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Minutes 1968-02-27 C I°TY COLlIVC IL ARROYO GRANDEo CALTFORNIA F°EBRtJARY 2~th~ 1968 'd°}°ie Ci~y Counc~l met in ~°egular sess~~n ra~~~~ Mayor Wood pres~dingv Upon roll call, ~ounc~lwoman T'7~omps~no Counci~.m~r~ Lev~s°~e ~nd B~xr°t ~ep~r°ked p~esent. Councilman Schlege~ was abs~n~a PLEDGE OF" ALLEGIANCE AIVD IN~IOCATION Mayox Wood led ~k]~e Pledg~ of Al~eg~~~,~e ~~x~ fYag~ aa~d ~mmed~ate~y ~hereaf~er, Reverend .Joe V~Ta°tt o~ S°t a Pec~~~ck ° s C~thol~~ C}xu~ch mf Arroyo Grande o del~.vered the .~a~voca°t~on o DEMONS'TRAT°ION OF° 1VEW ~°IRE DEF'AR°TMENZ' E(2~I~MEN~d' Cap°~a~n Bill Weidner of the Fi~re Dep~z~tmer~t demonstr~ted f~r °th~ Counc~l' s informa°tior~, thE purpose and u~e caf Ale~~ M~,nit~rs, th~~ t~vi.ll be placed ~.a~ ~he hames of k~y ~i~e d~p~~tmen~fi p~xsonra~l, ~sa exped~~te responsa °to fige eal~s. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - ~ fihe minutes of the regu~ar meetxng cs£ Fe~ruary 13th, 1968, were approv~ ed as p~epared. APPROVA.L OF° WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thomps~rs, se~~nded ~y Councilman Levine, and unanimously carr~ed, that General Warrant~ N~. 638 to and in- cluding Noa 673, i~s the to°tal amount o~ $14,798,7.0; Pay~o17L Warrants Noo 1018 to and ~nclud~ng 1Vo. 1083a ~a~ °~he to~al of $10e149s06; ca.ncl 'Txust ~nd Agency War~an~s No. 4~~ to ax~d incla~d.~rag No, 502; ~n the °t~tal nmount of $222,10e be a.pproved arnd o~dered LE~°'~ER ~'ROM OCEANO IMPROV. ASSO~. RE~ ~OIN~' MEE~'IN~ WI°~H CI°I"Y COUNCILS City Butch read a 1et~ex ~rom t~ae Oceana Imp~ovemen°t Association requesting the Council°s attendance sxt a~To~nt Meet~ng between Grover G~~ya Arro}r~ G~ande and the Oceaxao Imp~~vement Assoc~a°tion °to dis- cuss ~he ~'u°ture o~ our area, a°t 8~00 PaM, on March 13~th, 1968, ~n ~the Oceano Grammar Sc}aool, Adm~n~stra~ar Bu~cl-i was ~.ns~~ucted to notify °the Ocear~o Imgrovemen°t Assoc~a°taoxa by letter t~xa°t ~has G~auncil wccs ~n favor of suc}~ a aneeting and would be in at°kendance. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEIVT DISCLTSSION ON BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE l~dministra°tor Bu°tch rev~ewed that at ~he ~ast regular meeting, City Attorney Shipsey ~aas ~.nstructed to prepa~r~ the necessary documents to amend the existing bus~ness l~cense o~din~mce t~ allow the City Counc~l to permit ~efunds on business licenses a~ ~he~~ d~s cretion and that the neces- sary document~ had been prepa~ed but as o~her amendments to the bus~ness license ord~.ncxnce vaere be~ng cons~dered tk~a°~ he would re~ommend no action be °kaken un.°~~l ~.11 amendments had been p~epared. The Council agreed to take no a~ti~n a°t °~his -t~meQ RESOLUT'IOI~1 GRAN°TING DEED OF° CONVEXANCE TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC ~0. Admin~s°~~a~or Butcl~ aclv~sed ~hat Pac~f~c Gas and Electric Company had indicated that they tnrould assume me~a.ntenanee of ~tll°ie stree°t lights that are loca°ted the City Hccll Parkir~g Lota wl-i~c~ ~s pr~vate property, if the Gi°ty would °transfer °t~e mciintenance to P, G. ~ E. by a Deed of Conveyance. After Council d~scussi~n~ City Atta~ney Sh~psey read °the t~tle of a Reso- lut~on rega~ding ma~ntenance of S~~ceet I.sights in °the City Hall Parking Lot, thereupon a motion was made by Counc~lman Levine, seconded by Council- woman ~'hompson, and carried, ~o dispense w~.~h reading °the balance of th~s Resolutiona RESOLUTION NO. 784 A RESOLUTION OF° T°HE CITY COUNCIL OF '.~'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRAN°TING A DEED OF COIVVEYANCE AND AU~"HORIZING 'THE MAYOR T'0 SIGN A CONVEYANCE DEED IN FAVOR QF PA~I~IC GAS AND ELEC'TRIC COMPANX On mo~~on o~° Counc~lm~~a L~v~x~e, sec~nded by C~rxrnc~lwoma~n °Thompson, and on the fo~ lor~ring roll ~al~ v~te, to da~~ a AYES o Counca~l~nroman °Thompsoa~, Cou~cilmen Lev~ne, Brx~~ and Mayor Wood@ NOES. N~ne ABSENTo CouncilmarA Sc}-ilegel.e CITY COUNCIL FEBRLTAI~Y 27°th~ 196~ ARROYO GRANDEa CALIF'QRNTA PAGE 2 the foregoing ResoYut~ora wa.s passed anel aelop°~ed th~.s 27th day of Febru.ary, 1968e ANNUAL GASOLINE PLTRCHASE ~ R~CEIVE BIDS ANU AWA1~D ~ON°TRAC~ G~°ty Adm~.nis°tra~or Bu°tch rep~~~ed tha~ ~n Februa~ry 2~.~t, 1968, e~t 2 0 00 PeM,, bids were rece~ved and opened by °the C~`ty Clerkq ~~r °~he purpo~e of supplying gasoline f°or Arr~yo G~ande, Gro~er C~.ty and P~smo Beach, and °that four bids were received, as ~ollowsu E°THEL REGULAR DIESEL Atlantic R~chf~eld o2288 ,2072 e137 Phill~ps e1,~282 a14782 a12093 S°ta~e 'Tax o 07000 0 07060 Sunldnd .2318 ,211$ ,1188 . Union Oil Co, ,243 ,215 ,Y37 . After Council disc~ssions a rno#iox~ was made by C~~s~,cilwoman '~hompson, seconded by Councilman Lev~.neq and ~nanimously ~azr3edo ~hcx~ ~he ~.ow bid o~ Atlan~ic R~chfisZd to su.pply fo~ ~he th~e~ C~.°~ies from March 1, 1968 to F"ebruary 28a 1~698 be a~ce~ated, ancl ~ha.~ the Mayor be authori2ed to sign °~he c~n°treic°t on behalf o~ t~e ~i~ya RESOLLITION AU°~HORIZING BENNE°I`T AVE o ABANDONMEN°T AND EASEMENTS Ci°ty Ac~min~.strator Butch rev~.ewed ~hat the Dis~rict Cemetary had re- quested ~he abandonment of a por~ion of Benne~t Avee, and that it was neces- sary °to establish easements °thr~ugho~t the Ceme~ary for var~ous City needse After Cor.arac~.l discuss~on, City At~orney S~ipsey ~ead °the title of a Resolu- tion regarding abandoning a por°t~on o~ Benne°tt Ave,, the~evspon a motion was made by Councilwoman '~hompson, seconded by ~ouncilman ~evine, and unani- mou~ly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution; RESOLiJT'ION NO e 785 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF°'THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF A POR°a'ION OF A CI'TY S°TREE°T (5°TREETS AND HIGHU~AYS CODE SEC~'I01~1 8323) On motion of Coun~~.lman Burt~ seconded by Levine, and on the following ~oll call vo°te, °to w~.~ o AYES, Councilwoman °Thompsona ~ouncilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Woodo NOESo None ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of February, 19680 RECOMMENDATIONS OF PA.RKING COMMe RE: PARKING AND TRAFFIC PROBLEMS Director of Public lAiorks Anderson reviewed ~he Parking Commission m~nutes of February 23, 1968, which lis°ted 13 3tems regarding on-street parking °that were recommended to the Council for approval, After Council discexssion, seven of the i°tems were to be held over for further study csnd six of the ~tems would be considered after personal inspection by the Councile Local merchants, who were present, were advised t}iat with~the development o~ off-street parking, con°trols were being considered for traffic and pedestrian safe~y, which sometimes necessitalted the elimina- tion of on-street parking spaces> LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CI'I'IES' LEGISLF~TIVE BULLETIN DIGES°T Admin~.strator Butch br~.efly revievaed the firs~ digest of the Assembly and Senate b~lls affecting ci°ties introduced a~ ~he 1968 session of the Legislature, which had been forwarded ~to us by the League of California Cities, and he will keep the Council posted of ~urther developments on these, ~~g CIT'Y COUNGIL FEBRLTARY 2~th, 1968 ~1RROY0 GRANDEo CALIF'ORI~IA PAGE 3 LEZ'TER FROM ASSEM~L~'MP~N ~11AKEF'IELI9 R~ ~ D~S°~R~I3L~°I'ION Ok~ S°~Jl2E1V"TS ~Y RACE Adm~nis~rci~o~ Bu~ch ~~va~e~aaecl a 1~~°~e~ r~~~~ved ~~om Assemb~yznan F°l~yd Le Wa}cef~e~Ld r~ga~ding leg~s~a~~ve pro~~sa~s ~]°ze b~ss~ng o~ schs~~Y stu~ den°~s by ~ac~ develop a~u11y ~n~eg~a~ed s~~aool sy~tem a~ al~ Yeve~s and div~s~.ono as inf~rm~~~.~ra on~yo REVIEW AND RECOMMENDA°TIONS ON POLICE MLT°~°C~1~T~ .~ID P~GREEMEN°~ Admin~strat~r But~h adv~sed ~klaa~ ~1~~ ~~~y o~ Ar~~y~ ~xas a Mutual Aid Pol~ce Agreemen°~ between the Co~~}r ~f San ~u~~ Ob~spo and f~ve of the sa.x c~°ties and tha°t the C~ty of San I~u,~s Ob~sp~~ who cloes not belong, have submitted ~r,ao or °th~ee groposals, wh~c~ ~n effec~ wo'uld r~qu~re re~.mbu~se- ment for sal~.r~es pa~d °to personnel plus all damage to personc~l cYoth~ng of personnel while a~d~ng an~t~er agency, Adm~n~.s°trat~r Butc}~ also adv~sed °that Ch~ef Pola~ce R~c~a~dson recc~mmended vve do n~~ eanter ~nto such an agreemen~ wi°th s~zzch a p~°oposale Af~~~ d~sc~xss~ona ~n mo°t~on ~f Counc~l- man Lev~ne~ seconded by Councilvaoman ~}~omps~n~ ~,nd ~anan~ino~xs~y carr~ecl, that °the proposal ~or Mu°tural A~d P~~~ce Agr~~men°t sLxbm~~E~ecl by °the Ci°ty of San Luis Ob~spo be rejec~ed~ and ~}~e ~~~y o~ Ar~~y~ ~~~r~de con~~nia.e w~°th the presen~ Mutual Agreement as r~or~v ex~~~t~o ~O`TICE 0~ PROPOSED JOIIV'T MEE°~ING O~° "~'I-~REE ~~°~~~5 PLAN~ o~~MMo 3/'~4~68 P~dmin~.stra~or Butch read a l~t°~e~ ~°rdm °~}ae Gr~~r~r C~~y P'lann~ng Com~ m~ss~on ~equest,~ng t}Za°t ~rxr P1~tnniaag C~znm~ss~~n ~~in ~hem ct ~o~,nt me~~~ ing w~,t}Z the P~smo Bectch Plc~nn~ng ~°~~miss~on ~n 'Z°hu~sdeLy9 M~~c}~ ~.4~h~ 19E>8 a~ ~ 0 30 PoMo ~n °the G¢~~nc~.l Chambe~s o~ ~he G~ovex C~~y G~~y H~.~tl, f~~r ~he purpo~e o~' de° i~ ~}ae~e a~s a~ossib~l~ty o~ ~~~°m~ng ar~ a~eamr,vide plann~ng g~~up °to enable ~hese ~}~~ee ci~~es °~o d~scuss °the~~ m~x.tual probm lemso A£°ter d~sctxss~ono a mo~~~n was made by G~unc~lwoman °~hompson, seconded by Counc~lman Le~r~ne, and ~x~a.n~m~rxsly ccsrr~.edo ~h~t the l~r~~yo G~arnde Plann~.n~ Comm~ss~on be g~an~ted ~e~rm~ss~~x~ to ~~~end the ~~~nt mee°t- ~ng o~ t}ae °th~ee ~~°k~es F'lann,~ng Coznm~ss~ons on M~,r~h ~4th~ 19C8o FREDERICKSON PROPOSID LO°T SPLI°T ON °TAL,I.aY HO RD, ~ PROPER°TY DEDICA°I°ION Admin~s~rato~ Butch ~ev~e`nred tha°~ ~n conj~xnc°t~on va~th approval of a lot split on Tally Ho Road requested by l~alph F°redxickson, he was required to dedicnte to °~he Gity for future road p~urposes por°~~ons of his land and sign a covenant regarding curb and gu°~°te~ ~.ns°tallationo Af°ter Council dis- cussi~on~ a mo°tion was made by Counc~lman Btxr°t, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, ~that the cled~cation of a seven (7) foot str~p of land on °the east s~~le of° Ps~rcel 1 and Pczrcel 2 ancl a tvventy (20) foo°t s°krip of° land adjacent to 'Tally H~ Road and Pa~cel 3, as shown on Parce~ Map 1Voo AG~68m09 a.s accep°table t~e C~ty as a concli°kion of the Lot Spl~t be~ng g~an°ted and °tha~ a C~venan°t be s~.gned that Mr~ F°redrickson would cons°truc°t cu~°b and gu°~°~er and a~~ee °to part~cipate in s°tree°t improve- men°t af a minimum of 22 ° of P~C pavemen°t r,a~~h no on-s~k~ee°k pa•rk~ng pe~mi°tted; or 30° rra~°kh on-s°treet pa~k~ng pe~mit°ted ~xpon demand o~ °the C~ty o~ the for- mat~.on ot an ~mprovemen°t dist~~cto REQUEST' pF° PARKS RECREA°TIO1V COMMISS~G~1V RE a ELM STREE°~ PROPERTY Adminis~ra~or Butch revievaed th~°~ ~he Park and Recrea°tion Commission had ~eques°ted °that ~wo ~~tems be placed on ~the P~gendci, regarding the City owned prope~rty on E1.m S~ree°~, 1) Hota many acres cxre °to be used as a park and 2) Who is °t~ do °~he pla.nning of the property? Gha.irman Cummins and Commissa.oraer Stro°the~ from the Parks and Recx°eat~on C~mm~ss~.on were pre- sen°t and d~scussed dispos~t~on of °the EIm S°treet proper°ty with th~ C~uncile Afte~ Cosxnc~l d~sc~.ssion, it was agreed no d~:spos~.°~ion ~f °t~e proper°ty coizld be a°t ~khis time as °the Council ~'elt a. mas°~er plan for °the pra- per°~y sho~ld be dev~loped ~'i~st °to perm~°~ ~l-ie best and h~.g}ies°t use of the la,nd and ~n ~rde~ °to avo:~d ~mp~rovemen°ts being made °~hat might have °to be removed in °the ~u°tureo I~ was also fel~ °~hat °the d~°a~nage ~n the area ~s a major problem and should be conside~°ed in conjrxnc~~on w~°t~ any city owned propertyo °The Counc~l also adva.sed they ~nrould hold a study session on March 18~h, 1968 for t~e gu~pose of rev~ewa~ng, 1) a proposed b~~dge cross~ng be~t~nreen Halcyon R~ad and Valley Road, 2) a d~a~.nage ~report of the G~and Aveo a~ea and 3) the Elm S~o ~S~o~er~yo PRQGRESS REPOR'I' v LOPEZ WA°~ER StJPPLY REPOR°~" F°OR ~TANLTARY~ 1~68 A p~og~°ess report for the mon°t~ o~ .7anua~y, 1968, wa~ receivecl f~om °the San Lu~s Ob~spo County ~~ood Con~t~ol and Wa°te~ Conse~va°t~on D~s°trict and was reviewed and oxdered f~lede ~ CI'TY COUIVCIL F"E~RLJARY ~~~h, 19~8 ARROYO GRAIVDE o C1~LIF°ORNTA. F'AGE 4 COUN°TY H~RAiTLIC ENGINEER ROBEl~.°~ H, BORi~T RE o~OPEZ DA1viq V~~`3°ER ~ZT~H~°S ~ ET'G e Go~xn~y Hyd~au~ic Eng~n~~~ Robe~°t Ho Born ~ras ~~es~n~ a~ ~}~e r~c~ues°~ o~ ~he Courzc~l ~to review s~me ~}~e ~,r~as ~~ncerra ~~~arcl~ng the ~~~y° s r~ght t~ th~ ~us~nt~°~}r of° ~.r~de~g~~~ar~d ~,rc~~e~ n~r~ ~e,~r~g t~secT a,nd a~eas under considerat~,on ~o~ ra~.s~n~ ~t]h~ necess~~y ~e~e~~e ~o me~~ °~he Lope~ Wa~er Contrac~ Obl,~g~,°t~~~s o M~ o Born 3r~d~~~~~~ ~h~ ~e~.~ ~~e L~gez t~r~°ter would be ch~ape~ ~~a~n ~he C,~~~r ~ump~ng ~r~~e~° ~`~~m ~~ne ~nclerg~o~nd bas~~9 but ~hat vaate~ ~~gh°~s could be los°~ ~'~oin l~~~C ~se c~r~c~ he ~el~ an ag~ee~ men°~ be~~reen ~ow p~mp~ng f~~m ~~e ~r~d~~g~~~~d l~sir~ ~aulcl be ma,de ~o insure each ~n~t~.~ky ~the se~me amo~xr~~ ~nra~e~ ~rom ~}~e basin ~a~ the fu°tizre and tha°~ °the Gity Atto~ney shoulcl ~n~res~~~g~,~e ~~,~s ~oss~.b~l~~yo Mro Born also ~elt °kl~e ma,~o~ ~n.°~~~~es wo~ld b~ t~e on~y ~nes concernecl as to the etmobznt o~' wa~e~ °to be pr~m~~d as cr.ll a~ra~.l~b~e ~.~.ncl va~s now ]~e~ng farmed and no ~ncrease ~.n ~rate~ tixsuage wo~a.ld be ~~~s~~~ f~~ ~rr~ga~~on pu~poseso Tn ~ega~d to ~he I~~pez V~a°~e~ Con~~a~~ ~lb~~ga~~~x~~ M~p Be~~n sc~~d ~e fel°t 3.~ m~gh~ be poss~b~e ~.ncreas~ the ~ees cha~geeT ~o~ Rec~ea°~~ona1 uses °the St~.te o~ Gn~~~w~n~a va~uld ap~~~~re such an ~.r~cre~~ea He also ~dv~.~ed ~~ctit a°~ °t~i~.~ ~, a11 ~~c~e~~t~or~~Y c~:~le~~ecl ~ve~ cxnd above ma~n°ta~nence and ~pe~ci°t~onq and ce~°~a~.n c~p~~al ~mp~~vemen~sq rw~ll be used for ~et~.~emen°~ of ~he bonds o Mro Barn s°~ated ~~a~t ~.n o~°de~ fo~ ~~r~e 3°~a~ levy a~~x ~o~ b~nd ~em °t~~ement, i°~ ~nrould necess~~c~~e a chang~ ~n S~c~°~e I~eg~slc~~~~n, He also ad- v~sed ~hat ~~e ~~.°ty ~~uld be au°kho~~~~d ~evy a p~xznp tax by an°t °to °the Cont~ac~ be°trn~een Zone 3 and °~he con°~xac~ing era~~.t}ra M~ ~ Bo~n ~dv~sed a gr~~nd ~vc~°~er ~~Y;tcly ~nra.s nora b~~ng made ~n the Arroyo Grande and Pas~ Robles ar~as ~or p~ss~b~~.,i°ty o~ rec}anxg~ng groia.nd wa~er ~u,~th e~f°~alen~k ~}za~ ~s nowa b~~ng 1.os~ ccnd ~ha~s s°k~a.dy ~s r~~va ~stim~.~ed to be compl~~ted in 1972 0~ ea~°ly ~,~:~3 ~ w~~~ ~~ogress ~epor°ts o~ ~h~s s~~dy being made ava~lable ~o ~~ae G~°~y ~.a~~o~ ~~q~,~es°~ ~o ~~e ~on~ 3 Adv~.s~~y Comm~~kteeo , MAXOR WOAD DE~LI~RED A RECESS A'T 9 m 40 P, M o AND ~'HE ~OTJNG I~ R~CQNVENED A7C 9:45 WT°~Fi ALL MEMBERS PRESEN°T AS SHOWN ON ROI~L GALLo LOPEZ WAT"ER LINE RECOMMENDA°~'IO1VS Adm~,n~stra~or Butch ~ev~er,ued co~~esg~ndence from t]-ie C~~y to Koebig and Koeb~g ~ega~ding I~o~e~ GVcctex Su~ply P~o~e~°t'W~.°~e~ Dis°t~ibut~on Systemo Uni°t 2~ wh~ch outl~ned ~~~re a~eas of conce~~ t~e Ci°ty has ~n regard °to ~ns~allata.on o~ Lopez Wa~e~° transmis~~on l~nes vua.°th,~n °tl~e C~ty, and lis°ted what the C~°ty r,voulcl ~eq~~~e g~~~ec~ exis°~~ng City ins~ta:llectionse Mro Ke~.t}~ °Tranbarge~ of I~oeb~g and Koeb~g vaar,~~ pa~esen°ks and questioned wha°t e~~ect t}ae $1000 per }zou~ penal~ty fo~°~ing vaa~te~ l:~nes ~a~tald h.ave on the con°t~ac~t b~ds and raas ~~~~isi~~on o~ other r~gh°t-of- way might be mo~e ~eas~ble ancl wots.ld be de~erm~necl a~ a later da°te m REPOR°T REVIEW O~° V11.~"TER WEL~ REQUIREMEN°TS 0~° STMILIAR CALIF°~ CI`TIES Adma~n~stra°k~r B~.t~ch hctd ~ece~ved ~~om ~~e I~eague of Cal~f~~nia Cities cop~es of Ord~nan~es of o°ther ~~.~t~es °~ha~ also had the problem o~ saltwa°ter intrusion in°to f°~esh wvater unde~ground bas~nsa had comp~lecl a report of th~s ~n~~rma.t~on o Yah~ch he ~ev~ewed for °~}~e Cotianc~.1 e A~'t~r Counc~l d~scuss~on~ Gi~y Admin~s°tra~o~ Bu°~ch uaacss a.n~~t~~cted ~o ~con~act the San Luis Ob~spo County Health Depar°tmen°~ °t~ determ~ne the~~ ~ee~~x~.~emen°ts regard~ng the dr.~ll~ng of' we~ls a.nd also write direc~ly °to the G~°~ies 1~sted ~n the repor~t ~t~ cle~e~°m~,ne h~va they ~egula°~e and cont~~ol °~he prov~.s~ons o~ t~eir ord~nan~es, and re~~~~ back ~o tl~e C~urac~le PRESEi~I T'~~`:ION OF DRAIIVAGE 1~EPOR~° ~ AREA 411ES°T QE' EI~M S°~REE`I' D~x~~to~ m~ Publ~.~ Wo~ks l~nd~~~~n sh~waed ~ossa.ble vaays of c~ntrollinq d~ainage a~n the a~eci eas°~ E;lm S°~~eet and th~ vaest ~~~y L~mits by map presen~at~on~ and ~ndi~a°~ed t-h~ wv~x~e~ ~ouYd b~ °t~~en ~ar~ ~f by ponding areas e~~ by ~~pe :l.ine °~~ansm~~~~xi ~o °kh~ Ci°~y o~n+ned EYm S~~ee~ p~mpe~tyo A~°te~ C~~x~.G~1, ~v~s fe1~ °~h~s ma°~°~~~ ~h~a~ld be g.~ven mo~e s°tudy cand ~t ~aa~~ ag~~ed a s~~xdy session be ~ae~d t}~~s pu~pose on Mc~xc}Z 18~hq 19F8 ~t ~030 k'olulo PROGRESS REPOR'~ O1V SOU~°T~ SL~Q GOLJN~'Y SANI°~A°~ION DIS°TRIG'~ °~he Gounc~l. r~ce~vecl~ ~ev~ewed~ and ~he~ea~~ter d~~ec~ed °~o file a copy o:~ t~Ze °I'recxtmer~t Plan~ Operer°~o~° ° s ~epor~ ~°or ~~e mont`h o~ n.Tana~ary, 1968. ~ GI'TY ~OUN~IL ~E~RiJARX 27th, ~968 ARROYO GRANDE ~ CAi,IF°ORNI.~. PAGE 5 SEVVER LINE ABANDONMBN'~ REQLJES°T ~ M e D, F3RADFQ~3D ~~E1V IuI~R T'1~AILER p~RK Adzn~n~st•rator ~u~tch ~.dv~s~d °~ha,°t c~~~~sponclence }~acl been r~ceivecl f~om Ancirew Dnv~d9 A°ttorne}r, rep~esen~~ng 1vlo Do Bradfo~cl, in wh~ch he o~~l~ned four items ~h~°t vaotzlcl be d~ne ~r~ ~~d~~ ~o ~onv~rt gxnv~ty ~~~va the ex~st- ing 6°P ACP force ma~r~ se~r~r ~lon~ ~he e~.s~~rly ~~ne ~f Mro B~aclforda s prog- er°ty on Ha~cyon Road, to serve 3~~s p~ope~~}ro "~'}ae Counc~l d~s~ussed that °this l~ne would no°t be abandoned a~d a~~~r cl~scussi~n~ a mo~~on raas macle by Gouncilwoman °Thomp~on, se~onded by ~ounc~l~nar~ ~~~~a~e9 cx~nd vnan~mo~sly car- ried, that pe~miss~on b~ granted ~o Mo Do Br~df'o~d t~ rxse ~he exis°~ing 6'° ACP seurer ma,in along °khe e~s~~rly ~ine o~ ~a~s pr~pe~~y ~n Halcyon Road, subject to an agreement be~ween Mr o Br~d~o~d and °~~a,e C~ty tha°t he wrill comply with °the four i°~ems lis°~ed ~r? P.nd~e~aa l)c~v~~' ° s co~~~spondence of F°ebruary 27, 1968 and ~tl~e ~ncltis~on o~ a h~~.d harm.les~ ~1,~~~e ,~r~ ~~.~ky° s~avor, and the Mayor and C~ty Glerk be au°~F~or~~ed sa.~rx saad ~,~eem~nt fo~ t~e Ci°tye REQUES°T AU°I~iORT~A°I'I~~ ~R O~ A o G a PR~I'A.F~E B~~I~ZNG ~OR SO o SI.oO COUNTY SANI°I"A"TION DIST°RI~~° AND OC~O SP~NNS~'ARI' D~S~°R~~`~`e Administ~a°tor Bu~c'~i rev~~wed ~Jhe ~need ~~~t ~}~e C~~y p~ep~r.~e °the b~lm lings fo~ tl~e °two en°ti~ies ~~questinc~ ~33~~s serv~.~ee Af~e~ d~s~axs~~on, a motion was made by Coun~~lman, se~onded by ~~~xnc~~Lwoman '~hompson, and un~z~im~usly ea~~~.edA t}aa~ ~ut}zo~i~~~k~~n be g~an°~ecl ~~~`~~e C~~y ~f Arroyo Grande ~o p~epare t~~ qtza~°~erl}r bill~ngs ~o~° ~~e sevae~ ma~nt~nan~e ~ha.~ges for the Sotxt}~ S~n Lt~~~ Ob~spo ~oun°~y Se~~~t~.~~~n D~,s~~~c~ ancl the Oceexno Sani°~ary Dist~~c~ a wi°~I~ a ch~~ge o~ $ n 50~ per b~ll ~or the billing and °the~eaf°ter $e25~ per bilY eac}a b~11~r~g, INF°ORMAL PROGRESS FtEPOR°~ O1V S~N LIJIS HAI~BOI~ D`IS~°RIC~° B~ NEGVELIa STRO°THER As ~eqa.~~sted by M~,~ro~ GOood, M~o N~vael~ 4~1, S~ro°~~ez p a Commissioner of the San Lu~.s H~~bo~ Dis~~~~t 9 rra3~o wcts p~~s~~a°k a b~~e~Yy stixznmar~.xed ~he pns~ prog~ess m~el~ on °~~e }-ia.rb~~ and ~ns~a,~l~.°~ions s~nd ~~~l~ned °tla~ proposed ultimate deve~opment o~ ~~e bayo A,G, F°AMILY SERVIGE CEN°TER REQUESZ° FOR ~°EE EXEMP°T LTCENSE Afte~ Council discussa.on~ on mo°t~on of Co~nc~lman Lev~ne, seconded by Councilwoman °Thom~son, and unan~.m~usly carried, it w~:s approved that the Arroyo Grande ~amily Sexvice Cen°~~~, of 100 Barne°t~ S°treet, Arroyo Grande, a Chari°tabl.e~ non-~~~f,~°t o~gani~at~.on, be g~anted ex ~se Exempt City Busi- ness L~.cense, as rec~ues°ted by t~em by le°t~er a PRESEN°TA°TION OF' SEGOIVD NEVVSLE'TT°ER Admin~stxca°tor Bu,°tch presen~ed co~ies o~ tk~,e Se~ond .N~tn?slefi°k~~ c~f the C~ty of Ar~pyo G~ande ar~d advised ~ha~ ~nd~vidual aapies wror,~ld be mailed °to the c~.t~~ens w~t~a the f~~s~t ba.~,l~ng a~ th~ Lope~ W~.°te~, ADJOURNMEN°~ On motion o~ Councilman Bux°t, seconded by Coainci~.woman °Thompson, and unanimously carr~ed, the meeting was ad~~ixrnec3 a°t 10045 P,M, , A A°T°TES°T: ' g~.~L~ GI°T CLERK MAY'OR