Minutes 1968-10-22 CI'I'Y COUNGIL OG°TOBER 22ND, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ GALIFORNTA °I'}~e G~.~y Counc~l me~ ~.n reg~zzla~ sess~on w~~h Mcxyor Wood pres:~dingo Upon ~oll call, Counc~lrnr~man "Tlaompsor?, Counc~lmen Lev~ne, Sc}-ilegel and Sm~°th repor°ted present o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND IN\TOCA°TTON Mayor Wood led °the Pledge o~ Alieg~ar~ce to our ~lag; and ~mmed~ately °thereafter, Reverend ~Tames W~clc~°k~om, of °the ~~rs°~ Presbyter~an Chtxreh of - Arroyo Grande, del~ve~ed °~he ~nvocation, APPROVAL OF" MINLJTES °I"}ae m~nutes of the ~egular mee°ting of October 8°th, 1968, were approved as preparedo APPROVAL, OF WARR.~IVTS On motion of Counc~lwomc~n T°hompson, seconcled by Coiznc~lman Levine, and unan~mously car~~ed, °that Gene~al Wa~ran°ts PToo 315 to and ~.ncluding No, 341, in °the °total amoun°~ o~ $19,675051, Payroll INarran°ts Noo 421 to and ~ncluding No, 494, ~.n the ~o°~al amount of $11 ~ 940 019 and °Trus°t and Agency V~a~rants Noa 630 ~to and ~nclud~.ng Noo 6540 ~n the to°tal amount of $306,92, be approved and orcle~ed pa~d, REQUES'T OF A,Go HIGH SCI-i00L S°T[JDEN°T BODY ~OR HOMECOMING PARADE m10/25/68 Adminis°tra°tor Bu°tch repo~ted a le°t°ter ~ad been rece~.ved from °the l~rroyo Grande Hig~ SGhool Ass~ca.ated S~uden~ Body requesting perm~ssion °to stage a Homecoming P~~ade on Oc~ober 25~h, 1968, ~rom Grown H~11 °to Valley Road, and adv~sing ~he pa~ade worxld no~ necess~~ta°te the closing of any stree°ts, bu~ ~ould rec~u~~e tra~"f~c control on tlae parade rou°teo Mr, Bu°tch said °the Ch~e~ of P~l~ce had no objections to °the parade as °the school had at leas°~ ten ~acul°ty me~ to ass~s°t t~e Po12ce Department wi°th t~aff~c cont~ol, M~.ss Snndy ~ook, rep~esent~.ng °the Studen°t Body, was presen°t and rei°tera°ted ~~e sc~oo~.s ~equest o After Council discussion, on mo°tion of Counc~lman Sm~.°thp seconded by Counc~lman Schlegel, and unani- mously carried, i°k was ctpproved °that permiss~on be granted to the Associ- a°ted S°tudent Body of Ar~oyo G~a~de High Sc~ool to s°tage a Homecoming Parade on October 25t~a 1968, as per their reques~, LE'T°TER FROM A, G, VILLAGE MERCHAN°TS ASSOC, RE~~ UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTo Adminis°trator Butch repor~ed a le°t°ker has been received from the Arroyo Grande V~llage Me~chan°ts Assoc~at~on reques°ting °the Council adopt a Resolu°tion se°t°ting up a pu.blic hearing ~or the es°tablishment of an Underground Util,ity District 3n °khe area of.Branch S°treet, as a district mus°t be formed be~ore °th~ end o~ °the csc~.endar year 1.968 in order for fhis area of° our ci°ty ~ko ~ecea.ve the ~unds annually alloca°ted ,for underground- ing by °the Pacific Gas and Elec~t~ic Co, ~ v~rhich amounts to approxima°tely $8,OOOo M~o David Loomis, represen°ting ~he merchan°ts associa°tion, wds ~ present and reitera°ted °G]~e ~eqtxes°~m Afte~ Gouncil discussion, City A°ttorzaey Sh~psey ~ead ~°he ti~le o~ a Ress~lution se°kt~ing a public hea~ing at 8~00 P,M,, November 26~h~ 1968~ regax°d3ng the forma°tion of an Under- g~ound U°tili°~y Dis°tric°t on Branch S°t~ee°t, thereafter a mo°tion was made by C ouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levzne, and unanimously carried, to dispense wi°th reading °~he balance of this resolution, RESOLU°~TON N0, 808 A RESOLUTION 0~° 'THE CI°T'Y GOUNGIL OF THE CI°TY 0~° ARROYO GRANDE GALLTNG A PUBLIC HEARING °TO DE`TERMINE WHE'THER PUBLIC NECES- SIT°Y, HEAL"~H~ SAF°E"I'Ya OR WELF°ARE REQUIRES THE F°ORMA°TION OF' AN UNDERGROUND U°TILITY DIS~'RIC°T ON BRANCH S~°REE'~~ On motion of Councilman Lev~ne, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the followzng ~011 call vo~te~ to w~t. AYESm Councilta~man °°~'l~ompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Woodo NOES~ None ABSEN~': None ~he foregoing Resolufi~.or~ was pa.ssed and adop~ted °th~s 22~d day o£ October, 19680 CIZ'Y COUNCIL OCZ'OBER 22ND, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 2 PROCLAMATION ;'°NA°TIONP,Lo VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE V~TEEKa ° m 10/20 m 10/2 6/68 Mayor Wood proclaimed Oc°tober 20°th through 26th, 1968, as ~°National Vocation Guidance Week~°, as reques°ted by Will~am J. Wa°tson, County Superintendent of Schools. MUNICIPAL GODE AMENDMEN°T m BIGYCLE ORDINANCE m ADOP°TION Gity Attorney Sh~.psey ~ead the ~~tle of an O~cl~nance amend~.ng °the Municipal Code per°ka~n~ng to the licens~.ng of b~.cycle g s, thereaf°ter, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwroman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to d~spense w~.°th reading the balance of this ordinance, ORDIN.~NGE N0. 23 G.S, AN ORDINANCE OF° T°HE CI°I°X OF° ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPT"ER 7'TO °TITLE 4 QF 'THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELA°TIN~ °TO REGULA~ TION OF REGISTRATION AND USE OF BICYCLES, On motion of Councilwoman 'Th~m~ason, seconded by ~~uncilman Levine,, and on the following roll call vo°te, to w~tm AYES: Councilwoman °Thompson, Gouncilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith rxnd Mayor Wood . NOESa None ABSEN°T: None the foregoing Ord~nance was passed and adopted this 22nd day af October, 1968. REQUEST' 'TO PAR°TICIPA°TE IN PISMO BEA~H GLAM FES°TIVAL PARADE - 11/9/58 Correspondence was ~eceived from the Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce inviting °~he Council to pa~°t~cipa°te in the Annual Clam Fes°tival Parade which will be held or~ Novembe~r 9th;- 1968, at 10m00 A.M. After Cauncil discussion, Adminis°trator Butch was instruc°ted to no°tify; the P3smo `Beach Chamber of Commerce tha°t °the Council would at°tend °the parade, with .as many members being presen°t as possible,,. , AUTHORZZE CALL-~OR.BIDS - S°TREE°T'SWBEPER m BTD OPENING, 11/~5/.68 2;00 P,M. ~idminis°trator Butch advised ~rhat 'Direc°tor o~ Public W~~k;s Anderson;; had r~ported thdt'the street svaeeper has broken dotan again and was being kept,,zunning on a temporary basis wit~iou~ major repai~s being ma.de and.` was ~equesting permission ta call for'bids for a new sraeeper. After " Council discussions on mot~.on of Gouncilman Sc}~legel, secpndet~ by; Ctiu~ci],= man Smi°th, and unanimously car~ied, that °the call for bids for~the pur-, _ chase of a new street s~veep~r, a budgeted i~em, be authorized, ;said. b3.ds to be opened a°t 2:~0 P,M., October 25t~, .1968, as requested by Dire.~tor of Public Works Anderson. REC~IPT OF MINUTES AND ~EPOR°T ON COUNTY WA°TER RESOURCES AD. COMM. MEET~;NG r Minutes of the Coun°~y Wa~ter Resouxcces Advisory Committ~e meeting';'. ' for September 3rd,` 1968, we~e xec~~ived "and discussed by; theP~ Ci~ianc3~ cind p: ordered filed~ Councilman Schleg~l reported tha~'Direct.or c~f Pub~.ic Wp~ks Anderson and himself had a°t~tended °the meet~ing and repox°ted ~h'at ''t~ey ]i~td received a report on ~he compari~bn o~ costs o~" obtain.ing doxtte,s~~~~ wat~r by desalting or °the dam me°thod az~d foar many years °~o com~ °the dai~ me~th'od . is the most economical. NOTIGE FROM Bb , OF SUPERVISORS RE NAMING OF° LOPEZ LoAECE RECF~F~'iTYON A~2EA Administrator Butch adv~sed that notice~had been received.;:thnt ~the.. County Board of Supervisors had adop~Ced ct xesolu°tion officially nam,ing the reservoir as Lopez Lake and °the a~ea w~.°~hir~ ithe ,lake as Lp~~z Recre- ational Area, as requested by tne ~hamhe~ of Comme~ce. REPORT ON ZONE 3 ADVISORY GOMMI°T°TEE MEETING {OCTOBER, 1,968) _ Counc~lman Levine xepor°ted on ~he Oc°tober, 1968, mee°ting, af the zone 3 Advisory Committee Meeting and s°tated they had receiv~d a progress re-- port on the distribut3on lines and projec°t cons~ruct~.on~, / , ' ~ CITY COUNCIL OC'TOBER 22ND, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~ORNIA PAGE 3 PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SLO GOUN°I'Y SANITA°TION DIST'RIC°T Administrator Butch advised there were no new developmen°ts to be re- por°ted a°t °this time regarding °the South San Luis Obispo County San~.ta°tion District. PROGRESS REPORT RE: PURGHASE OF" OCEANO WA°TER'GOe BY COUNTY SERVICE DIST, Administrator Bu°tch advised he had been no°ti~'~ed that the County of Snn Luis Obispo will be taking over °the Oceano Water Coe wi°thin °the next fevv vaeeks. PUBL~C HEARING - FAIR OAKS EXT°ENSION PLAN LINE Mayor Wood excused Councilman Schlegel from °the meeting, at h~.s own reques°t, due to a possible conflic°t of interes°~, Eng~neer Gar~.ng re- viewed the three proposed rou°tes that have been considered and submi°t°ted a map ou°tlining a Rou°te 4, and reva.ewed it ~.n comparison w~°th °the o°ther . °three routeso Upon being assured by °the City Adm~n~st~ator °that all requirements as provided by law had been done, Mayor Wood declared °the hearing now open and all persons fo~ or aga~nst t~e p~oposed Plan Line would now b'e hearde Mrs m Liebzei°t, 410 Woodland Drive, was advised °the proposed s°tree°t would no°t affect °the proper°t~es on the exis°t~.ng Woodland Dr~.ves Andrew David, At°torney, representing Deed o~' Trust, for F,A, and Mrse Grieb, thanked °the Gity s°taff for outstanding coopera°tion and cons~dera°tion, and spoke in favor of Route 4 being adopted to p~eserve farm land and aes- thetics, if °the Council does not consider Route 3 f easibleo Mr, Lowell Krnatz was present and advised that he concurred vai~h Mre Davida Mro Clin°ton Dowell stated that he felt °the aesthe°tics was a minor problem as it is h~s opinion the orchards in the area would soon g~ve way to de- velopment, and he requested full consideration be given to °the in°ter- sec°tion of the proposed road and Valley Road °to assure a.t would be de- signed for maximum safetye Mr, Stephen I~iebzeit, 410 Woodland Drive, vaas present and spoke in favor of Route 4 being adopted. Mrsa Delores Beffa was advised that all routes were 40 miles per hour design speed, Mre Conrad Grieb reviewed for the audience the properties affected by Rou°te 4e Mro Edwin Taylor s°ta°ted tha°t he felt the original plan line should remain as adopted on Sep°tember llth, T962, regardless of cost. Mre Hutchins and Mro Do}ai were advised that Rou°te 1 is approximately 1000 feet longer thcin th~ other ~ou~es #o the right dngle corner of Valley Road at the High S~hool, Mr, Lee bow~ll wns advised.°the original plan line would be supersec~ed wit~ the ddop°tion of a new plari line, Admini~- strator Butch advi~ed that.Resolufions.had been received from the Lucin „ Mar School District and the Arroya Grande Chamber of Commerce encourngi.ng the establishment of a~onnect~,ng route between the two roads. There. being no fur°ther'discussion for or against the proposed plan line, Mayor Wood declared the hearing Closed, After Council discussion, on motion cf Councilman Levine~ seconded by Counc~.lwoman °T}~ompson,. that Route 4 be adopted and a Plan Line be developed for this Rou°te, as the best and most economical route; On the.following roLl call vo°te, to wit: AY'ES; Council- woman °Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Smith and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSEN°Tv Councilman 5chlegel~ the foregoing motion was adopted. On moti.on of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously; carried, authorization was gran°ted tA proceed with preliminary rondway c~~sign under the duspices of the Directox of Public Works and that an Engineering Firm be engaged to prepare a Bridge ~easibility Study, Councilmctn SchTegel is now gresente FURT'HER DISCUSSION REs PROPOSED ZONING DRD~NANCE AND MAP Adminis°Erator Butch reviewed ~he prior discussions and actions taken on the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Map, Mr, Maxtin Polin was present and reiterated his reasons for reques°ting that Block 13 of Western Ad- dition be aoned R-1.;~.nstead af the proposed F-5 Zoninge After Council discussion, on motion of Couricilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council.mari Smi°th, tha°t the proposed Zoning Map be -dmended °to designa~e R-1 Zone on Block 13 of Western Additione On the following x~oll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilman Smi°th and Mayor Wood, NOES: Councilmen Levine and Schlegel, ABSENT: None, °the forego~.ng motion was ! adoptedo Mayor Wood relinquishec~ the chair °to Mayo'~ Pxo T'~m Thompson, due to a possible conflict of interest, p~ GI°I'Y GOUNCIL OC°TOBER 22ND, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 4 Adminis°tra°tor Butch rev~.ewed conside~a°tion o~ RmG Zoning a.n °the Fexir ' Onks Area and rev~ewed repor°ts reques°ted by °the Counc~.l regarding th~s proposed 2oning, Residents o~ °the area we~e present and spoke for and agains°t °the proposed R-G Zoning and °the Council agreecl °tha°t a more de- °tailed proper°ty owner survey be conduc°ted in °the c~.rea pr~o~ °~o any f~nal ac°tion by °the Council, Adminis°trator Bu°tch tacts dixected °to send out let- °ters, wi°th a return pos°t card enclosed, and a compara.son report of the requ~.rements of R-1 and R-G Zoning to each proper°ty awner in °the or~g- inal proposed R-G Zone in °the ctrea bounded by Alder 5tree°t, the west Ca.°ty Limi°ts, Fair Oaks Ave. and Maple Stree°t~ ~°eqta.esting they ind~ca°te °their prefe~ence of R-1 or R-G Zoning. It was agreed th~s ma°t°ter be re~ considered a°t °the next regular Counc~.l mee°k~ngo . Mayor VlTood rejoined °the Council and resumed °the chair. Adm~nistra°tor Bu°tch presen°ted a let°ter ~rom Mro and Mrs. Arthur . Ga,rey, ~°eques°ting ti~°e capping by Use Perm,~t be oma.t°ted from H-S Zoning, Mrse Garey was present and.reiterated °the reques°t. Af'ter Council dis- cuss~.on, Mr, and Mrs. Garey's request was referred to ~t`he Planning Com- miss~on, for °their review and recommenda°tione COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL ° S REQUEST FOR SERVIGE ST'A"TION BEAU'TIF'ICl~°TION Adm~nis°trator Bu°tch was ins°trtxcted °to wri°te and req~a,est that °the var- ~ous 0~1 Compan~.es meet with City personnel to c3a.scuss beau,°tif~cation of serv~.ce s°ta°tions wi°thin the City, as reques°tecl by Corxnc~.lman Schlegel. REPORT ON LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES GONVEN°TION Counc~.lman Sm~°th repor°tecl °that the League o~ Gal~.fornia Cities Con- ven°t~on was very informative and measures on °the November 5th, 1968, ba1- lo°t which would affect Ci°ties were °thox°oughly expla~ned and d~.scussed, GITY AT°TORNEY OPINION ON "T'HROW AWAY~~ ADVERT°ISING City A°t°korney Shipsey advised Councilwoman °Thompson, °thdt °the City - has no larr~ prohibiting the placing of HBT~}1'rOW Awaytr adver°tising in yards, Doris Olsen advised that °the San°ta Maria Times did no°t deposi°t "throw away" adver°t~sing in yards if °they were requested by phone c411 or written no°tice tha°t the resident did no°t want 'the adver°ka~sement; 'REPOR'T ON WALKING TOUR OF CRBEK R.E : WAS'TE MATEF~IAL Mayor 1~Iood repor°ted thtt~ ~e had ;par°ticipated in the walking tour nf the Arroyo Grande Creek on Octobe~ '12.th, and tha°t the majori°ty of the c~e- bris in °the creek dppeared °to have been dumped there 0. long ta.me ago and it was found °that no wet gdrbage was being disposed of in the creeke MRS, GAREY'S REQUEST REGARDING H-S ZONING Mrs. Garey reques°ted that the ma°t°ter of recapping tires by use per- mit ~.n c~n H-S Zone no°t be referrec~ to the Plann~ng Commission and Mayor Wood advised Mrs. Garey tha°t as t~e Council had al~eady agreed to refer this matter to °the Planning CommisSion, the Council would reconsider it upon i°ts return'to °them. _ _ ADJOURNMEN°T .On mo°tion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Coun~ilman Smith, and unanimously carried, the mee°ting was ar~journed at 10:44 F.M. , ~ ATT'EST ~ ~ J-~:~-~''~c,'r'.afi..~-.~,.='°~ j~~i.--L TY-CLERK MAYOR