Minutes 1968-08-13 CITY CDUNGIL AUGUS~ ~3TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORNIA 'The City Council me°~ ~.n regulax ~~ss~on w~.~h Me~yor Wo~d pres~.cl~r~go Upon roil call, Gounc~.l`nroman °~homps~n~ ~~~xn~~.~.men Lev~ne, SchlegeY ~nc1 Smith reported presen~o PLEDGE OF° ALLEGIAhCE AND 21VVOGA'TION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Alle~iance °to ou~ ~'.L~g; and ~mm~~ia~ely therea~°ter, Reverend Stanley D~a.~°}a~cm, o~' the F°~.rs°t Sorxthern Bc~,pt~s°~ ~'~zs~~ch of Grover Gity, del~vered ~he invoc~tionm APPROVAL 0~ MINUTES Councilman Lev~.n~ c~r~°~cted ~he minu°te~ o~ ~uly 23rdo 19C~Sy ~ag~ 20 under the heading REPOR°T ON JULY; 1968, ZONE 3 MEETIN~~ L~~ne 3°~~ ~e~.d oaa submcommi°t~ee t~a~uld be appoin°ted" ,~n~~ead ~f `~had been ~ppo~.n°ted~tl and therea£~er t]a~ minu~es o£ °~he regular zrdee°~~ng of ~~.l.y 23r~da 1968a w~~e approv~c~ as prepared ccnd co~~ec~edo APPROVAL OF WARRAN°TS A mo°ti~n ~acxs made by Councilvaaom~an `Thompson, seconded by Gounc~lma,n Levine, cnd r~r~cn~.mously car•r~ed, tha~ General Warrants No, 92 to and in~ clr~ding 1Vo a~L46, ~.n ~he to°tal am~u~n°t of $24, 593 013 cxnd Payro~ I Wetrran°ts Nom ~9 °~6 and ~nc~ra.d~ng l~oa 171~ ~n °khe °~o°tal amount a~ $130825,84, be approved and ordered paid, LE°a'°TER F'ROM A, G o CHA.MBER OF' GOMM, REQUES'TING . P~'N OF° BUDGE"TED F°[JNDS P,dmin~.s~ra~or Butch re~d a le°tter f'rom the Ar~oyo Grancle Chamber of Commerce reques°~~.ng par~ial funding of the mon~.es bra.dge°~ed for the oper- a°tion of °~he C}~ambera After Counc~l discuss~on~ on m~~ion of Councilman Sm~th, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and u~.nanimously carried, ~hat °the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce be pa~d $20500,00 as approved in °the 1968~69 Budge°t, ~or opera.t~onal purposes, PRESEN°T~1°TION OF° ADVANCED HOUSIIVG USE - Mr, Carlet~n Hadley Mayor Wood had invited Mro Carl.e°ton Hadley to make a presentat~on ~f advaneed hous~ng use via BaEngineered Space`''B bu°t M~, Hadley was no`t presen°t a°t °thi s t ~me, : TREASURER° S REPOR°T F'OR °THE MONT'H OF JUNE, 1968 °The Treasurex°0s Report fo~ the month of June, 1968, was received by the Counca.l, cliscussed, and ordered f~led, DEPAR°TMEN°TAL REPOR°T F'OR `THE MpNT'H OF" ~TULY o 1968 °~he Depar~men°ta.l Repor°t fo~ ~he mon~h o~° Ju1ye 196$, was rec~eived by - °th e Counc~l, da.scussed, and o~dered filed, LEGISI~A"~'IVE BULI.aET°IN F`ROM °~iE LEAGUE OF° CALI~'ORNTA CITIES C~ty 1~~~~rney Sh~psey b~ie~°~y rev~.ewed the la°test Leg.~slcztiye Bulletin rece~ved f~om °the League of Cal~forcnia Ci~~.es o Ci°ty Adminis°~rator Butch repo~°~ed °~ha°~ the Gove~nor had signed SB 513, Puhlica~~on of P~revail~.ng 4Vage Ra.°~es, as reqtzested by °the Coixncile ~L~ C0, DEVELOP"°AS50C`oNEWSLE"T°TER ANb CONTRIBUTION REQUES'T ~'The July issue o~ °the San Luis Obispo Coun°t~s Developmen°t Assoc~a°tion Nevas2et°~e~ was r~ceiv~d by ~he Councilq cliscus.sed, and ordered filed, A mo°tion ~ras made by Gouncilman Lev~ne, seconded by Councilwoman °Thompson, and unanim~usly carr~ed, that the San Lu~.s Ob~spo Cqunty Developm ment Associa°t~on be paid $1,500,00 as approved ~.n °the 1968-69 Budge°t, ~or operational purposeso LET~'ER FROM DIVo O~ HIGHViIAYS REa ~"REEWAY SIGN CHANGES Adm~n.~s~~ator ButG~ ~ead a let°ter from the Div~s~on of H~,ghways which advised tha°t' °the exista.ng s~.gning approx~mately one-half .m~.le sout}-i of Los Berros Road on Highway 1Q1 °that reads, QQS°~CL`t~ Bea~hes, Oceano Next R~gh°tg° properly d~rects °the motoris~ and addit~onal s~.gning a°t G~and Ave, would prov~.de c~ues°t~on~.ble ~tra~~i.c service fpr °the mo°~or~ is°t< The let~er also adv~sed ~ha°t Mro Ho R, Ginsbergo °the Traf~ic Engineer ~or Division 5a ~aa~.ll be glad °to mee°~ vait}~ ~the Counc~l a°t an early date °~o discuss ~he mat°te~° of signing to I.oopez Dam, After Council discussiona °t~e C~°~y Admin~s°~rator vaas reques°ted t~ arrange a meeting w~.~h E, F, Gregory, D~str~c°t Eng~neer fo`r Divis~.on 5 0~ °the Division of High~aays and Gi~y off~c~als an.d personnel, fox the purpose of discussm ~ng d~rectional s~gning ~o~ sta°ke beaches and Lopez Dc~.ma CITY. COUNCIL P~UGLTS°T 13`~I~~ 1968 P,RROYO GRANDEo CAI~I~'ORNIP, FAGE 2 SUPPLEMEN°TP~L F°REEWp,Y AGREEMEN"T RE m B1~.Pa11~TCFi S°T o REI~LIGIV o~°~RRF°F~IC WAY Admin~s~rator Bu~~h adv~sed t]a~~ an am~ncled ~ree~ray agreemen~ hacl been rece~.ved fr~m ~he Div~.s~on o£ H~g~atn~~ys whic}a vv~~l enable the State to improve °khe south por°tion ,of '~~a~~'~~ VA~y ~o ~.~°~y S°~anda~cls~ ancl ~ha°~ this ~mprovement has been inc~rpora~~d ~a~~~x ~]he Branch Street ~eaYignmen°t under one ag~eemen°to Plf~e~ ~~~n~~.l c~~scuss~on9 on m~~ion a~ C~~n~~.l~n~n Schlegel, seconded by Counc~.lman Sm~~h, ~nd ~anan~m~rxsly c~.~r~°~ed, Mayor and Gi°ty Clerk were au°tho~izecl °to execaal~e ~6~e Supplemer~~al F°reevaa~y ~g~ee~ ment be°tween ~he City and ~he S~a°ke uv~ich ~nr~l~ ~ncl~de t}ae pr~p~sec~ ~e- alignment of Ftoute 22~ and Hig~r~ray 101 Seg~~~°~~.on ~nd the improveznen~ ~f . Sou°th 'Traffic 4Vay9 ~n ~he or~g~n~l k'~ee~a~.y A.gr~emexa~ da~ed June 4, 1952, - PUBLIC HEARING m CHERRY AVEo PL13N LINE City Engirneer G~ring p~esen°ted a. map ~f the p~op~s~d plan l~.ne arid briefly rev~eraed tl~e wid°~h and rou°~e ~he f~tu~e ~t~ee~ ~mp~ovement, on Cherry Ave, from T°~a~~~c W~xy °to Neva~~an Sp~~ngs R~~d. tl~p~n being assurec3 by ~the Ci~y ~1dma.nis~r~~~~ t1~a~ a~~ ~eqix~remen°~~ ~.s p~~v~ded by 1aw had been done, Mayoar tAT~od declared the hear~.ng now ogen. and all per- sons ~°s~~ agcxinst th~ proposed Plan I.a~ns ~o~xld no~a be heard, The fol- lowing xes.iden~s or ~~~pe~~y ouuane~s ad~acent °t~ ~}ae p~~p~sed ~mprovement were presen°k and inqu~red ~~°~o ~he v~~i~~xs aspec~s ~he Plan Line and ~uture s°kree°~ im~a~oveme~n°~ o Gle~ Pe°ke~s ~ Don Gullicks~~: ~ Ha.lo F°~c}ziwak~, John Lundgren ar~d F°l~xen~e Ben~ngsdo~f. ~°k~er~ be~ng ~~x~°kher 'd~scrxssion for o~ aga~,n~°~ ~}-?e E~lan T~a~rae~ Mayor W~>~d de~lared ~~~,~~ng closed, After Co~xnc~l d~sc~ss~~ne ~ity 1~~~~~ney S}~~psey ~~~.cl °~l~e ~~.~le a Reso- lut~on es~ab~~.shing P1~~ L~:~n~~ ~n ~he~~y Av~a ~~}~~~e~p~n an~°tion vacas made by Counc~~znan S~esr~nea ~ec~nded by Cou,n~~l~r~man °~'k~~mpsonp anr3 ~nnani- mously carrieda ~o d~sperise va~~h read~~~ ~~ae bcc~..a.n~~ °~h~s Resolut~one RESOi~I~'~'ION NO. ~~2 RESOLLYZ'ION ES~AB~ISHIIV~ °~SE~" BAC~C°° m oBPLAN LTNESate ~ CH~RRY AVENL~E ~ . On mo°t~on of Co~nc~lm~.~i Sc~legel, seconded by Ga~unci~man ~mith, and , on the follow~.ng roll call vo~eq to ~vi°~o AYES~ Gouncil~oman °Thomps~n, Counc~lmen Levine; Schle~e~, Smith and Mccyo~ V~l~od a b. : NOES , Non~ , , , " . , . ~1BSIIV°To None _ . the ~o~eg~~ng Reso~u°~~on ~aas pa.ss~d and adop°ted `~h~.s 13th day o£ August, 1968a PRESEN'TP~°TIOtV O~° CQMPLE`~ED .~ND A]30PTED 19C8m69 MiJNICII'AL BUDGE~°. ' , Copies ~f the ~~mple~ed ar~d ad~p~~d 1968m69 lul,uni~ipal 'Bud~,~~°~ were rece~ved by ~he Coun~il, ~ev~ew~d ~.rad o~rde~ed ~;~.~.ed, Admini~~`~.ator Butch c~,dv~sed ~ha~ cop~ss o~' ~he b~aclge°t were ~.vscilable at °the lc~cal I.oibrary ar~d ~~ty I~all ~n a ~occn bas:~sm ~~QUES°~ AU°~HOR e F~OR SURVEYS o CIVIC ~~NT'~1~ ~ND :~SCj.r BRAI~CCIi. ~TREE'T. Adm~n~s~~a.~m~ B~~ch adva,s~d °~ha°~ °~he: D~rec~tor of Public- ~Vo~ks had rec~ues~ed ~.u~h~i~~~~a°~ion ~o c~~acl~ct a.n' ~ng~.n~~r,~ng su.rvey a°~ ~t}ae rear of the proper~ky ~n °~he suu°~~Z s~d~ o~' B~~nc~a S°t~ee°~ between B~idge;and 5hort S°~reets as pa~°°~ o~ a p~Qg~cxxrt ~o develop add~t~~a-i~l par3c~ng arld rsrs a11ey ~aaa,y be°tween Br~dge and S}~~rt St~ee°~~, a~ an ~st.~mated cos°t of $2~O.QOe Admin~strato~ Bbxtcl~ also adv~sed--°~ha~ ~.n ~l~ae development of o~ar Creek Beda beh~nd ~he Ca.vic Cen°~er, ~c sixrvey to ~s~abY~sh ~he south p~operty line th~ C~ty ~'h~ia.ld be made~ at an e~~~mated c~s~t af $400.00. Af°ter Counc~l discu.ss~on9 on m~°t~on o~ Councilwoman °Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine~ c~nd un,~.n~mo~sly cccrried, Ci°ty Engineer Gar~rig was au°thor~2ed ~°o conduct an eng~nee~~ng survey a°~ ~the r~a~ of the ~~p~ope~t~r . on the sou°th sid~ o£ Bran~h St~ee~ be°~w~en Bridge. and 5ho~t S"~~Ereets,at c4 cos°t no°k exceed $200, 00 ~.nd es°tablisl~x the so~°kh property lirie of °the Civ~c Cen°te~, a°t a cos~ n~t to exce~d $400.00. PLANNe COMMe REQUEST REo ESTABL~SH Ao G, ~dRBAN ~ES~RVE LIN~ ; . . City Adm~nistrator Bu~ch adv~.sed ~ha~ °~he Plan'r~~:n~ Commiss~on, at the~.r regular mee°t~.ng of Auge~st 6~ ~~e~ussted ~~a°~ °~h~ Ci°ty Gounc~l writ.e a let°ter °to the Coun°ty ~'lann~ng .~~mm~ss~on ask~ng the Commissa.on to in- clude the establ~s~ment ~f ~n A~~oyo Gra.nde Urban Reserve L,~ne"in ~heir ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUS"T 13°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE , CAL IF'ORNIA. P11GE 3 list of projects for 1968~69 as ~th:~s ~~ez~s had been dele~ted from the ~968~ 69 fiscal year, and xescheduled for ~LJ69~~70o M~, Bu~c}~ also repor°~ed that the Planning Commiss~on is con~~r~ed vai~th the delay as the Urban Reserve Line establishes a line ~ahe~°~ cle~~lopnen°~ in ~he C~unty m~s°t be correlated wa~th City deve~c~pmen~, s~ ~~~,t ~ahen annexa°tion and gr~dv°th occurs, the~e will no°t be ~wo ~onf1~~~~,a~g °~ypes of devel,opment, ctnd writh the Lopez Dam and Recreat~,can area ~°t ~mgera°~~ve thi~ line be e~~a~b~ lished, After Council discussionp the Ci°ty Administrafior was au~h~~i2~d to write a lett~r to the Sc~n Luis Ob~sp~ Cc~~xnty Planning Commission a~s requested by the City of Arroyo Grande Planr~ir~~ C~mrniss3on, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Administrator Butch advised that the Parks nnd Racreation Commission had made Commi.ttee appoinfiments as follows; Beautif'~.~~°t~.~n m Commissioner Strother; Recreation - Commissioner Lee; Community B~.~ilding ~ Commissione~ Pope; and School Coo~d3.na~tion - C~mrna.~sioner Ba~.leya . iiSo~~JGG7~7 .fl..e~W~.t Gi: } 41~~i~4~°?~,G Q~ Vli~'^*'!~ WR'i.d,~+~[1 ~Qa 4~VAl~ w7JG+~1V,14ir ~.Lti7JL a Admir~i~t~atox Butc~ a~ ~por°ted ~hat Cca~in~~ ;B~a~d s~~' Superv~~or~ ha~ establi~hed ~ non-p~°c~f~°t ~rgc~z~i~~°t~An whi~h w~,1~ ~~~c~a~~ °khe Uc~,ano and Avila wa#~r compani~~ wi°th p~.yzn~r~t b~~ng ~d~+ av~~ ~ 25 y~~r periad, and these aompani~~ wQUld be 7,ea.sed tca °the G~unty dur~,r~g a~,m~ 25 ysar periad, arrd a°t the end Qf °~he 25 year p~~~.acl, ~vh~n ~'a.n~~, paymer~~ has b~en made, ~these companies wi11 be sold °~o °k7~e Gc~~n°ty ,~c~~° $1a00, WATER PRODUCT'ION ~2EPOR°I° ~°OR. LAS°~ F'IVE YEARS Adm~.nistrator Butch advised he k~ad rec~ues°ted Dzrector of Publa.c Works Anderson to pxepaY~e c~ 5 yeax wate~ production x~eport and copies of the report were review~d by the Cou.ncila A£ter disctzssion, it was agreed, that as this report would be necessary ~or ~opez Contract projection re- quests that the wate~ ~onsump~3on ovex the sa,me per~.od be incbrporated into t~e reporto FURTHER DISCUSSION IN RECEN~' PROPOSED AMENDMENT5 TO LAPE~ CONTRAC°T City Attorney Shipsey repor°ted that the Attorneys of the Contract- ing Agencies for Lopez Water had agreed that a meeting be held between the Mayors and Atto~neys to discuss the changes propos~d in th~ Lopez Water Contract by the County Plood Control District. MUNICIPAL CODE AMBNDMENT-LOPEZ WATER CON`TRACT CHARGES- F'IRST READING Administrator Butch ~°eviewed that City A°ttorney Shipsey had been in- structed to prepare an ordinanc~ to permit all users served by the City water system °~hat a~e ~in Zone 3~to pay equal charges for the Lopez Wa~ter Contract obliga~tion, After Council d~.scussion, Gity Attorney Ships~y read, for its first ~eading the title of an ordin~xnce ctmen~ing Chapt~r Title 6, Sect~.on ,O1 (g) of the Munic~.pa.l Code, therea£ter a motion was made by Co~uncilman Schl.egel, secondcd by Counca.lman ~mith, and unani- mously ca~x°~ed, ta d~spense wi~l~ read~.n~ the balance of this ordinance. REFCTND REC2UEST OF' SPECIAL WAT"ER TURN ON GHARGE OF $5.00 (HARTWYG) 1~dministrator Butch read a letter from Marvin K. Hartwig requ~sting a~~~und of the $5>00 which he pa~.d as a special turn on charge fbr wat~r se~v~ce which he felt was not ~ust~fi~d, The Council reviewed a report I subm~tted by City Clerk M~.ller ou~linzng ~he circumstances regarding this , cha~ge and the procedure followed, and that charges made for this special j serv~.ce are as rec~uired by Ozdinance Noo 195 wh~ch regulat~s the City ' Wa~er system. After Coia.nc~1 discu.ssion, it was agreed that this charge ' was justified and instructed City Administrator Butch to so notify Mr. ' Hartwig, ' REPORT ON ~ONE 3 ADVT50RY COMMI'~°TEE MEE'TING - 8/8/6$ Councalm~.n Lev~ne ~epor°~ed °tha~t °the Zone 3 Advisory Committee had 'i revieraed the ~opez Dcxm Recrec~tional Area propos~d fee schedule and it I was noted tha°k said sc~edule ~s xegu,la~ted by the S~kate as state funds are ~I being used °ko develop °~his a~e~., nnd ~ha°~ ra°tes mus°t be un~form with local. similar st~.°~e opera.°k~d servic~sa HUD REPLY RE; CITX'S APPLTCA~"TON POR ~ED~ GRANT Fa LOAN FOR SEWERS Adminis°~x~ator Bia,~ch r~vi~wed ~o~ the Council that the City had made prelimina,ry cxpp~ica-~a~on for a~'ederal Gxant nnd Loan to sewer the un- sewered areas o~ th~ C~,~ya Mra Butch also cxdvised tha°~ he had rece~.ved notice ~tha°t du~ °~o the ~imi~~d amount af loan ~unds availcxble for fihis CIZ'Y COUNCIL AUG~(JS°T 13"~Z"I3, 1968 ARROYO GRANDEa CALI~ORNIA PAGE 4 program on a nat~onal bas~s ~~.t w~r~~1d appe~.r ~aa.g}~ly ~r~l~l~~ly °~ha°t ~~ae Departmen°t Housing and ~Zrb~,n Devel~gmen°~ c~~:~d ap~r~ve a Pub1~c ~acil~ i°ty Loan for tl~~s pxojea°t ~.ra ~he ~.mb~un~ ~i~e ~~.~y planned °to reqixes°t, After d~sc~xss~ons °the Coun~~l, inst~uc~~d ~1dm,~,n~s~ra~~~ Bu~ch to con°~ac°t the f~rm o~ Stone and Yo~ungberg me~~ va~°~}a °~he C~~ncil ~o cl~,scuss °khe bes°t passible assessmen°~ ~~ocedur~ ~~llova ~o mee°~ F°ede~al ~~quirements °to enable the Ci~y °to ob°ta~.n ~ederal, g~cxn~s o PROGRESS REPORT m SOU"~H SLO GOiJl~i~°Y SP~NT°~A°TION DIS`~RIC''I' The Goun~il rece~.ved, ~ev~etnred, ~nd t}xere~af~er d~rec°ted °to fi~ea a copy of the Treatmen°t Plax~~ Ope~a~~r o s ~epo~`~ fo~ °~he mon~h of Julya 1968 e IN'TRODUCTION OF° VISI°~ORS °~O °THE AREA m GLEN AND BO~ WIT~TBIAMS Mayor Wood in°kroduced °ko °the Counc~l o Mr e Glen V~T31~.iams and ' Mr o Bob Will~ams from Grand Rapa.dsa M~.ch,~gcxn, wh~ are v~.sit~ng ~n the Ci°ty, IN°TRODLTC°TIOPT OF° VISITOR °TO °THE AREA ~ TRENE ~70PLIN Councilman Lev~.ne in°~~oduced to t~e Coianci~., I~ene Joplin from Chicago~ Tll~.noisa who is v~siting ~n t~Ze area, DISCUSSION OF ON STREE'~' PARKING ON BRANCH S'TREET Counc~.lman Levine advised °that at °the D~sun°~own Mer~hoints Implementa- tion Comm~°t°tee meeting i°t vaas' ~requested the~°t °the ~oeanc~.l consider px~ovid- ing delivery cznd loading spaces and °~a.mes f~r merchand~se and pnssenger veh~cles, wh~ch vaould el~.tninate double pa~k~ng on B~~cJh S~reeto A~ter Council discuss~.on9 °khe Ch~~~ o~' Polace was ~ras~~uc°~ed °to rev~ew this re- - quest and submit a rep~~°~ a,nd ~e~~mmendatipn on ~~.s f~i.ndingso RBQUES°T OF GOUNGILMAN LEVINE ~OR PERMISSION T'O BE OU'T OF S°TA"TE On mo°ta~on of Cor.zncilman Sm~t~h, sec~nded by Gouncilman Schlegel, and unan~.mously carried, the r~quest a~° Counc~lz~an Levine for germission to be ou°~ o~ the S~ta°~e of Cal~forn~a f'rom Auc,~rxs°~ 17t3~, 1968 th~ough August 25th, 1968, ~nrcx5 approved and aLa°~'hor~zed, REPOR°T ON AREA ~11IDE PLANIVING COi,~NNCTi, MEE'~ING OF 8/~/68 Adm~.nis~tra°to~ Butch xepor°~ed °~ha°t a°t °the Area Wide Planning Gouncil Meet~ng o~ Augus°t 8th, 1968a Rober°t Borna Coun~y Hydraul.3,c Eng'ineer, pre- sen°ted a repor~ that had be~n prepar~d some time ago which indicctted that , San Lu~.s Obispo ~ounty cloe~. ht~.ve a Coi~n°~y Wide Water Plan Cind ~,t could be reviewed and ~a.pdated instead of a. new plan being develop,et~,o ~ F°CJRTHER DISCUSSIOTV ~'01~ P°i'~V OF Lt~P~Z CHARG~S BEING APPLIED 'TO PROPER°TY TAX ~ Coun~a.lman Sa?~~.°kh ~eques°ted ~he Go~ncil again °kake under disCUSSion °the possib~l~~y of a por~ta.on o~ °the I.,o~e~ Vllats~ Charges being c~ppli~d to proper~y and col~eated wi°~h taxes, a~t °~hei~ ad~ourned meeting ,of'`A.ugust 14°th, 19689 t~ae nex~ ~eg~zla~ C~~nc.~l mee~~ng, ox a°t a spec~.ci,~:; ,study ses- siono . REQU'ES`~ OF COUNCTI.oMAN SMI°TH ~OR PERMISSTON °TO $E diJT OF ~T.~Z'~ " ~Jn mo°t,~on o~ ~~unc~lman Levine, seconded' b~r Counc~.lwoma~ .'Thompson, and unanimously c~~~~ed, th+~ .request p;f Coura'ciiinan Smith for `'permi~sion be ou°t of the ~ta°te, ,of C~li~qrn~a f~om. ~a;uc~ust 1,9th, I96~ °~hrcugh A~x~xs~ 22nd, 1968, was app~oved cind nu'~h~r~2ed, AD,JOt.TRNMEN T On motion of Cou~icilwoman ~'hompson, seconded by Councilman~S~hTegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjou~ned a°t 9032 PaM;,'~Cp'7:30 P.Mo Augus°t 14th, 1968, f / A'TTE S'I' : ,e lt'~~ "L.~--:.,Z-csYs-~'. C Y CL£RK MAYOR