Minutes 1968-11-12 C I°TY COUNC IL NOVEMBER 12 T'H, }.968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wqod pres~ding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman 'I'hompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Smith reported present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCAT°ION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Al1eg~.ance to our flag; and ~mmediately thereafter, the Reverend William Black of the F~.rs°t Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande, delivered the ~nvocat~.on, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular mee°ting of October 22nd, 1968, ~vere ap- proved as preparede APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilwpman T'hompson, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 342 to and including No. 401, in the totdl amount of $31,998,28 and Payroll Warran°ts Noo 495 to and including No. 623, in the total amount of $21,771.64, were approved and ordered paid, LETTER FROM MRS. LORETTA McDIVI°T'T RE: PAVING AT 153 NORTH RENA S°TREET° Adma,nistrator Butch read in its entire~y a let°ter received from NCrs. Loretta McDivi~tt reques~ting that the s°treet be paved adjacent to the curb and gut°ter at 153 Ne Rena Street, as the improvements hacl been ~ comple°ted for approximately 3 years. Adm~nistrator Butch advisecl that the Director of Public Works had reported that the improvement of this section of street requires aons~derable excavation near Grand Aveo and °this paving had been delayed un°til more curb and gutter is ins°talled and the entire section could be completed. After Council discuss~.on, it was agreed to wait another two months, and if the curb and gu°t°ter necessary to complete the entire section is not installed at the end of tha°t time, that the paving be installed at 153 N. Rena Street only, and Adrninistrator Butch so advise Mrs, McDivitt. °TREASURER°S REPORT FOR THE 1~ONTH OF OCTOBER, 1968 The Treasurer's Report for the month of October, 1968, was re- ceived by the Council and ordered filed. DEPAR°TMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1968 T°he Departmental Report for the month of October, 1968, was xe- ceived by the Gounc,il and ordered filed, 1968-69 WORK STUDY PROGRAM AGREEMEN'T-CUESTA COLLEGE AND CITY OF A.Ge City Administrator Bu°tch advised °tha°t °the City has been working wi°th Cuesta College in a work-study program, in which the college s°tum dents work with the City, or any public agency, for so many hours per week, with the City pay.~ng 1/5th of the salary as the pr~gram is spon- sored by the Federal Government, and that the College is now reques°t~ ing °the City enter into a~nrork-study agreement with °them wh~ch makes the l~.nes of responsibility more clear and defini°te. After Council dis- cussion, on motion of Councilman Smith~ seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, that the Work Study Program Agreement for the regular school year of 1968m69 between Cuesta College and the City of Arroyo Grande be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to sign the agreemen°t document on behalf of the City. SLO COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INC. NEWSLE°TTER FOR OC°TOBER, 1968 Copies of the Developmen°t Newsletter of the San Luis Obispo Coun°ty Development Association, Inc., for October, 1968, were received by the Councila AUTHORIZE CALL FOR INFORMAL BIDSmF°IRE DEPT. VAN-BID OPENING 11/25/68 Administrator Butch advised that the Fire Department has requested authorization to call for informal bids on a new fire van, a budgeted item which was requested by °the Fire Department due to the lack of pow- er in the existing vehicle. A~°ter Council discussion, on motion of Gouncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that the call for infoxmal bids ~'or the purchase of a new F~re Depar°tment Van, a budgeted ~tem, be authorized, said bids to be opened at 2:30 P.M., October 25th, 1968, as requested by the Fire Chief. ~ CI°TY COUNGIL NOVEMBER 12°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 RESOLUTION FROM CORONA REv EN°TRY OF T'EENAGERS INT°O MEXICO Adminis°trator Butch adv~.sed that Mayor °Tony Bollero of Corona ~ad requested this City to support the~.r e~~ort to seek leg~slat~on to close the United S°tutes-Mexican Border °to Amer~.can m~nors °to control the use of narco°t~cs ~.n our citieso Admin~s°trator Butch sta°ted a copy of Reso- lu°tion Noo 3566 of °the City of Gorona rvas referred °to Ch~ef of Pol~ce Richardson, who reported °thcx°t in his op~n~on clos~ng °the borcler to minm ors would no°t elimina°te the drug traff~c as ~e f~l~ °that the larges°t percen°tnge of drugs is be~.ng brough°t across the bo~der by adul~ts and he would °therefore no°t recommend °th~s resolut~ono Af°ker Coixnc~l d~scuss~on, no ac°tion was taken a°t °t}ais t~me, RECEIP°T OF S°TATE BOOKLE°T ON PUBLIC LAND OWNERSHIP AND USE IN CALI~e Adm,~nis°trator Bu°tch adv~sed tha°t °the Ci°ty has rece~ved a copy of the S°tate of California°s th~rd progress ~epor°t °to the Legislature on Public Land Ownership and Use in California and tha°t the booklet worxld be available at the Gity Hall and ~.s on f~.le fo~ anyoneBS use, FURTHBR DISCUSSION REe PROFOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP Mayor Wood relinqu~shed °the cha~.r °to Mayor Pro 'Tem °Thompson, dtxe to a possible conflic°t of ~nteres°t. Administrator Butch submi°t°ted a repor°t dated November 12, 1968, which stated that he had prepared a Letter of Request, Zon~.ng Compari- son, 2oning Map of the area involved and Re°tu~n Pos°tcard, as requested by the City Council, and °this informa°~ion was ma~led to °the 114 ac°tual proper°ty owners of 129 parcels of p•roper°ty ~.nvolved in °the proposed R-G Zon~ng in °the Fair Oaks Area, and briefly reviewed °the repor°t no°t- ~.ng tha°t 94 replies were received, w~°th 37 gre~'err~ng exa.sta.ng single family 2~ning and 57 preferring proposed Garden Apartmen°t zoning, Resi~ ~ den°ts of the area were present and spoke for and against °the proposed R-G Zon~ngs Adminis°tra°tor Butch rev~ewed a map wh~ch outlined the ~.n- d~vidual properties according °to °the owners preference as °to R-G or R-1 Zon~ngo ~ T'he Council reviewed °tha°t on Sep°tember 24th, 1968, a mo°t~,on was adopted °that the proposed Zoning Map be amended to designate Rml Zon- ing in that nrea bounded by Alder S°treet, Elm Street, Fair Oaks Ave, and Maple 5treet that was proposed R-G Zoning, leaving °the proposed P.-G Zoning west of Elm S°tree°t o A~°ter Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc~.lman Levine, and unanimously carried, °that the proposed Zoning Ma.p be amended to des~gnate RmG Zoning in that area bounded by E1m Street, Maple Street, F"air Oaks Ave, and °the ~aest line of Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5, Block 4 and Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5, Block 3, of the Fair Oaks 'Tract~ leav~ng the remainder of the orig- inally proposed R-G Zoning as R-1 from the wes°t l~ne of said lots east- erly to Alder Street, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, City At°torney Shipsey was instruc°ted °to prepare an o•rdinance to adopt °the proposed Zoning O~dinance and Map and hold open °tha°t section pertaining to tire •recap- p~ng in °the H-S Zone, Mayor Wood rejoined the Council and resumed the chair, NO°TICE OF JOIN°T MEETING - CI'TY AND COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIONS Administrator Bu°tch notif~ed the Council °that a joint meeting would be held on November 21s°t, 1968, at 7:30 PoMe be°tween °the City of Arroyo Grande Planning Commiss~on and the County of San Lu~s Obispo Planning Commission and the Council was invited to a°ttend, After Council discussion, Administra°tor Butch was reques°ted °to advise the Planning Commission °that the Gouncil would attend °the meeting, ~ NOTICE FROM DEP°T, OF IN°TERIOR REm WATER INVES°TIGATION IN CEN°TRAL GOAST Adminis°trator Butch advised as in~orma°tion only, a notice was re- ceived from the Depar°tment of In~er~or no°tifying that an invest~.gation vaill be made in °the Central Coas°t area wi°th reference to °the ways to supply addi°tional water for irr~gation purposes and industr~al and municipal purposes, ~ ~3 _ . CI°I'Y COUNCIL NOVEMBER 12T°H, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNII~ PAGE 3 PROGRESS REPOR'T - LOPEZ VTTP~'TER SUPPLY A pr~gress repo~°°t ~or °the mon°th of Sep°tember~ 1968s was rece~.ved from °the San Lu~s Obispo Coun~y Flood Control and Wa°ter Conservat~on D~.s°tr~c°t and was rev~.ewed and o~dered ~~ledo PROGRESS REPORT' - SOU°TH SI,O GOUNT'Y SA~II°TAZ'ION DIS°TRIC°T Copies of °the Ch~ef Plan°t Opera°tor ° s Report for °the month of October, 1968, were rece~ved by °t}~e Council, tliscussed and ordered _ filedo DISCUSSION ON BICYCLE SAF'~'I'Y PROGEDURBS Mro Kemper °To Falconer, 969 Dodson Way~ Arroyo Grande, was presen°t and spoke ~.n ~avor o~ a b~cycle safety tra~.n~.ng program and was adv~.sed °that ~.n conjunct~on w~th the new b~cycle ord~nance, safe°ty requ~rements hccd ~o be met pra.o~° °to °~he issrxance of a l~.cense and a booklet on the sa~'e ways ~o ~pera~e cx b~cycle would be g~ven to each license applicanto REPOR'T O1~T AREA WIDE PLANNING COUNCIL MEET°ING Counca.lman Smi°t}a adv~sed ~ha~ he had rece~.ved a~eport from the Area Wide Planna.ng Coixnc~l ~ha°t r~va.ewed °~he progress tha°t had been made and the~.r pla~s fo~ °the ~"u°tureo DISCUSSION ON COMPREHENSIVE SEGVER PLoAN AND APPLICA°TION FOR HUD GRAN°T Admin~,s°tr~tor Bu~ch rev~ewed °the G~unc~l a s pr~.or act~on °to sewer °the unsewaered portions o~ the City and e~dv~.sed °that prop~sals as rem ques°ted had been ~°ece~.ved f'rom OBMelveny and Myers, Bond~ng At°torney's - and Stone and Youngberg, ~inancing Consul~tants; After Council d~scus- s~on, i°t was agreed °tk~a°t °the p~oposals be accepted, and Adm~.n~s°trator Bu°tch was instructed to so advise O°Melveny ancl Mye~s and abtain °the necessary con°t~ac°ts, Mx, C~trl Kad~e was present sxnd br~efly ou~I~ned °~he work wh~ch would be performed by S~one and Youngberg as F~nancing Consul°tants and Special Assessmen°t Consul°tants regarding °this projec°to On mo°tion of Councilman Lev~ne, seconded by Counc~.lwoman °I'hompson, and unanimously carr~.ed, tha°t ~he proposal o~ StQne and Youngberg °to provide services as Contrac°t Employing ~inancing-Consul°tant be accepted and the Mayor be au°thori~ed to execu°te said con°tract for the City, On mo°tion of Counc~lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith, and unan~.mously carried, that °khe pxoposal of S°kone and Youngberg to provide se~v~ces as 5pec~.a1 Assessmen°t Consul°tan°t be accep°ted and the May- or be author~.zed to execu°te sa,~d ag~eemen°t f°or °khe C~°ty, Adminis°trator Bu°tch a,dv~.sed that a mee°ting had been sc~eduled fo~ November 25ths 1968, ~.n San Franc~sco, with Federal Housing and Urban Renewal Developmen°t Department, and afte~ discussion, ~t was agreed t}za°t members o~ the Ci°ty C~unc~l, °the Ci°ty Administrator and Mra Kadie of S°tone and Youngbex°g att~end this meetingo ACCEP°TANCE OF DEED FROM DONALD W, & ELAINE L, GRISINGHER-CIVIC CEN°TER A motion was made by ~ouncilwomnn T}~ompson, seconded by Council- man Lev%ne~ and unanimously car~ied, °tha°t the Gran°t 17eed from Donald W, Gr~s~.ngher and Ela~ne La Grisinghe~, husband and wife, for a parcel o~ p~operty adjacen°t °to °the Southeas°t corner of Sho•rt and Mason S°treets, be accepted and the Mayox and City Glerk be au°thorized °to sign °the ~ Cer°tificate o~ Accep°tance for the Ci°ty, NO°TIFICATION OF JOIN°T MEET'I1VG RE o RECREATION DISTRICT° Administrator Butch advised that a join°t mee°ting had been set for 8°00 P,M,, Wednesday, November 20th, 1968, be°tween the Youth Foundation Board of Direc°tors, the Ci°ty Councils~ ancl the Luc~a Mar School Dis°trict, fo~ °the purpose of discussing °the ~ormation of a recreation district and a wo~kable plan fox i°t a s opera°t~ono CUEST'A COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE Administra°tor Butch advised that °the S°tudents and Facul°ty of Cuesta College had invi°ted the Gounc~.l °to a°ktend an Open House from 2:00 P,M; . to 8v00 P,M, on Wednesday, November 13th, 19680 87 C~T'Y COUNCIL NOVEMBER 12T'Fi, ~968 ARROYO GRP~NDEv CALIF~ORIVIA p~G~ ~ RECEIP°T OF° BIDSml969 VEHICLE F'OR POLICE DEP~`o m BLJDGET°ED I'TEM Adm~n~s°trator Bu°tch adv~secl ~}~at b~.ds had been ~ece~ved ~or cx police veh~cle as fo]Llowsv Maury Brennan ~ord ~2,260e00 ~ncltzding ~radeo Chris°t~ansora Chevrolet ~2~190000 ~nclud~.ng tradeo A~°ter Council d~scuss~oa~q a mot~on ~aaas mcccle by Counc~lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smi~th, and unctnimously ca~°r~ecl~ t~a~ the low b~.d of Chr~stianson Chev~ole°t ~.n ~he amor.zn°~ o~ $2,190000~ inclu.ding trecde, fo~ a 1969 Chevrolet be accep~~d~ as ~ec~mmerxdecl by Pol~ce Ch~e~ Ri~hardsono S°TA°TE DIVm OF H/W U°TILI°TIES AGREEMENT REm BRANCH S°Ts WA°TER MAIN Adm~n~stra°tor Bu°tch advisec3 that cop~es o~ t1°t~l~°t~es Agreement Noe 181,Oo 12 wh~ch per~ta~ns to a Ci~y vaex°te~ ma~.r~ ~n B~°anch S°treet was •re- ce~ved f°rom ~the Sta°te D~v~sion o~ H~gh4uayse Adm~n~.stra°~or Butch re~ v~evaed °tha°~ the wa°te~ 1~ne hac~ ~o be ~elocated in connec°t~on w~th °the freeway project between Rou~~ 101 to Mason St~ee°t arad the agreement was establ~shing tl-ie a.moun°t ~the 5~~,°~e would pay for °~~~.s ut~l~ty relocatione A~~ter Gounc~l d~scuss~on~ or~ z~o°k~on o~ C~unc~lm~tn Levine,, seconded by Councilwoman °Thompson, and ur~ara~,mausly ca~~~ed, that U~il~°ties Agreemen°t No. 181,Oa12, be accep~ted a~d °~he May~r a~d C~ty Cle~k be autho~~~ed t~ execute said agreemen°t fo~ ~he C~~y. NEV4 CHIEF OF POLICE IN SAN°TA M.~RIA~ CALI~ORNIA Adminis°krator Bu°~ch re~Q~~ed t}7a~ he had a~~tended the ceremony of °the change of command o~' ~he Sc~ra~a Ma~°~a P~l~ce Department on Novembe~ 8th, 1968~ when Police Gl~~ef R~chard Jo Long too}c c}xarge of the depa~t- men°t f`r~zn ~e°tiring Pol~.ce C~~e~ Engl~sh. JOIN°~ MEET'ING WITH PARKS AND REG~EI~T`ION COMMISSIOIV Adm~nis°tra~or Butch adv~.sed °~ha°~ ~~e Pa~}cs and Recrea~~on Gomm~s- s~on had confirmed °the da°te o~ Novembe~ 13°t~a9 1968, for t~e jo,~n°t meetm ~ng v~ri°th °~he City Coun~~l m ADJOURNMEN~' On mot~on o~° Councilman Sm~°~h9 seconded by Council~voman fihompson, and unan~mously carr~ed, °the mee~ing was ad~ourned a°t 9:16 PmMo until 8m00 P,Ms, N~vember 13°th9 196$0 ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~A ,s~ AT°TES°T e ~ z~~~f~' l~~z~~~" . . C CLE MAYOR CI`I'Y COUNCIL NOVEMBER 13'TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA 8a00 P.M. 'I'I~e City Counc~.l me°~ ~n ad~o~.a.rned ~egular sess~.on a°t a special session o~ °the Parks and Rec~ea.°ta.on Commissiono Upon roll call, ~ouncil- woman "T}~ompson, Councilmen Lev~ne~ Schlegel and Smith ~eported p~esent, General discussion was held on -the ~Eollova~ng i°~ems~ 1) Presen°t and Proposed Recreation Program~ 2) Ordinance Nrao 191q 3) Area-Wide Recreat~.on District, 4) P~.rks Development, 5) Baseball Complex and 6) 1969m70 Pre~ l~m~nary Budge°t, wi°~h no ac°~~.on be~z~g °ta}cen by ~he C~.°ty Council, °There be~.ng no ~urthe~ brxs~.ness, °~he meet~.ng adao1.a.rned a°t 9040 PeM. A~'~'ES°To ~ J ,c-~~~-•~ t~2-~,~-' sRC~~~ DEPU°TY CI'I'Y CLERIC MAYOR