Minutes 1969-03-17 CI`~Y COUNCIL MARCH 17°TH, 1,~69, ARROYO GRA1vDE o GAL~F°ORNIA 110 00 R o M, °T~ae ~~~y Gouncil me~ ~~gu~~°~ ~~~ourra~c~ ses~~on ~r~~h Mayo~ Fro T'em Schlegel pres~da.ngo Upon ~~11 ~all, ~~r~~~la~e~i L~~r~nes Wood and Sz~~~h re~ p~r°~ed p~esen°~ o Mayor °Thoanps~n wa~ ~b~en~ o PROGRESS REPOR°T ON ~AIR OAKS 1~VE o E~°~EI~SION ~11VD BR~DGE ~'l~e Coun~~l revie~aed ar~d d~.s~u~s~d a repor~ d~,°~~ M~~c~ ~.4°th, 1969~ p~~g~red by °~he D~.rec~or o~ Pub~.~~ UVorl~s tah.~c~ sumr~~.r~~ec1 anc°! commen°~ed on °~h~ r,aork a~comp~~;;~}~ed ~n ~h~ p~~~~,~~r~~,~°y ph~~e ca~ ~'~~r O~l~s A~re~~a.e Extens~,on f~om Halcyon Ro~d °~o Valley ~o~.d o T~~ propos~~ ~ r~~~~~v~d .~n ~he ~epor°t tnr~r~ ~he Soils Ir~ves~~ga~;~oa~ R~pa~~ ~cnd B~~c~~e F°e~,s~]a~x~~}r S°~ucly as prepared by W~ll~aans, Sc`~o~t and S~uar~ az~d °~}ae Roac~ D~s~~r~ ~nd ~'~ope~~y P,cquisit~on Map as prepctred by Gar~ng~ °Taylo~ ~.nd P~~~o~~~~eso f~:;, DLIR~I~G '~'HE ABOVE DISCUSSION NIAXOR °THOI~IPS~N ,.70I~~17 °~iE ~'OUN~IL A°T 11 s 25 A,Me AND ASSUMED THE CIiAIR, Rf~e~ Counc~l d~scus~ion~ ~~~y Adm~n~s~~~°to~ B~.~~~ va~s reques~°ed ~o rar~~e to the Luc~.a Mar Un~~~ed S~~aool I~~s°tr~~~ ~nd °~~e Snra Lu~.s Ob~sp~ Count~ Boa~d o~ Supe~v~sors and ~e~uest °t~es~ era~~~~~s pa~t~~ipa°~e in the:,:;.: ~os~ ~of ~he p~oposed ~oad ecnd b~~dge ~s th~y wa~l~ ~e~l~~e a sav~r?gs and °the Coun~y ar~a wa,ll be s~~vecl r~a~~h ~~a~~ ~mp~ove~e~to A~~e~ the Br~.dge F°~~s~b~l~ty Stuc~y ~~s b~ea~ r~v~ewecl ~~t w~s agreed by ~he Gounca~l ~ t~aat V~l~ ll~~ns ~ Schot~ and S~u~,~°~ ~ be ~~~~ested °to make a s~ucly and cos°t est~m~te ~n a~otnt ~~vel c~x1~e~~ ~}rpe c~°~ek c~oss~ngo PROPERTY ACQUTSITION ~Ol~ FP,IF2 OA~S A~~ o E~~°EI~IS~O1V 1~ND ~R~DGE ~'he Counc~.l~ ~ev~ewed a repo~°~ c1~°~~d March l~tha 1J59~ prepared by • D~~ec°to~ of Public Works P~nderson vu~a~c~ ~u~l~rn~d the p~oper°~y necessary to be ~.cqu~red arad an es~~.m~~e of cos~ ~'o~ ~oad ex~ens~.on and br~dgeo A.~te~ Counc,~l dis~~ssa~on~ ~r~ mo°~~.on Coun~~lmaz~ Schlegel, seconded by Gounc~~man ~ev~.ne, etnd unan~m~usly Gar~~~da ~ppxoval t~as granted for the a~qua.s~~~oz~ o~ proper°ty ne~es~a~y ~o~ °~1~~ °~o~ea~, ~mprovemera~ of Fair Oaks Aveo ex°~ension and Br~.dge from Halcyon Road ~o ~Talley Road, A.v~70URNMEN ~ On mo°~~on of Counc~lman Sm~~}~~ s~c~nd~d by Councilman Levinea and unanimously ca~r~ed, °t~e mee°~~,ng ~vas asijourn~d a°~ 12035 PoMo A°T'Tt~S~°~"'~~_ ~f ~ < ,-r-- i DEPUT°Y GT°I'~ CLERK ' IuIA R' 12~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 25TH, 1969 A~ROYO GRANDEo CALI~ORNIA 'The City Council me~ regular sess~on with Mayor Thompson presid~~~, Upon roll call, Counc~lmen Schlegel, ~ev~ne, Wood and Sm~th reported ~~~~~nt, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOGA~ION Mayor ~hompson led ~~e Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immed~- ately thereaf~er, Reverend R~cha~d Sc~a~n o~ the C~urch of t~e Na~~rene of Grover Ci~yp del~vered ~~e ~nvoca~~o~o APPROVAL OF MINU~ES The minutes o~ the regular mee~~ng March lltha 1969 and the adjourned regular meeting o~ March l~t~~ ~9599 were approved as p~eparedo APPROVAL O~ WARRANTS On motion of ~ounc~lm~n ~ev~ne9 ~econded by Counc~lman Schlegel, and unan~mously ca~~~ed, Ge~ar~l W~~~ant~ No. ~48 to and ~nc~uding Noo 815, in the ~o~al amoun~ o~ $3062~9m6S9 P~y~oll ~arrants Noo 1157 to and including Noo 1229, ~n ~he ~o~al am~u~~ o~ ~1.X.q985a21 and ~rust and Agency Warrants Noe 745 to and ~ncludi~g Noe 7580 ~n ~he ~otal amount of $237,80, were ap- proved and ordered ga~d, REQUES°T RE, PROGT~AIMING ~~VTCKI BRAGKEN F°OR ELKS o RODEO QUEENa° WEEK 'Tl~e xequest of lulrsa~OTe~cx B~ac3~en ~t~at the Mayor proclaim °'Vicki Braclcen for Elksg Rodeo Qix~~n9° ~nreek was d~.scussed by tl~e Council and it was agreed tha~ °this ~ype o~ cx pe~sone~l p~omca°~~onal rec~ues°t be forwarded °to the Chamber o~' Commerce ~o~ ~kh~~r ~oz~s~d~rcx~a.on and ac°t~ono MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN'T ~ ZONTNG CHANGE ON IDE S°Te - ADOP°TION Ci°ty A°~~to~ney Sh~psey ~ead °~he t~~~le of an o•rdinance pertaina.ng to the rezon.ing o~ ~ pa.rcel.s fac,~ng on Wh~~teley S°treet and °the 8°th parcel fac- ing on Ide Stree°t from Ra2 °~o R-3, ~he~eccf°ter a mo°t~.on was made by Council- man Schlegel, seconded by Counc~~man ~evine, and unanimously carried, °to d~spense w~°kh reading ~:he bala.nce o~ °~h~s ordinance, ORDINANCE NOa 26 C,Sa AN ORDINANCE O~"~HE CI'TY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A POR'TION O~ "THE ZON~NG MAP OF° °THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RE~ERRED `TO IN SECZ'ION ,302 OF TITLE 9, GHAP`TER ~ 0~' Z'HE MLINICIPP~L CODE SO AS TO RE-ZONE CER~'AIN PROPERZ'Y I~V ~'HE GIT"~ OF' ARROYO GRP,NDE. On motion of Gounc~,~man ~~v~.ne~ s~condecl by Councilman Wood, and on the f ollowing ro11 c~,ll vo~~A w~~m AYES: Counc~lmexa Sc°~aleg~l, L~v~xze q Wood, Smit~h and Mayor T~ompsano NOES: Nonem ABSENTo Noneo °the foregoing o~dinance was passed and adop°ted this 25th day of March, 1969, LEGISLA'TIVE BULLE'~IN F"ROM `THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Adminis°tra~or Bu~tch r~v~~wed ~he la~est Legislative Bulletin from the League of California Ci~~~s and advised °~ha'tAB 374 which pertains to police- men and firemen re°~ira.n~ a°~ age 50 and AB 240, which pertains to business license taxes on For-Ha~e C~ar~~e~s, have been approved by the Assembly and are now before °~he Governo~ for h~s signa~urea Administrator Butch was in- structed °to wr~te °to ~khe Goverr~or express~.ng ~his City' s financial concern should these b.~11s be s.~gned ~~n~o lava, RESOLU°~ION RE; DEED FOR EXGESS PROPER°°I"Y ON BRANCH S'PREE°T - VERMILLION Adm~n~stra~tor Bu~t~~ adv~sed °~hat vaa.~th the ~ealzgnment of Branch Street a small s°krip o~ prope~~y ~anging ~rozn zero °to approximately five feet had not been needed ~o~ s°kree~ pu~°pose~ a°t °~he nor~heasterly intersection of Wesley Avea cxnd Brcxnck~ S~~ee~s e~nd ~l~a~ subject to the agreement between Louise Vermillion, e~a~, ~.nd ~~e ~i~yq da.~ed March 27th, 1968, any property not needed for s~~eet pu~pos~s ~djacen~ to property owned by her~ where poss.~ble~ would be re~~ne~u~sh~d to he~a A°~°to~ney Shipsey advised ~that in his op~na.on, the agr~emen~ g~ovsded ~he excess proper°ty to be deeded, with no add.~°tioraa]. p~oc~du~e z~~c~ss~.ryo After Cou~cil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey re~r.d ~lh~ ~a~~e o~ ~x ~~e~oT.u°t~on regarding excess property, ~thereaf°~er a mo~ion was m~de by ~otxn.~~lman Levinea seconded by Councilman ~ ~ GI'TY COIJNNCIL MA~tCH 25°TH~ 1969 ARROYO GRANDEs CALI:~°ORNIA PAGE 2 Schlegel~ and unar~im~u~ly cc~~~~ed~ d~,sp~~~e w~.th ~ectd~.ng the balance o~ t~~s ~eso~u~~one . RESOLU°~ION NO o ~ ~ 9 A RESO~U'~IOPI O~' ~`HE ~I"TY ~OLTN~IL 0~° ~°HE CT°I"Y O~° AFtROYO GRANDE ALl`T`HOR~~~i~G `~HE MAYOR AND ~~'~YY CLERK ~ 'T°O ~X'ECLJ°7`E DEED "~°O ~XCo'E i~ I'ROP~1~°I"~ P(JRSLd.~I~i°~` "TO ~1GR~ENlEN'~ 0~ N1~.RC H-~~'~'~f 1~~ u o On mo~t~on o~ ~oun~~~mara I~~v~ra~,, ~~~~r~c1~~ by Coun~~.lmcxn Sc~legel, and on the ~ol~o~vine~ ~nll ~~I~ vo~ey ~o ~aa~~~ AYESm ~orun~~.lm~n ~~~~~g~~.9 ~:.~v~~ea [nlood, Sm~~t~ ~r,~ M~.yo~ °~hompson, ~ 1VOES o ~Ta~e o ABSEN°~o ~one, the ~orego~n~ ~~~Q:lu°k~~z~ ~~s pa~s~d ~nd ~dap°~ed ~kl~~s 2S°~h day of Marcha. ~969, BRUSH POPPERS °~,EVT~ED ~~ASE RE il[~1A~E~t VVEI~L INS'~1~~I~A"TION AIVD COS"T C~,~ty A~~~~n~~r S~~,p~~~r~~~~v~~~a~c~ ~ M~d~~~~~~ion o~ I.eea~e he had prem pc~.~ed whi~G~ m~d~~~ed T~a~~ ~r~~r~reAn B~~sh Popp~rs° R~d~ng Club~ Inca and ~~e C~°~~r P~~~~y~ G~~c~z~~ie„ b~~ ~dd~ng Parac~~aph 20 ~v~a~~~ per~a~ns ~o Wel1 D~~~L~~ng~ Use o~ Pro~a°~ed Rezm]~u~seznent of ~xpe~seso A~t~r C~uncil d~scuss~,ona ~ora mo~~on a.~ ~a~xn~~~znar~ Sz~~~~h, secondec~ by Counc~lman Wood, and unan~mously ctr,~~~~cl~ ~`F~cx~ ^~~Z~ M~d~~,~~~~~on of ~e~se ~e°ttnreen °the Brush Poppe~s° R~di~g C].,ubq Iz~~o ~rnd ~h~ ~~~y o~ A~~o~r~ G~ande' be accep°ted and t~at ~~e Mayor ~,rc~ ~~~y ~1~~~ ~u~~a~~~~ed to sign ~a~d document for the C~tyo DISCUSSION REo PU'RCHI~LSTNG ~1~R~EMEN~` 41i~'~'H S~A'~E F'OR VARIOLJS CI'TY NEEDS Adm~na.s~t~a~o~° Bu°~chj ~dv~s~d ~t~~~t by ~ c~~nge ~n °~~e State latas, ' Cities can no~aa ~n~e~ ~n~o a pc~r~~i~s~rag ~g~eement w~°th °t}~e S°ta°te and a sav~ngs can be ~eal~~ed on v~~~csus ~~ems by pu~chas~ng °th~ough °t~e Sta°te O~'~'~ce o~ P~ocu~emez~t, cxnd ~h~s cou~d be a~compl~s~ed by adop~~.ng a resolu°~~.on wh~ch.l~s°~ed ~~e ~~em~ ~n wsh~ch the City would be in°teres°ted in purchas~.ngo A~ter Goun~~l d~scixs~~~n, ~~ty Attorney Sh~psey read the fi~~l~ of a Resolu°t~~n ~egc~~d:~rzg ~u~c~~.s~ng ce~°ta~,n i°tems °through °the S~c~te of Cal~forn~~.9 ~~e~eup~~ ~ mo~~on ~~s made by Counc~lman Levine, seconded by Cour~c~lanccn Sm~°~~q cxnd ~z~~r~~mo~sly ca~~ied, to da.spense w~th reading ~the balar~ce o~ °~~~s ~esolr~~~or~o _ ~2ESOLU'~T01~ 1V0 0 ~20 RESOS~U"~ION 0~" °°~"HE ~~`~Y ~OUN~IL OF °THE CI'TY OF A~ROYO G~,.NDE A.iJ~'HO~I~xNG '~HE DEPAR~°MEN°I"S O~° GENERAL SEk~VICES OF~ "~HE S'~°A"d'E 0~ GALIFORNIA ~ "~"'0 PURCHASE CER~"AIN I~'EMS o On mo~t~on o~ ~ounci~~n~n ~~v~~~~ s~co~ded by Counc~~.man Sm~th, and on °t~e ~ollotnra~ng ~o~~ ~c~'1.~ vo~~a ~,v~~~ ~ ~ ~ AYES: CounciLzn~n I~~v,~ne~ ViloodP am~,°~~ and Mayor Thompsono NOES: ~ou~c~:l.m~tn S~~a'~~ge'Yo ABSEN`~ o Non~ e the ~o~ego~xig ~eso~~~~on ~rc~s pe~~~~d ~and qdopted ~t~is 25th day o~ March, 1969, LE'T~°ER FROM A o Go ~T`T°Y ~MP~OYEES ° ASSO~ ~ REG~UEST°ING COUNCIL APPROVAL Adm~.n~s°tra~o~ Bu~~h ~n~~ocluc~c~ TnT~x.~~am Ragsdale, P~esiden°t and Arlene Ol~phan~t, Secreta~y~~~~~,~u~e~„- ~sf ~~Ze A~~oyo ~rande ~~~ty Employees° Associ- ation and b~~e~°~y ~e~r~~~nted ~e~~~~ ca~ ~n~o•rmat~on e~nd ~ec~ues°t from ~the Assoc~a~t~on ~~~~.es~a~rig o.~~~c~a~. ~ecogz~~~~.on o~ °~he~r o~g~n~za~tion:by the C~°~y Goun~~lo ~'h~ Asso~~~a~~on ~~.so su~~n~t~ed c~ ~esolution ~'or Council adop~~on in vah~~Ih °tFZey ~e~~mmerz~ es~~.bl~s~~ng va,r~ous pol~c~es and pro- cedu~ese On adv~c~ ~~~y A~t~~o~xa~y Sh~psey that °the Leag~ze of Cal- iforn~a C~°~~~s ~s nova s~udy~:ng ~h~s m~i~~~~,no ac°~~on w~ra,s °taken regarding °t}ae resolu~~~~ c~°~ ~~~s ~~meo A~°~~~ ~~,~n~~~. d~scuss~.on, on mo°~~on of ~ounc~lman ~evine~ s~cond~d by ~oun~~~mcx~ Sc~~,egel, and unanimously carried, ~he Rr~oyo G~~a~d~ Employ~es~ A.sso~~~~~.o~ ~s he~eby acknor~rledged and ~ecogn~zedo f t~ ~ CI'TY GOUNCIL MARGH 25Z'H, 1969 ARROYO GRANDEB CALI~"ORN~A PAGE 3 QUAR°TERL~ REPOR~T ON SAI~ES P,~tI~ CIGR~E~~"E '~F~X REVENUE Adm~nis°trc~to~ Bu~c`h su~m~~~e~ ~~'~cs~~ess Report on ~he Four~h G2uarter Sa,les °Tax and Giga~et°~~ fi~,x R~v~nueo APPOIN°TMEN°T OF° PI~ANNING ~OMMISSION~R ~~iA~~~S BOWI~ES On mo~~on o~ Counc~lm~~a Szn~°~~9 ~ec~~ided by Counca.lman Lev~.ne, ancl unan~mously car~~edp G~a~les ~o~1e~~ ~~0 Woodland Dr~ve, was appo~nted ~o serve as a comm~.s~,~on~~ s~r~ A~~~y~ ~~~,~c1~ Planning Comm~ss~on w~th his term of o~~~ce °~e~m~,r~~~~ng o~ ~J~n~ 30~i~~ ~~~9a DISCUSSION ON DRAINAGE PRQB~~1vI C3~t VIiES'T GF?ANI~ AVEo Admin~si~ra.to~° Bu~ch b~~e~~y ~ev~~~aaecl pr~or repor°ts and d~scuss~ons regard~ng °the d~a~n~g~ prob~~m on ~nre~~ ~~and Aveo acnd ~nr~~.cc~°tecl property on °the sou°th s~de o~' Grctnd ~v~o ~a~~~~h su~t~ble fo~ d~a~nage m~gh°t pos- sibly be obta~nedo A~'~e~ ~ounc~~ d~~~us~~ons Adm~n~strator Butch taas re~ ques°ted °~o con°tac~ M~o Young ~~ga~cl~,ng possibil~ty of °~~c~d~ng o°the•r property fo~ °the prop~~~y orwz~~d by lh~m orn ~he sou°th s;ide of Grand Aveo and also inves~tiga°t~ ~the possib~Y~.~y o~ acqu~.r~ng o°ther p~°oper°~y adjacent to the Young p~oper~y and ~~po~~ b~,~}~ °~o ~~e Council, Ap~r~.l 22nd, 1969, REQUES°T OE° AR'T GAREY R~v ~I`'~ ORD~NA.IV~E ON WA°~ER SERVIC~S Mr, A~thu~ Ga~ey r~ques~°ed ~}~e ~ou~c~l cons~der chang~ng °the me°thod of charg~ng ~o~° tnra~tex ~sag~ ~,nd p~es~n~ed evidence tha°~ some other areas ' charged by °~he me~er aaxd d~d no~ ~r~~y ~~e cos°t ~or sep~~a~e uses beyond the me°tero C~ty A°~~orney S°h:~psey adv~~~cl ~that ~.n h~s op~.n~on °the C~ty Ordina,nce regula°ting ~i~e ch~c~~e~ .~o~ ~ra~~~ is good~ reasonable, just and valid, as ~~k is nota ~s~ e~'~~~~o A,~~e~ d~~~~tss~.oa~, the Counc~.l agreed that °the Ci°ty tiVate~ 0~°d~narxc~ ~1ao~z~d ~em~~,n a~ ~s o INS°TALLI~Z'ION OF MAIL DRUP BOX A.'~ ~~'~'Y HA~..~L F°OR AF'TER HOURS PAYMEN°T Adm~.nist~a~or Bu~~~ c~d~r~s~d ~1~~,°~ ~ M~~l Drop Box had been installed at the G~°ty Ha11 °~o p~rm~t~ ~Cr.ym~z~~ ~~~~r bills during °the hours the wa°ter of~~ce ~s ~losed a PROGRESS REPORT m Z.ONE 3 M~E~ING ~ Councilman Lev~ne ~epo~°~ed ~}~cx~k a~ °~}°~e recent Zone 3 meet~ng the var~~us uses of Lopez Lal~~ ~ra~ d~.scu~~ecl r~r~~th no final actfon being taken, and °tha°t the Com~ni°~°tee ~acl ~ou~~cl ~he la}ce March 23rd, 1969, PROGRESS R~POR°T - SOUTH SI~O ~Oi7N"b'Y SANI"~'A°~ION DISTRICT Admina~stretto~ 'Butch adv~s~cl ~~a~ ~lxe~e was nothing to report at this t~me regar2iing °~he Sou~h S~.n .~~~s Ob~~po Coun~ty Sanitata.on Distric°t ~ CITY WIDE BEWER D~SZ'RI~~ RE~ APPL~~A~TOI~ F'OR HUD GRAN°T Adm~nis°~ra°~ox Bu~~h ccdv~sed ~~aa°~ ca pre~etppl~cation meeting has been set ~or P,pr~1 15°th, 1~69~ ~n Sa~ F~r~n~isco, be~tween representa°t~ves from the Housing and Urban Deve~ogm~n°~ I~ep~e~~men°k and the en°Cit~.es involved with the C~°ty Wide Sewve~ D~s~~.~;~~o A;~°~e~ Council discussion, it was agreed ~that Counc~lman Sch~eg~l and A,clzn~ra~.s°~xa~tor Bu°tch, represent the C,~°ky n°t t~is meet~ng, F'AIR OAKS AVE s EXT°FIVSION A.NI~ BR~~GE D~SCUSSION °The Council ag~~~d ~tha~ ~ s~udy sess~.on be held April 4th, 1969, at 10000 A,M, °to reva.eva °tl~e ].,o~ 1e~re;l~ ~ul~r~r~ °type creek crossing fortBFair Oaks Ex°tensiono REPOR°T ON PROPOSED AREA tNII~E ~ECREA"Y~~UN DIS°TRTC°T Councilman Szn;~~:~ ~epo~~ed h~ ~ad a~tended a meeting regarding the p~roposed A~ea W,~de Rec~ea~a~on D~.s~~~c°~ and tha°t Grove~r City proposed ~o develop ~he~r own Rec~Pa~.~,~n D~p~c~zn~~°~o ADJOURNMEN°T `I'here be~ng no ~'u~°~he~ bus,~ness ~ Mayor °Thompson adjourned .°the meet- ~ng at 9>30 PoMe to 10~0~ AoM4, P,p~~~ 4°~~` 19690 P~TTES~'m ~ - °I"X LERK . ~ _ MA OR CI'TY COUNCII~ APRTL 4°TH, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE9 CALI~ORNZA 10000 A,M, Due °t e~a.c}~ o~ ~~~o~uzn °~h~s mee~~ng taas not held, . . ~ _ . . r`- A°TTEST : ~.~._...z-----__ . ~ CI`I°Y K a,.=a_._ ` MAYOR