Minutes 1968-04-08 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIf~ORNIA The City Council met in adjourned regular session wi°th Mayor Wood pre- s~ding, Upon roll ca11., Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmer~ Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge o~' Allega.a~nce ta our flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilwoman Thompson delivexed the invocation4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Marc~ 26th, 1968 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that General Warrants No. 752 to and in- cluding No. 817, in the total amount of $27,036.67 and Payroll Warrants No. 1209 to and including Noe 1257 in the total amount'of $9,638.75, be approved and ordered paid, TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH The Treasurer's Report for the month of March, 1968, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filed. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH The Departmental Report for the month of March, 1968, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filed. RECEIPT OF FRANCHISE PAYMENT FROM SOUTHERN COUN"TIES GAS COMPANY Administrator Butch advised that the Franchise Payment from the Southern Counties Gas Company in ~the amount of $6,654082 for the calendar year 1967 had been received by the City< RECEIPT OF 1967 PROGRESS REPORT FROM CALIF, OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Administrator Butch advised that the 1967 Progress Repor~t from the California Office of Economic Opportunity which deals with such items as Headstart, Vista and the Neighborhood Youth Program had been received and would be on file and a.vailable to interested parties. NOTICE OF HEARING B~UE2E P:U`~C. RE: RADIO PAGE CENTRAL COAST Administrator Butch advzsed that a n~~tice had been received of a hear~.ng before the Public Utilities Commission on the Radio Page Central Coast appla.ca°tion which would be held on Wednesday, April 24th, at 10:00 A,M. at the County Courthouse in San Luis Obis po. Mayor Wood advised that a request had been ma.de to the Public Utilities Commission tp postpone this hearing for three monthso RESOLUTION ENDORSING COMPLETION OF FREEWAY BETWEEN SAN ARDO AND SAN LUCAS At the'regular meeting of March 26th, 1968, the Council had received correspondence from the Salinas Highway Advisory Council requesting sup- port in their effozt to urge the State Division of Highways to improve 101 Fiighway from San Ardo to San Lucas to a four lane road, and City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepare a Resolution to that effect, After Council d~scussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolutipn regarding`improving a portion of 101 Highway to four lane status, there- a~ter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resol- ution, RESOLUTION NO. 791 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ENDORSING THE COMPLETION OF THE STATE -0F CALIFORNIA FREEWAY SYSTEM BETWEEN SAN ARDO AND SAN LUCAS IN MONTEREY COUNTY> On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wi~t: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of Apri1,1968. ~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 2 RECEIPT OF FRANCHISE PAYMENT FROM PAGIE~IC GAS AND ELEC°TRIC COMPANY Mr, Perry McBeth, representing PacifiC Gas and Electric Goa, presen-ted to the Council a check ~.n the amount of $2~14705$ for ~he Franchise payment for the calendar year 1967e The Counc~l accepted -the check and thanked Mr, McBeth for presenting same, NOTICE F"ROM PACIF°IC F'IR~ Rl~"TTNG BUREAU 3'I-ip,'T A, G, TS HIGH GLA.SS 5 F`IRE RATING Adminis~rator Butch reviewed an off.~ci~l no°t~~~ca°~ion receivecl f'rom the Pacific Fi~e Ra°t'ing Bureau that advised that the F~~.re Rating for ~he Ca.ty of Arroyo Grande had advanced from a very good Class 5~o an outstand~ng C1ass 5, a rate that very few like size c~ties in Cetl~fornia have, and tha$ this will mean a great deal of savings, approxa.mately ll% reduction in fire in- surance rates, to all property owners in Arroyo Grande, Administrator Butch also commented that this better rate was ach~eved through Council policies and direction, and the devotion to duty of Director of Public Works Anderson and Fire Chief Marsalek and their crews. ` LETTER OF RESIGNATION-PLANNING COMMISSIONER ORVILLE SCHUL'TZ Administrator Butch read a letter of resignation ~rom Planning Commis- sioner Orville Schultz which s~tated that Mre Schul°tz could no longer devote the time and energy that he felt is necessary to fulfill the responsibili- ties of a Planning C~mmissioner, and he would no longer be abl~ °to serve on the Commission, On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unan~mously carried, the resignat~on of M~, Orville Schul°tz from the Planning Commission was accepted w~th ~eg~ets~ to be effee~~.ve as of ~his da°~e, and the Administrator v~ras ins~t~txcted to wr~te a l~t~ter of thanks and appreciat~on to Mr. Schizltz for the years he served on the'Plan- ning Commission, PARKS AIVD RECREA'TION COMM, REQUEST ~°OR JOINT BUDGET STUDY SESSION , 'The Counc~l agreed to meet in jo~nt study session with the Pccrks and Recreation Gomm~.ss.~on as they requested, at 7:30 P,MD on Apri1 29th, 1968, , £or the purpose o£ stizdying the Parks and Recrea.°tion Budget for 1968-69, PARK DEDICATION APRIL 27TH, `T968 - ENCINAS BONITAS Admin~.strator Butch advised that the dedication of Encinas Bonitas park had been se~ for Saturday, Apr~l 27th, 1968, and further particulars were no°t available at this t~me, ` REGEIVE BIDS ON 1968 MODEL PICKUP, A 1967-68 BUDGETED ITEM Adminis°tra°tor Butch reported tha°t ~nformal b~ds had been received on a 1968 Model 2°Ton Pickup, a Water Department budgeted item as follows: Mauxy Brennan Ford, Inco $2,230000 330 '~raffa.c i~ki.y, Arroyo Grande, Cal~.fornia , Chr~.s°tianson Chevrolet $2,200.00 303 'Traffa.c Way, Arroyo Grande, California Af°ter Council d~scussion, a motion was made by Counc~lman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, that the low bid of Chr~st~.anson Chevrolet, ~n the total amount of $2,200s00 be ac- cepted, as recommended by Director of Public Works Andersone . RETIREMENT OF LAST WATER REVENUE BOND Adm~nis°trator Butch advised that final payment had been made on the last of the City's water revenue bonds on April l, 1968, and the City now has no outstanding bonded ~ndebtednesse He also rev~ewed that the water revenue bond was issued originally in 1929 a.n the amount of $60,000, with principal paymen~s not being made un°k~l 1939, vaith a redemption being made at $2,000 per year, PUBLIC HEARING-READOPTION OF BEAUTIFICATION PLAN AND ADDENDUM ~GENoPLAN) , Administra°tor Bu~ch revzewed the Beautification Plan as original,ly presented and the plan as it now exists with an addendum making the plan a current document, and reviewed work that had been comple°ted and work in progress ~tha°t is being done ~to implement the plan. Mayor Wood declared the hearing now opened to consider the Beuati£ication Plan and Addendum, vahich hearing wa.s duly publ~shed as required by law, and all persons for or agains°t the plan would be hea~d, Commiss~.oner Bailey of the Parks and Recreat~on Commission was present and spoke in favor ~f the plan being ~ e~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 adopted. °There being no further discussion for ar agains°t the Beautifi- cation P1an and Addendum, Mayor Wood declared the hearing cYosed, After Council discussion, City'Attorney Shipsey read the title o~ a Resolution regarding readoption of a Beautification Pl~.n, thereupan a motion wrcxs made by Cora.ncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilmnn Burto and unan~.mously ~ carried, to dispense with reading the b~l~nce o~ °~his Resolutione RESOLUTION NO. 792 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~F° "I'HE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~E-P,DOPTING A BEAUTIFICATTON PLAN FOR THE CITY. Dn motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on the following roll call vote, to wito AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and°adopted th3s 8th day of Apri1,1968. LETTER:F°ROM MRS. C. F. MON°TGOMERY RE: LOPEZ WATER BILL Administrator Butch read a letter from Mxs. C. F. Montgomery stetting that she was the owner of n one bedreom apnrtment over a garage that is connected;to her house by an archway, and that ~he felt th~,s should qualify as Multiple Dwelling use as a basis for the Lopez Weter Charge instead of two single family dwelling units as she is now being charged, City Attor- ' ney Shipsey submitted a letter to the Council in which he stated that he felt that Municipal Code Section 6-7a.01(b) applies because this is a situ- ation in which water service is furnished to two or more separa~te buildings on the same parcel of land where there is common ownership and water ser- vice and water is furnished through c~ne water connection, and thnt sub- section (c) concerns multiple dwellings in the same building and sub-sec- tion (b) concerns Mrs, Montgomery's situa~ion where the buildings are sep- . arate. After Gouncil discussion, City Administrator Butch was requested to send a copy of City Attorney Shipsey's letter to Mrs, Montgomery to ~ make her aware that her Lopez Water billing is correct at the present time. DISCUSSION ON ITEMS TO BE STUDIED BY ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Administrator Butch advised that he had met with Clifford Clark, City Attorney for Grover City; Steve Crossman, the City Attorney for Pismo Beach and Andrew David, an interested person, to discuss some way in which the Zone 3 Advisory Committee could perhaps express and stand for the ideas of the South Gounty, making Zone 3 a fairly strong advisory board to the County Board of Supervisors, and giving the South County a voice in regula- ting the operation of the Lopez Dam areae_ Mr. Butch also briefly reviewed nine items of concern that it was felt Zone 3 Advisnry Committee should review and advise upon. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to write to the Zone 3 Advisory Board encouraging them to ex- tablish meeting dates, times and places, as well as agendas, and that the meetings be on a regular basis and also request that the Gity receive copies of their agendas. REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY OF A.G. FROM L. VIT. AUTRY Gity Administrator Butch read a letter from M~. L. W. Autry, re- questing water service to an area outside the City of Arroyo Grande on Los Berros Road to service 80 acres of land that will be two-acre ran- ~ chitos when developed. Mr. Autry was present and verbally xeviewed his subdiv~sion plan and said he felt the development could be made if City water would be available. After Council discussion, Mr. Autry was advised no decision could be made at this time as this City can not se11 Lopez water to anyone not in the City without xeceiving permission from each other contracting entity, that the Local Agency Formatior~, Commission would have tp be contacted regarding nnnexation of the ar~a. to the City and Zone 3 if other properties were willing #o annex to make this parcel contiguous and if areas receiving Lope2 water would have to be in the Zone 3 district. Administrator Butch was requested to keep in contact with Mr. Autry regarding this request for water. ~.4 C ITY COLTNC IL, APRIL 8`~H a 196~ ARROYO GRANDE, C1~~IFOR.~TIA ~AGE 4 RECEIPT O~ M~NLJ°~ES O~ C~lJ1~I'~Y W.~Z'ER RESOL~RCES ADi~'~SORY COMMI~°TEE Minutes of ~l~e Coun°ky 1Na.ter Reso~rces Adv~s~?ry ~~mm~ttee° s meet~ng o£ March 5~thA 19G8 were received and di~c~xssecl by °t}xe Counc~l ancl orclered f~led, A£~er ~o~xnciT d~.scussa~on, on m~tion ~f Counc~lwoman °Thompsona seconded by Cnur~c~lm~n I~e~°i~e~ ~nd ~rn~.~~~c~us~y c~r~~ed~ D~rect~~ of Publ~c Ulorks Ande~son was appo~n-~~d ~s t~e C~~y ~,~r~y~ G~~nde ° s alterna°~e member on th~ C~un~y W~.~e~ Resour~es Adv~s~ry ~oanm~~~e~ and at~kencl ~hat Commi°ttee°s meet~ngs, PROGRESS REPORT' ON T'HE E'AIN~'ING OF RESERVO~R N~ a 2 Admin~s°trato~ Butch rev~ewed a~ep~r~ ~rom D~rec°tor ~f Publ~c Works Anderson that stated ~hat s~ndblas~a~ng and pa~n-t~ng of the inter~or of Reservoir Noa 2 s~ould be compieted by Apr~1 8~h, 1968 ~nd that a first class job vaas be~ng done4 7['he repo~°t als~ ae1~,~sed tha~ on ~he exter~or of the reservo~s t~e existing surface coat ~as v~~y poor adhererace to the prime coat and that the bes°t method o~ comxecting ~h~s s~,t~xa°k~on would be to sandblast and cspply one grime coat and °~wrs ~~l~ar coats at a cost of $5,234,00 as an addition to the con~k~ac~, and M~o A.~d~rse~n reccammended the tank be painted as per °the ex~.st~.ng con°~~ac°k ~nrh~,ch sho~.7Ld ~~cov~de a satis- factory surface ~or several years, Af~e~ Coura.c~.~ d~sc~ss.~~n~ ~t uaaa~ agreed to ~r~~eed v~r~~~ ~he ~aints.ng o~ Reservea~r N~vo 2 css p~r ~he ex~>at- ~ng con~~a~~a PROGRESS REPOR°~' O~V SO, SLO COiJNT'Y SANI"~A'~ION I~IS~"RI~°T '~'he C~~n~~1 rece~ved, ~ev~ewedo and ~he~eaf~~~ cl~re~ted °to ~'~le~ a copy ~f ~t~e °T~eatment ~l~.n~ ~pe~a°~~~ ° s ~rep~~t ~or ~h~ mon~~ o~ 1~larch,l9E>~. ~'he Counc~ Y~ece~ved r~ ~~py c~f ~kae 9 m~n°~h ~~venue ancl expenditure repor°t on ~]-ie San~ta°~~on Dgstr~et as ~nforma.~~.on ~nlyo REPOR°T ON PREL~MINAR~ SEV4ER GRAN°T APPLICA~`ION MEE'~°TNG WI`I'fi T-I[JD OFF°ICIALS Adm~.n~str~~or Butch repor°~ed t~nt M~a K, G, `.~rc~mbarger of Koebig and Koebig and himsel~° ~acl gone to the San F~ancisco O~~'ice of Housing and Urban Developmen~ on Apr~.l 4thg 1968, to discuss the City ~f Arroyo Grandeas proposed sevver appl~cation for a F°ederal Grant, which would be applied for under tlze F~deral Water and Sewer Facili~ies Grant Program, and vaould be ccp~~ox~m.a~ely $2920000 out of an est~mated pro~ect of $1,200,000, Mro B~~ch also adv~sed °~he~e wa.s a possib~lity of the Grant being delayed dbxe to an applica°tson be~ng made by Zone 3 for HUD funds wh~cl~ vvould deplete civailable monies and tha°~ beca~u.se of the Lopez Grants another G~an°t m~gh~ no~ be ob~a~ned v~ry ~ead~~y .~n ~khe same ar~as Admin- istrato~ Bu°t~}°~ stated there wa~ a goss~b,~l~~ty °the C~.°ty° s applzca°~ion would be cons~de~ed Oc°kobe~ l, ~L968 o and HUD off`ic~al.s advised h~m there is a poss~bil~ty o~ ~a lesse~ ~ra~eres~ ra~te a F°ederal Loan is ob°kained, wh~.ch can be a,ccompl~~hed by use of a H[JD appro~red assessment procedure> Af°ter Counc~l d~.scuss~.can, Adm~nis°tra~o~° B~tch was req~a.ested to contac°t the firm of S°tone and Young}aerg ~'o~° a.ra estamate c~f cos~t fo~ ~}xe~r services to re- view and prep~.re a~eport adv~sa.ng °the best assessment procedure for the C~~y to ~'ollotir ~o~ ~}ae finan~~ng of the proposed sewer ~nstallation. LEGISLA~'IVE BiTI,LE'~I1V F°ROM T'HE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CIT°IES, Admin~s°~~ca°~~~ B~tch d~s~x~bu°ted cop~es o~ °the latest League of Cal- iforn~a Ci~ies B~~~~e~~n °~o the C~ra.ncil ~or the~r review and ~nformation, COUNCILMAN LEVINE GRAN°TED PERMISSION °TO BE ABSEN°T FROM STATE On mo°t~on o~ Co~aunc~.lwoman Thompson~ seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously ~~.r~ied, Counc~lman Lev~.ne was granted perm~ssion to be ou°t of the Sta°te ~f Cal~fornia from Ap~~l 10~h °~o Apr.~l 13th, 1968o as requested by Cov.nc~lman Levineo CANCEL REGULoAR 1vIEE°TING OF° APRIL 9°TH, 1968 On mot~~n o~ Counc~lmc~n Schlegel ~~econdecl by Cox~.ncilman BLxrt, and ~ unanimously c~rried, ~he regula~ mee~~ng o~ Apr~l 9th, 196~, was cancelled due to the M~.n~ca.pal E1e~t~on bea.ng ~eld on t}za°k' clate. ~ CITY COUNCIL P,PRIL 8°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ADJOURNMENT On motian of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Cov.n~ilman Burt, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjorzrned at 9:10 P,Me °to 7030 P,M., April 15th, 1968, ATTEST : ~ ~'r'~`~`~ v:;>~ ~~c,~ CITY LE K MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 15th,1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 Px M. This adjourned regular sess~on was not held d~.e ~to the lack o~ a quorum, r ~ ~ ' r > ATTEST' o r~.-~' ~rr~'~ s =,!',.,y.~~ CIT LERK ~ MAYOR