Minutes 1968-08-14 CITY COUNCIL A~GUST 14~H, 1g68 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in adjourned ~egular session with Mayor W~~d presidi~g. , Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Coa~cilme~ Levine, Schlegel a.n~ ~~°sth reported present. STUDY SESSION RE: MANDATORY REFUSE COLL~CTCON AND LOPEZ WA~ER CHARCES G~neral discussion was held regarding the feasib~lity of ma~datory refuse collection, with no action taken at this tim~, further disc~ss?on to be held at th~ n~xt regaalar Council m~eting. General discussion was held regarding a p~rtion nf the Lopez Water Charges being derived from property taxes and it was the feelir~ ~f ~he Co~ncil that no action be tak~n at this time as actual costs can~ot be detErmined until the com~]etion of the praject. ADJOURNMENT On motion o~ Councilwoman Thompson, s~conded by ~~~.~cilman Levin~, and unanimously carried, ~he m~eting was adjourned at 10:00 PFM. ATT E S T : ~ ~aaz1C_.. - ~ ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR~'