Minutes 1969-04-08 ~3~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council ~aet in reg~xl~r session with Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll call, Councilmen Schlegel., Levine and Smith reported presenta Coun~ilaa~an Wood is absento PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCAT~ON Mayor Thompson led tYae Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend John Wo Germain (Retired), of the Bethel Baptist Church of Ax°~oyo Grande delivered the invocationo APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Mar~h 25, 1969 and the adjourned regular meetinc~ of April 4, 1969 were approved as prepared, APPROVAL ~F WARRANTS , On motion of Councilaruan Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, . and unanimously carried, General Warrants No, 816 through Noo 876, in the total amount of $20,225m44; Payroll Warrants No. 1230 through No. 1284, in the total a.mount of $10,005.06, were approved and ordered paid. PROC_LAMATION: "PUBLIC SCHOOLS° WEEK" APRIL 21-25, 1969 Mayor Thompson proelain~ed April 21 through 25, 1969 as "Public ~ Schools' Week: as requested b~r County Stzperintendent of Schools Billy Watson. TREASURER' S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MP,RCH, 196~ The Treasurer°s Repc~rt for the month of March, 1969 was received by the Council and ordered ~iledv DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ~'OR THE MONTH OF MARCH ~969 The Departmental Repor~. f,or the month of March, 1969 was received by the Council and ordered filedo LETTER FROM CITY OF MORRO BAY ~FaSUP.LEGISLATION AGNST.OFF-SHORE OIL DRILL. Administrator Butch reported tka~t correspondance had been re~eived from the City of Morro Bay requesting that the City Council adopt resolu- tions requesting the County Board o~ Supervisors support legislation pro- hibiting off-shore oil drill~ng operations along the San Luis Obispo County Coast. After Co~nncil Discussion it was agreed that no action be taken at this time. PARKS & REC.. COM. REs^OUI~TCTL APPROVE CITY/SCHOOL JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Administrator Bu~cY~, advised th~t the Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended for Councal approval a City/School Joint Powers Agreement, which provides each ~n~i~tgr authorization to use each others facilities for recreational purpases. The pr.oposal had been prepared by the Commis- sion and the Lucia Mar un~~ied School District Board has reviewed and approved, as to princip~l, the joint agreemen~. Afer Council discussion, on motion of Councilnnan Sck~legel, seconded by Councilman Srni~h, and ~,naraia~ously carried, City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepar~, for f~a.rther consideration, a City/School Joint Powers Agreement. PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ Wp,TER SUPPLY A Progress Report for the naonth of February, 1969 was received from the San Luis Obssp~ County Flood Control and Wa~er Conservation District and was r.eviewed arad ordered ~i1ed. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Thompson introd~ced Mark Malis, i.nstructor of a Government class for adult ed~aca~~.on through ~~a.e Lucia Mar Unified School District, who was attending the m~eting with his class as a part of their curriculum. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO GOUNTY SANTTATION DISTRICT Copies of the Chief P1~n~: Opsra~or'~ Report for the ~x?onth of March, 1969 and the Quaxterly Financial Report for tlze Distric~ were received by the Council, reviecaed and ordered filed. POLICY STATEMENT FROM STATE V~TATER QUALITY CONTROL BD.RE:SEPTIC TANK USAGE Administrator Bu~cYa advised that Yae had wratten ~o the Sta~e Quality Control Board, expressi~ag ~:]he C~uncil's views on the control of septic tank usage and t~nat ~his ~opy is ~a rev~.sed policy statement of ~his board, generally stating th~t ~t recommends prohibiting the use of septic ~tanks and leaching syst~ms for se~,verags disposal for any subdivisions where conditions are not covered l~y Co~nty Ordir~ance, or where septic tanks constitute a puhlic heal~~a ~,azard~ ~.31 CITY COUNCIL APRII~ 8, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE a~AI~IF'~RN~A PAGE 2 After Counc~l ~~~~~:w d~s~~ss~oa~ was agreed a~~ ac~iorr be taken at th~.s tir~ae m PROGRESS REP012~ m ~~~~,'GV~L~~ SEWE~t D~S'IBR~~'I' Aclx~iira~stx°at~r r~p~rted ~~n~~ R~ber~ ~~rm~a Co~,x~~y H~dra~alic Engineera has r~q~~st~d -~~a~ ~kne Ci~ty Co~ncil rec~a~end tkae kniring of Yor]c Pe~erso~a ~~n~ Ass~~ia~esa as tYr,.e e~g.~raeer o~a the Cgt~vide Sewer Distra~t, to tYne C~~~~t~ ~~ard S~,perv~.s~rsa a~ad t~e C~ty At~orney and Mr. Born ° s of~~~e ~rega~e and agree~nae~nt `akn~.c~a w~~~. be ~~a~~nally agreeable be~tween C~.°~y, Coun~y and Mr o Peter~ona as t~ae Coum~ty Board of Supervisors w~~l 3~e ~.n cYn~arge ~f t~iis pr~je~~, req~nested by the City Co~ancil, and wa~ll do t~ne act~.al hiria~g o£ al~ c~~sultants and engineerso After Counc~l di~~~a~s~on on a~ot~on of Co~zncilrn~an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Sr~i~~a, arad ~,raa~a~r~o~sly car~ied, t~~ C~.ty Ad~~.nistrator was authorized and ~~.s~~°~cted ~o writ~ to tkae ~o~.nty Board of Supervi- sors requesting ~'Y'~aa~ ~~.~y ~as~ the serv~ces of York Pe~ers~n and Assoc. for engineering oiE t~ne ~~,tyw~,de ~evver~ ~s~essa~emt District. . coUNCaLMAN sc~G~I.~ REe CI~.NoCQoD3voOF I~o aF Co~o. MEE~'II~TG_MARG~ 29L 1969 Councilm~~n Sc~legel r~p~rted °~hat he k~ad a~tended ~Yne CYnannel Counties Divisiora o~ t~ne L~ag~ae of Ca~.,~forxa~a C~ties qu~rterly rnaee°ting held March 29, 1969 S~r~~a Paazl~ aa~cl °~~nat ~kne main topic of discussion was Municipal F~~na~~~~ag M~°~Y~~ds a`a~a,~ch kae fo~nnd very ~rnforrn~a~ive m PUBLIC HEARING RE:PROP~R'I°Y OWNERS PATHOS TOWARD SIDEWALK INSTo 1911 ACT. Aclministrator B~n~c~n ~°~view~d, °~h~ portion of South Rena Street in whicYa concrete s~de~aa~~ls~ are proposed, a.~d also the proced~are to follow in the ~ase of the 19b.1 A~~ (sh~r~. for~~ m After being ~ss~nx°~~ ~y Ci~y Clerk Ma.ller tha~ the proper~y owners had been notified, Nd~yor ~7n~rn~ps~n dec~a~°~d t~ne hearir~g open and an~ person for o.r aqa~.nst ~.ns~.a~~~~.~.~n of corncrete sidewalks, '~by use of the 1911 ,Act (s~aar~ ~s~ra~) , aaa~ So~ath R~na Stre~t, between G~:arnd. Ave. and Dodson Way, wou7.d r~o`a be ~nearda Mra Frar~k Amaral, 796 Dodson Way, spoke agairast i~ns~all~.a~g concre~e sidewalks. There being no fur- t.~er discussion f~r or agair~~~t th~ proposed ~.nstallationB Mayor Thompson declared the hearing ~losed. Th~ Goa~n~.~.l d~scussed t~ae u~e of ~tYse 1911 Act (shor~t form) anethod for co~pleting concre~e s~de~a~lk a~°e~s witYain blocks and agreed the majority n~ust be ~n ~av~r o~ tka~.s rnae~hod of iixaproving ~heir property, as only one property ow~ne~° expressed opposit~on, of the seven properties involvedm City Attorxney Ska~.gs~y r~ad ~he titl~ of a resolutbon i.nstructing the Super~ntendexn~ of S~rests to pr~ceed with ox~dering aorastruction of concrete sid~walks, thereafter ~.a~otion was ~ad~ by Co~,ncil~an Levine, ~econded by Co~unciba~an Sc~nlegel, a~ad ~nnania~o~nsly carried, ~o dispense with reading the ba7.araee of ~~n~.s r~~olu~ioa~. RESOLU'I°ION NOo 821. A RE S O LU'I° I ON OF THE ~;~'I~Y' C OUNC I L OF' THE C I TY OF ARROYO GRAL~IDE INSZ°RUCTaNG 'I"E~ SUPER~N'I°ENDENT OF S~°REETS T~J O~DER THE CONS'~RUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALaKS AND 31~PROV~I~NTS FOlZ "~°°E3E 'PROPER FUNC'I°ION~NG OF' TI~ INST'ALT,~D SI]~EWALaICS On motion of Co~anci~.a~an Schnlege~, seconded by Councilrn~an Lev~ine, and on the follow~a~g ro11 call vo~e, ta ~ait: AYES: Coaax~cila~aen Sc~egel, Levine, Srn~it~n a~a~ Mayor 'I°~ompson NOES : Noa~e ABSENT: Co~anc~.l~ua~n Tn1o¢~d the foregoing resol~°~~o~n was passed axnd a~lop~ed this 8tka day of April, 1969. A motion `aas a~aad~ by C~~.~ncila~am Le~r~ne, seco~ded by Co~nncila~an Schlegel, and unan~.~a~~ns].y ~arr~.ed, ~:~a~ a p~nblic ~aea~°i~ng kae sa~aeduled for 'I'tnesdaya May 13a 1969o at ~0 PoMo, ~~n the Co~nn~il Charn~ers of ~ the Ci~ty Hall f~~° ~he guax~p~se of ~nearixac~ protests to ~he c~r~s~ruct~on of concrete side`valks ~o~n~h R.~n~. S~.r~~t, between Grand Aveo aa~d Dodson Wa~. ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL APRII~ 80 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IF'01RNIP, PAGE 3 DISCUSSION o FAIR OAKS A~a EX'I°]ENSION AI~TD BRI]~GE Director o£ P~bli~ Works Anders~~a i~n~r~d~aced F'~°ed Sc~no°~t, of the Engineering Firrm of Will~aaaas, Sc~,o~t a~nd S~ewar~a w~~ tY~en reviewed a preliminary eng°~.neerinc~ st~dy of estim~ated c~sts and design for a low level culvert t~pe creek c~°~ssa.ng for ~'aa,r Oaks Exter~si~x~, as requested ]ay the Co~nc~lo ar~d s~a~ed ~~aa~ i~a ~n~,s opin.imn as an eragineer, he could not rec~m~end ~~~,s -~ype cross~a~g a~ ia~i~~.al co~.struction costs and replacemen.t costs ev~~°y f~w ~rears d~e f~~ stor~a da~aage wo~nld be pro- hibitive. and tYnat he d~~.~~ed ~k~a~ ~~is type cr~ss~ng w~aald be approved by the County F~ood Co~a1~x°~1 ~~d Wa~er Cor~serv~~boa~ Dis~r~c°~, d~ne the obstructing elernea~~ a~r~ssi~g ~f t~ais ~ype creates o C~~y Ea~g~.neer Garing presented ~ pr~p~ar~d ~°oad a~od~f~catior~ des~.gn to align witYn a culvert type cross~~ag, s~~.~in~ ~xcava°tion `v~aald be necessary as far west as Todd Lane ar~d d~!e t~ t~ae dep~h of th~ cuts retaining walls would have to be b~a~.l-~ ~ddi~a.onal ~~operty would ~v.ave to be acquired by the City to prov~.de ~k°a~,s ~.ype crossin~m He als~ adv~sed tYaat he could not recommen.d this ~ype cros~~xago After Counc~.l d~sc~ss~.ora i-~ was agreed withhold final action on this ma~tter ua~~il C~~amc~~a~aan Wood co~ld be present as ~ne knad requested this repor~, JOINT STUDY SESSION m P~~~ AND RECREA'~'ION COMMISSION ~ROPPJSED BUDGET The Counc~l ac~ree~. ~k~ aa~ee~ ira ,~oint s~taudy session ~aa~h the Parks and Recreation Coa~ua~iss~.~~, as ~~~y requested, a~ 8:00 FoMo, April 23, 1969, for the p~nrp~se reviewirac~ t&ne prop~sed Par]cs and Recrea~ion Budge~t for 1969-70 REQUEST OF PLANo ~O1~Im MCM~LLEN 'I°O I~AVE TI~ COUN'I°RY MAY 17 - JUNE 16, 1969 On motion of C~~ncilaa~~n ScYnlege]., sec~nded bgr Councilanan Levine, and unanimously carriedo ~he req~uest of Pla~araing Co~iissi~ner McMillen to leave the Unit~d Sta~~s £s°oa~ May ~.7 °thro~zgk~ June 16, 19C9, `aas approved. LEGISLATIVE BULLE'I"IN FROl~d 'I°HE IsEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CTTIES Administrator B~,~c~n reviewed ~kne ~atest legislative BuJtletin from the League of California Cities and advised ~ha~ AB 374, which pertains to policemen and f~r~r~era retirirag at age 50, wi,ll be heard as a special order of business on A~r~~l 16 by ~Yne Assea~ubly Commi~~ee on Public Employ- ment and Retiremento A£~t~r Co~na~cil discussion Administrator Butch was instructed to write to t~ais coax~ai~tee ex~ressing this ~ity°s financial concern should tka~s b~.~l be approvedm APPOINTMENT OF RECREA'I°30N DIRECTOR. - DON Do WHI~°'I°EMOR~ Administrator B~utc~n adv~sed t~ne Courncil tha~ ~the Parks and Recre- ation Commisssorn h.ad ~~~ervs.ewed appl~.~am~:s for the posit~.on of Recre- ation Director tc~ fill ~.kne vacancy created by the resignation of Gary Higley, and rec~rn~rerad ~~at Dora Dv W~ai°tteasbore, 938 Syc~~re Terrace, be hired as tYae City Reacr~at~ora Director. 'I°tb~ Counc~.l agreed ~hat Admini- strator' Butch e~ap].oye t1~~ services of Ndr. W'daittemore as recommended by the Parlcs aa~d Rec~e~t~.on Coa~i~s~.on. PROCLAMATION - CLEP.NLPP V~EK - MA~ 5 Z"HFtO~JGH 9. 1969 Administrator B~at~.~a advised a clea~a~np week was being plan~ned with the assistarace of ~~ne local r~efuse co~pany, ~~.~~r e~ployees and the Beauti£icati~n Coa~r~ai~~~e, ~o enco~urage people to cleanup their yards and place t~ne re~~n~e ~~n proper cor~~air~ers at ~he curb, that a publicity prograa~ ~.s ~ls~ ]being p~a~nxned as well as newspaper announce- ments of th,e pick ~np da°~es m Mayor Thompsom pr~c].aimed May 5 through 9, 1969 as '°CLEAI~TP W~~K°° f~r ~kae C,~ty Arroyo Grande, as requ~sted by the Beautif icatio~a ~~anaa~a.~~ee . ~ RECEIPT OF FRANCH~SE PAXM~NT FROP~I FAC~~~S~ CaAS AND E3~CTRIC COMPANY Mr. Perry McBe3:~aa ~ep:resern~:~.~re of Pacific Gas a~ad Electric Co., pxesented to tYne Co~~ac~l a c~neck gn ~~ne a~o~nnt of $2, 369040 for the franchise pay~ent f~r ~Yn~ cal.~rndar ~ear 1968a '~ae Co~n~acil accepted the check and tk~anked luiro McBe~h for presea~tizng saraabe. REPORT OF FRANCHISE PAYMENT ~'ORTI~CONIING FRONd SOLdTHERN COLTNTIES GAS CO. Administrator Baa~~~a a~v~~ed that a ~ceg~rt knad bee~n rece~v~d from Southern Co~u~a~i~s Ga~ G~r~pa~ny sta~~,~ac~ that t~ae franchise paydsaent, in ~he amoun~ of $6, 954m 22 for th~ ~ale~ad~r ~re~r 1968, wo~nld be recei~ved by~:,tl~ne City ixa approxinn~.t~ly three `aeeks m ~33 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALaFORNIA PAGE 4 . ADJOURNMENT Ora anotion o£ Co~n~ibas~an Lev~.~a~, secs~~ded by C~~ancil~an S~aith, and unanimoaas ly carr~ed, ~~e ~ee°~~,~ag ~.c1y oa~r~ned a~ ~ 0 45 P aMo ~nnt~l 1:00 PeMo April 10, .~,9~90 ' ATTE S T : ~ , ~C--`._-_-..~~-~-- C~"I° I,'~R ' CITY COUNCIL APRIL 10, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNIA 1000 P.Mo 'I~he City Council met im adjourned reg~alar session with Mayor Thompson presidirag, Lbp~ra roll ca].l Co~aa~ca.].~aen Scl~~egel, Levine, Wood and Smith rep~r~ed pr~sent> PROGRESS REPORT ON FATR OAd~S AVEa EXTENSIOL~T AN'D ~R~DGE The Council re-~evbewed amd disc~assed the prel~i~ainary engineering study of estimated cos~s arad d~sigxn for a low level culver~ °~ype creek crossing which had ~een prepared bgr ~he Eng~a~eex°ing F~rar~ ~f W.~lliams, Schott and Stewart, aloxnc~ w~,t~a t~ne road ~~d~~scati~n design to align with a culvert type cross~.ng, wkaicYa was prepared by Ci~y Enganeer ~ Garing. D~scussa.on f~ll~wed~ on ~lterriat~ Bridge Pla~n 2~-B. On motion of Co~ara~i7.mam Levirae, se~onded by Co~nncila~an Schlegel, and carried, a bridge s~ruct~ure as showa~ by alternate 2-B vvill be con- sidered by tYae Co~ancil. as the best and ~~st ec~noa~ical prop~sal for said crossingo On motion of Co~nmcila~aan Sm~th, seconded by Councilmara Levine, and carried, the City Staf~ was instructed and atathori~ed to negotiate with the Engineering Firxca of Willi~s, Schott ar~d S~ewart £or a prelimary Design of a Bridge as shown in alterraate 2-Ba ADJOURNMENT Tkier_e being no fur~l~er b~asi~ness, Mayor 'I'~nompson adjourned the meeting~at 2:10 F.M. _ ~ ~ - _ ~ G~~~~.~r~,~ ~~~1 ~ ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DE PTJTY C I'~~' C LE RK ~ R' ~