Minutes 1968-05-14 C~TY COUNCIL ARf?OYO GRANDE, CALIPORNIA MAY 14T'H, 1968 T'he C~ty ~ouncil met in xegular session tn~ith Mayo~ Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilvvoman °a'hompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Smith reported presen°~. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCA°TION Mayor UVood led the Pledge of All~gxcxnce -to o~xr flag; and ~mmed~a°tely thereaftera Reverend ICenne~h Ra ~~~s~e~.l of ~khe ~°irs# Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande, delivered the ~nvocat~on, APPROVi~L OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Apra.l 23rd, 1968, were approved as p~r epar ed . APPROVAL OF INARRAN'TS A mo°t~.on was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that General Wa~°rants Noo 870 to and a.ncluding NoG 934, in the total amount of $43,685.58 and Payroll Warrants No4 1325 to and including No~ 1446, in the total amoun°t of $2n,701.23, be approved and ordered paido WELCOME °TO A,G, HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY PARTICIPANTS Mayor Wood welcomed the Arroyo Grande High School students who had par°ticipated in the Elks° sponsered Youth in Governmenlt Day held annually on °the first Monday of May, and thanked the studen°ts ~or attending -this meeting Qnd fo~° taking an interest in the aperations of the Ci~y. LEAGU~ OF C1~LIF. CI'~IES INfORMATION RE: DIREC'T ELECTTON OF MAYORS Administrator Butch briefly rev~ewed in~'ormation received from the League of Cal:~fornia C~ties rega•rding the direct election of Mayors in General Law Cit~.es, wh~.ch adv~sed that the people must vo~te on the question of making the Mayor a separate elected position and if the vote ~s favorablea then the elected Mayoros position is pu-t on the ballot of a future mun.~cipal election, w.ith the term of of~ice being for four years. After Council discussion, it was f elt there was sufficient time for ad- ditional informat~on t~ be obtained on this matter and Administrator Bu~tch was instruc-ted to write °to the cities of Arvin, Desert Hot Springs " and Carlsbad, which ei.re smaller cities w~th specifically elected Mayors, and request any information that might be avai~able regarding the ad- van°tages or d~sadvantages o£ hav~.ng the Mayor a separate elected position. RECEIPT OF REPORT AND BUDGET REQUES°T FROM SLO C0. DEVELOP. ASSN „ INC. Adminis°tratar Butch reviewed a report and budget request from the St~n Luis Obispo County Developmen°t Associa°tion which advised that the forthcoming ~orxr ~o be held by the Association wa.ll be on June 5th, 6th and 7°~h, Also ~hat °the Association had requested that $1500.00 be bud- ge°ted by ou~° C~.~ty in the 196$-69 fiscal year for support of this Associ- ation, After Counc~l discuss~on, it was agreed the request for $1500,00 for support would be considered in normal budget review and consideration, LETTER F'ROM A.Go AMERICAN LEGION POST 136 RE: FEE-EXEMPT FIREWORKS LIC. Adm~nistrator Butch advised tha°t a letter had been received from the American Legion Pos°t 136 requesting a fee exempt license to sell safe and sane fireworks, Af"ter discussion, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Counc~lman Schlegel, and u.nanimously carried, approval was granted to the American Legion Post No. 136 for a fee exempt license for fireworks sales at the Hawthorne Super Mart parkzng lot subject to the installat~on of one wa-te~ fire extingu~sher ~n the sales booth. LETTER FROM DOWNTOWN MERCHAN°TS RE; PARKING LOT (REAR OF BANK OF AMERICA) Discussion of the proposed Parking Lot at the rear of the Bank of America building was held over un°til the next regular meeting of May 2$th, 1968 at the reques-~ of the Downtown Merchants. ~ 'TREASURER' S REPORT FOR °THE MONT'H OF APRIL, 1968 'I'he Treasurer's Report for the month of April, 1968, was received . by the Council; discussed, and ordered filede DEPAR"TMEN°TAL REPORT FOR °~HE MONTH OF APRIL, 1968 °The Departmental Report for the month of April, 1968, was received by the Council, discussed, nnd ordered filed. 2~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 14TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE P CALIF°ORNIP, PAGE 2 AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING EX'TENSION OF T'IME RE~ A.G. WOMAN°S CLUB .~GREEMENT Admin~stra°tor Butch revi~wed an extension lease agreement between the City and the Woman°s Club'th~.t ~~e C~°ty A~torney had been authorized to prepare. Af°ter Counc~.l di5cussion, on motion of Coun~ilman Schlegel~ seconded by Councilman Smith, and una.namously carried~ upon receip°t of the executed agreement by and from ~h~ Wc~man~ ~~lu.b, °the Mayor cxnd City Clerk were authorized to execute °the extensgon lease agreement f~r propm erty a.n °the Valley View ~'aract, be~vaeen the Ca.ty of P,rroyo Grande and the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club extending the ~k~me ~~r a ten year per~.od, ~'rom April 28th, 1968 to April 28thq 1978,~3n w}a~ch construction of a club ~ house must be undertaken. ~h~`J`~W~~ ~ ~as~ ~ AUDSTOR°S INTERIM REPORT ON NINE MONTH PERIOD OF 1967-68 FISCAL YEAR The Auditor's Interim Report on the nine month period of the 1967- 68 Fiscal Year, was received by the Council,-discussed, and ordered filed< NOTICE FROM BLUE CROSS OF PROPOSED INCREASE IN COST AND COVERAGE Administrator Butch advised as informa.tion only, tha°t notice had ~ been received from Blue Cross of a proposed increase in cost and a pro- posed increase in coverage, with exact details and azneaunts not being available at this time. ECONOMI~ OPPOR.COMM, fJF SLO REa APP(~INTMEN'~ OF CI`~Y REPRESENTATIVE Administra-kor Butch ~dvxsed ~ha.°t the O~~ice of Economic Opportun- ity has requested °that the Gity ccppo~nt a repxesentative to the Economic Opportuni°ty Commissian as Mr, ~Jo~n Hia.rst could no longer parf~c~.pate as the City representative due to ~liness. May~r Wood recommended Mr, Ernest P~ En~lish, 209 A1der S~k., be appoin°ted to serve and it was agreed that Mre Engl~sh be con°tac°ted prior to appoin~ment -to determine if he would be will~ng to donate °ths necessary time, and °this appointment be held over until the next regular mee~irago LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN ~ROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNTA CI"TTES City Attorney Shipsey br~efly reviewed a copy of the latest Legisla- tive Bulletin received from the League of California Cities, and noted a bill to reapportion the dis~tribution of Cigarette Tax has been approved in the Assembly and is now be~ore the Senatea After Council discussion, the Ci°ty Adminis°txator was ins°t~uc~ed ~to t~arite to Senator Grunsky re- questing on behalf of the Ci°ty, tha°t he vote favorably on the Cigarette Tax measure, APPOINTMENT OF° PLANNING COMMISSIONERS SKEL°TON AND ST. DENIS Mayor Wood recommended °that Gh~.r~es R. Skelton and Roger St. Denis, who had indica~ed thezr willingness to 5erve by submitting their names, be appoin°ted °to the Planning Comm.~ssion °to fill ~the vacancies created by the resigna~tions of Wells C. Smith and Orville Schul°tz. After Council discuss~on, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, Cha.~les Ra Skelton, 606 Mulberry Lane, was appointed °to serve as a commissioner on the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission w~°th his term of ~ff~ce term~.nating on June 30th, 1969, and Roger A. St, Denis, 598 Gaynfair °Terrace~ was appointed to serve as a commissioner on the Ar~oyo Grande Plnnning Cammission with hfs term of office term~nating on June 30th, 1970. ART GAREY PRESENTA'TION RE: DVA'TER, SEWER AND LOPEZ RA.T'ES Mrw Art Garey was presen~t and presented an oral report of his rea- sons £or objecting to ~he method used for wa°ter billing and the opera- tion o~ City departmen°t ° s~,ahic~ he fel°t co~u.ld be improved for more ef= ficiency. Mr. Garey also submitt~d a written summary report for the Council"s review cxnd considera°t~on. Af~ter Council discussion, Mayor Wood thanked Mr. Ga.rey for attending the mee~ting and expressing his views and opinions. LETTER FROM G. L, FORD REo WATER PRESSiJRE ON HILLCREST DRIVE Administrator Bu.tch read al.oud a le°tter rece~ved from Mr, G. Le Ford stating ~hat °the Hillcrest Drive area is receiv~.ng very low water pres- sure and °~ha°t for the econom.ical operata~on of a household and for fire pro°tection, he was ~equesting that °~he Ci~ty increase the water pressure. Af~ter Council discussiony Administrator Butch was requested to advise Mr. Ford that a booster pump has been request~~ ~n fihe 1968-69 Budget, and 3~ CI'TY COUNCIL MAY 14TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDEr GALIFORNIA PAGE 3 when this pump is approved and ins°talled, ~he H~llcres~ ~rea will rev ceive increased wa~er pressure, COUNCIL REPOR'T ON ZONE 3 MEE"TING HELD MAY 9°TH, 1968 Councilman Levine reported on the 2one 3 Meetin~ }°ield on May 9th, 1968, and advised °that ~he ~Nc~.te~ Resources l~dv~.sory G~mmittee had estab- lished they would hold mee~tings ~n th~ s~cond °Th~,x~sday o£ each month at various locations within Z~ne 3 and °the Board of Superv~,sors were being requested to reaffirm commi~~ee member appointmentse Councilman Levine als~ advised no ac°tion had been ~aken on. ~he Pump Tax s~.v.bmitted to them as ftnll information has not as y~°k been m~,de ava.ilablea and negotiations were underway for the purchase o~ ~ndependen°kly owned waiter companies in Zone 3. INTRODUCTION OF SLO CITY A°TTORNEY Mayor Wood introduced Howa.rd .7c~hnson, Cz°~y A°ttorney for San Luis Obispo who was presen-~ as a spectatore SET PUBLIC HEAR. ON SPREAD2NG 0~' ASSESSMEN'T~CORNWALLoBELLgALDER,PECAN Administrator Butch advised tha°t Direc°tor of Public Works Anderson had reported tha~ the ins°tallation of curb and gu.tters on four streets had been completed under t~~ Short 1911 Act and reques°ted that a public hearing on the spreading of ~.ssessment be seto Af'ter Council discussion, on motion of Councslman Schlegel, seconded by Gouncilman Levine, and unanimously carr~ed, the Public Hea.ring on $he spreacling of assessment for the Shor°t 1911 Ac-t ~s.sed ~°or the ~nstalla°tion of Curb, C~xtters and Driveway Aprons on Cornwall, Be11, A1der and Pecan Streets, was set for 8:00 P.Mq on June llth, 1958~ in the Council Chambers of the City Halle ~ INVITATION TO DIN~VER IN HONQR O~° DISTRIG"T ENGINEER ROBERT DATEL Admin~strator Butch adv~sed ~hat the Counc~l has been invited to a dinner honoring Distr~ct Eng~neer Robert Datel of the State Division of Highways, at the San Luis Ob~.spo Country Glub on May 17th, 1968e $TATE DEFICIENCY REPORT FOR 1964~68 Administrator Butch reviewed a xeport and map from the Director of Public Works regarding ~he S~a-te Deficiency Report covering a summary of street needs up to June 30th, 1978 ~.nd a summary of Progress between June l, 1964 and June 30, ~L968, c~nd ~.dvised °tha~t the Division of Highways had requested that -kh~s repox°~ be a~companied by a Resolution indicating its acceptance by the Ci~y Counc~.l, Af°ter Council discussion, City Attor- ney Shipsey read °the ti°tle ~f ~ Resolut~.on regarding the adoption of a - repor~k on ci°ky street def~.ciexn~~es, ~hereupon a motion was made by Council- man SchlegelQseconded by Co~nc~lman Lev~ne, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading °the balance of °this Resol~a.tiona RESOLUT'ION NOe 797 A RESOLU°TION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOP°TING CI`I°Y ENGINEER° S REPORT ON CITY STREET' DEFICIENCIES. On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, °to wit: AYESe" Counc~l~roman T'hompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, S~nith and Mayor Woode NOES: None ABSEHTo None the foregoing Resolution vaas passed and adopted this 14th day of May,1968. COUNCIL REPORT ON AREAWIDE PLANNING MEE°TTNG HELI~ MAY 9TH, L968 Councilman Smifih reported he k~ad attended the Areawide Planning Meet- ing held on May 9th, 1968, and it was a.greed a priority list should be established as to ~khe needs of °the County ns °t~ water, sewers and flood control, ~.nd further discuss~on of ~the priority list would be held a~t the August 41th, 1968 meeti,ng~ ~,au}aen additional in~ormation had been re- ceived from Mr. Born, Coun°ty Hydraulic Engineer, ~i CI'TY COUNCIL MAY 14°TH, 196~ ARROYO GRANDEA CALIF°ORNIA P.~GE 4 DISGUSSION ON COMPREHENSI\TE SEV~TER 1~L~,N AND APPT~ICIIT`IQN ~OR HUD GRANT Adm~n~s°~~at~~ Bu°tc~a adv~s~d ~}~a°~ ~~~m }~~s corave~sa~~on wi°th t}-ie Y~ousm ing and iJrban Developmen°~ re~sresen~~~t~v~a ~s no~ ne~essary for °the C~ty ~to stcx~te what ane°~hod o~ ~~nara~~~~ b~ ~a,secl ~o~ °t~-Se sewe~ iras°tcsllat~ono Mr a B,,z~rch ~eported t}~a~ °the 1,9~ ~ a~d ~.~13 A~~s ~re n~~ ~,ccep~a.b~e f~r pri- vate ~r governmen~ ~a~a~an~ing ~h~~ ~~m~a Ac1~.~n~s°~~~~~~ Bcztch wa~ rem quested to prepc~.~e a, sumin~.ry o~ ~th~ v~~~~t~s b~rxcl ~c~s ~ndica~t~.ng ~he adm ~ van~tages a~d da~sad~ran°~cxges ~ac~a9 ~uh~~l~ ~~~lcl b~ u~secl ~o ~~na.nce °the sewer ~nstal.lcit~ona as ~~Ze cos°~ ~~c~mmenda°~a,on €~~m Stone and You.ng~ berg was grea~te~ °than 9r~g~nally an°~~c.~p~~~do MAYOR 1NOOD DECLARED A RE~ESS A"T 1000~ PoMo P~~ID °THE COUNCIL REGONVENED A'T I0, 14 WI°TH ALL MEIuIBERS PR~SEN~ AS ~HOTIVIV ON ROLL CALL PRO~RESS REPORT ON SOiJ°TH SLO COLTN'TY SP,NI°~A"T~AN DIS'TRIC°I' The Counc~.l received~^~°~v:~eweda ~rad °k~e~e~~te~ d~.~ected to ~ile a copy of the Treatmen°~ Plaxat ~~xa~co~ ° s r~p~~~ ~or ~he mon°th of Apri1,19680 AGREEMEN°T FOR SUPPLEMEN'TAL P~LI~E Mt3 ~'LI.~L A.ID ~ Adm~.nistra°~or Butch r~po~°~ed -~ha°t °~he Ag~eemenfi f~r Stnpplemental Police Mu-tu.al Aid hacl been am~nded "a.nd t~xe po~°~ion ~~~ta.~r~ng financial reimb~arsement had been d~le~edo Ora in~°t~.on o~' ~~unc~~.~rr~mecn T"nompson, seconded by Goixncilmarx Lev~ne~ ancl ~nar~~m~~~~y ca~~~.e~g t]7.e Mayo•r ~.nd City Glerk were au°thor~zed ~o e~c~cu~te ~~e l~g~eemen~ f~~ S~xgpYemen°tal Palice Mutu.al Aid between the s~x ~.~c~~po~at~d ~~~i.es vaai°tFa~n Sa.n Luis Ob~spo County and °the Coun~y o~ San Lu~~ Oba.sp~, ~s recommended by Police Chief R~.chardsono RESOLLT°TION AL7~°HORIZING '~V~IC~ ~EUES~RIAIV ~R~JSS YilALKS ON SO e ELM S'~ e Adm~nist~a°tor B~°tc}x repo~~~ecl ~~aa°~ ~.ns~~Tla°t~.on o~' pedestrian cross walks on Soo Elm S~o by Encinas B~n~°~as ~'ark }aad been rev~ewed by the Police nnd Publ~.c Wo~ks l~e~,~°~rnents c~.nd vaas °the~r recommendat~on that cross walks be es°tabl~.sh~d a~ ~cks A~reo and Ash St, for pedest•rian safetym A~~er Counc~l d~sc~:,ss~on, Admir~~.s~ra.°t~~ But~h read °the ~itle of a Resolu°tion regard~ng cross walks on Soo ~lm S°treet, thereupon a motion was made by Counc~lman Schlegels second~d by Gounc~lman Levine, and unani- mously ca~r~.ed, °to d~spen~e w~~lh rea,da~ng ~3~e balance of this Resolution, RESOLLpT'ION NOa ~98 A RESQLLT°TION OF" THE ~I~`Y COUNCIL OF° °THE CITY OF° ARROYO ~RANDEo GALIF'A1~NIP~a DESIGNA°TING AND LOCATTNG ~'N10 PEDESTRIP,N CROSS WAI.oKS ON SOU°TH ELM STREE°T IN `THE CI"TY OF° ~,.RR~~'O Gk~P~NNDE ~D DIREC°TING °THE APPRO- PRIAT°E NtP~R~IN~ ~"HEREO~' o On motion of C~~ncil~a~man °~'~om~s~n~ seconded by Councilman Levine, and by the f~llowing roll call v~°~e~ w~t: AYES: Counc~lwom~n °T}nom~s~~~ ~o~ancilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wooda NOES: None ABSEN°T < None the foregoing Resqlu~~an ~aas passed ~nd adopted this 14°th day of May, 1968, UNIF°ORM REN°TAL SERVICE ~ CAI~L ~°QR B~DS ~1 Adm~n~stra°tor Bu°tch ~eqaaeste'd ~,u~he~ri~a~ion °to call for formal bids to supply ~he C~°~y ~mpl~yees w~~h ~[Jr~i~o~m Rental Sex~va.ce, as the cost had recen°kly been ~.z~creaseda A~°°ter d~.sc~xss,~on, on mo°~~on of Counc~lman Smzth, seconded by Co~x~c~.lman Sch~egels ~.nd unc~n~.mously carried, tha°t c~~pproval and au~hor~.~~~a.~n be g~~r~n call f~~ b.~ds ~o supply Uniform Rental Service ~o~ °~he pe~~c~d be~~rzn~.rsg ~J~~.y l~ 1968 and ending June 30, 1969, s~xid bids,, t~ be a~~*~~;d ,7~n~ ~~~~a, ~968, a~ 2 0 00 PeMo ~.n the Coun~~l Chambers o~ th~ A~rc~y~ G~~nd~ ~a~°ty Hall o ? CITY COUNCIL MAY 14TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 PROPOSED ZONING MA~ Administrator Butch presented copies of the proposed Zoning Map, to the Council and advised that the Planning Commission would conduct a hearing on the groposed map on May 20th, 1968. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY ON SO, fiLM STREBT Administra,tor Butch distribu.ted to the Gouncil as intormation only a map showing the proposed development of the City owned property on So, Elm Street as proposed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. SIX CITIES MAYORS MEETING Mayor Wood advised the Mayors of the six cities af San Luis Obispa County would have a Luncheon Meeting at the San Ramon Inn on biay 22, 1968, ADJOURNMENT On motion ot Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:41 P.M. to 7:30 P.~+I. May 27th, 1968. y ,-•f° , t,-r~ ~O ATTEST: 7r? =~G~-~`Y~.J:<~°~.~.~` C CLERK btAYOR ~ . ~ ~