Minutes 1968-06-23 CITY GOUNCIL ~'IJLY 23RDe 19~i8 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORNIA Z'he C~.°ty Gouncil met in re~~xlar sessa.on with M~yo~ Y~1o~d presicl~ng, Upon ro11 calla ~o~a.ncilwoma.n T°hompson~ Co~xaicilmen Lev~rae~ Schlegel cxnd Sm~°th reported present, PLEDGE OF' ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCA°TION Mayor Wood led -the Pledge of ATlegieince to ou~ fl.ag; and ~mmecl~.~.°~ely °thereafter, Reverend Scharn, of ~the Ghurch of the N~,zareneo o~ ~rover City, delivered °the invoces°tiono APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minu°tes of °the regul.ar meet~.ng of July 9~th~ ~968o a.ncl ~he regu~ lar adjourned meetings of July lOth and July 17°th, 1958, were et~provecl as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A mo~tion was made by Councilwoman °T3~ompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that General Warran~ts Noo 71 to and in- clud~ng Noo 919 in ~he total amount of $28,814091, Payroll Warrants No< 1 to and includrng No, 78, in the to°tal amoun°t of $11,973022 and Txust and Agency Warrants No, 567 °to and ~nclud~.ng No, 569, ~n ~the totesl amotxnt of $48e30, be approved and ordered paid. LETTER FROM OCEANO IMP. ASSOC, REe CONSOLIDA°TION S°I'LdDY MEETING 7/25/68 Admin3.strator Butch advised °that M~o Baughman of ~the Oceano Improve- ment Associa~tion had not~fied lx~m tha°t °~he Conso~Lidat~.on Sttzdy meet~ng scheduled for July 25th, at 7030 PoMo ~.°t the ~ceano Scho~l had been cancelled and the Gity vuould recegve no~~f~.ca~~.on when this mee~~ng had been reschedulede POR°TIOI~ OF° °TREASURER ° S REPOR°T FOR THE MONTI-I QF JUNE , 1958 A portion o~ the Treasurer°s Report fo~ the month of June, 1968, was recea.ved by the Counc~.l, discussed, and ardered filede Admin,~strator Bu°tch adv~sed -~he year-end Treasurer°~ r~port had not been comple°ted due to yea~ end encumbrances. LEGISLA°~IVE BULLE"T°TN ~'OM THE LEAGUE OF° CALIFORNIA CITIES ` Ci°ty Attorney Shipsey reported that SB 513, l~ublication of Prevail- ing Wage Rates, which elem~nates publication of prevailing wage rates with ea.ch public works project, has been approved by both ho~ses and is now awa~°t~ng the Governor~s s~gna°ture, After Council discussion, on motion of C~uncilman Schlegela seconcled by Councilman Smith and unani- mously carr~ed, the City Adminis~tra~t~r was instructed °to write to the Governor urging °that he s~.gn SB 513, Admin~s°~ra°tor B~a,tch advisecl tha°t ~he c~garet°te tax allocat~on has been approved by the Senate and was sa.gned by the Governor and would be retroac°t~ve ~o ~7uly 1, 1968. A~°ter Council discussion, the City Admin- is°tra°tor was ~.nstructed to w•r~.te to the Senators and Assemblymen, °thank- ~.ng them ~'or their support ~n °the passage of this bill, NO~IC~ °I'HAT GREYHOUND BUS LINES REQUES'TED INCREASE IN FARES ~ CHARGES Admin~stra°tor Bu°tch adv.~sed, as ~nformation only, tha°t the Ci°ty has rece~ved no°tice from the California Public Utilities Comm~.ssion that the Greyh4und Bus Lines k~ave requested a 4% increase in bus fares and pac~Cage express charges. NO'~IGE OF ORDER OF DISMISSAL, RADIO PAGE CENTRAL COAST Adm~na~strator Butch advised, as information on1y, that the City has reeeived notice from the Cala.fornia Public Utili°ties Commission tha°t an order o~ dismissal has been made in the appl~cation of Rad~o Page Cen~~al Coas°t. REPOR'T REa SAFE°TY MEASURES F°OR VOLLJN`TEER FIREMEN TO RESPOND `TO FIRE CALLS - Administrator B~a°~ch reviewed that at °the la.st meeting in June, 1968, a resident of Le Poin°t S°kree°t xequested -~ha°t t~he C,~°ty look ~.nto °the feasi~ bility and possibility of some type of t~affic control to protect °the Volunteer Firemen when responding to a firea and repor~ed that °the Fire Department and Police Departmenfi d~.d not ~avor any signals for ~raffic control in the area of the fi~e s~ation at this time as it was felt it would hinde~ responding personnel° s access ~to ~the fix~e sta-tion, and we presen~tly do no°t encoun°ke~ trouble upon leaving ithe s~ation with fire ~I°TY ~OUIVCIL ~TfJT~Y 23RD, ~9~£s l~RROY(~ GRAI~DEo CP,LI~ORIVIA ~.~GE 2 ~PPara°~~s~ Adm~x~~~~ra~°~~ B~~c~ ~,n~~~~~ed ~ha~ ~ p~°~~e~ ~~,grn ~c~ ~a~m d~ca~e ~~F°~~e S~a~~on ~ C~.u~~~~`''° o~ ~a~~si~ ~~a~~ ~~'~ec~ ~aas be~~g ~~ns~de~ec~o NO`TICE RE o OCEANO V~IAT'ER CO o° S ~EQLTES~" F"OR RP~`~E INCRE~ISE ~1dm~n~st~at~~ B~atch aclv~s~c3o ~s ~n~~~m~~~~n onlye ~~a°~ the C~~y ir~as rece~ved no~~~~ ~rom ~h~ ~~,~~~~rn~~ P~1~~~,~ CJ~~.~L~~~es Comm~~~~on t~~a~ ~~e Oceano Wa~er Com~~;ny ~e~~xes~~n~ ~~~~~~~~~y ~,~~~~ase °~~xe~r ~a~°~~~ ~a°~es o RECEIP°T O~' BIDS OIV EMPLO~EE MA~TOR MED~~AL ~IVSL~I~NN~E Adm~n~s~ra°to~ Bu~ch ~ep~~~ecl ~1~~~ ~x~~~,.~m~Y b~cl~ had been ~eee~.ved on July l~th, 1968, for me~~~~ med~c~l ~r~~~~~r~c~ ~~.~y emg~'.~yees ancl ~F~eir fam~l~es~ ~ha~ °~~e b~cls h~d been rev~ev~ecl w~~l~ ~l~e employeess arad ~hat on a major~~y vote em~l~yees h~.d ~ele~~~d ~~e p1~n o~ ~°he ~'~~den°~~al Inm surance ~ompany as ~l~e be~~ c~v~~age ~o~ ~.~°~~xal ~~~~e A~~e~ Cour~c~l cl~s~ cussion, on mo~a.on o~ C~unc~lman I~ev~ne~ sec~nded by C~u.n~~~~voman `~~ompson, and unanimously ~a~r~~cl~ tha~t ~k~e b~c~ P~uden~~al Insu~~nce Companys Noa 2 Plan~ be ~~~epted fm~° majo~ zned~ca~ a~.ns~a~~n~e ~oa~ ~~~~y ~mp~.oye~~ and ~'am~l~esg PR~GRESS FtEPOR°~ ~ I~OPE~ 1M~'~~R ~t~FPi~~ ~ p~og~e~~ ~+~p~~~ ~o~ °~}~e an~r~~~s a~~ ~J~ra~~ ~.'~~a~, ~~~e~v~d ~~om the San L~z~s Ob~~pcs ~~~,n~y ~°l~~d Cc~nt~cal ~r~ci IMa~c~x ~s~n~~~y~~~.~on D~.a~trict and was ~ev~~wec1 and a~d~~~d f~~eda REE'OR°T QN GHA]VGBS MADE IN I~(?PEZ Vd,A.`~~~ CON"TE~AG'~' BY F`I,~C?QD ~QN"'~"Ft~I~ DIS°~"~ Ci~y A~°~o~r~~y Skz~p~~ey reg~~~ed a,dd~.~~~n~a~ ~n~o~m~°~ion had been sub~ m~°~~ed h~m on ~~xe ~~acinges ~a~o~osed ~n ~t~,e L~~p~~ Vi1~~e~ ~~n°~~r~~°~ by °~he Goun~y ~°~o~d C~~~~~1 ~~s~~~~~ ~nd ~}-~a~ ~~m~r~~~~~ v~ould be heltl by ~he At~o~neys ~f ~~n°~~~~°~~ng P,g~n~~~~ ~~'~e~ w~x~~~ va~t~~d ~e~~rt back ~o ~he ~~t~~~~1. Adm~ni~~~~~~~ B~ia~c~a ~r~,s ~n,~~~ra~~ecl ~~~~es~ ~he Z~a~e 3 Advisory Comm~~~~e ~ev~~~ ~S~ss~:b~~~~y ~~~~~~s~ng °~he ~e~s ch~~g~d ~or Re~r~~,~~~n ~~~s ~v~~~ ~~c~Z ,~n~~ea~e b~~,s~g ~sed ~~t~~e boncl~ ~nd recluce the con~~act cl~~.rges o REPOR°T ON JL1LY, 1968, ZO~IE 3 MEE~°ING Councilman Y~ev~ne br~e~ly rev~e~aed °~he ~T~.ly~ 1968, Zone 3 Meet~ng and ndv~secl tha~ t~ allova ~}~e ~nt~.~e ~omm~~tee ~o devo°te °k~me to other matters that s~b~comm~t•~ee hacl been appo~nted °to s°tudy and •report back on ~he p~ss~b.~l~~~es o~'a p~mp ~tax be~ng ~mposedo REQUES°T ALJ`THORIZP,°TTO1V F°~JR CREDI ~t" BLE~2EAi7 °~0 COLLEG'~ UNFAID WAZ"ER ACCTS , C~.~y l~dm~n~s~~a°~~~ Ba~tcla ~~~~~~ed t7~~~ ~~e ~~.~y Cle~k had rec~uested that de~~n~uent vaaa°~e~ acco~u.n~s b~ subm~~°~~d ~o ~ c~ed~°t b~a.reau ~or colm lec°t~ono Afte~ C~tanc~.l d~sc~s~~~no ~n m~~~.on o~ Counc~lmam Sm~.th, seconded by Coia.nc~lm~xxa Schlegelp ax~d t~n~x~~mously ccz~~ied9 approval vvas gran~ed for ~he ~nici~ex Department ~o subm~~ d~l~nc~~a~n~ vaa~e~ a:cco~nts o~ 4 mon°ths and olde~ °~o ~}xe Sa,n L~~s Ob~~p~ ~~~d~~ B~~°~au. fo~ colle~~~.oax, ua~th 50% of mon~es c~llect~d ~a~u1d be ~e~u~°n~d ~k7~~ C~.tyo REVIEI~T OF' LOPE2 V11P,°TER CHARGES ~Ol~ OLT`~SIDE LJSERS "T}ie Counc.~~ b~~e~1y ~~v~evaed ~~e Lo~ez UVc~~e~ ~orn°tra~°t Cha~ges and agreed °tha°t a,s ~he ~i~~a,s ~uts~de ~f the ~~~y ~~m~ts noua be~ng served w~th Ga.ty ~aa~er ~re als~ ~n Zon~ 3~an~1 °~he~~e~~~°e the~,~° charges ~o~ ~he Lopez Wa~er Con~~a~~ cabl~ga~~~n should b~ equ~.l w~~}a ~~.°ty u~~rsa On mo°~~.on of Gounc~.lvaoman Thompson~ ~ec~ndecl by C~~,vnc~lman Le~r~neo and unan~.mously car~ieda ~~~y At°~~~°rx~y S1~~psey vaa~s ~ns~ruc~ed pr~pare an ~rdinance ~mending O~d~nance 1V~o 220 ~o ge~m~~ al.l users se~ved by -the C~.ty wa°ter sys°tem that ~~e ~n ~~n~ ~~o pay e~~~~ c~a~~es ~o~ ~he Lopez Water Conm °~rac°~ obl~ga°t~ono P~~ ~rhe C~~n~y o~ San L~~s Ob~spo ~s ne~o~~~°~~z~g pu~chase °the Oceano ~+Vate~ ~~mpany, ~he Co~nc~l ~ns~~u.c°~ed °~}~e C~~y Adm~rc~s~ra~ox to place °tha~s item on each ~ia~~er~~ agencla, ~s ara a;~~~ o~ A~~oyo Gre~.nde ~s now be~ng se~ved by ~he Oceano iNa~te~ Companyo REPOR'~ AND DISC[.iSSTON AND ~'INP~,L AC~E~~°AN~~ O~ I~ASN.F~ RDo IMPROVEMEN°I' C~ty Adma.nis~~~tor B~z~c~, ~,dv~sed ~~a~ ~mp~~vement o~ Huasna Road, ~~o~ec°t Nom ~0~5~~4p h~.d been ~omple~~dq and ~~a~ the p~oject cos°t had exceeded the o~~g~nal b~c~ pr~c~o Rdm~n~st~~~~~ B~tc}-i ~ead a memo da°ted .July 23~ 1968a ~~ozn Ro So Ga~~.ng, ~~~y ~ons~nl~~ng Eng~zaee~, vvh~ch 53 CI°TY COUNCIL ~3ULY 23RD~ 19~8 ARROYO GRANDEs CALIFOIZNIA ~1~GE 3 advised th~.°t soil ~ests prior to d~~~~n indi~a~ted ~he str~x~°~ural °thickness ~f t}~e road bed should b~ ~00 base and 2~0 0~ asphctlt c~ncr~te~ w~th an addi°~~onal 1'p overlay ~a°~e~~ b~~ when the projec°t wcis operxecl ~a.p by ~-he contrac°torq unsuitable ma°ke~~~~ ~vas found va}x~~h was no~ xe~~ec~ed ~n °the or~ginal °tes°t~ng and wo~sld ~os°G ~dcl~~~~nal money °~o correc~o ~1d~ m~nis°t~a°tor Butch also revsewed a re~~~~ ~~om D~recto~ o~ Publi~ W~rks Anderson which itemized each contrac~ ~~em, expla~ned ea~h i°~em ~}a~°~ var~ed from the ~~iginal bid, °the reason ~or °~he change~ ~he ~ncrease clecrease c~s°t of each change and also ~he cost o~ Ex°tra lnlork O~ders Noo Ya 2 and 3 and Noo 1 Supplement, wh~ch were nece~sary due °~o °the ixnsLx~table m~,°~erial tha°t uras uncovered during construc°t;~ona D~~ec°tor Anderson° s~epor°t aTso adv~sed °tha°t °the con°trac°tor, M, J, Hermreck fel°k add~~~.ona~ monies were clize him for work performed ta conform exist~ng dr~veways, bu°t °tha°t he f°elt this i°tem was covered in °the plans and specifa~cat~.ons of °~he con°trac°t o After Council d~scussion, on mo°~a.on of Councilm~n Sm~th, secanded by Coixncilman Schlegel, and unan~motxsly carr~edo as ~ec~mmended by D~.~ecto~ of Ptxblic Wor ks Anderson, Huasna Road Improvemen~o:~Projec°t Noo 90~67m4, was accepted by the C ity and the f inal contrac°t payment of $6,886,74 be approved and , ordered paid to Mo J, Hesm~eck, Inc,, and Mr, Herm~eck°s reques°t for $827058 for conform~ng existing dr~veways be ~ef e~red °to the C~°ty Attorney for his decision and no paymen°t be made a°t th~s ~~me, . PROGRESS REPORT ON SOU°TH SLO COLPN°TY SANI°TAT"ION DIS°TR~C~" A repor°t of ~he f~nal ~evenue and expend~tu~°es i~~ T96~~68 of the San~.tation D~S°tr1C°tn raas ~°ece~~ed by ~he ~~~nc~la d~s~a~ss~d and ~a~d~r~~ ~~~~t~Q ~QN~NG ~IS~US~~~N MFtSo A~~ S~'U:R~°~VAN~' M~s A Ag S~urtevan~t, who v~as_ ~~e~~n~, °~'han~C+~d ~h~ ~ou~cil ~aa~ ~on~~dex~ - ing changing t~e R-1 Zoning o~ her prope~~y ~o R~G Z~ning, which she felt `nroixld ~x~ed~te °t}~e sale of the .land, IN`I'RODUC°TION OF PLAIVIVING COMMISSIONER ROGER S~'a DENIS Mayor Wood in°troduc~d neaa Plann~ng Comm~ssio~aea~ Roger S~a Den~s who was ~n a~°~enclan~e a°t a Counc~l Meeting for ~}~e £~rs°t °t:~meo REPOR°T RE: REFUSE COLLEC°TION RE~°ERENDUM ORDINANCE As requested by °the Coia.ncil, Adm~n~stra°tor Bu°tch read a report from C~°ty Attorney Shipsey that advised Election Code Sec°tion 4015 provides that no ord~nance proposed by in~.°~~a~ive pe°t~.tion and adopted by the vo°ters shall be ~epealed or amended exce~°~ by °the vote of °the people and that °this ruling would apply °to ~the ex~st~r~g ~efaxse collec°tion referendum ordinance of the Cityo After Counc~.1 discuss~on, °the C~~y Ar3ministra°~or was instructed °to ~ obta~n ~n~'ormat~on regard~ng ~he p~os and cons of mandatory garbage collect- ~on and the ~'eas~b~lity of garbage collec~~~n being a Ci°ty ~'unction ins°tead of a pr~vcite ~nterprise and °tha~t ~h~s ~nf~rznation be made availab7.e for a study sess~on ten°ta~ively scheduled for 7030 PaM,, August 14th, 1968o Ad- minis°trator Bu°tc~ was ~ns°t~uc°~ed °to reqtxest ~n~orma°tion f~om °the City of Paso Robles for this study sess~on as manda°tory ~arbag~ collection was re- cen°tly put ~nto opera°tion a.n that C~tyo DISCUSSION RE: ABANDONMEN°T OF° VEHICLES ON PRIVA~'E PROPERT'Y l~dmin~s°trator Bu°tc~ read °the requested repor~t from the Police Depart- ment regarding abandoned vehicles wh~.ch stated °tha~ the California Vehicle Code provides for the removal of suc~ vehicleso RESIGNA"TION m ROBER°T C, BAKERa ~OLICE DEPTo DISPA°TCHER Administrator Butch reported that Robert C, Baker, Police Department Dispatcher, had ~esigned from employmen°t ~ai°~h the C~.ty, e~fec°t:~ve August ls~, 1968s as he was be~ng ~.nducted ~n°~o °~lae A~med F'orces on Augus°t 5~ 1968, REPOR°T ON RECREAZ'ION DEPAR'TMEN'T ACTIVI°I°Y Admin~s°tra°tor Butch repo~ted °that °the Recreat~on Depar°tment would presen~t a Dnnce and Ba°~on Rec~tal. at ~ 0 30 PoMe ,"Tuesday, July 30°th, 1968, a°t °the Valley Road Gym of °tl~e Arroyo Grande H~gh Schoola ADJOURNMEN°T ~'O EXECUZ'IVE SESSION On mot~on of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc~.lman Smith, and unanimously carried,the mee°ting was adjourned a~ 9025 P,Mo to an execu°tive session, GITY COUNCIL JULY' 23RD, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIF'ORNIA P1~1GE 4 RECONVENMENT' OF COUNCIL The Council reconvened at 9a50 P.M, from executive session and all members wer~ present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman I~evine, and unanimously carried, the mee#~ng was adjourned a.t 9a51 P,M, ~ ~ ~~r a y ~ ; ATTEST : <R~...G~-~'-~~~~°~-~--::%->~~~~,'`'~',, C CLERK MAYOR