Minutes 1969-04-22 ~ CITY COU~fCIL APRIL 22, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE a CAIoIFORNIA , ~ The City Co~.ncil naet in regular session with Ma~ror Thornpson presiding. Upon roll call Co~ncil~en Schlegel, Levirxea Wood and Smith ~eported present. PLEDGE OF' AIsIAEG~~,NCE AND INV~OCATION Mayor Tho~ps~n l~cl t~ne Pl~dc~e of P,llegiance to o~n~ ~lage and i~edi~ ately therea~ter, R~ve~°~n~l St,anle~ D~rkna~o o~ t~.e First So~the~cn Baptist Ch~.rcka o~ G~°~~er ~~tyo s~el~~ae~~d t~ae in~~~at~~no APPROVAL OF MINUTES 'I'l~.e a~ain.~ates of t~ae reg~alar n,rneeting of Aprzl 19~9 ~nd the adjo~rned regular meet~ng of April l0a 1969 we~°e ap~roved ~s pre~saredo APPROVI~I~ OF WARRT~,NTS On ~ot~~n o~ C~~nc~~~u~n Schle~e~g sec~rad.ed by Council~an Levine, and ta.nan~~o~as~y ~arr~,~do ~e~e~~l W~~~a~~~ N~o ~~7 t~nro~ag~ Nom 922o in the ~otal a~otxnt of $23, 20709~, Pa~~°~l~ Wa~rants Noo 12~5 t~n~°o~ag~ Noo 1361., in tYae total aa3ao~nt of, $12, 0`~2o9~e ~nd Tr~ast aa~c1 ~g~ncy War~°~~nts Noo 757 tYarough Noe 773, ira t~ae -tot~l a~n~u~n-~ o~ $4030~0 we~e app~°o~ed a~.d ordered p~ido LETTER FE20M HARVEST F'ESTIV~,I~ ~~MM~TTEE 1~ o USE OF CITY STREETS & FACILITIES Ad~a?ir~ist~~t~sr ~~tc1~ ~ea~ ~ ~e~.te~ ~roa~ ~~~~~~e Cab~ssig President of the Ha~°vest Fe~ti~r~l Coa~aait~eeo r~q~est~~ng t~e closing o~ Branch Street and sevex°al ot~ner stree~ts d~.~in~ ~he Fia~v~,~t F'estival Paradea tY~e assistance tY~~ Po~~c~ Depar-tr~ent in ~~rectin~ ~.~~ffi~ oxn ~Y~.e da~r of ~he par~ade, O~c-~ober 4, ~9~9, ~rad tkne ~~e of t~ae Ci~~~ ~~r~ter Park.ing Lot and a portion c~f tY~e ~ity Hall £or ~'estival ~c~iv~ti~~ on Oc~ober 2, 3o and 4a 19690 ~f-~er dasc~ss~orn ~racl ~ra rnot.~on of Cou~acilrraan Sr~nitha seconded by Council- man Lev~a-a..e, and unanir~ou~s~~r ~a~ra.edo permiss.ion was granted for the Civic Cen-~er Park~~g ~ot and a portion of the Gbty Hall to be used for Harvest Festival acti~i~:ies ~n October 2~ 30 and 4, 1969, and the c1os~.ng of Branch Sto and ~~t1~er stxeets aa~d No Par}eia~g areas be p~rnaitted subject :to Police Depar~ient requar~~aaentsa `,vi~h per~i~ssion be~ng obtairaed from t~ae State Divi- sion o£ Hig~aways ~to close a~fected streets ~n the City within tYae State High- way sys tea~ o LETTER FROM ARRO~'O VAI~IIoEE~ MUSTP,NG CI~UB RE: FEE-EXEMPT BUSoLICe - FIREWORKS Aclr~inistrator B~a~.ch read a~e~tter from Loysann Little, Secretary of the Arroyo Va3.l~y Mus~~rnc~ C~.~abo req~,esting a fee exempt license to sell ` safe and sarne ~~~~works o A~ter Co~.n~~,]L disc~~s~o~ ~r~.d ~a~ a~ot~on of Counc~lmaa~ Wood, seconded by Councilrn~axa Sa~ai~h, ~~ad a~~aani~ous~.~r carr~~c1D approval was granted that the Arroyo Valley Mus-~~a~g C~.ub b~ ~,ssu~d a f~e ~x~mpt business license for fire- worles saZes ~roaga Ju~ly 1-~0 50 1969a at 33(~ T~affic Waya subject ~o Fire Depa~°~er~~ x°ecyuirea~a~n~s a FUR'I°HER DISCUSSION - 3N'I°EREST IN FORM~NG MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT Adxs~~.n~.strator ~~~.cka reported ~hat inquaxies have b~e~ received from res~.d~r~ts ia~ va~~ous par~s o~ ~l~e c:~ty regardimg probl.ems with mosquitos . Mro ,T~a~a Ga~~s ~f ~kne G~aa~~ty Health Departm~n~ and a represen~tative from ~he S~ate Vector Con~rol Di~ri~bon were contacted rec~arding assistance with` tha.s proble~a ancl tflzi~~ advis~d ~~ne asaosq~.ito proDalem is ~ounty-wide and with the Yaeavy rains of 1969 0~.~ of ~Ya~ highes~ pex°aods of s~osquito growth is projectedo Mro Ga~es s~ggested tw~ cou:rses the Ci~y a~aight take to handle this n~atter, am ar~a wid~ Mosq~a~~o Aba~~rdaen~. Dis~rict or possik~ly contract- ing wath tkae Coa~nty for t~ais serva.ce o E~.ther app~°oach wo~nld require parti- cipat~.on by t~ae ~k~~°e~ so~i~~ c~uraty cities amd ~kae county as the entire south county ar~a does have a~a~sq~,~~o ~rob~ea~s o '~he Coa~nc~l d~.sca~s~ed ~~.d ac~re~d ~~aa~ ~or exgediency ~he r~~thod of contrac~~ng ~aa~.t~a ~~e Cou~~y fo~° ~his ser~ice sho~ld be pursu~d at this time and tl~e fo.r~aat~~~r of a Mosc~tt~,~.t~ Aba°~en~erat D~.stric~ co~ld h~ consid~red for f~.ture needs o Adr~~r~~s~rat~r ~~~c~n was ~.ras°tr~n~~ed ~o con.~act tkae C~ties of Pismo Beac~a ~~ac1 Grover C~ty a~.d ~.Z~.ey ar~ ag~eea~le to ~on~racting for this serv~ce, ~~~°w~~°ci ~o~~~ req~a~s~ for °tk~e prc~ject to tYa.e County Board of Supex°vis~~s, so ~k~~~ ~~~~d~ o~ ~~nis mosqa~~~o proble?~ c~~a1d be requested o~ and dc~rae by ~he ~~.a~~ D~~ar~~~n~ ~f Publa.c Hea1~1~o Vector Corntrol Divisione ~ ~ CTTY COUNCyL APRIL 22, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PP,GE 2 REPORT ~ ENFORCEMENT OF C~`I`~ CODE SECTION 9-4m2505 SIGNS IN ~oBoDo Aclniinis-trator Butc~a x°ep~~~~d. ~aa~ as direc~ecl by ~~ne Co~zn.cil on January 14, 1969, le-tters anform~rag -~~e owners of the 11 nox~~coa~forr~aing signs wi-th- in the Central Bus~ness D~s-~ra~c~ of the 90 day ex-~~~sion p~riod to conform their signs, Y~ad laeen ser~~ ~z~~ now -tYae 90 day extensiorn for corr?pliance with the Municipal Code for tYbese sa~gns Ynas now expirede A~~nis~rator ButcYa, read a report froan P~aranin~ D~~°ec-~or Gallop, dated A~r~l 16, 1969~ s~ating that all signs hav~ been ei~Y~er r~s~a~vedo corrected or replaceda w~th ~he exception of two s.~gns located ~t tl~.e Cor~ux~ercial, Coa~par~yo The owners of this business have advised tYY~.at t~aese s~gns are to be correc~ed by the Pepsi Cola Coo., btat that tlzey are havi~g d~f~ic~ltgr in getting a d~finite correction date establisYned by ther~aa The Co~ancil discussed a~~ ~.~re~d that intention for correcting ~he signs has been sknowr~a but ~~a~ ~Yne 90 day extension per~od has expired and tYaerefore instructed City Att~ra~ey Shipsey to proceed with such action as necessary for conlpliance wi~h th~ Mumicipal Code, bu~ ~.n ~no event extend' compliance ti~me beyond April 28, 1.969, after tYais dat~ proceed with legal action if corrections raot coxnple~edo RESOLUTION ESTABIoISHING LIM~'1°.~I~ PARKING SPACE ON TRAFFIC WAX - BUSSES ONLY Adm~nistrator Butch advis~d that ~he owners of the Log Cabin Market, 400 Traffic Way, h.ave req~.est~cl tkaat a limited parlsing space marked "Busses Only" be provided for ~~ne p~rp~s~ of loading and ~.nloacl.~ra.g passengers at tYne Greyhoaznd B~azs Depota wh~ch~ s.s in conjunction w~-~YY~ their snarket. The Police Depto and Public Works Dep~o ~kaave reviewed this request and recommend same be approveda After Council discussiono City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution authorizing esta~lis~.inc~ lirni~ed parking for busses only adjacent to the Log Cabin Market orn Z°raf~ic Way, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Co~nncilman Levine, and ~nnanimously carried, -to dispense with reading t~ie balan.ce of this resolu~ionm RESOLUTION NOa 822 A RESOLUTYON O~' 'I°HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISFiNIENT OF A LIMITE D PARKING SPACE ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF TRAFFIC WAX BE'I°fnTEEN VALLEY ROAD AND CHERRY AVENUE o On motion of Councilmara Lev~.r~eo seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on the following roll call v~teB to wi~: AYES: Coua~c~lasben Schlegel, Levine, Wood, Smith and ~ Mayor T'k~~a~aps on NOES : Noa~e ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of April, 1969. LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM ZBHE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Adminis~trator Bu~cYa reviewed copies of the latest Legislative Bulletins received fro~ the League o~ Calbfornia Cities. AF'PROVAL - CITY/SCHOOL JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES City Attorney Shipsey reported that he had prepared an agreement,for City/School Joint Powers for recreational purposes,as directed by the Council. After discu,ssion, on mo~tioxn of Councilinan Wood, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, t~ae Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and instruct- ed to sign the City/School Joi~a~ Po`vers Agreement for recreational purpo~es, between the Lucia Mar Unified S~~nool District and the City of Arroyo Grande. RECEIPT OF STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE DIVIDEND 19C6-67 POLICY YEAR Administrator ButcYa advised tYaat the City had received its annual divi- dend check from t~ne State Coszupe~nsatiorn Ynsurance Fund, ira the amount of $3,796a59 and advised ~hat th~s a~o~xnted to a 40/ divid~nd on ~he total pre- ~iua~ paid for t~ne pol~~c~ yPar 196Cm67o :CITY COUNCIL APRIL 22, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORL~TI1~ PAGE 3 DISCUSSION - CI'PX OF MORRO ~A~ REm SUPo LsEGISa AGNSTo OFF'-SHORE OIL DRILLING Administrator Bu~ch advisec~.. tha-t further correspondence has been receiv- ed from the City of Morro ~ay ~°~q~aesting -this Council ° s s~.ppor~ c~f their reso- lutic~n requesting the Co~xn~~a ~~~rd ~f Supe~v~sors suppor~ legislation pro- hibiting oil drilling operatiorns along the San Lu~.s Ob~spo County Coast and that to date tYae Board of S~aper~risors have not acted favorably in this regard. The Council discussed and agr~~d ~1Zat as this city has no ocean frontage this request be tak~led u~nt~l s~~~ ~~a~e as all th.e cit~es w~th~.~a San Luis Obispo County havirag ocean frontage Y~~ve act~ed on this mattero Administrator Butch was ~.nstructed to so adv~se ~he ~~.~y af Morro Baye STATE DEPARTMENT OF FII~TANCE ~ENSLFS -~Y ACTUAL ENUMERATION Administzator B~atch repor~ecl -that official notice l~as been received from tY~.e State Depar~ient of ~i~.ance that the State enua~erat~on (census) has bee~n scYaeduled for May 21, ~,969 0 (see bottom of page 3) ~OASTAL VP,LLEY PLA;NN. ~OUNC~L R~: APPRQVAL FEB. THROUo JUNE, 1969 BUDGET Adrninistrator ButcYa ~°epor~~d that the Coastal Valley Planning Council has no-tified the City tYaat they Yaave adopted a 1968-69 budget in the amount of $450m00 for operations fror~ February through June, 1969 and that they are requesting approval ancl a~~Yaor~zation for payanent of this city's pro- portionate share in the am~~aa~~ of $1500000 After Council discussio~, on motiora of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Levine, and ~xnaniaYa~aasly carried, the request of the Coastal Valley Planning Council for $150a00, as tYie proportioraate cost to the City, for operating expenses ~ro~a F~br~.ary through June 30, 1969, was approved and payment authors.zedo COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCI~ REo SUGGES'I"ED PROJECTS FOR STUDY Administrator ~utcYa a~lv~sed tYaat ~he Coastal Valley Planning Council has requested,from each en~itgr, a list of suggested projec~s which they,. feel could be considered and s~~a~i~d by tYaemo The Council discussed and instructed Administra~or Butch to ~orward a list to Gene Mintz, Chairman of the Coastal Valley Flanning Goaanci~, suggesting that the Planning Council study continuity of a) Street r~ames and numbers, b) Drainage, c) zoning, and d) street extensionsv COUNTY-CITY AREA PLANNING COORD~NATING COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 10, 1969 - REPORT Administrator Butcka reported tha~t Councilman Smith and he had attended a meeting of the County-Ci~y Are~ Planning Coordinating Council held April 10, 1969, at whicY~ ~the Reconnaissarnce Su~vey, a statement of goals and objec- tives of the P].ann~.ng Cc~~a~.c~.la was reviewed and adoptede The P].anning Council also prepared a worle program which will be used for application of a 701 project for tYne County-C~~ty Coordinating Council. The estimated cost of the program is $40,OOOo00o cvk~~ch would be funded 2/3rds by the Federal Government and 1/3rd by the co~nnty in in-kind labor and material. REQUEST OF NEWELL STRO'I°HER '~O :BE ABSENT FROM PLANeCOM.MEETINGS DURING MAY, 1969 On rnotion of Cotancilman Sa~~.~h, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the reques~ of Planning Commissioner Newell Strother to be absent fro~ t~ne Plarnna.ng Con~nission meetings during the month of May, 1969 was approvedo PROGRESS REPORT ON FAIR OAKS AVEo EXTENSION AND BRIDGE Adm~nistra~or ButcYa repor~~d ~kaat correspondence has been received from Earl Denton, Superintendent of the Lucia Mar Unified School District, advis- ing that the Distric~t canno~ legally expend public school fundsfor other than scYaool purposes and tl~.ere~ore woanld not be able to assist the City with the proposed Fair Oaks Aveo ex~~~nsion and br'idgeo DISCUSSION ON DRA~NAGE PROBI~M ON WEST GRAND AVENUE Administrator Butch revie~aecl a report from Director of Public Works Andersora, dated Apri]. 7, 1969, which es~imated a cost value on the proper- ties under considera-t~oa~ for exchange and utilization for drainage purposes on West Grand Avenueo After Council disc~ass~ora, on mo~tion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, aa~d unani~ou~ly carried, Administrator Butch was ' ins~ructed to proceed with nec~o~iat~.ons as outlined in the report from . I~irector ~f Pa~lic Wor.ks Aa~d~~~c~~a, dated Apri1 7, 1969, for property on West Grand Ave~.ue ~o~ dra~nage panrpos~sa ~--~ter Cc~~r~cil discussion, on motion of Councilman Sch~e~el, seconded by Councilm n I~evine, and una imousl ca ried, it was a prove o enter ~nto an greemen~ with the State D~partme~it ot~ Finance for a~i actual enumeration ~census of ~o lation in t~1e Cit of Arroyo Grande and the Mayor and City Clerk wer au~horiz~~ to si n said a r~ement on behalf of the Cit 13'7 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 22, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 LUCIA MAR UNIF o SCH. DISTR, RF.: D~2AINAGE N.~WSOM SPRINGS & SHANNON CANYON ARE~~3 Administrator Butch repor~ed tYa.at corresponde.nce and a resolution have been received from the Laacia Mar Ur~ified School District Board of _ Trustees requesting adequate drainage f~cil.iti~s be provid~d to handle ~he drair~age ~rom the Newsozn Springs aiit~ ~hannon Canyon ~rea~, which now clraa,n throu,~h tY~e back of ar~d adjae~nt to the ~chool propertie.~ 1~catQd on Vall~y Rq~e~. Ac7mi,ni~t~a~tor Bu~ch s~a~~d ~tkYaa~ ~s ~ka~~~ d.r~.~.r~~g~ ~.~~~s~, ef~~ct tk~~ ~~un~~`, St~t~ arnd Ca.°t~, he hae~ cont~~ted Mr~ Born. ~ou~~~? Hye~r~ulic Eng~.n~~ro who ~u~'g~ested the ne:~e~ of ~~~~bl~.~h:ing ~ e~r~in~:c~~ Di~trict t~arrau~hQUt th~ south ca~n~y ~r~~, ~s e~r~inag~ probl~~n~ eff~~~ all. ar~a~ o Counca.lman Levir~e r~por~t~d tha~ c~rainage prQ~al~ms w~r~ el~.~~ cussed at ~k~e ]as~ ~one~ Thr~~ Advi.~ary C~mm~.~~~~ m~eting ~~ad tha~ ~~~Ya. membex of the ~caartm~itt~~ was rec~u~~t~ec~ ~a d~t~rmin~ the ~e~~.ir~g ca~ th~:ir respectiv~ entities and r~pca~~ baek, prio~ to the Advisory Coznmitt~~ recommending the farmatiora of cane ~.rainage district to serv~ t~he ~ntir~ south county area~ _ , After discussion Councilman Levine was requested ,to ~~gor~,~o.. th~.a~ Zone Three Advisory Committee ~hat this Council is in favor of the form- ation of a combined drainage district, as drainage does effect County,..- State and Cities areas. _ PROGRESS REPORT - ZONE 3 ADVIS QRY COMMITTEE MEETING CO~:ncilman Levine repo~°ted that at the recent Zone 3 Advisory Com-.: - mittee meeting general regulations for recreational use of Lopez Lake and Recreation Area were es-~ablished. RADIO STATION KOAG RE: TEMPORARX REDUCTION OF MONTHLY LEASE PAYMENT Administrator Butch advised that correspondence has been received from George We Irwin, co-owner of Radio Statian KOAG, requesting that the monthly lease payment to the City be reduced.=for a temporary period, to $50.00 per month, with the difference to be applied at a later date when the station is more solvente Mro George Irwin was present and further explained the stations financial situation and assured the Council that the now delinquent lease,rental payments would be paid in full by August 23, 1969. After Discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Council- ~ man Levine, ancl ~.nanimously carried, City Attorney Shipsey was authorized and instructed to ~repare a modifica~ion of lease to allow a one year re- duction of lease payments from $1,1OQ~00 per year to $600.00 per year payable- in advance on a nionthly basis, eff~c~ive May 18, ~969, witli said reduc~ ~ tion of $500000 being added to the $1,100d00 lease payment of t.he follow- ing year, effective May 18,:1970,; payable in advance on a monthly basis. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUTS OBfiSPO COUNTY SANITATION DI~TRICT Administrator Butch reported that the District was making application for financial assistance due to storm damage to district lines caused by tYie heavy rains in January, 1969. CITYWT'DE SEWER DISTRICT RE; APPLICATION FOR HUD GRANT Administrator Butch reported that Councilman Schlegel, York Peterson, Ed Neary and he had attended the meeting with HUD representatives in San Francisco on April 15, 1969a The HUD representatives have advised that the city's application looked very favorable, and because of the effic-ierit planning and layout that went into its prep~ration much extra work can be eliminated and possible final approval and funding can be expectec~ ~ri 1 August, 1969. D~,SCUSSION - POS~IBLE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS WITH OPENING OF LOPEZ RECREATION AR~A The Council discussed potential traffic problems with the opening of Lopez Lake and Recreation Area as Branch street will be the main artery to this areao It was agreed that double parking by passenger veYiicles should` be eliminated and double parking by delivery trucks should be curtailed. Aclministrator Butch was directed tu so instruct the Police Department and to request the assistance and support of the Merchants on Branch Street-~o that this poten~ial traffic problem might be greatly reduced. MAYOR T~iOMPSON REPORT ON MAYORS° & COUNCILMEN'S LEGTSLATIVE INSTITUTE Mayor Thompson reported that she had attended the League of California Cities' Mayors' and Councilmen°s Legislative Institute held in Sacrame~,,~,~ on April 14 - 16, 1969, at which curren~t legislata.an was discussed in detail bv renresentati.ves of the S1~at.e S~xaatP ar~d A~sernbl.'~r'e CITY COUNCIL APRIL 22, 1969 ARROYO GRP,NDE, CALIFORNIA ~ PAGE 5 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION FROM CITY OF PISMO BEACH FOR STORM DAMAGE ASSIST. Mayor Thompson presented and read a Certificate of Appreciation fro~t the City of Pismo Beach, for storm damage assistance given to the City of Pismo Beach by the City of Arroyo Grande, which she had accepted on beha],f of the City at the Pismo Beach City Council meeting held April 21, 1969. ADJOURNME NT On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 PoMm~until 8:00 P.M. April 23, 1969. C - ATTEST: ~ CITY RK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 8:00 P.M. 'I'he City Council met in regular adjourned session with the Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation Co~nission. Upon roll call Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Smith and Mayor Thompson reported present. Councilman Wood is absent. S'1'iJDY SESSION - PROPOSED 1969-70 PARKS & RECREATION BUDGET 'I'he Council and Parks and Recreation Commissioners reviewed and d~.scussed a prepared budget for 1969-70 fiscal year for Parks and Recre- ~~ion operations, as proposed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. f~`o action was taken at ~this time> ADJOURNMENT No further business appearing Mayor Thompson adjourned the meeting at,,~0~~~1~~~~I. until 3:00 PoMo April 29, 1969 for an executive:m~et~,ng;~~~ as ~ s ~ _ ~ _ _ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~`1 ; . - . e. . . . DEPtTTY CITY CLERK . _ . YOR _ _