Minutes 1968-02-13 CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 130 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular ~ession with Mayor Wood presid- inge Upon roll calla Councilwoman T~oznp~on, Councilmen Levineo Schlegel and Burt repor~ted presenta PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flaga and immedi-~ ately thereafter~ Reverend Stanley Durham of ~the Firs~ Southern Baptist Church of Grover City delivered the ~nvoca~ionm APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of January 23a 19680 were ap- proved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRAN.TS , . A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsonq seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, tha~ General V~arrants Noo 581 to and including No: 637, in the total amount of $19~C06.37a and Payro~l War- rants No. 947 to and including No. 1017 in ~he ~otal amoun~ of $11,551.03, be approved and ordered paidm LETTER REQUESTING REFUND ON BUSINESS LICENSE-MRmDONALD Le BISHOP Ci~y Administrator Butch read a le~-ter received from Mr. Donalc~ Ls Bishop requesting a refund on h~s busirzess l~cense due ~o financial difficulties he had ~.o c~ose his business after a period of approxi- ' mately one month and had paid $20~00 fo~° a l~c~nse for ~.he year of 1968. Admini~trator Butch advised the Council that the existing ordinance had no provisions allowing for refunds. On ~he advice of City Attorney Ship~ey9 no refunds could be made at this -~imem Af~er Council da~s-~ eussiona on motion of Councilman Burto ~econded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, the request of Mr. Donald L. Bishop ~or a refund on his 1968 business license fee be d~nied a~ no provisions were made ~.o allow such refunds and City At~orney Shipsey wa s instruct- ed to prepare the necessary documents ~to amend the existzng busines~ license ordinance to allow the City Council to permit refunds on busi- ness licenses at their discretion. LETTER OF TNVITATION FROM LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Administrator Butch read a letter received from the League of Women Voters inviting the Council to a~tend a conference on Community Improvement in Economic Development ~o be held in Los Angeles on Wed- nesday, February 21, 1968 from 9 A.Ma un~il 3030 PoM. and briefly re- viewed ~he program to be conducteda TREASURER~S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY The Treasurer°s Report for the mon~h of Januaryo 1968a wa~s re- ceived by the Councilo discussedo and ordered filed. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY The Departmental Report for the mon~h of Januarya 1968, was re- ceived by the Council, discussedo and ordered filed. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT DISCUSSION ON BUSINESS LICENSE ~EES Administrator Butch reviewed that an increase ~n Business License Fees had been discussed at the regular mee~ing of ,7anuary 9th, 1968, with representatives of the Downtown Merchants Association and that the Merchants had requested th~ Council give them time to study and review other means and methods of securing n~cessary funds to cover a portion of the Lopez Water Contrac~ Obliga~ior~s, Mr. T. A. Rutherford, representing the Merchants Associa~k~on~ was present and suggested that instead of a flat increase that the base charge for business licenses be increased by fifty percent (50%) and ~he rate charged for employees be adjusted the percentage necessary to raise the additional fundso as the Merchants felt this would be a more equitable increase. Mr. Rick Lee, Mr. Wiley Robert~, Mr, Boggia and Mrr pon Curzon, merchants of the downtown area, requested that the increase in license fees be designated as a Lopez Water Contrac~. Charge, with termination of the increased fees to coincide with ~he termination of ~he Lopez Bonds and if Lopez water rates are decreased du~-ing the contract period that a decrease be applicable to business license fees alsoe 49~: CTTY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 130 1968 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORNII~ PAG~ 2 City Attorney Shipsey ~aid he v~roulcl in~e~~igate tY~e~e po~sibilitie~o After Council eliscu~siona on mo~~o~: of Co~ncilman Le~rineo ~econded by Couneilwoman T~omp~ono and unanimau~ly ca~°~°iedo the Ci~y 1~t~torney was instructed to prepare an ordinance ~o e~~ablisl~ new busir~e~~ license fees for the base paymen~ and payment ~o~ ~mploye~s on an ~qualized percentage incr°ease ancl to establi~h pro~i~ions ~ox° ~he lower~ng of these fees when and if such clecrea~e ~s fea~~bl~o REPORT ON FIRST CITY-COUNTY AREA COUNCIL PL~,NNTNG MEETING Councilman Levine reported on the fir~~ meeting o~ the Ci~y- County Area Council Planning stating tha~, ~ix applications had been presented and approvecl by this Board of whicYi one was -tlze Ci~y of Arroyo Grandees application for overall sev,yerage of the C~tyv Admini- strator Butch reported that he had talked w%th a representa~ive of HUD and that he had indicated ~.hat upon receipt o~ ~the approval by the Planning Council the nece~sary application fo~m~ for a P"ederal Grant for assistance in the installation o~ ~evaer ~runk lines v~ould be for~ warded to ~.he Ci~y for completion and subrr~iss~on ~.o ~he ~eclera~ Agency, LAFCO ACTION REGARDING OCEANO ANNEXATION Mayor Wood reported ~he Local Agency F'orma~ion Commission had held a public hearing on the proposed annexa~ion of tlze Oceano area to the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande anc7 had h~ld o~f any ac~ion for 70 days pending the resubmit~tal of the proposed annexa~~on indicating a recom- mended boundary changeo c~eleting farm ]Land southerly of the Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks. Mro A1 Baughman and Mrm E1liott Rosenfeld, who were present stated they were in favor of a consoTidation of the area instead of an annexation, and Mr~ Baughman indieated he would contact the Council°s of Grover Ci~y anc~ Arroyo Grande ~o ascertain their feelings regarding the holdi~g of a joint mee~ing between ~he three areas on ~.he tentative date of March 13tho 1968, The Council stated they would be in favor of such a meeting. REPORT ON FIRST ANNUAL CONGRESS FOR COMMUNITY PROGRESS MEETING Administrator Butch reported that he felt the first Congress for Community Progress meeting was outstanding, and had attracted a great deal of Ci~.izen interest and that a committee will make a formal pre- sentation of the various recommendations in the near future. REPORT AND DISCL?SSION ON SOo COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Mr. Marvin Har~wig~ represen~ta~ive of the South County Develop- ment Associationa was present and reported to the Council that the support received from the people of the South County area was very encouraging. He also reported ~~heir ~ncorporation papers had been approved as a non--profit organiza~ion by ~.he State and tha-t the co- operation between this organization and the County Economic Develop- ment Association has been very good. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING YIELD AND BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS Administrator Butch revi.ewed that ~khe Director of Public Works and the Chief of Police had requested traffic signs be placed on various streets for traffic safety. After discussion, City .Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolution regarding installation of traffic signsa thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 782 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF "YIELD°' SIGNS AND BOULEVARD STOP STGNSB On motion of Councilman Levirae4 seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call votem ~o wita AYES: Councilwoman Thompson~ Councilmen Levine. Schlegela Burt and Mayor Woodo NOES: None ABSENTo None the foregoing Resolution wa~ passed and adopted this 13~h day of FebruaryB 1968. CITY COUNCIL F~BRUARY 130 1968 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLUTION GRANTING PQ Gm & Ea EA~~M~N~ OV~R LAND USED BY BRUSH POPPERS Administrator Bu~ch reviewed ~hat permission had been granted ~o the Brush Poppers to install po~~r o~ ~he five ac~es o~ned by t~e Ci~y on the Mesa and lea~ed to them and ~o~ such i~~~al~a~~on ~o be ~ade an easement to Pacific Gas and El~~~~~~ ~o~ ~ou~d now be necessa~y. After discussiono Ci~y Adminis~~ator Bu~ch read ~he ~i~le o~ a R~solu~ tion regarding an ease~en~ ~o Pacifi~ Gas and E~ect~ic Co~~ ~hereupon a motion was made by Councilman Levine~ ~e~on~~d ~y Council~oman Thompsono and unanimous~y car~iedo ~o di~pen~~ ~~th reading ~he balance of this Resolution. RE~OLUTION NOm 78~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC~L OF ~HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRANTING AN EASEM~NT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO STGN AN ~ASEM~NT DEED IN ~AVOR OF PACIFTC GAS AND ~LECTRIC COMPANY~ On mo~kion of Councilman Schl~g~l~ ~~~onded by Counc~lman Burto and on the following roll ca~l vot~, ~o wi~o AYESm Councilwoman Thompsono Gouncilmen I~~v~neo S~hlegelo Burt and Mayor Woodm NOES: None ABS~NTe None the foregoing Resolu~ion was pa~secl and adop~~d this 13~h day of February, 1968. LETTER FROM COUNTY PLANmCOMMmREo PUBLIC HEARING FOR ROAD NAME CHANGES Administ~°ator Butch read a le~~.er received from t~he County Plan- ning Commiss~on which advis~d ~hat: th~y will have a pub~.ic hearing on Marc~h. 13tha 1968o to consider roac~ name chang~s in ~h~ vicin~ty of Arroyo Grandeo pax°ticularly with reference to Huasna Road. Mro Butch also noted that this hearing was t1-~e result of the City of Arroyp Grande°s requesting the Coun-~y no~ify the City of their inten- tions in the naming of County Roacls acl~ac~nt to the City.> REPLY FROM SENATOR GRUNSKY RE: BEACH CLOSURE Administrator Butch advised a reply had been received from Senator Grunsky roting tha~ Mra va~ii~a~ Penn MottO Jr., ~he Director of Parks and Recrea~ion for ~he S~ate, will meet wi~th ~he locaT people on February 15th, 1968 wi~h reference ~o beach cTosurem Councilman Schlegel advised tha~ ~he meeting wouTd be held at 1;30' P.M, in ~.he Veterans Hall in P~smo Beachm AUTHORIZE COUNCTL TO ACCEPT CORRECTED DEED ON DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Administrator Butch advised ~hat ~he Director of ~ublic Works had requested that the Council accept a corrected deed on the Car Corral Parking Lo~ which would include more of Mr. Bill Szni~h°s property that was excluded ~rom ~he original deed. After Council discussiong a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsono seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carra.edq ~hat the Deed of Gift from William R. Smi-th and Roberta I, Smith ~o correc~. a Deed of Gift recordecl as Document No. 3727, on February 18tho 1966o be accepted by the City, and tha~ the Mayor and C~ty C1erk be authorized to sign ' the Certificate of Acceptance and ~hat ~.he deed be recorded. APPOINTMENT OF CITY ADMINTSTRATOR TO LEAGUE OF CALIFoCITIES COMMITTEE Administrator Bu~.ch advised the Councilo as inforrrbata~on only, tha~ he had been appointed to the League of California Cities Com- mittee on Water Quality Control and Solid Wa~~e Management, DISCUSSION RE: LICENSE TO CONDUCT A DANCE AT AMERICAN LEGION HALL Administrator Butch reviewed that the Council hada at the last regular meeting, granted a~.emporary permi~t ~.o Manuel Coelho to eon- duct dances at ~he American Leg~on Hal.l on Saturday evenings and that letters to ~he people in the neighborhood request~ng some ~ype of feeling on ~h~s matter had been sen~ ou~m Mr. Bu~ch advised ~hat questionnaires had been sent to eigh~ res~den~s of ~.he area and that four residents indicated that they did no~. wish ~he dances to be con- 4~~ CITY COUNCIL ~EBI~UARY ~~0 1968 ARROYO GRANDE o CP~LIFORNTA PP~GE 4 duct~do on~ agreed to ~.he dance~ w~~Ya ~°e~~rva~ion anc~ ora~ ind~~a~ecl that tYiey would approve the dan~e~ if ~h~ a~~a v~a~ ~ept c~~an and if there ~ras no noiseo I~~ter Council c~~~~u~~ior~o a n~o~,ior~ ~aas made by Councilman S~hlegelo ~econded by Coun~~~.zr~an Le~~n~m anc~ unanimoc~~ly carried, ~.o re~use the issuanc~ of a B~~~a~~~~ Li~en~e ~o Mr,~ Coelho to operate a dance a~ the Ameri~an Leg~or~ Hal~ anc~ ~ha~ M~a Co~~lzo be advi sed he would have ~o f~nc~ anot;l~.~~ ~~ca~~°n ° AWARD BID ON SANDBLASTING & PAINTING Ft~S~I~~70IEt NOo 2o P1~OJEG'I~ 60°°~i8~1 ac~m~nistrator Butch revie~red bids ~hat had b~en recei~aecl ar~a opened at 2v00 PaM. on Fe~bruary 7~ho 1968 Projee~ Nom 60~68~loand that bids were received as follo~aso Um S. Tank Coo $100178000 PmOoBox 2127o Montclairea Califz $lr}~545000 Spence and Sullivano Inc. p.0. Box 427a Gardena, Califa $~69~30Q00 ~ Re-Hue Co,a PoO. Box 429o San Fernando, CaTi~o ~~o6~~,m00 Maino Construction Coo PvOo Box 1347o San Luis Obispo, Ca~.~~o After Counc~~ discussiona a mo'tion wa~ mac~e by Co~un~ilman Levinea seconc~ecl by Counci~woman Thomp~on~ and una~a.~ou~~.y ~a~°ri~d~ ~ha~ ~he low bid as submit~ed by Maino Construc~~or~ Go~pany~ ~r~ ~0~~1 amount of $7~6Y5m00 ~or ~lze Sandbla~~ing ancl Pain~;%ng~ of an ~xi~~~ng 1"I~~~ion Gallon Domestie Wa~er Tank, Project Na~ 60d68~~o be acc~pt~d and the contract be a~aardeclo and tha~. ~the Mayo~ ar~d Ci~Y CYerk be authorized ~o ~ign the contrac~ documen~. on ~e~hal.~ o~ ~l~Y° FURTHER DI SCUSSION R~ a DRILLING CF` TnTATER V~T~LS INSIDE THE CITY Admini~~trator Butch reported tha~ he had cor~~acted tlze League of California Citi~s ancl tlze San Lu~s Obi~po Coun~y F1ood ControY Officer regarding t`he ques~.ion of dri~~ing of water v,rells within the City limi~s of Ar~°oyo Grande9 and tl~at he had not had sufficient time to make a comprehensive report of the material received. Mr~ ButGh advised he would have a report prepa~ed for the Council°s information . and ~°eview at the meeting of February 27~.ha 1968. a-~ which time County HydrauTic Engineer Mr. Born woulcl be in a~~endance a~. tha~. CounciT meetingo to discuss water wells wi~.hin the Ci~y and the Ci~y°s rights as ~o the use of the underground wa~er in the valley~ RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF JANUARY MEETo O~ COUNTY WAT~R RESOURCES COMMITT~E Copy of minutes of the County VJa=~er Resources Advisory Committee Meeting for ~he month of JanuaryD ~968a ~aere received by the Councilo discussedo and ordered filed. PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Council received, reviewed, and ~hereaf~ter directed to file~ a copy of the Trea~kznent Plant Operator ° s report for the month of Janu- aryo 1968. SEWER LIN~ ABANDONM~NT REQUEST-MvD,~ BRADF'ORD ~ KEN MAR T'RAILER PARK Correspondence was received from Mrm M~ Dm Bradfo~°d advising that he proposecl to re-construct the sev~rer line on the westerl.y side of Arroyo Grande Creek and construct necessary ~acilities so it will pro- vide a gravity flow into the Sanitation D~stric~ fac~lities to serve the Ken Mar Trailer Parko After Counci~L discuss~ona and on the advice of the Ci~.y Attorneyo City Administrator Bu~ch w~as in~truc~ed to no~.ify Mr. Bradford that the existing sev,r~r line is the property of the City and until such time as it has been determined whether the original instaTler of the line has a financial interest in ~he over- al1 instalTationo permission to use the line as a priva~ely owned lateral canno~. be granted. RECEIPT OF A PETITION FOR SEWERS ON AS~H ~TREET Adminis-tra~.or Butch advised a pe~i~.ion, ~igned by property owners had been received requesting ~he ins~alla~ion of a sewer line on As~h Stre~tv He reviewed a map of ~he area ~.o be sewered and also reviewed a report from the Director of Public Works whieh outlined t;~hat 52~69% of the property had been petitioned for '~h~ installation and that if ~he installa~.a_on was made on a cash basi~ ~he cos~k vaould be approxi- 4~~ CITY COUNC~L F°EBRUARY ~~o Y968 .~iRROYO GRAND~o CALIF`OFtNIl~ PAG~ 5 mately $5v00 ~o $6000 per .~ron~ foo~., bu~~ i~ va~~r?t ~o ara a~~e~~zr~en~ di strict tlze cos~ wou~Ld ~e app~oxizna~~~y ~8 , 00 ~o $9 0 00 pe~ f~on~ foota The repor~. al~o ~tated ~t~hat Di~~c~o~ of P~blic V~o~lcs Anderson dic~ not feel tlzat a di~~rict on ~k~hi~ ~ma~~ an a~ea ~ea~ib~e ancl ~nrou~d ~uggest that if i~ is not pos~ible ~o p~°oc~~c~ or~ a ca~Yi ba~i~ ~hen i~ woulcl be be~tter to ~aait and ineluc~e ~~h~.s i~n a 1a~g~~ ~a~~~~ci~~c c~a~~cus~ion, City Admini~tra~or Bu~c~a taas ~°eque~~ec~ ~o ~l~a~re ~.~he peap~e ~on~;actecl to determine if they wanted to proceed wi~~. tk~~ in~~.alla~ion on a ca~h basis or asse~~men~ dis~~~ct ba~iso ar~c~ ~epo~~ back i~o t`l~e GounciTm QUARTERLY MEETING OF CHI~NN~L COUN'I°I_~S DIV ~ O~ L~~3.GU~ OF` CALI~` ~ CI'~IES Corresponclence ~nras received from ~:Li~ab~~lz Ja~~ao Ci~y Clerk of the City of P~.smo Beach advi~ing t;lzat ~~he n~x~ c~ua~~~rly meeting of ~he Channel Coun~.ies D~vision of ~h~ League of Cali~o~r~ia Ci~,ieso would be heZd on Friday, Ma~cYi 15~:h, 1.968n a~; ~.~Yae Pi~zno Beach Vef,erans ° Memorial Hallm PROCLAMA,TION: MAE KETCHUM DAY - F°EBRUARY ~4~;~'io _~.9~i8 Mayor Wood pro~l.a~med Februa~y T.4t~o :1~68o a~ Ma~ K~~cl~um Daye as reques~ed by ~he Committee for Mae Ke~,cYa~urrr Day~ INVITATION TO PARTICTPATE IN 'LA FIE~'~A PARI~DE TN SLOo 5/18/68 An invi~a~ion wa~ rec~ivec7 froan ~~he La F'~e~~a Parade Cornm~t~ee reque~ting the Ci~y Council par~icipa~ke in ~he pa~ade ~o be ~he1d on May 1,8~t'ho 1968~ in San Luis Obi~po, Ca~i~o~~iao anc~ Aclminis~ra~.o~ Bu-tch was reque~~ed ~o no~ify Parad~ Coznrn~t~~~ tha~ ~.'he Council would par~icipate in the paracle a~ an open car en~rym REQUEST TO IMPROVE CORPORATION BLDGo NO~ 2~BUDG~~~ED ITEM~ Adrinini s~ra~or But~h aclvi ~ed ~ha t~h~ Pub~ ic t~To~lcs Department had reques~ed approval to hav~ addi~~onal in~erio~° ~ini~hi~,g wo~°k done on Corporation Building No. 2 and ~that~ ~he p~ans hacl been revised to stay within the ~unc1~ budge~ed for ~~hi~ p~~°po~e in ~96~-68 by omi~~~ng two windows at the rear of t~he Carpen~er Shop and ~wo overhead ~oors in the front center two bays and by insta~~ing ~wo personnel doors in- stead of two overhead doors on the rear wallo I~~ter Council discuss- ion, on mo~tion of Counczlwoman Thomp~ono seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously ca~°ri~do approval was grant~ed ~o proceed wit~h ~he im- provement of Corporat~on Building Nom 2 a~ presen~ed and wi~hin the funds budge~ed as funds beconle avaiiableo NATIONAL ENGIN~ERS° WE~K - FEBRUP~RY ~7th ~hrOUqh 24tho 1968 City Engineer Garing advised ~Yie Counc~l that February 17th through February 24t1~.o 1968, had been pro~la~.med Na~.ional Engineers' Week by t~ie Presiaent o~ ~he U~i~ec1 ~t~a~te~~ AoGm VTLLAGE MERCHANTS DISCUSSTON R~~ E.LM STo PROPERTY & C:LVIC CENTER Administrator Butch reacl a Re~olution. of the Dov,~n~own Merchants As~ociation which had been hand delivered ~upporting the plan ~hat the Elm Street property be used for apen space park use and r~quest- ing that the Civic Center remain loca~ed on Branch Street, The Council advised Mrs. Peggy Por~er~ ~,~rho was presen~ and representing the Arroyo Grande Village l~erchant;~ As~oc~.ationo ~hat ~hey had in- stigated a Mas~Ger Planning Program for th~ E1m Street proper~.y and that the Civic Genter had already rece~ved app~°oval ~or remaining at i~s pr~sen~ loca~ion with the adop-tion o'f the Public Buildings Element of ~.he General P1an, CI'TY REPRESEN'I'A`T'IVE TO CO.MMITTEE ON COMPR.EH~NSI~IE H~AZ.,"I`H _PLANN'ING Af~er Council. discu~sion9 a m.o~ion ~a~ xnad~~by~Gou~cilzrian Schlegelo seconcled by Councilman L~vzn~, and unanimou~~y ~a~ri~d, ~o aecep~ ~he re~igna~~on of Dr~ G:~~ F~e~~a~ a~ ~.h~ C~~,y ~°epresen~a- ~ive on t~he Coura~.yv~rid~ S~eerizxg Goxnmi~~,~~ or~ ~ozr~p~°~l~a~n~~ve healt7i planninge Administrator Butch ad~i~ecl ~~l~e Goun~iT ~lza~ Mr~~n Adelaide Rohde had a~ndi~a~ed a w~1lir~gnes~ ~k.o ~er~~o anc~ af~:e~ ~ouncil di~~ cussiono ora zno~ian o~ Coun~~lwomar~ '~'hompsono ~~cond~d by Coua~cilman Levine, and unanimously car~~ed, Mrs~ AdeLa~de Ro~hd~ ~ras appoin~.~d to be the C~ty ° s represen~ka~iv~ on ~he Co~n~yv~ride ~t~erir~g Committee on coznp~°eher~siv~ heal.th plann~ng7 , CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY T3o 1968 ARROYO GRANDE n CALIFORNIA P1-~GE 6 TRI-CITY DINNER MEETING HOSTED BY THE C~'I°Y O~ ARROYO GRPaNDE Mayor Wood suggested, and the Council agreedo tha~ the City host a Tri-City Dinner Me~tinga with Grover Ci~y and Pismo B~ach City Officials on April 19th, 1968 ~nrith ~.~he ~ime ancl place to be estab- lished later. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel9 se~onded by Councilman Burta and unanimously carried, the meeting wa~ acljourned at 1Om38 PmMo . ~ *A~'"~G~ ATTE ST v ~ G_=~~,ya~z~~'~~~ C Y CLERK ~YO~ ,