Minutes 1968-01-23 48~ CITY COUNCIL ' ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA JANUARY 230 1968 The City Council met in regular ~~ssion with Mayor Wood presidingo Upon ~oll call, Councilwoman Thompsono Councilmen Levineo Schlegel and Burt reported presen~. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor-_Wood led ~he Pledge of Al~egiance to our flags and immediately thereaft~r, Reverend John Warren of the ~ssembly of God Church of Arroyo Grande d~livered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 1968a were approved as prepared. APr~~~4,"I~~., C3F WARRANTS A rlotion was made by Councilwoman T~hompsona seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, tha~ General Warrants Na. 529 to and including No. 580o in the total amount of $270619o61e Payroll Warrants Na. 890 to and including No. 94b, in the total amount of $9,961~45; and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 38$ to and including Nov 477, in the total amount of $1,006.00, be approved and ordered paid. FIRST ANNUAL CABLE TV REPORT - CENTRAL C01~ST COMMUNICATION"CORPo Mr, Arthur Hapgood o~ KSBYo represent~ng the Central Coast Com- munication Corpora~ion repor~ed to the City Council tha~ Cable TV ~n Arroyo Grande has been revi5ed and ~mproved and that ~he current in- stallation charge is now $29.95. Mr. Hapgood also aclvised the Council that Cable TV ins~.alla~ion ou~side of the City Limits would have to be negotiated through the County and would be on an individual basiso REQUEST FROM ACHIEVEMENT HOUSE RE: FEE-EXEMPT LICENSE Administrator Bu~.ch notified that~ a le~~er had been received from Achievement Housep a non-profit organization, requesting a fee-exempt license to conduct a business at 133 East Branch Street. Mr. Butch also advised that the owner of the building had agreed to make corrections to the building as required by the City Building Department. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, it was approved that Achievement House be granted a fee-exempt license to conduct a rummage thrift store business in the old Atkinson Building, et 133 E. Branch providing the requirements of the Building Department had been conformed with by May 1, 1~68. REQUEST FROM CONGRESSMAN TALCOTT RE; A FEDERAL BUILDING CODE Council members had received letters from Congressman ~urt L. Talcott re~uesting their reaction to a Federal Building Cpde imposed nation-wide by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Administrator Butch reviewed a report from the Planning and Building Departments which stated ~.hat they felt that the City had nothing to gain by Federal entrance into the building control field. After Council dis- cussiono the City Administrator was requested to write to Congre~sman Burt L. Talcott advising him that this City generally opposes a Federal Building Code ~hat would supercede the Codes enforced by the City. LETTER FROM PISMO BEACH CITY COUNCIL RE: HIRING OF SO. COe ECONOMIC DEVELOPER ~ Administrator Butch advised that correspondence had been received from the Pismo Beach City Council"'suggesting setting up a meeti.ng be- t~r~en the three South County Cities in order to formulate plans and a program on the hiring of a qualified person to represent the South Courity in promo~.ing and inviting light industry to our area. M~. Butch reviewed that the South County Economic Develapment Committeep of which Marvin Hartwig is a member, was also promoting industry for the a~`ea, and Colonel Ben ,Tacobs, who was present, advised he had been at their last meeting and they were very enthusiastic about Pismo $each°s proposal. After Council discussion, City Administrator Butch was requested to write to Grover City and Pismo B~ach Ci~.y Councils to determine if they would be w~ling to meet with the South County Economic Development Committee, wifih a meeting date to be set at a later time. _1_ 4~~ CiTY COUNCIL JANUARY 23~ 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 APPOTNTMENT OF CIVIL DEF°ENSE COORDINATOR ~ COLONEI. PHILLIP Eo SNYDER a Administrator Butch notzfied tl-ie Councilo for informational purposes onlyo that the County Administrator°s Of~ice had no~.ified the City of the appointment of a full t.~me Civil Defen~e Coordina~orQ Colonel Phillip E. Snyder. REQUEST OF HEALTH DEPT~ RE: COMMITTEE ON COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PLANNING Administrator Butch advised tha~ Dr. Kusurno~oo Acting County Health Officer, had suggested a layman interestecl in health be appointed as a representative to serve on a S~eering Committee on comprehensive health pla~ning. After Council discussiono Mayor Wood appointed D~°o Gil Freitas to serve as the City representative on the Countywide Steering Committee on com~Zreh~nsive health planning. ANNU.AI~ GASOLINE PURCHASE - CALL FOR BIDS Administrator Butch briefly reviewed ~.he voluntary cooperative purchasing program for the purcha~e of gasoline for the three cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pi~zno BeaCha After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel~ seconded by Councilman Bur~a and unani- mously carrieda tha~ approval an~ authorization be given to call for bids to supply gasoline for the three C~ties from March 1, ~968 to Fe~ruary 28g 1969, said bids ~o be opened February 210 1968o at 2 p.m. in the Council C~hambers of ~the Arroyo Grande Ci~.y Hall, NOTICE FROM LAFCo, RE: PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ANN~Xm TO PISMO BEACH Administra~or Bu~ch adv~sed the Council that notice had been rece~.ved from the Local Agency Formation Commission that a Publ~c Hearing would be held on Thursday, ~ebruary 8~ 1968 at 10 A.Mm on the proposed annexaf.ion ' of Pisma Heights to ~he Ci~y of Pismo Beach. NOTICE FROM LAF°Co. REa PUELIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED OCEANO I~NNEXATION TO ARROYO GRANDE Administra~or Butch advised the Council that nota.ce had been re- ceived from ~he Local Agency Formation Commission that a Public Hearing would be held on Thursdaya February 8e 1968 at 10 AaM. in the Board of , Supervisors Chambers, County Courthouse on the proposecl annexation of Oceano to the City of Arroyo Grande~ and that as of this d~te the Executive Officers° r°ecommendation had not been received. _ NOTICE FROM DEPTo OF FINANCE RE: NEW POPULATION ESTZMATE OF 7,625 Administrator Bu~ch advised the Council that notice had been received from the State Department of Finance that the new population estimate for Arroyo Grandeq as of December l0 1967~ is 7~625 which is a gain of 125 persons from 1966. Mr. Butch briefly noted the cost of the estirlnate was $200 and the estimated increase revenue would be $1800. NOTICE OF FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AND CITIES AREA PLANNING COUNCIL Administrator Butch notified the Council the first organizational meeting of the San Luis Obispo County and Cities Area Planning Coordin- ating Council wi11 be ~held on February 6, 1968o in the County Courthouse Conference Roorn at 1:3~ P.M. ancl it had been requested that two Council members be appointed as a representative and alternate representative. After Council discussion9 Mayor Wood appointed Councilman Levine as rep- resentative and Councilman Schlegel as a].ternate rep~°e~entativeo to serve on the Area Planning Coordinating Couneil~ . . . . . r I~~TTER FROIyI CI'I'Y OF COMMERCE RE; DISTRIBUTION OF CIGARETTE TAX Admin~.strator Bu~ch reveiwed a letter received from the City of Commerce w~ich reported that ~hat City would lose a large portion of Cigarette Taxes under the new proposed distribution formul.a that the Cigarette Tax Revenue be distributed ~o cities on a half sales tax revenue and half population as suggested by the League of Cal~fornia Cit~esm " ~ -2- CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 23a 1968 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLUTION RE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR NUCLEAR POW~R PLI~NT IN SLO COo ~dministrator But.ch advised ~ha~t Pa~if~c Ga~ ancl E1ect~°ie Company had requested that ~the Ci~.y adop~, a ResoTution r~que~t~ng ~he A~omic Energy Commission to grant Pac~fic Gas and ~lectric Company a~onstruct~on permit for a nuclear power plan~; ~n S~n Luis Obi~po Countyo which would be presented by the Chai~°man of ~he Boa~d of Superviso~~ to ~he A,tomi~ Energy Commission a~ the hearing ~o b~ he~d F'e~rua~°y 20~ 1968 in San Luis Obispo~ After Council. discu~siora~ Admini.~~:rai~or Butch read the title of a Resolution regarding a Nucl~a~ Pow~r P1an~ in San Luis ~bispo County, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconcled by Councilman Sch~egel and unanimou~ly carried~ ~o d~spense wi~l~ read~ng the balance of th~s resolution, RE~OLUTION NO, 781 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION GRANT PACIF'TC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANy A CONSTRUCTION PERM~T FOR A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN SAN LUI~ OBISPO COUNTYp On motion o~ Councilman Levine9 seconded by Counci~woman T~hompsong and on the following roll call vo~e„ ~o v,ri~w AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Counci~men Levineo Sch~egelP Bur~ and Mayor Wood. NOES: None. ABSENT~ None~ the foregoing Resolu~ion was passed and adop~~d this 23rd day of January~ 1968. DISCUSSTON RE: PLAN CHECK FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Administrator Butch reviewed a report from the City Planning and Building Departmen~s requesting the Council consider charging a plan check fee for res~dence homes„ a~ Grover C~~y and Arroyo Grande are now the only two cities in ~he County that are not charging such a fee. After Counc~l discussion9 i~ was agreed that further consideration be given this mat~er and no ac-~ion be ~aken at this time. DISCUSSION RE, PAYP-!IENT OF CANDIDATES STATEMENT FOR 1968 MUNICIPAL ELEC- T I ON Administrator Butch reviewed ~:hat with the forthcoming Municipal Election, candidates for o~fice can prepare a statement of 1.50 words or less about ~heir abili~ya educa~.ion and background which will be mailed out to the vo-~ers v,~i~h t~he sample ba~lots and ~ha~ the Council has the option ~o require payment from the cand~dates or have ~he City pay the cost. After Council discussion, on motion of Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burtq and unanimously carried, it was approved that ayment for candida~.esB s~a~ement~ for ~.he Municipal Election to be held pril 9, 1968, would be paid for by the City of Arroyo Grande. OTICE OF APPLICATION: RADIO PAGE~ CENTRAL COAST BEFORE THE PUC Administrator Butch advised notice had been received of an applica- t~on to operatea being f~led by Radio Page Central Coast to ~he Public Utilities Commission. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVIC~ "STREAM BED PROJECT ENGINEERING DESIGN" Copies of the Soil Conservation Service "Stream Bed Project Engin- eering Design~~ had been submit~ed to ~.he Council for their study and review along with a r~port prepared by the City Planning Director ad- vising the Park and Recreation Commi,ssion has approved the project and recommended it to th~ Council for approval. Administrator Butch advised that if the eouncil approves ~he project it. will be turned over to the Sta~e Soil Conserva~ion Engineer and ~h~~k ~khe cost of the project was estimated to be $250Q. After Council discussion9 on mo~ion of Council- woman Thompsonp seconded by Councilman Ijevine, and unanimously carried, that the Stream Bed Project Engineering ;~esign be accepted and approved as presen~ed. ~9Q CITY COUNCIL ~ANUARY 230 ~968 AR.ROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAG~ 4 RECOM.t~2ENDATION ON FOUR ISLANDS THAT WILZ BE CR~ATED WI'I°H BRANCH STREET REALIGNNIENT lae~minis~rator Bu~ch repo~~ed ~hat wi~h ~he reaLignm~~.~ a~ Branch Streeto four islands wi~l be crea~ect and ~hat ~he Park. and Re~~°ea~ion Commission has recommended that ~h~ Ci~y Council. reque~~ t~he nec~5~ary permission and apportionmen~ from ~he D~.vi~~on of High~aays ~.o ~~~m~~ the City to landscap~ and main~aln ~Yiese four area~o After Council discussion, on motion by Councilman S~:1~~i~ge~., ~econded by Counci~man Levine, and unanimously carried~ it, was approved tha~ t~he n~cessary permission and apportionmen~ be reques~:ed from th~ Division of H~ghway~ to permit the City ~Q landscape and ma~.ntai~. ~he four ~sland~ ~Yiat will be c~°eated with ~.he Branc~h Street realignm~nt. PARK ~ECREATION COMMISSION_R~QUEST_FOR ~OINT STUDY_MEETING REo ELI~1 ST~°c~ET PROPERTY v~~ ~ ~drr~inistrator Butch repor~.ed t.lzat the Park and Recreation Commission a~~ rpc~u~sted a joint ~~ucly mee~.ing wit.~h t~he Council on either the 14 or 21 of Februaryo ~968. Mr~~ Nevrell S~.rca'~hero Park and Recreation Commis- sion member9 was pr~sent and advised that the Commis~ion felt their position should be clar~ifieci r°egard~ng planning of 'the Ci~y owned E1m Street proper~y and ~he Ci~y in generaL> Af~er Counci~ discussiono on motion by ~Councilw~orr~an Thompson~ s~~ond~cl by Coun~i~,man Levine, ~nd unanimously carried~ it. was app~°oved ~~ha~ ~he Coun~il and Parks and Recreation Commission mee-~ ir~ join~t. study ses~ion on February 1.4~ 1968 for the purpo~e o~ discussing t~he disposition of ~.~he Ci~.y owned Elm Street proper~.y~ ar~d ~he planning o~ parks in general. PROGRESS REPORT_-LO~~Z WATER SUPPLY R.EPORT F'OR DECEMBER~ ~96"7 A progress repo~-t for ~he mon~h of De~~mbero 196°~o was rece~ved from the San Luis Obispo Coun~y FYood Control and Water Cor~serva~.ion District ancl wa~ r~viewed and ordered filed, RECEIPT OF MINUT'ES OF` COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMIT'Z'EE MEETING Copy of minu~es of t~he Coun~y Wa-~.er Resources Advisory Comm~ttee Meeting for the mon~:h of Decemb~ro 1967n were received by t,~e Council and ordered filed. REPORT BY DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR_RE_ 4~lATER_REQUIR.EM~NTS FOR GENTRAL CALIFORNIA COAST ~ ~ ~ City Administrator Bu~ch advzsed that a repor~ by the Department of Interior wit,h reference to Wa~er Requirement.s for ~.he Cen~ral Calif- ornia Coas~al P,rea had been rece~ved and ~:ha-~ ~~h~ s~udy ~~hows ~hat under mo~t. favorable as~ump~ions, ~he n~~t wa-~.er requ~reznen~~ exceeded the availabLe ~upply by 450000 a~.re fee~. annua7L ~~t in ~965. DISCUSSION ON DRILLING OF WATER WELLS INSIDE_CITY O~` ARROYO GRAND~ Ci~ty Admini~~ra-~or Bu~ch no~.ifiedi~he Council tha~t most ci~.i'es require a permi~ to dr~ll a well by an individual inside th~ City limits and copi~s of an ordinance of t-.he C~ty of Paso Rabl.es regu- lating,wa~er we11 drilling was discussed. Af~e~° Counci~ cliscussiono i~ was agre~d that ~he County Hydraulic Er~g~neer be contac~ed ~o determine ~his opinion~ on th~ Ci~y regula~ing water w~~l drilling and that no action be taken by t;he Council a~ ~~hi~ ~.imeo ORAL PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH SAN LUIS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Bu~.ch repor~ed tha~. t.he opera~.ion of the Trea~.ment P~_ar-~ has greatly impro~ed9 v,rit:h odors be~ng broug~ht under control and that the opera~ion o~ ~he system is now v,~orking in conformance with its design. DISCUSSION ON FORCE SEWER MAIN AND LIFT STATION TO TRACT NO~ 186 Administrator Bu~ch revi~w~d that a reques~ 1~ac1 been received • for the Ci~y ~o abandon the existing force main ins~talled in conjunction with Tract No. 186 and tha~ the City has now received a letter from Mrm Nick Lancaster°s att.orney indicating that Mr9 Lancas~~r, who originally paid for the sewer line and lif~. sta~ion in~tallat~on be given some~~~~~ consideration for the 1~~~ s~a~ion which is no longer in u~e~ Mr. indicated that. the sewer line and any appurt;enances become ~he prop- erty of the City w~hen accep~ed by the City in the maintenance and operation of sam~ bu~ that.~he woul.d recommend this ma~~.er be referred _4_ 491 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 230 ~968 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAG~ 5 ~.o the City Attorney t.o de~ermine if Mro Lancas~era~ request wou~.d affec~ the City's abondonmen~ of ~~he sewer l~r:~~ After Council dis~ cussion, t~his matter wa~ referred ~o ~he Ci~y At'~o~neya PROCLAMATION: NURS~R.Y EDUCATION W~~~a-I"1ARCH ~'I"HROUGH MARCFi 90 1968 i~Iayor Wood proclaimed Marc~h 3~Yirough Ma~°ch 9~ 1968o a~ Nur~ery Education Week a~ reques~ec~ by ~he PremScl~oo~ A~~ocia~ion of Californ~am SEWER AND WATER SERVICE TO MCKELLAR BU:~LDING ~N BARNETT S"~'REET City Admini~trator Bu~ch rev~ewed a r~p~~`~ from the Dire~tor of Pub~lic Work~ regarding water and sewer se~~~ce ~o ~~he new McKellar building on Barne~t S~treeta which ou~~~nec~ ~,~ha~ ~he cos~, of extending these ssrvices to tlze property fron~age wo~~ci b~ prohib~~~vem The ~e~c~z ~~~sc~ stated ~~he proper-~y could be ~~rved ~rom Oak S~ree~t by .ur, i~~~i~ar ob~.aining easemen~s f~om adjacen~ property. Counczlman Bur~ and Counciltaoman Thompson ~~a-~ecl ~hat as they had a po~sible conflict of intere~~,; ~hey woulc~ r~o~ par~ic~pa~.e in t~he discussion and ac~ion on t.his ma~.~er~ Af~er Council discussion, a mo~ion was made by Councilman Schlegel~ seconded by Counczlman Levine,, and carrieda permission was granted to permit t~he Medica~ Building to be seva~red by connec~.ion to ~Y:e exist~ng main on Oak Street on an eas~men~t to be ob~ained by the property o~aner over Lo~~ 249 25, and 26 0~ B:1o~k 6 of Western Addif.ion, and ~he water to be a~.emporary service on a~.ine ~o be ex~ended from Oak S~.ree~. on a n ea sement t,o be ob~a in~d by -~~he proper~ty o~rner , sub~ ~c~ to a deposit of $29~ s 66 ~o cover ~.he taater main cost for his proper~y ~ront.age w~hen a water main is in~~alled on Barriet.~t Stree~~ a~: w~hich time ~.he proper~.y owner will reloca~~ t~he wa~~r servi~e to his proper~.y frontage at his own expense~ PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - TREE COMMITTEE REPORT Admini~tra~or Bu~ch presen~.ed a~report from the Parks and Recreation Commission Tree Commit~ee which ou~.lined a tree planting program for Grand Avenue from ~he freeway to Halcyon Roado no~ing that 44 (carrott- wood and hibiscu~) trees would be planted in this areao This is a budgeted item of th~ Parks Departn~en~ m PERMIT TO HOLD THREE PUBLIIC DANCES AT THE AMERIGAN LEGION HALL - REQUEST OF MANUEL COELHO ~ Adma~nis~ra~.or ~utch advised ~~ha~t Mrv Manuel Coelho requested per- mission ~o hold public dances a~ th~ American Legion Ha~.l, 417 Or~ha~°d Avenue. Mr~ Coelho has formerly ~held public dances at the Arroyo Grande Hall Associa~ion at. Branch and Huasna Roadm After Council dis- cussion~ a mo~ion was made by Councilman Lev~neo seconded by Council- woman T~hompson,, and unanimously carr~ed9 tha~ ~he reque~t of Manuel Coelho to hold public dances a~ t~he American Legion Hall at 417 Orchard Avenue be approved for t~he ~holding of ~.hree public dan~eso January 270 February 3~ and ~ebruary 10q 1968--subjec~ ~o the payment of the appropriate fee for said dance~; ancl that Administra~.or Butch write le~ters to the neighboring residents asking their general feeling about the public dances being held at the ~merican Legion Hal1 prior ~o an ext,ended license period being approved~ CONGRESS FOR COMMUNITY PROGRESS - ON~ DAY CONFERENCE ON FEBRUARY 3a 19~8 ~ Admini~~rator Butc~h reminded the Council tha-t t~he Gongress for ;~~~ruununity Progress (one-day conference) will be held F`ebruary 3~ 19680 from 9 A~M~ to 3 P,M, at the Arroyo Grande High SG1~oo1 (Valley Road Campus). Mr. Lyle Carpenter will be the master of ceremonies. Pacific Gas and Electric Company plans to ~how approximately 200 slides showing accomplished community progress in o~her areas. 4~~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 230 1968 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 COUNCILMAN :~~I,EGEL GRANTED PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM STZ~TE FEBRUARY 25 T0 MARCH l, 1968 Councilman Schlegel asked permission to be out of the S~ate of California from February 25 ~o March l0 1968o A mo~ion was made by Mayor Wood, seconded by Councilman Bur~ and unanimous~y carried, that Councilman Schlegel be gran~ed permission ~o be out of the State o~ California from February 25 ~.o March l0 19680 ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by CounciTwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting adjournecl at T0:00 PaMm , ATTE S " ~ , ~ - CI T CLERK Nlp, R _6_