Minutes 1968-03-26 ~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 26TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular sessiora ~rith Ma,yor Wood presid~.ng, ~ Upon roll call, Counc~.lwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levineo Schlegel and Burt reporlted present< PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our fl.ag; and immediately thereafter, Councilwoman Thompson delivered -the invocationn APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes o~ the regular meeting of March 12th, 1968 and the ad- journed regular meeting of March 18the 1968o were approved as prepared, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, tha°t General Wnrrants No< 717 to and in- c1ud~.ng No~ 751, in the total amount of $14,238,87; Payroll Warrants No, 1159 to and including No, 1208, in the total amount of $9,511e78; nnd Trust and Agency Narrants No, 503 to nnd including No, 523, ~.n the total amount o~ $115,00, be approved and ordered paid. RESOLUTION ORDERING CITY CLERK TO CANVASS GENo MCJNICIP~L ELECTION 4/9/68 City Attorney Shipsey read th~ title of a Resolution ordering the City Clerk to canvass °the General Muna.cipal Election, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution, RESOLUTION NO< 789 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY _ OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA, ORDERING THE CANVASS OF° THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 9TH DAY OF APRIL, 1968, TO BE MADE BY THE CI°TY CLERK OF THE CI°TY OF ARROYO GRANDEQ On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to w~t: AYESe, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOESa None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopt~d this 26th day of March, 1968, LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch advised that copies of ~the Digest of 1968 Assem- bly Bills affecting cities had been rece;ived, and briefly reviewed the var- ~ous bills that would affect our city the moste After discussion, City Adminis°trator Butch was instructed to write a letter stating the City's objection to AB310 and AB741 Elective Offices, Vacancies, General Law Cities, as a very hug~e burden would be placed on small cities for election expenses if all elec°tive vacancies had to be filled by election rather than appointmento Copies of the letter are to be sent to the Chairman of the Committee proposing the bill, our district Assemblyman and the League of California Ci~ties office. REPORT ON SLO CO, PLANN, CONIMa MEETING RE: STREET NAME CHANGES Administrator Butch reported that the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission had held a Public Hearing to consider street name changes in the Arroyo Grande area, and as requested by this City Council, did not name that portion of the County Park Road from the Harris Bridge to the City Limits as "Lopez Drive"e Mr4 Butch also advised the County Commission felt that this was inconsistent with good planning and that the section of road between our City Limits and the Harris Bridge should be given a name pre- ferably "Lopez Drive"a After Council discussion, it was agreed that the naming of the existing Huasna Road within the City Limits be referred to the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission for consideration, that a Public Hearing be held and a recommendation be made back to the Council, - CI'TY COUNCIL MP,RCH 26°THa 1968 ARROYO GRAI~IDE a CAL,IF°ORNIl~ PAGE 2 " t,,. LAFCo RBQUES`~ CI°TY 1~MEND P~PPL~GA"~ION REGARDIIVG OCEANO 1~1NNEXA"TION Adm~n~s°trator ~u~c}~ reviewed °tha°~ °the C~°~y° s appl~.cat~on before ~he Local Agency Forma°~~on ~omm~ssion to annex Oceano had been conside~ed at a Publ~c Hearing and the Execut~ve O~~~cer felt °~he C~°ty vaas a°~°temp°ting to annex some pr~me a,gr~cul~ureil °~er~.~°tory and ~he ~~nal determ.~na°G~on was delayecl un°til such °time a.s the City ° s appY~ca°t~.on ~aas amended e Mr , Bax°tch advised ~hat °the D~rec°tor of Publ~c Wor}cs ~nd ha,msel~ fel°~ the pro~ested area ~s no°k a prime agr~cultu~al area and raould d~~eat ~he purpose o~ LAFCo because it would create an island as fa~ ccs services are concernecl, involv~ng four spec~al d~.s~r~c°ts, Af°ter Counc~l discussion, a mot~.on was made by Gounc~lman Sch~egel, seconded by Counc~lman Levine, and rxnani- mously carried, tha°t C~ty Admin~s°tra°tor Butc}x be cl~rected to write a le°tter to the Local Agency Forma°t~on Comm~ssion ~ncl~cat~,ng the City d~d not w~sh to change °the applicat~on as origina,lly p~esen°ted ~or °the foYlowing ren- sons: (1) is not a prime agr~cultural area ~n ~he Counc~l°s opin~~n, and (2) w~uld defeat the purposes of LAF'Co because ~t woulcl c~reate an ~sland as far as services a.re concernedo RECEIPT OF "A LIBRARY SERVTCE PLaAN FOR SAN LUIS OBISPO COLTN`TY~° Administrator Bu°~ch adv~sed, as informa~~on ~nly, ~hat copy of °the Countya s report on 1°Lib~ary Serv~c~ P~an fo~ San L,uis Ob~spo Coun°tyPB pre- pared by a library cons~zl°tanto had been rece~.veda and ~~ae p~an ot~°tlined one large l~brary ~o~ Arroyo G~ande, G~ove~ C~~y, H~,~cys~n and Oceano.and would elem~na~e ~oia.r small b~c~nch Ta.brax~eso RECEIPT O~° BtFLLETIN N0. ~4 ~°ROM S°3"A°TE RE o WAT°ER WELL S°TANDARDS Adm~nis°~rato~ Butch adv~sed t}zci°t Bu~.~e°t~n Noo 74 fs~om the S°tnte of Galiforn~a prepcired by the D~pa~tment o£ Wa°~er Resources referr~ng °~o wa°ter well starada~ds ~ad been rece~ved as a guide °to go~d prcxc~tices in °the con- struc°~ion of water wells, REPOR°T ON ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMI`T°CEE MEETIIVG O~° 3/21/58 Counc~lman Lev~ne reported he had attended °the Zone 3 Advisory Commit- tee meeting of March 21st, 1968a and it was agreed that as the pump tax pro- posed in conjia.nc°tion w~°th ~he Lope2 Wa°ter Gon°tract Obligations had been dis- cussed by °tha°t Commi°ttee prior to the bond election and i°t was decided at °that time, based on ~nforma~~on available, °to make no recommendat~ons, and. that °the Committee w~ll re~'er baclc to the~~ m~.nu°tes ancl re-discuss the pos- s~b~l~ty af a pump tax at the~r Apr~l mee°~ing, as regular meeting's have now been established monthlyo QUARTERLY REPOR`~ ON SALES °TAX REVENiJE ~ F°OLJR°I'H QUARTER, 1967 Adm~nist~ato~ Bu°tch sia.bmit°ted ci Progx°ess Report on Sales Tax Revenue for the four°th quarter o~ 1967, and reviewed t}xat the sales tnx •revenue was increasingo RESOLUTION AUT'HORIZING ST`OP SIGN A'~ LARGHMON°T DR, ON WESLEY AVEo Adm~n~strator Butch repor°ted tha°t t~he Police Department has requested tha°t a stop s~gn be ins°talled a°t Larchmont Drive on Wesley Aveo, as there have been several compl~.~nts o~ near accidents due °to southbound °traffic on 4Vesley fail~.ng to stop or y~eld when they approach Larchmonte Af°ter Counc~l discuss~on, C~,ty At°torney Sh~psey read in its entirety a Resolution regarding a, s°top s~gn be~ng ~nstalled at Lcarchmont Drive on Wesley Aveo 1~ESOLU'TION NOe 790 A RESOLIJTION OF' Z'I~E C I°TY COUNC IL OF T'HE CI°TY OF° ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTAB- LISHMEN°T OF° A BOULEVARD S'TOP SIGN o On motion of Counca.lman Levine, seconded by Counc~lwoman Thompson, and on °the following roll call vo°~e~ to w~t: ~ AYES: Councilwoman 'Thompson, Counc,~lmen I~eva.ne, Schlegel, Burt cind May~r Wood o NOES: None ~ ABSENT: None the forego~ng Resolu~~on ~aas passed and adopted this 26th day of March, 1968a ~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 26TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~ORNIA PAGE 3 RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNq GOMM, REo READO~TION O~ BF~I~TIFI~ATION PLoAN Administrator Butch advised ~hat the planning Commission had held a Public Hearing an March 19th, for the read~pt~on o~ ~he Beau~i~~ca~ion Plan and Addendum as an element of the General ~lan ~nd have readogted the Plan by Resolution and recommended the Plan ~~e Gi~y Counc~~ for ~he~r acm ceptance. Af~er Go~ncil d~scuss~on~ a motion was m~de by Councilman Levine, seconded by Gouncilman Schlegel, and unan~mously c~rrieda that a Publ~c Hearing be set on the Beautification P~an an~ Addend~t as an elemen~ of the General Plan at 8:00 P.M. April 8th, 1968, in the G~uncil Ghambers of the City Hall. AWARD BIDS-CURB, GUTTER~ DRIVE. - ALDER,PECAN~CORNWALL,BELL~PROJECT 90-67-6 C~ty Administrator Butch reported that on March 26th, 1968, at_2:00 Pe ; M. bids were received and opened by the C~ty Clerk, ~or ~he purpose of in- . stalling concrete curb, gutter, driveway aprons, and spandrelso and that five bids were received as followso Robert Newdoll $3p879.00 840 N. 2nd St., Grover City, Calif, Ted Watkins Const. Co. Inc, $5,247.50 P.O. Box 1380, San Luis Qbispo, Calif. M, J, Hermreck, Inc. $4,211,50 P,O. Box 217, N~pomo, Calif. W. Ae Gus Howie $3,532.20 652 Morro St,, San Luis Obispao Califo Aime Lalande $~,190,60 P.O. Box 998, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Administrator Butch advised that all bids had been checked and were in order and that the Director of Public Works had recommended that the low bid ~ be acceptede After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimdusly carried, that the low bid as ~ submitted by W. A, Gus Howie, in the total amount of $3,532,20 for'the in- 'stallation of concrete curb, gutter, driveways and spandrels on portions of Alder, Pecan, Cornwall and Bell Streets, Project No. 90-67-6, be accepted and the contract be awarded and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract document on behalf of the City. PROGRESS REPORT ON SO. SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch xeported that the Oceano Sanitary District was n~aring agreement with the Contractor to complete the sewer installation nnd that the Federal Housing Administration will grant an additional $29,000.00 to assist the project. WOOD'S ANIMAL SHELTER REQUEST FOR MONTHLY INCREASE F~OR SERVICE Administrator Butch reviewed that at the regular meeting of March 12, 1968, Woods Animal Shelter had been requested to submit a financial state- ment for Council considera~ion, prior to action on their request for a monthly increase of $50,00 £or their services. The financial statement was received and reviewed by the Council and it was felt the increase requested was justified4 On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman , Levine, and unanimously carried, that Item 2 of the Extension Agreement with Woods Animal Shelter be amended to read "$300,00 per month" instead of "$250.00 per month" from April lst, 1968 to March 3lst, 1969 and said in- crease for April, May and June of 1968 to be made with the July payment of 1968. City Administrator Butch was requested to notify Mrs. Lee, the Dir- ector of Woods Animal Shelter of the Council's action, ` RESOLUTION FROM COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REe ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Administr~tor Butch reviewed Resolution No. 68-122 of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors governing the issuance of bonds under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, as information only, CITY GOUN~IL MARCH 26Z'Ho 1968 ARROYO GRAIVDE, ~ALIF°ORNIA PAGE 4 ANNUAL REPOR°T OF° F~INANCIAL TRANSP,G°TIONS ON CITIES AND STREE°T AND ROADS Admin~.s°trator Butch ~,dv~sed that ~op.~es of ~he Anntxal Report ~f F°~nan~ c~al 'Transact~ons c~ncern~.ng C~.°~~es of Californ~.a and concern~ng S°treets and Roads had been received and vve~e on ~~;1e ~°o~ r~v~ewo LETTER RECEIVED FROM SALZNAS HTGHWI~Y ADVISORY GOUNCTL Correspondence was recea~ved £rom °khe Sci13n~.s H~g}a~ray Adviso~y Counc~l requesting °tha°t t}ais C~.~y stxppo~°t them ~n °their effor°t °to urge °the S°tate Division o~ H~ghwa.ys to improve °the thi~°°teen' and ~oizr ten°ths miles of two lane 101 H~,ghway from San A~°do to San Lucas t~ a~oux° lane road pr~or to but no la°ter °tha,n f~.scal year 1970-~1, and if ne~essary appropr~a°te emer- gency funds £or °~h~s projec°k to elem~na°te °this ~raf~ic hazardo Af°ter Coun~ c~.l d~.scuss~on, the G~ty A~torney wcas instructed to ~Srepare a Resolution suppox°ting °th~.s road amprov~ment as this is of' state wide concex°ne DISCUSSION ON 1'ROPOSED WOMAIV°S CLUB BUILDING Councilwoman T}~ompson advised Mrs, Diedrickson, President of the Arroyo Grande Woman°s Club, had requested °that she a~°tend a meeting of the Board to discuss °the gossibility of the Club and the C~°ty cooperating-in the construc°t~on of a Gommu.n~.ty Centera City Attorney Shipsey advised _ that °khe Ci°ty canno~ enter in°to any joint ownership otherc than with other • public agencies o 'The Co~a.nc~ l discussed thn°t °there is a need f~r a C~mmunm ity Btz~ld~ng and City A°t°~orney Shipsey was requested to investigate possis ble ways °the Ci°~y m~gh°t be able to coopernte in such ventures, ADJOURNMEN"T On mo°tion o~ Gounc~.lwoman T°hompson, seconded by Gouncilman Schlegel, and unanimously carr.~eda the mee~ting was adjourned at 9000 P,M, to 7:30 P, Mo April 8th, 1968, . F~. . j. . ; a ,~f!~ ATTES°T: ~ ~ ' ~ ` ~,r, ' .r_ G~C -~,~'ti ,r%-ti/'~ ' ~ ~ ~~e CI CL RK MAYOR ,