Minutes 1968-12-16 DECEMBER 16'TH, 1968 CI'TY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA 7m00 PoMe e~i~ Council me°t in ~djourned ne9~~ompson~s~o ~~1 e~~'ev ne~ ~ y Councilwoma presid~nge Upon roll call, ,~esen°to Schlegel and Sma.th repo~r°ted p ~ FAIR OAKS EXT'o DISGUSSION OF PROPOSAI.~S ONeE~edIN~EERpNGp PROPOSED d~s~.g he ro osals ~}~a~ ~~d been ~eCn~-o~ Fa~.rm T~e Ci°ty ~ounc~l re ineer~.ng f~rms for eng~neer~nc~ se~v~.~~s o~d b~idge o After seven enJ Rou°te 4, includ~ng `~~e P p Gounc~l- seconded by Oaks Avee Ex°tens~on9 ~~~m o~ W~lliams, Counca.l d~scussion, on motion of Gounc~lmar~ ~C~~~ge ~ man Sm~°th, and unan~moauty carr~ed, t~at °~~e E°~g~nee~~~Extension, hori~ed to perfo~~ `~}a~ so~l ~nalys~s and Rou°te Schot°t and Stevvar°t be ~o~ and Assoc~.a°~es y pa~e a$500e00 F°easiba~l~ty Study o~F'~rm o~~Ga~ng~ ~eo 4 b~idge; and that the Eng~-neer~ng n o~ ~he F°a~r Oaks Avee b~ Qu~~o~~Zed ~o Pe`~~o`~m the survey and de%o Q~ F,e~ Sclledule Extension, Route 4 roadways subject to app based upon nego°kia°tion wi°~h ~the City Director o~ Pu`bl~c ~v~~~° ADJOURNMEN'T ~ ~our~~~lvaaoma.n ~'~omPSOri, On mo°t~.o~ of Counc~lma.n Sm~~~~ secor~d~~ b s 1 car~ied s°the meet ing vaas c~dj ourned 8 a 20 P o M o to 7 0 30 and unan~mou Y 19680 PoMa~ December 23rd~ , ~ ~ A~ r' ~ , J ' . . ~ Y ~~MP.Y OR ~ ; A°T°TES°T ; DEPUTSI GT`I'Y C~ERK `yl 1