ES~JLUTTON NOa 769 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDTNG FOR SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN POk2TI0~1'S OF HALC~ON ROAD. On motion of Councilz~an Schlegel, seconded b~r Councilman Burt, and on t~ae fol~owing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Coun.cilmen Levine, Schl,egel, ~ Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregaix~g Resolution was passed and adop~ted this lOth day of Oc~ober, 1967. GEN.DISCoON STA7['ETnlIDE UNDERGROUL~TL~ING UTILITIE~S CONFERENCE-11/29 tq 12/~./67 ~dmin.istra~or Butch advised t~hat a notice has been received inviting th.e Gi~~r Offa.cial~ to attend a Sta~ewide U~derg~ound,ing Utilities Conference ~hat is bein.g' jointly sponsored by the League of Cali~ornia ~a.~ies, ~he California County Superva.sors Association, and ever~r u~tili~y in the State. Planning Commission Chairman McMillen was presen~ az~d ..ir~i.c~.~-ed t?~a.t-. Commi.ssioners Srt?ith pr Porter might _ . . 46Q _ GITY COULVTC~~ ~+~:'~°~~ER 10~~i, 19~7 ARROYO GRANDE, ~JA~I'~°ORi~IA ~'P~~~ 3 be interested ~n at~ending th~s co~~e~°f~~.~:ea vv~~ :als~ ~~re~d -that tY~e no~.ice of tl~~e conferer~~e :~e~~r~~d ~o ~h~ Dowra~owra Arroyo ~rande Mer~Y~ar~~s Assoc~a~~oTM~ de~erm~n~ ~hey wer~ interest~d ~n hav~.a~g a represe~.~~~~,~~ a~.~~ndo Af~er disc~ss~~a~, on rnatio~. o£ Coun.cilworaaan 'I°~nonapso~, s~~~r~ded by Co~racil~aan Lev~n~, and unanimou~ly carried, it was ~.pg~ro~~~ ~?~a~ two represen~at~ves of the City at~erad the Statewide LTxnd~rgro~~nd~a~g ~Ytiliti~s Co~afererace at the Bil-~~or~ Hotel, in Los Angeles, ~Eroas~ Nove~l~er 29t1~e 1967 to December lst, 1967, with the cost for bo~~ no~ to exceed $200,d0o RECEIPT OF T967-6~ TAX RATES AND ASS~:SED VALoUATIONa SLO COUNTY Co~ies of ~he 1967-68 Tax Ra~e an~1 Assessed V~luation of San Luis abi~po County as prepared by -the Coun-~y ~,uditor and Controller were rec~ive~ b~ tYae Council for ~xa~orm~at~oraal ptzrposes only. ACCEPTAI~TCE QF" I~~'ELZS ON HUASL~TA RDe~°OR S'I°oPURPOSES-COLE, TKEDA,AoGoHALL A C. A~ter Co~.~c~l discussio~L, a~ot~~?~ w~as a~rr~de ~~r Council~,aoman Thonlpso~;, s~c~nded by Councilrr4,a~. Lev~a~e, ~xad. ursi~n~.mously carried, tha~ the Gr~a~~~ D~€~ds fro~ Willard R. amd Dorothy Eo Cole; Arroyo Grande Ha~l Associa~i.on; ~nd Sa3~~ro Ik~da fo~ stre~~ purg~ses on H~a~asa~a R.oad ~e ~.~cep~ed b~ t~e Ci~y, a~nd ~,~aa~- t~e Nlayor and City Clerk be ~~!-~~rn,or~.~ed ~o s~gn the ~~~~ifi~a~~: ~f A~cep~arnce and that the d~eds r~~orded. ATnTARD :L~]CD ON k~L~ASNP, ROAD TMPROV~NII,~N'~ P120~EEC'~° I~TOo 90-67-4-Mo Ja HERMRECK INC o Ad.~~.~is~ra-~or But~YYr, re~iewed tYaat bids had been received and opene~. at 2: ~0 PaMo Sept~ssi~er 21.s~, 196"I for P~oject No.90-67-4 and t~aa~ aw~r~.~~a~ of t~~ b~.d ~l~.ad be~~. l~eld ~ver u~nt~l a11 necessary rights- of--wagr ~~d ~een o~tainedv Bids w~re rece~t;ed as fo~.lows m R.I-~.$eeck~aa~, 111 Los Osos Rd., San Luis Obispo, Calif. $34, 508.22 A.~7'.D3aa~.i ~onstr. Co., Inc. PoOoBox 63E~, Santa Maria,Cal. 38, 726.45 Harnns Bros 5261 Stockton Blvd. , Sacramen-~oe Calif . 3 7, 479. 30 M.JoHermrecko Inc., P.OoBox 217, Nipomo, Calif. 32,424.20 Sanchez Bros, ~nc. 1230 Mission Dr., Solvang, Calif. 33,390.57 A. Sanchez Constr., PoO.~ox 204, Santa Ynez, Calif. 32,687.57 J. F. Sunderland, P.OoBox "T", Arro~ro Grande, Ca1if. 39,150.73 Ted Watkins Cons tr . Co .,~ncm, P.O.B~ 1380, San Luis Cl~ispo, Calif. 3 9, 541. 80 After Cour~cil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Cotnncilman Burt, and un.ani~ously carried, that the low bid as submitted by MvJ. Hermreck, 3nc. in the total amount of $32,424.20 for the Huasna Road Im~provement Project No. 90-67-4, be accepted arnd tl~~ contract be awarded effec-tive as of October 20, 1967, and th~t -~I~ne Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract document on bek~alf of the City. REPORT O~N ~NTEN'~ION TO CHANGE OR MOD~FY STREET GRADES IN FAIR OAKS AREA Admirnistrator Butch reported that the posting of notices had been coanpleted in the Fair Oaks Area as required to change or modify the s-treet grades, and that the property owners will have approximately 30 days in w~ai~.'Ya to present their writ~en protest to the City. Admini strator Butch briefly outlined the procedure necessary to complete establisl~ing the proposed grade changes and read a news release which will be publis~a.ed to clarify for the public that construction is not mandatory at this time but that establishing grades for future improve ments of tkae streets. and the alleviation of drairnage problems is the basic purpose of the grade changes. SLO CO. WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE-MINUTES OF SEPT. 6, 1967. Minutes of the San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory Committee for their meetin~ of September 6, 1967 were received by the Council and ordered filed. Administrator Butch advised that the regular meeting of the Advisory Comn~i~ttee for Oc~:ober had been can- celled and the next meeting would be Yneld on Novem3aer 7, 19670 STATUS REPORT-SO. S.AN LUIS OB35P0 ~OS.TN'I'x SANITATION DISTRICTo The Council received, reviewed, and thereafter directed to file, a copy of the Treatment Plant Operator°s report for the month of Septemkaer, 1967 and the Quarterly Report of Revenue and Expendi- tures for tl~e Sanitation District. -3- CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER l0a 196~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALYFORNIA FA~E 4 HARVEST FEST'IVAL COMMIT~'EE ° S APPREC~~"7~°~ON Q~' ASSIS'~"AL~1"~E Mr, Richard Blarakenburg, repre~ea~~,ia~g -t~e Arrogro Grax~de Harvest Festival Coma~aittee, thar~l~~d ~he Council fo~ t1~e City ° s assis.tance and part~cipatiora d~.r~r~~ ~~a.s ~ears fes~a~vala PROCLAMATION - FIRE PREVENTION WEEI~ - OG`I`~BER ~-~..4a 1967 Mayor Wood proclaimed October ~~.hro~gl~ 0e~ober 14, 1967o as National Fa~re Prevention Week as req~.es~ed by Fi~°e Chief Marsalek. REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL FOR PERM~SS~ON TO BE OUT OF' S'I°1-~TE On aa~otion of Counciln~an ~urt, seconded by Co~ncilwoman 'I°~aompson, and unanimou,sly carried, the request o~ Councilman Schlegel for per- mission to be out of the State of California from October 25, 1967 to November 15, 1967, was approved and authorized. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON CITY INTEREST IN FORMING MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DzSTRICT Administrator Butch reviewed for the Council that there has been no recent action in for~ning a Mosquito Aba-tement District and that any further development in this regard should be instigated by Grover City as they had made the original request. DISCiJSSION ON CHIP SEALING PORTTONS OF VARIOUS CI'I0Y STREETS Aclniinistrator B~.~tch advised that araonies to ~iaintain city streets 1~.ad been budgeted and as the City Darector of Public Works h.as reco~ended that this chip sealing be done pric~r to the rainy season, i.t was requested that the Counc~.l determine if this maintai- nence wprk be accomplished by City crews or by contract. After dis-' cussion., it was the direction of the Council that this work be accomp- lished k~y city forces and not to exceed the budgeted amounts. ADJOURNMENT On a~,otion of Councilnnan Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:21 P.M. ` ATTEST: ~~f~~2~ R~'~~ Ci Clerk Mayor -4-