Minutes 1968-10-08 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 8°th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session wi°th Mayor Wood presiding, Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, ~ouncilmen Levine, Schlegel and Smith reported present, PLIDGE OF AL,LEGIANCE AND TNVOCATION Mayor Wood led °the Pledge o~ Allegiance °to our ~lag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend S°tanley Durham, of °the First Sou°thern Bap°tist Church of Grover City, delivered the invoca°tion, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Levine correc°ted the minu°tes of Sep°tember 24th, 1968, Page 3, Paragraph 12, Line 6°to read "°this mat°ter be °~aken up at the regular meeting of October 22, 1968, when Mre Pol~n would be able °to be presen°t," Councilwoman Thompson correc°ted °the minu°tes of September 24°th, 1968, Page 5, Paragraph l, Line 2, °to read t°unanimously ca~ried, °the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to.`~ The m~nu°tes of °the regular mee°ting of September 24th, 1968, were approved as prepared and correc°ted, APPRQVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, °that General Warran°ts Noe 248 to and in- cluding No. 314, in the total amount of $22,385.76 and Payroll Warrants Noe 367 to and including No, 420, ~n °the to°tal amoun°t of $9p977.60, be ap~iroved and ordered pa3.d. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MON°~H OF SEPTEMBER, 1968 The 'Treasurer' s Repo~°t for °khe mon°kh of Sep°t~ember, 1968, was received by the Council and ordered filedo DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR 'THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER~ 1968 The Departmen°tal Repor°t for °the month of Sep°tember, 1968, was received by the Council and ordered f~led. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDIv~N'I'-BICYCLE ORDINANCE-F°IRS°T READING Administrator Butch reviewed tha°t on September 24th, 1968, °the Council had instructed the C ity A°ttorney °to prepare an Ordinance for the licensing of bicycles w~th a fee of $1,00 °to be a one time charge for this non-expir- able license. Af`ter Council da~scussion, C~ty Attorney 5hipsey read for its first reading, the title of an ordinance per°taining to the licensing of bicycle's, thereafter a motion was made by Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne, and unanimously carried, to d~spens~ wi°th reading the balance of this ordinance. RECEIPT OF SLO COe DEVELOP~ ASSOC, NEW CONVENTION INVI°TA°TION BOOKLET Administrator Bu°tch advised the City has received a copy of the San Luis Obispo County Developmen~ Associa°tion's new convent~on invitation booklet which descr~bes the facilit~.es available for conventions and that the booklet would be available a°t °the Ci°ty Halle LETTER FROM MAYOR OF TEHACHAPI RE: PENAL CODE LEGISLATION Administrator Butch reviewed a le°tter received from the Mayor of Tehachapi requesting support of that City's ins°tigat~.on of legislation to strengthen Penal Code Sect.ion 243 by increasing the penalty for producing great bodily injury upon the person of a peace officer or fireman when such peace officer or fireman are engaged in the performance of their duties wi°th a resul°ting injury °to the officer or fireman, The legislation would also permit that priority be given over other cases where the death of an officer or fireman is involved during resistance of arrest. After Council discussion, Mayor Wood directed the City Administrator to write to Mayor Edmiston of Tehachapa~~ our Assemblyman and State Senator, and ad- vise them °this Council is in ~avor of' supporting °the strengthening of Penal Code, Section 243, RECEIPT OF ANNUAL REPOR'~ F'ROM SLO CO, PLANNe COMMISSION FOR 1967-68 Administra°tor Bu°tch advised the City has received a copy of °the 1967- 68 Annual Planning Report ~rom the County of San Luis Obispo and that it would be available for review at °the City Ha119 ,76 CITY COUNCIL OC°TOBER 8th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 REPORT AND RECOMM. FROM PLANN.GOMM. RE: PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP Administrator Butch reviewed tha°t the Council had held a public hear- ing on September 24th, 1968, °to consider the proposed zoning ordinance and map, and had referred four amendmen°ts back °to °the Planning Commission for their consideration. Administrator Butch advised °the Planning Commission had considered the four changes and had concurred with three of °them but recommended the R-G Zoning proposed ~.n the area bounded by Alder Street, Elm Street, Fair Oaks Aves and Maple Street remain w~°th a height limitation of 30' or two story, instead of 40' and not be changed to R-1 Zoning as approved by the City Councile Mrs. David Wilson, 1169 Maple Stree°t; Mr. and Mrss C, J, Moore, 239 S, E1m Street; Mr. Joe Wolos2, Maple Street and Mrs, Spicer 247 Elm Street were present and spoke in favor of the R-G Zoning for °this areas Mr, Edwin Taylor, 1029 Ash St~eet; Mr. W, B, Smith, 1030 Ash Street and Mro Rick Lee, Pecan Place, were present and spoke against the R-G Zoning for this area. Mayor Wood relinquished the cha~r to Mayor P~o T'em °Thompson, and spoke from the audience, as a property owner in °this area, in favor of the R-G Zoning. City Attorney Shipsey advised that the publa.c hearing had been closed at the regular meeting of September 24°th, 1968, and it was his recommenda- tion that any final action of -the Gouncil be held over to the meeting of October 22, 1968, when the two i°tems not finalized could be considered. Administra~or Butch was instructed to prepare a summary of the requirements of R-G Zoning in comparison to R-1 Zoning and a map denoting °the large lots in the proposed area of R-G Zoning, The Counc~l requested the members of the Press present to publicize the proposed zoning and that interested per- sons should make their desires known by post card or letter to the City. Mayor Wood rejoined the Council and resumed the chair. PUBLIC HEARING-RENAMING OF 25`TH ST. TO TIERRA STREET Administrator Butch rev~ewed that the Planning Commission had held a public hearing to rename Z5th St, to Tierra Street, that letters were written to 22 residents of the street, that 12 replies were in favor of the name change, 5 replies were against the change, two residents had pro- tested the change at the public hearing and the Planning Commission had recommended to the Council that °this change be made. Upon being assured by the City Clerk that all requirements as provided by law had been done, Mayor Wood declared the hearing now open and all per- sons for or against the proposed street name change would now be heard. There being no one present who spoke for or against the proposed street name change, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. After Council dis- cussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the t~tle of a Resolution relating to changing the name of 25th Street, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman °Thompson, and unanimously car- ried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NQ. 806 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI°TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHANGING THE NAME OF THE STREET KNOWN AS 25TH STREET TO TIERRA STREE°T. On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman °Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith nnd Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolut~.an was passed and adop°ted this 8th day of October, 1968. If CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 8°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 3 PUBLIC HEARING-RENAMING OF 20°TH S"T, °TO COUR°TLAND S'TREE°T Administra°tor Butch revievaed that the Plann~.ng Goznmiss~.on had held a public hearing °to rename 20°th Sto °to Cour°tland Stree°t, tha°t s~x res~.den°ts of the stree°t had been not~f°~ed~ and the Plann~ng Gomm~ss~on had recommended to the Council that °this change be ma,deo Upon being assured by the G~.°~y Clerk °tha~ all requiremen°ts as provided by law had been done, Mayor Wood declared the hea~~ng now open and all per- sons for or aga~nst the proposed stree°t name change would nosa be hearda There being no one presen°t who s~oke for or aga~nst the proposed street name • change, Mayor Wood declared °the hear~ng closedo A~'ter Counc~l d~scussion, City A°t°torney Shipsey read the °ti°tle of a Resolu°tion relat~ng °to changing ~ the name of 20°th Street, therea£ter a mo°tion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Sm~th, and unan~mously ca~~~edo °to d~spense va~.th reading °the balance of °this resolution, RESOLU'TION N0. 807 A RESOLU'TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI°TY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHANGING 'THE NAME OF" °~HE S°TREE°T KNOWN AS 20fiH STREET° TO COURTLAND S°TREE°T, On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vo°te, °to w~.t: AYES: Gouncilwoman °I`hompson, Counca.lmen Lev~nee Schlegel, Smith and Mnyor Woode NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolu°tion was passed and adopted this 8°th day of October, 1968e PUBLIC HEARING-APPEAL OF USE PERMI'T CASE NOo68-131 - JONES AMBULANCE SERV. City Clerk Miller assured Mayor Wood tha°t Mr, David E, Flock, repre- senting Jones Ambulance Service, and property owners within three hundred feet of the property affected by the f~ling of the appeal had been notified by mail as required by Law. Administrator Butch reviewed the report of the Planning Commission prepared by Planning Direc°tor Gallop, dated Septem- ber 25th, 1968, which listed °the ac°t~on regarding Use Perm~°t Case Noe 68- 131, which was denied by the Plann~.ng Commissions Mayor Wood declared °the hearing open, s°ta°t~.ng all persons for or against the appeal of Use Permit Nos 68~131, filed by Mre David E, Flock, would now be heard, Mre Maurice Shel°ton~ local manager of.Jones Ambulance.Service, sub- mitted a petition containing 51 signatures, in favor of °the Ambulance Ser- vice being located at 957 Grand Ave, Mrm Paul A, Geihs,Attorney , repre- senting Central Coast Ambulance Service, urged ~the Council °to uphold the decision of the Planning Commissione Mre David E, Flock was present and spoke in favor qf the permit being granted for a private interprisem Gen- eral discuss~.on was held between the Council and the audience regarding . the pros and cons of traff~.c safe°ty at 957 Grand Ave, for °this proposed use. N~ further discussion for or agains°t °the appeal, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, a mo°tion was made by Council- man Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, tha°t a use permit be granted to Jones Ambulance Service located at 957 Grand Aveo and that the permit be reviewed in six months by the Planning Commissione On the f~llowing roll call vote, AYES: Councilwoman °I"hompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood, NOESe None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing motion was adopted. REQUEST OF PLANNe COMM. TO ENFORCE CI°TY CODE 4-6,03 (WASTE MATERIAL Administrator Butch advised tha°t °the Planning Comm~.ssion has asked the City Council to requ3re °the en~orcemen~t o~ °the C~,ty Code, Sec°tion 4-6,03 Waste Material Accumula°tion, pa~°ticularly in °the creek area of our City, and Planning Commissioner Moss has reques°ted that ~the Council attend, with him, a walk~ng tour of our creek on Oc°tober 12°th, at 10:00 AeMo to review thzs problem. A£°ter Counc.~l d~.scuss~on, it was agreed that _ GITY COUNCIL OCT'OBER 8TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 all Council members that could, would tour °the creek bed as requested, and representatives frozn the following be reques°ted °to a°t°tend s San Luis Obispo County Health Departmen°t, S°ta°te of California Depar°tmen°t of Fish and Game, the Ci°ty Fire Department and °the Gi°ty Police Depctrtmenta PARK & RECe COMM. REQUEST' F'OR SEMI-ANNUAL JOINT° MEE°TING 10/30/68 Administrator Butch advised tha°t the Parks and Recreation Commission has requested that °the Sem~-Annual Jo~n°t Mee°ting be°tween °the Ci°ty Council and the Commission be held on October 30°th, at 7e30 PaM, in the Council Chambersa After Council d~scuss~on~ it was agreed that as all Council ' members could no°t be present on °tha°t da°te that °the meeting be tentatively rescheduled £or November 13°th, 1968, subjec°t °to °the Parks and Recreat~on Commission being able to a°ttend at °that t~.me. RECOMM, ON PROPOSED NAMING 0~° PROPOSED WAYSIDE PARK - BRANCH-& TRAF°F°IC WAY Administrator Butch advised that the'Parks and Recrea.tion Commission ~ has proposed to the Cit y Council a name for the proposed wayside park at Branch Street and Traffic Way as "Village Wnyside Park~'. Park and Recrea- tion Commissioner Lee was present and adv~sed that the proposed name had been submit°ted to the Downtown Merchants Association for their consideration. ~ After Council discussion, i°t was agreed that no action be taken on this matter until such time as °the City acquires title °to °the proper°ty and a re- view of the costs estimates for the park has been received and reviewed by the Council. RECEIVE BIDS ON THE BRISCO HILL PRESSURE SYSTEM ~ PROJECT N0, 60-68-2 Administrator Butch reported ~ha°t an Oc°tober 7th, 1968, at 2a00 P.M. five bids were received and opened for the purpose of install~.ng the Brisco Hill Pressure System, as follows: Burke Construction Co,, P,Oe Box 957, San Luis Obispo, Cnlife Item 1-$18,807.00 Item 2-$18,717.00 Item 3-$16,379,00 C, W, Taber Eng. Const. Coo, Santa Barbara Airport, P.O.Box 771, Goleta, California Item 1-$24,400.00 Item 2-$24,000,00 Item 3-$22,000.00 Floyd V, Wells, Inc., 116 N. Blosser Road, Snn°ta Mnria, Calif. Item l-$14,782.00 Item 2-$14,710s00 Item 3-$13,232,00 Pylon, Inc., P.O. Box 4729, Compton, Calif. Item 1-$16,805°00 3°tem 2-$16,617.00 Item 3-$14,424.00 W. Me Lyles Co., 1328 W, Bette~avia Road, Santa Maria, Calif. Item 1-$21,700,00 Item 2-$21,500.00 Item 3-$18,9Q0.00 Administrator Butch reviewed a report submitted by the Directo~ of Public Works advisirig that Item 1 was the Complete Project which would provide greater service, including fire flows which will sesult in up- grading fire ratings in this area, better domes°tic service and includes the Ocean View School which is not now provided wi°th sutf~cient pressure to give adequate ser~ice and it would not be economical to consider Item 2 or Item 3 as there is such lit°tle price differential between them and Item 1, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Sch'legel, seconded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously carried, that the low bid as submit~+ed by Floyd V. Wells, Inc,, in the total amount of $14,782.00, for the install- ation of the Brisco Hill Pressure System, Pr oject No. 60-68-2, Item l, be accepted and the contract be awarded and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract document on behalf of the City, PROGRESS REPORT RE: PURGHASE OF OCEANO WATER COe BY COUNTY SERVICE DIST,~ Administrator ~utch adv~.sed the Council that there have been no new developments to report a°t this time regarding the purchase of the Oceano Wa~ter Co. by the County Service Districte DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKSs REPORT & RECOMM, RE: GRAND AVE, DRAINAGE Administrator Butch •reviewed a report dated October 7th, 1968 sub- mitted by Director of Public Works Anderson regarding the proposed uses of City owned Elm Street Property~ and a supplemen°t °to the ~eport dated October 8th, 1968, which ~ndica°ted that the area proposed for drainage could be used as a ba.ll park complex, unit 1, on a°temporary basis at this °time and not on a permanent basis as °the cost of precise planning, `7 q _ CITY COUNCIL OC°TOBER 8'TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIl~ PAGE 5 engineering and cons°truction ~,s no°t feasible a°t °~h~.s time. Prior °to °the development by the Ball Pa~°k Assoc~at~.on °there will be some engineering work necessary as no°ted in °the supplemen°t ~epor°t, Af°ter Council discuss~on, on motion of Gouncilman Smi°th, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carriecl, °thcr.°t °the °two repor°ts subm~.tted by the Director of Public Works be accep°ted and that °the Base}~all Associa- t3on be authori2ed °the use of approx~ma°tely 3.7 acres of land, as designn- °ted on submitted plans, on a temporary basis for Uni°t 1 of the proposed base3~a11 complexs Mr, F"red Sweeney of °the Baseball Associa°tion thanked the Council f~~ their efforts and time expended on this ~~pj~~°k t~r~d adv~l„~~~ Association t~aould pro~~~d w~,°~}~ `th~ ~~v~~Q~~m~~i~~ ~'~ZC~~~t~S~ ~~Q~~' ~ SOtJ~ ~~i~'~' SAN~~"A'~~ON ~~5~'R~I~~' _ Gcipi~a~ o~' t}~e ~~e~ ~lan~ C~~~~a,~~x' s~apo~t ~he mor~~h of Sep~am- me~, 1~6~ and ~the Q~ar°t~erly Fincxnaia:~ Repor°k fo~ ~ho ~~.~~rict,were rmcm,ived ! by ~he GAUr~cil, d~scue~ed and a~d~e~~+d ~~,~eda CORR~ES'~ONDENCE FROM YOUTH FOUNDATTf~N BOA.R,D OF DIRECTORS Adminis~~a~ko~ Bu°tch ~ec~d a]~e~t~fie~ rece~.ved ~x~om ~he You~th Faundation Board of Direc°taxe reqtzesting .cx join~t mee~ting be held by ~the Counc~ils f'x°om Grover Ci°ky, Pismo Beach and Ar~oyo Grande, also ~to ~,nclude the Luc,ia Mar School District, for the purpose of formir~g a recreation d,is°tr~ic# and a workable plan for it's operation. After Council discussien, Administrator Butch was requested to notify the Board of Direc°tors, this City Council would attend such a meeting except on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month and other than f'rom October 27th through November llth, 1968, REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL FOR PERMISSION °TO BE OUT OF STATE On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the reques°t of Councilman Schlegel for permission to be ou°t of the State of' Californ~a ~rom Oc°tober 27°th °to November 12th, 1968, was approved and authori~ed, REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN SMITH FOR PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the request o~ Councilman Smith for permission to be out of ~the State of Cal~fornia from Oc°tober 27°th through November llth, 1968, was approved and authorized, THANKS °TO COUNCIL FROM HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Mr. Richard Blankenberg, Chairman of the Harvest F°es°tival Committee, thanked the City Council and Ci°ty Employees for their assistance during the Harves°t Festivalo ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilmctn Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, °the meeting was adjourned at 10:27 P.M. ATTEST : ~,-y~'~ ~ ~ ~ - C CLERK MAYOR