Minutes 1968-01-09 CI°~Y GOUNCIL ~7ANUARY 9~he ~968 ARROXO GRANDEA GALIFORNIA 'T~~ G~.~y Counc~l met zn regular sess~on w~°t}~ Mayor UVood pres~.d~ngo Upo~ ~olZ call, Councilrnroman Th~mpsona Gounc~.lmen Levine, Schlegel and Bizrt rep~~~te~ presentm PLEDGE OF" AL,LEGIANGE AND INVOGA'~IO~V M~,}ro•r bVood led the Pledge o~ Allegiance to our flag; and immediately thereaf°~er, Reverend Bil~ Goins o~ the Assembly of G~d Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINU~'ES The minu~tes of the regular meet~ng of December 12th, 1967 and the re~zalsc~ ael~ou~ned meeting of December 19th, 19~i7, were approved as preparede C2P WARRANTS ~~°t3.ox~ was made by Co~nca.lwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman L~v~~a~, ~nd una.n~mously carried, tha~ General Warrants No. 469 to and in- 9~~~.~~~~ ~dt~. 528, ir~ the total am~unt of $42,863.45; Payroll Warrants Nq, 75~ and ~.ncluding NQ. 8$9, in the °tatal amount of $21,932e09, and Trust ~.nc~ Ag~ney N1a,rx~.nts No, 377 to and includ~ng Noe 387, in the total amount of $100.t~0,, be approved and ordered paid. °TREASURER.' S REPORT FOR THE MON°TH OF DECEMBER ~'he '~~easu~rsr" s Report fo~ the m.onth of December, 1967 ~nras received by ths Couz~c~.l~ da.scussed, and carder~d ~iled. DEPAR~'MEN°~AL REPOR'T F°OR ~'HE M~JNTH OF° DECEMBER ~'he Depcax~znez~~al Re~da~°~ ~'c~r °~he znonlth of December, 1967, was received by tlae ~ounczl, d~.scusseds a,nd o~de~red f.~led. M[7~1ICI~'A~, GODE AMENDMEN"T DISCUSSION ON BLTSINESS LICENSE FEES ~~e~C~axn~~1 discussed the ne~d for an increase in the fees now being ~ c}~a~ged fox busizaess licez~ses and Mayox Wood read aloud a letter received fxozn °k~e DQwntown A.rroyo Grande Merchan~ks Association protesting the pro- posed bus~ness l~.cense increcxse and ~equesting that the Council, delay act:~on °ko all.ow both the Council and ~he Merchants sufficient time to make a more c4znprehensive study of the prop~sed increase. Several Merchants from the Downtown Area were presen~t also and requested the Council take no action at this time as other mean.s of ob°~aining the necessary monies might be determined af~ter further study nnd increas~.ng the business license fees would create a hardship and ha.nder the proposed development of the business d~str~ct. A~ter Council discuss~.on, at was agreed to discuss the proposed business l~cen.se fee increase afi the meeting of February 13th, 1968, and tha°t no a,c~fon be ta}c~n at ~hi,s time. PU~LIG HEARING-CURB GU~'TER INSTALL,-CORNWALL, BELL, ALDER, PECAN C~ty Adminis~krator Butch rev~ewed those areas of Cornwall Ave,, Bell Stree°t, Alder S°k~eet and Pecan, S°kreet in which curb and gutter installation ~aas proposed, and also the pro~edu~e to be followed in the use of the 1911 Ac~ (Shor~k ~'o~rm), Aftear be~ng assured by C~°~y Clerk Miller that the properties had been pos°ted and ~rhe prop~~ty owners notified as required by law, Mayor Wood declared the pro°test ~-aeaxing open and any person for or against the in- stnllation o~ concreite curbs, gutte~s, and driveway aprons on portions of Corntn~all Ave.s Bell Street, Alder Street and Pecan Street by use of the short assessment district procedure, would now be heard, The Council ad- ~ra~sed Mr. English where ~he installation would be on Alder Street, and ad- vi.sed Mr. Ga.lbert Morino tha~ the proper°ty owners could make the installa- tion ~khemsalves. The Counc~l also ~nstructed the City Engineer to place a s°ta}ce show~ng the stree°t grade a~t the driveway of 1079 Fair Oaks Avee, as requested by Mr, Frank Maritin. T'here being no further discussion for or agains~r the propased ir~stalla~t~on, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. A£~ter Council discussion~ on mc~~tion af Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc,~lman Levine, and uncxna.mously ca~~a.ed, the ins~allation of curbs, gut- ters, cxnd dr~vetnray aprons by use o~ lkhe 1911 Short Assessment District Act on po~~~.ons of Cornwall Ave., Bell St,, Alder Street and Pecan Street was ap~roved and °khe D~.rec°kor of Publ.~c Works was instructed to proceed with ~khe ix~s-kalla°kion. CIT~ ~0 ~IL ~ANUARY 9th~ 1968 ARROYO GRA1vDE, GALIFQRNIA ~AGE 2 LEAG~E OF GALIFe CITIES REP~RT-DIS~R~~~~ION OF CIG~R.ET~~ ~AXES TO CITIES ~dm~nistxator Butch advised th~t L~~gue o~ ~a~~f~~~~a Ci~~es ~ad notif~ed that the ~resent c~g~.~e~te ~~x ~even~e is d~s~r~b~~ed C~ties on a formula based on sal~s ~ax re~~n~e and ~he League ~r~posed the dis~ tribution ~e based on ha.1~ sales ~ax ~even~~ and ~~l,f populatio~ ~or a more equ~t~ble div~siane After ~ounc~~ dzsc~~~~~~o on m~~.~~n Councilman Burt, sec~nded b~ ~ounci~man SchlegelA ~nd ur~~n~m~usly carr~edg ~he Ci~y Adminis- tra~~r was ~nstructed ~o wr~te ~o ~he Leag~e of C~l~fo~n~a Citiesa and notify them that th~s City was in ~avor of the C~garette Tax Revenue being distributed to C~ties on a half sa~es ~ax ~evenue and h~lf population basis, ~EQtIES~ BOARD OF SUPERVTSORS ~O PERMI~ SERVI~ES REo MUNICIPAL ELECTION City ~ttorney Shipsey read the t~tle of a Resolut~nn requesting the K~ ~~p~rvisors of San Luis Obispo Coun~y ~o perm~t the County Clerk ~.~N~a~~~ ~peci~~ed services ~e~~t~ng ~he Gene~al M~n~c~pal Election, ~~~~~upor a mo~.~on was made by Go~ncilwoman Thomps~n, seconded by Councilman ~~~~ne, and u~an~mously car~~~da~o d~sp~nse w~~h ~ead2ng ~he balance of R~~~lu~ion. RES0~I~T~ION N~e ~~8 A RESOLLT°aC"ION Q~ `~°H~ ~I~'Y COLNGII~ OF °THE GI°TY OF ARRQY~ GRANI28 REQL~ES~~NG '~'I~E BOA1~D OF SUPERVISORS OF °~iE COUN~'Y C?~ SAN LUTS OBISPO T'O PERMI'T TFiE CQt7N'~"Y GLERK Q~' SA.I~ ~a~d~d~'Y ~'0 RENDER SPECIF°IED SERVTCES_ '~"fiE CI:°°~'Y O~ ARROXO GRANl3E, RELATING ~'O '~E GONDU~"'~' OF° 1~ GE1~T~RAL MUNICIFAL ELE~'I°ION T°0 BE HELD TN SRID CI~'Y ON A.PRI:L 9th, 1968 0 On m~~:~oz~ c~~ C~~unc~ ~.ma~ Leva.ne, s~ec~nded by Go~~n~a,lwoman °Thompson, and on ~Ihe ~01 ~.~~tnt.~n~ zol.l call v~~e, ~?a `nri t a A:YESo Gora.nc~,lr,a¢aznan ~°hamps~n.o Grunc~~men Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood< NOES: None, ABSENT': None. the fo~egoing Resol~°kion was passed and a.dopted th~s 9th day of January, 1968. CALLTNG MLTNICIPAL ELEC'I'ION ON Al'RIL 9~h, 1968 C~ty A.t°toxney Sha~psey read ~he -~~.°tle of a Resolution cnlling for a Municipal Elect~on to be held on Apr~l 9th, 196$, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc3lman Burt, and unanimously carried, to dispense ~rai°kh reading °~he bc~.lance of thas Resolutione RESOLLT~'ION N0, 779 A RESOLLJ'.I'ION OF ~'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRUYO GRP,NDE, CALZFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NO~"ICE OF ~'HE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC~'ION T'O BE HELD IN SAID CI`TY ON 'I°iJESDAY, THE 9TH AAY Of" A.PRIL, 1968, FOR THE ELECTION OF CER- T'AIN OF"FICERS O~ SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF° °THE LAWS OF `THE STATE OF° CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES, Ori mtstion ~f Councilman B~a~t~ seconded by Co~nc~lman Schlegel, and on the following ~ol~. cal.l vote, ~o tia~°t: AYES~ Counc~ltaoman ~°h~mpson, Councilmen Levin~~ Schlegel, ~urt and Mayor Wood. NOES. None, ABSEN`T, None, the foaregoing Resolu°tion was passed and adopted th~s 9th day of January, 1968. 48~~: CITY COUNCIL ~ANUARY 9tho 1~68 ARROYO GRANDE~ ~ALT~ORNIA PAGE 3 ES°TA~LISHING WAGE SCALE ~R ~96$ ~LDBLIC WORI~S PRQ~E~~' ~t;~,-~~r A~°torney Shipsey ~ead tl~e ti~le a Re~~~..u~~ti~x~ ado~-t~rxg ~~he Gene~a~ ~'revailing Wage Scale, there~spo~ a~, mo~ion vaaas mcxde by Go~.nc~.~man Schlegel, secmnded by CQUncilm~an Bu.r~a ~~cl unaraimo~z~ly ca~~~.edo ~o dis~ pense ~rit?a reading ~khe balance o~ ~h~~ ~~s~~~~~~no RESOLU'~'ION NO. 780 A RESOLUTION O~' °THE CI"Y"Y ~OUNCIL OF 'THE ~I`TY pF ARROYO GRANDE ADOP"TING THE GENERAL PREVAILm ING WAGE SCALE. ~z~ ~ca~~on of Councilwoman °~hompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, ca~.r~ ~~a fallowing roll ca11 vo°te, t~ wi°t: AYES. Gou.nc~lwoman '~hom}ason~ Gr~~zncilmen Levine~ Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Woad, NQES ° IV~one . ABSENT: Nax~e. the foregcaing Resal.~zition ura.s pca.ss~d and adopted th~.s 9°~h day ~zf January, 1968. ' NO~'I~E Q~' V1IESTERN t1NION "~ELEG~APH ~O. ~ROPOSEL TARIFF GHANGES C~~ai.~s of nata.c~ o~ a ga~opc~sed °tariff increase vvh~ch }~sad been filed by the Wes~erz~ i.D'r.~az~ T'eleg~cr,p~ ~oo wi-~h ~he Public [T°~~,li~y Commission were subm.~,~°~ed ~o t~?e CAaxnc~.l cxs ~rbfvrmcv,t~.on only. F~EQUES°J.` Q~ HEAL°I'Fi DEPT. RE- GOMMI'Z'~EE ON COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING C~~~xespc~nder~ce was rece~ved fx~m ~he Acting County Health Officer r.eqxa.e~~t~ng our Cd °ky ~ko par°~ic.~po.te in t~e form~.tion of ~ Steering Commit- ~e~e ~m ~~mprehensiv~e h.ealth plann:~ng, by appo3nta~ng a representat3ve to serve on the Committee. Af-~er Counci.l discussion, Administrator Butch was requested to contact the Health Offa.cer to determine if he wanted the represen~tative to be of the Meds.cal or Social professions and report back to °the ~ouncil. NO'~ICE OF° FOR~~I~OMING COUN`~X DEVELOP. CONF'ERENCES - 2/2/68 to 4/4/68 Adm~nistrator Butch repor°ted tha°t no°tice of the Third Annual County Development Conferences had been received advising that this year six seperate meet~ngs would be condu~~~ted w~th the final confe~ence being held on Apxil 3rd, 1968 at Cal P~ly. BLDG. DEP°?', YF•1r,,R-END REPOR'T ON SIGN CQDE EN~ORCEZuIENT Adminis~trator Butch reviewed °the report submitted by the Building Depar°tment regarding the Sign Code Enforcement which indicated that all signs °that were in violation of the Sign Ordinance at this time had been aba~ted except one, which should be moved in the near future as the busi- ness no longex exists. REQUES°T OF PLANIVe COMM. FOR JOINT STUDY SESSION ON NEW ZONING MAP-1/16/68 Adm.~nistrator Butch advised that the Planning Commission had requesfed the Council meet with them in Joint Study Session to discuss the proposed zon~.ng ma,p on Januaxy 16°hh, 1968. Af°ter Council discussion, it was agreed that as the zoning map was a Pl.anning Commiss~.on func~ion, and this would be the first study session, that members of the Council would attend the meeting as spectators and not participate in the discussion at this time, and tha.°t after the proposed map had been submitted to the Council for its ~ study, a jaint study session could be held after both groups held seperate study sessions. RECOMMENDA"TION FROM PLANN. GOMM. TO CHANGE HUASNA ROAD TO LOPEZ ROAD Administrator Butch advised -tha°k the Planning Commission had, by adoption of Resolut~on No. 68-87~ recomznended to the City Council that they consider and approve tha~ the por°t~on of Huasna Road within the Gity be renamed to Lopez Road eind recommend this change ~o the San Luis Obispo County Pletnning Comm,ission and Co~znty Supervisors for the portion of the road that is vaithin the Co,un~ty jurisdiction. During Council dis- cussa~on, Mrs. Edna Ro~nte, 830 Huasna Rocxd, and Mre Jack Johx~son, 998 Magnol.icx Drive, who raere present, protested the street name change, as 4~~ CITY ~QUN~IL ~P~'IJARY 9~~0 1968 ARROYO GRANDE ~ CAI.9T~'t~RNIA F'~1G~ 4 they fslt °~1-~~ raanne H~zasna ~aaas o~ ~re~y c1e~'~..~a~~e }~a.~s~~~~~~.:i~ v~.~~,e ~~i~ G~.°ty, 'The ~~aun~~..l ~ns°~ra~~~ed t°~e ~~~~r Admin~s~a~~~c~~ t~ t~ ~~~rx~y Plan- ning ~~mr~~ss~o~a cie~e~m~rxe ~hey ~re~~ pY~.nn~.~n~ ~~y ~~acl n~.m~ c~~rages in con~u~c~~~ra s~a.°th Lop~z Da.m~ ar~d repo~~ ]b~~~C °~o °~he ~~~~~~~1 at 1~°t~r zn,eetm irz g . PILQ°~ S`I'REE~' TREE PL~IV~'ING PR~GRAM II~' `~Rll~~' 28~ ~ GI~'I~ENS ° PAR~'~~IPATION Admzn.istra°~ox° Bu~tc}-z repo~°~eda as in~~rma°~~on ~n~Lyq ~l~at res~den°ts of `Tract 282 w~ulcl ~ns~t~gate °~he P~1o°~ S~~e~t '~'re~ P~~~Y~~.~g P~ogram by p~a.r~ chas~ng stxee°t t~ees vshich wo~ld be plan°~ed ~ncl ma~n~a~ned by Ci~y F°~rces, Proper°ty owrzers on Magnolia Dr~.v~ were p~esen~t and ~re~e advisecl th~,~ th~s pr~~ram was s~tr~ctly volun~ex~y. ~??~EI.,IMINARY A, G. BASEBAL~, ASSOC~A'T~~ & BASEBALL COMFLEX :~~~~.~s o~' a. regort or~ -~h~ pro~o~sed A.~~oyo G~ande B~seball G~omplex vver~ ~~~~~.ved by °the Counc~l cx~d ~ev~~~,aaed,, as ~n~d~m~~i~n ~anlya As this ~azcEplex was pl~n~~d °~o be es~ab~a.~'~a:ed ¢~n °~he 40 ac~°e ~~rc~l of land on Elm ~s~ar~~c~ by °~h~ ~~~y~ °k~e C~7.;~z~~~,~1 ~¶,~~°~h~~ st~dy ~nd considera°tion shc~uld be ga~vex~ °~his a.~ea ssa °~h.~ 'l.r~~d c~~.~d be devel~~ed best serve -~he G~it~zer~s e~~d ~h~ ~rhol.~ C~°~}~, Adm..~z~~~~t~~~o~ B~fi~}~ r,a~~ ir~s~~~.~~~°~c~ ~~x~~a~~ C~~ Pa~ly and ask plan~e~ng c~~ °~k~.~.s prs~pe~r~y ~~~as.3,~T be ~~~~~n.~ed ~m °~3~z~ s°~~~ea~~s as cr. possible s°~~d~n.~r ~~~v~ec~o and ~.n ~~lae ~r~~-~~~,zn tc+ ~~a,~°e ~he Ci°~y s~a~'~ prepa,re a, plo°t plccn ~,nd~wc~~:~n~ °~he vah.ole ~~~a c~,~d ~~es n~va ex:~.s°~~r~g tor su.bmission to the ~~,~~z~;~~.. as sa~xi as ~r,ss~.b:~~o m~'~~ ~~~r~~~.1BS stu~dy ~,nd reva.~~aa and ~'c~r ~]~~e C~~.xxr-iu.~:1Bs assis°~~,~°,.~~ °:~n °~F~e p~~~~.s~ plann~ng af °~}a~.s ar~aa RECEIVE BIr~ ~~T ~IRE ~OSE P,. ~G.~I~GF'~Ela ~'~°EM _ ~e.__.__ ._~..s C.,a~ty A.dm.,~za~s~~~°ko~ ~~.~~h x~po~°~~~ ~7a.cz°t inf~~znc~.1 b~ds had be~n received c~n 50~ ~~~t ofi' 2 2~z~ch h~se ~,r~d ~300 ,~e~°~ o~ T. z~n.~h hose, a Fire Depa•rtment B~.ad~~°~ed I~~m~ a~ ~o11~a~nrs ~ Wardlawa ~ire Eq~ipme~°k Compax~y $ 823 0 50 A.ib~o F'~re Equa.pment C~mpa.ny 869.00 Ame~scan Rubber 872,00 ' Western F~xe 874000 L, N, ~u~~k~.ss ~ Son 888,00 After Council disctassi~n, c~ m~°t~on w~s made by Counc~.lman Levine, seconded by Co~,nc~lvaoman Thompson, asnd unanimorzsly ca~ried, ~hat the low bid 'of Vlf~.xdlcxw Fire Equipmen°k Company 9~n ~t~e °to°ta7. amoun~t ~of $823 0 50, be a.ccepted, as rec~mmended by t~e ~~.~e ~hze~. REQUES'~ OF" DIVo O~` HIGHWI~.YS~RE~...:INQUISHMF'N`~ OF° CERTATN FRON°TAGE ROADS Adzni.n.~s°t~ator ~u°tch adva.sed °tha°t °the Div~.s.ion of H~ghways has informed us tha,t they uw~u~,d la.ke °~o ~ela.nquish c~~tain frontage roads to the City °khat we~re n~t acc~~~ked when °th~ ~~eewccy was cons°~ruc~ked, as °the w~.d°th of the frontage x~oads tntas n,ot suff'~.ca.ea~~ a~ ~hat °tim~, Af°~er Counc~l discussion, on mo°k~on of Counc~lwoman 'Thompsona seconded by Counca.lman Levine, and unani- mously ca~r~ed, ~°t was approved ~or °~he Ci.ty °to accep°t a section of frontage r~~.d near °~h~ ~o•+.x1t~ end of °Tra~,£a.c Way and a small parcel at the end of Ve~non ar~d ~~anch St~eets, val~en r~l.~nqu,~.shed by the Division of Highways, when s~axch pa~~els have be~n ~znp~~ved by °the State ~o City spec~fications, as re~ommended by the Direc~o~ o~ Pu~b~.ic Wo~ks. PROGRESS REPOR°~ ON I-~UASNA ROAD CONS°I'Rid~TION - CHANGE ORDER NO< 30 C~~ty Enga.nee~ Gara~ng read a, ~epc~r~ px°epared by Di~ector o~ P~zblic Works Andersonp iz~d~ca~ing ~ha~k 8Q'/ t;Nze construct~on project on Huasna Road has been ccampleted and tha°k ~ity ~~rces Gould repa~x °khe areas °khat ~ailed due to excess vaa~t~r a.n the base ma~ex°3.a1 and °the Gontrac~to~ could repave the failed r~rea of r~pprox~.ma°~ely ~..T00 sq, ft. at an app~ox~.ma°~e cos°t of $486°00. Af*er Gouncil d,~sciassi~no sc mo°ta.on wa~ macle by Coia.ncilman Lev~.ne, seconded by Counci lwoman '~hompson~ a.nd unan~moazsly carr~edp approva.ng that City Forces repex~r °~he fa.iled are~as on Huasnct Road tnr~.th °khe cos°k not to exceed ~350, 00; and appr~v~ng H~a.~xsaaa R~~cd ~mp~o~reme~°~ ~hange Order No, 3, for the xepaving o~ 1~00 sq, ~'°~4 ~oad w~th -khe cos~t n~~t to exceed $136,00, 48~ G ITY COUNC IL ~~1N~d~1R~ 9~'H o 19 68 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA P11GE 5 REPORT ~N I~A.LCYON ROAD AND T~iE F'II~E INZ'ERSE~TION A~min~st~ator Butch p~eser~~ed mc~~ ~f the ~.n°~e~sec~,~.~r~ at H~lcyon Road and The P~ke and reviewed ~h~.~ ~~~s ~,~a~e~se~°t~~n ha~ been dangerous because a£ °the lack of s~ght c~~~~e~~u~~ ~;~~~gh~ on by °~he h~gh zn~~xz~d of dir°t on the norfihwest corner of Ha~cy~n R.~e~cl ~'h~ P~keo Mr, Bu~ch also ad~ v~ sed tha~ ~i~th °the consent o~ ~:he ~r~~per~ty owner ~~i~y f~rces have widened the wes-~ shoulder area. approx~mcxtely 5~eet for a pedes°~r~~n wa.lk o~f of the pavement area and obs~~Ta.c~gons °~a h~~~~on°tal cxnd ver~ical s~gh~ dis- tance, by removal of a garczge~ fence aa~d ~S~gh bankm T`he D~recto~ of Public ~nlorks had also recommended t~hat °~]~e Co~nc~l g~ve serious cons~.deration ~n developing this section of Halcyon Road from Z'rac°t 282 °to °'~"he Pike as a :~Y..r ~~caject to el.imina°ke the ha~ardous int~rsection o WR~~T~z~ REPOR~ ON LOPEZ VITA"~ER C~1N"?"RAG"T' S~B]~I:GATION A sax~:~kten report ~n. L~~ge2 ~l3~,1~e~ ~on~ract Ob1~g~°~~.~n was received :~y t~~ ~~zxz~c~.l, discusseda ~a~d ~»rde~ed f~led. ~~QLiES`T ~'O CAL~L FOR BIDS ON C~E.I~~V~iV~ A~TD PAIN~'TNG RESER.~C~IR N0. 2 ~ A~m.~r~ist~ats~r B~atch re~a~°~~d, ~a~a.ns and spec~,~~c~°~ions have been prepaY~d fm~ the sandbl.~as°~~ra~ ~rnd p~.~z~~~..xag o~ Reservo~~ N~, 2, and that the D,~~ec~e~~ P~:~.b1~.c W~~ks ~s ~~q~est:~~c~ ~?a~~ ~niaa~c~I ~uth~a~~ze advertising £or b~ds, A~'°t~~ Councs.~ d~s~~;:ssai.~~p ~n m~~~orn of Cw7urn~~.lman 5chlegel, secc~a~d~d by ~~a~.~aci7Lman Bu~~~: a~aA.d eaz2~.~a~m~a~as~.y car~~.ed, thci~ a~agroval and au~h~~s.~~.~,~~n be g~v~n °~o ~(x~.u'!.. .~ea~ ba~ds S~.ndb~~s~~~ng axad Paznt~ng of Rese~~~a.~~ Nta, 2, P~ojec°t I~T~o ~0•-~8 a sazd b.~ds °t~ be aperaed Febrtxary 7th, ~968 2.00 P.M, zn the G~~xx~i.T. C~~m~.~a~~s o~ °the A~r~yo Grande C~ty Hall, ~R~~RES~ REPORT ON S~J. SLO ~~3~N~"Y SANI°~A'TION I3IS~RIG°I' ~~r~~~i1 received~ rea;~~wed~ ~.nd thereaf°ter dire~ted to file, a c~gy ~-ihP "~'~ea°~men°~ P'lc~n-~ (2p~~~°*~r s rep~rl~ for the momth of Decembe~r g ~~6' and ~he qua.rterly F'~~ar~c~~~ R.~~~rt, SEWER LINE ABANDONMENT REQUEST ~ MqD. BRADFORD - KEN MAR TRAILER PARK Correspondence was recexved ~~om Ga~ing, Taylor and Associates,Inc,, as agent forc Mr. M. D. Bradfo~d, reques~king that the City abandon the exis~ting force main loca~ted along °~he sou°therly line of Mr, Bradford's p~cope~cty so °that he may use ~]h.e l~n~ c~.s a owner mainta~ned sewer lateral, and a~t°~ac~ed °to the lette~ was a w~~°~°ken authorization to use the sewer l.~ne s~gr~ed by R, Pts Lanca.stera °~~e developer of Tract ~300 186, who pa~d for °th.e sewer. ~ns°~alla°fi~on, Af°te~ ~o4.xncil discussion, t~he City Att~rney was ~~stru~°~ed to pr~pare t~e necessa~y ~resolu°t~on f~r the abandomente REPpR'~ Q~d FIRS`~ MEE"d'ING O~' C~UN'~Y ViTI~E AREA PLANNING COORDINA'TING COUNCIL ~ No°~,~.~~ca~:~~n has been rece~~r~d ~fia°~ t}~e Fi.rs°t Mes~t.~ng of County iN~.de Area Plann~ng Coord~na~~ng C~u~~c~l had been °ten°tat~vely set for F°ebr~a,ry 6th, ~968, and more de~`.~n~~~ ~n~~rma°t~on w~ia.ld be received a°t a late~ da°te, AD~70URNMEN°T On mo°~~on of Councilman Lev~.ne~ seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimo~zsly carried, the mee°~~a~g ~,aas adjourned a°t 10e46 P,Me , A`~T`ES ° ~ _ C CLERK ~ MA OR