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Minutes 1969-03-11
C I"TY ~OUNC IL MAR~H Y 1°d'H, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA °T}ie Ci°ty Gouncil me~ in regular sess~on vv~~th Mayor Z°homgson presiding, Elporn roll call, Councilmen Schl~gelo L~v~r~ea VVoocl and Sm~~h ~~parted present, PL~GE 0~° ALLEGIANCE AND INVO~AZ'~O1V Mayor °Thompson led °~lae P~.edge of A~leg~a~sce ~o ou~ ~lag; and ~mmedi~ ~.~e~y ~hereaf°te•r, Mr, Ralph Oo Bake~e I~y R~~de~ of S~a ~~,rn~zbas Ep~.scopa.l Chu~c~ o~ Arroyo Grande, del~ve~ed ~h~ ~r~voc~~~ono APPROVAL OF° MINUTES °The minu°tes of the regular meet~r~g o~ ~°~brua~y ~~~°~0 1969, were apm proved as prepared, P,PPROVAL Of` 1NARRANTS On motion of Councilman S~hlegel~ seconded by Counc~lman Levine, and ua~car~~mously ca•rried, General War~~n~s N~o ~09 ~o and ~.nc~ucl3ng No, 747, in t~e ~o°~al amount of $24,596053 ~nd P~y~o7~~L W~.~~nn°~s Noo 1.089 to and in~ ~~ud,~ng 1Vo, 1156, in °khe °~otal amoun°~ ~f $~Oo819o43, were a.pproved and or- dered paid, REQLTES°T 0~° AMERTCAN LEGION POS°T 13~ REo ANNtJA~ DONKES~ BASKE°TBALL GAME C~.~y Attorney Sha.psey adv~sed °that ~e had ~eviewed ~khe reques°t of the Amer~can Legion Post with reference ~o t~e Aranu~l Donlcey Baske°tball G~,m~ ~nd ~h~.s event would requ~.re a bus~.ness ~~cense und.er Sect~on 3e1~301 of the ~~°~y Munic~.pal Code, Af°ter Counc~.~ dascr.ass~ons on mo°~ion o~" Counc~lman Sm~.°~h, seconded by Councilman Lev~nea ancl unan~.mously carried, ~hat American I~eg.~on Pos°t Noo 136 be issued a fee ~acemp~ C,~~y Bus~.ness License 1to conduct °~he ~°ota.~°th Annual. Donkey Baske~ball Game ~o be held in ~he P~rroyo Grande Un~on H~gh School Gymnas~.ume Wednesday~ P~pr~l 9°~ha 1969, a°~ 8:00 P,Me LE°T°TER F°ROM AGNES LUKE REe FLOOD ~ONDT'~~O1~iS AT 425 °TRAF°F°IC [NA~ P~ le°~°ter was received ~'r an A.gnes Luke advising ~hat dur~ng the re- cen~ storms her property a°t 425 Tr~ff~c Way vaaa,s ~'l~oded from storm wa°ters t}~at entered ~the property from C~~y s°kr~e°~s ~ and she was reques°~ing thnt the ~~°ty take cor'rect~.ve preven~~ve measures ta protec°t her property in the ~utu~ee After Council discussion, Adm~n~.s~ra°~or Butch was in5tructed to wri~e to Agnes Luke and adv~se her that °~he C~°ty has con°tacted the Soil Consex°v~ttion Dis~ric°t, and ~he Coun°ty Flood Con°~rol Off~.ce, £or c~ssistance ancl possible solution °to this problem as dr~~nage waters from Ne~ason Springs Cc~nyon was a major contribut~ng fac°to~ °~o ~his floodinge REQUES°~ OF BRUSH POPPERS ° RIDING ~LLT,~ RE o NEN1 TIl1ELL & LEASE AMENI~MEN"T M~m Mormey, represen°ting ~h~ B~us}x Poppe~s° Riding Club was present and adv~.sed ~he Club was reeIue~~~.~g perm~s~~on to pYace a vaell on the City proper°~y on the Mesa and a nevuu c~ause be made ~n their lease °that would grar~~ ~hem a reimbursemen°t of a por~~or~ o~ ~l~e inczx~mum cos°t of $2a000 for ~he vaell dura.ng a 10 year period of ~~meo A~~er Council d~.scussion, on mo°t~on o~ Gouncilman Levine, seconded by ~ounc~~man Smi°th, and unanimously carried, germission wcts gran~ed for ~he Brush Popper°s R~.ding Club to place a well on °the Ci°ty proper°ty on °the lutes~ a,nd that the cost of' said well vrould be reimbursed to the Brush Poppers cs~ ~l~e rate o~ 10 per cent per year 9~n the event the lease is ~kerm~na°ted by the C,~°ty with~.n the ten year pe~~.od and no reimbursemen°t to be made the Brush Poppers °~erminate the lease, and the C~ty A~ttorney was a.nstructed to prepare the necessary ad- dendum clause for the lease~ '~REASURER°S REPORT ~`OR THE MOIVTH OF F"EBRUP,RY9 1959 °The °Treasurer a s Repdrt for ~he mon~h of F'ebrua.ry, 1969, aaas received by ~he Council and ordered filed. DEP.~R'~MEN°TAL REPORT FOR T~iE MONT'H OF ~EBRUAR.Y' 19C9 °I'}ze Departmental Repor°t ~o~ °~he mon°~}a ~°ebruary, 1969, was receiyefl by ~3~e Council and ordered ~il.eda MUNfICIPP~L CODE AMENDMENT - ZONING CHANGE ON IDE S"T, (HELD OVER) C~°ky A°t°torney Shipsey ~equ~s~ed ~}aa~ the second reading of the Ordi- ncsaace ~o~ a Municipal Code Ameaadmer~t °to x°e~one cer~ain parcels of proper°ty as ~equ~s°~ed by the applica°t~on subm~.t°~ecl by M~ o k~rank Proud be held over unt~l ~he next meet~ng. l23 CI~Y COUNCIL MARCH 11~~, 1969 ARR~~O GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 A~CEP~A~~E 0~ DEED ~~OM ~RAN~ Wo ~r DO~~~~EA Ma PROUD m~~~SON S~RE~~ A mot~on was mad~ by Cou~c~l~~~ Sc~legel~ seeonded ~y ~ounc~~man Lev~nea ~nd unanimously carr~eda ~he G~a~~ Deed ~~om ~~an~ Wo P~oud and Dore~~ea Mo P~oudp ~usb~~d ~nd ~o~ ~ p~~~el o~ p~op~~~y adjacent to the No~~~~asterly end of Ne~~o~ 5~~~~~9 ~o~ ~o~d pu~p~~e~~ b~ ~~~ep~ed and ~he Mayo~ and ~~ty ~lerk be ~~~~o~~~~~ ~o s~~ ~he ~~~~~~ic~~e o~ Accep~ance ~o~ the C~~yo MU~UAL AID AG~EEM~NT B~~WEEN CI~Y AN~ D~VIS~ON O~ ~O~~S`~RY Adm~n~s~~~~o~ But~~ advi~ed ~ha~ ~~e ~u~:u~~ ~~°~~~n~n~ ~~e S~~~e D~v~sion o~ ~orest~y ~ou~d ~xp~~~ x~~9o and ~~ey had ~eq~es~~d a~d ~~r~ ~h~~~ Ma~~~le~ ',h~d ~~~~~m~~d~d ~g~e~~~~~ b~ ren~~ed.~or ~n add~~~o~al ~~ve ye~~~o A~~~~ ~~un~~~ ~~~~~~s~ono ~~~y Atto~ney Ships~y read ~he o~ ~ Re~~~u~~on ~ega~~~.~~~ M~~~~~ ~~d ~or ~he ~~~e Dep~;~~men.~a ~~ere~pon a mo~~on ~a~ ma~e b~ ~~~~~~~~.~an Sc~legels ~e~onded by Counc~lman Wood, ~~d u~~n~mous~y ~~~~~ed~ d~spens~ w~~h ~ead~ng ~~e b~~an~e of ~h~s Reso~.~~~o~o RESOLU~IO~ NOo 8Y8 A RESOLU~ION 0~ ~HE ~O~N~~~ O~ ~~E 0~ AR~OYO GR.~I~iDE AU~HO~IZI~G EXE~~~IO~ O~ M[J'~'[JA~ AID AGREEMEI~`T BE°~'WEEI~I '~H~ C~~°~ O~' ARROI~O GRAIVDE AND S'TA'TE 0~` ~ALI~ORN~A D~~I~~ON O~° ~ORES°~RY, On mo°~ion of Gounc~lman Sm~°th~ se~on~ec~ by Counc~lme~n Sc~aYegel, ccnd on ~l~e ~'oilowing ~ol~. call vot~,9 ~o w~°kto AYESm Counca.lmen Sch~egelQ ~~vine, ~+V~o~a Sm~th ~.nd M~,yor `~~ompsono NOESm Noneo ABSEN~° o None o °the ~o~ego~ng Resolut~~n vaas passed and ~c~opted ~~~s ~1°~h day ~f Ma~ch,1969, I.aEG~SL~A"I'~VE BULLE°~~IV F'ROM THE LEAGLTE O~' C~LTFORNSA ~~TIES ~ Adm~n~s°~~xct°tor ~u~ch rev~e~ed th~ 1a~e~~ ~eg~sl~~~ve Bullet~n from t~e Lea.gue o~ Cd,1~~'o~n~a C~~ties ~nd a~~e~ ~oun~~l d~scuss~.on9 the Aclzr~~,nis°t~ator tNas ~ns°~~u~~ecl to ~nrr~~e °~o tla~ ~pp~op~~a~~ ~egislato~° a~ ~ncl~ca~ed by °the b~.ll~ cxnd protest ~he adop°~io~n o~' A',~ 3~4~ ~aah~~h per°ta~.ns to pol~cemen and ~~~emen ~e°~a.~°ing a°k age 5~~ and exp~~~~ ~~e ~~~y° s oppos,~°t~:on °to AB 240 va}a~cl~ per°~a~~as °~o local ]aus~a~ess ~~c~a~se ~k~xes on ~ormhi~e carr~.ers o and oppo~e ~tl-~e adop~~.on o~ SB 208 vv}-i.~~la ~n reg~rd ~o G~nc~,'a.s~~re Heart "~xouble Presump°t~on; cr.nd also opp~s~ SC~1 7 va}°i~~h rnrouTd pe~m~~ H~.ghway Users '~'axe~ be used fo~ Rap~.d T~~,x~s~~ ~~rs°~~~~ o NO`TICE 0~ LEA.GU~ OF' ~~~Fo CI°~~E~ ~~.YC7RS COLJN~~LMEN ° S ~NS~°I°TUT"E Adm~r~~.s~ra°to~ Bu°~ck~ adv~s~d no°~~~e o~ °~he fo~t~com~ng Leecgue of Gal~~~rn~a C~°k~es° Mayorsa a~d ~o~.n~~~m~r~°s Leg~sla~k~sre Ins~~°tu°te9 ~rould be }~e~d on Ap~il 14m16°k~a ~969~ 3~cr~men~o and prem~eg~s~ra°t~on should be m~d~ x~o la~er °than March 26~ha 19~90 REQiJES'~' OF' COA.S°TAL VA.LoL,EY PI~NN a COtJNGIL~ RE 9 PT~ANNIN~ D~REC'~OR: SERVICES Admin~s~~a~or Bu~tc~ r~por~~d ~~a~ ~~e Coa~°~al Va~ley Planning Council ~a.cl r~ow ~e~uested ~t~at Plann~ri~ D~rec~to~ ~~.llop ac°~ as °the~~ execu°t~:ve di~ec°to~ ancl ~n ~°ev~.e~nr~r~g m~~~er ~aa~.°~h M~o C,~.llop ~.t was ~.nd~ca°tecl °tha°t ~oul.d no~ ~nfr~nge oza ~~.s ~~~u1a~ C~~y ~obq tra~uld no°~ confl~ct w~.th other G~°~y ~unct~ons~ and would ~.a}ce ~pprox~ma~ely a max~m~m of ~en `hours per mor~~h o~ ~~s t~meo P~dm~,n~s°~~a~or ~u~~h also arlv~sed t]°ia°t the Pletnn~.ng Counc~l vaould al~e~na°~e t~a~~~ meet~ng~ be°~ween ~~e ~~aree ~ity Hctllso A~°ter Counc~l d~~cuss~on~ on mo°~~on o~ ~oun~~~.m~~n Sm~~h~ secondecl by Counc~.lman Lev~ne' and unan~mously ca~~~edp ~~a~e app~oval ~e g~an~ed fo~ Plann~.ng D~rec°~o~ G~llop °to serve as ~Ihe ex~cu~t~v~ c1~.~e~~o~ o~ ~~ae ~oas~tal Vixlley Planra~rag ~ounc~~ on a s~~ morx~hs ~r~al b~s~s ancl °~~a°~ ctpp~ov~l be gran°ted ~or ~he Pl~.nn,~r~~ Gounc~~: ~o u~e ~}a~ ~o~zn~~l ~~ambe~~ ~or ~ m~e~~ng pla.ce on ~r~ ~l~e~n~~~ b~sa.s ~or ~very ~~a~~d mee~~ngo REG~IP'~ O~° D~VELOPMEIVZ" PL~N 1~00 3 m L~~tD~ DRIVE~~ENNE'T°T P.VE, EX°TEIVSION l~dm~~~s~k~atox Bu~c~ b~~~f~y ~~va~e+~aa~d~ ~s ~ra~orma~~on only~ Develop~ men~ Plar~ I~o m~ a gu~de l~.ne ~o~ °~~ae de~relopmen~ o~ T~~nda D~~ve and B~raz~e~t~ P~ve, extens~ons vaa~~~la ~aas ad~gted by t~e P~..an~~ng ~omzr~~ss~one CI'TY COUNCIL MARCFi 11T°H, 1~69 ARROYO GRANDE~ GALIF°ORIV~A PP~GE 3 I~E`~~ER OF~ RESIGNl~"TIOI~I m PT~ADIPXIN~ ~OMM~aS~ON~R ~I~ARLES R o SKEL~°ON A let~er o~ ~es~gna~a.on vvas ~e~e~ved ~~om Plann~ng ~oinm~ss~one~ Charles Sl~el~ton advis~.ng t~a°t he tntoulcl no ~ong~~ be el~~.~ble ~o sexve on t~se Com~- miss~.on as he rnras leav~ng °~}~~s a~eao On mo~~on ot° ~o~nc~lman I~~v~n~, s~con+ded by Counc~l~nn Sch~egel, and unan~moix~~y ca~~~ed, the re~~g~~~~~n o~' ~~~rles~ Skel°ton ~rom °t~e Planning ~omm~s~~or~, ~o be e~~ec~~ve Apr~,l 1, 1969, ~ntas acm cep°~edp cxncl Aclm~.nis~rator Bu°~ch uaaas in~~~~c~ed ~o ~r~~°te M~o Ske~,~t~n a letter o~ °t~anks and app~~~~a~t~on ~o~ ~e~v~~~ °~}ae ~~~yo DISGUSSIOIV ~Eo MOBII.aE HOME P~R~CS IIVSPEC~"~O~T ~'~`~Y ~~a~R~~S ~ Adm.~.n~s~rato~ Bu°tch re~riewrec~ ~:~a°~ ~~u~ac~~ l;, ~~~ues~ed more ~n~ ~ormat~on as °to tnrhy ~~ae C~~ty o~ S~r~ I.a~~~ Ob~~po ~nd ~~i~ ~o~n°~y of S~,n°~~ ~a~ba~xa had °turned bac}~ °E~e ~r~~p~~~~o~ Mob~~.~ ~Tom~ ~~~~s ~o °the State and ~epo~°ted ~tha~ °k}~e S°~~°~e 1~~,d c~~~~~d ~~~u~~~~~~.~~ ~o ~nclude ~nm spec°~ion o~ irad~v~dual mob~le }~om~s au°~~~~~ o~ zriob~~e ~;~~n~ ~~,~J~s and w~th cons~an°t amendmen°~s °to mob~l~ kzoz~~ ~~gu~a~~oz~~~ ~~e ~de~~~~ona1 rnan F~ours regu~.~ed ~o~ °~h~s inspe~t~mz-i ~s n~~ ~us°~~~~~~c~ ~o~ °~~e ~evenue rece~.vede A~te~ ~orznc~l d~scuss.~ora, ~ra~ ~g~e~d ~~a°~ ~,~~~or~ ~a~ ~alcen a~t t~~s ~~me xega,~da~ng Iulob~le Home ~~spec°~~.~r~s be~~g ~a~~~ s.$nde~ ~~e ju~~sd~~~~.on o~ ~h~e C~°~yo LE°T"TER 0~ R~SIGNA°T~O~V ~ RECR.~Z'~OI~ I~~f3E~~"OR GA~2Y ~o I-~~GIaEY P.dm~„~is°~ra~or Bu~c~ xepo~°~~c~ ~~a~.~ ~s~ lvi~,~~~a. ~~ha 196~~ ~~e Par)cs and Rec~ea°~~on C~mm~.ss~on ]aad a~c~p~ed °~h~ ~e~~gna~~o~a of ~e~rea~~on D~.rec~~r Ha.gley, ~ecommendecl tha~ °~~e ~~un~~1 ~,~~~p~ °~l~e xes~c~nat~ona and had also reques~ted °tha°h the lvlayor serad a:Lett~~ ~o Mr o H~~7..ey exp~ess~.ng the C~°ty?,s apprec~.a°ta~on for ~is ~rorl~ du~a~~g ~~e pa~°~ ~hr~e ye~~so On mot~.on of Co~i~cil- ~ man Sc~Z~egel~ seconded by Counc~3man ~,~v~n~, and ~.nar~~mously ~arriecl, the` ~esa.gnat~on o~ Gaxy ~7o H~gley as R~~~~~°~~o~ D~~ecto~ twas accep°ted and Adminis- °k~a°~o~ Bu°tc~ was ~ns°truc°ked °to prepa~~ a le~°~e~ ~o~ ~he Mayo~ ° s s~gnature, ~hank~.ng Mro H~.gley ~"or ~~s outs°~a.nd~.ng ~erva~~e °~o °t~e Ci~ye SECOND QUADRENNIAL REPOR°T 0~ COi.3'N~°1' ~~IT`I' S°~°REE°T PROGRESS AND IVEEI9S ' '~}~e Second Quad~enn~al Report, ~ 1~6~ ~ 9 wv}x~c~ a.s a p~ogress report on °~he selec°t rocsd sys°tem o~' °t~~ needs o~ ~~~a~es ar~d Coun~t~es ~n °the Sta°te of ~ Cal~.~o~n~.a was rece~.ved by °the ~ouncil and o~dered f~.l~ci, I~10~'I~E ~°R.OM S°TA~E HIC~HVITAY COMMISSIOI~ RE ~ HIG.t-~ViTA~ 227 Admin~.s°~~a°to~ Bu~~h adv~secl °~~a~t no~~c~ had been ~ece~ved fram the S°~ate H~ghvv~y Gomm,~ss~on °~ha°~ S°~c~~e H~,g1~wv~y 22~ }~as been ~x°tended from °Tra~~~c Wcay °~o Route 1Q1~ wv~~~~a w~1,1 p~rm~~ pos~~ng on °tl~e freeway, RE~OR'~ ANI3 RECOM1uIEND~1°TIOPT RE o COS°~ Q~ S'~REE~° ~~GH°TS IN WILI.~OIN PARK ~ Adm~~~s~~ato~ Bu~cl~ re~rievaed ~~~~ao~°~ cl~~ed Maxcl~a 4~h, ~969a ~"rom ~he D~~ec°ko~ o~ ~'~bl~c 411o~°}~s vvh~c~ ~u~~~n~d ~~e ~os°~ ~f s~ree~t l~gh°ts in W~llow. Pc~~k Subd~.v~s~ona ~a~°~]h L~g]-i~ts ~ e~r~ci 2°to xema~,n on vaood pol.es a.s ~nstalled, I~~g~ ks 3~~ad 4°~o be replsr.c~d o~ ~~n~,men~al po:les w~.th underground~ng ~a~~~,nc~ vai°~}a C~~y ~'ux~ds ~o be b~dge~tec~ ~r~ ~~6'~~~0 a~ an app~ox~,ma°te cost of ~3$7000 ~,r~d L~~1a°~s 5 and 6°~o b~ ~epl.aced on ornamen°~a1 poles wi°kh no under- g~our~d~rag o~ va~,r3ng va~~~ °~he ~~~~k ~225 o QO be~ng bo~n by proper°~y owners e l~~te~ Coun~il d~~cussiora, C'.i°~~r 1#dm.ir~~s°t~~~a~ ~u~~~ tiaas requested °CO notify °t~e ~es~.den~s o~ °~he W~.llovv Park SuT~d~v~~~,on °~he cos~ o~ °~he Street Lig~~s ~s ou.~lined ~n °~he xep~~~ arad a.dv~se th~~ ~~Ze mon~.e~ ~o be paid by pr~°vate pa~tiesg, 51 lo°ts @~40~1 amoun~°ir~g tc~ ~224a~~~ should be collected by orie pe~son i~a the a~ea c~nd ~~e ~,moura°t be ~~rned ove~ ~o ~}~e Gi°ty in one lump sumo SIDET~IAT~IC TNS~°ALLA'~~ON BY ~MPRO~~MEN`~ A.G'~ O~ 191~, ~ SHOR°~ FORM ~~Adma~r~is~~a°~o~ Bu°~ch xepo~°~ecl ~~aa~ ~~ie D~recto~ o~ Publ~c Works Y~ad re~uestecl pe~mission °~o p~oc~ed ~aa~~~a orde~ing cons°tx°~u.ction o~ concre°te ~ side~ral}~s on t}}-~e east s~de o~ Sarx~h Rena S°~~e~t q whsre 57, ~4% of °t~ie side~a~11~ ~s e~~~~king~ by us~.ng ~l~e ~mp~ovemen~t Act o~ 1911s Shor°t ~ormo A~~te~ Council d~scuss~on, on anot~ora ~ounc~lman Wood9secondecl by Council- m~r.x~ ~~va~ne~ and t~nan~mous~y ~:a~~~~dq ~~cz~ c~ Pub1~G He~~~ng be set et~ 8e00 PoMo ~ Ap~,~l 8t~, 1969, ~o ob~ka~n ~~-ae ~~el~ngs o~ ~t'lae pe~ple ~egard~.ng this zne~hod o~ s~de~aal}c ~ns~tcxllaa,~~~z~ as ~h~s waould be ~ p~ececlen~ casea . 125 C~"~'~ COUNfC~L MA1~H ~.l°THo 1~69 A1~ROY0 GR~,NDEo CALI~°ORNIA 1'.A~E ~ 1~~GEP'~ANCE OF° DEEDS m GARM~~I~~I~ PaND ~~'ODD I~1VE A zno~~on was made b3r Cot~~ca~~m~r~ Srci~~~so ~~~~~,decl ]~y ~o~a~.rnc~lm~~ S~hlegela ~~d unar~~,mou~ly ca~~ied~ ~~Z~~ ~3~e ~~~r~~ T~~~d ~~~zn ~ia~vey ~a ~ry and ~Jane E, F'~yq ~usb~r~d and w~~e, ax~d ~he G~~.nt D~~~ ~J~,~k ~o ~armi~hael ~~d K~,y I~a ~~~zn~~~~e~a husband and w~~~a ~oo°~ ~a~c~e e~~~men~ for ~°o~cl pu~~ pos~s a~o~g ~~e nor~}~ line o~ L~~s 5~r~e~ 5~~ ~1~~I~ 1 0~ ~°~a~~ Nao 50, be ~~~ep~ed ~nd the Mayo~ ~n~ C~~y ~~~~~r~~~d ~o ~~g~a ~he Cer~~.f~m ca~~ o~ l~~c~ptance €or ~~e ~~~y, PE~OGRESS REPOR°T A.IVD RECOMMENDA°TIOT~1 ft~ W~A~~ ~AKS EX~'E~S~ON ~ ~I°~ ~ras s~gr~e~d~ t~at th~.s ~~~a~ b~ ~e~c~ ~ve~ ~o ar~ ~,~~~urneel meetinga PROGRESS REPOR°~ - LOPE~ V~IA°~ER SL~~PT~~ A p.~ogress ~~por~ ~or °~he mon~~ ~T~r~ua~~9 ~e~e~ved from ~he San ~u~~ Ob~spo Coun°~y F°~,ood ~or~°~~ol ~r~d VV~~~r ~or~~~~v~,~~on D~strict and r~rn~ rev~e~nred and o~de~ed ~'~~edo P130GRESS REPOR'~ m SOU''~H SLO GOLIN"~'~ SA.~1~~°A°TIOPI I~IS"~13IC~`~ ~Gop~es a~ Chie~ P~~ra~ Ope~a~~~ ° s Rep~~~t #~r ~on~~ of ~~b•ruarYe 196~~ w~~e re~e.~ved by °~~a~ ~ounc~~o d;~~~us~~d ~~c3 o~d~~ed ~~~~do Adm~n~s~ ~~a,~o~ But~~h adv~sed ~~a~ °~he ~~n~~k~°~~on 1~.~,~~~~~~ ]~~d ~ee~ues°~~d th~ San Lu~s Ob~~po Cou~~ty ~'I.ood Con~~ol and W~.°~e~ Co~~~rv~~~o~ l~is•~~a~~~ ~o s~udy ' ~he poss~b~.~.,~~y of ~ levee ~to ~~o~e~~ ~°~~~~tm~~~ Pls~n~ ~~om flood vaa~e~s< P~OGI~ESS REP0~2°T RE~ C~:"~Y ~I~E SEVITEER ~~~'~R~C'~ ~ Adm.~z~~stra°~o~ Bu~~~ ~°~p~~~~dl ~°I~~~ ~ ~~~~~°~~ve ~g~~~mexx°~ ?nr~.~~ Mx o ~Iork P~~e~~~n on ~l~e dev~lopmez~~ ~~~~r~~e~°~~g ~~s~ °~~n~ ~~ty W~e~~ ~~r,a~~ d~.s~~ict vva~ b~~ng prep~red ~o~ ~?-ie ~aa~~c~~~'s ~e~~~wa ~a~cl ~~c~mmend~~.~~a-~ °~~ae Coura°ty ~o~,~d S~pe~°v~sors a.nd ~~at ac3d~~:~~n~~. ~x~~~~~na~~~on ~rom or~~ ~~~y ~s be~ng g~epa~~d fo~ °~he County Dis~~~c~ ~~t~~n~~r° ~ 0~~°~~~o REP~R"~" REm S~0 GOUN'~Y F:. CI'`~IES A~~ ~~A~VIVING ~OORDII~P.°~'I~T~ COUNCI~ Cou~ac~~man Sm3th repor~ed °~I~~~ ~~~d a~tend~cl ~he S~,n Luis Ob~.spo Caunty and G~°t~.es Are~. Plcznn~ng ~a~ord~,rn~~~ng ~ounc~l mee°~~ng on March 6, 1969a ~n ~~e Cou~°thouse, ~n S~n I.~~~s Ob~spo9 and ~.t vaas approved and 'recom- mended ~~at ~he ~7o~n~t Por~vers Ag~~emers°~ ~e amendecl to make ~Ihe Plann~ng D~rec~o~ °~he °trus°tee a~ Counc~I ~~ope~~y~ exceg~ for funds, ~thich are to be ~eld by the Coun°ty T'reasu~ero A.~~e~c C~unc~l d~.scus~~on, an mo°~ion of Counc~lma.n T~ev~ne, seconded ]ay Co~.n~~lman Sm~~~, ancl unan~mously carried, ~tha~ °~kxe amendment °ko t~e ~7o~n~k Po~ae~s ~lgreemen~ to make ~he Planning I?~re~~or ~he trus°tee o~ C~unc~l p~°ope~ ~y9 ex~~p°t ~o~ ~'unds, wh~.ch are °to b~e ~ie~.d by °~~e Goura°~y '~reasuxe~, be ~~~~p~~c1 c~nd ~~a~ ~he Mayor and C~.°ty ~~e~k be aut~ao~~zed °to sign sa~d ~~~~~gnen~ for ~~e ~~~ty, DISCUSSIOIV ON PROPOSED AREA.V11II2E RE~'R~`~TOI~ D~S`~'R~C'~ ~ Counc~~m~tn Sma.°~h cxdv~sed ~~a~ ~c~d ~~~~nded °~~e mee~ing ~n G~ove~ C~fiy ~ega~di~g °~~e propos~cl A~e~va~de ~~c~e~~~.an D~~~ric~ and had been d~sclassed t~a~ eac}~ a~ea o~ So~xt?~ ~oun°~~r p~,}r ~3 s 500 ~o ~a~.re a Recream ~~on D~~ec°~or ~fo coorda,na~e an ca.~~~~v~d~ ~~~~~a°~io~ cl~.s°~r~.c~t o Af°~er dis- cuss~oraq a.°~ ~v~s ~~Ze feel~ng o~ °~~Se ~ouz~~.~~o ~t~a~ as °~he Recreat~on Program o~ ~he C~~y a~ A.~royo G~ande ~~L~~ad~r ~~~abl~sh~c1 ~~a~t addi~~onal ~unds cou~d no°t be spen°t a~ °~h~s ~:~m~ ~t~ d~v~~~ag ~~omb~ned ~ec~eat~onal, ~ac~li°ties, NO`TICE 0~ CHAPTIVEL D~Vo QUI#~2~'ER~Y MEE°~°~~TG=~:4N'~A PAiJL~A.n ~MAR~H 29Z°H9 1,9690 1~dm~.n~st~sc°tor Bu°tch ad~r~sed~ ~xsf~~~x?~,~k:~an os~ly~; ~~S~tt no°tice }~a.d been ~e~e~ved ~'~om t~e G}~annel ~oun~i~~ D~v:~sa.on ofi ~3~~ League o~' ~Ca1~.~°~rn~~a ~~t~es ~ha~ tl~e ~uarte~ly mee~~ng ~~ul~ he1c1 ,~rz Sar~~a Paiala on March 29th, . 1~590 1#DJOiJRNMEN'~ On zn~°t~on o~' ~ounc~lmaxa Sm~~~x~ s~~or~ded by ~o~axc~lman Schlegel, and unc~n~mously ca~°r~ed, mee~,~,nc~ ta~s ~c3~c~~rned a~ 8o S~ PoMa ~0 11000 A;M, e March ~~~th~ 19590 A'~"°~'ES°~ a _ ~ - _ _ AYOR C ' CL R .C