Minutes 1968-06-25 ~3 CI°TY COiJNCIL ~7LdNE 25thQ 1~~8 ARROYO GRANDEe CALIFORIVIA T'he City Corxnc~l. me~t irb ~eg~~,~~ ~~s~.~~r~ inr~t~n M~y~~ INo~d pres~ding~ Upon roll calla C~unca.~r~v~m~~ ~'kxomps~n~ ~or~.x~c~lmen Lev~r~e and Sc~Yegel reported present. Counc~~m~~ Sm~.~h ~bs~n*~ PLEDGE O~° ALLEGIANGE A1VD .INVO~PaZ',~ON Mayor W~od led ~}~e Pi~dqe ~a~ ~.~~~~:~~:a~~e ~aw~~ ~:~,~gr and immed~a~tely °thereafter PR~ve~~nd Stc~r.ley Daxr~cx~r B~ap~~.s~ ~lnurch o~ Grover City, delivered °the ~.nvoc~*i.~~z, APPROVAL O~° MINLTaI'ES The m.~nra.tes o~ ~the ad~~a~~ra~d re~~~~,~ m~e~~~g J~s.ne 10°~h, 1968 were approved as p~eparedN Counc~~mcxn Levine cd~~-~ec°~ed m~~~,~~s c~~ ~J~:ne ~lth,~968o P~ge 2, seventh paragraph, ~.~.ne 5 n °~ca ~e~.d a'Iui~~ ~ G~o~ ge Haldc~~~.p~a~~° o speaka~ng for herse~i ancl M~s. Do L< '~r~a~ey~ wa'4~:;~ s~u~idr~' ~ be ~~e~~r>~ d•a~e to her son's illness," an.d line ~.0, ~~ad ~"~.d~~s~d M~s~ Huldg~apher~~p and thereaf~ter the m~nu°~~s o~ ~~Z~ ~°~s~~~~~,~ m~e°~~x^~g ~a~ ,~u~e :~I.°~~x, 196~, were approved as prepa.red ~.ncl ~ca~~~~~~d~. APPROVAL OF WARRAN"~S A motion v,aas mad~ by C~tiazz~~.~~ra~mc~rs "~~~mps~z~a ~ec~nded by ~ouncilman Levine9 and ~znanimou~ly c~~~~ecl, ~;~~s~ i~~r~„~~1 V~le~~~~ry~s N~> 1033 ~o and incl+ading No~ 1~~~, in ~he ~~~~J~ amo~zx~ c~~ $2~v232.~3, Fay~oll Wa~~ants Noa 1447 ~o and ~nG~ud~n.g N~, 152~. f ir °~~e ~o~al ~.m~~xz~t a~~ $10,~82~04 and Trust and Agency War~ani~s N~„ 57~ ~~xd ~n~~~d~r~g 586p .~n ~he ~o~tal amount of ~289,009 be ~pp~,°v~cl c~~~ a~°d~~~~d p~~,d, PROTES~" LE'~'TERS Ol~ L,OPEZ VIIA°~"ER ~'~~G£ .~,~'~tD R~QL~EST F'Ol~ ANN~XA"~ION Adm~n.is~~ator B~°~~~ ~d~rised ~;~rc~ ~.c~~~°~i~r~l ~et~e~~ h~d been re~e~ved £rom Mr: and Mrs~ Ba~s~e~ S~In~'il~z~~, B~~s~~a R~c~d ~.nd Mx°, and Mrs~ Louis ~ Silva, 187 Br~sco Rocxd, who r~s3~1~ ~~ut~~a~d~ ~c~`h~ Gi~y L~mi~so and ~n. b~th ~ cases ~ t~ey p~ ~°kes°~ed the $8 ; 5l~ c~~ ~ap~~ Wa~e~ a.nd ~ndicafied a ~ desire ~o annsx ~]-ae~.~ par~a~~~ ~y ~!}a_~ ~°a~ wy ~ M~°s ~ Scha. ~~~ng and Mrs o Silva yaere present ca.nd ~tsl~ed ~~e Goan~~1~ ~c~ ~t~z7sx,d~x~ fi~eir rec~aa~st~ After Ca~nc~l d~scussion~ ~.~t ~ra.~ ~.g~~ed rz~ de~e~°m~na°tion could Y~e made a-t this time regarding °the Lope~ Wa~er ~;harg~ bz~°~ ~h~°~ °~his mat°ter would be con- sidered a°~ a s°~udy sess~.on ~f °~h~ ~~~nGi~ mn J~ly l0~hp 7.968w APPOIN"~"MEN~' Z'O ECONOMIC OPPOR~"UNI~Y COMM„ ~ CHARLES S., BOWT~ES M~,yo~ Wood ~ppo,in~~d G~a~ S. B~v~rles ~ 440 Wo~sdland Dr,~ve, °ko serve as °khe Ci~tyA s repr~s~nta~ive °~~}~e E~~~~niic Opportunity Commissian. AGVARD BID ON ANNUI~I~ F'TJBLIC WORI~S LlNTF'ORM REN~`AL . Administra~~or Bu~ch ~,d~ris~d ~wa~ b~.els h~.c~ been ~ecea.vecl and opened at 2 ~ 00 P.M~ ,~?une 11th~ 1968, s~.pply ~rh~ ~~~y employees wi°th a Uni~ form Rental Serv~.ce anc~ th~.~ °~he b:~d~ ~~~~~,ved from Valley Industria~. Laundry ~,nd Model L~nen S,app'Ly wexe ~d~n~r~c~,~.,. A~~ter Cotznc~l discussion, on mo~a~~n of Councilman Sc~xl~gel~ s~confled by Counc~lman Levine, and unanimously carried, tha°~ t~e b~.d o~ Va11ey T,ndus~~eial Laundry, to su~:pi~ a iJniform Renta,l Serv~ce f~am ~7~zly 1, 196~ ~o Ju.ne 30, 1969, for City Employees for $2,00 per man, pe~° w~eek~ pl~a,~ °the in~~ial expense o~ ~5 cents for sh~ia.lder pa~chss and n~.me ~o~ke~ pa~kch pe~° un~~°orm be accepted, as recommended by D~~ec°tor of ~'ub1~.c Wo~~CS ~ndersz~nu LEGISLoA'TIVE Bi7LLE~'IN FROM ~'HE LE~GUE GF C1~LI~°~RNIA ~ITIES C.ity Attorney Sh~ps~y brie~ly re~r~e~red c~ ~opy o~ ~:he latest Lega.s- la°~ive Bu11e°ta.n r~ce~ved ~~om ~~e L~~.g~e of Gc~]_,~fornia Ci°ties, Adminis°tra~a~ Bu~ch ~re~o~ted Sena.°~o~° Gx~nsky ~ndiccx°~ed to h~m °khat he vaas in favor of the C.igaret~kP ~'ax Meas~~e ~~a~ ~s nowa be~ore the Senate and tha°k ~he w~Eald ~~a.ppc~~~ AB~203 P~nex~~y can °Traf~a~c Offensese REPOR2 ON BLUE GROSS MEI9ICAL INSURANCE PROpOSED ~OS~ INGREASE. Admin~stratr~~° ButGh xegar~ed nr~~-i~;~.ca~~on hac~ been received from Blue Cross adv~.sing -k~Z~.t a pra~cas~d inc~ ease vi.rz cost and benefits would become e~fective on Au~z~s~ 1, ~.~68F ~nd ~h.is p~ap~sed incre~.se would be approxima~ely one 1-hi~d oi~ °~hP p~esera~ ~~s~. Afte~ Council d~scussion, . on mo°tion of Gouncilw~m~n '~'homgs~n;, s~cond~d by C~•u:nci~zn~tn. Levine,, and unanimously carr~~d, Admin:xs~rra,~Qr Bu~kch wa~s c~u~kl~~~~~ed to ca~.l ~or in- ~ormal bids fa~ Mediccsl Insaa.r~.nc~ for C.i~y Emp~oyees, to be received Ju1y 18t~d 1968 ~t 2;00 P,M„ CI'TY COidNCIL Ji~1VE 25th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTF'ORNIA E'~1GE 2 NO°TICE FROM LESSEE A°T 200 E, BRPaNCH S~. TO EXER~I~E HIS OF°~IO1V Admin~s-~r~.~or Bu°~ch ~ead a 3e~~~~ r~~~a~ved ~~om M~e Ronale~ Gould, A°ttorney, for Mr. R~chard Lee, lesse~ 200 Eas°t Br~nc}~ Streeta adva,s- ing that Mr. Lee ~s exerc~sxng °th~ ~p~ion ~.n add~.~~oraa~. fa.ve year period at °t~e same ~exms, covenan~s~ ~nd c~ncli~i~r~s ~f his lease<, The option prov~sion p~ov~des °~ha~ ~he ~e~~ of b~u~~.d~,s~~ wah~ch has been $60.00 per month shall be renego~a~~~~d~ bu~ ~r~ ~n~r ~~re~t~ shall not ex- ceed $100.00 per mon~h nor be less °~ha*~ $60.Od ~~~r xn~r~~}a and it is Mr. Lee's desire °to x°enego°tia~e ~}xis ~°en~~~ p~ssib~.e< A~ter Council dis~ussion, Adm~n~s°~rat~r B~~c~a we~s ~r~s~~u~~~cl ~a nego~~ate the financial arrangements with the I.Be~s~~, , ACCEPTANCE OF' DEED F'RC3M MARTIN POLTN REo I~AL;CYON ROAL A"I' GRP,ND AVE, Adm~n~st~ator Butch repor°ted °~ha°~ a Gxca.nt Deed had been received from Martin Polin for a str~p o~ ~¢~nd c~ppr~x~m~,~ely 135 feet long and 13 2 feet wide at the smbatheas~t co~r~~~ i~~~~s~c°t~on o~ Grand Ave, and Halcyoxa Road which would pe~°m~t ~h~ ~.~~ty expand Halcyon Road to its full 80 foot width~ After Counc~.:l. ct~~~axss.~or~a a m~a~k~on was made by Councilman Schlegel, sec~nded by Co~.nc~i~nrom~~a ~~~~ps~xz~ and unanimously carried, that °the Grant Deed from Ma~~zn Pc~lgnq be ~c~~pted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be au°tho~~zed 1~o s~~n ~Ya~ ~e~rtificate of Accept- cxnce for °the C~ty. AMENDMEI~d'T °TO PRESENT' t~ . A o S. I. ~~N'fiFt.~.~°~ City Attorney Shipsey advised ~}}-~a~ ~he ~rn~r~dm~n~ ~o the City's present OeAaSol. C~ntx°a~~ t~ incl~d~e e1e~c~ted ~~'~~~~a~s axnder Social Secur~~y Covs~age ~aad nc~°t been compYe°~edp ~nd °~1nis ~.t~m wecs held over to a late~ mee~~nga PROGRESS EZEPOR"T AN SALES TAX REVE~Ti.TE ~ 2,~7/68 5,~6/68 Adm~nistrator Bu°tch submit~ed a Prog~ ~ss Re~ra~°~ on Sales T`ax Revenue for the ~er~od from F'~b~baary 7~k}~, 1.9F8 °to May 6°~~o Z968, and review~ed °that °the sales ~c~.x ~evenue reg~~~er.~~d ax~ 1~% ~nc~e~se over the same per~od ~n 1967W APPOINTMENT OF PLA1~iNING COMMISSIONER S'TRO°THER - SET °~ERMS OF OFFICE Mayor VVoocl recommended that Newe11 We S°tro°ther be ~eappointed to the Planning Commissiono After Council d~scuss~on, on motion of Council- woman T}aomp~on, secanded by Coun~ilman Levine, and unanzmously carried, Newell W, Strother was reappointed °to se~ve as commiss~,oner on the Arroyo Grande Planning C~znmission for a, thx°~e yea~ period with °the term of office to term~.na°te June 30th, 1971, and the ~erm of off~ce ~or the three Com- missioners appo~nted ~7ixne ~.,1°kh, 19~8a ]b~ establ~.shed as follows: Harry W, McMillen for a one yea~ per~od ~~e~minc~~~rxg Juxxe 30th, 1969; Chester D. Porter fox° a°two year per~.od, ~e~r~n~na~k~ng ~.T~.v.ne 30~h,' 1970; and Gerald N. Moss for a for'.r year period, ~ermin~°tirag June 30th, 1972 0 PROGRESS REPORT' LOPEZ TA1AT"ER SiUPPLY Administrator Butch revievaed a repor~ rece~ved from the San Luis • Obispo Coun°ty Flood Control and Wca°~e~ ~crnservea~.ian District, regarding the components of payments due unde~° °~7~e ~i~y° s contract for Lopez Project water da°ted March 28, 1966, vah~~~ ~nda.ca.~ed ~hat the principal payment on the bonds now sold had been defe~red for a f~ve year period and thnt the estimated total .in°ke~°es~ p~,yment ~n cal~ndar year 1969 would be approxima~ely $96,500 and in calenc~ar y~c~r 1970, i°t would be $193,000, plus maintenance and operat~on expensesA PROGRESS REPORT ON 'THE SO~ SLO COUN'TY SANI~°I#TION DIS~'RICT Administrator Bu°tclh ~epo~ted ~tha~° ~he Soia.°t'h San Luis Obispo County Sanita-tion Distra.ct had adop°ted °t}ae~r ~968~F'9 B~.dge°t in the amount of $47,000,00, SAFETY MEASURES FOR VOLUNTEER FIREMEN TQ RESPOND TO FIRE CALLS Do~°othy Recter, 545 Le Point S~ree°~ ~aas gr~sen°t ccnd requested the Council consider sa£e~y meas~ares da~a~ch uae~uld a,lleva~ate the traffic con- gestion, e°tcg ~rh~ch hinders the fi~emen in ge~t~.ng tc~ the fire station in response to f~.re cal~.s. A~~e~ Go~xnc~l c1~,s~a~ssion, Administrator Butch was instructed °to ob°~~~.n a, repo~°~ arad ~~comm~ndat.~on from the Police and Fire Depcixtmen~s ~ega~d~ng ~k~~~ m.~,tter~ 45 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CON~°ERENCE Administrator Butch advised that notic~ had been received ~rom the League of California Cities that the Annual Conference wpuld be held in Los Angeles, on October 13th to 15th, 1958. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Counca.lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned a~t 8033 P.M. ATTEST: ~ `'~~~e1 ~ CLERK V YOR `