Minutes 1968-09-10 65 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER lOth, 1968 ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman 1°hompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Smith re- ported present, PLEDGE Of ALLEGIANCE AND INUOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immediately thereafter, Revererad Stanley Durham, of the First Southern Baptist Church of Grover City, delivered the invocation, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilwoman Thompson corrected the minutes of Augusfi 27th, 1g68, Page 5, under the heading DISCUSSION RE; LOPEZ NAME, last sent$nce to read "Supervisor Carpenter agreed that this term could be used" and thereafter the minutes of the regular meeting of August 27th, 1968, were approved as prepared and cor- rected. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that General Warrants No. 183 to and including No. 220, in the total amount of $20,993•52 and Payroll Warrants No. 235 to and includ- ing No. 291, in the total amount of $10,962.97, be approved and ordered paid, CERTIFICATES FOR COURSE IN ELEMENTARY TREATMENT OF WATER AND WATER PLANTS Administrator Butch advised that two employees of the City of Arroyo Grande had successfully completed a Course in Etementary Treatment of Water and Water Plants involving a great deal of personal time on the part of the emptoy- ees studying and attending evening classes for six weeks in San Luis Obispo. Director of Public Works Anderson briefly reviewed the objectives of this course. Mayor Wood presented Certificates for the satisfactory completion of the course to J. E. Anderson, Jr., Director of Public Works and Earna W. Lancaster, Water Department Foreman, PROCLAMA`d°ION: "ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY GAY 90'S HARUEST FESTIVAL DAYS" 10/3-10/6/6~' Mayor Wood proclaimed October 3rd through th, 19 , as "Arroyo Grande Valley Gay 90's Harvest Festival Days", as requested by the Harvest Festival Committee. Dick Blankenburg, President of the Harvest Festival Committee, presented to each of the Councilmen a bow tie and to Councilwoman Thompson a carnation corsage which depict the gay 90's era and the forthcoming festival. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST The Treasurer's Report for the month of August, 1968, was received by the Council and ordered filed, DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST The Departmental Report for the month of August, 1968, was received by the Council and ordered filed, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT-LOPEZ WATER CONTRACT CHARGES-ADOPTION City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Title 6, Section ,O1 (g) of the Municipal Code, thereafter a motion was made by Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 21 C.S, ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, TITLE 6, SECTION ,O1 (g) OF THE ARROYO GR/~NDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO LOPEZ WATER CONTR/~CT CHARGES. On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman `fhompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood NOES: None , ABSENT: None The foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this lOth day of September,1968. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER IOTH, 196H ARROYO GRANDEe CALlFORNIA PAGE 2 DISCUSSION - PROPOSED BICYCLE ORDBNANCE ~dministrator Butch reaoiewed a report from Chief of Police Richardson, outlining the need for and estimated cost of bicycle registr~tion and regula- tionsa After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, that a Bicycle Ordinance, to provide some measure of protection to the bicycle owner, should be adopted and that a fee for ~his service should be charged which will fully cover the cost of administering the provisions of the ordinance, Administrator Butch was instructed to obtain actual operatirag cost fig- ures from cities that now have a bicycle ordinance establishedo The Council agreed to consider the fee to be charged for bicycle licensing upon receipt of the City Administrator's report regarding costse RESOLUTION-RESTRICTING PARKING ON A PORTION OF VALLEY RD, - HIGH SCHOOL City Administrator Butch advised that a letter had been received from Earl W, Denton, Superintendent of the Lucia Mar Unified School District, re- questing restricted parking be established on Valley Road adjacent to the school property9 except that school bus loading be approved in this area. Administrator Butch rev+ewed the report from Chief of Police Richardson and ~ Director of Public Works Anderson, in which they recommended thet for greater pedestrian safety both sidesof Valley Road, adjacent to the westerty boundary of the Valley Road Senior High School site be zoned No Parking between 8;00 A,M. and 4;00 P,Mo, bus loading excepted, After Council discussion, City Attorney Sh'ipsey read the title of a resolution restricting parking on a portion of Valley Road, there~fter, a motion was m~de by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilm~n Smeth, and unanimously carried, to dispense with read- ing the balance of this resolutione RESOLUI°ION N0, 805 A RESOLUTION OF 1°HE LITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ RESTRICTING PARKING ON A PORTION OF VALLEY ROAD. On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on the following roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Council~oman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood, NOESe None ABSENTe None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this lOth day of September, 1g68e NOT I CE `TO STAI°E DEP°f e OF HOUS 6 NG COMMa DEV. RE; UN I FORM HOUS I NG CODE Administrator Butch advised that correspondence had been received from the State Department of Housing and Community Development advising that under the State Code if the City laws are not equal or greater than the State's laws, then the State laws must be used in the City's building, plumbing and electrical codes. After discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried on roll call vote, that the City Council hereby determines and raotifies the Department of Housing and Community Development of the State of California that the City of Arroyo Grande has and is enforcing local ordinances prescribing minimum standards equal to or greater than the ~pplic~ble provisions of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, OffICIAL RECOGNITION OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY OF THE EOA Administrator Butch reported that the Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County has requested that our City recognize the Local Commun- ity Action Agency of the Economic Opportunity Act by approval and authori- zation by signing an application for the recognition of said agency. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levirae, and unanimously carried, that the Mayor and City Clerk be ~uthorized to sign the Notice To Political Subdivision of Application for the Recognition of a Local Community Action Agency under Section 210 (a) of the Economic Opportunity Acta 6~ CITY COUNClL SEPTEMBER JOTH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL9FORNIA ~AGE 3 MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT-TRANSSEN~ OCCUPANCY ~AX - fIRST READING Administrator Butch reported that the County of San Luis Obispo and all the cities within the County, except Arroyo Grande°and Grover Citys have al- ready increased their ~ransient Occupancy Tax percentage from 4~/ to 5% to conform to the State sales t~x percent~ge increase to 5%~ After Council dis- cussion, City Attorney Shipse~ ~ead for its first readi~g, the'title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code relating to tansient occupancy tax, thereafter a motion was made by Counci1m~n Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously c~rried, to dispense with reading the b~iance of this ordinance, ~STH STREET NAME CHANGE-PRaPOS~D TIERRA ST.-PUBLIC H~ARING-10~8-68 City Administr~tor Butch reported that the Planning Commission has held a public heari~g on the proposed renaming of 25th Street to Tierra Street and the Comm+ssion recommends that the City Council proceed to officially change the street name to Tierr~ Street, After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Counci)man Schleget, and unanimously carried, that a Public Hearing be held at 8:00 PeM,, Qctober 8th, 1968 for the purpose of considering the renami~g of 25~h Street, 20TH STREET NAME CHANGE-PROPOSED COUaTLAND S~REET-PUBLIC HEARING 10-8-68 City Administrator Butch reported that the Planning Commission has hetd a public hearing on the proposed renami~g of 20th Street to Gourtland Street and the Commission recom~e~ds that the City Co~~,~il proceed to officially change the street n~me to Courtland Street ~nd that the City of Grover City be so advised as one-half of ~O~h Street i~ loc~ted within the boundaries ofi the City of Grover Gi~yo Af~er Council discus~ion, a motion was made by Councilman Smsth, seconded by C~uncilman Schlege1, ~nd unanimously carried, that a P~blic Hearing be held at 8000 P,Me, October $th, 1968, for the pur- pose of considering the renaming of 20th Street and that the Planning Com- mission°s report and recommendation, together with the notice of Public Hearing, be forwarded to the Cifiy of Grover City, to appraise them of this Council's action, AGREEMENT W9TH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOR RECREATION PURPOSES-ITEM 9 CLARIFIED Administrator Butch reported that the wording of Item 9 of the proposed agreement with the United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande for the use of the church facilities for City recreation purposes has now been clarified and written as follows: "The City to restore facilities to a condition which is mutually acceptable,"' PROGRESS REPORT ON PURCHASE OF OCEAN~ WATER C0. BY COUNTY SERVICE DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised the Co~ncil that there have been no new devetopments to reporfi at this time regarding the purchase of the Oceano Water Co. by the County Service Dastrict, FURTHER DISCUSSdON REe ~ROPOSED AMEN~MENTS TO LOPEZ CONTRACT Administrator Butch reported that a meeting has been tentatively scheduled for September l~th, 1968, with the Attorneys and representatives of the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach to discuss Article Amendment 29 of the Lopez Contracto AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS-BRBSCO HILL PRESSURE SYSTEM-PROJECT N0.60-68-2 BID OPENVNG 10-7-68 2:00 P. M, Administrator Butch advised that the ptans and specifications for the installation of a pressure system on Brisco Hill are nearing completion and that authorization to catl for bids is now necessary to proceed with this 1968-69 Budgeted Project, Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed the plans for the installation of the pressure system and advised that the engineers estimate was greater than a~ticipated therefore it is proposed to call for bids for the total project with the inclusion of two alternates, which will allow for stage construction, if need be, to stay within the budgeted amount for this project, After Coe~ncil discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schtegel, seconded by Counci?man Smith, ~nd unanimously carried, that the call for bids for the installation of the Brisco Hitl Pressure System, Pro- ject No. 60-68-2 be authorized, s~id bids to be opened at 2:00 P.M., October 7th, 1g68a CITY COUNCIL ~E~~EMB~R IOTH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN9~ 4 ENGINEER ~RANBARGER'"S ORAL REPOR~mLOPEZ WAT~R TRAN~~@~SBON ~INE Keith ~ranb~rger of Koebig ~ Koebig Engineeras gave ~n oral report on the progress to date for ~he Lopez Water T~ans~es~io~ Line, ~iscussio~ followed regarding ~he locatio~~ of the three fiurnouts ~lloc~ted for the City of Arroyo G~ande a~d t~e water d~~and a~ this time w~ich ~ecessitates the installation of two turnouts naw9 vers~s i~cre~se of cosf ~nd possible need for an alternate location at ~ l~ter d~te for the inst~llation of the third turnout. Director of Public Wor~s Anderson was instructed to check into cost estimates and determine if the third turnout sho~ld be acca~plished with blind flange ~t the time of original transmission line install~tion or if it would be to the City's advantage to w~it un~il such time ~s are~ growth indicates where the third turno~t should be loc~ted, and report back to the Councila CARL KADIE OF STONE AND YOUNGBERG-ORAL PRES~NTATION R~o S~~ER ASSESS,DISTe Mr, Carl Kadie of St~~e and Youngberg ~i~a~ci~l Consultant~ gave an oral presentation on fhe e~t~blishme~t a~d procedures avail~ble to Cities for the installation of .~ewers by use of Special A~sessment Districts, and outlined the steps the City migh~ foalow ~f C~~~cil wishes to proceed with a Sewer Assessment District to provide sewerage facilities for ~11 unsewered areas of the City, ~r, Kadie ~lso s~ressed the pro~ased Watson ~mendment to the Cat- ifornia Con~titution whic~ will be voted on ~t the Gener~l ~lection on November 5, 1968, stating that if th~s measure i~ approved the means of financing assessment districts ~ow ~vailable will be forecloseda therefore the City should move slowly ~ntil ~he results of this ~mendment is knowna Administrator Butch ~dvised inform~tion had bee~ received from the Department of Housing and Urban Deyelopment that approv~l of the City's applic~tion for a Federal Grant looked very favorable at this time, b~t that the Department of HUD is now re- questing some immediate action by the Co~ncil that the City still intends to pursue the over~la sewer project, otherwise the applicat[on will be returned. to the City without any action being taken on ~he part of HUD, After Council discussion~ ~ motion was made by Co~ncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Leuine, and un~nimo~sly c~rried, that the @~provement Bond ~ct of 1915 be used as a bas~s for the proced~re to follow for plan~~n~ the project to sewer the unsewered ~re~s of the Csty, City Attorney ~ha~sey w~s authorized to request a cost proposal from ~he firm of 0'Melveny ~nd Myers, Bond Attorneys and a cost proposal fro~ the firm of Stone and Youngberg, Financial Consultants for their services applic~ble to this projecte CENTRAL COAST R~G90NAL QU~LITY CON~ROL BOARD-PUB,HEARa 10-11-68 RE;SEPTIC TANKS City Administrator Butch reported that the Central Coast Regional Quality Confirol Board has set a public hearing on October llth, 1968, to eonsider the use of septic tanks in urba~izing areas in the Central Coastal Region Area. They are concerned wi~h the pote~tial pol1ution and water quality problem in the cent ra 1 re'g i ora . PROGRESS REPORI~ - SOUTH Sf~O COUN°fY ~AN 8 TA~ I ON D I STR I CT' Administrator Butch advised that the treatment plant had experienced a 20 hour power failer due to a major break in the power system, but that an auxiliary power unit w~s tased dtarirag this ~ime and therefore no major problems occured, LETTER FROM SWBFT RBR L~NES - REe AIR SERVICE FR0~1 S~N LUIS OBISPO Admiraistrator Butch read a letter fro~n Sweft Air Lines in which they re-. quest the City Courecilas approval and scapport of their application now before the Public Utilities Comr~ission to provide air ser°vice from San Luis Obispo to various points within Califo~°raiao After Council discussion, Administrator Butch w~s instructed to write tl~e Ptabl~c Utilities Commission expressing this Councils approval and indic~tang the necessity for such air service in this a rea a COUNClLN1AN SMI~°~isS ORA~ REPO~`~ RE; PLANNNNG COMMISSBON MEETING 9-3-68 Councilman Smith st~ted that at the Plannirtg Commission meeting of. September 3, 1968, the ~s~ permet applied for by Jones A~nb~alance Service was denied, and that the Fublic Hearirag regarding Fair O~k~ extensiora had been hel d but that f i n~ 1~ct i or~ by the Com~n e ss i or+ h~d been cont i niaed ur~t i 1 the i r meeting of Septernber l7th, 1968e CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER JOth, 196$ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 DISCUSSlON ON LOPEZ ROAD Mayor Wood reported on his finding regarding the Lopez Road construction costs stating that the amount of $555,000,00 was minimum construction cost not including contingencies of $135,000.00 for the original planned road through Saucelito Canyon to Lopez Dam making a total of $6g0,000,00 in 1966, as the contract was not let there was a cost iracrease factor of $6g,000v00 because of delay, totaling $759,000.00. Due to protests objecting to the Saucelito Canyon route from several South County groups requesting that the ro~ate to the dam follow the Upper Arroyo Grande Valley~ a change of $641,000<00 was made for a longer and wider roadway and bridge over the top of the dam accqunting for the total project road construction cost of $1,400,000,00. The overall cost of the total project for the Dam roads and recreational area are not obtainable at this time as the project is not yet complete but costs are still well within the $16,000,000.00 voted for the projecte ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Co~ancilman Schlegel, and unani- mously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 P,M. ATTEST • ~ ~ ~~~w,;~ CI1" CLERK MAYOR